Recent Kingdom Notes

February 16, 2025

The Kingdom of Trimaris

The Three Seas of Power

Trimaris History – 1984

88 min read


Hero of the Chalice
Talewinds, Vol.3, no.1, January AS XVIII “The Barony of Wyvernwood will once again be host to the Hero of the Chalice Tourney to decide what brave gentle shall be known as “Defender of Wyvernwood” for this year. The winner of the double elimination list shall be given the prize of a hand forged/hand crafted sword made by the Warlord of Trimaris, Lord John Urquert, called Shark. This event shall also be the site of the first official Wyvernwood Pun-off! The contest shall be open to anyone who dares to enter.” The event was held at Camp Keystone 1-6/8-84 with the listed autocrat as Lady Rosalind Knightluster
From the Court of Their Highness Aaron & Linnea
Award of Arms – Sabine Astrae, Wyvernwood
Adalhaid of Oak Leah, Sea March
From the Court of Their Excellencies Dikeuald & Alianore, Baron & Baroness Wyvernwood
Order of the Wyvern’s Scale – Wilhelm aus Schwarzwald
Hero of the Chalice Lyst winner – Rhys Brant, An Crosaire
2nd – Lord Baldar Longstrider, Wyvernwood

Event Report The Barony of Wyvernwood once more hosted its Hero of the Chalice Tourney this year. The Tourney was held at Camp Keystone in northern Hillsborough County on the weekend of January 6-8. It was attended by 107 gentles, including King Olaf and Queen Aislinn of Atlantia, Count Verron von Groth, Viscountess Wulfa Erichsdotter, Prince Aaron Breck Gordon of Trimaris, Baron Sir Bronislaus of Vilnius and his lady wife Agrippina di Conti (heirs to the Coronet of Trimaris), Viscount Sir Bryetor Aison of Devon, and numerous other folk of good renown.
The Chalice List was held to decide which doughty warrior would drink from the ancient Wyvernwood Chalice of Heros to win the title “Defender of Wyvernwood”, and to win the special prize of a noble sword offered to the victor by Lord John Urquhart, called the Shark, Warlord of Trimaris. This handsome weapon, hand-forged and finished by Lord John, was responsible for an unusually heavy and distinguished turn-out of combatants for this Chalice List. After titanic struggles of epic proportions, the list was won by the noble Reese from An Crosaire in a sudden-death match with Wyvernwood’s own Baldar Longstrider. Wyvernwood’s Lord, Baron Dykeuald Cyn Arik, placed third in the list. The list was followed by a series of general melees, hacking and slashing.
At court in the evening, Reese drank the ceremonial draught from the Chalice (note: the Chalice ceremony was introduced at the very first Wyvernwood tourney, thus forming one of the Barony’s oldest traditions), and received the sword from Lord John. Additionally, he was presented with a pair of handsome goblets by the Baron and Baroness in token of his victory.
Also during court, Sabine Astrea (Catherine Smith) of Wyvernwood was given an Award of Arms, and Wilhelm aus Schwarzwald (William Music), the Barony’s Deputy Science Officer, was awarded the Order of the Wyvern’s Scale. The Lady Cathlin Emryss was summoned before the Baronial Court and presented with a handsome ceramic unicorn of droll aspect in gratitude for her service to the Barony in that she did paint myriads of children’s faces at the Baronial encampment at the University of South Florida’s Children’s Festival in November (1983).
Court was followed by an excellent feast, featuring matzo ball soup, ham, peas and mushrooms, and other toothsome items. The feast was followed by general revelry and much jollity until all hours. The feast was marked by the first official Wyvernwood Pun-off; atrocious puns flew fast and far. When the verbiage cleared, Joseph mac Joseph stood victorious with Wihtgar judged as second most punful.
‘Twas indeed a memorable event. Not only was there good fighting, good eating, and good entertainment, but the Barony found itself $75.00 to the good exchequer-wise when accounts were rendered up. Respectfully submitted, Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt und von Kampf, Historian Wyvernwood

Collier County Fair Demo
The Shire of Elderhaven reported that they had a display in the education tent of the Collier County Fair which ran from 1-12/22-84. The display consisted of costumes, illuminated letters, a model Viking tent, a poster showing how the English language has changed and basic SCA info. Attendance at the fair was approximately 70,000 people. While I know that not all fair visitors visited the educational tent, I think I can conservatively say that at least 10% (or 7,000) visitors saw our display. We had shire members at the display for 3 nights and gave away more than 150 two page handouts on the SCA to people who were interested. We are very proud of ourselves. Amy Lawson, Seneschal Elderhaven, Seneschals’s Report for January ’84

Twelfth Night/O.G.B. List
Talewinds, Vol.3, no 1, January AS XVIII 1-13/15-84 (AS XVIII) Freeze no more, come south for the winter for Twelfth Night Revel in Sunny South Keype, Period dessert competition, and the Order of the Grey Beard Tourney on Saturday. This year’s theme is Life in a Medieval Castle, so bring your projects to work on, be prepared to sit and discuss, learn, teach, dance, sing, be entertained, this is a festive event so bring your banners.” listed autocrat Marguarite Alfredsdottir and Lord Alexander Mareschal.

Twelfth Night/Scottish Games
Talewinds, Vol.3, no 1, January AS XVIII 1-14-84 Shire Darkwater’s “Twelfth Night” Celebration was held in conjunction with the annual Orlando Scottish Highland Games at Central Florida Fairgrounds. “Many Darkwater Shire members will be attending the games, then will journey to the home of newcomers Gil and Connie Knapp for an evening Twelfth Night Revel. Feast will begin sometime between 7-8 pm with the cutting of the 12th night cake. The fortunate lord and lady who chance to fine the magic pieces of cake will preside over the evening’s festivities as Lord and Lady of Misrule.” Listed autocrat Barar Aeryck Udvarhelyi
Event report – The event, hosted by Shire Darkwater at the home of Fara, Cedric and Otto. It was a goodwill get-together with Shire Sirrush Mir, as well as a birthday party for Laird Gradhiel and Barar. Otto von Boetchitter secured the bean in the Twelfth Night cake and became Lord of Misrule. He selected Sine Gillian NicFarlane as his Lady of Misrule, and they held court. Laird Gradhiel was sentenced to drink milk (yuck!) before the crazed populace. Court was closed with the dethroning of the King and the ritual dunking into the fridged pool. Nearly 50 people attended from the Shires Darkwater, Shirrush Mir and the Barony of Wyvernwood.

St. Benet’s Feast
On 1-13-84 An Crosaire held their Twelfth Night “St. Benet’s Feast” Alanna Gilmore was Feastcrat for this event. Assisting with feast preparation were Lady Elitha, Del Marie, and Lord Elom and Lady Ara, who also did decorations for the hall. Among some of the many courses at this dinner were beef burgundy, beef stroganoff, walnut stuffed apples, a yule log subtleties and unicorn cake subtleties. In attendance were Debra Mack, Chuck Jones, Lady Ara, Lord Elom, Duke Syr Merowald, Mistress Siobhan, Master Jed, Del Marie, Rankin de Shea, Lord Knikolos Major of Salem by the Sea, Sienna, Tomas, Sir Tetsuo, Mistress Kimi, Lady Eglantine, Lord Andros and Lady Elitha.

Brownie Demo
On the evening of January 16, 1984 four ladies of the Barony of Wyvernwood Presented a medieval program for two troops of Brownies at Keystone Presbyterian Church in Keystone, Fl. The event began at 6 pm and concluded around 8 pm. The ladies appeared in period costume, taught songs, gave a heraldry lesson, talked to the Brownies about the Middle Ages, and treated the girls to the ever- popular activity of trying on the hats and costumes. The Lady Cathlin Emryss spent the evening primarily in painting hands and faces of the assembled Brownies with unicorns and other designs. Refreshments were served by the Brownies, In honor of the evening, the Brownies had (as a medieval costume project) made T-tunics for Barbie Dolls. It is, after all, the thought that counts, ja? Participating from the Barony were Baroness Alianore, Lady Cathlin, Lady Orianna Goldenhair and Lady Sabine Astraea. Respectfully submitted Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt und von Kampf, Historian Wyvernwood

Trimaris Arts & Science Faire
Talewinds, Vol.3, no 1, January AS XVIII The Shire of Blackthorne is proud to be hosting the Trimaris Arts & Sciences Faire on 1-20/22-84 at Camp Chowenwaw, south of Orange Park. All major Arts & Sciences competitions in Trimaris have been shifted to this event. There are new categories “SCA Cartoon” and “Historic Presentation” (a two minute or less presentation of persona, must be in persona, accuracy is stressed) Questions about the Arts & Sciences should be directed to the H.L. Cedrin Etainnighean and H.L. Ragnar Hardraada. The Regents College will offer a full schedule of classes for all to enjoy while the competition judging is going on. The Thorn & Feather Inn will offer a lunch of stew, bread & cheese. Lady Alys de la Mer, of the Trimaris Goslings Guild, invites members and parents to breakfast on Sunday morning to discuss future plans for the Guild.” listed autocrat Magdalene Luscena Aisa Velasco, Feastcrat Takara-sama
Talewinds, Vol.3, no 3, March AS XVIII A Letter was published from Cedrin Etainnighean, Mistress of Arts, Trimaris. “Here are the results of the Arts competitions from Arts & Sciences faire held 1-21/22-84 AS XVIII. A new judging system was used this time; two or three judges commented on the various criteria (technique, research, etc) and then decided upon an award. The award ranking were Extraordinary Merit, Special Merit, Honorable Mention and thank you for entering. The score breakdowns are as follows:
Extraordinary Merit 13
Special Merit 15
Honorable Mention 17
Thanks for Entering 13
total number 58
The Paramount of the Arts (an arbitrary number is assigned to each ranking and then the points are totaled the person with the most points is Paramount) this year was Eadwyn of South Downs and she was presented with a white pennant displaying a triskele and a harp. I would like to thank the following gentlefolk who helped with the judging: Mistress Kimineko, Mistress Queta, Lady Oriana, Lady Agrippina, Fionna, Mistress Elspeth, Lord Knikolos, Lady Anne, Millicent, Lady Merry-Felix, Lady Siobhan, Master Taly, Kawaishi-sama and Lady Ara.”
Event Report submitted by Shire of Blackthorne, Magdalene Luscena Aisa Velasco De Almeria: The entire shire helped with the event. We all did what we were suppose to do and pitched in where we could help to make this an event to be proud of. There was no real autocrat, the whole shire was the autocrat. Master Tally and Lord Knikolos ran the Herald’s help table, Lord Knikolos was site herald. Master Tally was Captain of the Servers. About 121 SCA folk attended and about 10 mundanes came to observe on Saturday. We were on Channel 4 news for around 15 seconds at 11:00 pm Saturday night. We were in the Jacksonville Journal Friday 1-20 and in the Florida Times-Unio n on Monday 1-23. The only poor note was that out of about 121 SCA folk, no one signed up for chirurgeoning and only a handful of people signed up for security and heralding. This was mentioned and needs to be worked on for future events. About the feast, the food was all good and we got many praise on the feast. Our Feastcrat bought all the necessary items and we had very little left over. I think that is a good job of budgeting.
The autocrat was Magdalene Luscena Aisa Velasco de Almeria; Feastcrat – Akira Noriuji-no Takara Sama, with assistants Raschid ibn Yacgoob and Fither Gormlaith Murrough; Reservationcrat – Lady Anne Embry; Securitycrat – Lord Noriuji; Hall Steward – Lord Knikolos; Firecrats – Robert Richard Bidwell of Oakham and Jacob Embry.
Awards given to shire members were:
Eleanor Powe – Ex. Merit – mens costuming 1300-1450; Hon. Mention – women’s costuming 1300- 1450 and Hon. Mention – woman’s headdress 1300-1450
Nakagawa Mashi Noriugi no Ienobu no Kami Toranaga – Ex. Merit – Historical Presentation
Margrethe Alfredsdottir – Special Merit – Embroidery
Geoffrey Marcus de Alton – Special Merit – Armoure
Event report from An Crosaire: Awards given to Barony members
Lady Ara – Ex. Merit for bread making; Lord Elom Ex. Merit for Norse cooking tripod and Sp. Merit for pennanular broach and a merit for his iron needle. Eglantine de Wolfe won H.M. for her sourdough bread; Warrick of Standen won Ex. Merit for his helm and for his suit of plate; Yonaton Moshe Bereb Avram Yitzhak won two Ex. Merit and one H.M. for his silver jewelry and he also took Paramount in the Sciences and the Trimaris Science Pennant. Aislinn Columbo of Carlisle took an Ex Merit and Special Merit for embroidery and Lady Elitha took a Ex. Merit in performing arts.

1-20-84 Blackthorne was featured in an article on the Arts and Science Fair in the Jacksonville Journal

1-21-84 Blackthorne was featured in a news report on the SCA and the Arts and Science Faire on Channel 4 TV News in Jacksonville

1-23-84 Blackthorne was featured in an article on the SCA in the Florida Times Union

Winter Stars
On 1-27/29-84 Starhaven held their anniversary event “Winter Stars” There were 18 people in attendance, due to very poor publicity. All participants were from Starhaven. Since the only active fighter there was also Starhaven’s marshal, they did not have a list. There was a chess competition and a scavenger hunt.

Tourney del Sangre Primo
Talewinds, Vol.3, no 1, January AS XVIII “The Tourney of the First Blood will be held on 1-29-84 in Sangre del Sol. This tourney will allow new fighters to qualify and to fight in a list where they will not have to face the battle hardened veterans of Trimaris. Any fighter who has not entered more then two previous lists is eligible to enter. There will be small prizes for the victors. All “grizzled veterans” are welcome to come and fight challenge and melees after the list. Duc de Pot Luc will present a feast for your enjoyment and a revel will be held at a shire members home”. This event was held at Manor Pines Convalescent Center in Wilton Manors Fl. Listed autocrat Joseph mac Joseph.
Event Report “To the delight of 192 residents of the Manor Pines Convalescent Center, the days of the Middle Ages were brought to a colorful and realistic life Sunday in one of the free performances given by the Society for Creative Anachronisms” reported the Sun Sentinel. Many of the residents of the Manor Pines made costumes to wear for the event. Approximately 25 members participated in this event. There were 6 fighters present with 3 newly qualified. The winner of the list was Derek Stoian (later known as Rurik Petrovitch Stoianov) who received a pewter cup. The residents were also entertained by madrigal singing and skits performed by the SCA members. The patrons of the Convalescent Center appeared to enjoy the festivities and asked numerous questions about the SCA and the fighting. The feast was Duc du Potluck. At head table were Derek Stoian and his lady Elynnwey, and Sir Koppel and his lady Kara. Although the event lost money it was a fun and satisfying event.

1-30-84 Sangre del Sol featured in an article in the Sun Sentinel called “Duel Life”

Seneschal Report from Sangre del Sol for January ’84 reports changes in officers, new seneschal – Joseph mac Joseph, new marshal – Roland Cataldo, new treasurer/historian – Silvyn MacLeish, New minister of science – Lorenz Vonder Schwartzwald, new chronicler – Kathryn. Joseph reported that the group held 1 heralds meeting, 2 shire meetings, 4 fighter practices/armoring sessions, 2 costume workshops and 2 madrigal singing workshop this month. At Art/Sci the following members received awards – Joseph mac Joseph, Hon. Mention for a painted surcoat; Talisman, Award of Merit for bread; Elizabeth FitzRandolph, Award of Merit for potpourris.

Magna Carta
Talewinds, Vol.3, no 1, January AS XVIII “The Tyrant is defeated!, King John is come to Runnymede to submit. He will sign the Magna Carta. One of the several copies of the Magna Carta sealed by John of England that June day in 1215 only a few copies remain. One of those original documents, the Lincoln Exemplary, is coming to Orlando for a two-week display 2-1/15-84 at the Orange County Historical Museum. Shire Darkwater has been asked to be a part of bringing this historical parchment back to Trimaris. We are building a war camp outside the museum 2-4/5-84 to lend an air of atmosphere to the first weekend of the exhibit. If your personal is of the early 1200’s, if you can make chainmail or arrows, if you can juggle or tumble or beg from passing soldiers, if you can offer brief talks about the life and times of King John, if you have a new period pavilion or forge or catapult that you want to show off – then come join us. Fighters are what brought about the Magna Carta, and Shire Darkwater is pleased to announce the first (and only) Runnymede List. This will be a two day list with Saturday’s winner meeting Sunday’s winner for the title of Champion of Runnymede. There also will be a prize to go with the title. Come join us for this historical happening.” Coordinator, Barar Aeryck Udvarhelyi, listcrat, Lord Gradheil Maccintsacarit.
List Winner both days: Picot Pierre Casier, Wyvernwood
Event Report On the weekend of February 4-5, 1984, the Barony of Wyvernwood assisted the Shire of Darkwater in staging a circa 1215 medieval war camp at the Orange County Historical Museum in Orlando in conjunction with the Museum’s display of the original Lincoln copy of the Magna Carta. The encampment consisted of two period tents and three canopies, richly garnished with banners, period camp furniture and other medieval paraphernalia. The Barony’s contingent consisted of an estimated 10-15 persons, not all of whom were present on both days. overall SCA attendance was probably 50 or more. During the two days, large numbers of mundanes visiting the Museum paused to observe the SCA encampment and learn about the 13th century and the SCA.
The event was highlighted by a two-day list, the winners of each day to meet with each other in final conflict for the prize of a handsome throwing axe made by Wyvernwood’s Lord Ragnar Hardraada. As it happened, the winner of both day’s lists was Picot Pierre Cassier of Wyvernwood. In addition to the list, numerous melees were held. The SCA participants in the event provided medieval “color”, both in the encampment and in wandering about the Museum in period garb.
On Saturday evening, a sumptuous repast was served by the Shire at an evening revel, featuring two roast turkeys, dressing and toothsome dishes beyond counting. Particularly welcome after a day in heavy mail and hot gowns were the hot tub and swimming pool at the home where the revel was held.
Present at the event was Baron Sir Bronislaus of Vilnius, heir to the Coronet of Trimaris. Also present were Baron Dykeuald Cyn Aric and Baroness Alianore of Wyvernwood. His Grace Duke Merowald de Sylveastan honored the event with a visit on the second day of the event.
On Saturday, February 4, a television crew from Orlando’s Channel 2 visited the encampment, conducted several interviews and filmed various combat and other scenes. The resulting film was shown on the 5 pm and 11 pm news. The 11 pm showing was watched by the assembled multitude at the Darkwater revel with a video tape being made. It was a sequence about 3-5 minutes in length of outstanding quality. The interviews were excellent, and the overall appearance of the encampment and SCA participants did great credit to the image of the SCA. It was, I may say, the best television SCA sequence I have ever seen (allowing, of course, for the fact that I was one of the persons appearing in it). Baron Sir Bronislaus came off particularly well, as did a fierce combat sequence between Picot and Baron Dykeuald (complete with slow motion instant replay of the killing blow). The program was broadcast throughout the Orlando metropolitan area.
To sum up, the event was one that the Shire of Darkwater can be very proud of, as is the Barony of Wyvernwood for its part in making the weekend a success. Not only was the event enjoyable to the participants, but an immense amount of favorable publicity for the SCA was generated. And, as an important fringe benefit, the participants were able to take advantage of the rare opportunity of seeing the Lincoln copy of the Magna Carta, one of the four surviving original copies of this key document in medieval political history. Respectfully submitted Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt und von Kampf, Historian Wyvernwood
Event Report – In November, the Shire was approached about the possibility of participating in some way in the exhibition of the Magna Carta, which was scheduled to be in Orlando sometime early 1984. Barar Aeryck Udvarhelyi, Anna Alicia von Rheinhardt, Arianne des Jardin and AEdric sunu Hrothgar attended a meeting of the Magna Carta Steering Committee in November, and it was tentatively agreed the shire would participate in the exhibit – perhaps in some type of color or demo capacity. The shire agreed, and it was decided our participation would be in the form of a two-day war encampment set upon the field of Rynnymede in June, 1215. A two-day list would help provide more fighters. The prize: a Ragnarrian throwing axe. At my best count, 105 gentles from throughout the Principality spent either one or both days with us, and far more that 750 mundanes spent time watching the list, roaming the camp and talking to members of the SCA about the SCA and medieval times. The winner of the list the first day was Picot Pierre Cassier of Wyvernwood, winner of the list the second day was Duke Syr Merowald de Sylveastan. Participants were from An Crosaire, Blackthorne, Castlemere, Darkwater, Glymmerholde, The Ruins, Sea March, Starhaven, and Wyvernwood.
Saturday night, a feast and revel was held at the home of Fara, Cedric and Otto. Fara was Feastcrat and spent several days in advance readying a sumptuous feast – that was added to by contributions from members of Shire Darkwater and guests. The revel was highlighted by a film report by WESH- TV in Orlando of the Magna Carta demo that day. The station devoted at least 3 minutes of air time at the end of the 11 pm news to the feature report. The shire is attempting to secure a videotape copy of the filmed report. Other publicity included a notice in the Orlando Sentinel, cover photo for the Winter Park Chamber of Commerce magazine, cover and article in February issue of Talewinds and two ads in the Orlando Sentinel (with artwork drawn by Elizabeth Nan Carey from a photo staged by Shire Darkwater and taken by Barar) submitted by Barar Aeryck Udvarhelyi, historian Darkwater.

2-5-84 Sangre del Sol featured in an article “The Knight Shift” in the local newspaper section Sunshine

Jacksonville Country Day School Demo
On 2-8-84 The Shire of Blackthorne held a demonstration at the Jacksonville Country Day School – Mrs. Virginia Meadows 9th grade class, 5 members attended

St. Valentine’s Day Massacre
Talewinds, Vol.3, no 1, January AS XVIII Once again, the Barony of An Crosaire celebrates St. Valentine’s Day, that day of love, romance, and beauty with a lusty massacre! Yea, verily folks, it’s our anniversary event, and in keeping with tradition, the event is strictly tent camping on 2-10/12-84, at Otter Springs Campground. Besides the ever-popular St. Val’s list and beat ’em-up, HRM King Syr Phelan, along with some of Meridies’ finest knights will be teaching classes in the Martial Arts in the afternoon.” Listed autocrat Prince Aaron Breck Gordon.
At the Court of Their Highnesses Aaron & Linnea
Award of Arms Katarina Maria Barineau Da Firenze, Wyvernwood
(formerly known as Fionna Mairi MacNaughton)
Winner of the Lyst: Lord Baldar Longstrider, Wyvernwood
Event Report – This was the annual celebration of the founding of the Barony, celebrated by the usual friendly list. The infamous Poobah made a surprise visit (and hasty retreat) at this event.
Countess Mistress Elspeth marshaled the list, and Blackthorne’s Geoffrey Marcus de Alton was the first fighter in Blackthorne to be fielded.

On 2-16-84, two members of the Shire of Blackthorne posed for photography for the students at the Art Department of the University of North Florida.

Gainesville Civic Center Demo
On 2-17-84 An Crosaire held a demo with a theme of “A Night in Verona” at the Gainesville Civic Center. The Barony was asked to “lend color” to a fund raiser for the Gainesville Civic Ballet’s production of Romeo and Juliet. While Lord Andros and Warrick of Standen fought it out for the masses, Lady Ara, Lady Cher, Lady Elitha, Caitlin Steorra Morgan, Allessandra del Bochetto, Rankin de Shea, Lord Elom and Lord Ejvan Hvinurengispretta entertained, informed and answered questions and danced. The group also supplied medieval munchies for people to sample.

The Scots are Revolting (Again)
Talewinds, Vol.3, no 1, January AS XVIII On 2-17/19-84 at C.B. Smith Park, Sangre del Sol sponsored The Scots are Revolting (again). This is a war event and will be good practice for the upcoming Walt War. This event recreates the battle of Stirling Bridge, originally fought between the Scots and the English in 1297. In the interest of authenticity it is requested that everyone try to wear costumes somewhat consistent with this time and place. There will be a Bridge Battle, followed by pick up melees and Scottish Games followed by a full feast featuring period Scottish and English dishes. On Sunday a Novice List will be held. There are contests and prizes.” Listed autocrat Laird Joseph mac Joseph, Feastcrat Lady Talisman and Derek Stoian.
Event Report – “The Scots Are Revolting” was quiet for Sangre del Sol this time. We were expecting 80 people, and we had half that number. The English were obviously too cowardly to show up. Not only that, but there were rumors of another haggis making an appearance, I think that even scared off some Scots. Because there were so few people, we did not have out contests that we had last year, like “Best non-profane curse against your enemy.” Amazingly enough, it did not rain! But then, that was reason for shifting the event to February. On Saturday the Scots and the English fought a bridge battle, for a victory celebration, the Scots hanged the English commander – Terrell Dunstan Arminger.
Duncan of Darkwater won the novice tourney, Bryce of South Keype won the Stone Toss, Gregor O’Kennet won the Caber Toss, and Joseph mac Joseph won the wrestling tournament. There was no court and after feast a bardic circle was held. This event actually made a profit. The only disappointment was as usual, the lack of attendance from outside the southern three shires.
submitted by Silvyn MacLeish, Historian, Sangre del Sol.

Academie of Armourie
On 2-18-84 The Canton of Mathom Trove sponsored the Academie of Armourie

Mensa Demo
On 2-18-84 The Shire of Darkwater held a demonstration for the Mensa Group at the Howard Johnson Convention Center, Winter Park. The demo was arranged by Millicent Ros, who presented a slide show of “At An Event…” Barar emceed the demo. Giving persona sketches were Lord Theodocious, Elizabeth Nan Cary. Leopold Hringhorninson presented some Unicorn trivia, Lard Gradheil and Jean Claude armored and presented a fighting demonstration. Haran Kazar demonstrated his juggling. Nan and Constancia led SCA’ERS and MENSA members who joined in Port Siad. Numerous items of SCA crafts were put on display by members in attendance and those who could not attend. Also attending were Kristin and Tomas de Wolfe who also offered persona sketch. More than 100 shire brochures were given out to the nearly 130 MENSA members attending. Barar Aeryck Udvarhelyi, historian Darkwater

Bair Middle School Demo
On 2-24-84 the Shire of Sangre del Sol held a demo at Bair Middle School in Sunrise, FL for approximately 150+ 6th graders. Five members of the Shire participated in this one hour demo.

Wyvernwood Armoring Workshop
On the weekend of 2-25/26-84 the Honorable Lord Ragnar Hardraada held an armoring workshop at his home for the members of the Shire of Darkwater. The workshop was attended by half a dozen or so gentles from Darkwater, who during the course of the week end produced an amazing amount of plate body armor (enough, I was informed, to equip virtually every fighter in the shire). The Honorable Lord Ragnar not only made available the facilities of his well equipped workshop and provided skilled guidance and advice, but also opened his home to the visitors from Darkwater for bivouacking. At the conclusion of the week end, the Darkwater visitors attended a revel at Lord Ragnar’s sponsored by the Barony, and celebrated a week end well spent. Respectfully submitted Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt und von Kampf, Historian Wyvernwood

Wyvernwood Baronial Council
On Sunday, 2-26-84, Baron Dykeuald Cyn Arik and Baroness Alianore d’Astralis held council with the populace of Wyvernwood at the home of the Honorable Lord Ragnar Hardraada. The council began at 2 pm. The topic of discussion was Wyvernwood’s preparations for the forthcoming investiture of Sir Bronislaus of Vilnius and Lady Agrippina di Conti as Prince and Princess of Trimaris at Camp Keystone on March 3, 1984. As the Barony was the prime sponsoring group for the event, the topic was one of great moment. Also discussed was the Barony’s crowning gift for the Prince and Princess. Following these discussions, the various officers of the Barony presented reports, requests and topics relating to their respective offices to the assembled populace. The council was followed by a bit of fighter practice. The evening was spent in revelry and good fellowship, “and a good time was had by all.” Lord Ragnar merits the Barony’s thanks for his great kindness in once more opening his home to a large, boisterous, and very enthusiastic rout of Anachronists. Respectfully submitted Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt und von Kampf, Historian Wyvernwood

Santa Luces High School Demo
On 2-27-84 The Shire of Sea March held a demo at Santa Luces High School by permission of Sangre del Sol, as the school is just over the border of our shires and attended by Sea March members. participants in the demo were Llewellyn ap Cadwallader, William D’Averc, Terrell Dunstad Arminger and Serina Vigdis Wolfsdatter. Eleven people from Santa Luces attended Spring Investiture the following weekend.

Washington Shores Elementary School Demo
On 3-1-84 The Shire of Darkwater held a demo at the Washington Shores Elementary School at which Lady Arianne and Fara discussed basic history of the medieval times and of the SCA.

Fifth Trimaris Principality Investiture
Talewinds, Vol.3, no 2, February AS XVIII Trimaris Investiture to be held at Camp Keystone on 3-2/4-84, Come all ye gentle folk to the Investiture of Sir Bronislaus of Vilnius and the Honorable Lady Agrippina di Conti. Co-Autocrats and feastcrats for this event will be Syr Bryetor Aison of Devon and the Hon. Lord Ragnar Hardraada (assisted by the Barony of Wyvernwood & the Shire of Sea March). There will be a Grand Procession and formal first court. There is also scheduled a Kissing Auction to benefit the Cooks Guild.
At the last court of Their Highnesses Aaron and Linnea
Grants of Arms – Lady Atalaya la Sandora, Trimaris Chirurgeon, Sirrush Mir
Lord Michael Kennethson, Trimaris Historian, Narval Dorado
Order of the Meridien Cross – Lady Kara Rowenna Hawkwood, Sirrush Mir
(Kingdom award for promise in the arts & sciences)
Order of the Trimarian Sword – Lord Baldar Longstrider, Wyvernwood
(formerly Order of the Golden Sword, Principality armigerous award for fighters)
Awards of Arms Hiertha Aureliana, Narval Dorado
Ejvan Vsevolodovich (Cricket), An Crosaire
Wilhelm aus Schwarzwald, Wyvernwood
Arianne des Jardin, Darkwater
Aldrich AtWater, Glymmerholde
Gwenelleth AtWater, Glymmerholde
Picot Pierre Cassier, Wyvernwood
Order of the Emerald Sea – The Hon. Lord Ragnar Hardraada, Wyvernwood
At the First Court of Their Highnesses Bron and Agrippina
Vicounties to Lord Aaron Breck Gordon and Lady Linnea Lorraine
Awards of Arms Barar Aeryck Udvarhelyi, Darkwater
Anna Alicia vonn Rheinhardt, Darkwater
Anastasia von Anspach, Narval Dorado

Principality Officers changes as of 3-3-84
Trimaris Seneschal – Mistress Enriqueta Isabel de Reyes y Mora
H.L. Atalaya la Sandora & Lady Morgan ferch Morgan will be deputies
Trimaris Chronicler – Lord Barar Aeryck Udvarhelyi, Darkwater
Event Report On the weekend of March 2-4, 1984, Baron Sir Bronislaus of Vilnius and his consort, the Honorable Lady Agrippina di Conti, were invested with the coronets of Prince and Princess of Trimaris at the Camp of Keystone near Wyvernwood. The event was co-sponsored by the Barony of Wyvernwood and the Shire of Sea March. Co-autocrats and feastcrats for the event were Viscount Sir Bryetor Aison of Devon and the Honorable Lord Ragnar Hardraada. Reservationcrat was Lady Gwendolyn Mary Douglass, wife to Lord Ragnar. Servers for the buffet-style feast were organized by Lady Cathlin Emryss of Ivernia, and Lord Erich von Kampf was in charge of the gate guard.
A truly glittering assembly of peers and notables from throughout the land ornamented the affair. Among those present were Count Verron Wolfgang von Groth and his lady wife, Viscountess Wulfa Ericsdatter, Countess Elspeth McNaughton of Loch Awe, Viscount Sir Tetsuo and Viscountess Kimineko, Baron and Baroness of An Crosaire, Baron Dykeuald Cyn-Arik and Baroness Alianore of Wyvernwood, Baron Taliesynne (founding Baron Wyvernwood), Mistress Enriqueta de Reyes, and, of course, Their Serene Highnesses Prince Aaron Breck Gordon and Princess Linnea Lorraine of Trimaris.
Throughout the late afternoon and evening, the beauty and chivalry of Trimaris arrived at Keystone. The joyous morn of investiture dawned bright and clear, and activities began with a healthy breakfast provided by the devoted kitchen crew. By 10 of the clock, the Great Hall was garnished and ready for the day’s festivities, rich with the blazoning of many a banner. At approximately 10 am Their Serene Highnesses Prince Aaron and Princess Linnea began the last court of their illustrious reign. During the court, a number of well-deserved awards and presentations were made by Their Highnesses. At elevenish, Their Highnesses concluded their last court and withdrew in majesty, surrounded by the bowed heads of their devoted subjects.
After a brief delay, the ceremonies of the investiture of Bronislaus and Agrippina began. Sir Bronislaus was escorted into the hall to claim his state by an honor guard of a dozen or so fair and beauteous ladies, each bearing a formidable crossbow an clad in tabards of Sir Bronislaus colors of gules and azure. Lady Agrippina was escorted by a similar guard of gentlemen armed with halberds and tabared in her colors of gules and or. The entry into the hall was proceeded by three noble trumpet flourishes provided by Lord Joseph Mac Joseph, Prince’s Champion. The investiture was a most impressive and colorful occasion, rich with pageantry, bright banners, and serried ranks of guardsmen/women.
After a brief intermission, the royal party and assembled populace returned to the hall for the first course of a feast that was to last from approximately 1 pm to well int the evening. During the course of the extended six-course feast, many presentations to the new Prince and Princess from the admiring peers and populace took place, including sumptuous gifts of both goods and treasure. Overcome with the wondrousness of it all, I failed to note much of the festivities due to an extended absence from the hall (overcome, more to the point, by lack of sleep the previous night, I collapsed in a cabin and knew no more until night had fallen).
Between the last court of Prince Aaron and the first of Prince Bronislaus, honors and noteworthy events abounded. Among those which I noted were the following: Aaron Breck Gordon and Linnea Lorraine were named Viscount and Viscountess by Good Prince Bron and Princes Agrippina; Awards of Arms were given to Wilhelm of Wyvernwood, Picot de Cassier, Kathy de Bourbon, and Alicia von Rheinhardt. A grant of Arms was awarded to our worthy principality historian, Lord Michael Kennethson. Lady Morgana ferch Morgan was awarded an augmentation of a triskele to her arms in recognition of her sterling service as editress of Talewinds. Lady Morgana announced her retirement from the editorship, and presented Lord Barar as her successor for confirmation. Sir Raccoon ap Gruagach announced his resignation as Seneschal of Trimaris, and presented for confirmation his successor in the office, Mistress Baroness Enriqueta Isabel de Reyes y Mora.
Baroness Enriqueta arose (to the accompaniment of serpentine hissing from the populace) and announced that she was presenting her hated title of “the Evil Baroness” to lady Atalaya la Sandora, who accepted it with loathing, and retired to her seat accompanied by even louder hisses from the populace. On a more joyous noted, the Honorable Lord Michael Kennethson, Historian of Trimaris, announced his forthcoming marriage to the fair Anastasia von Anspach. In good sooth, a great many memorable and wondrous things occurred during this most historic event; too many, in fact, for an easily-distracted historian such as I to note. Hopefully the other historians in attendance will have noted those things which escaped me. Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt und von Kampf, Historian Wyvernwood

McCoy Elementary School and Explorer Post Demo
On 3-8-84 The Shire of Darkwater held two demos for the McCoy Elementary School and the Explorer Post. In the first demo Fara read a medieval story of a day of revelry at the baron’s estates to about 50 6th graders and 30 4th graders. She and Lady Arianne conducted question and answer period. In the afternoon, they were joined by Lady Anna, and each gave personal sketches and assisted the students with developing their own personas. The morning session was videotaped and the shire has a copy.

Pompano Arts Festival Demo
Talewinds, Vol.3, no 3, March AS XVIII On 3-10/11-84 Sangre del Sol participated in the Pompano Beach annual Art Festival. From the flyer, “This festival draws large crowds from across the Unknown World. They are a wretched lot: the poor, the ignorant, the uneducated..Ah Ha! That is the answer! Come to Sangre del Sol and help us enlighten these poor denizens of the Unknown World and introduce them to the delights of the Age of Chivalry. Come and frolic in the warm sun of Sangre. You may show (but not sell) your art, sciences, heraldic, and historical displays for the education of the masses. There shall be single combat, melees and a tourney. You may sing, dance or otherwise entertain yourself and the mundanes if you are not thrilled by the music of rattan on shield. After the shows the local populace will make room in their homes for those travelers who help us initiate the mundanes in the medieval.” Listed coordinator Joseph mac Joseph Event Report this event was strictly a demo for the public, and a tourney, there were no awards given for the victors, nor was there a feast. A double elimination list was held on Saturday and Sunday, Roland the Ruthless was the winner on Saturday and Joseph mac Joseph was the Sunday winner. 5 fighters participated. SCA attendance was approx. 20, mundane attendance was a few thousand. No money was collected. We may have attracted a few new members (one has already joined). The event received coverage in the Miami Herald, March 12. Further coverage was on channel 19’s program “Horizons” on March 19th, and the Broward Tribune on March 21st. submitted by Silvyn MacLeish, Historian, Sangre del Sol.

Florida Junior College Demo
On 3-14-84 Blackthorne held a demo in which they modeled period costumes at the Art Department of the Florida Junior College. Participants were Eleanor Powe, Richard Powe, Lord Jean Phillippe Duvier.

Crestview Elementary School Demo
Several of the members of the Shire of Sea March and the Shire of Sangre del Sol presented a demo at the Crestview Elementary School

Woodlands Elementary School Demo
On 3-15-84 Lady Arianne, Lady Anna and Fara from the Shire of Darkwater spent several house with 17 5th graders to help them prepare for a school Medieval Day at the school; they were taught simple costuming, how to plan a feast and how to act in a medieval manner. Members of the shire have been invited to attend and participate in the school’s Medieval Day.

Riverside Revel (Formerly Walt Wars)
On 3-16/18-84 White Buck Forest sponsored the war at Maggie’s Lake GA.
An Crosaire reported that Lord Andros, Duke Syr Merowald, Rhyes Brant, Arron Breck Gordon were among the fighters from the Barony. Lady Siobhan, Lord Elom, Lady Ara and Lady Eglantine were archers and Mistress Kimi was a slinger. Alexander Gallowglass was chirurgeon while Lady Cher was a resurrection point. Lady Elitha danced for our side.
Blackthorne reported that Lady Morgana was site herald. All of the shires fighters were gallant in battle and Countess Elspeth was initiated as a fighter by the King of Atlantia. Geoffrey brought in the Atlantian Banner after the woods battle.
Darkwater reported “what a pleasure it was to go to war and see the Trimarian/Meridian fighters win the day. Those attending had a wonderful time. Lady Jermaine acted as the Captain of the Archers, but all of the archers received much praise which raised expectations of a Trimarian Corps of Archers to be formed soon.

Eastlake Mall Demo
On Saturday and Sunday, March 17-18, 1984, nine members of the Wyvernwood Chorale, the Barony’s singing group, performed at a program held at Eastlake Mall in Tampa, On Fridays performance, and estimated 40 mundanes were entertained, with additional passersby noting the singing. On Saturday, an estimated 300 persons were entertained throughout the day. The costumed members of the singing group performed a selection of period songs and distributed leaflets with information about the SCA. The event was organized by Stephanie Schulman, directress of the Wyvernwood Choral. Respectfully submitted Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt und von Kampf, Historian Wyvernwood

Woodlands Elementary School Demo
On 3-22-84, Lady Arianne, Lady Anna and Fara returned to Woodlands Elementary School. This time it was to assist the same class of 5th graders in becoming more specific in their plans for their medieval feast. A slide show was given and more questions were fielded. Also attending was Dale Sengleman.

3-24-84 An Crosaire entertained at Hidden Mountain Baronial Investiture

Medieval Dinner Benefit
On the evening of Saturday, 3-24-84, nine gentles of the Barony provided staffing and technical assistance to the Child Abuse Council of Hillsborough County in staging a formal medieval dinner for the benefit of the Council’s program. The dinner was held in the home of Mrs. Fay Culp of Tampa. Attendance was an estimated 30-40 doctors and other professional people and their spouses.
Wyvernwood provided both costumed serving staff and entertainers for the event, period recipes and cooking assistance, decorations for the hall, and loan costumes for the guests. Lord Ragnar Hardraada, in addition to providing banners, armor and other decorations, erected his authentic Viking traveling tent in front of Mrs. Culp’s residence to serve as a signpost for guests (there could thus be no possible doubt that this was the place!). Entertainment was provided for the evening by Lady Tiegan (Stephanie Schulman) and other ladies of the Wyvernwood Chorale, and by Lady Cedrin (the Principality’s honored Mistress of Arts) whose skillfully executed medley of eastern dances was particularly appreciated. The multi-course meal (well lubricated by white and red wines) was delicious and enthusiastically received by the guests. The hostess introduced each SCA person for recognition by SCA name and title. Much information about the SCA was conveyed to the guests throughout the evening, and was received with great interest and cordiality by those attending the feast.
All in all, the evening was a staggering success (only part of which can be attributed to the wine). The Barony contributed by its participation to a most worthy cause, and simultaneously made a most favorable impression on a group of influential persons, most of whom had not before heard of the SCA and its activities. This most worth-while activity was organized by Lady Brenna Catriona Dunn, wit the assistance of Lord Ragnar Hardraada, his lady wife Gwendoly, and with the backing of those other Wyvernwood gentles who participated. And the servers spilled not a drop on any present! Hallelujah and St. George for Wyvernwood! Respectfully submitted Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt und von Kampf, Historian Wyvernwood

Oldenfeld Anniversary Revel
Talewinds, Vol.3, no 3, March AS XVIII On 3-24-84, at the Unitarian Church. Dancing, Singing, Games, in the Medieval manner. bring candles. Listed autocrat Marcail Steuart, Feastcrat Lady Constanza da Firenze

Magna Carta Demonstration, Tampa
On the weekend of 3-24/25-84, the Barony staged a series of demonstrations of SCA combat and medieval song and dance at the Tampa Museum in downtown Tampa. The occasion was the final weekend of the Museum’s display of the Lincoln copy of the Magna Carta. Nearly 30 SCA personnel participated during the two day event. In addition to Wyvernwood gentles, folk from the shires of Darkwater, the Ruins and Glymmerholde also participated. Two canopies were erected in the rather constricted site between the two staircases leading up to the museum. Periodic combats were held, with a bit of dancing and a lot of interaction with visitors on the topics of the 13th century and the SCA. Flyers with information about the SCA were distributed.
In honor of the Magna Carta, circa 1215 garb was worn and equipment was kept as close to that period as possible. During the course of the weekend some thousands of mundanes visited the Museum and were exposed to the SCA presentations. In addition to the downstairs activities, period songs were sung frequently by SCA personnel in the main lobby of the Museum just outside the exhibit area where the Magna Carta was displayed. The SCA participation in this major community event was a significant one, resulting in much favorable publicity and exposure. Respectfully submitted Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt und von Kampf, Historian Wyvernwood

Chasco Fiasco Demo
On 3-24/25-84 Fiach Ogan held a demo Chasco Fiasco

3-27-84 Sea March was featured in an article in the Rudder, a newspaper for Palm Beach Atlantic College

Lecture to St. Petersburg Historical Group
On the evening of 3-27-84, I presented a program to a meeting of the St. Petersburg Historical Preservation, Inc. held at the St. Petersburg Historical Museum in St. Petersburg, Fl. The topic of the presentation was “The Age of the Conquistadors in Florida, 1513-1600.” The talk consisted of a narrative history of the 16th century Spanish exploration and settlement of Florida, with emphasis on events in the Tampa Bay area, followed by a discussion of the armor and weaponry used by the early Spanish expeditions to Florida. The presentation was illustrated with rare books and maps from the University of South Florida Library (where I am an Associate Librarian in the Special Collections Department) and reproductions of contemporary equipment from my own and Lord Ragnar Hardraada’s collections. The items displayed included a mail shirt, a suit of plate half-armor, a halberd, an original 16th century pike-head, a match-lock arquebus and a wheel-lock pistol. The presentation began at 7:30 pm and lasted approximately 1 ½ hours. Attendance was between 15 and 20 persons (several arrived or left during the period). The group seemed quite interested, particularly during the question and answer period and the show and tell period following the formal presentation when they were allowed to handle the armor and weapons. Following the talk, I gave a bit of information about the SCA and its activities. The audience ranged in age from the 30’s to the 70’s. Respectfully submitted Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt und von Kampf, Historian Wyvernwood

Trident Tourney
Talewinds, Vol.3, no 3, March AS XVIII Clan Maccintsacarit proudly hosts Trident Tourney 3-30/4-1-84 at Camp Wewa. Our object will be to find, by list, a new Defender of the Trident and to raise funds for fighters via a Slave Auction. Highest bidder purchase the slave and their dish for the duration of Saturday’s feast. As we had to turn slaves away last year anyone wishing to be a slave should make this known at the time of registration. On Sunday a Weird Weapons Tourney, use you imagination.” Listed autocrat Gradheil Maccintsacant, Feastcrat is Islay Elspeth.

From the Jan-March Quarterly report from the Shire of Darkwater.
1-5-84, AEdric sunu Hrothgar announced his betrothal to Arianne des Jardins, seneschal of the Shire of Darkwater. The vows planned for Springfest, 4-27/29-84.
1-19-84, by vote of the populace, Shire Darkwater agreed to sponsor an Explorer Post specializing in medieval studies.
1-19-84, Darkwater secures new permanent meeting location at Boone High School Chorus room every Thursday at 7:00 pm
2-2-84 Erik Loren Elcara, in cooperation with Lord Theodocious, announced the formation of a musicians guild in Shire Darkwater, Erik is an accomplished violinist, who competed at Trimaris Art/Sci, and who provided much music at the Magna Carta demo.
3-8-84, meeting was an in-garb welcome to new members of the shire’s Explorer Post #647. Darkwater is apparently the second group in the Known World to sponsor an Explorer Post – which will be set up as a household within the shire.
3-15-84, the populace of the shire began an in-depth discussion regarding the possibility of the shire petitioning for baronial status. The discussion continued the following week, at the meeting of 3-22-84. The consensus is to go and perhaps submit our petition prior to the end of the current Gregorian year. It was noted emphasized and agreed upon by most members of the shire that this endeavor shall require the commitment of not only the officers, but of the entire populace.
Officer listing:
Seneschal – Arianne des Jardin
Marshall – Laird Gradheil
Herald – Otto vonn Sprie Boetticher
Minister of Science – Cedric Steinhauser
Chronicler – Fara Marleene Steinhauser
Historian – Sharronna des Jardin
Exchequer – Constancia Issabella Torrez Morcheartaigh
Chirurgeon – Millicent Ros Maccintsacarit
Hospitaller – Ann of Hendon
Lord Barar Aeryck Udvarhelyi named Trimaris Chronicler at Trimaris Principality Investiture.

Florida State Museum Demo
Talewinds, Vol.3, no 3, March AS XVIII 4-1-84, Sunday, The Barony of An Crosaire is hosting a large SCA demo (lots of mundanes and media expected) and would enjoy having participation from other Trimaris groups. We’d like gentles in attractive garb, fighters, craftspeople and heraldic trappings. Coordinator Mistress Siobhan event report As one of their annual Culture Exhibitions, the museum asked the Barony to put on an exhibit of Medieval life. A Medieval fashion show was put on with an explanation of the period and place of the different pieces of garb. The art of mail making, spinning and weaving, jewelry construction, and cord twining was also displayed. A small list was put on in the courtyard and was well received by the spectators. A dancing demonstration was also given and many of the onlookers joined in.
Camelot Music Demo

Altamonte Mall Demo
On 4-7-84, the Shire of Darkwater held a demo at the Camelot Music in the Altamonte Mall. Many members of the shire were present, approx 25. The demo consisted of dancing, singing, fighting, and talking to peopel. The demo lasted two hours and we were visited by about 50 people. After the demo there was a revel at Nan Carey’s home.

Girl Scout Demo
On the weekend of 4-7/8-84, the Barony of Wyvernwood staged a demonstration of SCA combat, medieval singing and dancing, and other activities relating to the SCA and current Middle Ages for an area assembly of Girl Scouts. The event was held at the State Fair Grounds in Tampa. As your correspondent did not attend this event, details are lacking. Respectfully submitted Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt und von Kampf, Historian Wyvernwood

Doomsday List
Talewinds, Vol.3, no 3, March AS XVIII The Bay Area Renaissance Festival of Largo presents the Doomsday List, weekends March 10th through April 15th. On 4-14/15-84 the SCA is invited to participate in the Doomsday list, which is a two day list, the winner of Saturday will meet the winner on Sunday for a prize. There will be a revel on Saturday night. Listed coordinator is Corwin o Carreg Cennen and Lady Oriana Goldenhair.
Talewinds, Vol.3, no 5, May AS XVIII A letter from Lady Oriana Goldenhair – As listmistress and liaison for the Bay Area Renaissance Festival of Largo’s Doomsday List I would like to announce the winner of that list and offer my undying gratitude to those gentles who helped me out. The list was to have been a two-day list, wherein the winner of Saturday’s list would meet the victor of Sunday’s list in an exciting final bout. Because of the nasty weather that prevailed on Sunday, the victor of Saturday’s list was declared the overall winner. That good gentle was none other than Sir Bryetor Aison of Devon. As winner, he was the recipient of a $100.00 prize put up by the festival. I would like to thank the festival, Corwin o Carreg Cennen, Lady Katherine Bareanu di Ferenza, the Hon. Lady Hollyn of Kestrelmere, Squire Lord Ropesle de Syveastan, Lord Mentor, the good folk of Narval Dorado, the marshals, heralds and the brave fighters who made the list possible.

St. Georges Faire
4-20/22-84 Mathom Trove held St. Georges Faire

Costuming Collegium
Darkwater Reports On 4-21-84 we shall have in our presence Mrs. Donna Baily, the chief costumer for the Kingdom of the Mouse, for a Collegium of costuming. classes shall include the making of patterns, fitting of garments, crafting garments upon a costumer’s form without patterns and where to seek the hard-to-find materials. The Collegium will take most of the day beginning at 10 am. Ms. Baily will also critique all garments you may wish to bring and give aid on ideas. A pot luck feast is planned with the evenings revel. listed autocrat Leopold Hringhornison & Lady Anna Alicia von Rheinhardt.

Talewinds, Vol.3, no 3, March AS XVIII 4-27/29-84 Darkwater sponsored Springfest at Camp Wewa. Listed autocrat Anna Alicia vonn Rheinhardt, Feastcrat Islay Elspeth. “Come celebrate Spring, the exuberance of life and our Society’s nineteenth birthday. The festivities begin with a lip list – that’s right, a kissing contest. Ye may be a judge by winning the chivalry trivia quiz Friday night. Then swing along to the bells and pillow list while your entries are being judged in an arts and science competition by the point system. This is an unofficial competition, all awards will be presented during feast. After feast, celebrate love with us as we witness the legal vows of AEdric sunu Hrothgar and Arianne des Jardin by candlelight.” The event was attended by about 90 people and earned $200.00. There were 17 entries in the competition with 14 awards given, six science and eight arts. The award of merit was created to thank entrants.
At the Court of Their Highnesses Bron and Agrippina
Award of Arms Erik Loren Elcara, Darkwater
Ljudmilla of Oldenfeld, Oldenfeld

Tourney del Sol
Talewinds, Vol.3 ,no 4, April AS XVIII All ye Lords and Ladies who are friends and members of Shire of Sangre del Sol come and celebrate the 8th anniversary of the shire on 4-27/29-84 at C.B. Smith Park. Come and enjoy the fun and pleasure of a Medieval Spanish feast, including Moorish and Islamic dishes, Challenges and Melees, Merchant’s Alley, singing, dancing, and the Bardic Circle. Listed autocrat Derek Stoian
Tournament list winner – Laird Joseph mac Joseph

Broward County Public Library Demo
4-29-84 Sangre del Sol held a demo at the Broward County Public Library opening. Talewinds vol.3, no.1, January AS XVIII The Broward County Library System will e dedicating its’ new $30 million building on 4-29-84. The theme is RENAISSANCE, and the Shire of Sangre del Sol has been asked to participate in the dedication festivities. The Shire will hold its anniversary revel on 4-28-84 and the dedication ceremonies will be Sunday the 29th. So all you dancers, singers, jugglers, entertainers, fighters (yes, they’s like a tourney), folks who can demonstrate a craft, etc…. We’d love to have you all. Please participate in person, or by sending crafts or other display materials. Negotiations are underway for a period armor display, but nothing is firm at this time. Contact persons – Lady Joanna de Bocage and Lady Elizabeth FitzRandolph

Edison College Demo
On 4-30-84 Glymmerholde held a fighting/costuming/armoring demo at Edison Community College. The coordinator of this demo was Roland Floydsson. The media coverage of this demo resulted in a request for another demo to be held in May.

AS XIX (1984-1985)

The Shire of Darkwater held a series of demonstrations several area schools
Teague Middle School on 5-2-84, Lady Anna talked to approximately 425 students by giving a brief history of the SCA, explanation of costumes, questions and answers, teaching two dances and a description of the display items. The demo lasted two hours with 150 children the first hour and 275 children the second hour.

Eastbrook Elementary School on 5-3-84, Lord Barar, Lady Anna, Rachael and Jean Claude talked to 53 students. It consisted of a brief history of the SCA, persona sketches, explanation of costumes and armor, teaching a dance, and letting the children have a swing with a sword at an armored fighter (Jean-Claude). The demo lasted one and a half hours.

Woodlands Elementary School on 5-11-84, where 700 students were introduced to the activities of the society. AEdric, Cedric, Jean Claude, Lady Anne and Lord Barar were the participants. It consisted of persona sketches, a history of the SCA, explanation of costumes and armor, several fighting demos, a slide show and a hands-on description of the display items. The demo lasted two hours with 300 children the first hour and 400 the second. Afterwards three teachers invited us into their classrooms for more information. We spend an additional two hours with the classes.

Academie of Armourie – Roodmas
Talewinds, Vol.3, no 4, April AS XVIII May 12 marks the annual Roodmas sitting of the Norrey Academie of Armourie to be hosted by the Shire of Blackthorne at the Portside Mobile Home Community Clubhouse, Jacksonville. Classes will begin at 10:00 am and run through the day. Listed classes are “Animals in Blazon and Emblazon”; “Beyond Lions, Dragons & Unicorns” – out of the ordinary bestiary; “The Grammar of Heraldry” – blazonry basics; “The Herald in Court and Field”;” SCA Device Submissions”; “An Introduction to Vexillography”
Group heralds and/or individuals may bring device submissions to be checked. Master Taliesynne will also hold a Baronial Court to provide a workshop on Court customs and etiquette. Evening festivities will include feasting, dancing, and gaming. Feast will be Duc de Potlucke. Co-autocrats Eleanor Powe and Lady Morgana ferch Morgan.
Event Report attendance at the symposium was approximately 18 persons with 24 persons at feast. Baronial court conducted by Baroness Ailianor of Wyvernwood for Protocol and Precedence practice, advised by Master Talyiesienne.

Fiach Ogan Anniversary Revel
Talewinds, Vol.3, no 5, May AS XIX Having survived our first year the Shire of Fiach Ogan invites you to celebrate Beltane and our first anniversary at a revel to be held on Saturday, May 12, 1984. The site is a modest 10 acre wooded area in Hudson, FL. We will be having a pre-TMT fighter’s clinic, archery, arrow construction, axe-throwing, and outdoor gaming in the daylight hours. The evening will have a Duc d’potluck feast with shire provided roast fowl and roast pork. There will also be a keg to ale to toast the new year. Listed autocrat, Lady Andreana de Montfort
Darkwater reported that this event was a great step for the archery in Trimaris. Lord Wilhelm of Wyvernwood taught a class on making Markland arrows and held archery lessons.

Lake Eola Explorers Demo
5-12-84 Darkwater held a demo for Lake Eola Explorers. There were 14 members participating. The demo was part of the Boy Scout Heritage Hike program. We were visited by 275 scouts and gave them a brief history of the SCA, a fighting demo and let them swing at an armored fighter. Costumes and display items were also discussed.

Feast of St. Dympha
Talewinds, Vol.3, no 5, May AS XIX The Shire of Sangre del Sol invites all to a Collegium to honor St. Dympha (patron saint of the insane) on 5-19-84 at Casa Serena Rental Apts, Pavilion, Margate FL. We will hold classes in dancing, costuming, armoring, SCA war arrows, and a fighter clinic including practices and challenges. Feast will be Duc de Pot luck. Autocrats Derek Stoian and Catherine.

Jacksonville Library Demo
On 5-19-84 The Shire of Castlemere and An Crosaire held a demo at the Jacksonville Library. This was a month long demo done on each weekend of the month and sponsored by the Jacksonville Museum of Arts and Sciences. The Shire of Castlemere, who were asked by the museum to do this demo, invited other SCA groups to help out. Lord Andros participated in the fighting demonstration and Mistress Siobhan demonstrated lacework. Sir Tetsuo and Mistress Kimineko set up a display of Japanese clothing, armor and accouterments.

Florida Institute of Technology Mead Society Demo
On 5-19-84 Starhaven held a demo “Spring Faire” at the Florida Institute of Technology Mead Society

Trimaris Memorial Tourney/Sixth Coronet List
Talewinds, Vol.3, no 5, May AS XIX The Shire of the Ruins presents the Trimaris Memorial Tourney to be held on 5-25/28-84 at Camp Keystone. There will be a Carolingian Period wedding on Sunday between H.L. Michael Kennethson and Lady Anastasia von Anspach, as well as the Principality Auction. Autocrat Lord Kragon Darkvale, Feastcrat Lady Jirel ni Cahil
Tanist – Baldar Longstrider, Wyvernwood
Tanista – Ljudmilla of Koeigsburg, Wyvernwood
Princes Champion – Lord Joseph mac Joseph, Sangre del Sol
Princess’ Champion – H.L. Ragnar Hardraada, Wyvernwood
At the Court of Their Highnesses Bronislaus and Agrippina
Award of Arms Caoimhin mac Riagan, Wyvernwood
Serina Vigdis Wolfsdotter, Sea March
Millicent Ros Maccintsacarit, Darkwater
Order of the Gray Beard – Viscount Sir Sakura Tetsuo, Baron An Crosaire
Master Jed Silverstar has taken Lady Constanza di Firenzi of Oldenfeld as an apprentice
Principality Officer change Lady Oriana Goldenhair is new Minister of Arts
Given by Their Excellencies Dikeuald Cyn Arik and Alianore d’Astralis
Order of the Wyvern’s Claw – County Verron von Groth
Order of the Wyvern’s Scale – Sara Teagen Elizabeth Frances Holden
At Feast: Poet Laureate – Shantry, South Keype
Troubadour Laureate: Sara Teagen Elizabeth Frances Holden, Wyvernwood
TMT Auction results – Thanks to our auctioneer, Lord Kragon Darkvale, as well as to Lady Katherine Angelique of Lightenhart and Lord Alexander Mareschal, their efforts and the populace’s generosity in donations and bids brought in over $300.00 for the Principality coffers.

Award of the Darby Mac Donald Scholarship
In June of 1984, the Barony of Wyvernwood made the first award of its Darby MacDonald Memorial Scholarship. The MacDonald scholarship is a $100.00 prize awarded by the Barony to a University of South Florida history student in memory of Darby MacDonald, whose tragic death by drowning made him the first citizen of the Barony to die while an active member. Under the terms of the scholarship, students wishing to apply submit prize essays on some aspect of medieval history. The essays submitted are judged by professors from the University’s department of history, and the Barony makes the award on their recommendation.
The 1984 winner of the MacDonald Scholarship was Mrs. Alice Correa, who submitted an excellent 16 page paper entitled “Irish Majuscule and its Place in Medieval Script”. Mrs. Correa plans to apply her $100.00 prize towards her studies at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland, where she will be enrolled for the fall semester of 1984/1985 in medieval studies. This is, as far as I am aware, the first academic scholarship awarded by the SCA, and so an event of considerable importance to our organization. It is, we believe, a significant contribution to the SCA’s role as an educational as opposed to a recreational organization. Respectfully submitted Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt und von Kampf, Historian Wyvernwood

Not Really a Revel
Talewinds, Vol.3, no 5, May AS XVIII On 6-8/10-84 “Oyez Oyez, announcing Glymmerholde Not Really a Revel, of course its not a revel. Revels feature the backyard. we offer the Gulf of Mexico and white sand beaches. Revels feature tents and living room floors, we offer resort cottages. Revels offer hamburgers and pizza treat, we offer a casual but fully cooked feast. Revels feature Saturday night, we offer Friday Night, all day Saturday and Sunday morning. We will tempt you with the now traditional Pixie Dig, we’ll throw in a Pixie Palace competition with a gift to all participants. Why not also toss in Clench a Wench, Chess, Water Jousting, backgammon, Fox in the hole, London Bridge and any other creative means to exhaustion we can think of. Autocrat Alynor of Alnwick, Feastcrat Sebastian call the Mad. Site the Pink Shell Resort on Ft. Myers Beach

Broward County Library Demo
On 6-9-84 the Shire of Sangre del Sol held a demonstration of fighting techniques, armor and other favorite SCA activities for the opening of the summer series at the Riverland Branch Library. Pictures of the demo were published in the Sunday Ft. Lauderdale News/Sun Sentinel. Seneschal Joseph mac Joseph stated that several new members were acquired from this demo and resulting publicity.

Sand Dragon Social
Talewinds, Vol.3, no 5, May AS XVIII On June 9, 1984, the Dragon has pulled herself from the sand. After hibernating for several years the Sirrush has returned, and to celebrate the people of Shirrush Mir are hosting a Social in her honor. At this event we make our Champion Official on the list field. Refreshments will be served all day. After sundown we will retire to our feastcrats manor for a pot luck feast. Location Sanchez Park, Autocrat William of Loch Bannock, Feastcrat, Kassandra Kolhann.

Winner of the list and Champion of Sirrush Mir – Jean Claude Dominique Jeanin Pecot, 2nd – Timgaard, Sirrush Mir

Palatka Library Demo
6-9-84 Mathom Trove/An Crosaire held a demo at the Palatka Library as part of the Library’s Summer Reading Program. The program was called “Search for the Dragon’s Treasure”. The Shire of Mathom Trove, who arranged this demo, invited other SCA groups to participate. There were about 11 members from An Crosaire present. Lord Barar, from Darkwater, attended this demo and qualified as a fighter.

Scarborough Fair
On 6-16/17-84 Sangre del Sol held Scarborough Fair and Collegium at C.B.Smith Park in Pembrooke Pines. Approximately 20 people attended (heavy rain). There was no fighting but lots of armor was built and six tunics were made. Seneschals report for June 1984, Joseph mac Joseph reporting

Midsummer’s Eve Revel
On 6-24/26-84 the Shire of Narval Dorado invites you to join us at the 7th Midsummer’s Eve Revel. We are at this time celebrating the 6th Anniversary of the founding of our shire. We will hold for your enjoyment a round table list and melee and a feast fit for Arthur Pendragon himself. Let it be know that none shall sit for feast until there shall be observed a Miracle. Site autocrat Lord Michael Kennethson, Feastcrat Saranna Lyndh Tudin. The event will be held at Citrus Horse Trails.
event report – Midsummer’s Eve Revel was its normal success. The attractions of the vent included a list and a “Juliet contest”. The attendees got their normal large (very large) amount of food. The list was entered by Lord John of Ilithia and Lord Andros, and won by the latter. He received a bottle of wine and the Honor Seat as his prize. The “Juliet” contest was the reading of a soliloquy from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet play. “Juliet” was played by the shire’s own seneschal (Lord Michael). The winner of this contest was Eladiach. There was also quite a bit of rain as is normal for Midsummer (the miracle was not mentioned in the event report)

Green Cove Springs Library and St. Augustine Library
On 6-26-84, The Shire of Blackthorne, working with the County Library District, participated in their Summer Reading Programs “Book Quest”, visiting several libraries and putting on demo’s.

Plitt Theater
6-30-84 The Barony was requested by the manager of the Plitt Theater to add “local color” for the opening of Conan the Destroyer. With the assistance of folk from other shires, as well as people from the Barony, a fighting demonstration and arts/sciences demonstration was put on. Among the arts & sciences was mail making, helmet and jewelry construction, tatting and lace making.

The Shire of Ac Scrin (Naples) was founded and The Shire of Elderhaven disbanded the members joined Ac Scrin
In April AS XVIII a letter was sent to Baroness Susan of Stoke Hill, Seneschal of Meridies by Dirk Karlson requesting the establishment of a new Shire in the Naples FL area, to be called Fontengard, the new group numbered 9 sustaining members. A second letter was mailed to Baroness Mistress Enriqueta de Reyes y Mora, Seneschal of Trimaris informing her of the request for a new group. However, there was an already existing group in the Naples area, Elderhaven. In a subsequent letter, undated but listed as received on 7-12-84, Dirk Karlson relates “I write this to inform the Office of Principality Seneschal that our problems have been successfully resolved. The two Naples groups (Fontengard and Elderhaven) have united under a new identity. Henceforth, it is the choice of this new group to function within the SCA and the Principality of Trimaris as the Shire of Ac’Scrin. As attachments exist to both of the previous names, those whom I represent have further decided to retain both Elderhaven and Fontengard as household names. We trust this meets with the Crown’s Approval. Allow me to extend the thanks of our local members unto Lady Morgana merch Morgan for her aid and advice in handling our merger. On the 2nd of June 1984, we met formally at my residence to formalize the union of our two groups. At that time officers were chosen by consent of the local populace, our name was chosen and ratified by majority membership in attendance and future meeting days and times were set.”
In a letter to Countess Gilrean Derrilyn, Seneschal for Meridies from Baroness Enriqueta which accompanied the application for a new branch of the Society she relates, “Here’s the situation: The Incipient Shire of Elderhaven, located mundanely in the area of Naples, FL wishes to dissolve and reorganize under the new name of the (Incipient) Shire of Ac Scrin. You will find in your files a letter dated 4-25-84, from Dirk Karlson, in which he was applying for a new shire under the name of Fontengard. His request to found a new group was predicated on some problems within the Shire of Elderhaven. I was pleased to learn this week of the very peaceable resolution of all differences between the various residents of the Naples Fl. area, so peaceable, in fact, that all have declared their enthusiasm to create a new shire out of old Elderhaven. Needless to say, I am exceeding well pleased to hear of a group’s efforts to solve problems amongst themselves, without outside decision making, and without personal entanglements.”

Trimaris Triad IV
Talewinds, Vol 3, no 7, July AS XIX Welcome Gentle Folk, the Shire of Fiach Ogan cordially invites all academic students (new and continuing) who tire of plain fare, revelry, debauchery and desire … more? on July 6-8, 1984 at the Happy Traveler Campground in Thonotosassa, FL Enlightenment is upon you, again! This is a tenting only event. Dean of Arts, H.L. Cher de Bellevue; Dean of Sciences, H.L. Ragnar Hardraada; Provost, Lady Andreana de Montfort. Listed autocrat Lord Rhys de Montfort, Feastcrat Lady Andreana de Montfort.

Orange Park Library
7-10-84 Blackthorne held a demo at the Orange Park Library as part of the Library District’s “Book Quest”. Lady Takara helped children, ages 4-10, to make banners. Also present at the demo were Lady Anne Embry, Geoffrey Marcus de Alton and Raschid ibn Yacgoob.

South Regional Library
July Sangre del Sol held a demo at the South Regional Library

Heralds Picnic and the Academie of Armourie
7-14-84 Mathom Trove held a Heralds picnic and the Academie of Armourie.

USF Theater Camelot Production Support
From 7-5-84 to 8-5-84, the Barony provided equipment and personnel for the University of South Florida Theater Department’s production of Camelot. The Barony provided armor, weapons, some costuming, and other equipment for the production. Additionally, two Wyvernwood fighters were made available for each performance, appearing in both a knighting scene, and in a combat sequence.
Performances, with Barony participation, took place on the evenings of 7-5, 7, 12, 14, 15, 20, and 22, and 8-2, 4, and 5. The Camelot production was one of three plays presented concurrently by the USF Theater Department as its summer program for 1984. The play was very well attended, and, as the Barony was credited in the printed program and elsewhere for its contribution, Wyvernwood’s participation resulted in much publicity for the SCA. Through its support in both equipment and performers, the Barony contributed significantly to the success of the production. Respectfully submitted Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt und von Kampf, Historian Wyvernwood

Camelot Faire
On 7-15-84, at the request of the University of South Florida Theater Department, the Barony staged a small medieval fair on the quadrangle in front of the campus theater. Due to her experience in professional work at renaissance fairs, Lady Cathlin Emryss was induced to arrange entertainment and such. Members of the Barony operated booths selling handicrafts, ran games, and otherwise participated. Approximately 20 gentles of the Barony were present for the event. Unfortunately, mundane turn-out was small due to inclement weather, which necessitated the removal of the fair booths to the lobby of the theater. The fair was held to emphasize the USF Theater’s production of Camelot, which took place throughout the month of July. Respectfully submitted Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt und von Kampf, Historian Wyvernwood

Ambush in Sherwood Forest
Talewinds, Vol 3, no 7, July AS XIX The Shire of Sangre del Sol invites all aspiring Merry Men and Women to take part in an Ambush in Sherwood Forest on 7-21-84. This is a one day event at Sherwood Forest Park in Coral Springs. Events of the day include a fighter practice, The Silver Arrow Archery Tournament (Archers will be shooting with SCA legal combat bows and arrows) The best archer of the day will receive the Silver Arrow, and of course The Ambush. Merry Men and Women shall be armed with SCA legal bows and combat arrow and armored as per the 10 ft kill convention. The Sheriff’s party will be in full combat armor with melee weapons. This will be a woods battle. Afterwards, there will be a revel at a members home. This event is in honor of the Robin Hood legend therefore we ask all archers to attend. Autocrat Jason of Winchester and Katerina.
Event Report – 36 people attended, there were 7 combat archers and 7 armored fighters for the ambush – poor Robin Hood was slaughtered. Katerina won the Silver Arrow in the archery tournament.

Baronial Council & Arts/Science Fair
On 7-21-84, the Barony held its first Arts & Sciences Fair at the palatial Tampa riverfront home of Marge Maniglia. The event featured a contest in the most creative application of miniature shields (produced by Lord Ragnar), which was won by Baldar Longstrider and Ljudmilla of Konigsberg, with their heraldic “do not disturb” sign. Lady Cathlin Emryss’ design for a heraldic shield bikini was runner up. There were also contests in making honey cakes and in period underwear and period shoes. Indeed, it was a spectacle of skill and originality that spoke well for the Barony. The winners of the various events were awarded handsomely embroidered ribbons by the Barony’s ministers of Arts and Sciences, Lady Sabine Astraea and Lord Wilhelm aus Schwarzwald, organizers of the event. Preceding the judging of the Arts & Sciences Faire, Baron Dykeuald and Baroness Alianore held a Baronial Council. The day also saw much revelry and feasting, garnished with swimming in Marge’s large screened pool. And a good time was had by all. Respectfully submitted Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt und von Kampf, Historian Wyvernwood

Keystone Library
On 7-24-84 the Barony of An Crosaire was requested by the Keystone Library to put on a demo in connection with the summer reading program. At the demo the Barony folk demonstrated dancing, explained their outfits and personas, did a war archery demonstration, and displayed some medieval crafts.

Sanford Library
7-25-84 Darkwater held a demo at the Sanford Library in which 13 members of the shire participated. The demo went well and the fighters made the front page of the Sanford paper.

War Collegium/Pre Pennsic Revel
Talewinds, Vol 3, no 7, July AS XIX The Barony of Wyvernwood sets forth the call to all parties interested in the bloody, yet sublime, arts of warfare and mayhem – on 7-27/29-84 Wyvernwood will host a War Collegium and Pre-Pennsic Revel at the Citrus Horse Trails in Brooksville. Collegium will include workshops in group warfare tactics, combat archery, preparing for Pennsic and more. Classes will be taught by some of the most famous and infamous fighters in Trimaris. In additions, for those who seek the thrill of victory and the agony of victory, melees and other forms of contact sports will be scheduled during the day. War archery will be included at the fighting, so archers are asked to bring the tools of their trade. Autocrat Count Verron von Groth
Darkwater reports that on Saturday 7-21-84, members of the shire interested in helping with the feast met and worked. They were assisted by Lisa from Narval Dorado and John and Nancy from Fiach Ogan. They cut 10 lbs of mushrooms, ½ case of onions, case of peppers, 10 lbs of carrots, 61 stocks of celery and two sides of lamb were chunked then browned. after this they made 150 shishkabobs. At the event, the weather was good and the site was beautiful. It was a small event but a lot of fun. Fara was Feastcrat and everything ran smoothly. Fara also qualified as a fighter at this event.

Orange Park Public Library
7-28-84 Blackthorne held a demo “Medieval Raire” at the Orange Park Library

Casselberry Library
7-31-84 Darkwater held a demo at the Casselberry Library, with 23 members of the shire participating. The demo went great. There was a variety of song, dance and fighting. There was good audience participation.

First Sword of the Paladine Alliance Tourney
Talewinds, Vol 3, no 7, July AS XIX Shire Sangre del Sol invites one and all to attend the Collegium and First Sword of the Paladine on 8-4-84. Come and develop you fighting skills or chose to perfect the gentile ways of the Court. There will be the First Sword of the Paladine List followed by the signing ceremonies of the Treaty of Paladine. Prince Bronislaus of Vilnius will preside over the execution. In the afternoon Device Design and Submission will be presented by Lord Kim Kyong and Lady Joanna De Bocage; Persona Selection by Sir Koppel Fun Bauriex; Chivalry in the SCA and Court and non-combat Skills. This event was held at T.Y. Park in Hollywood FL. and the listed autocrat was Roland the Ruthless.
Event Report – Aedric sunv Hrothgar was victorious in the double elimination list. He was awarded a medallion. The Paladine Treaty of Confederation was signed by the representatives of Sangre del Sol, Sea March, South Keype, and Darkwater.

Pre-Pennsic Fighter Collegium
On 8-4/5-84 the Barony of Wyvernwood held a Pre-Pennsic Fighter Collegium at the Citrus Horse Trails. This event was intended to hone the combat skills in preparation for the 13th Pennsic War. Sponsored by the Barony of Wyvernwood, the event was organized and staffed by Viscount Verron Wolfgang von Groth and House Gold Star. It was attended by approximately 30 persons. As you humble correspondent was not fortunate enough as to be one of the 30, details regarding the event are lacking. Respectfully submitted Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt und von Kampf, Historian Wyvernwood

Wyvernwood Expeditionary Force to Pennsic
This year, the Barony sent an expeditionary force of 25 gentles to the 13th Pennsic War at Cooper’s Lake Camp Ground, Pennsylvania 8-19/27-84. To transport the bulk of the force, two vans were chartered, one of which served as a personnel transport, the other as a bulk equipment vehicle. Those not wishing to ride the baronial van traveled in private vehicles. The bulk of the Wyvernwood contingent encamped in a unified encampment, though Lord Ragnar and his entourage arrived earlier and formed a separate enclave on a choice site overlooking the old battlefield hillside.
In loyal support of our noble Prince Bronislaus, the Wyvernwood force (with exception of two or three individuals personally bound to the East Kingdom) served with distinction as mercenaries in behalf of the Midrealm. After two days of titanic struggle by the assembled hosts of East and Middle, in which Wyvernwood played a prominent part, honors were evenly divided between the two kingdoms, resulting in a tie. Respectfully submitted Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt und von Kampf, Historian Wyvernwood

Wenches and Lechers Faire
Talewinds vol.3, no.8, August AS XIX 8-25-84 The Shire of Sea March an event at the Lake Worth PBA Clubhouse. Come all ye Lords and Ladies to an event you’ll never forget. The Shire of Sea March is celebrating our 5th anniversary. It may be August but May is in the air, so get out your petticoats and gather some cloves and come to the Wenches and Lechers Faire. Feast is Duc de Potluck. There will be a “token List” where the winner ransoms captured tokens of fallen opponents. There will be four contests.
event report: The event was very active, relaxed affair with a great feast – Duc de Pot Luc, with almost too much food available. There were 33 people in attendance, 7 fighters in the lyst. There was one case of heat exhaustion (Wihtgar Silfrhar) which was taken care of – fortunately the clubhouse had air conditioning. There were a number of games played – the winner of the Lip List (male) was Derek Stoian, (female) Lady Merry Felix the Fool; the Best Lovelorn Suicide Speech was won by Wihtgar Silfrhar; the Prettiest Garter was won by Cara; the best approach with a cloven fruit was Colin O’Lauchlin; The best legs of the Paladine was won by Roland the Ruthless. No court was held. listed autocrat was Serina Vigdis Wolfsdatter.

Oldenfeld Demo
On 8-25-84 a demo was held in a park in downtown Tallahassee. There were approx 6 fighters and 4 singers there.

The Sixth Trimaris Principality Investiture
Talewinds, Vol 3, no 7, July AS XIX The Shire of Sirrush Mir is proud to present Trimaris Principality Investiture on 8-31/9-3-84
“The Order of the Trimarian Sword presents the Champion of Trimaris List at Trimaris Principality Investiture. This is an opportunity for the new fighters of Trimaris to prove their mettle. For the Knights, Dukes, Counts and Viscounts to find out who is truly the best; and for us poor Squires to be reminded of our place. There are no great responsibilities attached to this list, and so no reason for any fighter to sit and watch. The only prizes are the glory won by your blade and the honor won by your chivalry. You are encouraged to wear a surcoat, or dress as our personal, to bring a banner, to fight with honor, with skill and with chivalric flare. Let us make this the first Trimarian list with Fifty fighters, after all there were 57 at Walt Wars.” signed Joseph mac Joseph
At the Court of His Majesty John II
KSCA to Viscount Aaron Breck Gordon
Order of the Bough, Meridies – Lady Morgan ferch Morgan
The Shire of Darkwater presented a petition seeking status as Barony
At the Court of TH Bron and Agrippina
Award of Arms – Anne of Tall Trees, Starhaven
Order of the Silver Trident – Lady Caroline merch Elwyn
Order of the Emerald Seas – Lord Knikolos Major of Salem by the Sea
Lady Oriana Goldenhair
Order of Trimarian Gratitude – Lady Constanza di Firenzi
Lady Suzanne Renee Barineau

Principality Officer changes – Lady Adalhaid of Oak Leah is the new Trimaris Historian, Lady Brenna Catriona Dunn is the new Trimaris Chirurgeon

At the First Court of TH Baldar and Ljudmilla
Viscounties to Baron Sir Bronislaus of Vilnius & H.L. Agrippina di Conti
Award of Arms – Ute of Wyvernwood
Master Jed Silverstar has taken Lady Suzanne Renee Barineau of Oldenfeld as an apprentice.
Baroness Mistress Enriqueta Isabel de Reyes y Mora, Seneschal for the Principality, recognized Lord Kragon Darkvale of the Ruins and Laird Joseph mac Joseph of Sangre del Sol for their work as seneschal.
At Feast, TH Baldar and Ljudmilla recognized the winner of the list as the Protector of the Gosling Guild. winner Viscount Sir Aaron Breck Gordon
Runner up – Count Verron von Groth
The Principality Raffle contributed a record amount of $145.00 to the Principality coffers and Serina Vigdis Wolfsdatter, of Sea March, was the winner of the six months free admission to events.
Event report The investiture of Baldar Longstrider and Ljudmilla of Konigsberg as Prince and Princess of Trimaris took place at Camp Wai-Lani in Pinellas County on Labor Day weekend, August 31- September 3, 1984. The event was originally sponsored by the Shire of Sirrush Mir, with the unfortunate demise of Sirrush Mir, however, the Barony of Wyvernwood undertook the event, with Lady Brenna Catriona Dunn serving as main autocrat. On Saturday, September 1, was held the last court of their highness’ Prince Bronislaus and Princess Agrippina, followed by the investiture of Baldar and Ljudmilla, and the first court of the new royal pair. The day was honored by the presence of His Royal Majesty, John, called the Mad Celt, King of Meridies. Among the honors distributed was an Award of Arms to Wyvernwood’s Ute, lady to Lord Wilhelm aus Schwarzwald. Baldar and Ljudmilla named Bron and Agrippina viscount and viscountess, and King John knighted Viscount Aaron Breck Gordon, giving Trimaris another KSCA.
These courtly formalities were followed by a tourney. Due to technical difficulties, the Trimarian Order of the Sword withdrew its aegis from the tourney, which had been intended to choose a Champion of the Order, who would bear a ceremonial bascinet blazoned with the Order’s badge. However, it was an interesting, well-attended and hard-fought list in any case. After titanic struggles, the winner was Sir Aaron Breck Gordon, KSCA. The facilities at Camp Wai-Lani were indeed sumptuous, with comfortable cabins, electricity, adequate bathing facilities, and a handsome (though not air-conditioned) hall. All in all, the event was a most enjoyable one. Respectfully submitted Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt und von Kampf, Historian Wyvernwood

Celebration of the Arts Demo
On the evening of Saturday, 9-8-84, a contingent of a dozen Wyvernwood ladies and gentlemen participated int eh Gulf Coast Epilepsy Foundation’s Celebration of the Arts. A fund raising event for the benefit of the Foundation’s programs, the event was held from 8 p.m. to 1 p.m. at the Centro Espanol in Tampa’s historic Ybor City Latin community. A potpourri of performing arts, the event included short performances by a variety of groups, including the Florida Orchestra, Bits N Pieces Puppet Theater, the Tampa Oratorio Society, the Franzini Family, the Firethorn Modern Dance Company, and numerous others. Wyvernwood’s contribution was a performance consisting of period songs and dances. Also, the Barony maintained an information table in the performance hall throughout the evening, with displays of helmets, SCA photographs, and other materials giving information about the current Middle Ages. Hand-outs were distributed from the table to interested persons. In addition to contacting a large number of mundanes with information about the SCA, the Barony was through its participation enabled to contribute to a most worth-while cause. Respectfully submitted, Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt u. von Kampf, Historian, Wyvernwood.

Defeat of the Hun
9-23-84 from flyer “Atilla the Hun was finally defeated by a Roman Army. However, history does not have to repeat itself (especially since the local Roman unit has stated it is not prepared for battle). So now is the time for all you Huns and Barbarians to come forth and pillage and burn (did I forget something?) Due to difficulty in obtaining a site, this event has been shortened to a one day event and feast. There will be a field battle followed by challenges, et al… and a fine Roman Feast prepared by Lady Elizabeth and the Sangre Cooks.” The site is Kester Park in Pompano Beach and at Black Sword Manor.
Event report 39 persons attended and an actual profit was seen. There were 12 fighters participating. In the field battle the Huns were victorious and in the bridge battle the Roman auxiliaries were victorious. A period, researched, Roman feast was served and many made Greco-Roman togas and tunics for this event. It was a very enthusiastic, joyful event. submitted by Silvyn MacLeish, Historian, Sangre del Sol.

9-25-84 The Shire of Sirrush Mir disbanded due to in-shire problems
Talewinds, vol.3, no.9, September AS XIX Announcements: Notice of Abeyance
BE IT KNOWN, that on July 5, 1984, AS XIX, the Shire of Sirrush Mir, in the Principality of Trimaris, was officially put into abeyance for the period of one (1) year. This regrettable action was necessitated by the increasingly discourteous and unchivalrous actions of some of the members of the shire, which, at least in one case, resulted in the contacting of the mundane authorities. The terms of the abeyance are as follows:
1) that no official meetings, events, demonstrations or fighter practices may be held in the name of Sirrush Mir,
2) that no existing group may annex the physical location or ZIP codes held by Sirrush Mir,
3) no new group may form in this area; and
4) that all shire monies are to be held by the Principality Exchequer’s office until the petition for dissolution is approved or disapproved by the Board of Directors.
I greatly regret the necessity of this action.
In Service – Countess Gilraen Derrilyn, Kingdom Seneschal of Meridies

Letters stating just cause why a petition for the dissolution of the Shire of Sirrush Mir should not be presented before the Board of Directors are to be sent to Countess Gilraen Derrilyn by Sept. 25 at the latest. Reasons must be stated in writing and letters must be signed.

Unto the populace of Trimaris from Baroness Mistress Enriqueta Isabel de Reyes y Mora, Seneschal for the Principality of Trimaris do come these greetings.
In response to the several inquiries received and heard recently concerning the matter of the dissolution of the Shire of Sirrush Mir, I submit the following statement which embodies those official and personal feelings.
It was with great regret that the Kingdom and Principality made the decision to dissolve the shire and to place the area under a 1-year abeyance, after which time a new, fresh group may be founded.
Following literally hundreds of dollars of farspeaker conversations, plus many hours of in- person meetings, the problems still were unsolved and the results unsatisfactory to the Coronet and this Office. It was our opinion, in concert with the Crown and Kingdom Seneschal, that the problems had interfered with any productive activity of the shire, and that the damage to the shire as a whole was too great to be repaired. The whole affair had become bizarre.
Personally, I regret the loss of a once-valuable Trimarian shire, I regret too, that there are a few folk who are not involved in this fracas, but who must also suffer the loss of their home shire along with those who were the principals in the problem-causing. I’m sorry to observe several lengthy friendships broken as folks “chose up sides” in the shire. Sad, also, to think of those years of work, dedication and shire-pride now gone with the name Sirrush Mir. Alas…and a loss.
This incident of the death of Sirrush Mir will have to stand as a dread reminder of what can happen when folks allow pimple-sized problems to become infected boils.
Many of you may still which to ask for additional information on the dissolution of Sirrush Mir; you are welcome to inquire. I shall, however, reserve the prerogative of answering in any detail.
In Your Service – ‘Queta

University of Florida Demo
9-26-84 An Crosaire held a bi-annual demo at the University of Florida as part of the club organization day. Demonstration in fighting were Sir Tetsuo, Roland Wolfram Floydsson, Thorkel Triggsvasson and Arnevet Bat-Gideon. This event is one of An Crosaire’s membership drive demos and all manner of arts and sciences were displayed, which attracted a bit of attention and 23 names of interested persons.

Newberry Demo
9-28-84 An Crosaire held a demo at Newberry High School in connection with the public library’s program “In Search of The Dragon’s Treasure”. This program is done with the idea of encouraging children to read books during the summer. SCA crafts and dancing were displayed and demonstrated during the demo. Attending were Delila, Carmenette, Ejvan, Elom and Ardelian.

Newcomer’s Revel
9-29-84 An Crosaire held a Newcomer’s Revel for those folk who expressed an interest in the society at the 9-26-84 demo at the library. A pot luck feast was held with dancing and a bardic circle after the feast.

Chirurgeon’s Collegium
Talewinds vol.3 ,no.9, September AS XIX 9-29/30-84 Glymmerholde/Ac Scrin held a Chirurgeons Collegium II at Camp Wewa. There join together a gathering of those who would counsel and also those who would know the mysteries of the Chirurgiate. Not just another class event. C.C.II will feature (in addition to the full complement of Chirurgeon courses) a Saturday afternoon buffet style feast featuring various sandwiches and such. Guaranteed to be unheated. As if that were not enough for a two day weekend, games are planned for Saturday evening which should serve well to victimize one and all. Standard First Aid will be offered. Those needing CPR as a refresher, there will be a hurricane CRP Race For Live course.
There were 43 people in attendance. Sea March Seneschal reported that 10 members from Sea March went to the Collegium and the 7 who took the Multi-Media classes passed with flying colors. This was a working event, not a social event, however those who attended had a blast.

Invasion of the Umber Corsairs
On 10-5/7-84 Castlemere held “Invasion of the Umber Corsairs” The most notorious pirates of Middle Earth have been raiding the northeast portion of Trimaris and Castlemere in particular. We have been unable to stop these fiends and ask for help from the rest of Trimaris and southern Meridies. A turncoat has been bribed to reveal that the pirates will be at Camp Chowenwaw just south of Orange Park. Scheduled events, a treasure hunt designed to overtax your wits. A treasure chest filled with silver is the prize. A rattan list for those who must have their weekly ration of pain. A sea battle in canoes and/or innertube rafts and using bonker swords, A feast, A bardic circle – bring your ghost stories, a quest through the Haunted Forest after dark using bonker swords. We cordially invite anyone who wishes to hold a class on medieval mythology, folklore, or piracy to do so. Since pirates are notorious for their larcenous ways, we ask that everyone bring some item to be red- tagged. If your red-tagged item is stolen and turned into the autocrat, you must ransom it back for the princely sum of $1.00. All proceeds will be donated to Trimaris. Listed autocrat, Loraybech
Darkwater reports: This was an exciting fun filled event. Cedric placed second in the list and Fara, Countess Elspeth, Lady Kara and Lady Kat made up a quest team that placed first, far ahead of everyone. Cedric and Fara received their Award of Arms.

Trimaris Principality Marshallate Report
Talewinds Vol.3, no.12, December AS XIX
Principality Marshal- Viscount Sir Aaron Breck Gordon
Deputy Marshal – Lord Edward of Effingham
Deputy Marshal, Archery – Branwen ni Heilide
number of fighters – 104 number of archers – unreported
number of fighter practices per week – 50-54
number of archery practices per week – unreported
number of fighters at FP per week – 49-51
injuries in second quarter – none
number of tourneys in second quarter – 3
General comments on Trimarian Marshallate Status
Overall, the fighting is clean and fair, the marshaling is also going on rather smoothly, but work needs to be done in the areas of familiarization of the rules of the list. To this end, we have begun a program of warranting the locals and certain qualified fighters as marshals-at-large. No one not on the approved list will be allowed to marshal at a list. This is one way of maintaining a sort of quality control. The list is not closed, as we continue to qualify others. We just want to keep control of the situation. Signed Lord Edward of Effingham, 10-6-84

Suncoast Skirmishers Demo
On the weekend of 10-6/7-84, five gentlefolk of the Barony staged a combat demonstration for the Suncoast Skirmishers Wargames Convention in St. Petersburg. The demonstration consisted of SCA fighting, showing of SCA armor, and dissemination of general information relative to the SCA and the middle ages. The event was attended by several hundred persons through the course of the weekend. Respectfully submitted, Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt u. von Kampf, Historian, Wyvernwood.

Paradise Lakes Demonstration
On 10-10-84, at the Paradise Lakes Resort, several of the Barony of Wyvernwood gentles (in costume) demonstrated singing, dancing, combat and medieval arts and crafts at an upper level nudist resort in Pasco County.

Barony of Wyvernwood’s Third Quarter Report:
In addition to the above events, the Barony has held regular meetings of the populace each Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. in the Arts and Letters Building on the University of South Florida campus in Tampa. Regular fighter practices have taken place during this quarter on Wednesday evenings in a flood-lit area near the U.S.F. physical education complex. Additionally, during the course of the quarter there have been periodic singing practices for the Wyvernwood chorale. A recent development is the introduction of special sessions for beginners. covering such topics as “what to take to events,” these beginner’s mini-seminars take place one-half hour before the regular Tuesday meetings. They provide beginners an opportunity to obtain valuable SCA information without the distractions of older members and, almost as importantly, to get to know other beginning SCA members before embarking into the sometimes overwhelming culture of the Current Middle Ages. During the past quarter, Wyvernwood has contributed significantly to the well-being of the Principality. Currently, four of the Principality’s great officers of state are provided by Wyvernwood. They are:
Minister of Arts = Lady Oriana Goldenhair
Minister of Sciences = Lord Ragnar Hardraada
Exchequer = Lady Katherine Angelique of Lightenheart
Chirurgeon = Lady Brenna Catriona Dunn
Additionally, the currently reigning Prince and Princess, Baldar Longstrider and Ljudmilla of Konigsberg are of Wyvernwood origin. The current Troubadour Laureate, Lady Tiegan Sara Elizabeth Frances Holden, is also a native of Wyvernwood (as, indeed have been the previous two Laureates, Erich von Kampf and Morric Haast). Although the count of the Baronial populace has not been made recently, six new members have been added during the past quarter, which would bring the estimated populace (both subscribing and non-subscribing) to over 70 persons. To summarize, the Barony has had an active and rewarding quarter, particularly in the area of educating the public through demonstrations. The U.S.F. theater production assistance and Celebration of the Arts participation are particularly relevant to the SCA’s education and public service functions. Respectfully submitted, Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt u. von Kampf, Historian, Wyvernwood.

Meridies Crown List
King – Viscount Sir Erin Breck Gordon
Queen – (Branwen ni Heilide) Branwen bean Erin
Meridies Crown List was held on 10-12/14-84 at Camp Tekewitha in Springville AL.

Pre-Baronial Court in Loch Griffin
On 10-13-84, Darkwater reports there was quite a good turn out. Fighter practice lasted a long, long time and went well. At court Islay was presented a shell on a chain as a token of appreciation for all she has done for the group. Duncan was given the office of Sheriff and received a set of thumb screws. Stephen was made one of the Baronial Guards. Islay was made a member of the House of Stone and was given a black dragon goblet. The food was delicious and there was almost plenty of swamp frog. Thanks to the members of Loch Griffin for hosting such a lovely revel.

Tourney of the Harvest Moon
10-13-84 Southkeep held an unofficial local revel “Tourney of the Harvest Moon” at Alice B. Waynwright Park in Miami. the flyer states “The Shire of Southkeep does invite all good gentles to come celebrate the rising of the Harvest moon with us. The festivities will start with a standard double elimination prize list to determine the Hero of the Harvest Moon, followed by melee’s and challenges. Those who wish to may bring a lunch to eat after the list. In the afternoon all adventurous lords and ladies are invited to participate in a scavenger quest so be prepared to try your wits and intelligence against the Phantom Riddler. In the evening, there will be a feast to ready our brave adventurers for the night of revelry ahead. This is not an overnight site. listed autocrat: Sigurth Tryggvason, Feastcrat Lord Juan Carlos Perez.
event report: The day was windy and bright, more Indian Summer. The tourney went well and was well fought. It was Sean Carranthas first fight, but Lord Juan Carlos Perez was the tourney winner. The quest drew much attention and Asa Thorfinnsdottir’s team were the winners. The quest was greatly enjoyed by the mundane spectators who took lots of pictures. We traveled to la Casa de Juan Carlos for a wondrous feast. All were mightily entertained.

Academie of Armourie
The Academie of Armourie will hold a sitting on 10-20-84 at the Carousel Club Apartments clubhouse in Orlando Fl, sponsored by the Shire of Darkwater. All members of the populace are cordially invited to attend the session and choose from the wide selection of courses offered. Many of the courses touch the interests of all SCA members, such as courses on protocol and precedence.
Following the session, all are bid to join Lord Knikolos Major of Salem by the Sea and Lady Christianna McGrain for a celebration of his birthday at Shakespeare’s Tavern in Orlando. Listed autocrat Otto Botticher vonn Spreebrucke.
There were 34 members in attendance. A pot luck revel was held at the Keep of Two Counties afterward. This was one of the largest turn outs for such an event.

Our Town Festival Demo
10-26/27-84 from flyer “The City of Coral Springs is holding it’s Our Town Festival at Mullins park in Coral Springs. Our shire has been asked to demonstrate the martial arts, costumes, customs and culture of the Middle Ages at the Festival. We will hold a tourney and dance demonstration on Friday night and again on Saturday night. The administrators of the Festival have estimated attendance at these two demos at between two and ten thousand people. We are the lead-in for a different band each night. We will also do small demos throughout the day on Saturday and Sunday. We will have two pavilions set up with displays of armor, weapons, heraldic canners, costumes and arts and crafts of the Middle Ages. Last years Festival drew 120,000 people. Listed coordinator Joseph mac Joseph.

Baronial Bash
10-26/28-84 Wyvernwood held “Baronial Bash”
Flyer in Talewinds, Vol 3, No 10, October A.S. XIX And lo, it did so come to pass that upon the year Anno Societatus VII there was so brought forth a small but hardy shire known as Wyvernwood. Lonely was this Wyvernwood for naught else existed in what was later to be Trimaris nor was there aught else but two other groups of kindred spirits in all of Meridies. The years passed slowly. Upon the noble month of October (the 26th, 27th and 28th to be exact) the Barony of Wyvernwood invites one and all of Trimaris and the Knowne World to join us in the celebration of our Twelfth anniversary. This year, Baronial Bash hopes to produce a mixture of merriment, masquerade, flair and fighting skill, so -come ye all to Wyvernwood. Baronial Prize List – the winner of this double elimination tourney will receive a hand-forged sword crafted by Lord John Urquert, Warlord of Trimaris. Wyvernwood Filk song Competition if you’ve a taste for the odd, the awesome, the serious or the categorically insignificant, try your wit (and our patience) at writing a Filk song. Masque Ball be festive and frivolous, obvious or sublime, Prizes will be awarded for the most “creative” masque, best overall costume, plus more, the theme is “Trimaris – animal, vegetable, and/or mineral”. Marriage of Lord Knikolos and Lady Christianna celebrate the wedding and wish the bride and groom well during Knikolos’ Friday Bachelor Party and Christianna’s Hennin Party. The event will be held at Camp Keystone, with the autocrat Sara Tiegan Holden presiding.
At the Court of TH Baldar and Ljudmilla (with the permission of TRM Lawrence and Ana)
Order of the Silver Trident: Hon. Lord Ragnar Hardraada
Lord Artorious penes Draconom
Award of Arms: Arianwyn Megan Commyn o Mynydd Emryss, Wyvernwood
Elizabeth Nan Carey, Darkwater
Sarah Tiegan Elizabeth Frances Holden, Wyvernwood

Baron Master Taliesynne Nycheymwrh yr Anghyfannedd has taken Lord Barar Aeryck Udvarhelyi as a protégée
Darkwater was recognized by the Coronet as an approved barony and the designated baronial nobles, Lord Barar Aeryck Udvarhelyi and Lady Arianne des Jardin were presented to the Court.
At the Baronial Court of Their Excellencies Dikeuald Cyn Arek and Alianore d’Astralis:
Order of the Wyvern’s Scale: Lady Cathlin Emryss
Lady Brenna Catriona Dunn
Lady Arianwyn Megan Commyn o Mynydd Emryss
Ring of Chivalry: Lord Erich of Ravenscold
Lady Cathlin Emryss

10-27-84 The Shire of Darkwater was approved as a Barony and designated Baronial nobles
Baron – Lord Barar Aeryck Udvarhelyi
Baroness – Lady Arianne des Jardin
(Baronial Investiture to be held February 1-3, 1985 AS XIX)

Melrose Renaissance Faire Demo
10-27/28-84 Blackthorne held a demo at the Melrose Renaissance Faire sponsored by the Melrose Business Association. The Shire demonstrated fighting techniques, sold items, and ran an Archery booth. We also provided general color at the faire. Lady Takara announced at their live chess match.

Hialeah Jr. High School Demo
On 10-31-84, the Shire of Southkeype held a Roman Senate Debate, Republic vs Empire for and with the 8th grade history class, of which Asa Thorfinnsdottir (Judy Byrum) is the teacher. Everyone dressed in togas.

USF Children’s Festival
11-3-84 – Again this year, the Barony of Wyvernwood participated in the annual Children’s Festival sponsored by the University of South Florida’s College of Education. The festival was held on Saturday, November 3, 1984 on the campus of the University in Tampa. Six lords and ladies of the Barony, led by Baroness Alianore, displayed medieval and SCA artifacts and manners under Lord Ragnar Hardraada’s canopy. Lord Ragnar and others of the Barony provided an array of helmets, armor and weapons which were examined by hordes of attending children. Particularly successful was the ever popular “try on the helmet and lift the mailshirt” event. Also staggeringly popular was the pastime “whack the Viking”, in which an armored Lord Ragnar allowed himself to be pegged in the ribs by bloodthirsty kidlets (repeatedly) to demonstrate the effectiveness of a coat-of-plate. This time, Lord Ragnar introduced a variant, whacking helmeted urchins over the head with a rattan sword to demonstrate the effectiveness of a helmet. They loved it. Wyvernwood’s Lady Cathlin Emryss did free face-painting for nearly 200 children (and some adults), painting handsome unicorns throughout the day at great peril to her sanity. The assembled lords and ladies also sang a selection of medieval song periodically during he course of the event. Several thousand children and adults attended the all-day event, which ran from 10 am until 4 pm, almost all of whom spent some time at the Wyvernwood booth. The event received local press coverage, which included mention of the SCA’s participation. The Barony’s contribution to this significant community event was very well received, both by the organizers and participants. Much good publicity for the Barony and the SCA resulted. Respectfully submitted, Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt u. von Kampf, Historian, Wyvernwood.

Halloween Masque
11-3-84 Oldenfeld held “Halloween Masque” at Woodswell Farm Flyer in Talewinds, Vol 3, No 10, October A.S. XIX announced a Jack o’ Lantern Contest, Masque Contest, Most & Least Medieval contest. This is a primitive camping site. Fighter practice with Trimaris Marshal, feast and keg.

Wyvernwood’s Newcomer’s Revel
A revel to welcome newcomers to the SCA was held on the evening of Sunday, 11-4-84, at the residence of Lord Ragnar Hardraada. Designed to provide a suitable welcome and introduction to SCA life for new members of the Barony, it featured socialization and a number of workshops aimed at the needs of new members, notable sessions on costuming, armoring and archery. it was attended by 30 old members and 10 newcomers. Respectfully submitted, Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt u. von Kampf, Historian, Wyvernwood.

Museum of Fine Arts Demo
11-84 Narval Dorado held a demo at the Museum of Fine Arts

Incipient Shire of the Storm (Clearwater/Pinellas County) founded.
The date on the application is 11-5-84 and lists the proposed officers as:
Seneschal – Hollyn of Kestrelmere
Herald – Corwin ap Arianwyn o Carreg Cennen
Marshal – Ropesle de Sylveastan
Master of Sciences – Ciaomhin Macreagan
(From a letter to Countess Gilrean Derrilyn, Seneschal of Meridies, from Baroness Mistress Enriqueta)
Located mundanely in the Clearwater, Fl area, the new group will encompass that geographical region formerly held by the long-defunct group called the Shire of West Isles. the new group will lie between already existing shires of Fiach Ogan (to the North) and Narval Dorado (to the south), and is due west of the Barony of Wyvernwood. In my opinion the distances between these three groups is sufficient so that all can maintain activity and individuality without stepping on each others toes. All three groups are quite compatible.
The new shire, to be known as the Shire of the Storm, is being founded by several old-time SCA members who have a wealth of experience. Their Seneschal designate, the Hon. Lady Hollyn of Kestrelmere, has served in the past as Seneschal of the Barony of An Crosaire, and is presently working Deputy to the Principality’s Minister of Arts. Each of the other officers listed in the application is well experienced in their office, i.e. Lady Catherine Angelique (shire exchequer) is currently the Principality’s Exchequer.
The group originally approached me over six months ago with their desire to found a new group…at that time I advised them to organize and work toward smooth operation and building membership…they did indeed hold regular meetings and fighter practices and got all their ducks in a neat row.

Martinmas Moot/Seventh Coronet List
Tanist – Lord Joseph mac Joseph (Seosaidh mac Seosaidh)
Tanista – Lady Elitha of the Entwining Stars
Princes Champion – Daenn Fjalornsson
The Paladine Confederation presents Martinmas Moot and the Coronet List to be held on 11-9/11-84 at Camp Wewa. The Champion of Trimaris list will immediately follow the Coronet List. There will be a Principality Auction conducted by Lord Kragon Darkvale. Also the Troubadour Laureate competition will be held. Listed autocrat Lord Joseph mac Joseph, Feastcrat Lady Elizabeth FitzRandolph. There were 245 paid participants for this event. 43 fighters participated in the lysts (17 in the second lyst). The shires in the Paladine cooperated in making banners for the main hall.
At the Court of TRM Lawrence and Ana
Order of the Velvet Owl (with Grant of Arms)
Syr Bryetor Aison of Devon
Lady Oriana Goldenhair, Wyvernwood
Lord Yonaton Moshe Bereb Avram Yitzhak, An Crosaire
Order of the Sovereign’s Pleasure:
Lady Elena Ragnarsfostra, Wyvernwood
Countess Mistress Elspeth Trelawney MacNaughton of Lochawe, Blackthorne
Order of Meriden Majesty:
Countess Mistress Elspeth Trelawney MacNaughton of Lochawe, Blackthorne
Order of the Meridian Cross:
Tsuji no kami Ban’nin, An Crosaire
Lady Anne Embry, Blackthorne
Lady Anna Alicia von Rheinhardt, Darkwater
Lady Adalhaid of Oak Leah, Sea March
Lord Jean-Philippe Duvier, Blackthorne
At the Court of TH Baldar and Ljudmilla (with the permission of TRM Lawrence and Ana)
Order of the Burning Trumpet (Kingdom heraldic services)
Lady Joanna de Bocage, Sangre del Sol
Award of Arms:
Eleanor Powe, Blackthorne
Otto Botticher vonn Spreebrucke, Darkwater
Order of the Trimarian Sword List
Winner: Hon Lord Dikeuald Cyn Arek
Runner up: Lord Picot Pierre Cassier
New Poet Laureate of Trimaris:
Lady Muireann Deora-De of Rivercroft, called Strider
HRH Sir Erin Breck Gordon has taken as squire:
Daenn Fjalornsson, Oldenfeld
Raoul de Skytower, Oldenfeld
Since Lord Joseph mac Joseph is Tanist, Lady Elizabeth FitzRandolph will step in as Seneschal of Sangre del Sol.

Buholz High School Demo
11-11-84 An Crosaire held a class at Buholz High School on the Comparison of Norse and Russian life styles in 1100’s – taught by Elom Eikinskjaldi and Ejvan Vaseolojovich
11-13-84 An Crosaire held a demo at Buholz High School in connection with the teaching of the Middle Ages at the school. Dancing, fighting and medieval arts and sciences were demonstrated. Fighting at this demo were Thorkel, Ejvan, Elom, Roland and Swein Ironhelm. Several other members of the group were also present.

Pre-Baronial Court
On 11-15-84 Darkwater held a Pre-Baronial court at their meeting. The Seneschal’s key was turned over to Lord Erik. Jean Claude was inducted into the Baronial Guard. Christopher of Hendon was taken by Lord Barar as a page. There was a presentation of Free Thyme by the House of Hendon. Lord Barar presented a shell to Lady Jermaine for her service and she made her farewells to the shire.

Autumn Festival
On 11-17-84 An Crosaire held a small local revel for those who wouldn’t be going home for the holidays called “Autumn Festival”. There was a pot luck mid day meal, some games were played, there was dancing and a small list. This event had 21 members participating.

King’s Day Regatta
11-17-84 Blackthorne held a demo at the Banquet for the Daughters of the British Empire at the Club Continental in Orange Park. The banquet was held for the King’s Day Regatta. The British Ambassador to the United States, Sir Oliver Wright and his wife attended. Lady Takara announced the arrival of the guests. Eleven members of the shire participated in a skit showing “courtly love”. Countess Elspeth is also a member of the Daughters of the British Empire and arranged for the shire members to appear at the banquet.

Revenge of the Vikings
11-17-84 from flyer “Revenge of the Vikings, The Vikings against the Saxons, at Peters Road Duck Pond, Ft. Lauderdale Fl. a local event by Sangre del Sol. We are planning three types of general melees, a high ground melee, siege-secure on a real hill, a cloisters siege at a mid-shift cloister, and a bridge battle on a real bridge, maybe. This is a small park with covered pavilion, tables, close restrooms, duck pond and shade trees. There will be a Social and Duc de Potluck feast at Warbeck and Alejandra’s manor. listed autocrat Lon Warbeck Mac Murray and Alejandra Isabele Iglesias Domenech de Mac Murray.

Hialeah Junior High School Demo
11-21-84, the Shire of Southkeype assisted in a play at the Hialeah Jr. High School entitled “Vikings in Northumberland”. Asa Thorfinnsdottir is the teacher for the 8th grade history class. The Hon. Lady Asa dressed as the head of a typical Viking household and narrated various aspects of her society with the assistance of some members of the shire.

Ravensquest II
On 11-24/26-84 Fiach Ogan held “Ravensquest II”, announced in flyer “Of days of old, when knights were bold we emulate the best, send out the call to gentles all to come join in a quest. Thy skills and prowess, thy courtly grace will be put to the test. A lovely wooded site beside a clear lake with a large feast hall and cabins (Camp Keystone). There will be the Quest, best period ashtray, Archery shoot. Listed autocrat Diedre Faohagan, Feastcrat Triste More

The True Medievalist
11-30/12-2-84 Darkwater held “The True Medievalist” or the Rescue of Arianne which was held at a primitive camp site near Apopka. For several months different flyers were published in Talewinds building up to this event in which “Brigands captured Arianne” and the purpose of the event was her rescue. Autocrats were Lady Jermaine and Lord Barar, Feastcrat was Lord Gradheil.

12/84 Principality of Trimaris Published Intent to Present a Petition for Kingdom Status

Westminster Oaks
12-3-84 Oldenfeld went caroling at the Westminster Oaks

Almost a Revel and Kitty Bash
On 12-7/9-84 Glymmerholde held “Almost a Revel and Kitty Bash”, announced in flyer – To all who sleep or have lately been abroad but know of our local sport, hear and be of cheer, the time is night. Glymmerholde will anon hold its annual Almost a Revel celebration at the usual place (the beach). Bring the usual plus armor. To all who have slept these three years or have been forever abroad and do not know of our local sport the Shire of Glymmerholde annually hosts a two day revel at the Pink Shell Resort in beach cottages, overlooking the white sand of the Gulf of Mexico. There will be the Pixie Dig, the Baptism of the Pixiecrat!, and the kitty bash, a double elimination list of the usual sort in which one dollar is paid by each entrant and the winner takes all. There will be first aid and CPR training for all aspiring Chirurgeons. listed autocrat Sharra Atwater

Festival of the Falling Mullets
On 12-7/9-84 Starhaven held “Festival of the Falling Mullets”, announced in the flyer “Attention good gentles! the time is nigh for the Shire of Starhaven to celebrate the Festival of Falling Mullets. we invite those who wish to partake in the merriment to join us. The site is Kars Park. There will be an archery list, a list, a mullet toss, and a mechanically assisted mullet toss. This is a tenting event. Autocrat Lance Nystrom.

Yule Revel
12-8-84 Sea March held “Yule Revel”

Revel at Ragnar’s
As a number of members of the Barony’s birthdays fall in December, a joint Baronial birthday party was held at the home of Lord Ragnar Hardraada on the evening of Tuesday, December 11, 1984. The event began around 8 pm with a business meeting of the Barony, followed by a pot-luc feast and much socialization. During the meeting, Ragnar’s worthy spouse, the gentle Lady Gwendolyn, distributed copies of her new Beginner’s Costume Guide. Also distributed was the December issue of the Baronial journal Popular Wyvernry. Attendance for the evening was 29, and a most enjoyable time was had by all, as they say. Respectfully submitted, Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt u. von Kampf, Historian, Wyvernwood.

Party at Shakespeare’s
On December 18, a party of approximately a dozen gentles of Wyvernwood attended a party held at Shakespeare’s, a restaurant in Orlando with a medieval/renaissance theme. The occasion was the combined birthdays of Lord Ragnar and several other gentles born around that time. the party attended in full costume, and was given a discount by the management of Shakespeare’s in return for providing “color.” As the restaurant was well filled with mundanes, opportunity was taken to spread information relative to the SCA and the barony. The evening was memorable in that Zandor the Mad, a Darkwater citizen employed as the Black Knight in the restaurant’s combat entertainment sequence, inadvertently parried a rather heavy broadsword with his left hand, to the great detriment thereof. Respectfully submitted, Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt u. von Kampf, Historian, Wyvernwood.

Yule Revel
12-84 Narval Dorado held a “Yule Revel”

Unitarian Church Demo
12-84 Sea March participated in a Medieval Feast with the Unitarian Church

Keith Elementary School Demo
12-11-84 Darkwater held a demo at Keith Elementary School in which 6 members of the shire participated for approximately 750 (K-5) students.

Christmas Caroling
12-13-84 Oldenfeld went caroling for the Central Telephone Children’s Party

Christmas Caroling/Wassail Revel
Twenty members of the Barony of Wyvernwood, including the members of the Wyvernwood Choral, presented programs of period Christmas carols at two Tampa area hospitals on Saturday, December 15. The singers, led by Sara Tiegan Frances Elizabeth Holden, director of the Wyvernwood Chorale, performed in full period garb. At St. Joseph’s Hospital, the singers covered 7 ½ floors of the hospital, and an additional 3 floors in the cancer wards. At Women’s Hospital, 1 ½ floors were covered, including the nursery. A special performance was given for two mothers who had just given birth immediately after their return from the delivery room. Altogether, the singers performed for a total of 2,000 patients and staff at the two hospitals. On the evening of the same day, a Wassailing Revel was held at the home of Lady Brenna Catriona Dunn. Featuring vast quantities of Christmas foods, drinks and egg nog, the revel was attended by 30 people. The following day (Sunday, the 16th), two of the Barony’s fairest ladies, Lady Cathlin Emryss and her Highness Princess Ljudmilla, traveled across Tampa Bay to Fiach Ogan to assist with that shire’s Christmas caroling program. Respectfully submitted, Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt u. von Kampf, Historian, Wyvernwood.

Wassailing Revel
12-15-84 Darkwater held “Wassailing Revel”

Olde English Yule
On 12-15-84 Sangre del Sol held “Olde English Yule” at the All Saints Episcopal Church in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. A pot-luc feast was planned along with classes on costuming, heraldry, boot making, and cooking. Promised was dancing, madrigal and chorus singing. Edwina of Wiltshire was the listed autocrat.

Christmas Revel and Tourney
12-15-84 Blackthorne/Castlemere held “Christmas Revel and Tourney” at Willowbranch Park in Jacksonville. Fighters from each shire put on a tournament for a prize. The tournament was organized by Lady Takara and Raschid. The winner was Geoffery Marcus de Alton. The Revel was held that night at Portside Mobile Home Park. About 21 members of Blackthorne attended. At the revel the King of Misrule was chosen. Everyone brought a dessert and there was much merriment and comradery.

During the calendar year 1984, the Barony of Wyvernwood sponsored a total of 28 events. These included tournaments, revels, public demonstrations, and various public service activities. In addition to numerous local events, the Barony sponsored no less than two Principality investitures – that of Baron Sir Bronislaus and his consort, Lady Agrippina di Conti in March, and that of Baldar Longstrider and his consort Ljudmilla of Konigsberg in August. Over and above the twenty eight events mentioned above, the Barony held regular weekly meetings of the populace, weekly fighter practices, and various other meetings and workshops throughout the year.
During the course of 1983, Wyvernwood provided the Principality with four of its great officers of state – Minister of Sciences, Hon. Lord Ragnar Hardraada; Minister of Arts – Lady Orianna Goldenhair; Chancellor of the Exchequer – Lady Katherine Angelique of Lightenhart; and Chirurgeon – Lady Brenna Catriona Dunn. The barony also provided Trimaris with a Prince and Princess, in the persons of His Highness Baldar Longstrider and Her Highness Princess Ljudmilla. Wyvernwood also provided the Principality with its Troubadour Laureate (in fact, the last three Troubadour Laureates have been from Wyvernwood). The Barony has continued to provide a significant contribution to the welfare of Trimaris through service, activities in the arts and sciences, and worthy warriors for the field of honor.
This year saw the first full year’s publication of the Barony’s journal, Popular Wyvernry, which began publication in November, 1983. “Pop Wyv” has proven a very useful means of communication and education, and a valuable addition to the Barony.
This year also saw the first award of the Darby MacDonald Memorial Scholarship in Medieval studies. The MacDonald award is a $100.00 prize offered through the University of South Florida Foundation annually, administered through the USF Department of History. Commemorating the late Darby MacDonald, a member of the Barony killed in a tragic drowning, the MacDonald scholarship is the only award for academic achievement sponsored by a branch of the SCA of which I am aware. Awarding of this first prize is a testimonial to the SCA’s commitment to serious study of the Middle Ages and an earnest of the Society’s role as a bona fide educational organization.
As of December, 1984, the Barony of Wyvernwood has 55 paid members. This figure includes 40 sustaining members, 10 family memberships and 5 associate memberships. An additional 5 individuals regularly attend Baronial functions, with a number of other persons maintaining a loose affiliation with the group.
To conclude, the past year has, like the one previous, been a fruitful one with many solid accomplishments. The Barony remains a dynamic, viable unit of the SCA.
Officers as of 12/31/84
Seneschal – Lady Sabine Astraea
Marshal – Lord John Urquhart, called the Shark
Minister of Sciences – Lord Wilhelm Steinhauser
Minister of Arts – Lady Sara Tiegan Frances Elizabeth Holden
Chirurgeon – Lady Brenna Catriona Dunn
Herald – Lady Arianwyn merch Comyn
Historian – Lord Erich Manfred Friedrich Wilhelm von Rabenskalt und von Kampf, called Erich of Ravenscold
Editor of Popular Wyvernry – Lady Sarah Tiegan Holden
Exchequer – Lady Rosalind Knighluster
Chronicler – Lady Gwendolyn Mary Douglas
Baron and Baroness
Baron Dykeuald Cyn Arik and Baroness Alianore d’Astralis
Respectfully submitted, Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt u. von Kampf, Historian, Wyvernwood.

From the Barony of An Crosaire
The Barony has taken on several new projects throughout this past year and it is my hope that they will continue. First of all, we began working on a Baronial Autocrats Handbook. It will be printed, hopefully, by January 1. The idea for this came up during the problems we had with Spring Coronation. We hope that, with this booklet, it will be easier to autocrat an event if you’ve never before been an autocrat or co-autocrat. It will not take the place of everyone’s help, but it will definitely answer a lot of questions right-off-the-bat. Secondly, we have formed a revel committee (open to anyone) this helps people who are interested in autocrating to get a feel for creating a revel and finding a place for it (small and local). Thirdly, we have a group of people who are making up what we call our Demo-crats (anyone can be involved). This is for those who feel very strongly about organized school demos. They will make sure that people attend prepared for answering questions and to know how to teach the kids something.
From our Fighter Marshal, there are 20 qualified fighters, 5 unqualified fighters, 6 archers. The fighters meet weekly with 5-7 participants on the average. We also have 3 active armorers in the Barony.
It is hard to say what the highlights of the year were but if I have to pinpoint one, I’d have to say that TMT was one of our greatest accomplishments this year. Another highlight is that we have introduced many new faces to the SCA and many have stayed with us; this we’re most proud of.
The Barony presently has 59 members listed in our books, 39 are sustaining members and 20 are newcomers and students.
Barony of An Crosaire Officers
Baron & Baroness – Sakura Tetsuo and Sakura Kiminiko
Seneschal – Siena Severn
Deputy – Carmenette Rodriquez
Gold Key – Thorkel Tryggsuasson
Master of Science – Elom Eikinskjaldi
Deputy – Thorstein Asvaldsson
Mistress of Arts – Genevive Erkanberacht
Deputy – Noriuji
Herald – Donnchagh Ui Grada
Reeve – Carmenette Rodriquez
Historian – Ara Arisdottir
Deputy – Allessandra Francesca
Chronicler – Geoffrey de Tocqueville
Librarian – Noriuji
Fighter Marshal – Sakura Tetsuo
Deputy – Thorkel Tryggsuasson
Sean of Carrkfergus
Archery Marshal – Talfric

Domesday Report from the Shire of South Keype
The Shire of South Keype has seen many drastic changes this last year both with official offices and with relocations. South Keype covers a large area that hinders involvement by local youth because of transportation difficulties. it is hoped that eventually we will have enough involvement and interest to form groups to take up these areas. There has been a slight increase overall in membership +3 (for a current total of 17). We have lost many to new locations, but they seem to have remained active in the SCA. The Shire has been, I think, more active and supportive at other Trimarian events than in the recent past. We have had members represented at TMT, Martinmas Moot, Arts and Science affairs, Sangre del Sol and Sea March various socials and events, Oldenfeld events, and many more. The major honors our group received in 1984 stemmed from consecutive awarding of Poet Laureate to Alexander Mareschal and Shantry. Our fighters fared well and look to be promising fodder for 1985. There was a concerted effort to do more community events, which the Vikings 1000 AD, was an example of. The last few months of 1984 saw the Shire working closely with the Historical Museum of Southern Florida and try and evolve an annual demo at the Center for the Fine Arts. Plans were originally laid for February 8th, but had to be canceled. We are now in the process of rescheduling. This is being handled through Ilse aus dem Rhein, Historian.

Doomsday report from Narval Dorado
The year was a varied and active one for the shire of Narval Dorado. There was a very active event calendar, as well as the first major population gain since the last change in seneschal. The events were as varied as they come in the SCA. There was the small but fattening Midsummer’s Eve Revel. There was the activity helping the Shire of the Ruins with TMT. and at the end of the year, there was both the planning for Winter Arts and Sciences in January and a Christmas Revel.
The assisting of the Shire of the Ruins with the autocrating of TMT was an education in itself. The Ruins had little experience in the running of a major event. There were some problems with things not getting done when they should have been. The feasts done by Narval Dorado went over well and in general, the event went well. The Shire of Narval Dorado got a lot of needed experience in the autocrating of events and with helping other groups autocrat. The time after Midsummers was one of growth for the shire. There was a sudden upturn in the shire’s growth curve. The shire grew from a shire of about 8 people to a shire of 20 or so. This is the first big growth that the troubles of the last seneschal change. The shire has gotten some health growth at last, growth that has been needed for a long time. submitted by Hon,. Lord Michael Kennethson, Historian, Narval Dorado.