Recent Kingdom Notes

October 25, 2024

The Kingdom of Trimaris

The Three Seas of Power

Kingdom & Regional A&S Faires

Kingdom Art-Sci Faires

Trimaris hosts one Kingdom Arts & Sciences Faire each year. This Faire usually occurs in January, but the date is not set. Check the Kingdom Calendar for Specifics. 

The Art & Sciences Faire is a traditional, academic style Faire, in which individual pieces are entered into a specific category. This is an academic and artistic faire in which the entrant competes against a set parameter of rules at their chosen level. The emphasis is on education and constructive feedback. 

There are three levels of entry at each Faire: Novice, Journeyman, and Masterwork. Entries will be evaluated by a panel of judges and scored according to the criteria specified for each level of entry. Evaluation forms for each level are available to all entering prior to the faire and should be used to guide the development and completion of your project.

The Kingdom Art Sci Faire is also where champions are chosen for Gulf Wars Art Sci Competition. Champions may be chosen from Journeyman or Masterwork entries. For Art-Sci acclaims and awards, click here to learn more. 

Regional Art-Sci Faires

Regional Art-Sci Faires are held three times a year at local Baronial or Shire events.

The regional faires follow the same basic format as the Kingdom faires, including the use of the same rubrics in the Novice, Journeyman, and Masterwork categories. This allows for more opportunities for coaching and feedback leading up to the Kingdom Faire.

The Regional Art-Sci Faires (typically held in the Autumn of the year) are intended to give access, regionally, to the populace that all might benefit and hone their work in preparation for the Kingdom Art-Sci Faire (typically in January). In the past, they have included:

  • The Southern Regional Faire
    Ex Opus – Sangre de Sol & South Keep! 
  • The Central Regional Faire
    Village Fair- Barony of Darkwater! – September
  • The Northern Regional Faire
    Yule – Barony of Oldenfeld – December 

Regional Art-Sci’s are administrated and conducted by the Group running it. It is wise not to over-saturate the event year with too many (though more than the above may be conducted should the event staff choose to do so), and typically the Kingdom at large tries to hold three. If your group is interested, co-ordinate your efforts with the KMOAS via today and lead the way! All entrants, entry types, and scores must be reported to the KMOAS. Comment Only entries also welcome.

Not Sure Where to Start?

Learn How to Enter Your Project into Kingdom/Regional Arts & Science Faire