Recent Kingdom Notes

February 16, 2025

The Kingdom of Trimaris

The Three Seas of Power

Trimaris History – 1991

26 min read


Twelfth Night and Crown Lyst
Talewinds, January AS XXV On 1-4/6-91 The Shire of Peregrine Springs and Southkeype present Crown Lyst Twelfth Night at Camp Wewa. Poet Laureate competition. Autocrat Cedric Steinhauser, Feastcrat Lord Heinrich von Gugenheim
Crown Prince – Syr Brendan mac Angus
Crown Princess – Aine Swrdwal
At the Court of TRM Huan and Anastasia
Order of the Bards Laureate – Alexander Mareschal
Grant of Arms – Ann of Hendon
Order of the Laurel – Aspasia Jeanne Cartier
Augmentation of Arms – Enriqueta Isabel de Reyes y Mora
Court Baroncy – Islay Elspeth of Glen Meara
Order of the Black Widow – Becc of Cork
Ines Cecilia de Marcy of Allerton
Order of the Argent Palm – Grania ni Fhearghuis
Basilia de Mercier
Order of the Argent Estoile – Severin Mattazanni
Kamber MacKinnon
Basilia de Mercier
Award of Arms – Nekhbet bint Hanan
Catherine Gabriella Ledbury-Smythe
Bethia O’Tighernaigh
Branwen of Crawford
Melidowyn Aene
Order of the Watchful Flame – Stevyn of Beinn nam faoghla
Order of the Silver Trident – Taliesin David Concannon
Order of the Morningstar – Wulfhilda de Bond
Drell Mclan Blackwood
Elden ap Hewyl
Poet Laureate – Milisciul Evans

Talewinds, December AS XXV “Share the Dream”
Unto the Good Gentles of Trimaris, At Crown Lyst on 1-5-91, Share the Dream will begin. This project is a joint effort between the Kingdom of Trimaris and the Children’s Wish Foundation for terminally ill children.
At the event, a child will be made a prince of princess for a day. Special ceremonies and gift presentation will be planned for this child. This was done in Caid with great success and we hope to make it as great a success in Trimaris.
Soon our Seneschal will receive information about the child and a list of items needed for gifts. I would ask that as many groups as possible plan to present gifts or special honors to this child. We want to make this day a very special memory for both the child and the child’s family. If you have ideas, gifts, presentations, please contact me. Gianetta de Remigio Welser
Talewinds, March AS XXV Unto the Good Gentles of Trimaris: Share the Dream was far more than a success, it was a fantasy come true for a very special child. As the day with Princess Victoria and her family progressed, repeatedly her parents would express their amazement at the kindness and generosity of our populace. They saw the respect and chivalry that was displayed towards not just her; but towards the whole family.
Your outpouring of love and gifts has had a profound effect upon her and all who met her. She has taken her gifts, and especially her beautiful crowns, to school with videos of her day, and to her church as well. She gets all of her gifts out each day just to look at them. Everyone who meets her also gets a detailed description of her day as a princess. There is no way I can ever express my appreciation and gratitude for all the kindness and special considerations that were given to Princess Victoria, not to mention the wonderous gifts you so freely gave. I guess her mother expressed the day best when she said that the day was a special blessing given to Victoria by wonderful people. Thank you Trimaris, Sincerely Gianetta di Remigio Welser
A copy of the letter received from Princess Victoria was printed in Talewinds:
“Dear King and Queen, and all the people in the Kingdom – I want to tell you all what a wonderful day I had. It was like a wonderful fairy tale. All of you in the kingdom have such big hearts to have made me such wonderful gifts. I have placed all of them around my room and my mom says it looks like a real princess room. Again, thank you for the honor of being your princess. My dress, my crowns, my shoes, my bunny, my sword and my sheild and all of the other wonderful things I will keep forever. Oh! also my lady-in-waiting, thank you all too. Love Princess Victoria”
The Herald’s meeting at Crown Lyst will include a survey course on calligraphic styles and a presentation on the new Kingdom Scribes’ Guild. We hope the new Order of Precedence will be ready.
Attention! Unto the populace of Trimaris, at Twelfth Night, the upcomming Crown Lyst, the Scribes Guild of Trimaris will be formally initiated. All persons intersted in the following areas – painting, calligraphy, papermaking, illumination, gilding, bookbinding, drawing, inkmaking, scrollmaking, printing, Runic inscriptions, Mayan Glyphs, heraldic emblazoning, Chinese Sumie calligraphy, Hebrew and Arabic calligraphy, Egyptian and Phoenician Hieroglyphs and Sumerian and Babylonian Cuneiform. If you are interested in joining the guild or starting a chapter within your local group or just interested in learning, call Lord Ambrosius Glasleathad.

12th Night
On 1-5-91, Lost Castillos del Oro celebrated Twelfth Night. The Group made a $25.00 donation to the Kingdom from funds collected at this event.

Hero of the Chalice
Talewinds, January AS XXV A Barony of Wyvernwood event to be held 1-11/13-91, at Camp Keystone, featuring: Firday night at hte Fights Fencing Lyst, Olde Grey Beards’ lyst, The Hunt, and the Hero of the Chalice Lyst. Autocrats Lord Henricus and Alexandra Astrith Scintellare Trygvasson, Feastcrat Gryfn
At the Court of TRM Huan and Anastasia
Grant of Arms – Aidian Gerhardt de Languedoc
Order of the White Scarf – Lisabetta Maria de Tolve
Nelidowyn Aene
Order of the Silver Trident – Andreana de Montfort
Order of the Watchful Flame – Dorian of the Moors
Order of the Argent Scales – Duillermo da Firenze
Order of the Wyvern’s Claw – Henricus of Wyvernwood
Award of Arms – Jen of Wyvernwood
Stradh the Impailer

Winter Art/Sci
Talewinds, January AS XXVOn 1-18/20-91, The Shire of Oldenfeld presents Winter Arts and Sciences at Camp Keystone. Featuring: the Arts and Sciences Competition; Trimarian Royal University Calsees; A quest in the Afternoon based on the Nine Muses of Greek Mythology; Arts and Sciences Displays; Masque Laureate competition; and a Hearty Feast. Autocrat Master Guillermo Perez, Feastcrat Bantiarna Fiona
At the Court of TRM Huan and Anastasia
Order of the Laurel – Xanthus Drake Ruthendale
Court Baroncy -Oriana Goldenhair
Grant of Arms – Alexander Mareschal
Order of the Heralds Tressure – Cateline de la Mor la Souriete
Order of the Silver Trident – Eric of Telemark
Kamber MacKinnon
Order of the Argent Estoile – Genevieve nic Gwym
Suzanne Renee Barineau
Order of the Triskel Trimaris – Heindrich von Guggenheim
Award of Arms – Jean Paul the Mace
Lorin Lune De Colline
Brian O’Seanachain
Masque Laureate -Ines Cecilia de Marcy of Allerton
Talewinds, March AS XXV From the Seneschal – Many thanks to all the good gentles who assisted during “Blow-Sci”. His highness was a very valuable person to have around in a crisis. I truly don’t know how Their Majesties managed to finish cout with all the noise and confusion the storm created. They were magnificiant…As always, you goode folke came through in a pinch. A big hug to all of you! Baroness Victoria of Swansea

Notice in the January Talewinds
Talewinds, January AS XXV SCA history has a new dimension – another “first”! Duchess Rowen Beatrice von Kampfer, KSCA, emerged victorious in Ansteorran Crown lists, on November 10th AS XXV. On January 26th, she will become the SCA’s first Queen in her own right. The finalist defeated by Duchess Rowen was her lord, Duke Hecor Phillip Martel, KSCA. He will also make SCA history as the first Lord of the Rose. Duchess Rowen an Duke Hector are interesting, creative, articulate individuals. The forthcoming reign is anticipated with delight by their fellow Ansteorrans. At TFYC, the SCA’s 25th Birthday Party, you’ll meet both of these remarkable people. They are both active members of the TFYC Committee, although we expect that they’ll be a bit busier than originally planned. You’ll be welcome for years at Bardic Circles, wars and parties with your stories about meeting the first-ever SCA Queen in her own right, and the first Lord of the Rose!

Long Night’s Gathering
Talewinds, January AS XXV Once again the Shire of Narval Dorado proudly hosts A Long Night’s Gathering on 2-2/4-91 at Camp Honi Honta. For the Barbarian folk there will be fighting, feasting, a scavenger hunt from the boggling mind of Lady Zelina Durant, and other activities to be announced at the event. Autocrats Thorgin and Finna O’Brian, Feastcrat Lord Andrew Montgomery

St. Brigit’s Faire
Talewinds, January AS XXVIf you liked St. George’s Faire you’ll love St. Brigit’s Faire, collegium and fundraiser to be held on 2-8/10-91, at Camp Honi Honta. Games, strolling minstrels, all manner of wares for sale, dancing, classes by TRU, the Embroiderer’s Guild, Spinner’s & Weaver’s Guilds and much, much more. European peasant/merchant garb is encouraged. Autocrat H.L. Erik of Telemark, Feastcrat Lady Granya ni Fearghus
At the Court of TRM Huan and Anastasia
Order of the Emerald Sea – Carmella Donati
Order of the Heralds Tressure – Una of Blackberry Hollow
Order of the Argent Palm – Aylwin of Stone’s Leah
Award of Arms – Laura de Bottlesford
Order of the Argent Estoile – Sean de Carrigfergus
Order of the Trefoil Argent – Treve Morningstar
The Prize Lyst held at this event raised $228.00 for the Royal Travel Fund. Also at this event the new regulations for the Constable’s Office was put into effect, i.e. gate guard check-in sheets which will be cross checked at reservation. The Constables will be doing security site patrols at night. Erik of Telemark secured walkie-talkies for the office, Brineside Moor donated a pair and Siegfried Heydrich donated a pair.
H.L. Alfric Northwind reported: A Fencing Lyst was held with eight fencers participating. H.L. Erik of Telemark provided a prize. Lord Gareth (Mordicai) was the winner of the lyst. H.L. Alfric Northwind stated in the April issue of Talewinds that there were six fencing marshals: Duke Sir Erin, Fiach Ogan; Lord Jean Claude Jeanin, Darkwater; Lady Susan van Ham Langille, Narval Dorado; H.L. Alfric Northwind; H.L. Erik of Telemark, Brineside Moor; and Takasan, Wyvernwood. Trimaris will be hosting a fencing lyst at TFYC.

Norrey Academie
2-9-91, the Canton of Mathom Trove held a one day event

Hoggetowne Medieval Faire
Talewinds, January AS XXVOn 2-15/17-91, The Barony of An Crosaire and the City of Gainesville invite everyone to participate in the 5th Annual Hoggetowne Medieval Faire Demo to be held at the Alachua County Fair Grounds. Needed are fighters for two Grand Lysts on Saturday and Sunday. Standard Trimaris armor regulations plus no visible mundanities. Armor must be period looking plate, chain mail or very good looking leather or gambeson or covered with a heraldic surcoat. There must be mantling on any non-authentic helm. Swords should be freshly taped silver or black. Prizes are awarded each lyst. Democrat – Lady Geneviev von Fehrmann, Marshal H.L. Rurik Petrovitch Stoianov

War of the Roses
Talewinds, January AS XXVOn 2-22/24-91, The Shire of Oldenfeld will host two armys at Camp Indian Springs. All Loyal Yorkists of Richard – All Loyal Lancastrians of Henry decide which rose, the red of Lancaster or the White of York will control the field of battle. There will be five war points: Field Battle, Woods Battle, Bridge Battle, two archery target shoots (real and combat) – archers are weldome for the battles. Autocrat Master Guillermo Perez, Feastcrat H.L. Suzanne de Firenze.

Letter to the Chronicler
Talewinds, March AS XXV Greetings unto Lord Antonio Maiella from Baroness Jenny Scarlet MacTaggart. On Christmas Eve, December 14, 1990 my lord husband Baron Derek MacTaggart, was sent by the United States Marine Corps to the Saudi Arabian desert for Operation Desert Shield. I am asking please that you include his address in the Town Post column of Talewinds so that his many SCA friends and acquaintances in Trimaris may correspond with him. He needs everyone’s support. They all do….I thank you wholeheartedly for your assistance in the presentation of this information and I beseech you, please continue to print the addresses of other loyal Trimarians who are serving in military or other capacity in the Persian Gulf Crisis.
(The Town Post printed the following names of Trimarians who are serving for our Uncle away from our shores)
Count Sir Llywelyn (David Jenkins)
Lord Jason the Fletcher (Jason M. Sorrells)
Baron Derek Mac Taggart (Paul Hilton)
Damion Bloodstone – (Calvin Stratton)
Forrest E. Getter
Devin D. Cornell
Braccus (Michael W. Roland)

Talewinds, February AS XXV The Shire of Loch Gryffyn presents Eisteddfod on 3-2/3-91 in the Ocala National Forest. Featuring competitions in Music, Poetry, Acting, a filking competition at Bardic Circle. As usual there will be an unusual lyst. The site is positively soggy. Autocrat Lord Johann Gotz Kaufman von Erfurt, Feastcrat Lord Friedrich Georg Lenzen

Spring Coronation
Talewinds, March AS XXV On 3-8/10-91 – Announcing the Coronation of TRH Sir Brendon macAngus and Aine Swrdwal, to be held at Camp Wewa. Queens Yeoman Competition. Autocrats Ld. Benen Mactire and Lady Rosabel de Burgundy, Feastcrat Lady Caitlin Greyhawk
Troubadour Laureate Competition was cancelled due to the lack of entrants. There were only two, Janos der Kleiner and Lady Melisande Aubrey d’Anjou. A competition requires three in order to be held. Meanwhile, Triskel of Starhaven, the current holder of the bells will continue to wear them and entertain the populace.
At the Court of TRM Benen and Rosabel
County – Huan Artur
Anastasiya Ostromirovna Zadorova
Order of the Rose – Anastasiya Ostromirovna Zadorova
At the Royal Court
Order of the Laurel – Rachel Kathleen Cundiff
John Shark the Wanderer
Order of the Pelican – Guillermo da Firenze
Argent Sword of Trimaris – Severin Visconti D’Miano
Tairdhealbnach Cait Dubh
Grant of Arms – Siegfried Conrad Georg Heydrich
Order of the Argent Scales – Mebrigda of Oak Gen
Award of Arms – Cu Luarain Caelan
Victoria Fox
Datherine of Ayelsford
Hadassah bat Josef
Etienne de Langrel
Michael de Coiline
Order of the Emerald Sea – Victoria of Swansea
Serwyl ap Morgan
Elfwyn de Barfleur
Bernard de Barfleur
Order of the Argent Estoile – Brigit Olesdottir of Loch Ree
Caoimhin macRegan
Order of the Trefoil Argent – Morgan Alanna Morcheartaigh
Order of the Quiver – Marguerite Isadora de Riva
Order of the Black Widow – Elina of Beckenham
Crown’s Order of Gratitude – Bernard de Barfleur
Alasdair Francis MacDhomhnuill
Thomas du Lac
Garan Halftrelson

Oldenfeld’s Anniversary Event
Talewinds, February AS XXV One of the Oldest Living Shires in Trimaris celebrating yet another year in the Land of Enchantment on 3-15/17-91 with their anniversary event. Autocrat Noreen Ni’Cuhain, Feastcrat Jean Paul the Mace

Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Celebration
On 3-22/31-91, the 25th Anniversary Celebration was held in Texas.
Talewinds, May AS XXVI Trimaris hosted a Rapier Lyst at TFYC with 24 fencers participating, from Drachenwald to Lochac (Australia). We had fencers who had just authorized, to Cadets, to Dons. The final bout was a three man round robin, with Don Dupre of Ansteorrae victorious. After the lyst, there was an afternoon of practice and fun. A total of four lysts were held, hosted by Ansteorrae on sunday, the East on Tuesday, Trimaris on Wednesday and the Outlands on Saturday. Classes were held on Monday and Friday. The practice field was open all day long for anyone wishing to improve their skills. There was a lot of discussion of the differences in the ways each Kingdom handles rapier combat. H.L. Alfric Northwind

Trident Tourney
Talewinds, January AS XXV Presented by the Barony of Darkwater on 3-22/23-91, at Camp Wewa. Autocrat Brian O’Seanachain and Madame Gianetta de Remigio Welser, Feastcrat Lady Tara Eibhlin N’Seaghdha
Award of Arms – Ferris Weisswulf de Marcy
H.L. Alfric Northwind reported: There were eight fighters for the Rapier Lyst. The overall victor was Dieter of Darkwater, after a tie-breaking bout with Lord Gareth of Wyvernwood. Dieter received a fencing cloak from the H.L. Liadaine of Cul Mor. A chivalry prize, a chain mail gauntlet by His Royal Majesty Brendon, went to Lord Jean Claude of Darkwater.

St. Val’s Massacre
Talewinds, January AS XXV Brought to you by the Barony of An Crosaire on 3-29/31-91 at Oleno State Park. This time…It’s Official

Mogul Indian Celebration of Lights
Talewinds, April AS XXV On 4-13-91, The Shire of Sea March held a one day event at the Forest Hill Jaycees Hall in West Palm Beach. “Come join us for a day of games, contests, fighting, and feasting. Activities will include: a standard double elimination lyst; if time allows, a live weapons competition; Chiva and Parvati dance contest (Shiva and Parvati are an Indian god and his goddess wife who held a conpetition to see which was the better dancer. We will hold our own contest to see which lord and lady is the best dancer. Dancing does not have to be Indian. Compete against your own lord or lady. You can bring your own music if you’d like); Bardic competion, prizes for best story, song and poem; Mogul period East Indian Feast (when was the last time you enjoyed a feast prepared by Mistress Damara Narrissa and mistress Caroline ferch Elwyn? It is a delight not to be missed; general revelry and dancing will follow the feast. Autocrat Lady Dymphna de Reynard.

St. George Herauldrie Faire
Talewinds, February AS XXV 4-27/28-91, Come to a real Medieval Fair, in this the XIIe Yearof the Reign of the Saesneg King Edward doth the Canton of Mathom Trove in the Barony of An Crosaire invite one and alle to Sainte George Herauldrie Faire. Enter the Jouste de Pleasance – strike the crest from your list opponents helm and hold it for ransom; Place you banner and surcoat in the Herauldic Trappings Competition; Take an Herauldic tour of the Kingdoms and their Nobility, and test your Blazonrie; vie for prizes in the Herauldrie Bee; stroll the lanes of Merchant’s Allee; Bring your persona-be period-period. Autocrat Baron Taliesynne; Feastcrat Lady Elfwyn

Gathering of the Clans
Talewinds, April AS XXV 5-3/5-91, Barony of Darkwater presented the Gathering of the Clans V, at Camp Wewa. Traditional Clans games: Paint a Pict; Grappling; Celtic Bardic Competition; The Bake-Off; Cattle Raiding; Caber,hay, and stone tossing; the Kilted Run; and the Clans Lyst (with weapons limited to Bastard Sword (claimhor), long handed Ax, pike or Glaive, small sheild and short sword. A traditional Scottish feast by H.L. Heindrich von Guggenheim. Autocrat Lady Rhiannon

Robin Hood Revisited
Talewinds, April AS XXV The Shire of Starhaven presents Robin Hood Revisited, for our traditional May event on 5-10/12-91 at Camp Wewa. Five person melee teams with combat archery. Robin Hood and his men against the Sheriff and his men. Will history repeat itself? IKAC competition – can you split an arrow? Pillows and bells and other medieval games, and the traditional lavish Starhaven Feast. Tempus is autocrating.
H.L. Alfric Northwood reports: six fencers entered the lyst at Robin Hood, with Lord Gareth Abelard victorious.

Lions Tourney
Talewinds, April AS XXV On 5-17/19-91, the Shire of Oldenfeld presents Lions Tourney at FSU Seminole Reservation. Autocrat H.L. Loran ab Arthur, with a Greek feast prepared by H.L. Katerina Isabella Sbarbaro de Firenze.

Trimaris Memorial Tourney
Talewinds, April AS XXV On 5-24/27-91, at Camp Keystone, Trimaris needs an heir. To that end the Kingdom Officers sponsor the Trimarian Memorial Tournament. Autocrat Baroness Victoria of Swansea and Lord Tempus. Feastcrat Master Juan Carlos.
Fundraiser for the Royal Travel fund, a raffle with a stained glass window as a prize, the second will be a dessert table to be run during the afternoon and after feast.
Crown Prince – Lord Treve Morningstar
Crown Princess – Lady Carmenette Rosia Diez de Rodriquez
Poet Laureate – Seigno Ottarsdottir
Order of the Laurel – Rurik Petrovitch Stoianov
Order of the Pelican – Katerina Isabella Sbarbaro da Firenza
From the Seneschal, July Talewinds AS XXVI Congratulations to Master Juan Carlos and his kitchen staff for successfully preparing and serving feast during a Hillsborough County Health inspection. The kitchen easily passed and even drew compliments from the inspector. Sir Fredrich Kyburg
H.L. Alfric Northwood reports: At TMT the lyst was fought with each fencer holding a goblet of water, trying not to spill while dueling. Grimm Haucksliefer wond the goblets. There were fourteen fencers in the lyst.
The Kingdom fundraisers: Lady Morgan Morchtearaigh raised $616.36 with the Kingdom Emporium. Lord Syril ap Morgan raised $147.00 with the dessert bar and the raffle of the stained glass window. Davydd Sprynger raised $18.50 with the lost and found return fees and $61.50 with the lost and found bazaar.

Summer Art/Sci
Talewinds, June AS XXVI On 6-8-91 the Summer Art/Sci Faire will be held at the North Florida Christian Camp. autocrat Lady Elfwyn de Barfleur
Talewinds, August AS XXVI From the Laureate Deputy, HL Alexander Mareschal
Masque Laureate competition = Duke Merowald of “Merry Madcaps”. Count Arlof was the other performer in the group and the decision as to who would wear the bells was made by the toss of the coin. Duke Merowald has asked me to make sure that Cournt Arlof receives recognition as having owrked on the performance just as much, and with as much skill and talent as himself. It was a very good performance, well acted by both performers, and well liked by the populace.
Talewinds, August AS XXVI From the Office of the Arts & Sciences, Guillermo da Firenze
This past Summer Art/Sci Faire was a great success. Thank you once again for your support. The new Patron of the Arts and Sciences Trimaris is the Barony of An Crosaire. The new Champion of the Arts and Sciences Trimaris is Mistress Katherine Angelique d’Artois du Berry. The groups represented placed in the following order: An Crosaire, Storm, Starhaven, Brineside Moor, Oldenfeld, Ruins, Crystal Moor, Mathom Trove, Sur la Mer,Wyvernwood, Darkwater, Swamp Keype, Vaca de Mar and Narval Dorado. The following gentles received Non-Pariels: Caitlin Greyhawkes: cordials; Catherine Violante Laiosa: Weaving; Eglantine de Wolf: Costuming & Vinting; Elfwyn de Barfleur: poetry; Elom Eikinskjaldi: Metalwork; Erik of Telemark: stained glass; Katherine Angelique d’Artois du Berry: costuming; Laura de Botelesford: food preparation; Oriana Goldenhair: costuming.

Warlord of Swamp and Sky
Talewinds, June AS XXVI The incipient canton of Swamp Keype with the gracious sponsorship of the Barony of Darkwater presents Warlord of Swamp and Sky on 6-21/23-91 at the Ramada Camp Inn, Kissimmee. Two champions shall battle for the title of Warlord, in the best three out of five bouts. Other happenings, Living/Dead melees; classes in dance, heraldry and brewing; Newcomers’ class; Bardic Circle under the stars. Autocrats Lucan of Suffolk and Lord Tearlach; Feastcrats Lady Dianna Wyndalan and Ann Pembroke

It’s the Battle of the Fishes
Talewinds, June AS XXVI 6-29/30-91, the Shire of Narval Dorado hosted The Battle of the Fishes. Midsummers is almost here and the good folk of Narval Dorado need more fish! They have challenged all to meet on the battle field. To the victor goes the fishing rights in the water of the Shire of Narval Dorado. This will be an allied battle, both sides are gathering as many fighters to their cause as they can. Be this by bribes, barter, or whatever means ned to enmass the greatest force. It shall be a great and wonderous day on the field. For those folk that do not wish to fight, as always, Narval has other entertainmetns in waiting. Merchants bring your wares, you are most welcome. Autocrats Lord Aegirjon and Lady Zelina, Feastcrat Lord Treve Morningstar.

Champion of Glymmerhold Lyst
Talewinds, June AS XXVI The 4th Annual Champion of Glymmerhold Tourney held Saturday 7-6-91 at the Lee County Alliance of Arts. A day of fighting – champions lyst, novices only – imporved two man bailey lyste. The basic Glymmerholde stuff-you-till-you-can’t-move, the-hell-with-the-diet feast. Autocrat Ld Breuse Hartswood, Feastcrat H.L. Siegfried Heydrich

Heraulde’s Picnic
Talewinds, July AS XXVI On 7-13-91, the Canton of Mathom Trove held their annual Heraulde’s Picnic, a one day event at the Palatka Jaycees’ Hall. “Fighters, Artisans, Heralds, Fencers come and display your skills and prowess to those as yet unfamiliar to our Society. On the green there will be fencing and fighting. In the hall, art/sci demonstrations and a display table for completed projects you may wish to share. Following the lists and a break for lunch at one of the local feasting establishments, rejoin us for a performance by the choral group Misty Morning. Other Performers are welcome” Autocrat Lady Ysabela Celestina Manrique de Palma.

Viking Foray
Talewinds, July AS XXVI Announcing Amurgorod’s 2nd Annual Viking Foray (ye sequal) on 7-19/21-91. The fjiords are unfrozen, and the winds are fair. Take heed of the omens, for this is what will be – a landing party lyst for heavy weapons fighters, archers allowed; a live steel berserker course; a pillage the tavern raid; a kissing lyst; a great slave escape, the 1st time in Trimaris. All may participate, no weapons or armor allowed. Dancing and merriment, fyne feasting and booty. There will be fyne prizes for such as live to collect them. Autocrat Kaie von Baeker and Devin Bjellan, feastcrat Shannon Coinspinner.

Pennsic War Practice
Talewinds, July AS XXVI On 7-26/27-91 the Shire of Amurgorod held Pennsic War Practice. “The spectre of war walks amoung us! The thunder of drums and the wailing of the Horn have been heard from the barren reaches of the far North! Gather, Warriors of Trimaris! Heed your Kingdom’s call! At Viking Forey there will be much training in the arts of war. A Marshalling of the Hosts of Trimaris, and the planning of diverse cunning strategies. A feasting of 200 of the strongest, most valiant, and hungriest, with vast quantities of Stout Fare. Laughter and Merrymaking from the setting of the Sun until the Bardic Fire has burned to ruddy coles. Autocrat Lord Morgan Bloodaxe, feastcrat Shannon Coinspinner.

Pennsic War XX
8-10/18-91, the annual Pennsic War held at Coopers Lake, PA
Order of the Chivalry – Arthur d’Urience

Fall Coronation
Talewinds, July AS XXVI 8-30/9-2-91, The Barony of An Crosaire together with the Shire of Narval Dorado present The Coronation of Their Royal Highnesses, Treve Morningstar & Carmenette Rosia Diez de Rodriquez, to be held at Camp Wewa. Coronaton Court and Saturday Feast to be held in Arabic Style. Autocrat, Master Rurik Petrovitch Stoianov; Feastcrat Lord Fergus MacBruce
Talewinds, November AS XXVI From the Laureate Deputy, HL Alexander Mareschal
The new Troubadour Laureate is (won for the second time) Mistress Warjna Waleska Kaztjmjr with an absolutely beautiful song entitled “Feast of the Dream.” The other two finalists were Lady Melisandre Aubrey d’Anjou singing “The Ballad of Mordechaigh” and Lady Grania ni Fhearghuis, singing “War Lament”.
County – Brendan MacAengus
Aine Swrdwal
Crowns order of Gratitude – Maredudd ap Cynan
Beatrix von Wertenberg
Steffan of Blackthorne
Conradin Starkeswindt der Graue
Order of the Laurel – Erik of Telemark
Court Baronage – Katherine Angelique d’Artois du Berry
Order of the Triskele Trimaris – Serina Vigdis Ulfsdottir
Cara Angiola de Boccaccio
Order of the Silver Trident – Geta Alexandra din Wallachia
Ines Cecilia de Marcy of Allerton
Argent Sword of Trimaris – Nkoiai Grigorovich Nabokov
Grant of Arms – Brigit Oiesdottir of Loch Ree
Serina Vigdis Ulfsdottir
Talewinds, October AS XXVI, From our Seneschal, Sir Fredrich Karl Kyburg
In the Town Meeting/Curia, held at Coronation, a few items were brought up that bear repeating here. The first of these being our orientation of newcomers. Local seneschals, please be sure that all your newcomers receive proper orientation so they may function at society event. Such an orientation should include customs and courtesy; the royal presencel and a listing of all items that would be needed at an event. This orientaiton would prepare a newcomer to enjoy their first event.
At Coronation there were over 800 gentles on site, making it the largest Trimarian event to date. At the Town Meeting it was noted that we are out-growing our presently used sites. Immediate solutions could be the use of port-a-johns on the sites to alleviate the plumbing problems and future contractual agreements with the campground tomaintain clean restrooms. A long term solution will be to find larger campgrounds such as Camp Immokalee which is located in northern Florida.

Sea March Anniversary Event
Talewinds, August AS XXVI 9-14/15-91 The Shire of Sea March hosted their anniversary event at Forest Hill Jaycees Hall.”Yes! It is the Sea March Anniversary Event with it’s traditional W’s & L’s theme. This event will feature a tantalizing feast of heart racing delights, that are sure to make your blood rush in the company of your lord or lady. There will be a melee prize lyst, a throwing weapons competition; races and tug-o-war and many other exciting activities. An art/sci compeition with the following categories: most alluring attire; perfumes or scented oils; most seductively delicious dessert or subtlety; most peasant-looking tablewear; peasant looking arts and cragts, armor, etc. (The idea is to create these items out of materials the peasants would have available.) The Bardic Compeition using the following subjects – best use of flattery; best hidden insult; best lovelorn speech. There will be a hand kissing contest also. Autocrat, Lady Wulflinde Aethelwulf; Feastcrat, Lady Morgan de Warrenne.

Frauendienst (German for The service of ladies)
Talewinds, September AS XXVI 9-20/22-91, the Shire of Starhaven invites all good gentles to a forest (because of the ban of the churchon tournaments they are called by a variety of names. Forest was the common one used in the Holy Roman Empire). Let all who love deeds of valor join us at Camp Wewa. This 13th Cent. German tournament is being held in celebration of our Shire’s 14th Anniversary. The tournament will consist of a heraldic marshal parade, an a’outraced list, and an award of the most chivalrous. For those good nobles who wish to continue fighting, a pas de armes list will be held after the main tournament. Archers, there will be an IKAC shoot. The rest of the day will be spent with weapons, contests, period fencing, games and otgher courtly pursuits. After feast there will be much dancing and merriment. Autocrat, Conradin der Grau; Feastcrat, Bro. Thomas Stewart.

Myrddin’s Faire
Talewinds, August AS XXVI 9-27/29-91 Trimarian Collegium & Kingdom Fundraiser, to be hled at Camp Honi Honta. There is a Welsh/Arthurian theme with games, strolling minstrels, all manner of wares for sale, dancing. Classes by TRU, Embroiderers Guild, Spinners & Weaver’s Guild. European peasant/merchang garb encouraged. Emphasis on Authenticity, forsooth spoken here. Autocrat; Lord Breuse Hartswood; Feastcrat; HL Sigfried Heydrich.
Talewinds, December AS XXVI, From the Royal Chamberlain, Lord Serwyl ap Morgan
Much has passed since last did I report. A Laurel’s Prize Lyst was held at Myrddin’s Faire raising $440 for the Royal Fund. Consequently, the fund was able to cover nearly all the cost of the Crown’s visit to Los Castillos del Oro. Prizes donated included a beautiful travel chest/table created by Master Geoffrey; a custom stained glass window by Master Erik; cloaks and liquers from Mistress Eglantine; an Elizabethian sweets pouch from Mistress Warinja; a box from King Treve as well as donations from Master Rurik, Mistress Cateline, Lord Bannach, Lady Laura de Botelesford, Lady Elfwyn, Lady Morgan, Duke Sir Merowald and many others. In fact, the outpouring of support was so great that we were able to provide prizes not only for the bidders, but for the fighters as well.
The winner of the lyst was Count Sir Haun, with second place honors going to Lord Ferris. Other combatants included Sir Gradheid, Sir Godfried, His Royal Majesty King Treve, Duke Sir Merowald, Sir Fredrich Kybert, Lady Ariel, Erin the Juggler and Lord Sean. It is also my pleasure to thank the Shire of Amurgorod for its donation of $160 raised from an auction held at this years Viking Foray.

Michaelmas Moot
Talewinds, October AS XXVI 10-4/6-91, The Barony of An Crosaire presents Michaelmas at O’Leno State Park. Events include a four round list – first round, sword and shield; second round, great sword or single sword; third round, pole arm; fourth round, florentine. There will be a one round weird weapons tourney with prize. Also a fabric exchange table; a chess tourney with a prize, a backgammon tourney with prize, a subtilty contest with prize. There will be bardic circle in one cabin and dancing in the main hall. Autocrat, Lady Melistra D’Ombree; Feastcrats, Lady Camilla Seawood & Melissa Alley

First Warlord Tourney
Talewinds, October AS XXVI On 10-19-91, The Stronghold of Los Castillos del Oro, invites you to attend our First Warlord Tourney at Dragon’s Trench (Albrook AFB, Bohio, Panama) Join the local gentry as we gather to welcome Their Majesties Treve Morningstar and Carmenette Rosia Diez de Rodriquez. Activities will include, warranting of fighters, The Warlord Tourney, archery, arts & sciences competition, a short feast and Bardic Circle. Autocrat, Lady Jessica of the Greenwood.

Village Faire
Talewinds, August AS XXVI 10-11/13-91, The Barony of Darkwater hosted the Village Faire at Camp Winona. “Come celebrate the most medieval weekend, multitudes of learning and fun for everyone. Classes to be taught in fighting, costuming, bardic arts, archery, blacksmithing, dancing, calligraphy and many, many more. Three contests with prizes: Most Medieval Campsite; Most Medieval Tablesetting; and the most Medieval Merchant’s Pavillion. Autocrat, HL Morgan Morcheartaigh; Feastcrat, HL Heindrich von Guggenheim
Order of the Trident Keype – Toirdhealbhach Cait Dubh.

Norrey Academie
10-19-91, Canton of Mathom Trove held their traditional Norrey Academie.

BOD Meeting
Talewinds, Sepember AS XXVI 10-19-91, the Barony of Darkwater hosted the Board of Directors of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. Quarterly meeting on the campus of Rollins College, Winter Park, FL. “The Barony of Darkwater and the Kingdom of Trimaris are honored to host the members of the Board of Directors for their quarterly meeting during the weekend of 10-19-91. All are invited to come meet the members of the Board and see the governance of the SCA in action. The Board meeting begins at 10 am in Hauck Auditorium. Following the Board meeting, the Barony of Darkwater presents a feast and revel at Slovak Gardens Hall, in Winter Park. Bring your banners to help decorate the hall. Reservationcrat, HL Morgan Morcheartaigh.
Order of the TradeWinds Trimaris – Michael d’Rhiems
Order of the Trefoil Argent – Shandril Germain
Matthew Blackoak
Anne Cameron Nesbitt
Argent Morningstar of Trimaris – Michael d’Rhiems

Baronial Bash XIX
Talewinds, September AS XXVI 10-25/27-91, The Barony of Wyvernwood invites you to the First and the Best: The oldest Trimarian Event. “Come join us in celebrating Trimaris’ first ever event as we present the Three Musketeers (again) complete with combat, revelry and games galore. Take your pick of combat with our Challenge Lyst or Fencing Lyst – or both. Participate in our day long Quest that requires “Musketeer” expertise. Combat prize for the Challenge Lyst will be custom made armor piece(s) of winner’s choice by Master John Urquardt called the Shark. Prizes also awarded for the fencing lyst and quest. Play Clench a Wench, a game best described as “kissing bingo”. Or maybe participate in the Dred Spectacle of the Tournament of Fools. We’ll treat you to a feast of grandiose porportions of fine French cuisine that will make event he fussiest eaters heap praises upon the chef. To top things off, a traditional Baronial Silly Court and All Hallows Eve Ball – the theme being “The Masque of the Red Death” (in honor of last year’s mosquito plague). For parents, Hatchling House will hold classes for children 5-17 during the day by the Minister of Children’s Office. Autocrat, Lady Lisabetta Maria da Firenze; Feastcrat, Lady Sarah Tegan Holden.
Awarded in Royal Court
Order of the Argent Estoile – Ceridwen o’Cahercomman
Order of the Gray Beard – Airick von Baeker
Mikael du Mouche
Order of the Argent Palm – Ramsden of Trimaris
Order of the Black Widow – Chelsea of the Heights
Award of Arms – Martina de Bury
Catherine Abernathy
Wulfere Trollhammer
Catriona Amber Roche de Sylveaston
Signy Ottarsdottir
Christiana Burke
Thorgrin of Trimaris
Ramsden of Trimaris
Alexandra Astrith Scintillare Trygvasson
Grimm Hauskieifer

Baron’s Champion Lyst
Talewinds, November AS XXVI On Saturday, 11-2-91, the Barony of Darkwater will hold the Baron’s Champion Liste at Pace Private School in Longwood. Again comes the time when the fighters of our fair Barony must compete for the honor of being the Baron’s Champion. There will be a ladies’ token competition for all consorts; a Baroness’s Yeoman competition and a light weapons competition. Pot luck feast and revel immediately following the event. Autocrat, Regan Rose Morcheartaigh, Feastcrat, Zakelina Ronanova Raztoroshin
Order of the Trident Keype – Morgan Alanna Morcheartaigh

Martinmas Moot
Talewinds, October AS XXVI 11-8/10-91 For the purpose of holding the Crown Lyst and finding a new Prince and Princess, the Shire of Storm is sponsoring Martinmass Moot, at Camp Keystone. Autocrat,Baroness Oriana Goldenhari; Feastcrats, Baroness Katherine Angelique d’Artois de Berry & Lady Basilla de Mercier.
Awarded in Royal Court
Augmentation of Arms – The Barony of Darkwater
Order of the Laurel – Oriana Goldenhair
Grania ni Fhearghuis
Order of the Chivalry – Erika Bjornsdottir
Order of the Bard’s Laureate – (Poet) – Signy Ottarsdottir
Award of Arms – Kyra du Brevard

Talewinds, September AS XXVI 11-15/17-91, The Shire of the Storm celebrates Carvanserai, their 6th annual event. “After the harvest the caravans gather at Camp Honi Honta in great celebration with dancing and feasting. Artisans exchange knowledge of their craft, fighters hone their skills in melee, and tales of great wonder and glory are heard from throughout the known world. Come one, come all. Gather in the merriment of the games which include: a triathalon of Tug-of-War, Carry a Comrad, and Chariot Races. Also to be held is our classic Trimaris Trivia Tourney. Other events will include the Protector of the Caravan period style list; classes of many interests; fabulous feasting, marvelous merry making and devine dancing. Autocrat, Christina Burke; Feastcrat, Lord Aylwin of Stone’s Leah.

La Fiesta de Torquemada
Talewinds, November AS XXVI In honor of Ferdinand & Isabella, the Shire of Brineside Moor presents La Festa de Torquemade, to be held the weekend of 11-30-91, at Camp Honi Honta. Featuring Toys for Tots Lyst, a fencing lyst, a real weapons competition, and for those of you who enjoyed the death of Pierre Francesco, we present the Mysteries of Spain. There will be a New World Feast in true Brineside Moor tradition. Autocrat, Lady Brigid Olesdottir; Feastcrats Victoria & Achmet.
Awarded in Royal Court
Order of the Argent Palm – Dianna Wyndalan of Kidwelly
Duncan Angus MacDonald
Award of Arms – Annan nam Beanntan
Order of the Trimarian Weapons Master – Iain MacBoltolph de Erroll

Wassailing Event
12-14-91 held by the Barony of Darkwater