Recent Kingdom Notes

February 16, 2025

The Kingdom of Trimaris

The Three Seas of Power

Trimaris History – 1992

44 min read



Southkeep’sTwelfth Night
Talewinds, Jan A.S. XXVI, 1-3/5-92, Come and join in our Twelfth Night Revels at beautiful Camp Wewa, Bring gifts for your loves and friends to exchange after feast. Wassailing, Dancing, Reveling and the Southkeep Cooks’ Guild Feast. Autocrat Lord Rolfe Von Duerer, Feastcrat Lady Alysoun Jeuneterre.

Feast of St. Benet’s
On 1-4-92, the Barony of An Crosaire held their annual 12th night celebration with a feast for members and honored guest. We had an enjoyable evening with an attendance of 108 people.

On 1-6-92, the Shire of Brineside Moor held a singing, dancing, and music demo for the Lessons and Carols Ephinany Celebration at St. Martha’s Catholic Church. Approximately 300 people were in attendance. There was a need for rehearsal for the music, but the person in charge was not in town prior to the demo. This led to poor communication regarding activities. The SCA was also included in the event’s program.

On 1-10-92, the Shire of Castlemere held a fighting demo at Jacksonville University. Both light and heavy weapons were demonstrated. There were two pavilions set up with a static display explaining the SCA and what we did. Approximately 15 members of the shire participated.

Hero of the Chalice
Talewinds, Jan A.S. XXVI, 1-10/12-92, The Barony of Wyvernwood, “A call for a crusade against the Turks” – a weekend of Tudor inspired activities to be held at Camp Keystone. Traditional Hero of the Chalice Lyst, Quest for the Holy Grail, A Royal Hunt, archery contest, fanciful favour contest, a ball celebrating the Arthurian theme, competition for the best excuse: “Why I can’t come on the crusade.” Autocrat, Ld Wilhelm Philip Josef von Klett; Feastcrat, Lady Gabriella.
On Saturday, 1-11-92, Lord Benen MacTire will be elevated to the Order of the Chivalry. He shall stand his vigil on Friday 1-10-92.

Winter Art/Sci
Talewinds, Jan A.S. XXVI, 1-17/19-92. The Shire of Brineside Moor presents Winter Arts and Sciences Fair to be held at Camp Wewa. T.R.U. classes Saturday, Non-Competition display table will be available. Autocrat Master Erik of Telemark, Feastcrat Ld. Fergus Macbrus.
Heptathalon = Dance; Heraldic Display; Illumination; Needlework; Poetry; Printing; Research papers.
Talewinds, March A.S. XXVI Patron of Arts & Sciences: Shire Storm; Rosabel de Burgundy was the Heptathalon winner, Patricia du Saint Clermont and Nicolas D’Talon received Non-Pareils.
Winner of the Masque Laureate is Ines Cecillia de Marcy, which makes her third win in this competition.
At the Court of Their Royal Majesties Treve & Carmenette
Order of the Laurel Geta Alexandra din Wallachia
Order of the Argent Estoile Russell de Crauforde
Order of the Argent Scales Geoffrey of Lincolne & Serwyl ap Morgan
Award of Arms Gianetta di Remigio Welser
Russell de Crauforde
Jarana O’Shaunnessea
Aurora Daniella Trevelyan
Dieter Gotz von Berlichigan
Warren O’Tighearnaigh (posthumous)
Ageirr Jon of Cathanar
Lucan of Suffolk
Order of the Sea Urchin Mary of Telemark

On 1-21-92 the Shires of Sangre del Sol and Sea March assisted the Irish Cultural Society of Fort Lauderdale with their January Irish Festival. Members also participated on 1-18-92 and 1-19-92. Many members assisted with the crowd, explaining the SCA and what we do, as well as what the fighting was as it was going on. The fighting was almost non stop both days. The fighters from both shires fought well and truly showed what chivalry and courtesy were. We did some dancing but the crowd was definitely mesmerized with the fighting. The fighters engaged in single combat, a bear pit, and melees.

On 1-23-92, the Barony of An Crosaire presented a demo to the Boys Scouts of America for their special program on Knights and the Middle Ages. They were particularly interested in the armor and the fighting demo.

War College
Talewinds, Jan A.S. XXVI, 1-24/26-92. Starhaven presents Winter War College at Camp Winona. Archers needed, Warriors sharpen your skills for war. Melee war practice, classes in weapons and tactics, combat archery. A Viking feast to our hungry warriors so they will have more strength to defeat the Atlantian. Lord Tempus and Lady Becc are Autocratting and you can send your reservations to them.

The Barony of An Crosaire held a demo for the Masons. They wanted a demo on Knights, armor and fighting. Master Rurik and Syr Bryetor put on a fighting demo and answered the multitude of questions presented by the Masons.

Sea Raids
Talewinds, Jan A.S. XXVI, 1-31/2-2-92; Once again it is time for the Kingdoms of Atlantia and Trimaris to meet on the field of battle. The site is Lynches River State Park. The first battle will begin at 9:30. There will be a Champions Duel, woods battle with combat archers, bridge battle with combat archers, fied battle with combat archers, and a field battle with heavy fighters only. In addition a target archery shoot for war points. Also included in war points is the open A&S competition.
Talewinds, April A.S. XXVI From the Office of the Arts & Sciences: Bantiarna Fiona. I offer my thanks to all those who entered Sea Raids Art/Sci. Trimaris’ loss in the competition was not for lack of quality. We were out-numbered 2 to 1 in entries. Cheers to Atlantia for their victory and their show of enthusiasm. Congratulations to Lady Elfwyn de Barfleur, the Champion of the Sea Raids Art/Sci for Trimaris

The Barony of Wyvernwood reports the following demos during the month of January.
1-16-92, Cub Scout Wolf Pack Family night. A full demo with a herald, costumes, fighters (male and female). The members showed a video, spoke on the SCA and held a fighting demo.
1-28-92, Cub Scout Wolf Pack. Fighting demo, costumes discussion by Lady Gweneth
(No date given) Cub Scout/Boy Scout End of the Year Banquet with a Medieval Theme. Discussion on Chivalry, a fighting demo, games, dancing and question and answers.
1-24-92 Just Elementary School for the 4th and 5th grades. Discussion on housing, serfs, peasants, nobles, garb and food.
1-24-92, Independent Day School (private school) a fighting demo plus discussion on customs, courtesy and costuming.

From Their Royal Highnesses
Talewinds, Feb A.S. XXVI. Unto all the people of the Kingdom of Trimaris these greetings from Their Royal Highnesses Huan Artur and Enriqueta. “Quod omnes tangit ab omnibus approbetur”
We have received these words from across the Great Sea, through travelers in the English country, who are quoting from the Writs of Summons as issued in the year 1295 by Edward I, King of England, when he called his barons, knights, burgesses, townsfolk and various churchmen to attend the meeting of his Model Parliament . The words mean: ” Let that which toucheth all be approved by all.” So began the institution of the people’s representation in their government.
We liked well that King’s idea, and so we too shall establish a Parliament in our Kingdom of Trimaris to be in existence only for the duration of our reign. Such is our decision that it will not be enacted as Law in the Kingdom, but shall be our Whim and Custom. However, should future monarchs wish to continue the custom, so be it.
There shall be two houses of Parliament: The House of Lords (being the Peerage, Territorial Baronage and Royal Peers), and the House of Commons (being members chosen from and by each Shire, Canton, Barony, et cetera). As for the latter: each Shire, Canton, Stronghold, et cetera shall choose two of its people to speak for its group in the Parliament. Each Barony shall choose three of its members to serve. Further, the members of each House will elect one member to serve as speaker, and he or she will establish the rules and protocol used in that House.
The voice of the Parliament will echo that of the people of Trimaris, in that debatable issues may be argued, opinions may be offered to the Crown, new ideas may be discussed, et cetera. The latitude of this format can be developed as the Parliament is used. For instance: The Crown may itself pose questions to the Parliament for their consideration, opinion, advice or amusement.
It is our intention that Parliament may be used successfully as a forum for the people, and that it also must be not so serious taken as to be without levity from time to time. (Let’s have some fun, too!)
We shall hope to call for three meetings of Parliament during the reign, with dates announced in advance. The first shall be at our Coronation, whereat we will pose a few questions to get things rolling. Therefore, between now and then, all groups should decide on their House of Commons members, determine any questions to be brought to the Parliament session, and/or contact us for further clarification. If we may paraphrase and old, well-worn maxim, we shall say. “Just remember: The King’s Word is Law, and the Parliament’s word is greatly appreciated”

2-3-92, the Barony of An Crosaire presented a demo for Lincoln Middle School. There were talks on Life in a Castle, clothing, armor, weapons and there was a short fighting demo. The classes were studying castles and castle life.

On 2-5-92, the Shire of Castlemere participated in Riverside Elementary’s Medieval Lunch time. Four members of the Shire attended, adding color and answering questions about medieval life & the SCA.

Long Nights Gathering
Talewinds, Jan A.S. XXVI, 2-7/9-92, Attention lords and ladies (and barbarians too) let it be known that the Shire of Narval Dorado is gearing up for another Long Nights Gathering. The event will be held at Camp Honi Honta. Teaching Autocrats: Lady Zelina Marie Durrant, Lady Susan van Ham Langille; Student autocrats: Elizabeth of Cranston, Lankar Ardonal; Feastcrats: Lord Aegirjon of Cathanar, Stewart Charles the Butcher.

On 2-12-92, the Shire of Ac’Scrin held a demo at Esterd High. There was fighting, a history lesson on the Plague, and a display of armor and weapons and clothing. No indication of the participants in the seneschal’s report

2-12-92, The Barony of An Crosaire participated in the Alachua County Library story hour for children. Quite a few members attended in garb and spoke on various subjects concerning life in the Middle Ages, castle life and Knights and Ladies.

Peers & Associates Meetings
Talewinds, Feb A.S. XXVI, The Kingdom of Trimaris is proud to host this event for Peers and their Apprentices, Proteges & Squires at Camp Honi Honta on 2-14/16-92. Autocrat Lady Alysoun Jeuneterre. Pot Luc Feast to be organized by Owain.

Estrella War VIII
Talewinds, Jan A.S. XXVI, 2-14/17-92 at Estrella Mountain Park in Goodyear, Arizona.

Bash The Bard
Talewinds, Jan A.S. XXVI. 2-15-92, Sangre del Sol invites you to Bash the Bard, at the First Sword of the Paludine Lyst. Help us knock Billy Shakespeare right off his pedestal. The event will feature the traditional First Sword Lyst, to determine the champion of the Paludine Confederation – followed up by a little war. The forces of good and evil, represented by Macduff and Macbeth, will once more fight over the throne of Scotland, but this time they won’t be following a script – Macbeth just might win this one! The winner will reign at that night’s Scott’s Feast, to be provided with the help of a little witchcraft in the kitchen.
For the peacefully inclined, we offer a various diversions, including: Town Ball – a sport for all ages. The Painted Pict Contest – you can do this until you are blue in the face. A bollixed Bardic competition ranging from the dramatic to the absurd – painful puns are at a premium. Sangre’s answer to Shakespear – the performance of a play devised, written and performed by local talent. Games for the children and classes for adults – and vice versa. The site is the Union Congregationalist Church. Autocrat: Sanchia the Sly, Feastcrat: Lady Glynis merch Llywelyn (Talisman).
Ian of Ben Dubh won the First Sword of the Paludine lyst, which was a bastard sword tourney. It was the second time in two years he won the lyst. His prize was a double headed axe. Iain Grant won the First Blood lyst against a relatively crowded field. His prize was the traditional rattan from which to make his own weapons. The melees were to be a reprise of the final battle before Dunsinane, and there was no change in the plot. The army of Macduff just slaughtered Macbeth and company. HL Alexander Mareschal was the clear winner of the Bollixed Bardic Shakespeare contest Since the prize was the complete works of Shakespeare, which he already had, he yielded to the second place winner, Jen Smith.
The children participated in the Town Ball game, which was sort of medieval football in which one of the rules was there are no rules. The Painted Pict Contest got lost in the chaos, but a special mention should go to Lady Giovanna di Piacenza of Southkeep, whose face painting was a work of art. We had at least 100 people at the Hallandale site and we also made money on the event.

Hoggetowne Medieval Faire
On 2-21/23-92, the Barony of An Crosaire participated in the City of Gainesville’s annual Medieval Faire. This is a three day faire with an actual lyst each day. We have regular Marshals to run the lysts, but we also try to have someone available to explain what is going on to the audience. Fridays are for the school children and they are bused in from schools in Alachua County as well as the surrounding counties. It is estimated that we had 8,000 children and adults on Friday alone. The Barony has a large display area comprising of three huge tents in which we have a static display and areas for craftsmen to demonstrate their particular craft. There were several on-going demonstrations of illumination, embroidery, chain making, etc during the weekend. We also had a Viking tent set up with a tripod and pot outside over a camp fire, where we cooked our lunch soup. We always have people trying to buy our soup.

On 2-22-92, the Barony of Darkwater presented a demo for the Cub Scout Blue & Gold banquet at Pinar Elementary School. We provided advice and assisted in planning activities that the children could do. We provided a display of arts and sciences. We mingled through the crowd in garb, speaking forsoothly. We provided a brief fighting demo and allowed the boys to hold and try on helms, etc. We assisted in crowning their Queen for the night and shared a meal with them.

On 2-23-92, The Barony of Darkwater held a demo for the Cub Scout Blue & Gold banquet at Ventura Elementary School. We provided assistance in planning their menu, decorations and garb for the boys. We met with them twice prior to the demo to facilitate this. We gave short classes at the demo on favors, a lady’s garb, armor and fighting. A staged fight was given and the boys were allowed to try the weapons and armor. We also had a display of art and science items.

On 2-18 & 2-25-92, one member of the Barony assisted a teacher for gifted children at Apopka Middle School by holding a class discussion of the middle ages.

On 2-22-92, the Shire of Brineside Moor presented a fibre arts demo for the Suncoast girl scouts at the Manatee Village Historical Park. It was an all day series of repeating classes with each class between 2-10 students. The living history approach fascinated the troops and they asked a wide variety of questions.

On 2-25-92, the Shire of Ac’Scrin held a demo at Naples High. There was fighting, a history lesson on the Plague, and a display of armor and weapons and clothing. No indication of the participants in the seneschal’s report

Oldenfeld’s Anniversary
Talewinds, Jan A.S. XXVI, On 2-29/3-1-92, The Shire of Oldenfeld will celebrate yet another anniversary at Camp Indian Springs. There will be something for everyone. Fighting, arching, classes, dancing, singing, and competitions of all sorts. A working forge will be set up and Conrad Wihelm von Lubeck will be teaching basic blacksmithing techniques. Dance classes will be held throughout the day with a ball in the evening. Prizes to be awarded for all competitions. Autocrat: Giovanni di Rienze; Feastcrat: Bianca di Rienzi

On 3-2/4-92, Lord Justin and Ophelia, of the Shire of Brineside Moor, provided week long series of classes at Palmetto Elementary school on the people and crafts of the middle ages prior to escorting children to the Ringling Medieval Faire. Children surveyed history from 1000 to 1400 B.C. children’s life. They were given hands on instruction in calligraphy/illumination, basic costuming, and singing. The classes were well received and the teachers seemed to be interested/inquisitive about continuing to use living history in the class room as part of their curricula.

Talewinds, March A.S. XXVI From Their Royal Highnesses
Comes now this notice and advice of the topics offered for your deliberation, debate and determination during the first meeting of Parliament, to be held on Sunday morning, the 8th day of March in the current year. We shall sit in attendance during the meeting and shall remain aloof unless invited to respond directly to your inquiries. We pray you consider well the topics at hand, that you plan your arguments and rebuttals concisely so as to allow time for many voices to be heard.
Topic: The Blefuscuvian Heresy
A puny contingent of Blefuscuvian populace (best described as a very small-framed people, with large hooked noses, and who speak with a pronounced sibilant accent) has infiltrated remote shores of our Kingdom and has imposed upon certain of our citizens the peculiar habit of breaking (or cutting) their eggs from the large end. This practice is considered abhorrent to many among us, but is rapidly being adopted as a stylish affection by others of us, including Her Royal Highness Enriqueta. It is thus our desire to know the minds of our Members of Parliament as to the true Trimarian preference in the manner of breaking (or cutting) eggs.
Topic: Arts & Sciences – Scrolls or Scholars
It has been much in our minds that perhaps we have overlooked the important aspect of learning from our “mistakes” in the pieces we present for competition in the Art/Sci Faires: that we may be over-concerned with the points and scrolls gleaned from our competitions. It seems that many folk are desirous of more practical criticism, with better emphasis on teaching and learning. Many incomplete ideas have floated around of late, with no concrete alternatives being formulated; but to, there are staunch proponents of the status quo. We have heard that entry categories have become to esoteric to be completely judged, and that judging itself lacks quality by the end of a long, harried day. We seek the people’s opinions, at an initial level, through this Parliament, and would greatly value thoughtful and amicable suggestions.
We thank you in advance for your considerable study of these two problems as you come to this first meeting of Parliament. It may not be possible to solve these issues in one meeting; if it becomes your recommendation to remand the topic(s) to another meeting, or to a different kind of forum of the people, let us agree to do so.
In service to Trimaris, Huan Artur & Enriqueta

Talewinds, Jan A.S. XXVI, On 3-6/8-92, the Barony of Wyvernwood & friends present the Coronation of Their Royal Highnesses Sir Huan Artur & Mistress Enriqueta de Reyes y Mora. This event will be held at YMCA Camp Immokalee. Autocrat: HL Aidian; Feastcrat: Master Juan Carlos

On 3-14-92, the Barony of Darkwater held a demo for a Medieval Faire at Southwest Middle School. We assisted in planning the faire and our part of it. We met with a group of parents and teachers and provided them with information on garb, period games, period food, etc. We attended the faire and gave demonstrations in fighting, leather working, and heraldry,

On 3-14-92, approximately 15 members of the Shire of Castlemere participated in the Jacksonville Nottingham Faire. Their participation was to attend in garb and answer questions by the visitors to the faire.

On 3-14-92 members of the Shire of Fiach Ogan marched in the Chasco Fiesta Parade. During the 2 mile parade route they had an ongoing battle. The marcher/fighters were featured both in the newspaper and on TV.

On 3-14/15-92, the members of the Shire of Gleann Dubh participated in the Images Art Show. They set up two pavilions and a 50′ square lyst field. They displayed and demonstrated lace making, spinning, metal working, embroidery, dancing, chain mail making. Some members played musical instruments (bowed psaltery, flute and the recorder). Shadek, Hettar and Therion displayed their fighting skills to the delight of the children present, who were later introduced to boffer weapons. The only complaint came from the dancers who felt they did not get enough time for dancing. A large crowd was drawn on both days and the Shire received many favorable comments from both the spectators and the Images Officials.

On 3-14/15-92 the Shire of Sangre del Sol, with assistance from members of Sea March and Southkeep again took part in the Irish Cultural Institute’s Irish Festival, this time for St. Patrick’s Day. Saturdays weather was not the best, but Sunday the weather was a lot more cooperative and there were more spectators. Again the fighters were the big draw and a great crowd pleaser. Mistress Geta and Mistress Cara came out with their looms and did weaving.
St Valentine’s
Talewinds, Feb A.S. XXVI. 3-21/23-92, The Barony of An Crosaire presents the Annual St. Valentine’s Day Massacre (ok! So it’s a month and a half later, work with us) at Camp Oleno. This event will also feature the Investiture of Breytor Aison of Devon and Margaret Elizabeth Aison of Devon as the new Baron and Baroness of An Crosaire. Activities include: Double Elimination Tournament (Champion of An Crosaire); Mongo-Ball (back by popular request); Eastern European Feast (by Master Rurik and Marisane Tsutomu); Hide Your Wealth contest (most creative way to hid treasure from the Mongol Horde); Beautiful dancers; Best 12th- 13th Cent. Mongol or Eastern European garb contest. Autocrats: HL Serina Vigdis Ulfsdottir and Elspeth Rodegund.
At the Court of TRM Huan Artur & Enriqueta
Grant of Arms Ara Aradottir
Margaret Elizabeth Aison of Devon
Territorial Baroncy Breytor Aison of Devon
Margaret Elizabeth Aison of Devon
Order of the Argent Palm Thomas du Lac
Award of Arms Cynthia the Hermitess
Andre Jean Faucon
Brion Gennadyevich Gorodin
Rolfus of Londinium
Serpent’s Torque Nikolas Nikitan Vladimirov
Thomas du Lac
Margaret Elizabeth Aison of Devon
Tara Ann
Adan Calentaur
Steven Miles
Cross & Serpent Ysabella Celestina de Manrique de La Palma
Taliesynne Nychymwrh yr Anghyfannedd
Cynthia the Hermitess
Bryetor Aison of Devon
The event was beautifully done. The outside pavilion was decorated with swags and arrays of fresh flowers and silky banners. The weather was perfect. Although the site was small everyone said they had a wonderful time. The only complaint was there were not enough ribbons on the Maypole for the number of people who wanted to dance.

On 3-25-92, Lady Victoria Fox and Lord Annan nam Beantam, of the Shire of Brineside Moor, gave a basic overview of the SCA and the Middle Ages to 15-20 Special Education students at Sarasota’s Bayhaven School. Students learned using a hands on teaching methods. Fibre arts, arms and armor, and basket weaving were among the subjects talked about. This demo was at the request of a new member, and may be repeated several times. The hands on approach seems to work well, especially when children can take a finished project home.

Trident Tourney
Talewinds, Feb A.S. XXVI. 3-27/29-92, The Barony of Darkwater proudly presents Trident Tourney XI at North Florida Christian Service Camp. There shall be lysts for those not of faint heart, Board games competitions to test prowess of all, and auction for the benefit of Chirurgeons and a fashion show in honor of Mistress Anna Alicia Von Rheinhardt. Autocrats: HL Hienrich von Guggenheim, Lady Cherie Elaine Viau. Feastcrat: Lord Johann Goetzkauffman von Erfurt.
At the Court of TRM Huan Artur & Enriqueta
Order of the Acorn’s Glade Cailean mac Duibhdhiornaigh ui Dubhlaoich (Protector)
Order Hidden Treasure Cherie Elaine Viau
Heindrich von Guggenheim
Award of Arms Cordelia Scriven
Olwen ferch Rhodri
Johannes Ramsey

On 3-27-92, Lord Justin, of the Shire of Brineside Moor, gave a one day demo to the 3rd graders at Palmetto Elementary school. It was the same material, on a more basic level, as the 3/2 & 3/4 demos.

On 3-29-92, The Shire of Brineside Moor presented a large demo held in conjunction with the Desota Landing Re-enactment at the Desoto National Memorial, in which 2000-2500 people attended. Our group had two main roles – portraying living history characters I the pre-landing play regarding the history of the Desoto Expedition and providing ongoing demonstrations of medieval crafts. The crafts went very well, although it appeared that it needed a separate coordinator to organize and bring individuals to teach. Spinning, weaving, carding and basket weaving were demonstrated. There was a large display of medieval pottery and a general display of SCA crafts. It was suggested that a pottery demonstration would have been a good addition to the event. Overall, an expanded display would offer more individuals a chance to learn and ask questions. Special notice should be given to the numerous individuals from outside our shire who participated in making this demo work.

On 4-4-92, the Shire of Gleann Dubh participated in the 4th of July Parade held by the City of Edgewater. We constructed a castle float (Dieter constructed the castle almost single handedly). After the parade there was a static display of chain mail, garb, period pavilion and held a children’s boffing list and a “dragon jousting” field.

On 4-15-92, the Barony of Wyvernwood presented a discussion and demonstration to the Harrison School for the Performing Arts Drams Student. Participants were Lord Henricus, Lady Astridth, Lord Ettienne and Lady Melisande

Fool’s War
Talewinds, March A.S. XXVI, 4-16/19-92. The shire of Novas Matisco presents Fool’s War IV. You are cordially invited to attend Fools War IV. Improvements to this year’s new battle scenarios and arts/science categories will provide a greater balance for all three kingdoms. Also, in the long ago traditions of Pennsic, Syr Bryetor’s Baliwick will be sponsoring the first Fool’s War Golden Arrow Shoot, and a solid brass arrow will be awarded to the winner. Meridian standard rules for fighting and arts/sciences competitions will still be used, with some slight modifications.
Arts & Science categories: Illumination, metal work (non armor), tooled leatherwork, embroidery & beadwork. Period drawing, woodworking (no furniture). Heraldic display, jewelry/enameling, best period foolstaff. Live weapons categories: knives, axes & spears

Kingdom Seneschal’s Report
From Master Erik of Telemark, Kingdom Seneschal of Trimaris, 4-24-92, First Quarterly Report
Status of local groups:
Ac Scrin = Reported only problem to be a lack of anyone to take over when warrant expires. Arven Atwater has requested to have his warrant extended. I am considering extending for 1 year or until a suitable replacement can be found. Ac Scrin reported good activity levels, two upcoming events in the remainder of the year and two school demos held in February which included fighting, static displays in armor and clothing as well as a lecture on the history and effect of “The Plague.”
Amyergorod = Reported still having a problem re-energizing the group after the change in Seneschals in January. Sean Callahan reports new people are coming in but older members still show signs of burn out. Amyergorod has one event planned for September and vague plans for a demo in the second quarter this year.
An Crosaire = An Crosaire had a change in Barons in March. Lady Natasha reports new energies are being seen all across the Barony. The Barony has held numerous workshops dealing with everything from costuming to persona development. The Barony hosted two events (one Baronial Investiture) both were good and successful events. Four local demos were held targeting mostly children and interests in the life of Knights and Ladies in medieval castles. The barony was also a major contractor with the Hoggetowne Medieval Faire hosted by the City of Gainesville. The Barony presented several static displays ranging from armor to illumination as well as working displays of fighting, armor making, embroidery and illumination. The highlight of the demo, for the children, was a living history Viking campsite where the women cooked a lunch soup on site. An Crosaire’s meetings rotate weekly from formal courts to social and guild meetings, to workships and finally business meetings. If there is a fifth meeting in a month they use it as a special event such as a practice arts/sci competition with judges and comment sheets. The above meeting iteas may be of use to other groups.
Blackthorne = Seneschal Ld. Hrothgar Thorsson contacted by phone on 4-21-92, stated that he had resigned and turned over the files and report over to Mistress Elspeth McNaughton at Coronation. No report received this quarter.
Brineside Moor = The shire has 4 ongoing classes: ceramics, heraldry, stained glass, music. Each is held approx once a week (events permitting). Additionally several workshops have been held to prepare for the two major demo’s of the year, Desoto Landing and Columbus 500 Celebration. Brineside Moor is planning on two events yet this year: August Collegium, Canterbury Tales. The shire also intends ton being a major player in the Columbus 500 Celebration. Brinside held 6 smaller demos this quarter centering around crafts, daily life in the middle ages, fibre arts, Hernando Desoto, Columbus. Brineside Moor hosted Winter Arts/Sci in January which went off very well. Lady Shula bint Shageeqa reports that the only problem stems from the activity level of the household she belongs to and the fact that some members of the shire feel that since they are not in this household they are “on the outside” in her shire since the household is based in the shire.
Castlemere = Castlemere’s workshops included feasting, leather shoes, basic garb, fabric selection. The group has been selected to host Summer Art/Sci. The Shire participated in 3 demos in which the members added to the medieval flavor of a school event. Zubayda von Drachonberg reports the only problem as growing so fast she feels a bit overwhelmed.
Crystal Moor Laurel Fairhair phoned this office stating that she had turned over the office to her replacement deputy and he would be sending me the intro forms and report soon.
Darkwater = Darkwater has on going classes in costuming, leather work, embroidery each held by their respective guild. The Barony has held on event this quarter, Trident Tourney. The have calendared 4 local events in the remainder of the year and have been chosen to host TMT in May. Darkwater held 4 demos during the quarter. Two cub scout Blue and Gold banquets and two school demo/medieval fairs.
Fiach Ogan = The Shire is finishing up the reorganization they started in January. Sir Erin Breck Gordon reports moderate activity and new growth in the group. This first report has been most encouraging.
Gleann Dubh = Gleann Dubh reports moderate activity with 2 meetings each month and 1-2 workshops each month ranging from chain mail to dancing. Rowan of Shadow Wood reports one demo consisting of fighting and craft displays.
Glymmerholde = Brewster Hartswood has resigned as Seneschal of Glymmerholde and Lady Gwenna O’ Swansea has agreed to take over for one year or until another replacement can be found. Glymmerholde has calendared an event for July this year.
Loch Gryffyn = Lady Cordelia Scrivens has graciously agreed to reorganize the Shire which is going on voluntary probation for six months. During this time this office will be working very closely with the shire as most of the officers are younger members.
Los Castillos de Oro = Mikaelle reports much activity: classes, two local events, feasts, bardic competitions. She also lists three upcoming events in the remainder of the year. The stronghold shows an interest in archery, dancing and arts/sci in general. Members of Lost Castillos de Oro are working very closely with the local Scouts as far as demos and classes go. Because of the restrictions on base the group has not been able to establish a bank account.
Mathom Trove = Mathom Trove continues to host the Norrey College of Arms in their area. There is a plan to host a fencing symposium in the fall.
Narval Dorado = The shire held a class in Archery and a class in Art/Sci documentation. There are plans for an event on June 27th called Midsummer’s Revel. Several members assisted Shire Storm in the Bay Area Ren Fair demo which concentrated on fighting and crafts.
Peregrine Springs = The shire held two demos of their own this quarter concentrating mostly on fighting and static arts/sci displays. The also assisted other neighboring groups in their demos.
Ruins = Feargus MacBrus reports moderate activity. One revel held this quarter and two demos (one school and one library demo).
Sangre del Sol = Sangre has two ongoing classes at this time, armoring and fighter practice. They plan on assisting with the “Lions and Tigers and Sheep Oh My!” event in May. Their “Bash the Bard” event was a moderate success and earned some funds for the group. Lady Glynis Merch Llywelyn reports many demos locally including two held during Irish Festivals held in her area. Among her ideas for consideration is an emergency phone list as some of her members had some car trouble on the way home from Coronation. There are three sources for this: first the Talewinds always carries the most current Seneschal listing with the mundane county/city names included; second is the Trimarian Rolls Royal available through Lord Thomas for a small fee. Although this list is not sorted by area (it is an alphabetical listing) it does give a more comprehensive listing of phone numbers; third is what I affectionately call “my brain”. I have a notebook which has all the contact numbers I have accumulated over time. I would suggest that each Seneschal start carrying a “brain” of their own. They are invaluable for quick reference information.
Sea March = The shire has been very busy with numerous Art/Sci oriented classes and five demos ranging from assisting Sangre del Sol with he Irish Festivals to school demos where active crafts displays and fighting demos were a great success. Sea March is hosting “Lions and Tigers and Sheep Oh My!” in May at the KOA camp across from Lion Country Safari in West Palm Beach.
South Keep = South Keep held classes in heraldry, Art/Sci and Poetry. Their 12th Night revel was the most successful in the last 3 years. They are planning an area event in September.
Starhaven = Starhaven hosted a successful War College in January and has plans for an event in May called Trial by Fire. The shire held a feast/demo for a local Methodist Church and received varying amounts of interest and appreciation.
Storm = Lady Carmela reports an interesting collection of classes starting with “how to Teach a Class”, period firearms, kingdom banner workshops and shoemaking. The shire hosted a 12th Night Revel at a new site, Boyd Hill Nature Park , where the group will be hosting a Pensic Boot Camp for the purpose of raising funds for the Royal Fund and Pensic display. The Shire’s demo activity centered around the SCA’ booth at the Bay Area Renaissance Festival held for 6 consecutive weekends in the Spring. Area groups contributed to a wonderful set of live and static craft displays as well as a full weekend devoted to SCA style combat.
Swampkeype = Lady Elizabeth Pembrooke reported holding a “Not So New Newcomer’s” class and plans for an event in June called Swampthing II. Swampkeype held their annual demo at Denn John School. They also worked with the local Boy Scouts and their annual Blue and Gold Banquet. Demo plans are continuing. Lady Elizabeth has found a unique solution tot he problem with minors and alcohol. They made the minor in question deputy to the Constable so he would not be so bored in the future.
Vaca del Mar = The majority of the shire’s activity centered around two demo’s; the New Smyrna Beach Art Festival and the Deland Art Festival. They also held classes for newcomers, weaving classes and historical survey classes.
Wyvernwood = The Barony has come to life. They held three workshops on construction of Markland arrows, as well as a class on period underwear and a newcomer’s class. Lady Melisande Aubrey d’Anjou boasts some 8 demos this quarter centering around the Boy Scouts and local schools. Wyvernwood’s demos all incorporate lectures, videos, fighting and costuming displays and discussions. Several demos also added live crafts displays when possible. Wyvernwood also participated in the WUSF (educational TV channel) fund-raising/telethon this April. Several members of the Barony also spoke in the South Eastern Theater Conference (SETC92) in Orlando. Wyvernwood hosted a very successful Spring Coronation 1992. The Barony also plans to hold their annual Baronial Bash XX in late October. Lady Melisandre’s only stated problems seem to be getting her report lost in the IRS panic and the state of the files she inherited from her predecessor.

St. George’s Faire
Talewinds, March A.S. XXVI, 4-25-92, The Canton of Mathom Trove & Friends present St. George’s Faire, a Kingdom fund-raiser at Pace Private School. Food, merchants, raffles, auctions, bells and twilseys, and much more! Fighters, you’ve known and loved Mongol Ball, now there’s DRAGON Ball!!! Autocrat: Lady Una of Blackberry Hollow.
(Event report) In spite of the fact it was only a day trip event, more than 212 people attended and $1600 was raised. The Autocratting crew consisted of the following: HL Una (Autocrat), Lady Ysabela (Reservationcrat), HL Laura de Botelsford (Fair Tokens), Lord Syryl ap Morgan Fair masterr), Baron Sir Alrick (Marshal), Lady Diana Wyndalan (Security), and Lady Elfwyn de Barfleur (Site Herald). The following gentles donated prizes for the Faire: Mistress Sorcha, Sir Bannaich, HL Brigit, HL Una, HL Laura de Botelsford, Lord Adan, Lady Elfwyn, Lady Ysabela, and Sine MacDonald. Aron Talyiesynne conducted a protégé auction with Sir Banaich, Lord Justin and Lord Syryl. Members of Clan Farflung were of invaluable assistance. Lady Diana supervised security and parking, Lady Alysoun and Lady Gwennan assisted at the reservation desk, and Cirroco and Lord Lucan supervised fund-raising activities. Lady Teamhair, a member of the Barony of An Crosaire, also assisted the Reservationcrat. The Waterbearer’s Guild and members of House Morarity also conducted fund-raising activities. Lady Gianetta, Seneschal of Darkwater and Lady Olwen, Exchequer of Darkwater, provided crash space and moral support for the crat crew. The Canton received 10% of the money raised, which was donated back tot he Kingdom at TMT. A small percentage of the money raised was donated to Pace Private School in thanks for the use of their grounds. Highlight of the event were the Twilsey-Wopping match and the Dragonsball Tourney. Reported by Lady Ysabela Celestina Manrique de Palma y Majorca
At The Court of TRM Huan Artur & Enriqueta
Silver Trident Brigit Olesdottir of Loch Ree
Rhianna Dacia Aurelia Valeria
Argent Palm Raibhert Donnachaidh
Kenneth Albright
Argent Estoile Tamara Ivanovna Nabokova
Delilia Castillos
Award of Arms Eirene Agapia of Mytilene
Milisciuil Evans
Heinrich von Holtzpritzer
Argent Scales Tanarian Brenaur ferch Owain fab Bran
Plume Angel Rouge Ara Aradottir
Elom Eikinskjaldi
Knikolos Major of Salem-by-the-Sea (posthumous)

In Memoriam
Talewinds, April A.S. XXVI;. We, The people of Trimaris, wish to remember our friend who recently passed away. Mistress Cher de Bellevue, O.P. 1953-1992. She will be missed.
At the forthcoming Coronation of Huan and Enriqueta there will be a memorial service. A Medieval mass will be said for her with the complete knowledge and understanding of the Corporate Offices. A memorial, in the form of a tree, was planted in O’leno State Park

Lions & Tigers & Sheep, Oh My!
Talewinds, April A.S. XXVI, 5-1/3-92, Hosted by the Shires of Sea March, Sangre del Sol & Southkeep, the Paludine Confederations presents their first cooperative event. All are invited to attend. This will be held at the KOA campground next to Lion Country Safari. Tenting only. Events include a Bear Pit Lyst, Bouzhkashi, a tour of Lion Country, evening Bardic and revelry. Autocrat: Lord Kjartan Ulfr Ormson, Feastcrat: Lady Alson Jeuneterre

Trial by Fire
Talewinds, May A.S. XXVI, 5-8/10-92, The Shire of Starhaven presents Trial by Fire, at Camp Wewa, Featuring a unique 3 on 1 heavy weapons lyst, a single weapon fencing lyst, IKAC archery competition, the Queen’s yeoman competition. Autocrat: Lord Drell Mclan Blackwood; Feastcrats: Tamra Bint Tanzyr & Lord Lauranchu Caelan.
At the Court of TRM Huan Artur & Enriqueta
Grant of Arms Cian the Smith
Order of the Fletcher James Tristram
Order of the Argent Palm Jonos der Kleine
Beck of Cork
Fara Steinhauser
Award of Arms Sancia the Sly
Brianna ni Donnachaidh
Torrence Stout
Stuart Charles the Butcher
Catherine Violante Laiosa

Gathering of the Clans
Talewinds, Aril A.S. XXVI, 5-15/17-92, the Barony of Darkwater presents the VI Annual Gathering of the Clans at Moss Park. Come all ye lads and lassies. Come join us for a weekend of Celtic craziness, including the traditional Scottish Lyst, a light weapons lyst, Highland games, a sumptuous feast, reveling and Bardic. Autocrats: Lissandre von Burgundy & Lady Kathryn Seabright (Capella); Feastcrat: Lady Diana Wyndalan (Wolfmother)

North Florida Christian Camp Demo
On 5-15-92, the Canton of Mathom Trove sponsored a demo for the North Florida Christian Camp. The demo was organized by Lady Elfwyn de Barfleur. A number of the members of the Barony of An Crosaire participated with members of the Canton in working with around 300 students for four hours. Countess Carmenette (candle making), Mistress Warjna (Music and spinning), Lady Elfwyn (basket making), Lord Bernard (martial skills), Lady Genevieve von Fehrman (embroidery), Lord Roibeard (archery), Lord Adan (leather working), Lord Iefan the Lost (calligraphy), Lady Ysabela (weaving), Lady Teamhair and Dougall (name research). The camp director was very pleased and would like us to do a demo again next year.

On 5-22-92, the Shire of Loch Gryffyn held a demo at George Marks Elementary School for Ms. Scott’s second grade class.

Trimaris Memorial Tourney
Talewinds, April A.S. XXVI, On 5-22/24-92 The Barony of Darkwater will sponsor TMT at Camp Winona. Autocrat: Baron Master Barar Aeryck Uduahelyi
The Queen’s Champion was fought for by Rapier Combat. With 21 entrants, the list was well rounded. The Victor was Lord Gareth Abelard, called Mordecai.
From the Constable: I took no pleasure in having to warn encampments of thefts that occurred on Saturday evening. Cash was stolen from a wallet and a purse within a tent. The same kind of thefts occurred at Winter Art/Sci this year. Please take precautions against theft. Fund-raising: I would like to thank Master Rurik Petrovitch Stoianov and Davydd Sprynger for their auctioneering at the Kingdom’s Annual Lost and Found Auction. The auction raised $194.76.
Mistress Aspasia made a profit of $145.10 over the weekend with the Kingdom Emporium.
The new Poet Laureate is Aaron the Juggler, who entertained us with a humorous poem about Sir Grickle and Sir Arman Dillo.
At the Court of TRH Huan Artur & Enriqueta
KSCA Bytor FitzGerald
Court Baroncy John Shark the Wanderer
Cedridwen of Cahercommaun
Order of the Triskel Trimaris Brigit Olesdottir of Loch Ree
Order of the Trimarian Sword Alric Anthony Lyonfeather
Order of the Argent Palm Susan van Ham Langille
Bres O’Seachnasaigh
Heindrich von Guggenheim
Cherie Elaine Viau
Feargus MacBruce
Order of the Fletcher Simon Grover van Lewenhoch
Daleous Contralbe
League of Hidden Treasure Dianna Wyndalon of Kidwelly
Order of the Morning Star Grimm Hauskleifer
Order of the Silver Trident Kevin MacRegan
Justin of Kent
Award of Arms Dennet de Beynac
Nikolas Bradwater
Giuseppi de Borgia
Peadar Felic
Stevyn of Be inn nam faoghla
Duncan of Shadowwood
Joanna Eleanor Barrington
Galen O’Loinsigh
Katherine Amber Roche
Aaron the Juggler

5-29-92, Three School demos were held by the members of the Barony of Wyvernwood, with the largest being for Lady Marguerite Isadora da Riva’s class at Progress Village in Hillsborough county. The classes had been studying the Middle Ages for about a month, and their studies culminated on this day with an all day revel in garb and armor (they researched it and made it all themselves), with a feast. Some nine members of the Barony held a talk and discussion along with a fighting demonstration by Sir Karl, Lord Wilhelm, Thomas and Cainen. Then while the rest of us went off to set up the Big Top demo, Lord Wilhelm joined some others for a legend-and-fable telling session at another school

The Big Top demo was a two day event at a local flea market. This was well attended by SCAdians and the public. It was a great demo to introduce our many new members to the challenges, pitfalls and joys of doing such an event. Some 25 heavy weapon fighters took part in the twice daily fighting and melees, including His Royal Majesty Huan Artur. Over 8 fencers participated in the light weapons demonstrations and discussions. The populace danced twice daily, and various other entertainment was offered, including juggling and street theater. Our Barony of Wyvernwood Archer Guard was very much in evidence, with a booth manned by people making the Markland arrows and doing some fletching, and an archery range set up for Markland use only. The range proved very popular with the younger visitors.

On 6-5-92 the Stronghold of Los Castillos del Oro participated in the Curundu Elementary School Fine Arts and Culture Week. There were approximately 500 students present. The Stronghold members gave a talk on the Middle Ages, a fighting demo along with a commentary on the art of fighting. There was dancing and singing, followed by a question and answer period. The Stronghold received a thank you letter from the school which stated “Your unique presentation was a first for our school and fit well with the sixth grade studies of the period. Your costumes, music and jousting were extremely interesting and entertaining.”

Gulf Wars I
Talewinds, May A.S. XXVI, 6-5/7-92, The Shire of Dragon’s Weal, Kingdom of Meridies is proud to present, Gulf Wars I, the war between Trimaris and Ansteorra, at King’s Arrow Ranch in Lumberton Ms. The site is in the middle of a pine forest. A feast will not be provided, however, a tavern will be open to serve all meals at a modest price.
At the Court of TRM Huan Artur & Enriqueta
Grant of Arms Laura de Botelsford
Order of the Triskele Trimaris Laura de Botelsford
Order of the White Scarf Alfric Northwind
Etienne de Langref
(event report, letter in August ‘92 Talewinds) From Their Royal Majesties: Those of us who went to Gulf War had a truly marvelous time. The three Kingdoms met in complete friendship and with great enthusiasm. There were nearly 1000 folk attending. Before leaving it was decided to do it again next year, on the second weekend of June. The War will expand in 1993 to begin with check-in on Thursday, fighting (etc.) on Friday and Saturday and home on Sunday. Planning for Gulf War will be continuous from now on. Master Juan Carlos, working under our Kingdom Seneschal’s Office will “War Crat” and coordinate many areas of planning through the months ot come. The three Kingdoms will be working very closely to build this War into the Southern event in the future.

Summer Art/Sci
Talewinds, May, A.S. XXVI, 6-12/14-92, The Shire of Castlemere proudly presents Summer Arts & Sciences Faire, at North Florida Christian Academy. Featuring an Arabian Feast, with a dessert subtley created by Lady Gwendolyn Kane MacVeigh of Amber Oaks. Autocrat: Lord Iefan the Lost; Feastcrats Lord Johannes von Drachensberg & Lady Aislinn Columba of Carlisle.
Heptathalon = Domestics; Jewelry; Leatherwork; Needlework; Sculpture; Woodworking; Vocal Music.
Masque Laureate competition was won by Lady Una of Blackberry Hollow & Lady Laura de Botelesford with the Ode to Our Seneschal (the Master Erik song).

Swamp Thing II
Talewinds, April A.S. XXVI, 6-19/21-92, The denizens of the Canton of Swamp Keype present Swamp Thing II (the sequel) at the Moss Park. Featured the Living Dead Melee II, games pavillion, newcomer classes, live weapons competition (axe, knife & spear), a Swamp Hunt (combat bow hunt) and a Champions Lyst. Autocrat: Lucan of Suffolk, Feastcrat: Rebekah Anne Pembrooke

On 6-26-92, the Shire of Oldenfeld assisted the Leon County Public Library with “Back to the Days of Magic and Make-believe”. There were two programs and it did involve many of our shire members taking off time from work. Our banners decorated the auditorium and two fighters, Lord William and Conrad, gave a mini-demo. Ladies Celeste and Jeanette provided musical accompaniment while we made and entrance and entertained the audience with a short dance. The library staff did send a thank you note and expressed an interest in using us again.

Nottingham Medieval Faire
6-27 &28-92 the City of Orlando will hold their Medieval Faire at the Central Florida Fair Grounds. Merowald will coordinate the entertainers, Erika & Tempus will coordinate the historical display and merchants, Iain ben Dubh, Griffin & Seosaidh has security and heralds, setup and cleanup.

Midsummer’s Revel
6-27-92, The Shire of Narval Dorado

The Seneschal’s report for the 2nd quarter from Ac’Scrin indicates there were 3 demo’s for Collier County Library children’s program. Presentation was about the Middle Ages, combat, weapons, armor, clothing, economy and the roles of different sexes and classes. Visual display of clothing, armor, weapons and books. No dates were indicated for these demos, nor were the participants listed.

On 7-4-92, the Shire of Gleann Dubh participated in the City of Edgewater’s festivities. They constructed a “castle” float used in the parade. Afterwards a static display of chain mail, garb, and other items were placed in a period pavilion. The fighters again allowed the children to use the boffer weapons with them. The group decided that although it was a lot of fun, it was just to hot for such activity.

Champion of Glymmerholde
Talewinds, June A.S. XXVII, On 7-11-92, the Shire of Glymmerholde invites one and all to the 5th annual Champion of Glymmerholde Tourney, at the Bishop Verot High School. Featuring the Champion Lyst for novices only and a Bailey Lyst open to all. Autocrat: Kenneth Albright, Feastcrat: Baroness Victoria of Swansea & Lady Gillianne de Solis.

In Memoriam
Talewinds, June A.S. XXVII, We the members of the Shire of Ac’Scrin and his friends all mourn the loss of Carl Matthew Cooley, known in the Society as Matthew McClain. He is gone from this world and shall be greatly missed by all who knew him.

Pennsic War College
Talewinds, June A..S. XXVII, 7-17/19-92, The Shire of the Storm is once again proud to sponsor Pennsic War College and Art/Sci Symposium at Boyd Hill Nature Park’s Environmental Studies area. His Royal Majesty commands the presence of all Knights, Squires and able bodied fighters sworn to him. Our beloved Queen asks that all patrons of the gentler arts also attend to discuss matters appropriate to their specialties. Autocrat: Nicolas Bradwater, Feastcrat: Mistress Grania Ni Fhearghuis.

Cambier Park Demo
Talewinds, June A.S. XXVII, On Sunday, 7-26-92, the Shire of Ac’Scrin proudly presents the Fifth Annual Cambier Park Demo, to be held at Cambier Park. Come join the merriment and bring your wares as we proudly present ourselves to the locals. Demonstrations of fighting, music, costuming, black smithing, dance, research & games. Democrat: Lord Kelson Gryphus & Lord Darius the Elder. (Seneschal’s report) The Cambier Park Medieval Faire was extremely successful. We estimate approximately 1800-2200 people attended at different times of the day.

August Collegium
On 8-1-92 The Shire of Brineside Moor held a Collegium with classes centered on Pennsic preparation, project Bayeux, and Columbus era history, at the Church of the Nativity. Autocrat: Caradoc Cadagon Duhlas, Feastcrat: Catherine the Merry. In spite of little advertisement, we lost only $25.

Pennsic XXI
letter July 92 Talewinds: From Their Royal Majesties: At the end of July many of us will begin the journey to Pennsic War. It appears that a record breaking number of our populace will attend, and we all shall make every effort to do our Kingdom proud in our appearance. There will be constructed a wall and gate for Trimaris which will be kept and stored at Cooper’s Lake, to be improved and embellished in future years. We do have a special request of our travelers- when we parade as a Kingdom at Pennsic, we aks that everyone wear blue and white garb for our Kingdom. At least a simple surcoat for men and perhaps an easy tunic or cloak for our ladies. Please! Show our colors. And a Parliament at Pennsic? Yes! Polish up your M.P medallions, appoint your Pennsic alternates, and let’s prove that the Voice of the People does not tarnish a Crown.

Equestrian Event
Talewinds, July A.S. XXVII, On 8-29 & 30-92, Trimaris will have the first Equestrian Event, located at a primitive camping site located in the woods between Gainesville & Ocala. For information contact Baroness Islay Elspeth of Glen Meara. Horsemanship classes, riding classes, historical research and more.

Talewinds, July A.S. XXVII, 9-4/7-92, The Barony of Wyvernwood is pleased to present the Coronation of TRH Duke Syr Baldar Langstriter & HL Rhionna Valerius to be held at Camp Wewa. Activities include cooking competition with a mythological theme, IKAC shoot, Queen’s Yeoman competition, Queen’s Champion competition, banner wars, classes, games, children’s activities. Autocrat: Master Guillermo da Firenze & Lord Wilhelm Philip Josef von Klett. Feastcrat: Baroness Oriana Goldenhair & Master Juan Carlos Perez.
(Constable’s report) Between 11:00 pm Saturday night and 3:00 am Sunday morning there were approx 5 incidents of robbery throughout the camp by a suspected mundane.

Fencing Collegium
9-12-92 Pace Private School

Sea March Anniversary Event
Talewinds, July A.S. XXVII, 9-12-92, the Shire of Sea March will have their anniversary event. This year’s event will have a Russian theme. Activities include a bear pit lyst, timed wrestling pit and misc. Melees following, Russian egg decorating class, a quest based on Russian folk tales, knife and axe throwing contest, tug-o-war, troika races, Russian costume contest, Russian/Cossack dance contest, dancing, stories, songs and other entertainment. Autocrat: Lord Wulfhere Trollhammer. Feastcrat Mistress Geta Alexandra din Wallachia

Viking Forey III
Talewinds, July A.S. XXVII, On 9-18/20-92, The Shire of Amurgorod presents Viking Foray III at Camp Immokalee. Featuring an IKAC shoot, The Pillage the Tavern Raid, a live steel bezerker course and the OGB will host two lysts, a young wipper-snapper’s list for qualified fighters under 21 years old and a new fighter’s lyst for fighters authorize for less than one year. There will also be a kingdom fundraiser – Honest Abdul’s Slave Auction. Autocrat: Tamera DeBorgia. Feastcrat Analyse Overfjord.

Ffest Hydref
Talewinds, July A.S. XXVII, 9-25/27-92, The Shire of Southkeep and the Paludine Confederation invite the populace of Trimaris to join us for merriment and feasting in the wild southern reaches. To be held at Greynolds Park. Dance-cratting by Mistress Geta din Wallachia, something or other Collegium, challenge lyst & melee. Autocrat Ld James the Tavernkeeper & Brianna ni Dhonnachaidh. Feastcrat Lady Tanarian ferch Owain.

Talewinds, July A.S. XXVII, On 9-26-92, the Barony of An Crosaire will hold the Michaelmas Oktoberfest to be held at North Florida Christian Service Camp. For fighters a lyst, light weapons tourney, classes. Activities, backgammon tourney, knife throwing, rat pucky and more. Autocrat: Lady Genevieve von Fehrmann & Nikolas Nikodem Vladmirov. Feastcrat: Lord Donnchagh O’ Grada & Doireann Ni Shea.

Medieval Festival
On 9-26-92, The Shire of Los Castillos de Oro, Panama. This is a joint venture with the Valent Recreation Center and the St. Andrews Society. This will be a half day event and open to the public. Plans include a mini-tournament, entertainment and feast. Valent is proposing several contests as well.

The Shire of Glymmerholde held a demo in Cape Coral for a group of Explorer Scouts with learning disabilities. Garb and medieval life were explained and many questions were answered. Our members assisted the scouts in making heraldic shields from construction paper. The demo was very successful for both the Shire and the Scouts. The date of this demo was not given in the Seneschals report.

Talewinds, August A.S. XXVII, The Shire of Peregrine Springs doth cordially invite one and all to help with a demo to be held on 10-3 & 4-92 at the Heathrow Arts Festival in Seminole County. We will be raising money for a Scholarship fund with this very prestigious Arts Festival benefits. The attendance last year was off due to extensive road construction and only 5,000 people attended the festival on Saturday and about 6,000 on Sunday. We will be having a static display, period tents and pavilions, and armored combat displays.

Festival of the Harvest Moon
Talewinds, August A.S. XXVII, 10-2/4-92, The Shire of Oldenfeld celebrates the Festival of the Harvest Moon at Camp Indian Springs. Come to Oldenfeld and celebrate in the Celtic Tradition. Autocrat Cedric of Dorchester

Hurricane Relief Fund
Talewinds, October A.S. XXVI, Wanted – cash donations to help your SCA brothers and sisters recover from Hurricane Andrew in both Trimaris and Meridies. The Trimarian-Meridian Relief Fund is a non-profit organization separate from the SCA but administered by both the seneschals of Trimaris and Meridies. Send your donations to Ed Kreyling.
Report from Master Erik of Telemark, Seneschal of Trimaris
The relief effort was a great success. We were able to collect almost $4000. We sent 5 vehicles (including a 22ft panel truck) loaded with supplies to the Homestead and Miami area. We also granted requests for some $1600 in monetary aid made by a member of the SCA and their families in the Miami area. We have also sent $1200 to the SCA Kauai Relief Fund in Caid. The remainder of the funds were turned over ot the Salvation Army in December. The Seneschals of Shire Storm and the Barony of Darkwater traveled to Homestead with the caravan. The Baron of An Crosaire and the Baron of Wyvernwood organized massive collection efforts in their areas.

Columbus 500 Celebration
Talewinds, October A.S. XXVII, 10-10-92, A Kingdom Demo/fund raiser. The Kingdom of Trimaris joins with the Gulf Coast Girls Scouts for a “walk through history” educational experience. The celebration will include many classes and exhibits, alternate history area, other time periods exhibited by other groups, fashion show, Celts, Vikings, or Columbus, who got here first?, IKAC archery shoot. Contact: Lady Victoria Fox

The Shire of Vaca del Mar conducted a series of school demos:
On 10-15-92 at Lake Howell High School Senior Literature Class. Lady Cordelia and Lady Nekhbet discussed medieval culture.
On 10-23-92 at Lake Howell High School Senior Literature Class, Lady Cordelia and Lady Nekhbet spoke on herbs and their uses and brought plants to show.

Norrey Academie
10-17-92 Sponsored by the Canton of Mathom Trove and to be held at the Palatka Mall

Village Faire
Talewinds, July A.S. XXVI, 10-16/18-92, The Barony of Darkwater proudly presents Village Faire at Camp Winona. Classes infighting, costuming, black smithing, bardic arts, heraldry, dance, brewing and many, many more. Autocrat: Lord Serwyl ap Morgan. Feastcrat Lady Olwen ferch Rhodri & Christina Francesca.

Martinmas Moot
Talewinds, August A.S. XXVI, 11-6/8-92, Hear all by this missive, Trimaris needs a heir to that end join us as the citizens of Trimaris present Martinmas Moot at North Florida Christian Camp. There shall be an arts forum and workshops in the hall after the lists. You are invited to bring and exhibit your arts, completed or in progress. There will be vocal performances, and also the Poet Laureate Competition. Autocrats: HL Laura de Botelsford & Lady Alysoun Jeuneterre. Feastcrats HL Una of Blackberry Hollow & Lady Teamair of Glendalough

Baronial Bash XX
Talewinds, September A.S. XXVI 10-23/25-92, The Barony of Wyvernwood and Their Excellencies Baron Sir Erich von Kampf and HL Cathlin Emryss are proud to announce the investiture of the next Baron and Baroness of Wyvernwood, HL Aidian Gerhardt d’ Languedoc and HL Marina Sabine Gerhardt. This event to take place at Camp Wewa. Autocrat: Ld Henricus Egidus Mauropus. Feastcrats: Ldy Melisande Aubrey d’Anjou & Kalim al Ibar.
This year’s Baronial Bash marks the 20th anniversary of the Barony of Wyvernwood. This is a significant historical event for all of us. Twenty years ago, Wyvernwood was the first shire formed in an area of the East Kingdom destined to become our own fair Kingdom.

Talewinds, November A.S. XXVI, 11-21& 22-92 Once again it is time for Caravanserai, presented by the Shire of Storm. Our scouts have returned with news that the caravan from the eastern lands approaches. We will mark its safe arrival with feasting, dance and merrymaking. We invite the population of Trimaris to join us in the celebration. The event will be held at Boyd Hill park. A Trimarian Triathlon: The tug o’ war, comrade carry, chariot races. The traditional Trimaris Trivia- presented by the Honorable Mistress Katherine de Angelique. The defender of the Caravan combat lyst, Cattle Raids, light weapons and possibly an IKAC shoot. Autocrat: Lord Leonidas. Feastcrat Tuirvean of Storm.

Trimarian Gymkhana
Talewinds, November A.S. XXVI, 11-27/29-92. Sponsored by the Office for Equestrian Affairs. Primitive camping only, bring your own drinking water. Feast pot luc. Practice, games, authorization. Contact Lady Ariella of Beinn Dhubh.

On 11-4-92 the Shire of Sea March held a demo for the Ponicanna Private School for approximately 100 6th graders. Members spoke about life in the middle ages, taught a dane and answered questions about that time period.
From 11-7/8-93 participated in the South Florida Science Museums Renaissance Festival. Members provided both active and static demos including fighting, dancing, weaving, hearaldry and other activities. Approximately 20 members were involved in this event and we have been invited back next year.
On 12-4/5-93 members provided atmosphere and color for the Florida Atlantic University’s first annual Madrigal Dinner. Both Sea March and Sangre del Sol members participated
On 12-11/12-92, members provided atmosphere and color for St. Ignatious Catholic Church’s annual Madrigal Dinner.

The Shire of Oldenfeld participated in Astoria Park Elementary School’s “Life in the Middle Ages” which encompassed the first two weeks in December. Many of the members taught classes in various aspects of medieval living such as children’s games, puppetry, fighting, heraldry, embroidery, instrumental music, singing, dancing and archery. The Oldenfeld Players performed the play, “Goblin Dance” for a school assembly. Our instrumentalists provided music at the school’s lunch time feast.

On 12-8-92 the Shire of Oldenfeld was invited to hold a fighting and historical demo at Fort Braden Elementary School. The fighters really interacted with the children who tried on armor and shields.

The Shire of Oldenfeld made a float and participated in the Holiday Fantasy Parade on 12-4-92. It involved many late nights preparing the float which was titled “Christmas Knights” The end result was well worth all the hard work. We were no sooner finished marching and singing when everyone was talking about doing it again in the Springtime Tallahassee Parade in March.

Ceilidh Ceilidh
Talewinds, September A.S. XXVI, 12-4/6-92, The investiture of Cailean and Islay as Baron and Baroness of Darkwater and Trimaris’ annual toys for tots lyst. To be held at Camp Wewa. Fighters bring a new unwrapped toy to enter the lyst. All gentles will receive a three dollar rebate on the site fee if a new, unwrapped toy ($5 or more in value) is brought. Autocrat: Lady Cherie Elaine Viau. Feastcrat: Lord Johan Gotz Kauffman von Erfurt.

Baron’s Champion Lyst
Talewinds, November A.S. XXVI, 11-14-92, The Barony of Darkwater presents the Baron’s Champion Lyst at Pace School. Covered Dish feast, Best favor contest. Autocrat Lord Michel du Cygne Noir.

Canterbury Tales
12-12-92 Presented by the Shire of Brineside Moor

12-12-92, held by the Barony of Darkwater

Winter Festival
Talewinds, November A.S. XXVI, 12-18/20-92, The Shire of Oldenfeld invites you to attend our Yuletide Celebration at the FSU Seminole Reservation. Oldenfeld, the Land of Enchantments, invites all good gentles from Trimaris and lands beyond to join us in a weekend of friendly competition and comradery. Look forward to a lyst, a quest, an Art/Sci display, dancing, a play, classes, and more. Autocrat: Lady Catriona Amber Roche.