Recent Kingdom Notes

February 16, 2025

The Kingdom of Trimaris

The Three Seas of Power

Trimaris History – 1988

38 min read


Art/Sci Faire and Twelfth Night
Talewinds, Vol.7,no.1, January AS XXII 1-8/10-88 The Shire of Southkeype is proud to be hosting the annual Winter Kingdom Arts and Sciences Faire at our Twelfth Night Revel, at Camp Corbett. Feast Saturday will have a Barbarian/Pagan Theme (Candlemas), currently there are plans for a Was-Hael (Wassail). Breakfast will feature eggs cooked to order. There will be a Children’s Feast on the back porch with simple, non-spicy foods. Arts and Sciences Information: By the request of their Majesties, there will be a Display Only room set up for those with projects which they do not wish to enter for judging, or projects entered at a previous Art/Sci. Documentation is optional, but some explanation of the display item would be appreciated. Masque Laureate competition. Classes include: Leatherwork, Elizabethian Cooking, Wheel-lock Firearms, Leather Tooling, brewing Liquors, Chainmail, simple shoes, soapmaking, stain glass, Period fencing, Metalsmithing, glass etching, History of Trimaris, Kievian Russian History, Male Cavalier garb, and much, much more. Autocrat Zaida bint Al-Gassal
At the Court of TRM Quentin and Cara
Order of the Silver Trident – Oriana Goldenhair
Order of the Herald’s Tressure – Sir Koppel
Order of the Laurel – Ana Isabel Barrios de Perez
Lady Sine Gillian MacDonald and Korrum du Mere won Best-in-Show in the Science catagory for a joint project in silverwork.
Sakira the Red got an Extraordinary Merit in painting
Lord Treve Moringstar got an Extraordinary Merit in woodworking
Lord Eric of Telemark got an Extraordinary Merit in stained glass

Hero of the Chalice
On 1-15/17-88 the Barony of Darkwater held their annual Hero of the Chalice event.
At the Court of TRM Quentin and Cara
Order of the Morningstar – Solomon Spite
Order of the Argent Estoille – Chelsea of the Heights
Order of the Silver Trident – Adriana Maria Von Groth

Kilted Landskecht Wedding
Talewinds, Vol.7,no.1, January AS XXII 1-23-88, Castlemere presents Lord Devlin Macleod and Lady Lorelei Mumler’s wedding. A day of good eating, combat and merriment. The feast of traditional Scottish/German fare to satisfy the hunger of all. For those of a Martial Nature, a brides lyst with 2 prizes, A novice lyst with a prize and an unknown, surprise lyst, even the prize is a surprise. And for merriment there will be dancing, both middle Eastern and traditional, everyone enjoys a good brawl or two.

Incipient Shire of Amyergorod
Unto the Honorable Lord Ian of Beinn Dubh, from the hopefully Incipient Shire of Amyergorod on this 24th day of January, AS XXII, 1988.
This is a report of the first activities of our group in the Marion/Levy County area. On 1-23-88 we held a demo, in a joint effort with the Canton of Loch Gryffyn at the Mega World RV Resort Park in Ocala. Our group had 100% membership turnout. The demo was also assisted by members of Darkwater, Glymmerholde, Oldenfeld and An Crosaire. We had a write up in the Ocala Star Banner on the demo.
The shire will have the name of Amyergorod, which means City of Honor. The following is a list of officers and the Charter Members of our shire:
Seneschal – Lady Natalija Varvara Stoianova (Barbara Franke)
Herald & Knights Marshal – Lord Rurik Petrovitch Stoianov (Steve Harrett)
Treasurer – Lady Serina Vigdis Ulfsdottir (Shawn Harrett)
Minister of Arts – Brighid ni Grioghair (Kim Browning)
Minister of Science – Eoywin MacCanna (Karen Adams)
Historian – Sunniva Trondsdottir (Beth Brasington)

The following is a list of zip codes for Marion County and the eastern most portion of Levy County. 32617,32620,32630,32632,32637,32667,32668,32670,32671,32672,32673,32674,32675,32676,32678,
32679,32682,32686,32688,32691,32695,32696, and 32698,
We are in the process of scheduling meeting nights for the local area in Ocala as it is a more centeralized location and using our property for such things as Social Sundays, workshops and fighter practice. We have had some initial response from the demo and the enclosed article and hope to have several new members by the time of our first official meeting. Natasha, Seneschal

Swamp Stomp
Talewinds, Vol.7,no.1, January AS XXII 1-29/31-88 At Camp Thunderbird by the Barony of Darkwater. An obstacle course and lyst. Be prepared to run in armor with weapons. An Art/Sci display, Winter Art/Sci entrants are invited to display their entries for the edification and enjoyment of the populace. All non-entrants are also welcome to display any work. Autocrat Lord Jean Claude Dominique Jeanin, Feastcrat Lady Catherine Elizabeth Anne Somerton.
At the Court of TRM Quentin and Cara
Order of the Argent Estoile – Adrienne Crescentia de la Fere
Grant of Arms – Melbrigda of Oak Glen
Grant of Arms – Morgan Morcheartaigh

Bashaw Elementary School Demo
On 2-5-88, the Shire of Brineside Moor was requested to assist Bashaw Elementary School, in Manatee county, with a demonstration entitled “Children of Other Places.” The shire researched medieval activities for children. Lady Brigit Olesdottir, Lord Eric of Telemark and Ian Corloc Hmyn conducted three 15 minute lectures for 6 kindergarden classes and two 25 minute lectures for 4 third grade classes. The school asked Lady Brigit back on the 25th of February to conduct a more in depth class on medieval costuming for one of the third grade classes.

The Manatee Community College asked the Shire of Brineside Moor to give arts and crafts demonstrations to the students of their arts department several times during the spring semester of 1988.

War College and Heralds’ Symposium
Talewinds, Vol.7,no.1, January AS XXII On 2-6-88, At Christmas RV Park in Christmas Fl by the Shire of Starhaven. War Classes, More war classes and More war classes! qualify new fighters, historic warfare, woods battle, battle tactics, archery tactics, bridge battle, melees, tactical command and SCA warfare. Instructors include Duke Sir Baldar, Duke Sir Erin, Duchess Branwen, HRM Sir Quentin, HRH Sir Seosaidh. Heraldic Workshop coordinated by Lady Bridget. Local, Staff and At-Large Heralds are encouraged to come and participate. Tenting only.
At the Court of TRM Quentin and Cara
Order of the Morningstar – Richard de Camville
Order of the Argent Estoille – Geoffrey of Lincolne

St. Valentines Day Massacre
Talewinds, Vol.7,no.1, January AS XXII On 2-13/14-88, The Barony of An Crosaire presents the 11th Annual St. Vanentine’s Day Massacre to be held at Seminole Springs Campground. Featuring The Baronial boare (not boore) Hunt, the traditional St. Valentines lyste, the traditional St. Valentines Massacre (with mandatory silliness expected of all participants). This is a tenting only event, bring your own everything – we really mean it! Saturday night’s potluck feast will feature a main course of stew. Swimming in the springs at the risk of your own constitution (BRRR). Contact Gwennan ferch Gwydion o Lyved
At the Court of TRM Quentin and Cara
Award of Arms – Eric Tryggvasson
Donnchad Ui Grada
Katsushika Michinaga
Colfre Tryggvasdottir

At the Baronial Court of TE Tetsuo and Kimineko
Order of the Serpent’s Torc – Russell de Crawford
Barbara of the Crossroads (Bar ha ra)
Yonaton moshe Berbeb
Donnchad Ui Grada
Torkel Tryggvason
Ardalan O’Brollachain
Order of the Cross and Serpent – Genevieve von Fehrman

Sea Raids
Talewinds, Vol.7,no.2, February AS XXII The Shire of Blackthorne hosts Sea Raids on 2-26/28-88 at Camp Kateri. For further information call Mistress Eleanor Powe
Mistress Kathern Angelique took Lord Eric of Telemark as a protogee

Oak Park Middle School Demo
On 3-1-88 the Canton of Loch Gryffyn held a demo for the students at the Oak Park Middle School.

Spring Coronation
Talewinds, Vol.7,no.2, February AS XXII 3-4/6-88 The Shires of Storm and Narval Dorado present the Coronation of Seosaidh II and Erika of Trimaris at Camp Keystone. Feast provided and prepared by the Shire of Narval Dorado. The coronation theme will be mid-15th Century Western European (specifically Lowland Scotland) Highland Scots are welcome. Autocrat Guillermo Da Firenze.
At the first Court of TRM Seosaidh II and Erika of Trimaris
County – Sir Quentin Wrenguard ap Rhys (Earl)
Cara Marie of Carlisle
Order of the Rose (with a Patent of Arms) – Cara Marie of Carlisle
Order of the Pelican – Morgana ferch Morgan
Order of the Laurel – Elina Thrymsfostra
Order of the Triskele Trimaris – Ragnarr Hardraada
Order of the Argent Palm – Mikael du Mochelle
Lief Knarrsmoir, called Lars
Award of Arms – Dymphna de Reynard
Fellowship of the Fletcher – Patrick MacMurray

Largo Renaissance Fair
On 3-12-88, the Shire of Brineside Moor participated in a demonstration at the Largo Renaissance Fair

Trident Tourney
Talewinds, Vol.7,no.3, March AS XXII 3-18/20-88 The Barony of Darkwater will hold Trident Tourney at Camp Wewa. Featured is a “Legendary” double elimination list as well as a “Heraldic Skills” and “Creative yet Genteel Insult” contest. The Page’s Guild is holding their annual auction, all proceeds will go to the Guild coffers to supply Loaner Garb for youngsters, the publication of the “Sea Urchin” newsletter, and supplies for activities at events. Autocrat Laird Alasdair Francis MacDhomhuill, Feastcrat Lord Johann Gotz Kaufman von Erfurt.
At the Royal Court of Seosaidh II and Erika of Trimaris
Order of the Laurel – Anna Alicia von Rhinehart
Fellowship of the Tradewinds Trimaris – Cedric Steinhauser
Crown’s Order of Courtesy – Otto Botticher von Spreebrucke
At the Baronial Court of Barar and Anna Alicia
Order of the Trident’s Keype – Menachen ben Elzazr
Order of the Acorn’s Glade – Talieson David Conganon
Alidsair Francis MacDhomhnuill

League of the Hidden Treasure (this order is established as the secondary service award for the Barony -the following are people who were recipients of the shire service awards and are recognized now with this order
League of Hidden Treasure (Charter Members)
Boyd O’Flame
Ecnud Kundulum
Elizabeth ni Shaughnessey bean Kundulum
Michelle de la Roc Rouge
Theodocious Athanasius
Arianne des Jardins
Islay Elspeth MacDhomhnuill
Elizabeth Nan Carey
Marie Genevieve
Kenneth “Gradhiel” Maccintsacarit
Milicent Ros
Leopole of Loch Gryffyn
League of Hidden Treasure (New Members)
Sean Owen MacGrioghair
Otto Botticher von Spreebucke

Wulfwynn and Kragon’s Wedding
Talewinds, Vol.7,no.3, March AS XXII On 3-26-88, the Shire of the Ruins and the College of Cote de Vert are pleased to announce the Wedding of Wulfwynn and Kragon. Yes, this is it. The wedding of the millennium. Bring your finest fineries as the theme for this joyous occasion will be Full Lace Jacket Cavalier, circa 1625. After the wedding those feeling brave enough can participate in an assault on a small castle. Other activities will include a lyst and perhaps a few interesting surprises. The site will be Camp Cricket in Bartow. There are few cabins so please plan on tenting. Autocrat H.L. Michael von Anspach, Feastcrat Saranna Tudinsdottir.

Troubadour’s Event
Talewinds, Vol.7,no.3, March AS XXII 3-25/27-88 The Bold new Shire of Oldenfeld cordially invites you to join them in a celebration of their anniversary at the Seminole Reservation in Tallahassee. Per that Grand Oldenfeld Tradition, we will be having lots of fun. This time in the form a various “BOLD” contests, dancing, feasting and fighting. Co-Autocrat Lady Suzanne Renee Barineau da Firenze

South Regional Library Demo
Talewinds, Vol.7,no.3, March AS XXII 3-26-88 The Shire of Sangre del Sol invites one and all to a demo on 3-26-88 at the South Regional Library in Hollywood. There will be a revel afterwards and there is crash space available with advance notice. Contact Dea

Fools War (formerly Tri-Kingdom War/Peace)
Talewinds, Vol.7,no.1, January AS XXII On 4-1/3-88 The Shire of Novus Matisco at Macon GA, will feature at this event be more fighting than one can handle. On 4-1-88 we will have Knight’s, Squire’s, Unbelted, Novice Lists and pick up fights. On 4-2-88 will be the real war – wood battles, open field, beach and bridge battles. Real weapons competitions – Inter-Kingdom Archery, knife, axe, spear and SCA Combat Archery. Arts/Sci competitions, an Easter Egg hunt, Feast and Soup Kitchen. There will be local (and possibly national) news coverage due to our participation in the Cherry Blossom Festival -so come adorned in your finest garb and armor. Autocrat Lord Ryan von Glinter.
At the Court of TRM Seosaidh II and Erika of Trimaris
Fellowship of the Tradewinds Trimaris – Vasilikee
Guillermo de Perez
Crown’s Order of Courtesy – Darian Goldenhair
Lord Eric of Telemark took first place in costume accessories and second place in Brewing and Vinting.

To the Crown and populace of Trimaris, from the Shire of Novis Matisco, Meridies
Majesties and Good Gentles of Trimaris
It is our wish to extend sincere thanks to all who attended our Tri-Kingdom Fool’s War in April. Your attendance demonstrated a great deal of support and for this we are grateful. The event was a big success and we feel that everyone enjoyed themselves. The work submitted by your artisans was beautiful and worthy of the highest of compliments. Special thanks goes to those individuals that helped “behind the scenes” to make sure everything went smoothly. By late Saturday night we were hearing murmurs of “next year” and suggestions of “annual event”. That is, of course, one of the nicest compliments we could receive. We do plan to host a Tri-Kingdom event next year and hope to see you all at that time. Lady Jillian Anna Malusi, Senescha Movis Matisco

The Southern Paludine Alliance Presents the Annual Spring Fighters Collegium
Talewinds, Vol.7,no.4, April AS XXII 4-15/17-88 This years exciting Guest Instructor – Duke John the Bearkiller (who will be, at the time, King of Merides) to be held at Fisheating Creek. We provide acres of woods for woods battles, period swimming, extremely primitive sanitary facilities, and classes – including HRM Meridies personified rattan weapons, and other sundries…a boar hunt…and the infamous Valhalla Bridge Battle (fight until you drop). Bring a strong desire to fight until dark, tents, food, beverages, bug repellant, sleeping bags, beer, more bug spray, more beer, duct tape, swords, shields, armor, biodegradable TP, more beer, a spirit of adventure, pells, compass for when you get lost in the woods…Autocrat Adalhaid of Oakleigh, Sea March

Inverness Public Library Demo
On 4-23-88, the Canton of Loch Gryffyn held a demo at the Inverness Public Library.

Leather And Lace Wars II
Talewinds, Vol.7,no.2, February AS XXII 4-22/24-88 The Shire of Brineside Moor presents Leather and Lace II at Camp Honi Honta. Haven’t had enough yet? You say you need more War! Just in time there’s Leather and Lace Wars II. As if this weren’t enough (when is it ever!) also included at no extra charge, Norrey College of Arms. Such a deal you should find every day. Things to do include classes in all aspects and mutations of heraldry, costume contest – best use of Leather and Lace or both in an authentic costume. Games, real weapon competitions, IKAC archery and Five meals. Autocrat Lord Eric of Telemark
At the Court of TRM Seosaidh II and Erika of Trimaris
Crown’s Order of Courtesy – Arlic Anthony Lyonfeather
Lord Treve Morningstar won the lysts
Terrel MacMagnus won the archery competition
Ian Corloc Hemyn won both the axe and knife competitions
Martin of the Moor won in chess
Lord Richard de Camville showed the best use of leather in a period costume
Mistress Katherin Angelique brought the best use of lace
Conrad of Starhaven took best use of leather and lace in one costume
There were approximately 42 persons attending. There was only one reported injury. Lord Eric of Telemark was not wearing a vambrace and was struck in the arm while ducking the intended blow to his helm weilded by Lord Duncan Angus MacDonald. Lord Eric sustained a broken arm “nightstick fracture.” Lord Eric’s injury was simply an accident of the sport and was not caused by excessive force or a dangerous weapon or technique -reported by Lady Brigit Olesdottir

Battle of Crecy
Talewinds, Vol.7,no.3, March AS XXII On 4-29/5-1-88, By Command of Their Royal Highnesses, the Shire of Glymmerhold with House Asgard presents Crecy 1346. This is the darkest hour of the Hundred Years War for the French. Almost 100 years before the “Maid of Orleans” (Joan d’Arc), the English are laying waste the countryside. Join the re-creation, save the French or defeat them again. Will the English Longbowmen prevail? Come and find out at the event that has something for everyone. Fighting, Archery and … Maypole and other dancing by H.L. Vasilikee, Historical classes by Duke Sir Baldar, Ld. Godfried and H.L. Vasilikee. Chirurgeon’s Classes. Spring Feast by Duke Sir Baldar, Ld. Juan Carlos, and Ld. Siegfried. To be held at Camp Wewa. Autocrats Mynerva & Vyctorya Swansea
At the Court of TRM Seosaidh II and Erika of Trimaris
Award of Arms – Kamber Makinnon
Derek MacTaggert
Arlic Anthony Lyonfeather
Fellowship of the Healer’s Lamp – Gwenelleth of Cymra
Order of the Argent Palm – Siegfried Heydrich
Fellowship of the Quiver – Johnathan Whitehart
Bard’s Laureate – (for Masque) Hillary of Danelagh
Queen’s Yeoman – Johnathan Whitehart

Gathering of the Clans
Talewinds, Vol.7,no.3, March AS XXII To be held 5-6/8-88 at Camp Thunderbird, the Barony of Darkwater presents the Gathering of the Clans. Come test you strength, agility, skill and palate at our highland country faire, or just watch, enjoy the feast and the party that will follow. Autocrat Alasdair Macdhomhnuill and Islay Elspeth of Glenn Meara, Feastcrats Brenna Macgregor and Sean Angus MacGregor
At the Baronial Court of Barar and Anna Alicia
Order of the Acorn’s Glade – Quentin Wrenguard ap Rhys
League of the Hidden Treasure – Morgan Alanna Morcheartaigh
At the Royal Court of TRM Seosaidh II and Erika of Trimaris
Order of the Argent Estoile – Mercedes Uracca Ramirez
Fellowship of the Grey Beards – Quentin Wrenguard ap Rhys
Elspeth Trelawney MacNaughton of Lochawe
Fellowship of the Tradewinds Trimaris – Constancia Isabel Torrez ni Morcheartaigh
Order of the Silver Trident – Marie Genevieve
Crown’s Order of Courtesy – Ann of Hendon

And Now For Something Completely Different
Talewinds, Vol.7,no.3, March AS XXII On 5-13/15-88 The Shire of Starhaven does it again! at Christmas RV Park in Christmas, FL. Be prepared for the following activities – Heavy weapons lyst, SCA Archery, Weird Weapons Lyst, Wet Tunic/Loincloth Contest, Tart Eating Contest, Board games, Children’s games – prizes for winners. Come and help Starhaven celebrate the SCA New Year! Tenting only. Autocrat Francois Le Renard and Lassair of Waterford, Feastcrat – Esobella Rowena Ersell THIS EVENT WAS CANCELLED

Lions Tourney III
Talewinds, Vol.7,no.3, March AS XXII On 5-13/15-88 The Shire of Oldenfeld presents Lion’s Tourney III – Fightin’, Food, Frivolity, Frolic, Fun with archery, a banner contest, team combat, mid-east meals. Autocrat Lord Llorcan
At the Court of TRM Seosaidh II and Erika of Trimaris
Award of Arms – Umble the Mumbler

A May Day Celebration
Talewinds, Vol.7,no.4, April AS XXII On 5-20/22-88, Come join Loch Gryffin and Vaca del Mar celebrate the springtime at Camp Thunderbird. To occupy you there will be jousting, a lyst, a poetry contest and a lunch auction. POETRY: Present a poem to your lord or lady. Prizes for the best poem from Lord to Lady and from Lady to Lord will be presented. For the Jousting and Lyst: all entrants must have a lord or lady for whom they are fighting. Prizes will be given to the winner of both the jousting and lyst. Autocrat Stephen Godwin fitz Baldric

Trimaris Memorial Tourney
Talewinds, Vol.7,no.4, April AS XXII On 5-27/30-88, The Shire of Castlemere will host Trimaris Memorial Tourney Crown List at Camp Chowenwa. A call to arms to the fighters of Trimaris to fight for the honor to be King. On Sunday, the Champion of Trimaris lyst, the Queen’s Yeoman’s Competition. Feast for Saturday is prepared by Lady Katerina Tatiana (limited to 250 reservations) and on Sunday by Lord Jason Dubious (limited to 150 reservations). Autocrat Lord Devilin MacLeod
AT the Court of TRM Seosaidh II and Erika of Trimaris
Order of the Triskele Trimaris – Kopple fun Baurieux
Order of the Argent Scales – Konrad Loraybeck
Order of the Argent Estoile – Donnachad MacFarris
Erik of Telemark
Fellowship of the Healer’s Lamp – Cara Angiola de Boccacio
Fellowship of the Trimarian Bards Laureate – Drottin Thorkel the Skald (Poet)
Fellowship of the Mermaids Pearl – Natalija Varvara Stoianova (Natasha)
Fellowship of the Quiver – Branwen bean Aaron
Award of Arms – Rose O’Shaughnessy
Thaalabi uc Defa Dokuntu

Order of the Argent Palm – Brigit Olesdottir of Loch Ree
Carmenette Rosa Diaz y Rodriguez
Arthur Broderick Didnaduit
Broshina E’Katarina Tatania Patruska Razin
Morgan Alanna Morcheartaigh
Order of the Morningstar – Johnathan Whitehart
Llewellyn ap Cadwallader
Crown’s Order of Courtesy – Gwenedd ferch Gwydion
Thaalabi uc Defa Dokuntu
The following events also took place
King’s Champion – Trinculo
Queen’s Champion – Quentin ap Rhes
Most Chivalrous Fighter – Quentin ap Rhes
Poet Laureate – Fiona de Uaine Suile

Kingdom Chirurgeon’s Report
This is my progress report to my fellow guild members chronicling our progress as a guild. This report also will keep you all up to date on what sort of plans the guild has for the future. The first chirurgeon’s meeting of this year was held at Crecy. Many things were discussed. One amoung them was: Are there any group chirurgeons any more? the answer is yes. I will refer to the Trimaris Chirurgeons’s Handbook – a lesser territory may have a chirurgeon sit on it’s officer’s council. This means that a baron or seneschal does not sign that chirurgeon’s warrant. That also means that the chirurgeon’s warrant is independent of the politics of the local unit. The chirurgeon serves the kingdom at large and the chirurgeon on the council may represent other chirurgeons in the area to the council, but does not have any authority over the other chirurgeons in that area because of it. We also held a Crecy a chirurgeon’s collegium which was very well attended. Lady Cassandra, Mistress Atalaya, Lady Ann of Hendon and Lord Shea were instructors. The chirurgeon’s guild has had a very active year and has been present at all kingdom events and almost all local events. Here is a list of some people I want to thank for their services as chirurgeon’s at large:
Lady Cassandra Lord Shea
Lady Rhiannon Lord Brendon
Mistress Atalaya Sarah Lynette
Lady Natasha Lord Rurik
Jhanos Lucien Alexander LeBon
Mistress Anna Alicia Lady Katerine Isabella de Firenze

The Chirurgeon station we had set up at TMT was a rousing success. The esprit de corps and the comraderie that was felt among the guild members was heart-warming. I am looking for people who are willing to work at Pennsic as water bearers and chirurgeons. Islay Elspeth of Glen Meara

Arts and Science Faire
Talewinds, Vol.7,no.4, April AS XXII On 6-3/5-88, Glymmerholde and Mathom Trove present the Summer Arts and Sciences Faire at Camp Wewa. All good gentles are cordially invited to attend. Feast seating is limited to 150. The Greco-Roman feast will feature fresh shrimp and homemade baklava. Autocrat Lady Victoria Swansea and Lord Takamatsu Tadayoshi, Feastcrat Duke Sir Baldar and Lord Siegfried Heydrich
Patron of the Arts and Sciences – An Crosaire
Champion of the Sciences – Takara Fionnuala MacLeod
Champion of the Arts – Eglantine de Wolfe
Premier Merit Award – Rachel Kathleen Cundiff for Lacework
At the Court of TRM Seosaidh II and Erika of Trimaris
Order of the Argent Scales – Ana Isabel Barrios de Perez
Award of Arms – Maximillian von Hutton
Order of the Argent Estoille – Talieson David Conganan
Fellowship of the Golden Galleon – Seigfried Heydrich
Fellowship of the Bards Laureate – Baldar Langstriter
Fellowship of the Watchful Flame – Angus Duncan
Order of the Argent Palm – Stephen FitzBaldric
Talieson David Conganan
Valeria Fianna Glyn Or
Crown’s Order of Gratitude – Eowyn of Claigh Dhu
Illaysaid ni Dughlass
Art/Sci Results
1. An Crosaire – 54 points
2. Castlemere – 37 points
3. Starhaven – 37 points
4. Brineside Moor – 30 points
5. Vaca del Mar – 23 points
6. Sea March – 18 points
7. Storm – 17 points
8. Southkeype – 8 points
1. Takara Fionnuala MacLeod – 17 points
2. Hoddmir Thorinsvinr – 15 points
3. Eglantine de Wolfe – 12 points
4. Ekaterina Salasia – 10 points
5. Katsushinka Michinaga – 10 points
6. Michaela of Heron’s Rest – 7 points
1. Eglantine de Wolfe – 18 points
2. Aspasia Moonwind – 15 points
3. Takara Fionnuala MacLeod – 13 points
4. Marie Genevieve de Cihldara – 9 points
5. Erik of Telemark – 8 points
6. Haba the Magician – 8 points
7. Zubayda bint al-saffah – 7 points
8. Ines Cecilia de Marcy – 7 points
Singular Merit in Liqueurs & Cordials – Eglantine de Wolf
Singular Merit in Calligraphy & Illumination – Morgan Morcheartaigh
Singular Merit in Heraldic Trappings – Zubayda bint al-saffah
Singular Merit in Lacework – Rachel Kathleen Cundiff
Other Events that took place:
Eleanor Powe took Marie Eve Clouet as an apprentice
Atalaya took Cara Marie of Carlisle as a protigee
Katrina von Villach took Morgan Morcheartaigh as an apprentice
Guillermo Perez took the office of Minister of Arts
Genvieve was declared Masque Laureate

Midsummer’s Revel
On 6-25-88 The Shire of Narval Dorado held their anniversary event

Trimaris War College
Talewinds, Vol.7, no.6, June AS XXIII The Barony of Darkwater is again proud to host the annual summer pre- Pennsic Trimaris War College on 7-1/4-88 at Magnolia Park. This is a bring-your-own-everything event. but the cost should be quite agreeable $1.00 per night. There will be fighting all day Saturday and Sunday (Monday is July 4, so there’s no real rush to leave early Sunday. Anyone wishing to stay Sunday night will need to make arrangements with the park) This is a WAR PRACTICE bring the weapons and armor you’ll be taking to Pennsic. We’ll be in demand up there; lets be ready for them. TRM Seosaidh II and Erica have issued a challenge to the fighters of Trimaris: They wish to see at least 100 or more of you at the War College. Autocrat Master Barar and Mistress Anna Alicia, Baron and Baroness of Darkwater.

Barony of An Crosaire Demo/Picnic
On 7-30-88, the Barony of An Crosaire held a picnic at Westside Park with a fighting demo and a small display area. Baronial members and the members of Amyergorod attended.

Pennsic War
On 8-20-88 the annual war between the East and Middle Kingdoms was held in Coopers Lake PA

Damn, I Can’t Go to Pennsic Revel
On 8-20/21-88 the Shire of Amyergorod held a revel at the Badger Den with approximately 27 gentles attending.

Talewinds, Vol.7, no.7, July AS XXIII On 9-2/5-88 The Barony of Wyvernwood and Friends invite you to attend the Coronation of Solomon and Chelsea of Trimaris, to be held at Camp Wewa. Join in the glad tidings and celebrate with us in true renaissance style, where dance and song and merriment shall be the rule of the day. then, as evening doth fall, we shall offer homage to the glory that was Rome (as well as for the comfort and enjoyment of the populace) by holding feast in the manner of the ancient Roman Empire. Sunday shall see a cornucopia of activities, from a fighter collegium for those of martial outlook to Renaissance dance classes (taught by Lady Vasilikee). Following, a feast by the fine folk of Southkeype and Oldenfeld. There shall be a great ball held to honor their Royal Majesties (a prize shall be given for the most elegant finery). Autocrats Lady Alianore d’Astralis and Lord Juan Carlos de Perez.
At the Last Court of TRM Seosaidh and Erika of Trimaris
Order of the Pelican – Vasilikee
KSCA – Darian Goldenhair
Order of the Argent Scales – Brewster Hartswood
Award of Arms – Bec ben Cork
Eoywin MacCanna
Alion de Sake
Fiona de Uaine Suile
Constancia Isabella Torrez ni Morcheartaigh
Ceowulf Wolfsson
Order of the Argent Estoile – Branwen ben Erin
Erin Breck Gordon
Morgan Alyn Alwyn
Carmella Donati
Order of the Argent Palm – Islay Elspeth MacDonald
Cara Angiola Boccaccio
Aelfred Tostigson
Alasdair MacDhomhnuill
Alion de Sake
Treve Morningstar
Guillermo Perez
Godfried of Frisia
Fara Steinhauser
Order of the Watchful Flame – Klaus von Salzach
Crown’s Order of Courtesy – Drake Ruthendale
Crown’s Order of Gratitude – Wulfhilda deBond
Clan Claigh Dubh
Augmentation of Arms – Ian of Beinn Dhubh
At the Coronation Court of TRM Solomon and Chelsea of Trimaris
County – Earl Seosaidh mac Seosaidh and Jarlinda Erika Bjornsdottir
Order of the Rose – Erika Bjornsdottir
Shield of Chivalry – Sir Quentin ap Rhys
Award of Arms – Severin Mattazanni
Francois le Renard
Order of the Argent Palm – Caitlin Miriya Doughlass
At the Evening Court of TRM Solomon and Chelsea of Trimaris
Order of the Silver Trident – Alasdair MacHhomhnuill
Award of Arms – Jhanos shaKhan
Fellowship of the Healer’s Lamp – Llewellyn ap Cadwallader
Jonathan Whitehard was declared to be the successor until the Queen’s Yeoman competition is held
Troubadour Laureate winner – Hagan

Minutes of the Officers Meeting
9-4-88 Lady Vyctorya, the new Kingdom Seneschal, opened the meeting by calling for all officers to appoint a spokesperson for their office at each meeting. These names would be given to the Historian prior to each meeting. Vyctorya gave out a letter of introduction to the assembled officers. As per Lord Rurik’s suggestion, it was decided that all officers would receive a copy of the meeting minutes, not just those who missed the meeting.
Vyctoria clarified that her request for quarterly reports within each officer did not pertain to the Herald, Exchequer, or Sheriff. Vyctorya announced that she has taken three assistants to help with special projects. Lord Loraybech will help with legal matters. Lord Erik of Telemark will book sites for kingdom events and Mistress Adalhaid will be giving classes in administration. Vyctorya also announced that the new Kingdom laws will not be legal until she signs them. We have not had a warranted Seneschal since August 17th.
Lord Rurik started the Sheriff’s report by saying that the gate guard party seems to have been restarted. He hopes that this will help in getting volunteers to stand guard. Rurik mentioned that he still does not know half of his local officers. Vyctorya suggested that he and any other officers having like problems should attend the seneschal’s meeting and talk to them about their local officers.
Lord Klaus von Salzach, the new Historian, reported that the report for last quarter had been turned in by his predecessor Lady Vyctorya. The report stated that the reporting level was high among the local historians.
Lord Guillermo de Perenza, Deputy MOA, reported for absent Lord Guillermo Perez. An arts competition will be held at Sea Raids using Atlantian Rules. Winter Art/Sci will be held by An Crosaire on 1-21, tentatively at Camp Kateri.
Following the Arts report came a discussion on booking campsites. Lady Fara Steinhauser suggested that we book a camp on the weekend of July 4th for Summer Arts/Sci. Rurik volunteered to get information on several camps in the Ocala area. Lord Erik mentioned that getting new camps is a problem in that most camps are absolutely dry. Vyctorya suggested putting down standing deposits on some campsites so that we can rely on getting them when needed. Lady Suranna offered her upcoming Autocrats Handbook to the Kingdom.
Lady Far Steinhauser reported that several candidates are coming up for graduation from the Trimaris Royal University. Scrolls are ready for these gentles and the 13 previous graduates. A sash or token is being considered for TRU grads. Fara said that any class that has been taught at Art/Sci or has an approved outline may be taught by the same teacher locally and be accredited.
Lady Cara Angiola Boccaccio, the new Chancellor of the Exchequer, has received her files from Lord Alfred. Cara answered a question by saying that the Kingdom will not reimburse local groups for options like Armorial and Ordinaries for Heralds. Cara warned that she travels often for her mundane job so that reimbursements will sometimes be delayed for no more than one week.
Lord Lance Nystrom, the Triskele Herald, reported that the new Order of Precedence had been printed at the cost of $15.00 due to it being 62 pages long. Lance would like to serialize the OP in Talewinds or arrange for a special edition to be published. Lance also suggested that kingdom officers be given some warning about the formation of new groups so that we may contact our local counterparts.
Mistress Warjna reported that the Hospitaller’s Office will soon be viable in Trimaris. She is ready to mail out a substantial rough draft of the Newcomers’ Guide. She would like to receive a list of the new members of each group and the interests of these new members os that be starting to get quarterly reports within her office.
Lady Islay’s Chirurgeon report consisted of four parts – First she has been trying to have a Chirurgeon’s pavilion operating 24 hours a day at major events. Second, she has been trying to warrant new chirurgeons. Third, she is concerned with the legalities of handing out over-the-counter medications at events. She will stop this practice until she can consult with experts. Fourth, Islay is concerned with alcohol poisoning cases. It was decided that if a person is in bad shape and is refusing hospitalization, the proper authorities shall be notified. Islay also announced that she will be hosting an adult an infant CPR class at her Orlando home on September 17th & 18th.
Lady Vyctorya announced that Baron Master Talieson will come out of retirement as Sea Panther Herald Extraordinaire to act as a consultant to the Heralds’ Office.
Children’s issues were discussed. It was agreed that the welfare of the child shall be paramount in all cases. The formation of a Ministry of Children headed by Lord Erik of Telemark is being considered. Suggestions were given o provide adult supervision for kids at events. House Hobby-Horse was commended for its work in watching the children. Her Royal Majesty suggested a cooperative babysitting service for evenings at camp. Melgriga suggested setting aside a cabin at events for the children under adult supervision.
It would announced that Peregrine Springs got the bid for Martinmas Moot.
Lord Klaus von Salzach, Kingdom Historian.

Talewinds, Vol.7, no.11, November AS XXIII A letter by Lady Cateline de la Mor
Fair cousin, I write to your this autumn day to tell you of a dolorous event that took place while my lord and I were attending the court of his majesty,King Seosaidh II. His majesty sat in court for upward of an hour, dealing with matters of import to the kingdom and granting awards to many deserving nobles. Alas, as he and his fair and gracious queen Erika withdrew from court, a miscreant disguised in a saffron hood appeared in the rear of the court. Shouting “Death to Seosaidh” this villain let loose an arrow at his majesty, but our valiant queen shielded her lord with her body and took the arrow in her own breast. Seosaidh immediately sent his armed guards after the traitor, commended his wounded consort to the care of his heirs, Solomon and Chelsea, and followed his guards into battle, though completely unarmored. The guards were so swift behind this miscreant that the sounds of battle rang clear from beyond the royal pavilion. (We who waited in court had neither armor nor weapons to defend our King) Alas, while the battle raged, our valiant queen expired of her wound, though diligently attended by their highnesses. Seosaidh came presently back to court, bearing aloft in triumph the traitor’s severed head in its yellow hood. The victory was hollow, we could see, for our king was grievously wounded, bleeding from a dozen wounds at least. When he heard that his beloved queen was dead, Seosaidh, with aspect terrible to behold, did cast down that symbol of his victory and drive his bloody sword clean through it. Then he seemed to weaken (and indeed, hih none dared approach him) and, knowing his death was nigh at hand, gave his crown and that of his fair queen to his son, Solomon, told him to have himself crowned so that the kingdom should yet be united by a single king. The king’s heralds and his court signified their consent by shouting, “The king is dead, long live the king!” And Seosaidh lay himself with his queen and died. Solomon commanded that their bodies be taken and prepared for burial. That same day Solomon fulfilled the wishes of his father and was crowned king of Trimaris. The mighty barons of the land, and great officers and many of the nobles that were present already for King Seosaidh’s court swore fealty to the new king, and so we need not fear the dangers of a kingless land while Solomon sits upon the throne with his queen, Chelsea. This is my record to you of the lamentable death of King Seosaidh and the elevation of his son, Solomon.
9-17-88, Castlemere

Eisteddfod IV
Talewinds, Vol.7, no.8, August AS XXIII 9-23/25-88, The Incipient Shire of Loch Gryffin presents Eisteddfod IV at the River Forest Camp Area. This will be tenting only, but it is WET! Prepare yourself for the Bardic competition of the year! Competition will be in both period and original works. The categories are acting, vocal song, instrumental song and poetry. Classes? we hope so. Emphasis is on the bardic arts but all areas of study are invited and encouraged. And for the stickjocks? yes, there will be a lyst. Autocrat Stephen Godwin fitz Baldric, Feastcrat Lord Victor von Koln
Winner of the lyst – Lord Otto Botticher von Spreebruche
Winner of the Chess Tournament- Lord Otto Botticher von Spreebruche
Bardic Compeition – Original Song – Duke Sir Merowald
Original Poetry – Duke Sir Merowald
Original Acting – Valeria Fionna Glyndwr
Medieval Song – Lady Vassilikee
Medieval Poetry – Master Taliesyn
Medieval Acting (storytelling) – Lord Wilhelm
Acknowledgement of Petition of Loch Gryffyn for Shire, passing to Kingdom level

Falling Stars – 11th Anniversary Event
Talewinds, Vol.7, no.9, September AS XXIII On 9-30/10-2-88, The Shire of Starhaven held their 11th Anniversary Event at Christmas Airstream Park in Christmas Fl. A weekend event, tenting only, It’s a German Oktoberfest, with a brewers and vintners contest, a heavy weapons lyst (winner of the lyst to be an honorary judge of the brewers and vintners contest). An archery competition and lots more fun. Autocrat Lady Katarina Tatiana Salasia

Barony of An Crosaire Investiture
Talewinds, Vol.7, no.8, August AS XXIII On 9-30/10-2-88 the Barony of An Crosaire most cordially invites the goode gentles of Trimaris and the rest of the Knowne World to attend the Baronial Investiture of Meistari Elom Eikinskjaldi and Lady Ara Arisdottir as Baron and Baroness An Crosaire. This event will take place at Michaelmas, to be held at Seminole Springs Campground.
Attention Warriors – there will be a Grande Challenge Lyst and classes in different weapon styles. There is no elimination. You may challenge as many combatants as you will. The most chivalrous fighter shall be honored as the Lyst Champion. There will be classes in the gentler arts and sciences as well. After the Lyst and classes will be the Baronial Investiture. This is a tenting event only, no cabin space is available. Autocrat Drottinn Thorkel
At the Court of TRM Solomon and Chelsea
Order of the Laurel – Eglantine de Wolfe
Court Baroness – Kiminiko Sakura
Grant of Arms – Ara Aradottir

Seminole County Library Demo
On 10-4-88, Peregrine Springs was asked by the Seminole County Library to do a demo for the children’s program. The children were from the 4th grade up and many parents were present. The library had requested a demo from 1 to 2 hours.

Troubadour Event
Talewinds, Vol.7, no.10, October AS XXIII Come to Oldenfeld on the weekend of 10-7/9 and participate in the numerous classes, covering a variety of subject dear to the heart of any troubadour. The site is the popular Seminole Reservation. Come to Northern Trimaris and see the splendor of the fall, come to Oldenfeld’s latest in our longstanding (slightly interrupted) tradition of fun filled events. The event is designed to help all of us poor folk learn more about the life and times of a troubadour in the days of old. For those of you not interested in learning more about the arts, or simply in need of some exercise after all those classes, there will be an archery competition on Saturday. Omnicrat, Lady Suzanne Renee Barineau da Firenze

Autumn Althing
On 10-7/9-88 The Shire of Southkeype held Autumn Althing
At the Court of TRM Solomon and Chelsea
Shell of Chivalry – Sir Seosaidh, Earl of Claigh Dubh
Order of the Argent Palm – Catherine Elizabeth Anne Somerton
Otto Botticher von Spreebrucke
Fellowship of the Mermaid’s Pearl – Marguerite Isadora de Riva
Award of Arms – Hafgan ap Bleiduidd
Elizabeth Craig called the Balladsinger
backlog scroll – Troubadour Laureate – Hafgan ap Bleiduidd

Barony of An Crosaire Picnic
On 10-15-88, the Barony of An Crosaire held a picnic/demo at Westside Park. Approximately 25 members attended.

Anniversary Event
10-15-88 The Shire of Castlemere held their anniversary event

Ocala Christian Academy Demo
On 10-21-88, the Shire of Amyergorod participated in the Ocala Christian Academy’s half-time ceremony for their homecoming game. Lord Rurik was master of ceremonies and introduced the homecoming queen. Five members attended to add color to the festivities.

Mega World RV Camp Demo
on 10-22-88, the Shire of Amyergorod held a demo at Mega World camp. Lord Rurik explained SCA fighting, we held a “fashion show”, did some dancing and mingled with the crowd.

Girls Club of Pinellas Park Demo
On 10-22/23-88 the Shire Storm, on behalf of the Girls Club of Pinellas Park invite the populace of Trimaris to participate in a demo. There will be two lists, one Satureday and one Sunday. The winner each day shall receive a prize of $50.00. This is primarily a demo to recruit new members. Limited tenting and crash space available on site.

Welsh Celebration
Talewinds, Vol.7, no.10, October AS XXIII 10-22/23-88, The Shire of Glymmerholde invites you to the Welsh Festival at Camp Honi Honta – After the last harvest celebrate Hallow e’en, get involved in the Welsh culture, come play and learn with us. Autocrat, Gwenna; Feastcrat Vyctorya of Swansea
At the Court of TRM Solomon and Chelsea
Crown’s Order of Gratitude – Taliesynne Nychymor Angifaddynm
Crown’s Order of Courtesy – Toryn O’Swansea
Order of the Argent Palm – Robin MacLir
Klaus von Salzack
Order of the Argent Estoile – Ynesse of Caer Brugh
Maati Peregrinus
Fellowship of the Mermaid’s Pearl – Guienna O’Swansea
Award of Arms – Demetrius Sethero Potamo
Esobella Rowena Eiryn Ross
Shell of Chivalry – Ferrin

Baronial Bash
Talewinds, Vol.7, no.10, October AS XXIII 10-28/30-88 The Barony of Wyvernwood will celebrate their 16th Anniversary. Festivities will include a Baronial Investiture of Sir Erich von Kampf and Lady Cathlin Emryss and the Royal Wedding of Their Majesties Chelsea of Trimaris and Solomon of Trimaris. Once again, back by populace demand, The Lyst of the Living Dead, Part III – come and see if you can control an army of rotten corpses, mummies, ghosts, etc. Fighters are asked to bring a small treasure for the lyst’s pool. There will also be a special prize for the only fighter left alive. Then eat and be merry at our 14th Century Feast. The winner of the lyst is asked to leave the living dead at home. The Champion of the lyst now is the time to gather your living dead. Join the Mythological Masquerade Ball. Come as your favorite mythological creature, animal (beast) or thing. Please any demons or devils in need of new legions, the living dead are at your disposal. Remember this is Halloween weekend, we would like everyone to enjoy themselves to the fullest. Autocrat Vladimir Cedric Gryphon, Astrith Scintillare Trygvasson and Ld. James Standish.
At the Court of TRM Solomon and Chelsea
Grant of Arms – Erik of Telemark
Order of the Crown’s Gratitude – Tor Mod MacMannahan Mac Lyr
Victoria O’Swansea
Order of the Crown’s Courtesy – Quentin ap Rhys
Order of the Triskel Trimaris – Morgan Moriartaigh
Order of the Argent Estoile – Renata della Romero
Danielle Deslemoine
Marguerite Isadora de la Riva
Sine nic Immey
Order of the Argent Scales – Adian Gerhart de Languedoc
Order of the Golden Galleon – Sir Baldar Langstriter
Order of the Tradewinds Trimaris – Carissa of Wyvernwood
Award of Arms – Renata della Romero
Terrell dunstan Arminger
Eleanor of the Broken Tower
Carissa of Wyvernwood
Genevive nic Gwym
William Mac Eanruit
Sine nic Immey
Guinna O’Swansea
Weapons Master – Erik of Telemark
Order of the Morningstar – Arlic Anthony Lyonfeather
OST – Cataline de la Mor

Baron’s Champion Lyst
Talewinds, Vol.7, no.11, November ASXXIII 11-5-88, Once again the Baron and Baroness of Darkwater call upon the warriors of the barony to gather in tournament to decide, by might of arms, The Baron’s Champion. The lists to be held at a mundane home in Longwood Fl. As in the past, the list for Baron’s Champion is open only to the fighters of the barony or those others willing to offer their allegiance to the Baron and Baroness. should there be sufficient other fighters in attendance, a second lists or melees will be held. “Creative” letters of intent need to be in the Baron’s hands by 11-3-88. The day’s activities shall begin about 10am, with the lists to begin at noon. Autocrat Master Barar, Baron Darkwater.

Peasant’s Revel
11-12-88 The Barony of An Crosaire and the incipient Shire of Amyergorod held a small event, Peasant’s Revel at the Badger Den (Lord Rurik’s home)

Caravanserai III
Talewinds, Vol.7, no.11, November ASXXIII Om 11-18/20-88, The Shire of Storm’s Fourth Annual Anniversary Event to be held at Camp Brorien in Tampa. The Shire of Storm invites one and all to welcome the Caravan as it returns once again. Bring your mighiest warriors to defend (or pillage) the caravan. For those of less martial bend there will be a mini art/sci competition. Prizes will be awarded in these catagories: Art – Illumination, Performance, Early Garb (300-1100 a.d.). Sciences – Leather Work, Jewelry, Domestic Science, SCA/Feast items. Many other pleasant activities include Bardic Circle, Chariot Races and a fine feast as well as breakfast Saturday and Sunday. Autocrat, Lord Corwin ap Arawyn, Feastcrat, Basilla de Mercier

Historian’s Report
Greetings unto Their Royal Majesties and the historians of Trimaris are extended from Lord Klaus von Salzach on this 19th day of November, AS XXIII being 1988.
Presented here is the Kingdom Historian’s report for the third quarter of this year. This was complied from the seventeen local reports which I have received thus far. Five officers have not reported and one group was classified as inactive.
All groups reported having at least one meeting per month. The Baronies of An Crosaire and Darkwater each report having one month with five meetings. Fifteen of the seventeen groups had classes or workshops during the quarter. The average was two per month. Four groups had four workshops during July. The favorite subjects were heraldry, fighting, and arts respectively. Mathom Trove and Southkeype each had a total of ten classes or workshops during this quarter. Thirteen groups reported holding fighter practices this quarter. Most groups had at least two per month. Shire Storm held the highest number at eighteen for the quarter.
Only eight groups reported holding demos. Wyvernwood had the most with five for the quarter. Fighting was, of course, the most popular topic, followed by arts and sciences. Dancing was particularly popular. Seven groups reported holding events this quarter. Wyvernwood hosted Coronation, the only Kingdom event, with feast help from Glymmerholde, Southkeype and Oldenfeld. Most groups sent people to only a couple of events this quarter. Most groups were represented at Pennsics and Coronation, with some members going to various area events.
Awards were given to gentles in eight groups. Four groups had members which received new associateships. An Crosaire and Darkwater each received fire reported in five groups during the quarter. Glymmerholde had the most shuffling with five changes. Two of these were due to members taking Kingdom Offices. At the kingdom level there were five new officers appointed. Lady Vyctorya Swansea took over at Kingdom Seneschal. Duchess Branwen bean Erin was made Earl Marshal. Lady Cara Angiola de Boccaccio became Treasurer. Lady Adrienne de la Fere became our Chronicler and Lord Klaus von Salzach became the Historian.
Many of our grops reported interesting activities which I would like to bring to your attention. Oldenfeld helped with Duke Sir Merowald’s SCA-TC at Pennsica and has put on a slide show for its members of highlights from past events attended by its members. Gleann Dubh had a table at a local Science Fiction Convention. Starhaven held a “Pre-Event Pretzel Knot Tying Revel.” Wyvernwood, Narval Dorado, Brineside Moor, and Storm provided entertainment at a medieval feast for a convention of the Buster Brown Corporation. Each group received a $250.00 donation for providing dancers, singers, musicians, fighters and guards. Vaca del Mar sold hot dogs and cotton candy at Coronation to raise money for their group.
Twelve groups gave me interesting and encouraging stories as examples which exemplified the Society’s highest goals and purposes. I took on the difficult task of choosing only some for inclusion here. Here are some of my favorites.
Amyergorod reported that Morgan Bloodaxe gave up his chance at Bardic Circle to babysit Lord Rurik’s child while Rurik had to be elsewhere.
Darkwater reported that Raphael Guilbert Jeanin acted as the “legs” at coronation, for a lady who had received foot surgery, carrrying her anywhere she wanted to go.
Sea March reported that several of its members cleaned the kitchen after Coronation, long after the kitchen crew had left.

Oldenfeld reported that on the way up to Pennsics, Ryujito Tafumi (formerly Rodritch Talgwyth) proved a great asset to the group he was traveling with. He helped with many mechanical problems on the various vehicles.
Southkeype repored that when Rebecca the Goldenhaired had a fire in her apartment, Hafgan (formerly Hagan), Hertha, and Maigh spent the next day clearing debris and salvaging what they could. Elizabeth generously washed Rebecca’s soot covered clothes.
Both sorrow and joy came to Trimaris during this past quarter. On September 26th Nakagawa no Ienobu no kami, known as Noriuji, died of cancer. Lord Ienobu, mka Deb Lansden, was known for giving to both Trimaris and individuals. Her service standing gate guard inspired the Order of the Watchful Flame. The joy that we felt was personified in Angelica, who was born unto then Crown Prince Solomon and Crown Princess Chelsea in August.
Those gentles traveling to the Debatable Lands for the Pennsic War brought honor to Trimaris. Trinculo and Brendan McAngus were both knighted. Unfortunately, the Queen had to return home early, this inspiring our battlecry “Erika!” The Royal Army of Trimaris (Ouch! that’s R.A.T.) proved itself once again in battle by defending the banner of the East Kingdom.
At the last court of TRM Seosaidh and Erika, Daren Goldenhair was knighted and Vasilikee was made Mistress of the Pelican.

Martinmas Tourney
Talewinds, Vol.7, no.10, October AS XXIII On 11-25/27-88 The Shire of Peregrine Springs and friends invite you to Martinmas Tourney at Camp Winona. Come and witness the trial by combat when our victorious new Crown Prince and Consort shall emerge. Partake of delectable feast. There shall be dancing and singing and all sort of merry making. Autocrat, Lord Cedric Steinhauser, Feastcrat, H.L. Aspasia Moonwind and H.L. Loraybeck.
Award of Arms – Sean Owen Mac Grioghair
Minutes of the Kingdom Officers’ Meeting
His Majesty King Solomon and 28 officers, deputies and observers were in attendance.
Vyctorya reported that during the last reign, awards were given to non-members. This issue has gone all the way to the BoD. The Crown an Seneschal will be receiving a ruling on this soon. She announced that any rumors about this be put down. Anything about Coruts of Chivalry should be referred to the Earl Marshal. There is no more to the story than this. Vyctorya announced that there will be an amendment to Kingdom Law concerning the attendance of Great Officers of State at Kingdom events. All Great Officers will be required to attend four kingdom events per year; one Coronation, one Art/Sci, one Crown Tourney, and one other.
Lord Klaus von Salzach made the Hisorian’s report next. He announced that he held a meeting at this event and will soon be warranting his local historians. Klaus plans to write to the registrar about getting a subscription to Talewinds for the Historian’s file.
Lady Cara Angiola de Boccaccio gave the Treasurer’s report next. She reported that she has problems with only four groups. She is now working with local officers to set up books for local groups. Cara said that she would like to set up a budgety for the coming year. She asked for expense estimates (by quarter) from the kingdom officers. Emergency expenses will be provided for.
The Honorable Lord Erik of Telemark gave the Minister of Children’s report. He reported that we are getting about nine children at each kingdom event. He is trying to avoid becoming a day-care service. Erik asked for coloring books or coloring sheets about the SCA (officer duties, heraldry, etc). Vyctorya offered multi-media instructional aids to House Hobbyhorse. Mistress Vasilikee suggested period type activities like storytelling and fairy tales. Erik mentioned that Mikhail donated pillows and blankets.
The Earl Marsha, Duchess Branwen bean Erin gave her report next. She reported that many regulation changes have come down from the BoD. Authorization forms were getting caught up when expiration dates and numbering were started. Her Grace reported that we now have over 250 qualified fighters and 119 who are qualified as archers.
Lady Islay gave the Chirurgeon’s report next. She reported that henceforth chirurgeons will be warranted to go on the field. 75% are mundane medical professionals. Only the warranted chirurgeons (a list of those is to appear in Talewinds) will act in any official capacity. A Chirurgeons Auxillary will be formed. This will be made up of water bearers, errand runners, and crown control people who are either minors or non- certified.
Lord Juan Carlos Perez had a very brief Science report. He only reported that the Science judging will be open to the public at Art/SCi.
Lord Guillermo Perez announced in his Arts report that the Arts competition at Sea Raids will be completely separate from the war. Guillermo also said that many people were not happy with the arts section at Fool’s War. Some are suggesting that the rules be rotated since this is a three kingdom event.
Lady Fara Steinhauser reported next as Chancellor of TRU. She reported that she has worked out the Badge with Baron Master Taliesynne’s help. The graduation scrolls are ready. Fara complained that some of the deans have not been coming to events enough. It was suggested that she get tough with these deans.
Lady Adrienne de la Fere, the Chronicler, reported next. She complained that she had not been getting much material from the kingdom officers. She would like more articles, limited to half of a typeset page. When asked to clarify what should go into Talewinds and what should got into Triskele, Adrienne said that general informative articles should go in Talewinds while detailed how-to-articles should go in the Triskele. H.L. Vyctorya suggested that officers put short reports in Talewinds to save on mailing.
Our Sheriff, Lord Rurik Petrovitch Stoianov gave his report next. Rurik reported that he had a bit of a problem getting gate guards at this event. He also reported that he would like autocrats to set aside a table for lost and found in the feast hall at events.
Lord Lancy Nystrom gave the Herald’s report next. He reported that he has streamlined his office by eliminating the four regional deputies and has taken over the duties of the Sextant Herald himself. Lance would like all heraldic business to go through him. H.L. Vyctorya closed the meeting by announcing that Glymmerholde and the Ruins shall be co-hosting Spring Coronation and Brineside Moor shall be hosting TMT.

Ravensquest VI
On 11-26-88, The Shire of Fiach Ogan held Ravensquest VI

Winter Solstice Commemoration
Talewinds, Vol.7, no.10, October AS XXIII On 12-3/4-88 the Incipient Shire of Amyergorod presents the Winter Solstice Commemoration. Participate in the champion of Winter Lysts, Old Style Yule Celebrations, Tree Decorating, Solstice Feast. The celebration will include the wedding of Lord Rurik Petrovitch Stoianov and Lady Serina Vigdis Ulfsdottir in a Russian Ceremony. The event will be held at the Badger Den, 10 acres of tenting space. There will be a bardic circle after feast. Autocrat Lady Serina Vigdis Ulfsdottir, Feastcrat, Lord Rurik Petrovitch Stoianov

Toys For Tots Tourney
Talewinds, Vol.7, no.10, October AS XXIII On the weekend of 12-10-88, The Shire of Brineside Moor proudly presents the 4th Annual Toys for Tots lyst at Camp Honi Honta. In addition to the lyst, your price of admission also includes archery, real weapons competition, and Auld Alliance Feast, and much, much more. Autocrat Lord Elemer Landshund, Feastcrat Lady Sine Gillian Macdonald.

Wassailing Revel
On 12-17-88, The Barony of Darkwater held their traditional Wassailing Revel.