Recent Kingdom Notes

February 16, 2025

The Kingdom of Trimaris

The Three Seas of Power

Trimaris History – 1990

34 min read


Twelfth Night
Talewinds, Vol.9, No.1. January AS XXIV 1-6-90, the Shire of Southkeype presents Twelfth Night XII, at Wewa. Yes folks, this is our 12th Twelfth Night here in Southkeype, and, as such, we’re going to make it something special. As usual, there will be lots of good fun, lots of good food (brought to you by the award winning Southkeype Cooks’ Guild). and lots of good wassail by Ld. Alexander Mareschal. There will also be a lyst for those so inclined, and, since the Crown will be present – Royal Court – so bring your finest (it should be cool enough). It wouldn’t be Twelfth Night without dancing in the evening, so, of course there will be. Also for your entertainment delight we have a puppet show and a special surprise which we will not leak out ahead of time – You’ll just have to be there to find out what it is. Autocrat Lady Sine nic Immey, Feastcrat Alysoun Jeunterre

Hero of the Chalice
Talewinds, Vol.9, No.1. January AS XXIV 1-13/14-90 The Barony of Wyvernwood held the Hero of the Chalice at Keystone. “Trimaris once again brings the Legend of the Magical Chalice back to life. On January 13th and 14th, brave fighters from realms near and afar, shall take themselves onto the field of honor in search of a mystical prize and title of Hero of the Chalice. To add to the splendor of the legend, there will be the Wedding of Takasan to Lady Sara Tegan Holden. It will be held before the feast. A feast of mythical proportions will enchant the attending populace as Lord Mattazanni will be Feastcrat. Merriment with the inclination to sing and dance will not be hindered due to a Bardic Circle and lots of dancing. There will be a Court held. Autocrats Solomon Spite (Spider) and Lady Brenna

Winter Art/Sci
Talewinds, Vol.9, No.1. January AS XXIV 1-20/22-90 The Shire of Glymmerhold hosted Winter Art/Sci, at Winona. “Come one, come all. A variety of activities – something for everyone. A special Lyst, classes, sumptuous Baldar feast. Autocrat Lady Gwennan o Swansea, Feastcrat Duke Syr Baldar, Breakfast, Lord Siegfried
Talewinds, Vol.9, No.3. March AS XXIV From the Minister of Arts & Sciences
Unto the Good Folke of Trimaris doth Lord Guillermo da Firenze send greetings.
First I would like to lend a heartfelt thank you to the calligraphers who assisted me at this art/Sci faire: Adrienne, Krystyna, Morgan, Nathasha, Shamus and Victor. You will never know the ease you gave my mind.
The Patron of the Arts and Sciences is the Shire of Starhaven
The Champion of the Arts and Sciences is Lady Caitlen Greyhawkes
The following is the line up beginning with 1st place:
1. Starhaven 8. Blackthorne 15. Brineside Moor
2. Gryphon’s Star 9. Sangre del Sol 16. Crystal Moor
3. An Crosaire 10. Ruins
4. Darkwater 11. Wyvernwood
5. Storm 12. Sea March
6. Oldenfeld 13. Narval Dorado
7. Castlemere 14. Mathom Trove

Masque Laureate competition was won by Lady Inez

War College
Talewinds, Vol.9, No.1. January AS XXIV 1-27-90, the Shire of Starhaven presents a War College at Wewa. Strategy, Tactics, Melees and other classes in large and small unit tactics. Archers are strongly encouraged to participate. Archery is an important part of war. Lord Tempus will oversee classes on Arrow Construction. Combat archery and war archery tactics. Bring your art/sci entries and current projects for display and discussion. While the fighters are off rattan bonding, non-fighters will be able to see what goes into an art/sci project and admire your fine handiwork. Autocrat Lord Benen MacTire (Banaich), Feastcrat Lady Rosabel de Burgundy (Sorcha).

Talewinds, Vol.9, No.1. January AS XXIV Unto the Goode Folke of Trimaris doth Dolores Brown send her grateful greetings … Good Gentles:
Some months ago, I became acquainted with the Society for Creative Anachronism through friends of my daughter’s. At the time, I was in need of some rather expensive medical tests and had no hospitalization insurance to cover their costs. These friends kindly offered to take some of my flower wreaths to SCA events and sell them for me.
I was, and still am, very much awed by the generosity and kindness of your Society. Not only have your members purchased my wreaths, but the kind words and encouragement relayed to me through these Ladies have greatly lifted my spirits. It is rare indeed to find people so willing to give of themselves to aid a total stranger. I was told the SCA’s “dream” was to revive Medieval concepts of Honor and Chivalry. From my brief, indirect contact with your Society, I truly feel your “dream” has become a reality.
In that light, I wish to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to everyone in Trimaris who has bought my flower wreaths, given a helpful suggestions or sent a word of kindness. I wish I could thank each and every one of you personally, but I know of no other way than writing this letter and having it printed in your Kingdom’s newsletter.
Thank you for taking a moment and reaching out to help a stranger. Such kindness and altruism should never go unnoticed, and I wish Trimaris continued success with finding the “Dream.” Sincerely, Mrs. Delores Brown, Lakeland Fl.

Sea Raids
Talewinds, Vol.9, No.1. January AS XXIV On 2-2/4-90, The Shires of Storm and Oldenfeld will host Sea Raids at Camp Indian Springs FL. This is a 3-way war between Trimaris, Atlantia and Meridies. There will be woods battles, champions battle, bridge battle, field battle, arts/sci competitions, SCA- TV and other attractions. Autocrats H.L. Katherina Isabella da Firenze, H.L. Suzanne Barineau da Firenze; Feastcrats H.L. Oriana Goldenhair and Lord Guillermo da Firenze

Tourney of the Sea Dragon
Talewinds, Vol.9, No.1. January AS XXIV Once again tis time to retape your swords, don your crests and prepare for the 3rd Annual Tournament of the Sea Dragon, hosted by the Shire of Southkeype at Camp Wewa on 2-9/11-90. Featuring a feast by the Cooks Guild of Southkeype. So bring your armor all you gallant fighters and compete in the Crest Battle and the Most Chilvarous Fighters Lyst. Ladies bring flowers to award to the most courteous fighters f your choice. A Quest of Courtsey is planned for the afternoon, followed by Feast and a Masked Ball. Autocrat Lady Hertha Wolfkeeper CANCELED

Estrella War VI
Talewinds, Vol.9, No.1. January AS XXIV Calling all artisans. On Presidents’ Day Weekend, 1-17/19 1990, warriors and artisans alike will gather to determine the champions of Estrella War VI, to be held at Estrella Regional Park in Goodyear Arizona. For the first time this year, artisans from kingdoms other than Atenveldt and Caid may ally themselves with the kingdom of their choice (monarchs willing) and points earned will count towards that kingdom.

Hoggetowne Medieval Fair
Talewinds, Vol.9, No.1. January AS XXIV 2-17/18-90, The Barony of An Crosaire and the City of Gainesville will hold the Hoggetowne Medieval Fair at the Thomas Center in Gainesville, FL. There will be two grand tourneys. Fabulous prizes for the winner of each day’s lyst. Bearded Fighting Axes for each day’s most Chivalrous Fighter. Free Meal each day for every fighter accepted for the tourney. The theme of this year’s fair is Robin Hood so if you do not fight as a “knight” in the tourney — come to the fair dressed as a character from your favorite story of Robin. Marshal for the tourneys is Sir Seosaidh.

Long Nights Gathering
Talewinds, Vol.9, No.2. February AS XXIV 2-24/25-90, The Shire of Narval Dorado has pushed the limits of sanity back into time…the time Pre 800 A.D. Its February…its cold…(yes cold) in Trimaris, so what better time for bon fires*furs*wool capes*fun. Why not come join us for A Long Nights Gathering. Lord Aegirjon is our Marshall and our autocrat. He tells us that there will be something new for the fighters and archers also to keep the non-fighter types busy. There will be fun, food, games, and surprises. Dust off those old stories and songs for the Bardic Bon Fire. At Camp Honi Honta, Autocrat Lord Aegirjon of Cathanar

Baroness’ Picnic
Talewinds, Vol.9, No.2. February AS XXIV At the request of Her Excellency the Baroness of An Crosaire, the Canton of Mathom Trove is most honored to present the one and only…Baroness’ Picnic at Ravine Gardens State Park on 3-3-90. Come join us in dancing and gaming, bring what feast favorites you wish to partake of, or dine at one of our local feasting establishments. Autocrat Ysabela Celestina de Manrique and Trylenydd ferch Madog Hen ap Bleddyn

Renaissance Faire
Talewinds, Vol.9, No.2. February AS XXIV You are cordially invited to participate in a Renaissance Faire sponsored by, and on the campus of Rollins College in Winter Park Fl on Sunday March 4, 1990. The folk of the Barony of Darkwater and the Kingdom of Trimaris have been invited to participate with Rollins College in their first Renaissance Faire. They have asked that we bring fighters, dancers, musicians, jongleurs, artisans and craftsmen and any other types one might fine in an among the frivolity of a day’s festival gathering. The period covered by the Faire stretches from the Italian Renaissance to Baroque (yes, that includes Cavaliers!). Contact Mistress Islay Elspeth of Glen Meara

Spring Coronation
Talewinds, Vol.9, No.1. January AS XXIV 3-9/11-90, The Shire of Storm extends to the most noble populace of Trimaris an invitation to attend and celebrate the coronation of their Royal Highness’ Arlof and Hilary on the weekend of March 9-11 AS XXIV at Camp Keystone. The Champion of Trimaris War Lord Tourney will be held – a most honorous prize will be awarded. 6th century attire is requested by their Highness’ Autocrat Guillermo Da Firenze; Feastcrat Oriana Goldenhair.
Talewinds, Vol.9 ,no.5. May AS XXV Letter from the Coronation Autocrats
The Royal Coronation of Their Majesties Arlof and Hilary was a success as witnessed by many of you. the days’ activities, as busy as it was, ran smoothly and pretty much on time. My lady and I are very thankful to those good people who contributed to it success. On behalf os Shire of the Storm, my lady, Oriana, and myself, Guillermo, we would like to thank Their Royal Majesties for allowing us the pleasure of hosting Their Coronation, the good people of the Kingdom of Trimaris who helped here and there for a few minutes to many hours, and, of course, the good people of the Shire of Storm for their unending labor and pride in their shire and kingdom. We thank you.

Oldenfeld’s Anniversary Event
Talewinds, Vol.9, No.3. March AS XXIV The Shire of Oldenfeld, Lord Umble the Mumbler as autocrat and Lady Athelina of Oldenfeld as Feastcrat invite everyone to celebrate Oldenfeld’s Anniversary of St. Patrick’s Day weekend, 3-16/18-90 at Camp Indian Springs. Join us in a quest to fine a Pot O’Gold hidden somewhere on site. But first, you’ll have to help St. Patrick find all the colorful “snakes” Only the snakes point to the pot’s resting place. Archers bring your bows, a field point tourney will test your aim, with 3 hand forged arrow tips as your trophy.

Trident Tourney
Talewinds, Vol.9, No.1. January AS XXIV 3-23/24-90, Barony of Darkwater presents Trident Tourney at Camp Wewa. Scheduled events Trident Tournament; Chirurgeon CPR class; Chirurgeon Auction; feast; Royal and Baronial Courts; Bardic and Dancing after courts. Autocrat Lord Jean Claude Dominique Jeanin, Feastcrat Lady Catherine Elizabeth Anne Somerton.

St. Val’s Massacre
On 3-31-90 the Barony of An Crosaire held their anniversary event. St. Val’s Massacre, at Oleno State Park

A Roman Holiday
Talewinds, Vol.9, No.2. February AS XXIV 4-6/8-90, the Shire of Vaca del Mar invites all to a tenting event at Camp River Forest. Activities include a lyst with short swords, fencing, bardic, general merriment. Autocrat Lord Alfric Northwind

Spring Event
Talewinds, Vol.9, No.4. April AS XXIV Just when you thought it was Safe to be Italian, the Shire of Brineside Moor proudly present the Spring Event the weekend of April 14, 1990 at Camp Honi Honta. The Spring Event features a lyst, archery, real weapons competition, games and much more. Autocrat Catherine the Merry, Feastcrat Annan n’am Beanntan

Fool’s War
Talewinds, Vol.9, No.2. February AS XXIV On 4-20/21-90, you are cordially invited to attend the all new fool’s war sponsored by the Shires of Novus Matisco and Dragonfly Marsh. Even better than last year, our changes this year makes it possible for each kingdom to go home as a winner. New battle scenarios and Arts & Sciences categories provide a greater balance for all three kingdoms. Meridian standard rules for fighting and arts & Sciences competitions will still be used, with some slight modifications.
At the Court of TRM Arlof and Hilary
Award of Arms – Grania ni Fearghus
Una of Blackberry Hollow
Brighid ni Gregohair
Order of the Quiver – Myre Cael called Caelen
Talewinds, Vol.9, No.6. June AS XXV Heed now these words of praise from your most elated King and Queen. Upon the 21st day of April AS XXIV, Trimaris did set out upon a glorious campaign, the long-coming War of Fools against our northern cousins of Atlantia and Meridies. For those who have not heard it cried to the far corners of our realm, this war ended in triumph for Trimaris, with victories in every field of endeavor.
We offer now our great praise to those warriors, artisans, and fletchers who did their part to bring us home with the greater glory. We mention some stalwart few below who gave much in this conflict, but none who stood by us shall be forgotten.
First our accolades falls to our noble baronies–An Crosaire, Wyvernwood and Darkwater. Each did secure a great number of arrows for our archers, arrows that blackened the sky and turned the beach beneath our enemies crimson. Let the names of our brave fletchers–of David Springer, Rjan Osterling, and Iain Jameson–be ever on the tongues of our dying enemies.
In the Arts and Sciences our Laurels and apprentices did exceed our greatest expectations. Duchess Elspeth and Mistress Warjna shined ever bright. And again, the Barony of An Crosaire excelled, as Baron Elom, Lady Elfwyn and many others gave all that they had for the love of good Trimaris.
But let us not forget our proud warriors, who, when faced with an enemy of twice our number shouted that they would give no quarter. and more tales have yet to be told:
Of Duke Aaron and the house Dun Tir, who repelled the pride of Atlantia’s chivalry and left them to rust at the lakeside. Of Sir Huan, who stood upon a mound of fallen dead, and laughing, waved his bloodied sword at Duke Barry, some 30 paces back. “Barry.” he taunted, “Come her, I have something for you.”
Of Sir Solomon, who came with a full force of stout soldiers and held the center alone against each enemy charge. Of Syr Baldar who championed his king and terrified all who came within length of his spear.
Of Sir Brian, who with marshal’s baton killed as many of the enemy as our best. Of good Gradhill, who, with his loyal troops fought happily against unhappy odds.
Of Sir Seosaidh and House Backsword, whose stern resolve kept our pikes safe and our bridges secure. Of Lord Arlic, who gave such selfless service to his knight–and to his King–that he is much beloved.

And of those many others–of Sir Eadric, Sir Erik, Tearlach and Shea and those heros of Swampkeype who, with Countess Erika assured our victory upon the bridge. And any who have here been forgotten are surely remembered in our hearts, and will live on in legends to come. We salute you – Arlof and Hilary
Talewinds, Vol.9, No.6. June AS XXV From the Marshallate. I would like to tank all the combat archers who fought at Fool’s War, all the people of the Baronies that toiled long hours to make 100 combat arrows for Trimaris, all the heavy weapon fighters who brought a bow and entered the woods to fight the other kingdom’s archers, and finally the fighters who defended the archers in the beach battle. Your help made the combat archery battles what they were. – They were a slaughter – One observer said that the beach battle reminded her of the shores of Trimaris. Waves of the enemy crashed against the shield wall and disappeared. Disappeared in a flurry of pikes and poles, and flights of arrow after arrow. The all archer woods battle was very short. We expected more enemy archers, and were prepared for a long battle. The enemy, being outnumbered, hid behind trees for cover (a good tactic), but we were too many and too accurate. They did fight well, though. Cian the Smith, called Tempus, Archery Marshal, Trimaris.

St. George’s Faire
Talewinds, Vol.9, No.3. March AS XXIV On 4-27/29-90 A Kingdom Fundraiser/Collegium will be held at Camp Honi Honta. Come to a real medieval fair. Featuring games, strolling minstrels, all manner of ware for sale, dancing, the rites of Spring. Also featuring classes by TRU, and the Chirurgeons, Embroiderer’s Guild activities and much, much more. Emphasis on Authenticity foresooth spoken here. Autocrats Mistress Victoria, Sir Godfried of Frisia, Feastcrat Master Juan Carlos
At the Court of TRM Arlof and Hilary
Order of the Argent Estoile – Arielle of Bein Dubh
Order of the Watchful Flame – Aymer de Gregory
Award of Arms – Elfwyn de Barfleur

Raider’s Wake
Talewinds, Vol.9, No.4. April AS XXIV On 5-4/6-90, The Shire of Starhaven held Raiders Wake – “and now for something completely different, an event especially for all us Celts and Vikings, and all you who would like to be barbaric for a weekend. We can all do what raiders do best…fight, eat, and toast the great deeds and deaths of the day. Join us art beautiful Camp Winona. The Celtic Cattle Raid – a Celt loves nothing better (well, almost nothing) than stealing his neighbors cattle. Put together 5 person melee teams and we will see who lives up to the grand tradition and survives… Speaking of surviving…that might not be as much fun as dying and letting our Valkyrie remove you from the field to Valhalla…Spectators are requested to grab that old junk jewelry you never use and bring it to reward your favorite raiders. A leather covered decanter goes to the most laden raider at day’s end, and challenge matches will be allowed to try to take another’s gold. There will also be a Grand Irish Wake. Autocrat Lady Becc Ben Cork.
At the Court of TRM Arlof and Hilary
Order of the Argent Estoile – Gaitlen Greyhawkes
Roseabel de Burgundy (Sorcha)
Order of the Argent Palm – Ealasaid gan Dubhghias
Order of the Quiver – Treve Morningstar

Gathering of the Clans
Talewinds, Vol.9, No.3. March AS XXIV 5-11/13-90, The Barony of Darkwater held the Gathering of the Clans at Camp Wewa. “It was early on a misty March morn, the clans were all awakening for a hard days competition in the rugged highlands of….Trimaris?! Aye ye bonnie lads an’ lassies o’ Trimaris, the Barony of Darkwater is once again holding a Gatherin’ o’ the Clans and all ye o’ stout hearted and body are invited to attend and compete in our highland games. Activities include the annual Order of the Grey Beard Lyst, the Gathering of the Clans lyst, the Games (the run, the stone throw, the kaber toss, grappling, the hay toss, the haggis hurl, the bake off and the Celtic Bardic Competition).” Autocrat Laird Alasdair MacDomhnuill

Serf’s Up
Talewinds, Vol.9, no.5. May AS XXV On 5-19-90, the Shire of Sea March hosted a one day event at the WPB Jaycees Hall. “The peasants have overthrown the local tyrant. Come join their celebration in a day of fighting, games, and feasting. Activities will include: A Double Elimination Lyst run by Count Sir Solomon Spite. the prize will be a 950 AD Viking Fighting Axe. Then for fun there will be a Peasant Lyst. This will consist of two teams using polearms, axes or clubs. No swords or shields, only peasant weapons. Following the lyst will be a live weapons competition, including an iron skillet toss for the ladies. There will be games and classes. We will also host a “Worst Art/Sci” contest, so bring your failures. During feast will be a bardic completion. Autocrat H.L. Geta Alexandra din Wallachia, Feastcrat Lady Morgan Hawise deWarrenne.

Trimaris Memorial Tourney (Crown List)
Talewinds, Vol.9,no.5. May AS XXV On 5-25/28-90, the Shires of Sangre del Sol and Vaca del Mar hosted TMT at Camp Wewa. The theme is Greek/Roman, costume flyer to be sent to seneschals. Feastcrat Hrothgar, Autocrat Lord Alfric Northwind.
Crown Prince – Huan
Crown Princess – Anastasia
Poet Laureate – Alexander Mareschal
At the Court of TRM Arlof and Hilary
Award of Arms – Kudra Ambrieve
Carmella Maria Cosentino
Guido Leonidas Mantinela
Order of the Silver Trident – Xanthus Drake Ruthendale
Order of the Argent Scales – Geoffrey of Lincoln
Order of the Laurel – Guillermo Juaquin Perez Barrios
Order of the Sea Urchin – Kelly Valariasdottrir
Order of the Grey Beard – Huan Artur

Summer Art/Sci
Talewinds, Vol.9, no.5. May AS XXV The Barony of An Crosaire presents Summer Art/Sci on 6-9/10-90 at Camp Keystone featuring an Arabic Feast. Autocrat Elfwyn de Barfleur, Feastcrat Seigne Ottardottir
Talewinds, Vol.9, no.8. August AS XXV Letter from Lord Guillermo da Firenze, Kingdom Minister of the Arts and Sciences: “Summer Arts and Sciences Faire AS XXV was a huge success with over 300 entrees and a record breaking number of Non-Pareils. I must add that all the Non-Pareils were well deserved…The Art/Sci also had costume judging on the body and was a great success. The worst thing that happened at Art/Sci was the heat and humidity which the judges, live entrants, registration assistants, calligraphers and all others bore quite well…To all who entered, your work is not to be exceeded anywhere in the Known World, I received many reports from different lords and ladies who happened to pass through the hall and stopped in amazement of the beauty and talent that surrounded them. With great pride I would reply, This is Trimaris.”

Masque Laureate – Lady Arielle of Beinn Dhubh

A Viking Foray
Talewinds, Vol.9, No.6. June AS XXV The Shire of Amyergorod presents Viking Foray for those what love good fights, fine feasting, merriment and booty–It’s all there for the taking on 6-15/17-90. Featuring a Boarding Party Lyst, a live steel berserker course, a pillage the tavern raid, a Hero’s welcome kissing lyst and a drunken oaf boasting contest. To be held at a private site between Ocala and Gainesville. Autocrat Morgan Bloodaxe, Feastcrat Shannon Coinspinner and Katri Samira Bloodaxe

Lion’s Tourney
Talewinds, Vol.9, no.5. May AS XXV 6-22/24-90, the Shire of Oldenfeld presented Lion’s Tourney “Just when you thought it was safe to return to the twelfth century…the really cool shire of Oldenfeld presents for your pleasure Lion’s Tourney. It is the year 1198, Henry II is dead, Richard is King and off fighting in the Crusades, Prince John is making a muddle of the kingdom, Eleanor quietly plots and Robin Hood lurks in the shadows.” The event to be held at F.S.U. Reservation. There will be fighting, archery, a knife and axe throwing contest, swimming and perhaps an appearance of the Oldenfeld Players. A superb feast by Lord Rodritch Talgwynth.

Medieval Fair
Talewinds, Vol.9, No.7. July AS XXV Peregrine Springs is putting on an introductory Medieval Fair on Wednesday, the 4th of July and we need all the help we can get to make it a success. We need – fighters, merchants, minstrel, craft people, fools and assorted characters. We need pavilions, canopies, games, items for sale to the general public, and any other Medieval Accessories to help set the atmosphere. With your help, we could possibly turn this into a yearly Renaissance Fair with a permanent site. The event will take place from 10 am to 10 pm. The City will host a parade and a fireworks display with an expected attendance of over 6,000 people. it will take place in Sanford Fl. Contact Cedric for arrangements.

Champion of Glymmerhold Tourney
Talewinds, Vol.9, No.6. June AS XXV On 7-7-90, the Shire of Glymmerhold presents the 3rd Annual Champion of Glymmerhold Tourney at Lee Co. Alliance of the Artes, S. Ft. Myers. A sure cure for those summertime blues. A day fighting, champion’s lyst, novice lyst, bailey melee – a night feasting, your basic Glymmerhold stuff-you-till-you-can’t-move, the hell-with-the-diet feast. A hot tub to soak away those aches, pains and bruises. Autocrat Robin MacLeer

Midsummer’s Revel
On 7-14-90, The Shire of Narval Dorado held their anniversary event

7-21-90, the Shire of the Storm held an event

War Practice
Talewinds, Vol.9, No.7. July AS XXV The Shire of Amyergorod calls all Loyal Trimarians to War Practice 7-27/29-90. Though we have only peaceful intentions, and harmless good will for our neighbors; Yet even so certain bandits and villains, and other Who Have allied Themselves, have given rise to the frightful rumor of War -(late this August) – Now rally all to the Banner of Trimaris who would protect the weak, preserve the right, and get a share of the pillage. War Practice will be held at the same site as Viking Foray. There will be a war feast prepared by Shannon Coinspinner and the Triskele Tavern will serve food and drink through the days and well into the night. Autocrat Morgan Bloodaxe and Quinn of Darkmoor.
At the Court of TRM Arlof and Hilary
Award of Arms – Morgan Bloodaxe
Roland de Germain
Gwynneth of Arrin Isle
Order of the Black Widow – Arielle of Beinn Dhubh
Order of the Laurel – Sir Seosaidh mac Seosaidh

Norrey Teacher’s College
7-28-90, the Canton of Mathom Trove held the Norrey Teacher’s College

Pennsic War
Talewinds, Vol.9, no.5. May AS XXV The XIXth Pennsic War will take place at the Cooper’s Lake campground on August 11th through 19th.
Talewinds, Vol.9, No.6. June AS XXV From their Majesties Arlof and Hilary – Let it be proclaimed from sea to sea to sea that there shall be a Parade of Fools at the upcoming Pennsic War. This celebration shall be disorganized by Harry Pudding and Mothman, whom we have appointed as the Lords of Misrule. We seek to enlist the talents of all good Trimarians to celebrate and march with Us as fools, jesters, minstrels, jugglers, buffoons, satirists and revelers all.
By Royal Decree! announcing the Pennsic Parade of Fools, sponsored by the Jesters League of Trimaris, under the misdirection of Mothman (Drake Ruthendale) and Harry Pudding (Merowald). In the tradition of the Fool Societies of the Middle Ages, there shall be a Great and Festive Procession on Wednesday afternoon, August 15, at the Pennsic War this year. The Parade of Fools shall glorify the Merriment and Folly abounding in the kingdoms of the Known World. Have a really stupid idea for it? Need a really stupid idea? contact the Parade Lords of Misrule. Harry Pudding or Mothman.
Talewinds, Vol.9, No.8. August AS XXV Trimaris goes to war. From their Royal Majesties, Arlof and Hilary of Trimaris, an urgent missive for those who guard the three seas.
Our hard-earned peace at last is broken, as worked comes from the north of two great armies massing for martial conflict. We can not tell which cause holds more justice, but our strength will ensure that the will of the gods be done.
In the struggle to come, we shall call upon the great lords and ladies of the realm to help bring glory to our kingdom. Of note, a battle of ships shall begin the war, and Trimaris, as a kingdom known for naval excellence, must have a fleet with which to woo our friends and sink our enemies. With the help of good Master Geoffrey, we have devised a sleek and sturdy craft in hopes that others might take interest (and our plans) and build many more. We will gladly surrender these plans for your use, if by now are still without sea legs.
Also of importance, Trimaris shall hold a great tourney called “Warlords of the Knowne World Tourney” Those knights and marshals not participating will be needed to control the carnage that will surely ensue. This tournament will take place on Wednesday in the heat of midday.
On this same day, Trimaris boldly takes the fore again, with a Parade of Fools, a mocking journey that knows no borders, acknowledges no rules, and has John Bearkiller dressed as a delicate nymph. Bring your wit, your ideas, and your costumes with you. For those still standing as the torches of evening are lighted, we shall hold court in the camp of our own people and talk of the glory to come. Peace be damned! Arlof and Hilary
At the Court of TRM Arlof and Hilary
Grant of Arms – Becc ben Cork
Order of the Morning Star – Nikolai Grigorovich Nabokov
Order of the Argent Scales – Erika Bjornsdottir
Order of the argent Palm – Fiona de Uaine Suile
Order of the Trade Winds Trimaris – Dunncan
Wulfhida de Bond

On 8-19-90 the Shire of Sangre del Sol will hold a one day revel

A Fibre Arts Workshop
Talewinds, Vol.9, No.8. August AS XXV On 8-24/26 The Spinners and Weavers Guild presents a Fibre Arts Workshop hosted by the Shire of Brineside Moor at Camp Honi Honta. Bring the project or toy of your choice. Classes include Bobbin Lace, Hands on Spinning (wheel or drop), Hands on Weaving (four harness, rigid heddle, inkle loom), Embroidery, Basket Weaving. Also classes/demonstrations by members of the Embroiderer’s Guild. Contest include “Name that Fibre”, “Speed Embroidery” and “Spinning, drop and wheel”. Autocrats Lord Eric of Telemark and Lady Grania ni Fergus, Feastcrat Lord Aylwin of Stone’s Leah

Fall Coronation
Talewinds, Vol.9, No.7. July AS XXV On 8-31/9-3-90 The Coronation of Their Royal High nesses Haun and Anastasia to be held at Camp Winona. The theme will be “The Romance of the 14th Century” there will be a Noble Heros Lyst on Sunday, all fighters must have a consort. At the request of TRH’s all Knights will perform during feast. autocrat Lord Guillermo da Firenze, Feastcrat Duke Sir Baldar Longstrider.

At the Last Court of Arlof and Hilary
Court Baron – Geoffrey of Lincolne
Crown’s Order of Gratitude – Seosaidh mac Seosaidh
Elspeth MacNaughton of Lochawe
Aymer De Gregory
Cian the Smith called Tempus
Order of the Argent Palm – Cynthia Loganaich
Haddasahtant Josef
Grant of Arms – Guillermo da Firenze
Order of the Golden Galleon – Fuillermo da Firenze
Order of the Watchful Flame – Culuarian Caelan
Award of Arms – Anastasia of Blackthorne
At the First Court of TRM Huan and Anastasia
Count – Arlof O’ Donovae of Aranmor
Countess – Hilary of the Danelagh
Order of the Rose -Hilary of the Danelagh
Patent of Arms -Hilary of the Danelagh
Grant of Arms – Klaus von Salzach
Court Barony – Arthur d’Urience
Order of the Morningstar – Roland de Germaine
Award of Arms – Antonio Maiella
Rebecca the Goldenhair
Bernard de Barfleur
Thomas du Lac
Isabea de Castille
Edward de la Vert la Tour
Herald’s Tressure – Juan Carlos Perez
Order of the Argent Scales – Juan Carlos Perez
Order of the Argent Estoile – Rebecca the Goldenhair
Order of the Argent Palm – Gwen of Swansea
Celeste de St. Etiene
Troubadour Laureate – Triskele the Minstrel
At the Second Court of Huan and Anastasia
Court Barony – Victoria of Swansea
Herald’s Tressure – Siegfried Heydrich
Grant of Arms – Alasdair Francois MacDhomhnuill
Award of Arms – Fergus MacBruce
Gwendolyn Kay McVeigh of Amberoak
Sinmora Vannorstrand

Anniversary Event
9-15-90, Shire of Sea March held their anniversary event

Talewinds, Vol.9, No.8. August AS XXV On 9-22/23-90, the Shire of Starhaven will host their 13th Anniversary event “Superstitions”. Our cattle are dying – our crops have failed – and our good luck charms are gone – What does Starhaven do now? present Superstitions at Camp Winona. Autocrats Lord Stephen Greyhawkes and Lady Lassair of Waterford.
At the Court of TRM Huan and Anastasia
Grant of Arms – Alfric Northwind
Order of the Watchful Flame – Lothaire Magnus
Award of Arms – Ysabela Celestina de Manrique

Lost Eagles of Varias
Talewinds, Vol.9, No.8. August AS XXV On 9-28/30-90, the Shire of Glymmerhold hosted the Lost Eagles of Varius. “His Royal Highness Announces it is reported the Lost Eagles of Varius are within the confines of Trimaris. Your Crown Prince doth call you to risk battle and seek them out. Eight to ten man valiant melee teams are sought to go into the depths of the swamps and retrieve such sacred items as they may find. Great peril lies in the path of those who seek the Eagles, only the most courageous can hope to prevail. Knights, bring your households! Lords, bring your minions! A glorious prize any Roman would treasure. A Delicious Iberian feast by Lady Gwenna. Autocrat Mistress Victoria of Swansea
At the Court of TRM Huan and Anastasia
Order of the Black Widow – Arielle of Beinn Dhubh
Award of Arms – Syryl ap Morgan o’Glandulas
Gillianne De Solis
Rhiannon ferch Gwylion
Rondifreya Donnachaidh
Thirza Tatiana Leovna
Mikael du Mouchel
Order of the Silver Trident – Elfwyn de Barfleur
Raibhert Donnachaidh
Order of the Trimarian Sword – Gordon MacGunther

Cavalier Michaelmas
Talewinds, Vol.9, No.8. August AS XXV On 10-5/7-90, the Barony of An Crosaire presents “A Cavalier Michaelmas” at North Florida Christian Service Camp. The theme this year will be French Cavalier, complete with Best Cavalier Garb contest, A Cavalier Lyst (single sword or sword with Main Gauche), and a High Cavalier Feast. Autocrat, H.L. Rurik Petrovitch Stoianov, Feastcrat Lady Serina Vigdis Ulfsdottir

Village Faire
Talewinds, Vol.9, No.9. September AS XXV the Barony of Darkwater presents Village Faire on 10-12/13-90 at Camp Winona. There will be a variety of activities offered: Classes in Arts, Sciences, and fighting skills with credits by the TRU. Games and Entertainment provided Friday and Saturday before and after classes; the First organizational meeting of the Trimarian Equestrian Guild will be held. Autocrat Raphael Guilbert Jonin; Feastcrat Lady Brenna MacGrioghair
At the Court of TRM Huan and Anastasia
Award of Arms – Tara Eibhlin N’Seaghada
Nials Seamus O’Ruairc
Ambrosius Glasleathad
10-20-90, the Shire of Blackthorne held an event

Baronial Bash
Talewinds, Vol.9, No.9. September AS XXV Baronial Bash XVIII, First and Best, the Oldest Trimarian Event on 10-27/29-90, by the Barony of Wyvernwood at Camp Keystone. Come join us in celebrating Trimaris’ first ever event as we present The Three Musketeers, complete with combat, fencing and games galore. Take you pick in combat with the “Whim of the Gods” lyst, a fencing lyst or the Grey Beards lyst. Combat Prize for Whim of the Gods Lyst will be custom made armor piece(s) of winner’s choice from Armourer John Urquart called the Shark. Prizes also awarded for the Fencing Lyst and our all day ongoing quest. Play “Clench a Wench”, a game best described as “kissing bingo” or maybe participate in “The dread Spectacle of the Tournament of Fools”. An auction of Wyvernwoode’s finest talents will be held outside the Feast Hall before we treat you to a feast of grandiose proportions of fine French cuisine that will make even the fussiest eater heap praises upon the chef. A traditional Baronial Silly Court and an All Hallow’s Eve Masque Ball to top it off. Autocrats Lady Kathryn Capella Seabright and Lisabetta Maria de Tolve; Feastcrat Lady Sarah Tegan E.F. Holden CANCELED DUE TO ENCEPHALITIS

Girls Club Demo
The Girls Incorporated of Mid-Pinellas (formerly Girls club of Pinellas Park) has once again asked for help with their Medieval Faire on 11-3/4-90 from 10 am to dusk. We need lovely ladies and gallant lords to demonstrate crafts, fight in a lyst and have a great time. Anyone wishing to participate must be in garb to get in free. For further information contact Lord Treve Morningstar

Baron’s Champion Lyst
Talewinds, Vol.9, No.10. October AS XXV On 11-3-90, the Barony of Darkwater held a one day event at Pace Private School in Longwood. Fighters of our fair Barony will vie for the honor of being the Baron’s Champion. Covered dish revel to follow. Autocrat Syryl Emrys ap Morgan.
At the Court of TE
OLHT – Gianetta di Remigio Wesler
Brian O’Seanachain
Syryl ap Morgan o’Glandulas

College of Herald’s Meeting
The College of Herald’s meeting was held on 11-10-90, in Glymmerholde. There was a small but intense commenting session. Two of our local officers took the Pursuivant’s Placement Test and there were handouts on Voice Heraldry and the new College of Heralds directory.

Martinmas Moot
Talewinds, Vol.9, No.9. September AS XXV 11-9/11-90 The Shire of Peregrine Springs presents Martinmas Moot at Camp Wewa. Autocrat Cedric Steinhauser, Feastcrat Lord Heinrich von Guggenheim DATE CHANGED TO 1-5-91
Talewinds, Vol.9, No.11. November AS XXV From the Seneschal – The date of the Trimarian Crown Lyst has been changed to 1-5-91. It was previously set for 11-10-90. I am sure most of you are aware of the fact that the St. Louis strain of encephalitis (that is transmitted by mosquitos which fly only after dark) has been showing up in several central and southern Florida counties. We will most likely have a much safer event if we wait until the 5th of January. At least two cold nights are needed to reduce the numbers of this night-flying insect. I have recently been asked the questions “What is encephalitis?” Encephalitis is a viral inflammation of the brain. The symptoms include fever, headache, excessive emesis, and a stiff neck. A change in the level of consciousness often accompanies these symptoms. The people most at risk are the young and gentles over 55. All groups will do 1 day events in air-conditioned buildings until the advisory alert is lifted. Two nights of 45 to 50 degree weather will be necessary before we can resume normal activities.

Talewinds, Vol.9, No.9. September AS XXV 11-16/18-90 the Shire of Storm is celebrating our 5th anniversary and caravans from all over the Knowne Worlde are converging upon Camp Honi Honta to help us celebrate. We cordially extend an invitation unto the populace of Trimaris to join us in a weekend of celebratory feasting and revelry. There will be the traditional “Protector of the Caravan” melee and lyst; a live weapons competition, a “Trimarian Triathalon” (chariot race, relay, tug-o-war); a mini Art/Sci; a Trimaris Trivia Tourney; and lots of other fun and games. Autocrats H.L. Oriana Goldenhair and Antonia Wentworthe Cavanaugh, Feastcrat Lady Basilla de Mercier SITE CHANGED AND CHANGED TO A ONE DAY EVENT, 11-17-90, DUE TO PLAGUE
At the Court of TRM Huan and Anastasia
Order of the Watchful Flame – Christopher of Hendon
Order of the Argent Estoile – Grania ni Fhearghuis
Award of Arms – Rhiannon FitzGerald

Norrey Academie of Herauldrie
On 11-28-90, the Norrey Academie was held in Mathom Trove. It was well attended and consisted of several classes and more commenting.

Inter-Kingdom War
11-30/12-1-90 The annual war between Trimaris and Atlantia will take place at Lynches River State Park, near Florence S.C. Primitive tenting/camping. There will be a hearty venison stew, breads and cheeses provided in the hall Saturday night to augment foods brought and prepared by attenders. War points have been reported as follows: Two field battles (one with archers one without); One Champions Battle (belted and unbelted); one Bridge of Similar Battle; One Woods Battle (two banners, one hour); Target Archery; Arts and Science competition.
At the Court of TRM Huan and Anastasia 12-1-90
Court Barony – Derek MacTaggart
Court Barony – Jenny Scarlet MacTaggart
KSCA – Fredrich Karl Kyburg
Order of the Black Widow – Carmella Donati
Order of the Morningstar – Rhianna Dacia Aurelia Valeria
Order of the Argent Estoile – Kenneth MacCintsacairt
Award of Arms – Garan Halftelson
At the Court of TRM Huan and Anastasia 12-2-90
Court Barony – Idunn Felinnoir
Grant of Arms – Idunn Felinnoir
KSCA – Lansemall von Wisen Krieg
Order of the Trimarian Sword – Johnathan Whitehart

Talewinds, Vol.10, No.1. January AS XXV From Their Royal Majesties – Greetings unto the most loyal and faithful subjects the world has known, from your King and Queen, Huan and Anastasia.
We bring you great tidings from our war in the North. Mighty was the host that went forward in the name of Trimaris and mighty was the foe we faced. As we walked abut the campfires on the eve of the battle we did hear the anxiousness and trepidation of the Trimarian host. Many were the questions and queries from stout lads and dogs of war. Our response to them was “Be valiant and steadfast and we will carry the day. For in their hearts they fear you.” The great chill of the evening gave way to the warming light of the morning sun as the awesome host of Trimaris assembled. Great names and great captains shown forth to give battle under the Triskele banner. Duke Erin and his dark visage caused dread in the enemy wherever he stood. Earl Seosaidh and Duke Baldar led their ravening myrmidons of House Black Sword and House Asgaar, reaping great slaughter. Gold Star, under the three counts renown, Solomen, Hagen and Llewelyn smashed the Atlantian foes like the fist of God.
In the first field battle Trimaris swept the field like a scythe in a wheat field. The screams fed our bloodlust. In the second field battle the Atlantaian army responded and overwhelmed us with fierce battle and carried the field. The stage was set for the contest of champions. Knights and squires fought individually for the glory of God and the Crown, but alas when the final tally was called, by the slimmest margins Atlantia carried the victory.
Finally the two hosts met for the titanic struggle on the bridge. At the onset, Lord Kamber of the House Asgaard led the shield wall into the Atlantian line followed by Duke Erin’s elite spear cadre and Earl Seosaidh’s glaive boys from hell. Men went deaf from the clash of arms as the two armies pounded on the valiant bodies of their foes. Back and forth the two armies struggled taking turns gaining and losing a foot at a time. At one moment the Atlantian’s Prince burst through the Trimarian lines causing a gaping hole before he fell. ‘Twas then that the King rushed, slaying as he went to fill their breach. Eight Atlantians fell before his sword before he was slain at the Atlantian shield wall, pierced by the glaives and pikes. Trimaris followed their King to fill the breach. The battle ebbed and flowed. Missiles rained down upon the troops. One last Atlantian surge seeking to clear the bridge and claim victory was denied by a single Trimarian warrior, Springbuck, known as Richard, who held the line indomitable. Then Trimaris rose and as the mighty hand of might unyielding, cleared the bridge of all Atlantian souls and claimed victory. It was decided at that point by the Crown that the woods battle was untenable and the war was to be decided by archery and the Arts and Sciences competition.
As Trimaris went to the line, shafts flew unerringly and quickly to the mark, but alas when all was counted Trimaris was felled by one arrow. Great thanks give we to Honathon Whitehart and Treve Morningstar for their defense of Trimarian purpose in the archery competition. By their request many came to the line to shoot for Trimaris. We give them the thanks of the Crown. All that was left was the Arts and Sciences competition. As fierce as army heros did the craftsmen give battle and though all were mightily one name stands alone, Lady Elfwyn de Barfleur. She singlehandedly produced the equivalent of one-third of the Atlantian kingdom total and led Trimaris to a crushing victory.
With the winning of the Arts and Sciences competition, the war was declared a draw and both kingdoms withdrew to prepare for next year. We the Crown thank the people of Trimaris for their great service and great sacrifice that we should travel to Atlantia to make war. For Glory and Honor, thank you -Huan Artur and Anastasia

Talewinds, Vol.10, No.1. January AS XXV Science Officer’s Report from H.L. Guillermo da Firenze: As most of you already know, Trimaris won the Art/Sci point at this past Sea Raids with a total of 1,104 points. Atlantia gave us a good close race with Trimaris leading by 160 points. Elfwyn de Barfleur had the most entries in the competition as well as earing the most points in either kingdom. However, Elfwyn was not alone in making Trimaris victorious. Hollyn, Ropesle, Ariel, Isabella, Grania, Elom, Ara, Ivanthol, Raoul, Shawn, Margaret, Carmanetta, Catheryn, Cher, and Oriana also contributed with their own talents giving Trimaris the edge to take the day. I would like to give a special thanks to the Barony of An Crosaire and the Shire of Storm. without the contributions of these two groups, Trimaris would not have won the Art/Sci point and the results would have been a lost war. Lastly, I offer my sincere gratitude and thanks to Mistress Elitha of the Entwining Stars, Minister of the Arts and Sciences, Atlantia. It was a pleasure to work with Elitha during this competition and I look forward to working with her in the future.

Letter from Their Royal Majesties
Talewinds, Vol.9, no.12, December AS XXV Most Noble Subjects; We wish to thank you all for your understanding and cooperation during this current encephalitis crisis. It has troubled us greatly that several wonderful events have been canceled. You have warmed our hearts with your spirit of good will and ingenuity which moved events indoors with little notice and made merry despite all obstacles. Our thanks for all your hard work. Our thanks go as well to our farsighted seneschal who used excellent judgement in assisting all of us to react sensibly to the crisis.
The situation has prompted other problems which have repercussions for the future. We would have preferred a “normal” reign, this being our first. However, circumstances have dictated otherwise and we have had some serious decisions to make based on our common sense and input of you, our subjects. We know we shall receive the understanding and cooperation of all our loyal subjects. We have found how supportive Trimarians can be, much to our great pleasure.
First, our seneschal had no choice but to re-adjust the date of Crown Lyst to January 5th. It is not a reasonable risk to take chances with lives in Trimaris. Please note we have rewritten Kingdom Law to allow future Crowns the flexibility to make adjustments if such an emergency should once again arise. This measure should be taken ONLY in extreme circumstances but must be allowed because emergencies may occur in the future as well. We hope no Crown shall have to agonize over this issue as we have.
Because Crown Lyst is to be held a scant 60 days before Coronation, this brings to mind some disturbing facts for our heirs and the good of the Kingdom. We find it difficult to believe that the crown-to-be could adequately prepare for their Coronation; get to know their subjects as Crown Prince and Princess via event attendance; have a sufficient support group of retainers; and be briefed well enough to do the task of ruling our fair land competently in that brief period of time. While this in itself would be a tall order, let us go even further and add the burden of adequately preparing for the Twenty-Fifth Year Celebration: the large amount of quality costumes required; the adequate number of retainers competent and trained to run the encampment; set-up of the encampment, etc.,etc. just one week later. We believe that would place an overwhelming burden on two people and doom them to fail, improperly representing themselves as Crown and/or the Kingdom in some or all of these aspects. Space available here prohibits us going into all our concerns.
The next reign will have Twentieth Pennsic Celebration in August and a need to maintain (probably excel since it’s 20th year) the fine tradition of Pennsic encampments of high Trimarian standard set by our ancestors plus all the usual Royal expense burden and her is an incredible outlay of money. Who is wealthy enough to afford it all?
Therefore, we have taken it upon ourselves to assume the responsibility for the Twenty-Fifth year obligations by moving Coronation to the first weekend in April. We believe this will allow the incoming Crown the time necessary to adequately prepare for all the obligations they will be assuming. We hope they will take an active role in helping us at TFYC and use this opportunity as a “dress referral” for what they’d like to see happening at this year’s very special Pennsic.
We thank in advance, all our gracious and mature subjects for their flexibility in this problematic time. You have made us proud as your Crown. Trimarian successes at this time and in the future are credible to you goode folke. Our most humble thanks to you all for your great and continuing kindness to us. We are in your service. Huan, King Anastasia, Queen

The Feast of St. Nichol
Talewinds, Vol.9, no.12, December AS XXV The Shire of Brineside Moor proudly presents its sixth anniversary event, featuring the famous “Toys for Tots Lyst” at Camp Honi Honta. This years festivities include: the Toys for Tots lyst; an international feast; a court of mis-rule; real weapons; archery; games to delight and amaze in keeping with the spirit of the court of mis-rule. Autocrat Lord Sean of Carrikfergus, Feastcrat Lady Sine Gillian Macdonald
At the Court of TRM Huan and Anastasia
Award of Arms – Justin of Kent

Lion in Winter
12-15-90, the Shire of Oldenfeld held their annual Lion in Winter event.

Wassailing Revel
12-15-90, the Barony of Darkwater held a one day event celebrating the holiday season.

Feast and Lyst
12-15-90, the Shire of Sea March held their holiday event.