Recent Kingdom Notes

February 16, 2025

The Kingdom of Trimaris

The Three Seas of Power

Trimaris History – 1985

61 min read


Twelfth Night Tourney and Celebration of the Feast of Epiphany
Talewinds, vol.3, no.12, December AS XIX 1-4/6-85 Join South Keype in its Celebration of the Feast of Epiphany. This year’s celebration will be held January 4-6 at the same site as last year; Camp Owaissa Bauer in south Miami. The Twelfth Nigh Tourney will be a double elimination list. We expect a bountiful feast from the cooks of South Keype. Bauer in Miami, Autocrats Lord Juan Carlos Perez and Ana Isabel Barrios de Perez.
seneschal’s report indicated 56 people attended, including 12 fighters.

Epiphany and Spongefest
Talewinds, vol.3, no.12, December AS XIX 1-5-85 Why visit Tarpon Springs when you can experience..Oldenfeld’s Epiphany & Spongefest Saturday, January 5, 5:00 pm until… All right…fess up! You weren’t even planning on Epiphany this year, but how can you pass up DIVING FOR THE CROSS (don’t bring a swimming suit!) SPONGE GUNGING (to be invented) SPONGE LEGEND CONTEST (explaining curious, little known, or downright unknown uses for sponges and the lives of the more famous sponges in history and the SCA) A GREEK FEAST by the fabulous Lady Constanza, & THE BEST ENTERTAINMENT this side of Drachenwald. Come ye hardy pilgrims to witness (even be a part of) this holy SPONGEFEST. Appropriate prizes for the divers and spongelorists among you. Good, clean fun (but come anyway) Suggested topics for SPONGELORE include spongellan, spongius pilate, the spongish armada, or you may spongficate on you own topic…spongerella, spongflox and the 2 squid, Raspongel…the list is endless. Autocrat-Jed Silverstar.

Boar’s Head Festival
On 1-6-85, the Shire of Ac’Scrin participated in St. Lukes Church, Ft. Myers, annual 12th Night festival. The festival has a Medieval theme and this year they asked the members of Ac’Scrin to participate to add more flavor to the event. They roasted a pig for a wonderful feast. The program is almost a theatrical production with some religious overtones. We all enjoyed it – normally they use Glymmerholde, but Glymmerholde turned them down this year. We expect to be invited back on an annual basis.

St. Benet’s Feast
1-8-85, An Crosaire held their annual Baronial Christmas feast. Approximately 40 people attended.

Hero of the Chalice
Flyer, Talewinds vol.4, No 1, January AS XIX Hero of the Chalice, 1-11/13-85, Camp Keystone”Challenge restated: In case any of youse slimy spineless garden slugs didn’t catch last month’s the challenge by us to show that your mettle is more that the slime trail left behind when you run away, we remunerate our challenge to the knowne worlde to a Period Game of footsball Sunday January the 13th. Be there or all will know of our poltroon* cowardice. *note from editor: the editors apologize for the quaint, crude colloquialisms used by the authors, but they must be excused as neither is literate.”Treasure Chest – each fighter must provide an item of booty for the treasure chest. In addition, prizes will be furnished by the Autocrats; Wyvernwood Annual Pun-Off, Joseph MacJoseph will be defending his punning title; Melee teams with archers, all melee teams will be formed on site. listed autocrat Ld. Picot Pierre Cassier, Feastcrat, Ld Corineaus Kilwitch.
Talewinds vol.4, No 2, February AS XIX Awards and Announcements
At the Court of TH Baldar and Ljudmilla
Order of the Silver Trident: Viscountess Agrippina di Conti, Sea March
Award of Arms: Shea Alaric Tanner, Darkwater
AEdric Hrothgareson, Darkwater
Ines Cecilia de Marcy of Allerton, An Crosaire
Roland Wolfram Floydsson
Order of the Meridian Cross: Lady Gwendolyn Mary Douglass, Wyvernwood

HRH Sir Erin Breck Gordon has taken as squire:
Brian MacNaughton, Oldenfeld
Tironwy ap Lorrelan, Fiach Ogan
Viscount Baron Sire Bronislaus has taken as squire:
Lord Picot Pierre Cassier
Hero of the Chalice List Winner: Lord Picot Pierre Cassier
runner up – Tancred Albrecht, called Kree the Butcher

Trimaris Arts & Sciences Faire
Flyer, Talewinds vol.4, No 1, January AS XIX 1-18/20-85 Narval Dorado sponsored the Trimarian Arts and Science Faire competition and Collegium. “Be a contestant!, be a Judge!, see the Trimarian Best! The Collegium of Trimaris will be offering classes. The event to be held at Camp Keystone, autocrat Lady Jirel ni Cahil, Feastcrat Aislinn Columbo of Carlisle. (Approximately 225 persons attended)
Awards and Announcements, Talewinds vol.4, No 2, February AS XIX
At the Court of TH Baldar and Ljudmilla
Order of the Velvet Owl: Lady Caroline merch Elwyn of the Far Hills, Sea March
Award of Arms: Islay Elspeth Maccintsacarit (MacDonald), Darkwater
Aspasia of Castlemere, Castlemere
Conrad Loraybech, Castlemere
Order of the Meridian Cross: Lady Andreana de Montfort, (Glyn ni Owein) Fiach Ogan

Viscountess Agrippina di Conti is the new Trimaris Minister of Arts
Rachel Kathleen Cundiff Jeanin Picot is the new Regents College Burser
Lord Cedric Steinhauser is the new Regents College Dean of Sciences
Winner Troubadour Laureate: Lord Morric Haast, Wyvernwood
Winner Masque Laureate: Aidian Gerhart de Lanwedoc, Wyvernwood
Individual Awards
Graphics for SCA Publications – Ljudmilla von Konigsberg, Merit
Illumination -Darkwater Baronial Petition Committee – superior merit
Individual Voice Music – Ines de Marcy – two superior merit
Group Voice Music -Sarah Tegan Holden, three ex. merit, one superior merit
Ines de Marcy & Rurik Petrovitch Stoianov – superior merit
Individual Instrumental Music – Erik Loren Elcara, merit
Poetry – Alianore d’Astralis, superior merit; Shantry, merit
Costuming, 300 to 1199 – Elizabeth FitzRandolph, ex. merit; Gwendolen Mary Douglas, ex. merit; John Urquehart, superior merit; Katherine Angelique of Lightenhart, merit.
Costuming, 1200 to 1349 – Anna Alicia von Rheinhardt, Ex. merit; Ragnar Hardraada, Ex. merit; Gwendolen Mary Douglas, ex. merit; Eleanor Powe, superior merit; Anna Alicia von Rheinhardt, superior merit.
Costuming, 1350 to 1650 – Agrippina di Conti, ex. merit; Rachel Kathleen Cundiff , Jeanin Pecot, two ex. merit; Jean-Phillip Duvier, two ex. merit; Fara Marleene Steinhauser, two sup. merit, one merit; Eleanor Powe, merit; Carol Varnadoe, merit; Katherine Angelique of Lightenhart, merit.
Historical Costume – Gwendolen Mary Douglas, sup. merit
Costume Accessories, headdresses – Anna Alicia von Rheinhardt, ex. merit
Costume Accessories, shoes – Cathlin Emryss, ex. merit; Gwendolen Mary Douglas, ex. merit
Costume Accessories, other – Elizabeth FitzRandolph, two ex. merit; Yness of Caer Brugh, ex. merit; Gwendolen Mary Douglas, sup. merit; Eleanor Powe, sup. merit; John Urquhart, two sup. merit; Jean-Phillip Duvier, sup. merit; Sabine Astraea, two merit.
Needlework – Eleanor Powe, ex. merit; Inez de Marcy, ex. merit & sup. merit; Elena Ragnarsfostra, sup. merit; Cherie Elaine Viau, merit.
Historical Performance – Sabine Astraea, sup. merit
Heraldic Trappings – Elena Ragnarsfostra, two sup. merit
Armor, helms – Erin Breck Gordon, merit; Dikeuald Cyn Arek, merit
Armor, Body – Katherine Angelique of Lightenhart, sup. merit & merit; Jeffrey Maynard, merit.
Armor, Extremities – John Urquhart, ex. merit
Metalwork, Jewelry – Sigurth Gryggvason, ex. merit; Jean-Phillip Duvier, sup. merit & merit
Leatherwork – Talison David Conngenan, ex. merit
Domestic Sciences, spinning & weaving – Alexander Mareschal, two merits; Muireann Deora-De of Rivercroft, merit
Domestic Sciences, Miscellaneous – Carol Varnadoe, ex.merit
Brewing, wine – Alexander Mareschal, sup. merit
Brewing, Beer or Mead – Bryce Pachaz, merit
Woodworking, decorative – Treve Morningstar, merit
Canopies – Fara Marleene Steinhauser, merit

Metcalf Elementary School Demo
On 1-24-85, An Crosaire, Elitha of the Entwining Stars and Lord Ardelian spoke to 5th graders at Metcalf Elementary School on the Elizabethan period, Christmas customs and Celtic History.

Newberry High School Demo
On 1-24-85, An Crosaire, Lady Ara, Lord Elom, Lord Jon and Allesandra attended a medieval dinner prepared by the students of Newberry High School. The students had attended a demo done by our group and became interested in doing something medieval. After the dinner the members judged the student’s costume contest. Everyone had a good time.

Boswall School Demo
1-27-85 The Shire of the Ruins held a demo at BoswallElementary School. Members participating were Jourin, EdwardO’Donovan and Sir Brytor.

Tourney del Sangre Primo
Flyer, Talewinds vol.4, No 1, January AS XIX 1-27-85 Tourney del Sangre Primo, the Tourney of the First Blood will be held at one hour past noon in Sangre del Sol, at the Manor Pines Convalescent Center in Wilton Manors. This tourney will allow new fighters to qualify and to fight in a list where they will not have to face the battle hardened veterans of Trimaris. Any fighter who has not entered more than two previous lists is eligible to enter, There will be small prizes for the victors. All “grizzled veterans” are welcome to come and fight challenges and melees after the list. At five hours past noon “duc de pot Luc” will present a feast for your enjoyment and at seven we will retire to a shire members home for revel, dancing, singing and bardic circle. autocrat – Edwina of Wiltshire

Twelfth Night Revel
In January ’85 the Shire of Darkwater held their 12th Night Revel

Jewett Elementary School Demo
2-1-85 The Shire of the Ruins held a demo at the Jewett Elementary School. Members participating were Jourin and Elizabeth Pembrook.

Darkwater Baronial Investiture
Flyer, Talewinds vol.4, No 1, January AS XIX 2-1/3-85, The folke of Darkwater joyfully and cordially invite one and all to join them for the elevation of their shire to a Barony and the Investiture of its Founding Baronial Nobles Lord Barar Aeryck Udvarhelyi and Lady Arianne des Jardin. This glad event shall transpire upon the 1st, 2nd & 3rd days of February AS XIX, at Camp Wewa in Plymouth Fl. Among the festivities of the day shall be a Human Chess Match, wherein a lady may tilt with an armored lord and still come away the best for it. Merchants far and wide are bidden to bring thy wares and make gay the public roadways and courtyards. Lords and ladies alike are asked to prepare a luncheon basket for auction, wit the proceeds to be split between the Trimaris Kingdom Regalia Fund and the Darkwater Baronial Regalia. Autocrat Rachel Kathleen Cundiff Jeanin Picot, Feastcrat Prince Baldar Longstrider & Lord Cornieous Kilwitch (courtesy of our very dear friends in the Barony of Wyvernwood)
At the court of TRM Lawrence and Ana
Invested as Founding Baron Darkwater – Lord Barar Aeryck Udvarhelyi
Invested as Founding Baroness Darkwater – Lady Arianne des Jardin
At the combined courts of TRM Lawrence and Ana, TH Baldar and Ljudmilla and TE Barar and Arianne
Order of the Laurel (with Patent of Arms) – H.L. Ragnar Hardraada, Wyvernwood
Order of the Velvet Owl – Lord Jean-Philippe Duvier, Blackthorne
Lady Gwendolyn Mary Douglas, Wyvernwood
Order of the Trimarian Sword – Lord AEdric Hrothgareson, Darkwater
Order of the Trident Keype (Darkwater baronial service order with Award of Arms) –
Laird Gradhiel Macintsacarit, Darkwater
Lady Anna Alicia von Rheinhardt, Darkwater
Lord AEdric Hrothgareson, Darkwater
Rachel Kathleen Cundiff, Darkwater
Stephan Magnus, Darkwater
Lord Otto Boetticher von Spreebrucke
Award of Arms – Rachel Kathleen Cundiff, Darkwater
Ann of Hendon, Darkwater
Hrothgar Thorsson, Castlemere
Saranna Lyndh Tudinsdottir, Narval Dorado
Order of the Meridian Cross – H.L. Morgana ferch Morgan, Blackthorne
Rachel Kathleen Cundiff, Darkwater
Stephen Magnus, Darkwater
HH Ljudmilla von Konigsberg, Wyvernwood
Lady Cathlin Emryss, Wyvernwood
Lady Eglantine de Wolfe, An Crosaire
Lady Muireann Deora-Da (Strider) of Rivercroft, Starhaven

2-2-85 Trimaris Presented Kingdom Petition to King Lawrence of Ashana and Queen Ana
Announcements, Talewinds vol 4, No 2, February AS XIX
At the Principality Officers’ meeting at Trimaris Arts & Sciences Faire, the officers voted to approve the establishment of the office of Archivist. This office is responsible for maintaining and inventory of all Trimaris royal regalia. Furthermore, the archivist will keep the old, unneeded files of the royalty. Syr Bryetor Aison of Devon was appointed to this office, which is responsible to the Principality Exchequer’s Office.

HRH Erin Breck Gordon plans to begin publication of a Trimaris magazine primarily highlighting the martial arts in the Principality. The name of the magazine shall be White Belt Magazine. Anyone interested in contributing material or assisting with the publication of it is requested to contact either HRH Erin or Lord Edward of Effingham, Marshal of Trimaris.

UF Organization Day Demo
On 2-6-85 An Crosaire held a demo at the University of Florida Organization Day at the Reitz Union. Five members attended and four people have shown an interest in joining the Barony.

Academie of Armourie
Talewinds vol.4, No 2, February AS XIX Norrey Academie of Armourie, Joricmas Sitting, 2-9-85, will be held at the domicile of Lord Alexander Mareschal and Shantry in Silverthorne Tor in the city of Ocala. The sitting shall begin at 10:00 am. Wyvernwood’s Heralds report there were classes in Fabulous Beasties and the History and Philosophy of Heralds. The main activity was reviewing device submissions from all groups and doing device critique which was great fun. Lady Arianwyn merch Comyn

Pompano Beach Library Demo
2-9-85 Sangre del Sol held a demo at the Pompano Beach Library

Picnic in the Park
The Shire of Sea March held their Social Sunday and fighter practice in John Prince Park as an unofficial demo and a chance for exposure in a public park.

St. Valentine’s Day Massacre
Talewinds vol.4, No 2, February AS XIX 2-15/17-85, The Barony of An Crosaire invites the folk of Trimaris, Meridies, and elsewhere to attend St. Valentines Mid-Winter Gathering and Allthing, (The St. Valentines Massacre). “By the Hammer of Thor, bring your food, drink, weapons, and good spirits to Otter Springs Campground. This is a tenting event. The site has restrooms and hot showers. Due to the recent influx of Northmen in An Crosaire, the them this year will once again be that of a Scandinavian mid-winter festival and gathering. To help maintain this theme, the autocrats request that folk try to attend dressed in the clothing styles of northern Europe. Travelers from the Empires of the Turks and Byzantium are also welcome. In addition to the traditional list and massacre and games, a novice list for those qualified fighters who have never placed firs, second or third in a major fighting event. After the massacre there will be a special “war melee” to prepare for upcoming battles. Archers bring your bows, spearmen bring your spears and all others your blades, axes and maces. We are to be honored with a baronial court held by their Eastern Excellencies, Sir Tetsuo Sakura-sama and Mistress Kimineko Sakura-sama. A pot luck feast will be held Saturday night in the pavilion. Bring a heap of food that can feed you and five others. We are seeking to create a mead hall atmosphere. Entertainers will be most welcome at this time. Autocrat Thorkel Tryggsmason and Donnchagh MacRiada.
Winner of the Novice List and Most Chivalrous Fighter – Rurik Petrovitch Stoianov
Viscountess Agrippina was chosen as the most attentive consort at the list.
Awards & Announcements, Talewinds vol.4, No 4, April AS XIX
At the court of TH Baldar and Ljudmilla
Order of the Triskele Trimaris – H.L. Cher Bellevue, An Crosaire
H.L. Hollyn of Kestrelmere, Storm
Award of Arms – Ann of Fiach Ogan, Fiach Ogan
Jean-Claude Dominique Jeanin Picot, Darkwater
Geoffrey Marcus d’Alton, Blackthorne
Order of the Meridian Cross – Lady Ara Arisdottir, An Crosaire
At the court of TE Sakura Tetsuo and Sakura Kimineko
Order of the House of the Serpent’s Torc (non-armigerous Baronial Service Award)
Mistress Siobhan ni Filidheacht
H.L. Cher de Bellevue
H.L. Hollyn of Kestrelmere
H.L. Elom Eikinskjaldi
Lady Ara Arisdottir
H.L. Cedrin Etainnighean
Lady Elspeth-Jean of Lochmaree
Lord Seamus McCryu McHoo
Lady Eglantine de Wolfe
Lady Elitha of the Entwining Stars
Duke Sir Merowald de Sylveastan

F.I.T. Melbourne with Meade Society Demo
2-17-85 The Shire of Starhaven held a demo for the Meade Society

Seventh Trimaris Principality Investiture
Talewinds vol.4, No 2, February AS XIX Know ye all, that on the 1st, 2nd & 3rd days of March, AS XIX, (1985) the Barony of An Crosaire and the Shire of Fiach Ogan will present the first “rent-a-crat” production, Principality Investiture and the Second Champion of Trimaris List. You can attend a weekend of pomp, splendor, and also pigge-outte on a sumptuous feast by Lady Glyn ni Owein. In the morning there will be the formal final court of their Highnesses Baldar and Ljudmilla. There will be a 15 minute break and then the investiture of Seosaidh and Elitha will take place. Following this will be the Champion of Trimaris list, in a similar format as at Martinmas Moot. At 5:30, the first court, excruciatingly formal in dress, of Seosaidh and Elitha. Feast will begin promptly at 8:00. Crat-crat, Lord Edward of Effingham, Feastcrat, Lady Glyn ni Owein
Awards & Announcements, Talewinds vol.4, No 4, April AS XIX
At the Final Court of TH Baldar and Ljudmilla
Award of Arms – Tristan Waer (Esclairmonde Shantry)
Ynesse of Caer Brugh
Marcus Vitruvius Britanicus
Alisdair MacDonald, Darkwater
Daen Fjalornssen, Oldenfeld
Raoul de Skytower, Oldenfeld
Roland de Verona, Sangre del Sol
Order of the Meridian Cross – Lady Elizabeth FitzRandolph, Sangre del Sol
Order of the Trimarian Gratitude – Lady Cathlin Emryss, Wyvernwood
Order of the Emerald Seas – Lady Cathlin Emryss, Wyvernwood
Lady Sara Teagen E.F. Holden, Wyvernwood
At the First Court of TH Seosaidh and Elitha
Viscounty – Baldar Longstrider and Ljudmilla von Konigsberg
Order of the Silver Trident – Ishidoro no Tsuji, An Crosaire
Duke Sir Merowald de Sylveastan, An Crosaire
Order of the House of the Serpent’s Torc -Ishidoro no Tsuji, An Crosaire
Carmenette Rodriguez
Mistress Elspeth MacNaughton has taken Viscountess Ljudmilla von Konigsberg as an apprentice
At Curia 3-3-85
Mistress Damara Narrissa has taken HH Elitha of the Entwining Stars as an apprentice
The title of Warlord of Trimaris has been honorably retired

Sarasota Medieval Faire
3-9-85 The Shire of Blackthorne participated in the Sarasota Medieval Faire

Pompano Arts Festival
3-9-85 approximately 2/3’s of the Shire of Sangre del Sol participated in the Pompano Arts Festival over the two days of the festival.

First Baronial Council
3-10-85 The Barony of Darkwater held their first Baronial Council

Jacksonville Country Day School Demo
3-15-85 Blackthorne held a demo at the Jacksonville Country Day School

The Scots are Revolting
Flyer, Talewinds vol.4, No 3, March AS XIX The Shire of Sangre del Sol presents the Scots Revolt on 3-15/17- 85 at C.B. Smith Park. As an added attraction, the OGB List. There will be three lists preceded by the Battle of Louden. Participants in the Scots List must wear Highland garb over their armor and fight with one or more of the following: Claymore, basket-hilted Broadsword, axe, dirk, Broadsword or Targe. There will be a pair of steel mitten gauntlets awarded to the most Chivalrous Fighter of the day. The second prize of $200.00 gift certificate to the costumer of the recipient’s choice will be awarded. Autocrat Lon Warbeck Mac Murray and Alejandra; Feastcrat Edwina of Wiltshire.
with approximately 19 fighters entered in the list.
Awards & Announcements, Talewinds vol.4, No 4, April AS XIX
the Winners of the Lists
Scots List – Ian the Bane
OGB List – Lord Kim, Kyong-il
Open List – Count Verron Wolfgang von Groth
Viscount Baron Sir Bronislaus of Vilnius took William D’Averc as a squire

Howard Bishop Middle School Demo
3-20-85 13 members of the Barony of An Crosaire presented a demo for the Howard Bishop Middle School. There were 4 fighters who fought for the delight of numerous children. There were nine displays consisting of armor, heraldry, calligraphy, books, and feasting gear. We danced and showed off our costumes. Channel 20 filmed a brief portion for the news.

Trident Tourney
Talewinds vol.4, No 2, February AS XIX 3-22/24-85 at Camp Wewa, come join Darkwater (and the fish) as we wait to find out: Who will take the title of Defender of the Trident? (our first Baronial Champion); Will mermaids once again grace our feast: (we wish); Will this year’s feast be as good as last years? (let your taste buds remember!); SEE – the beautiful arts (arts competition) WITNESS the amazing sciences (science completion; WATCH as archers hunt arrows (inter-kingdom archery). autocrat Alasdair MacDonald, Feastcrat Islay Elspeth.
Awards & Announcements, Talewinds vol.4, No 4, April AS XIX
At the court of TH Seosaidh and Elitha
Award of Arms – Duncan Angus MacDonald, Darkwater
Triste More, Wyvernwood
Winner of list, Champion of the Trident – Viscount Baldar Longstrider
runner-up – Lord AEdric Hrothgeson
HRH Sir Erin Breck Gordon took Lord AEdric Hrothgareson as a squire
TE Lord Dykeuald Cyn Arek an Lady Alianore d’Astralis presented Tancred Albrecht called Kree the Butcher, the order of the Wyvern’s Scale

USF Family Faire Demo
3-23-85, The Shire of Ac’Scrin assisted the Shire of Glymmerholde at Ft. Myer’s extension of USF Family Faire. The members of the shire presented medieval dances.

Largo Renaissance Faire Demo
3-23-85 The Shire of Blackthorne participated in the Largo Renaissance Faire

Channel 5, public TV fund raiser
On 3-24-85 20 members of the Barony of An Crosaire participated in Channel 5’s fund raiser by answering phones in garb. Channel 5 showed Camelot during the drive.

Trimarian Games
Talewinds vol.4, No 2, February AS XIX 3-29/31-85, Castlemere – Are you tired of events where only individuals are given praise? Do you wonder why the only events which require team work are wars? Well the Shire of Castlemere may have an event for you. We are sponsoring the only event in Trimaris where team work is the name of the game, the Trimarian Games. Period Dance – minimum of 3 people; Period Camp – the best period camp; Melee Fighting – 5 man team; Tournament Archery – real arrows; Period Cooking – must feed 10 people; Period Board games – chess, backgammon, nine man morse; Heraldry – blazon devices; Persona and Garb – 3 man teams. There will also be two events for the not so serious minded a 6 legged race and a 5 man bobbing for apples team. The event will be held at Seminole Springs and this is a tenting event. Autocrat Williams of Hustings

Florida State Museum
3-31-85 An Crosaire held a demo at the Florida State Museum. Approximately 25 SCA’ers attended 6 of which were fighters who demonstrated their art. There were 12 displays consisting of shoe making, Japanese swords, books, basketry, baked goods, armor, chain mail constructions, costuming, and heraldic banners. We showed our slide show and performed some dancing. A picture of two of our fighters was printed in the Gainesville Sun.

On 4-2-85, a combination feast and customs and courtesy class for several newcomers was held at Cherie Elaine Viau’s home. Everyone brought a medieval dish for the pot Luc feast.

Meridies Spring Coronation
Flyer, Talewinds vol.4, No 3, March AS XIX 4-12/14-85 The Barony of the South Downs wishes to announce the hosting of the Coronation of Erin Breck Gordon and Bronwen Bean Erin at the Georgia Veterans Memorial State Park in Cordele, GA.
Awards & Announcements ,Talewinds, Vol.4, no 5, May AS XX,
At the Court of TRM Lawrence and Ana
Order of the Pelican – Viscount Sir Sakura Tetsuo, An Crosaire
Verified Grant of Arms in conjunction with
Investiture as Baron and Baroness Darkwater
Lord Barar Aeryck Udvarhelyi, Baron Darkwater
Lady Arianne des Jardin, Baroness Darkwater
Order of the Weapon masters, Meridies (non-armigerous recognition of fighting skills)
Vassilaskis of the Amber Shores, Narval Dorado
Mirgda, Narval Dorado
Order of the Argent Lily (non-armigerous recognition of outstanding courtliness)
Viscount Baldar Longstrider, Wyvernwood
Viscountess Ljudmilla von Konigsberg, Wyvernwood
Award of Arms – Jenny Scarlet called Red Jenny, Wyvernwood
Winner of Troubadour Laureate, Meridies
Lord Morric Haast, Wyvernwood

Doomsday List
Flyer, Talewinds vol.4, No 3, March AS XIX 4-13/14 Bay Area Ren Festival (Non-SCA event) “once again the Bay Area Renaissance Festival in Largo Fl is holding a Domesday List for all interested fighters from the Principality of Trimaris at the festival grounds on East Bay Drive. The prize is a merchandise credit of no less than $100 with the merchants and vendors participating in the festival. contact Hon. Lady Hollyn of Kestrelmere.

Sea War I
Flyer, Talewinds vol.4, No 3, March AS XIX 4-19/21-85, The time is upon us when we must once again raise our armies and prepare to do battle – for the sake of doing battle. The participants in this years conflict have been determined (after a long process of deduction) On one side of the battle field shall be the forces of the Principality of Trimaris and allies and on the other side shall be the forces of the Kingdom of Atlantia. These two great armies shall meet in this historic battle in the southern reaches of Atlantia at Sweetwater Lake (near Orangeburg SC). There will be a Bridge battle, Field battle and a Portal battle.
An Crosaire Heralds Report Duke Merowald organized and helped make 15 Baronial war tabards for the war with Atlantia. Gennavieve made a new Baronial Herald’s Tabard which was all embroidered.
Awards & Announcements, Talewinds, Vol.4, no 5, May AS XX,
At the court of TRM Erin and Branwen
Order of the Velvet Owl – Lord Morric Haast, Wyvernwood
Order of the Argent Shield – Viscount Baldar Longstrider, Wyvernwood
At the court of TH Seosaidh and Elitha
Award of Arms – Wihtgar Silfrhar, Sea March
Duke Sir Merowald Sylveastan took Kellen Slyvan as Squire

Seagate Elementary School Demo
on 4-25-85, the members of Ac’Scrin demonstrated basic heraldry with a history of the evolution of heraldry, medieval dance, costumes through the middle ages and the class structure of the middle ages and why it was this way and how it worked.

Ft. Myers Elementary School Demo
On 4-27-85, seven members of Ac’Scrin assisted Glymmerholde at the Ft. Myers Elementary School put on a fighting exhibition.

Tourney de Sol
Flyer, Talewinds vol.4, No 3, March AS XIX 4-27-85 Where the Sun Vanquishes Winter – all ye Lords and Ladies who are friends and members of the Shire of Sangre del Sol, come and celebrate the 9th anniversary of the shire, come and enjoy the fun and pleasure of a medieval Spanish feast, challenges and melees, singing, dancing and a bardic circle, and not to be the least, the Tourney of the Sun. Autocrat Edwina of Wiltshire, Feastcrat Lady Margarithe del San Gimignano.
A one day celebration of our Shires’ anniversary held at All Saints Episcopal Church in Ft. Lauderdale. There were 9 fighters present, Wihtgar Silfrhar won the list and Erik Keveld Ulfir was recognized as the most chivalrous fighter. The winner of the list received a banner. Feast was a modified pot luck. Natasha from Sea March served as chirurgeon. We had 45 to 53 gentles attending, several stopped in on their way elsewhere. The only problem was the site was double-booked, and the second booking is permanent, which means we will no longer be able to use this marvelous site for small local revels and feasts. Seneschal’s report Lady Elizabeth FitzRandolph

Deja Vu
Flyer, Talewinds vol.4, No 3, March AS XIX The Shire of Sea March invites one and all to the “Deja Vu Collegium” on 5-3/5-85 at the Corbett Youth Conservation Camp. There will be classes, games, entertainment, feasting and for the hard-core fighters a Sunday Crunch. melee combat only, no list is planned. Autocrat Dymphna de Reynard, Feastcrat Brandwyn Faer.
The Shire of Sea March held the event, Deja Vu, on 5-3/5-85, at the Corbett Conservation Camp in West Palm Beach. Attendance was between 45 to 50 gentles. Arts & Science classes and Fighter classes were held. Dancing and other entertainment rounded out the weekend. the Autocrat and Feastcrat were first timers and allowed to work on their own. There were some errors but overall, the event was well planned and run. The feast was excellent, as were the two breakfasts and the impromptu lunch. There was quite a bit of food left over, which was donated to a charity organization through the head of the Camp site. Seneschal’s report, Lady Adalhaid of Oak Leah
At the court of TH Seosaidh and Elitha (with permission of TRM Erin & Bronwen)
Award of Arms – Cara Angiola di Boccacio, Sea March
Natasha Varvara Stoianova, Sea March
Silvyn Macleish, Sangre del Sol
Jason the Fletcher, Sea March

Trimaris Memorial Tourney and Crown List
5-24/26-85, Hosted by the Barony of An Crosaire. This great event will be held in the town of Orange Springs at Camp Kateri. This will be mainly a tenting event with limited cabin space. There will be a grand feast on Saturday. There will be classes, games, swimming, bardic circle, dancing and a masked ball, principality picnic and of course The Lyst. Autocrat Carmenette Rodriguez
Awards & Announcements, Talewinds vol.4, no 7, July AS XX
Winner first Trimaris Crown List –
Viscount Baldar Longstrider and consort Viscountess Ljudmilla von Koenigsbert.
King’s Champion – Viscount Master Sir Sakura Tetsuo

At the court of TRM Erin and Bronwen
Order of the Laurel – H.L. Holtmar Wyrhtenatun, Darkwater
H.L. Elom Eikinskjaldi, An Crosaire
Order of the Chivalry – Count Verron Wolfgang von Groth, Sea March
Order of the Velvet Owl – Duke Syr Merowald de Sylveastan, An Crosaire
Viscount Master Sir Sakura Tetsuo, An Crosaire
Lady Anne Embry, Blackthorne
Grant of Arms – Lord Erik Loren Elcara, Darkwater
At the Court of TH Seosaidh and Elitha
Award of Arms – Ann Ora
Delilia di Castillo Luna Rosa, An Crosaire
Treve Morningstar, Brineside Moor
Aislinn Columbia of Carlisle, An Crosaire
Bridget Caileen of the Moors, Sea March
Marguarite Isadora de Riva, Wyvernwood
Michaela of Heron’s Rest, Starhaven
Amber Skye Ravenbroke, Glymmerholde
Alain Picot de Boisfeuillet, Glymmerholde
Viscount Sir Bronislaus of Vilnius took Lord Wihtgar Silfrhar of Sea March and Bryce Pachaz of Southkeype as squires
Sir Quentin ap Rhys took Lord John Olafson den Kristlig of Darkwater as squire.
Master Ragnar Hardraada took Syr Bryetor Aison of Devon of the Ruins, as apprentice.
H.L. Barar Aeryck Udvarhelyi named Lady Sara Tegan E.F. Holden of Wyvernwood deputy Chronicler
Master Ragnar Hardraada named Adian the Nimble of Wyvernwood as deputy Minister of Sciences.
At the Curia Court of TRM Erin and Bronwen and TH Seosaidh and Elitha
Order of the Velvet Owl – Lady Glyn ni Owein, Fiach Ogan
Lady Anna Alicia Rheinhardt, Darkwater
Grant of Arms – Lady Muireann Deora-De of Rivercroft, Starhaven
Order of the Triskele Trimaris – H.L. Atalaya la Sandora
Award of Arms – Dirk Karlson, Ac’Scrin
Vassilaskis of the Amber Shores, Narval Dorado
Uriah Lightfoot, Castlemere
Rurik Petrovitch Stoianov, Darkwater
Order of the Cygnet – Lord Jason the Fletcher, Sea March
Order of the Meridian Cross – Lady Constanza di Firenze, Oldenfeld
Lady Suzanne Barineau, Oldenfeld
Order of the House of the Serpent’s Torque – Lord Treve Morningstar, Brineside Moor
Alanna Gilmore, An Crosaire
Lady Delilia di Castillo Luna Rosa, An Crosaire
Count Sir Verron Wolfgang von Groth took Lord Gunnar Iain Danski, called the Wooly, of Wyvernwood as squire

Seneschal’s Report, Siena Severn – there were approximately 350 people on site. The crown list consisted of 10 fighters with 1 by-fighter. The novice list had 26 fighters participating. The only injury I am aware of was one of our local members, Helen, who fell and pulled her kneecap out of place. She is recovering well. All of our people who received awards well deserved them and the Barony is very proud of them. There are others who have contributed much to our Barony and to Trimaris. These people are the new members of An Crosaire and without their help TMT would not have been the same.

AS XIX (1984-1985)

Flyer, Talewinds vol 4, No 5, May AS XIX 5-31/6-2-85, The Shire of Glymmerholde proudly presents Revel- ution. Usually we host the Really a Revel about this time, but we admit we’ve grown tired of the name. This year, in honor of the impending independence of Trimaris, we have dubbed our spring event REVEL-ution. Wherein will be… the traditional Pixie Palace Competition with a prize to each contestant, the traditional NO free lunch,(bring your own) and the innovative and unusual and non- traditional, Round Robin, Sovereign of the Waves, Florentine Naval Joust. Also the traditional Pixie Dig will round out the festivities. Listed autocrat: Lord Aldrich AtWater and Feastcrat Sebastian Hunter, called the Mad.

Baronial Council
At the Baronial Council in the Barony of Darkwater on 6-2-85, the Hon Lady Arianne des Jardin, Baroness Darkwater, resigned her coronet and position due to a mundane relocation taking her outside the boundaries of the Barony.

6-1-85, The Shire of Southkeype held an event

Midsummer’s Eve Revel
6-14/16-85, The Shire of Narval Dorado held their anniversary event

Peasant’s Revel
On 6-15-85, a revel was held by the Barony of An Crosaire at the home of the “Trimarabears” Attendance was outstanding – 30+. There was a pot Luc dinner with games and revelry after. It was a wonderful change of pace.

Search for Byrgangeld
Flyer, Talewinds Vol.4, no.5. May AS XX On 6-21/23-85, The Shire of Ac’Scrin presented their event at Camp Honi Honta “Greetings to all good gentles of Trimaris. The Shire of Ac’Scrin is sending out a call to join us in a Quest. Thy skill and courtly grace will be put to the test. The prize will be a treasure of gold. There will also be a List for the hardy of spirit and Lawn Games for those less strenuously inclined. A delectable feast will be held under the stars in true summer medieval fashion. Autocrat: Cherie Elaine Viau, Feastcrat: Heindrik von Guggenheim.
Awards & Announcements, Talewinds Vol.4, no.8. August AS XX At the Court of TH Seosaidh & Elitha
Award of Arms – Majir the Blatant, An Crosaire
Cherie Elaine Viau, Ac’Scrin
Annelise AtWater, Glymmerholde
Arvon AtWater, Glymmerholde
Seneschal’s Report, Lord Dirk Karlson – The event was attended by about 25 people. There were 8 fighters in the list, no injuries, no problems, no profit.

The Last Triad
7-5/7-85 The Last Triad will be held at the YMCA camp in Land ‘O Lakes Fl. as with last year, the even will be camping only under the blazing sun of Trimaris. As always, it will be hot. The feast will be put out by none other than the first crown prince of Trimaris, Viscount Baldar. This is Trimaris, we would not think to subject our people to nothing but classes for an entire weekend. In addition to the Collegium, swimming is available, the passing on of both the Troubadour and Masque Laureates, and there will be a caucus of those who have held the positions of either Poet or Troubadour Laureate in the past. There will be fighting if the foolhardy can be found in sufficient numbers and dance for those who manage to maintain their fluid balance. Autocrat Lady Elena, Feastcrat Viscount Baldar.
Awards & Announcements, Talewinds Vol.4, no.8. August AS XX
At the Court of TRM Erin & Branwen
Award of Arms – Gillian Tayce Sym, Peregrine Springs
Order of the Meridian Cross – Lady Fara Steinhauser, Peregrine Springs
HRM Erin Breck Gordon has taken Hon. Lord Morric Haast of Wyvernwood as squire
At the Court of TH Seosaidh & Elitha
Order of the Triskele Trimaris – H.L. Glyn ni Owein, Fiach Ogan
Order of the Silver Trident – Countess Elspeth MacNaughton, Blackthorne
H.L. Jean-Philippe Duvier, Blackthorne
H.L. Gwendolyn Mary Douglas, Wyvernwood
Award of Arms – Lance Nystom, Storm
Geoffrey Maynard of York, Starhaven
Brian MacNaughton, Oldenfeld
Order of the Emerald Sea – Vasilikee, Southkeype
Lady Adalhaid of Oak Leah, Sea March
Viscountess Mistress Sakura Kimineko, Baroness An Crosaire has taken Lady Eglantine de Wolfe of An Crosaire as an apprentice.
Mistress Damara Narrissa has taken Gideon of Galloway as an apprentice
Master Ragnar Hardraada has taken Adian the Nimble of Wyvernwood as an apprentice
Baron Master Taliesynne Nycheymwrh named as Deputy Triskele Herald the H.L. Erik Loren Elcara of Darkwater

Lady Majir the Blatant won the Masque Laureate competition
Lady Esclairmonde Shantry won the Troubadour Laureate competition

St. George Heraldic Faire
On 7-12/14-85, the Canton of Mathom Trove sponsored the heraldic symposium.

Summer Viking Raids
7-19/21, this was an unofficial event but all seneschals were sent flyers. Approximately 25 people attended and the Vikings won the war. Meat pies were available and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.

First Sword of the Paladine List
8-3-85, The Shire of Sangre del Sol invites one and all to attend the Collegium and First Sword of the Paladine to be held at T-Y Park in Hollywood, FL. come and develop your fighting skills and enter the list in the attempt to capture the title of the First Sword of the Paladine. This event will include a Fighter Collegium and the First Sword List. There will be a small revel at a shire members home immediately after the closing of the park. Autocrat: Lord Roland.
Winner of the List: Count Sir Verron Wolfgang von Groth
Runner-up: Lord AEdric Hrothgaresun
Count Sir Verron has taken as a squire Egil Svenson of Darkwater

Pennsic XIV
8-16/18-85 the war was held on this weekend. on 8-17-85, AS XX, By HRM Erin Breck Gordon, King of Meridies the Order of the chivalry, Knight of the Society for Creative Anachronisms was awarded to HRM Baldar Longstrider, Wyvernwood.

Not Going to Pennsic Revel
Flyer, Talewinds, vol.4, no 8, August AS XX Barony of Darkwater, 8-17-85. “Are you dismayed, upset, aggravated because you’re not going to Pennsic. You won’t be there for the camaraderie, reveling, drinking, fighting the Honorable Foe, the plague, famine, high taxes and natural disaster. Those of us in the same position in the Barony of Darkwater do bid our fellow stay-at-homes to the Darn! I Couldn’t Go to Pennsic’s Revel. We will lift our spirits (and take long draughts) and offer a day of light humor, 2 hours of Roller Skating in garb (featuring jousting and dancing – come “armored” appropriately) and an evening of reveling” Autocrat Raedwulf Hrothgareson.

Channel 5, Public TV Fund Drive
On 8-23-85, the Barony of An Crosaire participated in TV-5’s fund drive. We answered phones from 5:30 pm to 11:00 pm in costume and were introduced as the SCA during the showing of Camelot.

First Trimaris Coronation
8-30/9-2-85, Flyer, Talewinds vol 8, August AS XX Know ye all that upon the day of Aug 31 AS XX, shall be established the Kingdom of Trimaris. The baronies three, Wyvernwood, An Crosaire & Darkwater with great pleasure do bid subject of barony, shire and canton alike unto the coronation of Baldar and Ljudmilla as first Sovereign and Consort of Trimaris at Camp Wei Lani, Tarpon Springs, FL.
Upon the day of Sunday, the first day of September, ye hale and hearty warriors of ye Kingdom shall gather to determine, by might of arms, who shall next be to bear the Helm of the First Sword of Trimaris. Event Coordinator, Lady Brenna Catriona Dunn, Feastcrat Coordinator Viscount Syr Bryetor Aison of Devon.
This event has gone down in Trimarian history as Coronothing. On 8-30-85, Friday night, as a multitude of Trimarians settled in at Wei Lani and many more were on their way to the First Trimarian Coronation, Hurricane Elena was also on its way. Wei Lani is directly on the Gulf of Mexico and the park ranger, afraid of severe flooding, closed the camp ground and ordered everyone to abandon the area. Trimarians were forced to scatter everywhere, some with only the garb they were wearing – many having the roads closed behind them immediately after passing. A good number of Trimarians were forced to find refuge in the mundane hurricane shelters. Story after story was related of Trimarians finding the shelters in dire need of assistance immediately pitched in and cooked or entertained or generally made themselves useful to the shelter staff during this emergency.
Talewinds Vol.4, no.10, October AS XX Unto the good people of the Kingdom of Trimaris, greetings from the Hon. Lady Glyn ni Owein, Seneschal of Trimaris, on this third day of September, AS XX. On Sunday, September 1, at 4:53 pm, Trimaris became a Kingdom through the Coronation of TRM Baldar and Ljudmilla, King and Queen of Trimaris. To the many people frustrated in their pilgrimage to this most auspicious event by Hurricane Elena’s wrath, know and understand that the short, simple Coronation was held to finalize our most ambitious hopes: the advancement of the Kingdom of Trimaris. Inasmuch as it was felt that our past labors to this goal and our mutual anticipation should not be thwarted by acts of God or governor, it was decided to continue with the planned event to the best of our severely limited abilities.
To the very many disappointed in their nonattendance and to those very few questioning the lack of widespread invitation, pray let me convey to you some thoughts on the matter. After evacuation time Saturday morning, nearly 100 people were relocated to the safety of Wyvernwood; hence, for minimal travel distance for the majority of those who had to be there, Master Ragnar’s house was chosen as the site. For all not warned of the imminence of Coronation, safety was the factor. For those within ten minutes of the site nor forewarned, size of the accommodations was an additional factor. Surely, even in our overwhelming desires to be a part of the occasion, none of us wished to become a statistic. Even less would we have wished to burden our noble King and Queen’s hearts with the belief that a life or their sake. As it happened, as of this writing, not one person of all the faithful Trimarians and gracious guests was injured, a fact that permits us all to breathe a heartfelt sigh.
As to the question of funds, my deepest apologies; but, the hurricane must be considered an act of God. The camp was already paid for, the food purchased and printing and mailing finished. To refund monies is quite impossible. The perishable food was donated to several mundane shelters as well as distributed to SCA shelter homes with very little waste. All was not lost, however, in that the meat was kept, and will be sold to Wyvernwood at a reduced rate with the result that all those who had advance feast reservations for Coronation will receive a $2 rate reduction at Wyvernwood’s Baronial Bash, Oct 25-27, at Camp Keystone. It is at that event that a formal affirmation ceremony with all due panoply will take place, restating the just and rightful claim by Baldar Longstrider to the Crown of Trimaris with Ljudmilla von Konigsberg his chosen consort. Oaths of fealty will be made at this time as will the reading of the Laws, along with the bestowing of the awards that were to take place at all three courts this past weekend.
Those unable to attend Bash but were in attendance Sunday evening were able to swear fealty as the King and Queen sat in state, at which time the Laws were signed. The earliest publication date of the Laws is the October Talewinds, although all seneschals received a copy with this missive. God save the King. God save the Queen. God save the people of Trimaris.
Talewinds Vol.4, no.11, November AS XX Unto the Good populace of the Kingdom of Trimaris from Master Ragnar Hardraada and family. This report is being issued in an effort to keep the populace of Trimaris informed on a serious matter that has come before our Kingdom and to ask for your help and understanding.
On Friday, Aug. 30, 1985, Lady Brenna and I each took the day off from work (losing a day of professional pay) in an effort to acquire food, at a wholesale price for Trimaris first Coronation. Between the hours of 5:30-5:50 am, while in the Farmers Market on Hillsborough Ave. in Tampa, my truck was burglarized. Entry was gained to my vehicle by breaking a window. The contents of the cab were rifled, Lady Brenna’s wallet, with credit cards and $70.00 in cash were stolen. The burglar discovered a cash box under my front seat counting $1,513.00 of Kingdom money. I had received the money from the Kingdom Exchequer to cover food and other cash expenses for this event. Not wishing to carry the total amount on my person I divided the money approximately in half. I carried some on my person, the other portion I believed to be safely locked in my truck. (the attached police report will state all the detailed information). My insurance company covered only $200 of the stolen cash (policy limit) and $33 in personal property stolen. I have turned over the total amount $233.00 to the Kingdom, leaving a balance of $1280 in missing funds.
To be as fair as possible to all those who registered and paid for coronation, I believe the Kingdom will refund whatever money can be recuperated from this event. The frozen meat and other non-perishable food items will be sold, at full value, to those autocrating Martinmas. This money will be part of your refund. The Girl Scout council will refund all of the site fee, with the exception of the cost for one damaged and one missing mattress. This amount will also be incorporated in your refund along with the on hand cash left over at the end of the event. The perishable food items will be written off as a loss. Some of the food items were distributed as best as possible under the hurricane conditions to those housing members of the populace evacuated from the site. The remaining perishable food items were given to mundane shelters and churches to help feed the general public. If this was not done the food would have spoiled and have been of use to no one.
On, very touchy matter remains, the unrecovered $1280 (after insurance claims) of cash stolen from my truck. I understand that each of you are entitled to as much of a refund as possible. If you paid $17.00 for the event, your share of the $1280.00 would be $3.99, $6.00 day trip – $1.41, $12.00 day trip – $2.82. This amount is not an extremely large one but multiplied by 350 people it equals $1280.00.
Considering the service my family and I have freely offered to Trimaris for the past five years I am asking for your help in this matter. If you can put yourself in my place, knowing that this could have happened to anyone of us, being beyond my control, and are financially able, I ask that you forgive my family and I this debt. If anyone feels that this would work a hardship on them, I will totally understand and will gladly refund to your entitled amount. This request will in no way effect our individual relationship, for I realize that any money is a lot when you don’t have it to spare. Thank you for your time, consideration, and understanding in this matter. Ragnar Hardraada and Family.

Collegium Chirurgia III of the Kingdom of Trimaris
Flyer, Talewinds vol 9, September AS XX The Shire of Glymmerholde once again proudly presents the Collegium Chirurgia to be held on 9-13/15-85 for the purpose of furthering the aims of those pursuing the much coveted title of Chirurgeon. Classes in CPR, Multi-Media First Aid, blood pressure and vital signs, heat stroke, heat exhaustion, standard first aid and others. The Collegium will be held at Camp Honi Honta in Bradenton. Autocrat Aaron Kelson Gryphus, Feastcrat Ld. Arvon AtWater.

Flyer, Talewinds vol 8, August AS XX On 9-21-85, Bards or all ye who would be known as such, make ready. The infant Canton of Loch Griffin is holding a bardic fest. There will be competitions in the area of poetry, music, performing arts. Prizes will be given. There will be a list Saturday afternoon for all ye violent types. The site is Wekiva Springs and is tenting only.
At the Court of HE Barar Aeryck Udvarhelyi, Baron Darkwater
Order of the Trident Keype – Laird Alasdair Francis MacDonald
Lady Islay Elspeth MacDonald
Winner of the List – Sir Quentin Wrenguard ap Rhys

UF Demo
On 9-26-85, the Barony of An Crosaire held a demo on the lawn of the Ritz Union at the University of Florida. 17 members of the Barony participated from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. There was an non- official revel prepared for 9-27-85 for all our new members and those who showed interest at the school demo. We attracted approximately 6-10 potential new members.

Autumn Allthing
Flyer, Talewinds, vol.4, no 8, August AS XX Southkeype presents Autumn Allthing on 9-27/29-85, at South Florida Youth Conservation Camp at Corbett Fl. Fighting – lysts for lance units, water boffer battles (rubber rafts welcome but life vests required); Archery practice, range available. Competition – Best banner on site; best couple at the dance; Paladine Lance Drill competition. Brewers Guild consortium – bring your brew for sampling and your recipes for publication. Classes – falconry and dancing; Bardic circle on the island. Authentic Viking fare begins Saturday morning. The ‘crats request garb at all times on site. Come Viking if you can at the request of TRH Baldar and Ljudmilla. Autocrat Vasilikee, Feastcrat Ana Isabella.

Seneschals report There were approximately 59 people attending. At the Champion of Trimaris list there were 18 entrants. Winners of the list were:
1st – Cedric Steinhauser
2nd – Wihtgar Silfrhar
3rd – Juan Carlos Perez
There were 3 lances (9 men) entered in the Lance List. Winners were:
1st – Wyvernwood
2nd – House Gold Star
3rd – Southkeype
Brewer and Vintners’ contest winners
Best overall – Necene of Antioch
Best wine – Alexander Mareschal
Best mead – Necene of Antioch
Best Liqueur – Colin O’Lochlain
Crown’s Award for Chivalry – Wihtgar Silfrhar
Award to the most attentive lady to her lord – Erik Bjornsdottir
Award of Chivalry from Southkeype – Count Sir Verron von Groth
Best couple at dance – Sigurth Tryggvason & Ingebord Thorfinnsdottir
At the Court of Their Royal Majesties Baldar and Ljudmilla
Award of Arms – Sigurth Tryggvason
Ana Isabel Barrios de Perez
Order of the Silver Trident – H.L. Asa Thorfinnsdottir

Lammas Tide
Flyer, Talewinds vol.4, no 8, August AS XX Come and join us in Darkwater as we celebrate Lammas Tide on 10-4/6-85 at Camp Wewa in Apopka. Come fight in the Champion of the Harvest list. The fun of the Glaive Pumpkin Carving. Then relax and enjoy the Harvest Feast. Autocrat Ld. Rurik Petrovitch Stoianov, Feastcrat. Lady Serina Vigdis Wulfsdottir.
At the Court of TRM Baldar and Ljudmilla
Court Barony – H.L. Arianne des Jardin, Founding Baroness Darkwater
Award of Arms – Raedwulf Hrothgareson, Darkwater
Sine Gillian MacDonald Darkwater

City of Gainesville Demo
On 10-7-85, the Barony of An Crosaire was invited by the City of Gainesville to attend a day of festivities promoting the city. The Barony agreed to do a demo on the lawn of the Alachua County Courthouse on Main Street from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. 25-30 members showed up to help out and many people enjoyed watching as our fighters displayed their talents.

Academie of Armourie
Flyer, Talewinds vol.4, no 9, September AS XX Does this blazon make any sense to you? It means that Starhaven is hosting the October sitting of the Academie of Armourie at KARS Park on the west shore of the Banana River, in conjunction with their Mullets Rampant Event. Please bring your tents, your tabards, your device submissions, and your feast gear and spend the weekend with Lady Strider and the fabulous cooks of Starhaven.

Mullets Rampant
Flyer, Talewinds vol.4, no 9, September AS XX On 10-12-85, There’s Something Fishy Going On! Well, good gentles you’ve heard about he Festival of Falling Mullets, now hear this! In cooperation with the Trimaris Heralds, Starhaven presents it’s annual Falling Stars (mullets) in conjunction with the Heralds Academie of Armourie. The following activities are planned: A lyst, Mechanically assisted Mullet Toss, practice in Lyst Heraldry, wet tunic contest, Court heraldry practice, loincloth contest, and more. Autocrat Francois le Renard, Feastcrat Ekaterina of Starhaven.

Scarborough Faire
10-18/20-85, Sangre del Sol was listed in Talewinds calendar as having an event – no other information is available.

Pioneer Days Demo
10-19-85 & 10-20-95 The Shire of Sangre del Sol held a demo at McArthur High School in Pembroke Pines in conjunction with the 50th anniversary of Pembroke Pines, called Pioneer Days. The Shire of Sangre Del Sol participated with aid from the Shires of Southkeype and Sea March and the Barony of Darkwater. A court was held by permission of TRM on the 19th. No awards were given. A single elimination list was held on the same day, won by Court Sir Verron Wolfgang von Groth. A melee was held and was won by House Goldstar. A round robin lyst was held on the following day and won by Crispin of Darkwood.

Baronial Bash
Flyer, Talewinds vol.4, no 9, September AS XX 10-25/27-85, The Barony of Wyvernwood presents Baronial Bash “13”. This years Baronial Bash will be held at Camp Keystone. We are looking forward to a weekend full of merriment as the Barony of Wyvernwood celebrates it Thirteenth year and the Kingdom of Trimaris celebrates it’s birth. Come and enjoy the festivities with us! Some of the pleasant distractions planned are: a prize list, filk song contest (the number 13 will be the theme), masked ball (come dressed as your favorite villain), a fabulous feast, bottle jousting. Autocrat Aidian Gerhart de Languedoc
Courts delayed from Coronation 8-31-85
At the Court of TM Erin and Branwyn
Grant of Arms – Rhys ap Emryss
Award of Arms – Wolfram Brandt
Order of the Argent Lily – Sakura Tetsuo
Elspeth Trelawney McNaughton of Lochawe
Order of the Meridian Cross – Sarah Teagen E.F. Holden
Elena Willemfostra
Elitha of the Entwining Stars
Seosaidh mac Seosaidh
Order of the Sovereign’s Pleasure – Cedric Steinhauser
Order of Meridian Majesty – Fara Steinhauser
Order of the Guiding Hand – Eleabhach

Order of the Broken Brank – Lady Gwenelleth AtWater
Lady Cara Angiola di Boccacio
Lady Natalija Varvara Stoianova (Natasha)
At the Court of TH Seosaidh and Elitha
Order of the Silver Trident – Atalaya la Sanasora
Sakura Kimineko
Warjina zem Lyscil
Award of Arms – Damiana Barineau di Firenze
Martha Elcara
Raschid ibn Iacoob
Raedwulf Hrothgareson
Carmenette Rosa Diaz y Rodriguez
Alanna Gilmore
Ian the Bane O’Dowd
Morgan Morcheartaigh
Katherine Amalthea
Order of Trimarian Gratitude – Adalhaid of Oak Leah
Order of the Emerald Sea – Alys de la Mer
Atalaya la Sanadora
Martha Elcara
At the Court of TRM Baldar and Ljudmilla
Viscounty – Seosaidh mac Seosaidh & Elitha of the Entwining Stars
Order of the Pelican – Muireann Deora-De of Rivercroft
Cher de Bonvin de Bellevue
Order of the Laurel – Hollyn of Kestrelmere
Grant of Arms – Katherine Angelique of Lightenhart
Award of Arms – Catherine Elizabeth
Aidian the Nimble
Augmentation of Arms – Taliesynne Nycheymwrh yr Anghyfannedd

At the Court of TE Dikeuald and Alianore
Order of the Wyvern’s Scale – Ute Gisela von Rheinfels
Aidian the Nimble

Martinmas Moot/Crown Tourney
Flyer, Talewinds vol.4, no 9, September AS XX 11-8/10-85 Crown list will be held at Camp Wewa near Apopka. Herein will be the first Crown Lists overseen by a King of Trimaris, feasting, dancing, games and the competition for the title of Poet Laureate of Trimaris. Lady Vasilikee, Autocrat, Lord Juan Carlos Perez, Feastcrat.

Event report – 140 overnight, 61 day trip attended. Ld. Rurik Petrovitch Stoianova and Lady Serina not only did a major amount of clean-up but also stayed to usher the late-sleepers off site so that we of Southkeype could start our long drive home a little earlier. The members of House Blacksword, particularly Viscount Seosaidh, Erica Bjornsdottir (who washed most of the pots), Lord Roland Cataldo, Lord Rurik, Lady Serina, Lady Natasha (who volunteered as chirurgeon) and Tearloch spent most of Sunday morning cleaning the site. Many of them also volunteered for gate guard duty. Lord Eleabhack, called the Harlot served as gate guard, served dinner, cleaned dishes, swept halls and generally made himself invaluable as usual. A member of the populace became intoxicated and passed out in TRM’s room. Queen Ljudmilla was kind enough to provide this gentle with a pillow and blanket and left him there for the night rather than have him dragged out.
Winner of Crown Lyst – Count Sir Verron Wolfgang von Groth
Consort – Viscountess Wulfa Ericsdottir
Kings Champion – Ld. AEdric Hrothgarrson
Queen’s Champion – Earl Sir Aaron Breck Gordon
At the Court of TRM Baldar and Ljudmilla
Order of the Laurel – Lord Jean Philippe Duvier
Order of the Triskele Trimaris – Earl Sir Erin Breck Gordon
Order of the Silver Trident – Lord Stephan Magnus
Lady Kara Rowena Hawkwood
Order of the Trimarian Sword – Lord Ropesle de Sylveastan
Award of Arms – Ian of Ben Dubh
Thorkel Tryggvason
Gwynedd ferch Lyn o Gwynedd
Diarmid Alfred MacArt
Master Holtmar of Wyrhtenatun has taken as apprentices Lord Stephan Magnus of Darkwater and Mistress Muirean Deora-De called Strider of Starhaven
Mistress Elspeth MacNaughton has taken as an apprentice Lady Ann Isabel de Barrios y Perez of Southkeype.
Mistress Warjina Waleska Kaztimir has taken as an apprentice Susan Vanham Langwiel of Narval Dorado
HRH Sir Verron Wolfgang von Groth has taken as a squire Lord Tancred Albrect of Wyvernwood.
Viscount Sir Sakura Tetsuo has taken as a squire Sean of Carric Fergus
Lord Dikeuald Cyn Arek, Baron of Wyvernwood resigned his coronet and retired as Baron of Wyvernwood.

Ruins Revel
Flyer, Talewinds vol.4, no 9, September AS XX The Shire of the Ruins presents Ruins Revel and the Hero of the Ruins List to be held 11-15/17-85 at Highlands Hammock State Park near Sebring. Is there any in all of Trimaris who is skilled enough and strong enough to take Lord Ulrich’s title and become the second Hero of the Ruins? other activities shall include a dessert subtleties contest, a seneschal hunt, and a multi-media Phoenix art contest. Be forewarned that the site is tenting only and rather primitive. Autocrat Lord Kragon Darkvale.

Flyer, Talewinds vol.4, no 11, November AS XX 11-22/24-85, The Shire of Storm presents Caravanserai – a place where travelers can gather to rest, trade, relax and share good company. Shire Storm’s Caravanserai will be setting up at Citrus Horse Trails in the Withlacootchee State Forest. All gentles of a pre-1000 AD persona persuasion are invited to give this event a “Dark Ages Migrations” flavor, so all you Norse, Angles, Saxons, Romans, Celts, Visigoth, Vandals, Mongol, etc. can feel free to dust off the bunny furs and gaudy finery after the long hot summer. Activities – chariot races, an archery duel, backgammon and chess tournaments, most period campsite contest, melees, a 1 km footrace. This is a back to basics event. autocrat Ld Ropesle de Sylveastan. Domesday report states 18 people attended the event.

Ravensquest III
Flyer, Talewinds vol.4, no 11, November AS XX On 11-29/12-1-85, The Shire of Fiach Ogan presents Ravensquest III, featuring the triple bane of Taxes, Plague, Natural Disasters. The all-new edition of Ravensquest this year will bring you – The Tavern, Woolly the Trimarian, IKAC Archery, and the ever popular Quest. Feastcrat Lady Anne of Fiach Ogan.
At the Court of TRM Baldar and Ljudmilla
A Court Baronage was bestowed upon Lord Erich von Kampf, Wyvernwood

Pirates Fest
Flyer, Talewinds vol.4, no 11, November AS XX The Shire of Castlemere, Free Port in the North of Trimaris does open its sea gates to all who fare this way on the 12-7-85, come for a weekend of revelry, rapine, and plunder! plans for the weekend include: splendid feast and drink, gorgeous tavern wenches, traditional Pirate List: Sword and Dagger, boffer weapons only, open to all. Gambling and baming, stupendous quest for a pirate’s treasure. Beware! the Thieves Guild will be active! cutpurses and pickpockets abound! please bring red tagged items to help raise money for the kingdom. Pirate’s fest will be held at Camp Chowenwaw in Green Cove Springs. Feastcrat Lady Takara. Autocrat Rashid ibn Iacobb.

Byrgangeld II
12-7-85, The Shire of Ac Scrin held an event, Byrgangeld II

Yule Revel
Flyer, Talewinds vol.4, no 11, November AS XX Spend the Holiday at the Moor. The Shire of Brineside Moor cordially invites the populace of Trimaris to join the festivities 12-13/15-85 at Camp Honi Honta in Bradenton, FL. Come all ye combatants! there will be a Fighter’s List, Come all ye Scholars! there will be a pente list, Come all ye spectators! there will be a weekend of merriment. Autocrat Laura Kyburg Fealach, Feastcrat Andrew William Montgomery.

The Incipient Shire of Vaca del Mar formed
On 12-9-85, the petition for Incipient Shire status was forwarded to the Crown. The boundaries are West – St. Johns River & Lake George; North – Putnam County and Flagler County; East – Rt 11 to Rt. 92 to rt 415; South – Brevard County & Seminole County. zip codes 32002, 32720, 32724, 32721, 32723, 32005, 32706, 32012, 32713, 32028, 32725, 32738, 32725, 32722, 32744, 32763, 32080, 32090. The name Vaca del Mar is Spanish for Sea Cow and is in honor of the manatees who winter in the warm waterways near Deland. The slate of officers is:
Seneschal – Thomas Esteban de Guemes
Herald – Gunhilda Bjornsdotter
Mistress of Arts – Margaret Gee
Master of Sciences – Thomas Gee
Exchequer – Thomas of Redloch
Historian – Timothy McIlrath

Cross County Mall Demo
12-14-85, the Shire of Sea March held a demo at the Cross County Mall. Most of the shire attended the entire demo, from noon to 6:00 pm. We even had a visit from the Crown Prince and Princess, and the Prince Royal. We put on 3 “shows” which consisted of short readings about medieval Christmases, small lists, and much dancing. The demo was a great success. Seneschal’s report, Branwyn of Haven Isle

Wassailing Revel
12-21-85, The Barony of Darkwater celebrated the holiday season with a Wassailing Revel

Domesday Report – Ac’Scrin
Our year, 1985, has been fairly good for the group as it stands. We have 14 members in our Shire. Our most serious problem is the relative newness of many of our members and their inexperience in the SCA at large. During this past year, three members of our shire were awarded AOA’s, Lord Dirk Karlson, Lady Annalise AtWater and Lady Cherie Elaine Viau. Two events and three fighters were warranted. We held In Search of Byrgangeld at Camp Honi Honta and an invitational fighter practice held locally in Golden Gate and instructed by Lord Juan Carlos of Southkeype. Three members of our group became fighters recently and a livelier interest in both fighting and the Arts and Science has been observed. Through the next year we hope to encourage self education in all areas that relate to the SCA. We also hope to continue the interest in combat and armoring.
List of Officers for December 1985
Seneschal – Lord Dirk Karlson
Deputy – Darius the Elder
Herald – Damion Bloodstone
Deputy – Pierre Duvalier
Knights Marshal – Damion Bloodstone
Deputy – Morgana
Science – Darius the Elder
Deputy – Zeigfield
Arts – Lady Cherie Elaine Viau
Deputy – Kirsten Bergitta Hienriksdottir
Historian – Pierre Duvalier
Deputy – Kirsten Bergitta Hienriksdottir
Exchequer – Pierre Duvalier
Deputy – Lord Dirk Karlson

Domesday Report – Shire of Sea March
Sea March is a quiet little shire with perhaps, not the most ambition in the Kingdom. Still we maintain a fairly solid membership and manage to hold an event or two. The most serious problem with the shire is that mundane life takes priority over the SCA for nearly all of us. The majority of the members work on a daily basis and many also have families that require their time and attention. On the flip side, we do not have the back-biting and splintering so common in other shires. We genuinely like each other for the most part, and nobody pitches in like Sea Marchers when there is a call for aid. We hope to re-start classes in recorder, mask-making, boot, shoe and costuming as well as brewing and herbal medicines. We have one patron member (Lady Caroline merch Elwyn) and 32 sustaining members. Officers are:
Seneschal – Branwyn of Haven Isle
Deputy – William D’Averc
Arts – Mistress Damara
Deputy – Lady Adalhaid
Sciences – Lady Natasha Varvara Stoianova
Chirurgeon – Lady Cara Angiola
Deputy – Lady Natasha
Exchequer – Lady Cara Angiola
Deputy – Oriel
Marshall – William D’Averc
Deputy – Lord Wihtgar Silfrhar

Domesday report from Hon. Lady Glyn ni Owein to Mistress Hilary of Serendip.
Herein is the Domesday report for the Kingdom of Trimaris, being comprised of a total of three baronies, fifteen shires, one of which is yet incipient, and three cantons. As per your request I shall outline each of the groups and whenever possible include a noteworthy activity performed by the branch which has helped to solve problems, highlight Society, or enliven the Kingdom.

This is a small shire which boasts activities in the Arts and Sciences, with three of their twelve members receiving awards of arms this past year. This branch is to be noted for its creative problem solving techniques. When the tensions involving the change to Kingdom status and Kingdom Law stated to become noticeable, this group as a whole came to me to ask what was going on and why and what could be done to dispel the rumors. This is the only group that acted on a group level in a positive manner. They discussed the rumors that they had heard, presented their viewpoints, then listened to my reply and finished by consulting the Crown informally. As a result, tensions were quickly and easily dispelled. The next example of creative problem solving for this group was the ability of the various officers to realize that mundane tensions were seriously affecting their seneschal, but a wholesale housecleaning could be avoided through constructive reformation. The group chose a sound deputy, presented him to the seneschal, who was also presented with the reasons behind their action and now the group continues to run smoothly, the seneschal is still at the head but with the support he so desperately needed, and a painful situation avoided. As Lord Dirk Karlson was founding seneschal and has shone in the past, I was most reluctant to remove him, and as very glad that move was not forced upon me. The final instance of their level-headed manner in dealing with problems presented itself at their first event when a newcomer from a different group decided to leave the site for a farm adjoining it to sample a mushroom which proved to be toxic. The seneschal and autocrat were able to keep the problem to those immediately concerned, and when medical help as refused by the individual involved, they were able to placate the medical authorities called to the scene by the site chirurgeon. The seneschal and autocrat were also able to keep the problem within Society rather than involve mundane authorities, which the park ranger had suggested might be necessary. As a further note, the unchivalrous individual left the site and the SCA shortly thereafter. Communication level is high in this particular branch, a trait I sorely wish were to be found on a wider scale.

A barony boasting of 59 members, this is the home of Master Sir Sakura Tetsuo and Mistress Sakura Kimineko, Baron and Baroness An Crosaire. Their most noteworthy aspect is their close-knit functioning as a branch. Regardless of their numbers, this group is seen at events as an entity, works on projects as an entity, and promotes maturation as a reflection of the whole, rather than expecting education to be grasped at an individual, catch as catch can level so often seen in larger groups. They are currently working on an autocrat’s guide to painless events based on the experience of several of their members, some of which has been negative, but lessons well learned. One offshoot of the autocrating drive is the development of a group known as the Dome-crats, whose collective responsibility is the scheduling, development of lecture and activity information, and subsequent presentation of school demos. In order to be prepared to offer the Society and Medieval Life in a coherent style, these Demo-crats work together in choosing material, emphasis, and presentation. Another method of autocrat indoctrination is their revel committee made up of all those would be autocrats who must learn by doing through small local gatherings first. While this group has had the greatest difficulty in accepting our Kingdom status, it is hoped that time will heal all wounds, and the once supportive and active numbers in this branch will return to form.

This is another of our smaller shires as far as numbers are concerned, but whose presence is strongly felt in the area of arts and sciences. This group boasts two companions of the Laurel, a Countess, and several holders of grants of arms received through excellence in the arts and sciences. This group is not especially known for holding events, although it is a primary source of instructors for our semi- annual seating of the Regents College. Due to its location, this group works very closely with historical groups in St. Augustine, the country’s oldest existing town. While individual work abounds, the group as a whole pays a great deal of attention to its costuming, especially with an eye to authenticity. Members are used throughout Trimaris as sources for period costuming, fabric and trim appropriateness, and general how to’s in construction of garb, accessories and accouterments. It is also the branch that most loudly champions chivalrous behavior at all times, in Society and out. Blackthorn has never been one to avoid a challenge and recently sported the only female fighter to enter Crown List. I suspect that having mastered the arts and sciences, they now intend to reap glory on the field, and are hosting their first event in two years shortly – Sea Raids III, our annual convocation of the Trimarian-Atlantian War. A final “how we do it here” comment on this particular branch is that whenever a problem is encountered, their seneschal, who is a very strong leader, has ever stressed that the solution must be period, practical, but above all else, courteous. Her attitude has gone far towards producing a group molded around Society ideals.

This is a very small group that is struggling to keep its numbers steady while maturing within the group. Fortunately, the core group is stable. The branch is highlighted by its emphasis on travel. Since they are small, few events are held, but very many are attended and those doing the traveling are well known through their willingness to serve. The attitude is that feast is an important part of Trimarian events and it is a very good place to meet people, enjoy company and learn the necessary skills to eventually autocrat their own feasts. They cook, serve and best of all, have a very positive attitude towards washing the dishes. The people are constantly commended for their gallantry in staying up to clean a dirty kitchen long after the Feastcrat has been sent to bed. Another aspect of travel is this group’s work in the past with the Sarasota Medieval Faire, where the shire’s fighters have been known to participate in the Human Chess Match. I hope to see increased activity from this group in the future, as demos are planned and their new seneschal is starting to feel more sure of herself in the office.

Our youngest barony, this group is the seat of the Hon Lord Barar Aerik Udvarhelyi, Baron Darkwater and kingdom chronicler. While most of the individuals in this group are new to the SCA, this is our largest branch with 67 paid members and several non-paid active participants. This group is best known as Trimaris’ fighting machine. They have several authorized fighters and were the first to form a company in prince Seosaidh’s Royal Army. While the army has disbanded, the company has not, and all in the branch are constantly urged to do battle, including the women. A highlight from this group that is fun to pass on is that while several Trimarians make the annual pilgrimage to Pennsic War, no all of us can get there. As a result this group hosted “Darn, I Couldn’t Go To Pennsic Revel”, an in-garb roller-skating party and fool’s court. As King of the Fools, one Raedwulf Hrothgareson was dubbed Wallbane due to his antics on the skating rink floor. Not enjoying the name Raedwulf the Wallbane, the young gentle, now marshal of the group, was promised that should he win the Baron’s Champion Lists, he would be permitted to drop the new name. The incentive did push him to glory as the second place holder in the Lists, losing only to Sir Quentin. A Knight, after all, is a formidable challenge, even with such a prize.

Another very small, but significant shire, this group of eight people boasts a Knight, an Earl, a Countess, a Deputy Kingdom Marshal in charge of archery, the Provost and Martial Arts Dean of the Regents College, Kingdom Seneschal, Troubadour Laureate of both Trimaris and Meridies for the months of April through September, and due to a recent relocation, most importantly, Their Majesties King Baldar and Queen Ljudmilla. As for highlights, this group does well in just finding time to meet. Most of the group are authorized fighters, so a fighting quest was held in which teams had the right to war upon each other throughout the quest. We found this worked very well, although next year each team’s Marshall will be more circumspect in maintaining chivalry on the field. It was discovered that far more people than were anticipated decided to collect on any one team with the results being a three-way war. The quest booty was good at the tavern which was set up in full operation for the first time. Since donations were accepted rather than specific prices charged, we were able to get around the alcohol laws in Florida. Should any other Kingdoms choose to use a tavern as a fund- raiser, advise them to contact or create a brewer’s guild—the rices are better.

This incipient shire was created on Kingdom Day, the first group I had the privilege of recognizing, although the fact that the group and I have the same first name (the branch’s being Scot and mine being Welsh) was purely coincidental. The branch is busily working to take the Kingdom by storm. They are extremely active in historical studies, arts, sciences, and marshal arts. They have an extremely strong leader who knows very well how to adapt situations to people without alienating anyone. Inasmuch as this group rose from the defunct Sirrush Mir, a close watch has been kept for any of the old frictions, but to date, all problems have proved solvable with little tension. I have enclosed a short anecdote from their seneschal under separate cover to give you a good idea as to how this group operates. They have yet to do any demos or events, but are planning to do both in the near future. One of the most outstanding characteristics of this shire, and the key to how they do things, is the tight-knit companionship they promote within the shire, almost to the extent of clannishness except that no one in the shire is excluded. Their meetings are very organized, then followed by a social gathering to which all those in attendance at the meeting flock. As a social entity, this group has a high degree of loyalty, a strong sense of honor, and the ability to play the game right. My only regret is that because of the group’s youth, other older groups in the Kingdom are unwilling to follow their example.

Here is my demo group. If any one group has the fine art of public relations done to a science, this is it. Every month features at least one demo, but far ore often two and three are attended. While the demos have not increased their size as much as one would hope, the people do have an active community base which can then be used as an educational base for other groups wishing to learn more about public demonstrations. Most of the shire is mundanely interrelated, but the friction one would expect from occasional family squabbles is kept to a minimum, even though the seneschal and his wife, Kingdom Chirurgeon, are in the middle of divorce proceedings. (there is something in the water down here, I think– Gleann Dubh’s seneschal is in the same situation). They are firmly committed to personal growth while having fun, a goal to be commended, especially in that they have exhibited an ability to achieve it.

This is one of the older shires in Trimaris. They are currently attempting to expand both territory and numbers through greater interaction with the small colleges in the St. Petersburg area. Although most of the year the group was extremely quiet and relatively inactive, a recent seneschal change has produced a budding interest in war archery and improved relations with the rest of Trimaris. One of their recent activities, most helpful in our push for War, was the designing of an archery woods walk. In the course of the walk were stationed several fighters hidden, otherwise disguised, waiting to attack the enemy archers. The archers, using our new touch-kill system, permitted because of the full fighter armor requirements, engaged the fighters throughout the walk in an attempt to develop their speed and accuracy in detecting targets for their markland arrows. As a fighter archer, I found this exercise to be most helpful, especially since the site was heavily wooded and uneven. Adapting from clear field shooting to woods shooting was exasperating at times but most helpful, the results of which will be better seen at our war in two weeks. due to the expertise and enthusiasm of the group for archery, a shore that was rapidly losing all its fighters is making a strong comeback in the martial arts.

This group had a particularly rocky year. They held no events or demos, were almost invisible and progressed little except for two members who are squired to Earl Sir Erin Breck Gordon. In November, their seneschal was involved in a very serious motorcycle accident, which as proved to be a blessing in disguise. The group rallied around the temporary seneschal s strongly that a group whose very existence was being seriously questioned is now growing and starting to be seen around Trimaris and Meridies. The former seneschal is now out of the hospital and has since given up all claims to the office for the betterment of the group, and will be able to fight in the War. Because of this close call, all local seneschals are required to have deputies, and other officers are strongly advised to do so. Contrary to tradition, these deputies must be approved by general consensus of the local group and then approved by the Kingdom counterpart so that no problems will arise with Kingdom Law should a sudden change be necessitated.

This is the Trimarian party shire. They have fun having fun. A primarily male group, there are a number of fighters, and this is their primary non-party emphasis. They enjoy hosting large events, bidding on at least two each year and winning at least one of those bids. Although they are a small group. because they need to import most of their ladies, the work force available is much larger. The seneschal’s attitude is very low-key but his report and those of his officers are almost always the first to arrive, rarely arriving even so late as the due date. Should an officer fail to report on time, he is immediately asked to retire, which thus far has been done with no repercussions or hard feelings. Because of his able blending of relaxed atmosphere with responsibility, this seneschal has held the office for over four years with no complaints from his fellow shire members. They have an excellent track record concerning demos, and hold an annual fighter’s Collegium as a park demo for the many Christmas season tourists our Kingdom gets. That more time is spent in the revel after the eight-hour demos is only natural, and does much to improve relations between the various groups represented when the fighter rivalry becomes a little intense.

As the home of Viscount Seosaidh mac Seosaidh, this group experienced a bit of limelight and subsequent growth of numbers in the early part of the year, followed by a great deal of personal development in the latter half of the year. A contender for the next barony of Trimaris, the people of this group are concerned with their image throughout the Kingdom. To this end, their activities have centered around visible functions, especially fighting. Both demos and events feature melees rather than simple lists in an effort to engage as many individuals as possible. Although the seneschalate changed hands recently, emphasis continues in the same general direction. I am greatly encouraged in their efforts to armor as man of their members as possible, as the interest in sciences is being richly developed. On fun activity that has become an annual event is their “Scots are Revolting” and Order of the Grey Beard Lists. By offering the melee between the Scots and the dread English, the group is able to entice much of Trimaris to make the long trek to that area just a short time before a major kingdom event, then the event has a true list involving only those fighters who are active and over the age of 35 years. This particular lists is often more grueling than one involving the younger crowd, and is always emotionally charged–who knows whether this is to be a last shot for any one of the aging fighters…There was a recent push by a very small minority to close the Order of the Grey Beard, but as one of the two beardless fighters who will soon become eligible for the Order, we ladies countered the effort and await next year’s battle. I’m sure the group will not dispense with one of the more unusual annual offerings.

When this group changed seneschal two years ago, it adopted a quiet perspective and has worked over the course of the year to improve its identity. Ever a hard working shire, it was important to the people to plug away at personal relationships and aid the nearby Prince Seosaidh. they had a brief respite from Royal pressures but now boast the present Crown Prince and Princess of Trimaris. Their recently retired seneschal is an extremely practical lady, very calm and level-headed, whose aims were to keep everything running smoothly regardless of pressure. As a result, whatever the political undercurrents were throughout the past year, this group has been content to strengthen rather than bicker and gossip. It is maturing nicely, and with its new emphasis on events, the trend set in its first few years of existence may continue of being known as a hard-working, close-knit group of mature adults. This is a good problem solving group as well in that any difficulties are spotted very early and put to rest, rather than waiting for someone else to come to the rescue, so to speak, when everything gets out of control. Again, mature adults who know how to play the game.

This is a very quiet, very small group, whose location between the larger groups to the north of the Barony of Darkwater and Gleann Dubh, and to the south of Sea March, Sangre Del Sol, and South Keype makes life a bit obscure at times. They do host one event annually, which is a standard lists, and they are seen aiding other groups on an individual level. One of their members was recently recognized as a companion of the Order of the Pelican, so it is apparent that although less visible than other groups, the people do have the same attachment to society, and a fervor can be seen in their heraldic arts and sciences. Due to their proximity to other, larger groups, this branch does have an advantage over others similar to it in that they are able to call upon, and receive help in the martial arts.

Much work has been expended in armoring up for the war and in maintaining a respectable fighter force, in spite of the small number of members. Their willingness to cooperate with other groups has been a great boon to me, as any isolationist tendencies would have been very negatively viewed by their neighbors, who are ever offering to aid them, whether the aid is desired or not.

This group was formed this year and was granted full status on Kingdom Day, In an area known for the advanced age of the majority of its residents, the group has fought hard to attract quality members. its primary activity for this year, and one that is expected to continue, is the involvement with the PBS station’s pledge drive that occurs on a semi-annual basis. The public’s response was good and the group was able to show off in a very positive light while being view for the four hours of the pledge session by the entire Bay Area. The other emphasis of the group is in classes and the work is very favorably displayed at competitions. Their primary stress of personal growth over numerical growth has kept their size small but manageable, while boasting the presence of Mistress Hollyn of Kestrelmere and the Kingdom marshal and exchequer.

This is another baronial contender, but with reservations. This group functions well together, but primarily because of the enthusiasm of a very small core group. It is the home of the Brewers’ Guild, and as such, has done much to aid Fiach Ogan in its efforts to maintain a Tavern at Kingdom events. This type of cooperation between groups almost 300 miles apart has been most beneficial to all concerned. When an autocrating group was need for Crown Tourney, this group volunteered to take it on only two months’ lead time. When food for our disastrous Elena-coronation was made available, the group purchased it at full price from the Kingdom, even though a higher price was required as opposed to the prices for meat in their area. They understand the problems of distance in traveling to their area, and so are willing to inconvenience themselves by hosting events in geographical areas more accessible to the general populace. In short, this group tries harder to make society life fun for all of us. One of the things they do make it all work, is to publicize above and beyond the norm. Flyers are a special effort they make to ensure event success. All events, save the hastily prepared Crown Lists, are planned well in advance, with appropriate information being circulated repeatedly, rather then the usual one-time flyer to the various seneschal and the newsletter. By going the extra distance in planning and carry-through, the group has made a very good impression, and needs only to learn to involve more of its people at the basic level, rather than having so much of the work fall on a few heads every time.

The first created by alphabetically last of our three baronies, life has been hard for this group. Many lessons have been learned, including just when things appear to be as bad as they can get, they will get worse. Also, it’s never over ’till it’s over, and always expect the unexpected. The first half of the year was relatively calm, although the Crown Lists in May started a trend that was to prove to be a true stumbling block to many of the key people involved in the barony. The lack of respect and medieval feeling on both sides of the dispute grew to be mirrored by the entire Kingdom, but the trouble started here. Since May, the group has been forced to reevaluate itself, one of the results of which being the resignation of its Baron in November. They are trying hard to rediscover how to play the game and enjoy the fruits of their labors. The one gratifying point throughout the ordeal is that this was the second-fastest growing group in the Kingdom, with a 100% retention rate of their newcomers in spite of the political undertones. On a positive highlight, it is to be noted that this is the group that kept their activity rate going throughout the summer. It is very hard to keep people off the beaches and in garb during the sultry summer in Trimaris, but Wyvernwood did succeed, even to the point of maintaining fighter practices in a Kingdom not especially suited to armoring up after May 1st.

This group experienced a seneschal change in May due to absence of reports. Having only the June- September reports, I shall attempt to outline some of this group’s activities. Their biggest problem seems to be rumors of event cancellations, the sources of which are varied and often attributed to the wrong person. Their only highlight is a determination to continue to exist, although they have little to claim in any of the arts and sciences. I have been in contact with their seneschal and they expect a full scale reworking of their shire with may assistance in January and to continue as long as necessary, until they have reestablished themselves as a working shire. Other activities do include an attempt to travel to as many other events as possible, and they try to send an instructor to Regents College events.

This group is affiliated with An Crosaire, and inasmuch as its seneschal has been in chemo-therapy for cancer, all information pertinent to it has been included in the Barony’s report. One side note, however, is that the group continues to host heraldic college sittings and is extremely active in the teaching of heraldry, customs, and courtesies throughout the Kingdom.

This group works very closely with its parent group, Darkwater, and is mainly concerned with continued existence. The major impetus is fighting, and the group is well represented at weekly fighter/armoring clinics and revels. Very little is done by this group on its own, with Darkwater’s advise and nurturing being sought at every opportunity. There is no desire for independence, but rather, all activities are approached with an eye for continued interaction.

This group is another of Darkwater’s children, but of a far different mien. Its strong desire for independence has been a source of aggravation to Darkwater since the start. It is known as a fighting canton, and boasts the Dean of Sciences and Registrar of the Regents College. Most of its people have been in Society longer than those of its sister canton, which may account for some of the lack of interaction, which is perceived by this group as being unnecessary. Their best highlight was Thanksgiving Dinner, attended by over four times the total group membership, In true Trimarian style, the dinner ended in a food fight, with the host and hostess’s parents joining in with the others. The idea behind the dinner was to give all those with no family or no place to go a warm SCA gathering in the true spirit of the medieval era. The chivalry of this group is its outstanding highlight, because this attitude of providing for others is a regular feature, not just something that happens once a year.

I am very grateful to be able to end this Domesday Report on such a favorable note. It is hoped that all will continue to improve, and that those with differences will continue to address their problems as private citizens, rather than kingdom. Thank you very much for your patience with me, I have learned a great deal in these past six months, and look forward to the rest of our time in service to Society. Yours as always, Honorable Lady Glyn ni Owein.