Recent Kingdom Notes

February 16, 2025

The Kingdom of Trimaris

The Three Seas of Power

Trimaris History – 1993

29 min read


The Feast of St. Benet’s
Talewinds, January AS XXVII, 1993, On 1-1/3-93 the Barony of An Crosaire celebrates the Feast of St. Benet’s to be held at North Florida Christian Camp. Activities to include Light Weapons Lysts, Royal Round and Novelty Archery, Raid the Tavern, Pinata, Best use of Mistletoe Contest, Bardic Circle. Autocrat Master Rurik Petrovitch Stoianov, Feastcrat Baron Breytor Aison of Devon.

Twelfth Night
Talewinds, January AS XXVII, 1993 On 1-8/10-93 The Shire of Southkeep invites you to join them for the annual festival of Twelfth Night, to be held at Wewa. Start your year off with the best, reveling, questing, lysting, fighting, more reveling, merriment, to be found in these Knowne Worlds. Autocrat Lady Brianna ni Dhonnachaidh, Feastcrat Lady Alysoun Jeuneterre

Sea Raids Atlantia & Trimaris
Talewinds, January AS XXVII, 1993 1-15/17-93 The battle between Trimaris and Atlantia will be held in Savannah GA. The war will consist of two Field Battles, two Town Battles, a Champions Battle, a Bridge Battle, a Duello Melee, Target Archery and Arts & Sciences competitions. There will also be a Friendship Battle on Saturday Morning. All Town and Field Battles will include Combat Archers. The feast is a catered sign-up dinner by and at For Jackson, with a brief historical presentation also done by members of the Fort, this feast is limited to 500. Autocrat Bran Trefonnen.
The Story – At their Coronation King Baldar Langstriter and Queen Rhianna Valeria, Monarchs of Trimaris, drew a sword from a great stone as symbol of Their True Kingship. Such a miraculous stone, so steeped in power, must surely have traced its origin to Atlantia. Thus did the Atlantian Monarchs, King Stefan and Queen Twila have the stone liberated and returned to Their Realm. But King Baldar has sworn that the stone shall be returned. And King Stefan has vowed that no Trimarian shall set foot on Atlantian soil to retrieve it. Thus do the two armies gather at Atlantia’s southernmost border and prepare to unleash the Dogs of War.
From the Crown – “…Our annual war with Atlantia will be held this year at two sites in Savannah, GA. The first is Fort Jackson, a brick and wooden for dating back to pre-civil war. With its moat, parapets, and causeway it offers an excellent opportunity to get a real feel of a medieval castle. Anyone who has been to Gatalop knows how special it can be. The second site is the Roundhouse Complex; a reconstructed railroad repair station that offers an incredible broken town battle possibility. Just imagine real walls and doorways instead of hay bales…”
Talewinds, March AS XXVII, 1993, From the Rapier Marshal. Sea Raids was a momentous occasion for rapier combat. We held a Grand Melee, approximately 26 Atlantians vs. 23 Trimarians. There were many points of chivalry and honor shown, but we lost the point.
Talewinds, March AS XXVII, 1993 War Point Results: Field Battle – Atlantia, Bridge battle- Trimaris, Champions Lyst – Trimaris, Town Battle – Atlantia, Fencing Point – Atlantia, Archery point – Atlantia, Art Sci point – Atlantia.
At the Royal Court
Award of Arms – Ruairidh Dhubh Minadiadh

Winter Art/Sci
Talewinds, January AS XXVII, 1993 On 1-22/24-93, the Shire of Storm is pleased to host Winter Arts and Sciences Competition held at Camp Winona. Featured is the Arts/Sci Competition, Masque Laureate Competition, Best in Show Competition, Classes and Archery. Autocrat Ld. Ferris de Marcy, Feastcrat Lady Basillsa de Mercier
Masque Laureate winner, Ines Cecilia de Marcy of Allerton. This is her 4th time as Masque Laureate.
At the Royal Court
Order of the Pelican – Eric of Telemark
Order of the Trade Winds Trimaris – Brenna MacGrioghair
Order of the Emerald Sea – Innes MacKenzie
Elspeth Trelawney MacNaughton of Lochawe

Hero of the Chalice
Talewinds, January AS XXVII, 1993 On 1-29/31-93, the Barony of Wyvernwood presents Hero of the Chalice held at Camp Keystone. The site is under new ownership and problems from previous events have been corrected. The site has been inspected, and it looks great. The pigs are gone. Activities for the weekend will include Hero of the Chalice Tourney; Bar-Room Brawl and Standard Rapier Lyst; IKAC, Obstacle Shoot, Advancing Barbarian & Wench shoot, and, of course, the Royal Hunt Archery Competition. for boffer will be Pillage the Pirate Ship and Human Joust. There will be The Quest for Something or Another, Battling Rabbis, Dancing and Bardic circle. Autocrat Diego Alejandro Miranda de Saavedra y Madrid and Lord Godfrey de Shipbrook. Feastcrat Baroness Ceridwen o Cahercommaun.
At the Royal Court
Order of the Silver Shield – Garan Halftelson
Award of Arms – Alaric Eduardo Alfonso de Castile
At the Baronial Court
Order of the Wyvern’s Claw – Guillermo da Firenze
Order of the Wyvern’s Scale – Henrich von Holtzpritzer
Crescentia Hildegarde

Royal Caravan to Lost Castillos del Oro
The Crown will travel to Los Castillos del Oro on 2-5-93. Talewinds, April AS XXVII, 1993 Master Erik of Telemark reports. Early in February, the Crown and four of the Great Officers traveled to the far southern reaches of Trimaris, Los Castillos del Oro. We saw the Dragon’s Trench, did various amounts of shopping and generally enjoyed the hospitality of the good folk of Lost Castillos. Touring Panama was basically not done due to safety problems, although His Majesty did go with several fighters to see the ruins destroyed by Sir Francis Drake. They were not bothered by the local drug dealers who carried on business as usual. The local folk hosted an all day fighter practice and pot luc feast on Saturday followed by a lyst and feast on Sunday. Customs was kind enough not to search our luggage so the soil of Trimaris inside made it to the Trench and Mistress Brigit’s Llama tapestry find came back to the mainland without any problems. For some of us Los Castillos del Oro was a trip back to when we were founding groups in the early 70’s. The members of the shire have forged out a group in an SCA void. Like the first members of Meridies and Trimaris they have done their best to interpret the publications sent to them into their own brand of the SCA. They have done a fine job. Because of their military membership, they have been influenced by many other Kingdom customs. All this blends into a new personality which is very pleasant to witness. Watching and hearing tales of their struggles to exist, I was reminded of the frustrations of being 12 – 14 hours from the next closest group. It is a humbling experience to realize that in their case, they would kill for a chance of visiting another SCA group with only the investment of a 12 hours drive as a requirement. Their arts and fighting projects are in full swing. We saw some fine examples of costuming and a thriving bardic tradition in the forming. One performance which really impressed me was a bardic play presented by a group of teenagers to the Crown in Court. Due to the isolation, the group is still having a hard time with research and documentation.
At the Royal Court
Order of the Argent Scales – Mikaela of the Dragon’s Trench
Order of the Silver Shield – Michael d’Rhiems
Award of Arms – Garrick Germain
Michael d’Rhiems
Aelfar Lyndruen av Lindistarne
Aeia of the Hills
Lillian Claire du Chatearoux
Order of the Argent Estoile – Maythen de Lioness
Order of the Argent Palm – Crystal Froglingham
Morningstar of Trimaris – Ivon Red Dragon

Longnights Gathering
2-6-93 The Shire of Narval Dorado held an event called Longnight’s Gathering. The Seneschal’s report indicated that everyone had a good time. They had a Champion of Narval Lyst, and a scavenger hunt. There were 57 people in attendance.

Trimaris Rapier Collegium
Talewinds, February AS XXVII, 1993 On 2-13-93 the Trimaris Rapier Collegium will be held at Sanlando Springs Park in Altamonte Springs, Fl. Sponsored by the Kingdom of Trimaris. Scheduled appearance from Don Tivar Moondragon, Deputy Society Marshal for Rapier Combat. There will be basic and advanced instruction. Rapier, Secondaries, Tactics, sparring and Drills. Classes on anatomy, barb and the history of the rapier and duel. Authorization and how to authorize.” Autocrat Don Alfric Northwind.

St. Valentine’s Festival
Talewinds, March AS XXVII, 1993 On 2-26/28-93, the Barony of An Crosaire will hold their annual St. Valentine’s Festival at North Florida Christian Camp. Activities include The Champion of An Crosaire Lyst, a light weapons lyst, archery all day, Raid the Tavern, a maypole, hand kissing contest, and Rat Pucky. Create a Valentine Favor or Token, prizes for the most romantic, most original, and most outrageous. A Lover’s Feast will be offered. Autocrat Baroness Margaret Elizabeth Aison, Master Rurik Petrovitch Stoianov.

Winter German Medieval Event
On 2-27-93 The College of Golden Keype held a Winter German Medieval Event at the Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne Campus. There were various medieval activities and competence held during the day and a German feast prepared for the evening. The event took place on the FIT Melbourne Campus at the field between the Link Building and Gleason Auditorium. Competitions held were bottle jousting, target archery and a javelin throw. There was board games, bardic singing and middle-eastern drumming.

Eveienza Anniversario di Oldenfeld
Talewinds, February AS XXVII, 1993 On 2-26/28-93 at Camp Indian Springs. “Join Oldenfeld as we celebrate 24 years in the Land of Enchantment in grand Italian Renaissance tradition. Mistress Katerina Isabella Sbararo da Firenze will prepare a traditional Italian Renaissance feast. There will be team challenge competition to decide the Champions of Oldenfeld, a best Italian Renaissance garb competition, a masque ball (complete with processional), the Purple Unicorn Tavern with period games, and much more. Autocrat Lord Giovanni di Rienzi

Talewinds, February AS XXVII, 1993 On 3-6-93, the Kingdom of Trimaris announces the Coronation of Syr Bennen Mactire & Mistress Rosabel de Burgundy to be held at the YMCA Camp Immokalee. There will be a Queen’s Champion Lyst, Troubadour Laureate Competition and a sumptuous feast. This will be a 13th Cent. themed Coronation. Autocrat Baron Janos der Kleine.
At the Royal Court
County – Rhianna Daria Aurelia Valeria
Order of the Rose – Rhianna Daria Aurelia Valeria
Augmentation of Arms – Baldar Langstriter
Order of the Silver Trident – Jean Paul Ruthendale
Tamara Ivanova Nabokova
Sean de Carrigfergus
Arielle of Beinn Dhubh
Grant of Arms – Jean Paul Ruthendale
Tamara Ivanovna Nabokova
Sean de Carrigfergus
Arielle of Beinn Dhubh
Maredudd ap Cynan
Award of Arms – Judith Maryse
Cedric of Dorchester
Kalim al Ibar
Olgar Bearclaw
Order of the Emerald Sea – Garan Halfrelson
Order of the Trefoil Argent – Nikolai Grigorovich Nabokov
Order of the Argent Palm – Stephen Greyhawkes

During the first three months of 1993, the Shire of Sea March performed the following demos: on 1-14-93, for the Forest Hill Elementary Boy Scouts, discussed SCA, armor, weapons and books with approximately 25 scouts.
1-23-93, assisted Sangre del Sol with an Irish Festival in Ft. Lauderdale.
2-21-93, Held fighter practice and had a weaving demo at Kelsey Park for senior citizens.
2-26-93, held a fighting demo for students at Deerfield Beach Elementary School.
3-13-93, Assisted Sangre del Sol with an Irish Festival in Ft. Lauderdale.

Trident Tourney
Talewinds, February AS XXVII, 1993 On 3-20/23-93 The Barony of Darkwater proudly presents Trident Tourney at the YMCA Camp Wewa. The Queen will hold a tournament of Archers to seek the most gallant and valorous archer to lead our archers and protect Our Kingdom during the approaching wars of Summer. Autocrat Lord Michel du Cygne Noir; Feastcrat Lord Cailean.
At the Royal Court
Award of Arms – Ekaterina Adrianovna Sininkova
Order of the Argent Palm – Lioryn ap Griffydd ap Cadwalladre
At the Baronial Court
Order of the Trident Keype – Stevyn of Beinn nam faoghia
Order of the Acorn’s Glade – Gianetta di Remigio Welser
League of Hidden Treasure – Ekaterina Andrianovna Sininkova
Meaghan ferch Rhys

On 3-20-93, the Shire of Sea March visited with children at Good Samaritan Hospital for a couple of hours. This is part of the new outreach program to needy children in the area. Other hospital visits are being planned.

St. Valentine’s Festival
On 3-26/28-93, the Barony of An Crosaire presents St. Valentine’s Festival at North Florida Christian Camp. Activities are the Champion of An Crosaire lyst, light weapons lyst, archery all day, Raid the Tavern, a Maypole, Hand Kissing Contest, and Rat Pucky. Create a Valentine favor or Token, prizes for the most romantic, most original, most outrageous. A Lover’s Feast will be offered. Autocrat Baroness Margaret Elizabeth Aison. Feastcrat, Master Rurik Petrovitch Stoianov
At the Baronial Court
Order of the Cross & Serpent – Natalija Varvara Stoianova
Thomas du Lac
& Award of Arms – Donnal
Order of the Serpent’s Torque – Alexander Mochonna Gallowglas
Daimhin Cinncaidhe
Ibrahim ibn Abih al Thaalibi
Fine Brigid
Alejandro del Aguila
Duniait na Sullie Donne
Melicent Tallant
Naxos de la Rouge
Stephen the Silent

On 3-30-93 the Shire of Ac Scrin held a demo at Vineyards Elementary School. We had fighting, short lectures on period topics and a static display of weapons, armor and costumes.

Talewinds, March AS XXVII, 1993 Be it known to all, By command of Their Royal Majesties, Benen and Rosabel, absolute banishment is hereby imposed on Hugo from the Barony of An Crosaire, for the duration of Their reign, as defined in Corpora Sec. VI.A.1.h.3: Absolute banishment bars the banished person from attending events entirely. Signed this 6th day of March, A.S. XXVII, being 1993 C.E. Benen, Rex Trimaris and Rosabel, Regina Trimaris

St. Brigit’s Faire Fundraiser and Collegium
Talewinds, March AS XXVII, 1993 On 4-2/4-93, the Shire of Brineside Moor, in honor of their 10th Anniversary, will hold St. Brigit’s Faire at Boyd Hill Nature Park. There will be heavy weapons, light weapons, games, dancing, contests and prizes. Co-Autocrats Mistress Brigit Olesdottir of Loch Ree and Lord Caradoc Cadawgon Doughlas, Feastcrat Lord Elemer Landshund.

On 4-3-93, the Shire of Sea March provided mini-classes for Girl Scout In-training. Approximately 100 scouts and leaders attended. Classes included dancing, weaving & spinning, foods, fighting, singing, heraldry, games and storytelling.

Fool’s War V
Talewinds, March AS XXVII, 1993 On 4-8/11-93 the Shire of Novus Matisco presents Fool’s War V to be held at Lake Tobosofkee Claystone Park in Macon GA. Featuring live weapons, archery competitions, arts and sciences competition, a plethora of merchants and lots of fighting.

Swampthing III
Talewinds, March AS XXVII, 1993 On 4-8/11-93 The Canton of Swampkeype presents Swampthing. Primitive camping only, at the Ramada Inn Campsite in Kissimmee. Autocrat Ld Haakon Bjornson, Feastcrat Somhairle O’liaidhugh
At the Baronial Court
Order of the Acorn’s Glade – Eibhin N’Seaghada
Order of the Trident Keype – Haakon Bjornson
Elizabeth Stafford Parr Pembroke
League of Hidden Treasure – Caroline Elizabeth Fitzpatrick
Iain Jameson of Killerman

On 4-16-93, the Shire of Sea March provided mini-classes for a Cub Scout day camp. Approximately 150 scouts attended the camp. Classes included dancing, weaving, fighting, singing, heraldry, games, Eastern European egg decorating, story telling. A feast was also prepared for 320 scouts and parents.

Knowne Worlde Chirurgeon’s Collegium
On 4-17-93, the Barony of Darkwater hosted the Knowne Worlde Chirurgeon’s Collegium. This is a workshop for the Kingdom Chirurgeons of the Known Worlds and their staffs and other invited gentles, and is not open to the general public. They will be working on policy issues.
Talewinds, June AS XXVIII, 1993 From the Chirurgeon, Mistress Brigit Olesdottir: In April, the first Kingdom Chirurgeons’ Symposium was held here in Trimaris. This very successful symposium set the precedence for all following Chirurgeons’ symposiums. I wish to thank the Barony of Darkwater for hosting this symposium for me. They did an excellent job, especially Mistress Ana Alicia, who stepped in on a few weeks notice to do the final, critical coordination, Many thanks to all the members of Darkwater and Swampkeype who provided crash space, transportation, and a marvelous feast for Chirurgeons from half the Kingdoms of the Known World.

St. George’s Faire
Talewinds, February AS XXVII, 1993 On 4-23/25-93, In Honor of it’s Thirteenth Anniversary the Canton of Mathom Trove presents St. George’s Faire at North Florida Christian Camp. The Crown’s expressed desire to see more heraldic display in our fair Kingdom of Trimaris will be gladly met with a Traditional Crested Helm Tournament. All entrants are requested to display their helms the morning of the Tourney. Many wondrous classes on period subjects shall be offered, as well as an exciting Archery Competition. Autocrat Lady Ysabela, Feastcrat Lady Signyjo.
At the Royal Court
Order of the Argent Estoile – Nikolia Grigorovich Nabokov
At the Baronial Court
Order of the Plume Angel Rouge – Geoffrey of Lincolne
Ysabela Celestina Manrique de Palma y Majorca
On 4-24/25-93 the Shire of Castlemere did a demo and assisted the St. John’s Historical Renaissance Faire. There were approximately 30 SCA members present.

Equestrian Event
Talewinds, April AS XXVII, 1993 On 4-30/5-2-93, The Trimarian Equestrian Guild presents the New Year’s Equestrian Event at Boyd Hill Nature Park. This is a tenting only event. Anyone bringing a horse that others can ride get in free. Authorizations will be done. Autocrat Lady Carmela.
At the Royal Court
Award of Arms – Agravaine

First Quarter Seneschal’s Report from the Shire of Oldenfeld reports “Many gentles from this shire have taken time off from work to participate in three more school demos. On 1-29-93, we visited the Gadsden Elementary first and third grades in the morning and Lincoln High School in the afternoon. Both demos included fighting, medieval dancing with the kids, an arts/sci exhigit, puppet shows, heraldry and a performance by our instrumental music group. On 3-19-93, we held another demo at W.T. Moore Elementary School for the 5th grade. We did get 23 thank you letters from the students at Moore. Many children expressed their gratitude to us for coming during their math period. It has been fun, especially with the little ones. We have gotten more newspaper coverage this quarter than in the past. The Gadsden County newspaper reported on the school demo and the Tallahassee Democrat came out to fighter practice and took a picture for the front page of the local section. Also the Jacksonville newspaper did an article on the AIMS Nottingham Faire and one of our members was quoted in it.”

First Quarter Seneschal’s Report, Shire of Peregrine Springs, reports the following demos: On 2- 9-93 and 2-16-93 at the Altamonte Elementary School. On 2-25-93 at Deland Middle School and on 3-27.28-93 at the Deland Art Festival. The report indicated demos scheduled at various local schools for 4-16, 4-20, 4-22 and 4-27-93 No other information was available.

First Quarter Seneschal’s Report, Barony of Wyvernwood, reports the following demos held: on 2-15-93, Seminole Heights Elementary School for approximately 500 children/teachers.
2-21-93, WUSF TV Channel 16 Black Adder Marathon, members participated in the fund drive.
2-28-93, one day revel and Baronial Champions’s Lyst
3-13/14-93 members participated in the AIMS faire in Jacksonville.

First Quarter Seneschal’s Report, Shire of Sangre del Sol, reports the following demos held: On 1-21,22,& 23-93 at the Irish Festival, jewelry, books, garb & weapons were displayed, performed a fighting demo, did some weaving. On 1-30 to 2-15-93 participated in the Renaissance Festival in Snyder Park. Members danced, held a fighting demo, and inkle weaving demo. On 3-14-93, participated in the Irish Festival. Demos planned are for 4-17/18-93 at the Broward Main Library as part of their Kid Fest.

First Quarter Seneschal’s Reports, Shire of Vaca del Mar, reports demos held on 2-9-93 and 2- 16-93 at the Altamonte Elementary School.
2-25-93 at Deland Middle School
3-27/28-93 at the Deland Art Fesival

On 5-1-93, the Shire of Glymmerholde participated in the Annual Boy Scout Show. It was mostly fighting, singing and an art/sci display.

Gathering of the Clans
Talewinds, May AS XXVII, 1993 On 5-8/10-93 the Barony of Darkwater summons all to the Gathering of the Clans to be held at the YMCA Camp Wewa. Come witness and participate in the usual array of Celtic games: the Stone Toss, the Hay Toss, the Caber Toss, grappling, the kilted run, paint-a- pict, the Tater Toss, and the haggis hurl. There will also be Cattle Raiding. For the warriors there will be a 3 weapon lyst. Autocrat, Lissandre of Burgundy.
At the Baronial Court
Order of the Trident Keye & Award of Arms – Rebekah Anne Parr Pembroke
League of Hidden Treasure – Bebhinne Morcheartaigh
Curtis Svartsaeinger

On 5-16-93 the Shire of Sea March held a demo at Tanahkeeta Boy Scout Camp. Over 375 scouts and parents were there. Boys Life, the scouts national magazine was also present and the event will be published in a next years edition. Feast was served for 375 people and was prepared by Wulflinde Aethelwulf and the demo was organized by Cordilla Bridgette Cad-Wallander.
On 6-18-93, a demo was held in John Prince Park for the boy scouts.

Trimaris Memorial Tourney
Talewinds, April AS XXVII, 1993 On 5-28/31-93 the Shire of Southkeype invites all good gentles to witness the selection of the Royal Heirs at the annual Trimaris Memorial Tournament at the YMCA Camp Wewa. Poet Laureate competition to be held. Autocrat Lady Alysoun Jeunterre, Feastcrat Myfanwy ferch Crisiant, Branwen ferch Madoc and Erin of Sangre.
Heirs to the Trimarian Throne – TRH Sir Huan Artur & HL Brenna Catriona Dunn
At the Royal Court
Order of the Triskele Trimaris – Aspasia Jeanne Cartier
Order of the Argent Scales – Giuseppe Francesco di Borgia
Giovanni di Fiamma
Award of Arms – Giovanni di Fiamma
Order of the Emerald Sea – Lisabetta Maria da Firenze
Order of the Argent Palm – Geoffrey Maynard of York
Caoimhin macReagan
Caradoc Cadagon Dubhias

5-30-93 the Shire of Brineside Moor held a demo for the South Side School Medieval Village for the 4th grade history class. There were 8 members participating and we sent spinners, weavers and fighters in armor. This demo was seen by about 100 school children.


Gulf Wars II
Talewinds, April AS XXVII, 1993 The Shire of Dragons Weal, Kingdom of Meridies is proud to present Gulf Wars II on 6-10/13-93 at King’s Arrow Ranch in Lumberton Ms. Battles will include 2 hrs. Resurrection battle, a bridge battle, a fortification battle and a field battle.
Talewinds, August AS XXVIII, 1993, From the Seneschal, For those of you who have not heard Gulf Wars was a tie. The official score was Trimaris 3, Ansteorra 3. Trimaris took the Archery point thanks to the efforts of Baron An Crosaire who won the Archery Contest. Ansteorra took the real weapons point and two of the battle points. Trimaris then took the Arts/Sci point and the field battle point. Due to the attrition of fighters over the day due to heat, it was decided to cancel the last battle point. Speaking from a viewpoint of an Arts/Sci judge the Arts/Sci competition was magnificent. Trimaris had over 140 entries, including works from 13 Laurels and 7 Knights, for a total point count of 2100. This figures out to an average of 15 points per entry. Ansteorra mustered 82 entries for a total point count of 1000, or an average of 12.5 points per entry. The Trimarian Arts/Sci Champion was Baroness Katrina von Villach.

Midsummer’s Revel
On 6-19-93 the Shire of Narval Dorado held their Midsummer’s Revel

Lion’s Tourney
Talewinds, April AS XXVII, 1993 On 6-25/27-93 the Shire of Oldenfeld presents Lion’s Tourney at the FSU Seminole Reservation. Autocrat Logan MacDonnell

Summer Art/Sci
Talewinds, May AS XXVII, 1993 On 7-2/4-93 The time once more draws nigh that Artisans and Craftspeople of all stations should gather together in the Spirit of Competition at the Summer Arts and Sciences Faire presented by the Kingdom of Trimaris. To be held at North Florida Christian Service Camp. Bring your finest pieces to enter the judging, or attend one of the many TRU classes to be held that weekend. The Masque Laureate Competition will be held by Arron the Juggler. Co-Autocrats Lord Edwin Wolfhead & HL. Aidian Gerhardt.
Heptathalon Categories: Tents & Pavilions, Domestics, Drawing, Heraldic Display, Metal Work, Printing, Wood Working.
At the Royal Court
Order of the Laurel – Sean de Carrigfergus
Order of the Triskele Trimaris – Jean Philippe Duvier
Award of Arms – Alejandro del Aquila
Order of the Argent Palm – Peadar Felic

During the month of July the Shire of Castlemere presented the following demos. 7-3-92 at the School for the Blind; 7-7-93 a heraldry demo at the Brentwood Library; 7-9-93 at the Mandarin Oaks Elementary School and on 7-28-93 at the Brentwood Library. No other information was available.

Champion of Glymmerholde Lyst and Revel
Talewinds, July AS XXVIII, 1993 On 7-10-93 The Shire of Glymmerholde held the Champion of Glymmerholde at Terry Park, Ft. Myers. Come, help celebrate Glymmerholde’s 10th Anniversary. Featured activities are the Champions Lyst, Bailey Lyst, Traditional Glymmerholde Feast. Autocrat Siegfried Heydrich, Feastcrats Gwenna and Victoria of Swansea

On 7-14-93 the Shire of Gleann Dubh presented a demo at the Port Orange Library Summer Program which consisted of a history lesson on children in the Middle Ages, spinning, musical instruments, inkle loom, costuming dancing and singing.
On 8-1-93 a fighting demo was done at the Volusia Mall Theater (opening of Men inTights).

Seneschal’s Conclave
Talewinds, June AS XXVIII, 1993 On 7-17-93, the Stronghold of Northern Marches sponsored the Seneschal’s Conclave held on the campus of Rollins College in Winter Park, FL. This conclave is open to all seneschals, hospitallers and constables of Trimaris to conduct workshops.

Trimarian War College
Talewinds, June AS XXVIII, 1993 On 7-24/25-93, Sponsored by the Shire of Amurgorod and to be held at Boyd Hill Nature Park. There will be heavy weapons, fencing lyst, ICAC, live weapons, weapon master competitions. Finally, there will be a hearty feast of beef with all the trimmings. Autocrat Tostin Overfjord, Feastcrat Debbie Baran

Second Quarter Seneschal’s Report, Barony of Wyvernwood, reports that on 4-30-93 a demo was held all afternoon at Lady Marguerite’s school. Heavy weapons methods and fencing were demonstrated as well as general SCA information and general historical background.
On 6-25-93, a demo was held in conjunction with the opening of the film, “Much Ado…” at a Tampa theater. 18 gentles participated including the Baron and Baroness.

Second Quarter Seneschal’s Report, Shire of Oldenfeld, reports “Before the end of the school year, we managed to squeeze in five more demos. On 4-17-93, the entire active populace of Oldenfeld drove to Greensboro, FL. to entertain the Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops in that city as part of their Homecoming Days celebration. I don’t know who had more fun, us or them. We were doing we enjoy, and they had a great time watching and assisting us.
On 5-12-93, a contingent of Oldenfelders traveled to the Montessori School and presented a fighter demonstration, live music, and set up a static arts/sci display. On 5-13-93, several gentles presented a play, puppet show and fighter demo to the drama class at Godby High School. This same group of entertainers went to Holy Comforter Elementary School on 5-25 and offered a puppet show, plus dancing and a static art/sci display.
Finally, on 6-3-93, our last demo of the school year was at Betton Hill Preparatory School. There was a fighting display, dancing, live music, and a puppet show. The puppet Show was a big hit and mentioned most in the thank you notes.
We also had two “Renaissance in the Park” membership demos, one on 5-8 and another on 6-5- 93. We did our thing, e.g., fighting, dancing, puppet shows, fencing, live music, art/sci displays, blacksmithing, etc. Though our membership did not have any dramatic increases (approximately 4 gentles), it was a lot of fun and we did get some great publicity in all the media.”

Pennsic War
Order of the White Scarf – Nikolai Grigorovich Nabokov
Award of Arms – Jules-Piere
Rolf Sternstien
Order of Trimarian Gratitude – Janos der Kleine

Bog Bash II
Talewinds, May AS XXVII, 1993 On 8-20/22-93, the Barony of Wyvernwood presents the “Pennsic Pity Party” or otherwise known as Bog Bash II at Camp Keystone. While many are off in the northern lands, the Barony of Wyvernwood invites one and all to join us as we once again return to the bog. Activities to include, heavy weapons melee and lyst, archery and live weapons, revised Kill the Herald Relay, games tournament, children’s activities, Bog Ball, Court, Quest, Feast and Bardic. Autocrat Staffan Thornburg, feastcrat Tatiana Ragoza.
At the Royal Court
Court Baronage – Siegfried Conrad Georg Heydrich
Order of the Fletcher – Cedric of Dorchester

Third Quarter Seneschal’s Report from the Shire of Sea March reports demos held on the following dates: 7-10-93 at Jaycees Hall for the boy scouts. 7-23-93, Olympic Heights High School for the Advanced French Class, this was primarily a fighting demo. On 8-14-93 at Okaheele Park for the Little League and was a fighting demo.

Fall Coronation
Talewinds, July AS XXVIII, 1993 On 9-4/6-93, Fall Coronation will be held at Camp Immokalee, sponsored by the Canton of Mathom Trove. Autocrat Baron Taliesynne, Feastcrat Lady Signy Ottarsdottir
Queens’s Champion – Mittion Wyndryder
(Winner of the largest Rapier Lyst held in Kingdom, 30 rapier fighters)
At The Royal Court
County – Benen MacTire
Rosabel de Burgundy
Order of the Rose – Rosabel de Burgundy
Order of the Laurel – Sean Ui Neil
Order of the Pelican – Araido Antonio Maiella
Una of Blackberry Hollow
Court Baronage – Roland de Germaine
Court Baronage – Serwyl ap Morgan
Order of the Silver Trident – Laura de Botelesford
Grant of Arms – Kyra du Brevard
Demetrius Seethero E’leon Potamo
Roland de Germaine
Kamala al Sharqi
Order of the Argent Scales – Kyra du Brevard
Lars Knarrarsmidr
Alysoun Jeuenterre
Award of Arms – Han Zimmerman
Murieall Niamh Mordaunt
Tamera de Borgia
Orsen o’Donnell
Daibhead MacUater
Tybalt Hough
Cordillia Bridgette Cadwallader
Order of the Emerald Sea – Tamara Ivanovna Nabokova
Order of Trimarian Gratitude – Severin Visconti D’Miano
Iain Callean Mackee
Roland de Germaine
Kamala al Sharqi
Llwelyn ap Cadwaladr ap Dafydd ap Hewy
Erika Bjornsdottir
Seosaidh mac Seosaidh
Jean Paul Ruthendale
Damien von Blauwald
Ian of Beinn Dhubh
Order of the Argent Palm – Iain Cailean Mackee
Catherine the Merry
Iefan Colledig ap Dynfwal Abertawe
Nikolai Grigorovich Nabokov

Viking Foray IV
On 9-17/19-93, the Shire of Amurgorod is proud to present Viking Foray IV to be held a Camp Immokalee. Back by popular demand, The Pillage the Tavern Raid, the OGB will host lysts – the Young Whipper Snapper’s for qualified fighters under 21 years of age and the New Fighters Lyst for fighters authorized less than one year. There will be a kingdom fundraiser “Honest Abdul’s Slave Auction. Autocrat Tamara diBorgia

The Fourteenth Crusade
Talewinds, July AS XXVIII, 1993 On 9-17/19-93 the Shire of Sea March presents, in honor of their 14th Anniversary, the Fourteenth Crusade (in search of Southern Trimaris). This is held at Tanahkeeta Boy Scout Reservation in Tequesta, FL. Battles Galore, the Infidels have come back. Warriors make ready your harness and sharpen your blades. Prepare for glorious war. Featuring, contests, bardic, IKAC, archery, dancing and a scrumptious feast fit for a Sultan of a King. Autocrat Lady Fleur de Valais

Michaelmas Moot
Talewinds, September AS XXVIII, 1993 On 9-25/27-93, the Barony of An Crosaire invites you to Michaelmas Moot, to be held at North Florida Christian Service Camp. “May Barbarians Invade Your Personal Space”. Featuring “France’s Finest” fencing Collegium, The Baroness’ Blade, Field Rose Tourney, and more. “Britain’s Best Bowmen” Archery Forum, Baron’s Bow, Bladder Shoot, Royal Rounds and more. Practical skills for exercise and pleasure – Dogball, Knife Throw, Axe Throw, Tilting Breadbaskets, Belching Contest, War-Cry Contest, Flyting Contest (after the example of Loki, of the Dangerous Wit), plus many classes for both kids and adults alike. Autocrats Ceridwen o’ynys Clynnog and Caitlin niCallitigern o’Conair, Feastcrat Cordelia
Baroness’ Blade winner – Don Etienne
Morningstar of Trimaris – Lord Alejandro del Agvila
Silver Shield of Trimaris – William Aeshem
At the Royal Court
Grant of Arms – Caoimhin macReagan
Thomas du Lac
Order of the Argent Scales – Alfric Northwind
Caoimhin macReagan
Order of the Tradewinds Trimaris – Gillian von dem Walde
Order of the Silver Shield – William of Aschem
Award of Arms – Garard the Sworder
Elspeth of An Tir
Renata Livsie Vonhouverlis
Lothar Freund
William of Aschem
Fine Brigid
Order of Trimarian Gratitude – Thomas du Lac

Journey of Marco Polo
Talewinds, August AS XXVIII, 1993, On 10-1/3-93 The Shire of Oldenfeld presents the Journey of Marco Polo aka Festival of the Harvest Moon, to be held at the YMCA Camp Indian Springs. Join the Shire of Oldenfeld for food from Europe to the Orient, two man team tourney, co-ed Camel Lyst, origami lessons, and more. Autocrat Lady Celeste de St. Etienne, Feastcrat, Lady Athelina of Oldenfeld.

Third Quest for Bergengeld
Talewinds, September AS XXVIII, 1993 On 10-1/3-93, at Boyd Hill Nature Camp the Shire of Ac’Srin presents a night quest for buried gold and a tavern open daily for your feasting enjoyment. Autocrat Signore Araldo Antonio Maiella, Feastcrat Lord Darius the Elder & HL Siegried Heydrich.

Ffest Hydref
Talewinds, September AS XXVIII, 1993 On 10-1/3-93 The storm swept Shires of Southkeep and Sangre del Sol invite the populace of Trimaris to join us for the second try at merriment and feasting in the Southern Reaches, to be held at Greynolds Park in North Miami Beach. There will be dancing, classes, a quest, challenge lyst, melee and feasting. Autocrat Lady Brianna ni Dhonnachaidh, Feastcrat Lady Tanarian Brenauer ferch Owain.

A Village Faire
Talewinds, July AS XXVIII, 1993 On 10-8/10-93, the Barony of Darkwater presents A Village Faire, to be held at Camp Wewa. Autocrat, Lord Mikhail Litvak, Feastcrat, Baroness Islay Elspeth of Glen Meara.
At the Royal Court
Order of the Silver Trident – Gabrielle di Calabrisi
Grant of Arms – Gabrielle di Calabrisi
Dianna Wyndalan of Kidwelly
Award of Arms – Rolant von Reichenau
Meaghan ferch Rhys
Aridne Llwyn Fed Wen
Christopher of Hendon
Caroline Elizabeth Fitzpatrick
Kaie Von Baeker
Order of the Argent Estoile – Arthur Broderick
Islay Elspeth of Glen Meara
Gwennan ferch Gwydion o’Ddyved
Order of the Argent Palm – Brianna ni Dhonnachaidh
Nials Seamus O’Ruairc
At Baronial Court
League of Hidden Treasure – Cathal MacTierman
Order of the Trident Keype – Nials Seamus O’Ruairc
Eibhin N’Seaghada
Iain Jamerson of Killerman
Sea Wars
Talewinds, September AS XXVIII, 1993, On Saturday 10-16-93, once again it is time to gather all our best armies and meet on the field of battle. This year the war between Atlantia and Trimaris will be fought on new ground in Florence SC. Along with the convenience of having a motel next to the campground the battles will all be fought at the same site. There will be a Champions Battle, a woods battle with archers, a field battle both with and without archers and a bridge battle. Also included in the war points will be Rapier combat, target archery and an Art/Sci competition. There will be many children’s activities throughout the day.
Talewinds, December AS XXVIII, 1993 From the Rapier Marshal – The rapier lyst consisted of around 26 Atlantians and 14 Trimarians. Cullen mac Peter MacGregor was the longest surviving Trimarian. The victor of the lyst was Lord Alan Gravesend.
At the Royal Court
Order of the Silver Shield – Mittion Wyndryder
(received the for his expertise in heavy weapons, rapier and archery)
Award of Arms – James Wedgewood the Blue Dandy
Mittion Wyndryder
Order of the Argent Estoile – Carmenetta Roseia Diez de Rodriques

Baronial Bash XXI
Talewinds, October AS XXVIII, 1993 On 10-22/24-93 the Barony of Wyvernwood presents A dream comes of Age, at Camp Keystone. Featuring Combat Archery in the Royal Hunt and Mythological Quest. Target Archery, Fencing Lyst, Bash Lyst, and a Masque Ball. Autocrat Lady Melisande Aubrey d’Anjou called Gryfn
At the Royal Court
Order of the Silver Trident – Brenna MacGrioghair
Grant of Arms – Brenna MacGrioghair
Award of Arms – Ursula Aveline Handier
Thomas MacCoran
Michael Cellahan
Dominique Wedgewood
Lorelei Elspeth Dunn
Crescentia Hildegarde
Iain Jameson of Killeman
Order of the Emerald Sea – Tamera de Borgia
Michael Cellahan
Order of the Trefoil Argent – Auora Danielle Trevelyan
Order of the Fletcher – Fiska Sylvester Lotharson
Order of the Argent Palm – Aidian Gerhardt de Languedoc
At the Baronial Court
Order of the Wyvern’s Claw – Lisabetta Maria da Firenze

2nd Annual Middle Ages Benefit Faire
Talewinds, August AS XXVIII, 1993 On 10-30/31-93, the Shire of Vaca del Mar presents a benefit faire, with proceeds to be shared by the Disabled American Veterans and the Children’s Make a Wish Foundation, to be held at the Chuck Lennon Memorial Park in DeLeon Springs. Site activities include heavy weapons lyst, light weapons lyst, archery. There will be prizes for 1st and 2nd place – 1st place a troy pound of silver, 2nd place prize to be announced. This will be a tenting only event. Co-Autocrats Lady Nekhbet bint Hanan and Kennyl of Lynne.

On 10-30-93 the Shire of Sea March held a demo at Twin Lakes High School. Several members of the shire fighting corps spoke and demonstrated fighting to approximately 60 students. This demo was set up and executed by Sir Wulfhere Trollhammer.

Baron’s Champion Lyst and Celtic New Year
Talewinds, July AS XXVIII, 1993, on 11-5/7-93, the Barony of Darkwater presents the Baron’s Champion Lyst and a Celtic New Year celebrations, to be held at the Ramada Camp in Kissimmee. Autocrat Baroness Morgan Morcheartaigh, feastcrat Lord Gotz Kauffman von Erfurt.
At the Baronial Court
Order of the Trident Keype – Nials Seamus O’Ruairc
Eibhin N’ Seaghada
Ian Jameson of Killeman
Martinmas Moot
Talewinds, October AS XXVIII, 1993 On 11-12/14-93 The Kingdom of Trimaris presents Martinmas Moot to be held at YMCA Camp Winona. Activities include Crown Lyst, Champion of Trimaris Lyst, Rapier Tournament hosted by the Barony of Darkwater; Archery Competition hosted by the Barony of An Crosaire; Heraldic Display Contest hosted by the Barony of Wyvernwood; Poet Laureate, dancing, Brewmaster of Trimaris Competition, classes by the Trimaris Royal University, Hostitaller’s Swap Meet. Autocrat, HL Laura de Botelesford, Feastcrat Lady Basila de Mercier
At the Royal Court
Order of the Chivalry – Demetrius Seethero E’leon Potamo
Order of the Laurel – Sine Gillian McDonald
Court Baronage – Damien von Blauwald
Order of the Triskele Trimaris – Alysoun Jeuneterre
Shula bint Shageega
Order of the Silver Trident – Victoria of Swansea
Order of the White Scarf – Alejandro del Aguila
Grant of Arms – Alysoun Jeuneterre
Shula bint Shageega
Gwenna of Swansea
Award of Arms – Isabeau de Mont St. Michel
Daimhin Cinncaidhe
Finnghuala an Sionnach Dubh
Lioryn ap Griuffydd ap Cadwalladre
Thomas MacConnor of Ulster
Order of the Argent Estoile – Katerina Isabella Sbarbaro da Firenze
Order of the Trefoil Argent – Benen MacTire
Order of the Fletcher – Boaz
Order of the Argent Palm – Teamhair Gleann da Locha
Andre Jean Faucon
Adalhaid of Oak Leah
Elfwyn de Barfleur
Rhiannon ferch Gwylyn
Adan Calentaur

Trimaris Kingdom Fighter Practices
Talewinds, November AS XXVIII, 1993 Once a month there will be a Kingdom fighter practice to be held at SunLand Park, Sanford. There will be heavy weapons and qualifications, fencing and fencing qualifications, combat archery and combat archery qualifications. Loaner armor will be available. We are trying to upgrade individual fighting skills within the Kingdom as well as group melee fighting skills. We will be scheduling classes for different weapons styles. These practices will be held on Sundays, scheduled for 11-4-93, 12-12-93, 2-13-94, 3-13-94, & 4-17-94. Some of these dates are purposely scheduled when there are events scheduled at Camp Wewa or Camp Winnona.

In November the Shire of Brineside Moor held a demo at the Ringling School of Art. We coordinated with the art history class. Several members spoke to classes and gave a slide and photo exhibit. We later did a court yard exhibit including fencing, dancing, music, and had a static display of arts and crafts.

On 12-2-93 the Shire of Crystal Moor gave a demo at the Crystal River High School. We talked to two history classes of about 200 teenagers. The program went very well and both the kids and the adults liked what we did. We talked about everyday life in the Middle Ages and about the Society.

Viking Vigho
Talewinds, November AS XXVIII, 1993 12-4/5-93, The Shire of Sea March presents Viking Vigho to be held at the Jaycees Hall. Activities: Champion of Sea March Lyst; Viking Lyst; Melees; Wrestling; Bardic Contests; Viking Finger Feast. Autocrat Wulflinde Aethelwulf, Feastcrat Michael Schlauchter.

Talewinds, November AS XXVIII, 1993 12-11-93, the Barony of Darkwater held their annual winter event at the Ramada Inn Campground

Winter Festival
Talewinds, October AS XXVIII, 1993 On 12-17/19-93 The Shire of Oldenfeld invites you to attend our Winter Festival to be held at Camp Indian Springs. This year our Winter Festival will feature a High Medieval theme. Mistress Katerina da Firenze will prepare a High Medieval Feast of Illusion. Activities will include a lyst, puppet madness, A Grand Ball, Oldenfeld’s traditional Chinese gift exchange and much more. Autocrat Lady Catriona Amber Roche.

Canterbury Tales
Talewinds, September AS XXVIII, 1993 On 12-17/19-93, Come join the Shire of Brineside Moor in its 11th year as we re-create a stay at an inn on the pilgrim route to Canterbury. To be held at Boyd Hill Nature Park. Featuring a 14th century feast, honorable combat on the lyst field, archery, games, live music and more. Contests for 14th century clothing and period presence. Autocrat Master Sean de Carrigfergus, Feastcrat HL Sine’ Gillian MacDonald.

In December the Shire of Brineside Moor visited 4 classrooms showing dancing, costuming and pottery to the South Side Elementary School in coordination with the schools medieval studies.

Doomsday Report
Stronghold of the Northern Marches: As of Jan. ‘93, our first year was spent mostly trying to organize ourselves and increasing our rosters. Hopefully in ‘94, we will start to do more in the demo/event areas. Seneschal, Ld Devlin MacLeod