Thank a Scribe Award Received* —Please choose an option—DCHY - DuchyVCNT - ViscountyCNTY - CountyARMS - Augmentation of ArmsKSCA - Order of the ChivalryOL - Order of the LaurelOP - Order of the PelicanOR - Order of the RoseOOD - Order of DefenseTBAR - Territorial BaronageCBAR - Court BaronageOAO - Order of the Arc d'OrOAM - Order of the Argent Mantle of TrimarisOASW - Order of the Argent Sword of TrimarisOGT - Order of the Guard, TrimarisOGL - Order of the Golden LanceOSTT - Order of the Silver Trident, TrimarisOTT - Order of the Triskele TrimarisOWST - Order of the White Scarf of TrimarisGOA - Grant of ArmsOAST - Order of the Argent ScalesOAB - Order of the Azure Brace of TrimarisOSST - Order of the Silver Shield, TrimarisOTWT - Order of the Trade Winds, TrimarisOWC - Order of the Wyvern's Claw (Wyvernwoode)OCS - Order of the Cross and Serpent (An Crosaire)OTK - Order of the Trident Keype (Darkwater)OBO - Order of the Beacon of Oldenfeld (Oldenfeld)OGC - Order of the Golden Citadel of Marcaster (Marcaster)OSJC - Order of Saint John’s Castle (Castlemere)AOA - Award of ArmsCOG - Crown's Order of GratitudeOAE - Order of the Argent EstoileOMS - Order of the Argent Morningstar of TrimarisOAP - Order of the Argent PalmOAGT - Order of the Azure Glove of TrimarisOBL - Order of the Bard's Laureate - MasqueOBL - Order of the Bard's Laureate - PoetOBL - Order of the Bard's Laureate - TroubadorOBL - Order of the Bard's Laureate - YouthOCSJ - Order of the Cross of St. JoanOES - Order of the Emerald SeasOF - Order of the FletcherOGG - Order of the Golden GalleonOGB - Order of the Gray BeardOHL - Order of the Healer's LampOHTT - Order of the Herald's Tressure, TrimarisOOH - Order of the Orbis HonorisOMP - Order of the Mermaid's PearlOSW - Order of the Sea WallOSSaT - Order of the Silver Saddle TrimarisOSS - Order of the Silver SlingOTAT - Order of the Trefoil ArgentOTG - Order of Trimarian GratitudeOWF - Order of the Watchful FlameOWH - Order of the Wyvern's Heart (Wyvernwoode)OWS - Order of the Wyvern's Scale (Wyvernwoode)OHST - Order of the House of the Serpent's Torque (An Crosaire)OPAR - Order of the Plume of the Angel Rouge (Mathom Trove)OSC - Order of the Serpent's Coils (An Crosaire)OSG - Order of the Serpent's Gem (An Crosaire)OAG - Order of the Acorn's Glade (Darkwater)ODD - Order of the Darkwater Defender (Darkwater)OLHT - Order of the League of the Hidden Treasure (Darkwater)OTC - Order of the Cairn of Oldenfeld (Oldenfeld)OLP - Order of the Lion's Paw of Oldenfeld (Oldenfeld)OSAO - Order of the Silver Acorn of Oldenfeld (Oldenfeld)OGH - Order of the Golden Hearth (Marcaster)OGS - Order of the Golden Standard (Marcaster)OGW - Order of the Golden Well (Marcaster)ODNF - Order of the Defenders of Northern Fenne (Castlemere)OSJB - Order of Saint John’s Bridge (Castlemere)OSoC - Order of Splendor of Castlemere (Castlemere)HD - Crown's Acclaim for Heraldic DisplayFC - Flower of ChivalryHE - Herald ExtraordinaryLD - Lion D'OrTL - Trimarian LancerOOST – Order of the StarfishOther Award Recipient* Illumination Calligraphy Message