Recent Kingdom Notes

February 16, 2025

The Kingdom of Trimaris

The Three Seas of Power

Trimaris History – 1994

21 min read


Hero of the Chalice
Talewinds January AS XXVIII, 1994 On 12-31-93 to 1-3-94, the Barony of Wyvernwood proudly presents Hero of the Chalice, New Year’s Eve celebration at Camp Keystone. In greeting thenew year we will have a celebration Friday night in the Feast Hall, with music, mulled cider and revelry of all sorts. On Saturday, the next Hero of the Chalice shall be made. This year’s lyst will test your fighting prowess, your wits and your creativity. That means a lyst, a board game and an art/sci competition of sorts. Throughout the day there will be an archery competition, an equestrian competition, a live weapons lyst and a fencing lyst. Glorious prizes from Baronial artisans will be given away to the winners of each respective lyst. We shall treat you to a grandiose feast whereas you shall be so satisfied that you shall not want to move from your chair. To work off your dinner, we shall have dancing and play a quaint little game called Bells & Pillows. Autocrat Lady Lisabetta Maria da Firenze, Feastcrat, Lady Aurora Danielle Trevelyan & Lady Brenna Caitlin MacGrioghair.
At the Royal Court
Order of the Pelican – Aidian Gerhardt de Languedoc
Court Baronage – Fredrich Karl Kyburg
Gabrelle di Calabrisi
Order of the Arc d’Or – James Standish
Grant of Arms – James Standish
Order of the Silver Shield – Drell Mclan Blackwood
Award of Arms – Eiena Megan McDougall
Travis the Carver
Diego Alexandro Miranda de Saavendray Madrid
Rodger van Morrell
Stefan Gray of Kent
Order of the Wyvern’s Claw – Heinrich von Holtzpritzer

Twelfth Night
Talewinds January AS XXVIII, 1994 On 1-7/9-94, the Shire of Southkeep invites you to the annual Festival of Twelfth Night to be held at Camp Wewa. There will be reveling, questing, lysting, fighting, merriment and the Order of the Grey Beard’s Annual Lyst. Autocrat Lady Alysoun Jeuneterre, Feastcrat Branwyn ferch Madoc.
At the Royal Court
Order of the Arc d’Or – Adan Calentaur
Grant of Arms – Adan Calentaur
Award of Arms – Arnvast Thorvaidson
Rhiannon Firewalker
Sven Dragon Ormson
Barak Bjorn Oth
Lasair de Slaine

Winter Art/Sci
Talewinds January AS XXVIII, 1994 On 1-14/16-94 the Shire of Oldenfeld is deliriously delighted to present the Winter Arts & Sciences Faire to be held at Camp Winona. Besides the regular Arts & Sciences competition and a plethora of TRU classes, there will be a Prince Flinging Competition, a thief game, a surprise Mystery Game, puppet madness (with an all new show) and more. Duke Baldar and Lady Judith Maryse will be preparing a particularly sumptuous feast. There will be a beggar’s feast also available. Autocrat Lord Giovanni di Rienzi.
Heptathalon Categories: Food Preparation, Illumination, Poetry, Historical, Leatherwork, Lace, and Men’s Costume.
At the Royal Court
Order of the Laurel – Ann of Hendon
Order of the Silver Trident – Anestasiya Ostromirovna Zadorova
Grant of Arms – Finnoughula Suile Uaini
Ysabela Celestina Manrique de Paima y Majorca
Order of the Argent Scales – Ysabela Celestina Manrique de Paima y Majorca
Order of the Trade Winds – Finnoughuala Suile Uaini
Award of Arms – Ann du Bayonne sur L’Adour
Kathryn of Tewkesbury
Muirenn Ingen ui Celleachair
Kaine Ashburne
Connor MacGyver

Winter Revel
On 1-22-94, the Barony of Darkwater will hold their winter revel at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Orlando.

Winter Lyst
Talewinds January AS XXVIII, 1994 On 1-29-94 the Shire of Glymmerholde presents Midwinter Lyst and Revel to be held at Terry Park, Ft. Myers. There will be a Squires Lyst, Melee Team Lyst, Archery and a Heraldic Roadshow. Co-Autocrats Klaus von Salzburg and William of the Tower. Feastcrat Siegfried Heydrich.

Cambier Park Medieval Faire
Talewinds January AS XXVIII, 1994 On 1-30-94, the Shire of Ac’Scrin will be sponsoring the 8th Annual Cambier Park Medieval Demonstration and Fair. All persons skilled in the arts, sciences, drafts of any kind or performing arts are invited to come and participate. Demonstrate your wares or offer them for sale, or show your fighting ability in our list of Champions of Chivalry. It costs nothing by your time, and we guarantee a good one. Each year this demo has been bigger and better than the one before. And it’s free. Autocrat, Lord Darius the Elder.

Cutlasses & Corsairs
Talewinds January AS XXVIII, 1994 On 2-4/6-94 the proud Shire of Castlemere welcomes you to attend Cutlasses & Corsairs held at Camp Immokalee. Activities include light weapons, heavy weapons, boarding party, a quest, Raid the Tavern, Bear Pit, Mongol Ball, lots of children’s activities. Autocrat Guillaume LeClerc, Feastcrat, HL Magbalena de Segovia

Estrella X
Talewinds January AS XXVIII, 1994 On 2-16/21-94 Estrella War X will be held at Estrella Mountain Park, Goodyear AZ.
Talewinds April AS XXVIII, 1994 From the Crown, LLwyelyn, Rex Trimaris “I would like to thank the Kingdom, especially the Kingdom Officers, for sending and trusting me to represent Trimaris at Estrella during the meeting of the Crowns of the Known World. Estrella War …Every Crown was either present or represented except Drachenwald. The Crowns met in order to discuss the recent decisions and changes made by the board of Directors, and decide if any and what king of action needed to be taken regarding the BOD’s recent mandates and problems. It appeared to me the majority of the Crowns expressed deep concern not over the decisions the board had made bu the way they made them. Many of us there felt the BOD had acted hastily to a chronic problem and should have consulted at least some part of the participants of the society on issues of this magnitude. The participants of the SCA are the only resource we have and should be considered our most valuable asset. It is every SCA member’s commitment and money that allows all of us the freedom of fulfill our individual dreams and continue to live history.
The Crowns, by and large, felt the participants and members of the SCA are not represented by the BOD on many issues and felt that better representation for the society on governing policies was required. It was for these reasons that the Crowns drafted a request statement demand that the BOD take action to create better representation from the kingdoms. Essentially this draft was a formal request from the Kingdoms that the BOD be enlarged to 13 members, one from each Kingdom representing that Kingdom, as soon as possible. This is only a strong proposal and I do not know how the BOD will act upon it. All the Crowns present signed this draft, except for two, thereby making it a consensus from the Kingdoms of the Known World. Many other topics were discussed throughout the weekend: Pay for Play, the Budget, Accountability, rate increase, etc. Most of thse concerns the Crowns hope will be addressed by an expanded and better represented board.”

Trident Tourney
Talewinds January AS XXVIII, 1994 On 2-18/20-94 the Barony of Darkwater presents Trident Tourney & Queen’s Tri-Jewel Competition at Camp Keystone. At this event, in addition tot he Trident Tourney Lyst there will be the Queen’s Tri-Jewel competition which consists of a heavy weapons lyst, a light weapons lyst plus a target archery competition. To win the Queen’s Tri-Jewel Competition you must compete in all three divisions. The winner of the Tri-Jewel will be determined by a point system for those who compete in all three styles, therefore it will not be necessary to win in all three categories to take the jewel. Autocrat Lady Caroline Elizabeth FitzPatrick. Feastcrat Lord Johann Goetz Kauffman von Erfurt.
At the Royal Court of Llewelyn & Una
Order of the Silver Trident – Feargus MacBruce
Argent Sword of Trimaris -Roland de Germaine
Toirdhealbhach Cait Dubh
Grant of Arms – Jean Claude Dominique Jeanin
Andrew William Montgomery
Toirdhealbhach Cait Dubh
Duncan Angus MacDonald
Feargus MacBruce
Order of the Argent Scales – Duncan Angus MacDonald
Order of the Trade Winds – Rolant von Reichenau
Lauran Chu Caelan

Oldenfeld’s Anniversary Event
Talewinds January AS XXVIII, 1994 On 2-25/27-94 This year Oldenfeld will celebrate its anniversary in Arabic Style. The autocrats have come up with some very interesting activities and HL Suzanne de Firenze will prepare a lavish Arabic Feast. Autocrats Lord Jean Paul Ruthendale & Logan MacDonnell

Spring Coronation
Talewinds February AS XXVIII, 1994 On 3-11/13-94 the Shire of Starhaven and the College of Golden Keype sponsor the Coronation of HRH Count LLwyellyn ap Cadwallader and HRH Mistress Una of Blackberry Hollow, at the YMCA Camp Wewa. Activities include a scrumptious breakfast, arts & Sci classes, combat archery class, a fabulous feast, children’s activities, dancing, revelry and more. Autocrat Baron Janos der Kleine
At the Royal Court
County – Brenna Catriona Dunn
Order of the Laurel -Gabrielle di Calabrisi
Tamara Ivanovna Nabokova
Court Baronage – Suzanne Renee Barineau da Firenze
Order of the Silver Trident – Carmenetta Roseia Diez de Rodriques
Order of the White Scarf – Mittion Wyndryder
Grant of Arms – Rolant von Reichenau
Nadira Bechara
Mittion Wyndryder
Order of the Trade Winds – Nadira Bechara
Order of the Silver Shield – Cadwyd Enwir
Award of Arms – Cadwyd Erwir
Eachna Muirin der Macha
Quintana Amena Delloyns
Iain Ferguson
Galvano Barbera
Roisin ni Lachvmar
Michelina Angelina di Borgia
Arco McCain
Rosalynde Aelfricsdottir
Cahir Nacoille Muire
Bokalo Cherise

Gulf Wars III
Talewinds January AS XXVIII, 1994 On 3-17/20-94 the Shire of Dragons Weal is proud to present another Gulf Wars at Kings Arrow Ranch in Lumberton MS. There will be a children’s pavilion, fencing demo, a best period encampment, and an arts and science competition.
At the Royal Court of Llewelyn & Una
Augmentation of Arms – Eric of Telemark

Talewinds June AS XXVIII, 1994 From the Knights Marshal, Earl Benen MacTire: “..Those of you who were not there missed one of the better events we have ever been involved in. Not only did we have a good time but acts of chivalry, courtesy and honor offered by all involved were a humbling experience indeed. It is good knowing that there are still a large number of people that do this for the pure enjoyment of the act. There was even a large fort built for us to both defend and attack. Not hay bales mind you, but a large structure with earthenworks, towers and a gate.

Gathering of the Clans
Talewinds March AS XXVIII, 1994 On 4-1/3-94 the Barony of Darkwater calls you to protect the highlands, gather the clans. To be held at Camp Wewa. Autocrats Curteis, Sapphira Vedreyana von Tiber, Feastcrat, Killian Seamus O’Farrel
At the Royal Court of Llewelyn & Una
Order of the Chivalry – Kalim al Ibar
Order of the Argent Scales – Haakon Bjornson
Elizabeth Stafford Parr Pembroke
Award of Arms – Sapphira Vedreyana von Tiber
Dubhessa ni Celeachain

Celebration of Chivalry & Courtly Love
On 4-8/10-94 the Shire of Sea March will hold their Spring Event at the FOP Lodge in West Palm Beach, FL. There will be the Champion of the Rose light weapons tourney and the Token Lyst for heavy weapons. Archery competitions, Bardic competitions and more. Autocrats Lady Bridgit Caileen of the Moors and Lord Jason the Fletcher

Fool’s War VI
Talewinds March AS XXVIII, 1994 On 4-14/17-94 the Shire of Novus Mattasco presents Fools War VI held at Lake Tobosofkee. Art/Sci categories are: Embroidery favors & tokens; brewing & vinting; SCA proper armory; leather working; costuming 500-1349, 1350-1600 & non-european; Bardic Skills, period story telling; cooking and baking; jewelry; drawing and painting; eyewear.

St. Brigit’s Faire
Talewinds March AS XXVIII, 1994 On 4-22/24-94 the Shire of Brineside Moor presents a kingdom fund-raiser, St. Brigit’s Faire at Boyd Hill Nature Park. There will be heavy & light weapons, prize lists, archery, feasting and merriment. Autocrat Master Erik of Telemark, Feastcrat Iain MacBoltoph de Errol.
At this event Master Erik of Telemark turned over the Seneschal’s Office to Lady Olwen ferch Rhodri

St. George’s Faire
Talewinds January AS XXVIII, 1994 On 4-30-94 to 5-1-94 The Canton of Mathom Trove will hold St. George’s Faire at Camp Winona. There will be a Crested Helm Prize Tourney, bid on your favorite fighter for the right to choose among the sumptuous prizes donated by Trimaris Artisans. Witness the Battle of the Behemoths Lord Grimm and Lord Andrew William. Bring your bow for the Popinjay Shoot. Autocrat Baron Taliesynne, Feastcrat Lady Laura de Botelesford.
At the Royal Court of Llewlyn & Una
Order of the Pelican – Laura de Botelesford
Court Baronage – Romas the Mapmaker

A Thank You
Talewinds April AS XXVIII, 1994 After hearing of the devastation in Hawaii following Hurricane Iniki, the Kingdom of Caid established the SCA Kauai Relief Fund. Once it was determined that there was no further need for relief funds in the Kingdoms of Meridies and Trimaris following Hurricane Andrew, the balance of the funds in the Trimarian-Meridian Relief Fund (more than $1,300.00) was transferred to the SCA Kauai Relief Fund. The following thank you letter arrived with a request that it be published in Talewinds. “We wish to send our heartfelt thanks to all who helped us after Hurricane Iniki devastated our Island. The care packages of much needed items sent from the Barony of the Western Seas and the Kingdom of Caid helped us when supplies were not available on this island. The SCA Kauai Relief Fund, organized by the mutual help of the Kingdoms of Trimaris, Meridies and Caid, helped us through financial difficulties. Letters, cards and calls were greatly appreciated. Your prayers, and kind concern were instrumental in helping us keep our spirits up. Although a year and a half has passed since the hurricane ravaged our island, we are still in the long recovery process, and have much left to do. Many of the buildings on our island were completely destroyed, and still remain as piles of rubble, ghostly reminders of the disaster. However, we press on toward our goal of recovery. We thank you for the continuing support and friendship that has been extended to us from all over the Known World. Raven of Heronsmarsh, Seneschal of the Incipient Canton of Peridot Isle

A Day of Court Life
Talewinds April AS XXVIII, 1994 On 5-7-94, the Shire of Sangre del Sol cordially invites you to their 19th anniversary event held at the Miener Dance and Ballroom Club in Boca Raton. Dance class, dancing and more dancing. Light weapons fighting, Jousting Competition (no experience needed) A bardic competition, medieval games, children’s games, light weapons Event Champions Lyst and a High Court Masque Ball. Autocrat Kaelon of Del Morte, Feastcrat Ian Patrick O’Shaunessy.

New Year’s Equestrian Event
On 5-7-94 an Equestrian event was held at Boyd Hill Nature park, sponsored by the Ministry of Equestrian Affairs.

Swampthing VI
On 5-13/15-94 the Shire of Swampkeype is to hold their event at the Ramada Inn Campgrounds.

Lion’s Tourney
Talewinds April AS XXVIII, 1994 On 5-13/15-94 the Shire of Oldenfeld invites you to attend Lions’s Tourney held at the F.S.U. Seminole Reservation. Bring your stealth and cunning to Oldenfeld and participate in the many activities dedicated to the ancient art of thievery. There will also be fighting activities throughout the day, including Dog Ball. And you won’t want to miss out on Lord Cedric’s feast or entertainment afterwards. Autocrats Alanna the Harmless and Kali.
At the Royal Court
Order of the Argent Scales – Bianca di Rienzi
Giovanni di Rienzi

Award of Arms – Logan McDonnell

Trimaris Memorial Tourney
Talewinds April AS XXVIII, 1994 On 5-27/30-94 the Barony of Darkwater presents Crown Lyst. Autocrat Lord Mikhail Litvak, Feastcrats Sunday Baron Heinrich von Guggenheim, Sunday, Lord Johann Goetz Kauffman von Erfurt.
At the Royal Court of Llewelyn and Una
Order of the Chivalry – Toirdhelbhach Cait Dubh (Tearlach)
Order of the Laurel – Silvja the Landlady (Midrealm)
Order Of the Triskele Trimaris – Janos der Kiene
Order of the Arc d’Or – Erika Bjornsdottir
Award of Arms – Randolfe Cain
Kenneth Robyn Hawkewood
Dafydd ap Gryffyn
Catarina Ginevra Falconieri
Esteban Vincente Manrique de Santiago
Andrea of Lancaster
Myfanwy Crisant ferch Dafydd


Summer Arts/Sci Faire
Talewinds May AS XXVIII, 1994 On 6-10/12-94 the Shire of Castlemere and the Stronghold of the Northern Marches present Summer Arts and Sciences Faire to be held at the North Florida Christian Service Camp. Autocrat Lady Corrinne Caudillo, Feastcrat Lord Thomas MacConor
At the Royal Court of Llewelyn & Una
Augmentation of Arms – Elspeth Trelawney MacNaughton of Lochawe
Territorial Baronage – Ibrahim ibn Abih al Thaalibi
Gwennan ferch Gwydion o’Ddyved
Court Baronage – Margaret Elizabeth Aison of Devon
Grant of Arms – Ibrahim ibn Abih al Thaalibi
Gwennan ferch Gwydion o’Ddyved
Award of Arms – Subadai the Bear
Avery Seaward
Gorigg Baconson of Darkwater
Sebastian Halyburton
Bran Duncan
Arturi Xavier
Guillaume le Clerc
Vladimir Zhaba
Order of the Coss and Serpent – Tailesynne
Roibeard MacSluaghadnain
Teodoria Maria de la Valle
Ibrahim ibn Abih al Thaalibi
Etienne de Langref

Known World Heraldic Symposium
Talewinds January AS XXVIII, 1994 On 6-25/27-94 the Kingdom of Trimaris is pleased to present the 1994 Known World Heraldic Symposium at the Quality Hotel, Orlando. There will be a full schedule of Heraldry, Scribal and Onomastics classes. Autocrat Baron Serwyl ap Morgan.
Order of the Argent Scales – Cateline de la Mor la souriete
Award of Arms – Adsiltia Filla Horoni
Guillaume Dammartin Agiovale de Vey

Midsummer Knight’s Dream and Trimarian War College
Talewinds June AS XXVIII, 1994 On 7-1/4-94 The Shire of Narval Dorado hosts the Trimarian War College at Boyd Hill. Besides the Trimarian War College activities include target archery shoot, tag-team lyst, period gaming and a 25 question medieval history quiz put on by Mistress Cateline de la Mor las Souriete. There will be two full days of fighting, classes and fun. Classes and Discussions will be held on all aspects of war, unit combat, cooking at a war, packing for a war, chirurgeoning at war, tactics both SCA and historical. There will be combat and target archery. The Order of the White Scarf will be teaching rapier combat. On Sunday there shall also be a five man melee team prize tourney. A tavern style feast by Kellan Michaelson will also be available. Autocrat Liamuin Ingen Sillan.
At the Royal Court
Grant of Arms – Geoffrey Maynard of York
Award of Arms – Tatiana Alkesandrovna Ragoza
Staffan Torburg

Royal Visit to Los Castillos de Oro
In July the Crowns propose a visit to our most distant Shire

The August Collegium
Talewinds July AS XXVIII, 1994 On 8-6-94, the Shire of Brineside Moor presents the August Collegium at the Church of the Nativity in Sarasota. Instructors include Mistress Laura de Botelesford, Mistress Cateline de la mor la Souriete, Mistress Warjna Waleska Kaztjmur and Master Sean de Carrigfergus. Autocrat Catherine the Merry, Feastcrat David Humberd

Pennsic War XXIII
Event starts officially on 8-13-94 and ends on 8-21-94. Held at Cooper’s Lake Campground, Slippery Rock PA.
Award of Arms – Sable of the Bear Clan
Caitlin of the Healing Hands
Damien of the Black Moor
Alicandro (Scout)
Annot Healfdene

Bog Bash III
Talewinds July AS XXVIII, 1994 On 8-19/21-94 The Barony of Wyvernwood presents Bog Bash III at Camp Keystone. Journey with us back to the days when Vikings roamed the seas. Test your skill in archery and in the Javelin and Axe Toss. Challenge your mental prowess in a new quest and your fighting acumen in a Viking sea battle. Try your mettle in the Sea Treasure Hung. Partake of Bog Bash tradition with Bog Ball and Kill the Herald relay. Autocrat Staffan Thorburg, feastcrat Lady Elena Maegan McDougall. Staffan Thorburg and Tatiana Ragoza would like to invite the populace of Trimaris to join them in their wedding to take place Saturday evening following court.

Fall Coronation
Talewinds July AS XXVIII, 1994 On 9-2/5-94 The Order of the Triskele Trimaris presents Fall Coronation to be held at Camp Wewa. Come join in a long weekend of feasting and revelry as we herald in the new Crown. Fighters are requested to join in the lyst, others are invited to watch. Come learn with us, there will be many classes for newcomers as well as old hands. Many of the works of Trimaris’ artisans will be on display. Autocrat Mistress Oriana Goldenhair.
At the Royal Court
Duchy – Llwyelyn ap Cadwallader
County – Una of Blackberry Hollow
Order of the Chivalry – Jean Paul Ruthendale (the Mace)
Order of the Rose – Una of Blackberry Hollow
Court Barony – Natalija Varvara Stoianova
Guillermo da Firenze
Grant of Arms – Teamhair Gleann da Locha
Takamatsu Asmirau no kami Tadyoshi
Iefan yr Colledig ap Donal o’Abertawe
Russel de Crawford
Order of the Silver Trident – Russell de Crawford
Order of the Trimarian Sword – Takamatsu
Order of the Argent Scales – Andre Jean Faucon
Stevyn Beinn nam fooghla
Order of the Trade Winds – Rorik Kellerwald, called Ivanthol
Award of Arms – Roxanne Heather Michaud o’Malley
Kato Tametomo
Katherine of Trollhaven
Luchia de Mar
Angelique Marielle du Bois
Cathal mac Tiernan
Cairn o’Farrell
Phyllyn ap Gruffydd
Elizabeth of Cranston
Rioghnach Slaine ni Chonaill
Bressal MacMillian
Branwen ferch Madoc
Lief, called Longswymmer
Eibhlin MacAedh
Order of Trimarian Gratitude – Erika Bjornsdottir
Seosaidh mac Seosaidh
Benen MacTire
Rosabel de Burgundy
Roxanne Heather Michaud O’Malley
Phalen ap Cadwalladre
Alec Mackenzie
William of the Tower
Terrell Dunstan Arminger
Parlan MacRonin
Cairn O’Farrell
Order of the Emerald Sea – Dunlait na Sullie Donne
Ann of Adour
Teamhair Gleann da Locha
Eglantine de Wolfe
Cara Angiola Boccacio
Aspasia Jeanne Cartier
Laura de Botelesford
Rana Ansari
Order of the Argent Estoile – Warjna Waleska Kaztjmjr
Order of the Argent Palm – John Fitzarnulf of Lithia
Thirza Leonovna Demisovskia
Crown’s Order of Gratitude – Elfwyn de Barfleur
Diane Wyndalan
Becc of Cork
Cian the Smith, called Tempus
Iain MacIain

From Agincourt to Zabonara
Talewinds July AS XXVIII, 1994 On 9-9/11-94 The shire of Sea March will hold their 15th Anniversary event at the FOP Lodge, West Palm Beach. Come celebrate by joining us as your favorite 15th century person. Battle scenarios to include Agincourt (combat archery_ Zagonara (battle of the undead) and Grenada (two handed weapons). There will also be light weapons, tavern melees, IKAC archery, bardic, dancing and contests including an art/sci competition. Autocrats Lord Tormod Maclry & Lady Quintana Amena de Llyons. Feastcrat, Lady Fleur de Valais. This is a tenting only event.
At the Royal Court of TRM Wulfere and Nadira
Grant of Arms – Bridgit Caileen of the Moors
Order of the Argent Scales – Bridgit Caileen of the Moors
Fleur de Valais
Award of Arms – Roger Corin Sartre
Order of the Argent Palm – Jason the Fletcher

Champion of Glymmerholde Lyst & Revel
Talewinds May AS XXVIII, 1994 On 9-17-94 the Shire of Glymmerhold will hold a lyst and revel at Terry Park in Ft. Myers. The Champion of Glymmerhold lyst, a novice lyst, melee lyst, archery tournament. Co- autocrats Brenna Jerabek and Lady Gillianne De Solis. Feastcrat Lady Gwenna of Swansea.

Festival of the Harvest Moon
Talewinds August AS XXVIII, 1994 On 9-23/25-94 the Shire of Oldenfeld is pleased to present Festival of the Harvest Moon V to be held at Camp Indian Springs. Come celebrate the Festival in Celtic style. There will be a lyst, dog ball, TRU classes on Celtic life and dress, the popular Purple Unicorn Tavern. Autocrat Lady Catriona Amber Roche, Feastcrat Mistress Katerina Sbarbaro da Firenze.

Viking Foray
Talewinds July AS XXVIII, 1994 On 9-23/25-94, Shire of Amurgorod sponsors Viking Foray V at Camp Wewa. “O Beware fellow Trimarians, barbarians amuck! Vikings and Mongols Oh My! The OGB will host the Young Whipper Snapper’s and New Fighters Lysts. Other activities will include live steel berserker course. Pillage the Tavern Raid and Cut Purse Competition. Autocrat Stanislous Baranowski and Sapphira Vedreyana von Tiber. Feastcrats Elysa Baranowski and Katok.

War College
Talewinds September AS XXVIII, 1994 On 10-7/9-94 sponsored by the Barony of Wyvernwood at Camp Keystone. Come and learn from the best warriors of the Known World. A casual, fight till you drop event. Classes taught on Marshall Arts and the gentler arts. Autocrat HL Wilhelm Philip Josef von Klett, Feastcrat Rana Ansari

Village Faire
Talewinds May AS XXVIII, 1994 On 10-14/16-94, The Barony of Darkwater will hold the Village Faire at Camp Wewa. Classes in the arts and sciences of the society, fighting, costuming, bardic arts, archery, dancing and calligraphy. Autocrat Baron Hienrich von Guggenheim and Lord Nials Seamus O’Ruiarc.
At the Baronial Court of the Baron and Baroness of Darkwater, Cailean & Islay
Order of the Silver Trident – Gillian van der Walde
Grant of Arms – Gillian van der Walde
Order of the Trident Keype – Rhiannon du Tynsdale
Order of the League of the Hidden Treasure – David Leech of Glastonbury
Daibhead McVater
Order of the Acorn’s Glade – Ekaterina Adrianova Sinilnikova
Andrea of Lancaster
Eithne ni Cailen
At the Baronial Court of the Baron and Baroness of An Crosaire, Thaalibi & Gwennan.
Order of the House of the Serpent’s Torque – Anne du Bayonne sur L’Adour
Cara Angiola D’Boccacio
Roibeard Mac Sluaghain
Caitlin ni Connair
Bryn ab Urien Ysgolhaig
Frederick (aka Tim)
Order of the Cross & Serpent – Devon Kincade
Teamhair Gleann da Locha
Isabeu de Mont St. Michel
Melicent Tallant

Secret Assassin’s Other Masque Ball
Talewinds August AS XXVIII, 1994 On 10-21/23-94, Join Brineside Moor in exploring our new demo site, Shimmergreen. Join us for games, classes, feasting, masque ball, pumpkin shoot, bardic circle. Tent and crash space available. Autocrat Lady Elysia Bondesdottir.

Talewinds September AS XXVIII, 1994 On 10-22-94 the Shire of Castlemere invites all gentles with skill or interest in the arts of Calligraphy or Illumination to attend a Scriptorum to be held at the Unitarian Universalist Church. Light and Heavy weapon lyst will be held for the enjoyment of other gentles attending. A sumptuous Italian feast will be offered. Autocrat Lord Iefan yr Colledig, Feastcrat, Lord Esteban Maria

Baronial Bash
Talewinds June AS XXVIII, 1994 On 10-28/30-94, The Barony of Wyvernwood presents Baronial Bash XXII at Camp Keystone. Theme will be in keeping with our illustrious Baron and Baroness’ chosen persona “Relations between France and Italy during the Renaissance”. There will be a heavy weapons lyst, a rapier competition and a speciality archery shoot. Also featured contests will include to a poetry competition, and art/sci competition and a Thieves Contest. Autocrats Sir Fredrich Karl Kyburg and Lord James Wedgewood. Feastcrat, Lady Sara Tegan Holden.
The Royal Court of TRM Wulfere and Nadira
Court Barony – Melisande Aubrey d’Anjou
Grant of Arms – Tormond MacMannannan MacLyr
Order of the Argent Scales of Trimaris – Tormond MacMannannan MacLyr
Award of Arms – Kelwyn
Rana Ansari
Valeria Rufina Andalusiana
Alianor de Locher
Order of the Argent Estoile of Trimaris – Sara Tegan Elizabeth Frances Holden
Lisabetta Maria di Firenza
Godfrey de Shipbrook
At the Baronial Court of the Baron and Baroness of Wyvernwood, Aidan & Sabine
Order of the Wyvern’s Scale – Alienor de Locher
Genevieve nic Gwynn
Maisis of Dunbarton
Thomas Mac Corran
Order of the Wyvern’s Claw – Gabrielle di Calabrisi
Wilhelm Philip Josef von Klett

Baron’s Champion
Talewinds November AS XXVIII, 1994 On 11-4/6-94, The Baron and Baroness of Darkwater invite you to attend the list to determine the Baron’s Champion at Camp Wewa. Autocrat Lady Ciar ni Cailean, Feastcrat, Lady Meghan Oriana Lauder.
At the Baronial Court of the Baron and Baroness of Darkwater, Cailean & Islay
Order of the Trident Keype – Alfric Northwind
Order of the League Treasure – Arioghanwyn ferch Angus
Order of the Acorn’s Glade – Meghan Oriana Lauder

Martinmass Moot
Talewinds September AS XXVIII, 1994 On 11-18/20-94, House Catherine’s Wheel invites all good gentles to attend Crown Lyst and celebrate the selection of the Trimarian heirs. Featuring Crown Lyst, Laurete Competition, Brewmeister Competition, Champion of Trimaris Lyst. Autocrat HL Alyson Juenterre, Feastcrat Branwyn ferch Madoc.
At the Royal Court of TRM Wulfere and Nadira
Order of the Pelican – Alysoun Jeunterre
Order of the Argent Scales – Peadar Felic
Award of Arms – Gwydion Siwrnaiyd ap Madog ap Taliesynne Llanrhyddlad
Order of the Argent Estoile – Una of Blackberry Hollow
Order of the Trefoil Argent – Fionnghuala an Dubhsionnach
Poet Laureate – Lady Katherine Elizabeth Duncannon of Glamis

Talewinds November AS XXVIII, 1994 On 11-25/27-94, The Shire of Storm invites you to Carvanserai, to be held at Boyd Hill Nature Park. Come experience the meeting of the caravans. There will be something for everone. Defender of the Caravan lyst, rapier lyst archery competition, the Trimaris Trivia Contest, the Trimaris Triathalon. Autocrat Lady Carmela, Feastcrat Lady Fiona

Yuletide In the Highlands
12-3-94, Sea March’s annual yule event, autocrated by Lady Wulflinde Aethelwulf

Crusaders’ Christmas
Talewinds August AS XXVIII, 1994 12-9/11-94, The Shire of Brineside Moor presents Crusaders’ Christmas at Boyd Hill Nature Park. The year is 1191 A.D. and Saladin has conquered the Holy Land. Join us in Ascalon as we celebrate Christmas and Richard the Lionheart’s march to Jerusalem. Delight in a period irreverent comedy of the Nativity. The Wakefield Second Shepherd’s Pageant presented by the Fishtick Players of Brineside Moor. Enjoy a lavish Frankish/Arabic Feast. Lion’s Heart Archery Competition. Crush the Crusader/Smash the Saracen Lyst. Blacke Trump Tournament, Heraldic Twister, Come-as-your-favorite-crusader costume ball, plus children’s activities. Autocrat Lord Sebastian Blacke, feastcrat, Layd Elysia Bondesdottir and Eibhlin MacAedh.

Yuletide Event
Talewinds November AS XXVIII, 1994 On 12-9/11-94, join the Shire of Oldenfeld as we celebrate our annual Winter Festival at Camp Indian Springs. This year we celebrate in German Style with a Lansknecht Yule. Join us for fighting, Dog Ball, dancing, Tannenbaum decorating, a quest, seasonal games and our two Oldenfeld traditions – the Chinese Gift Exchange and the Most Yule-esque Dessert Contest. Also prepare for a great feast by Lady Bianca di Rienze. Maestra Katerina Sbarbaro da Firenze will be hosting the popular Purple Unicorn Tavern – the site of Puppet Madness Saturday evening. Autocrats Carmen di Rienzi & Lord Giovanni di Rienzi, Feastcrat Lady Bianca di Rienzi.

Hero of the Chalice
Talewinds November AS XXVIII, 1994 On 12-31-94/1-1-95, The Barony of Wyvernwood presents Hero of the Chalice at Camp Keystone. The time has come for us to take back our sacred Chalice of Heros. Come join us on our pilgrimage to the Holy Lands to find a warrior worthy enough to drink from the Chalice. Activities to include: The Hero of the Chalice lyst, Quest for the true Chalice, our traditional Christmas tree bonfire, a ball to ring in the New Year, classes, archery shoot. There will be a fund raising dessert auction presented by the ladies of Wyvernwood and a middle eastern feast. Autocrat Lady Ursula Aveline Handler, Feastcrat Lord Diego Alexiandro Miranda de Saavedra.