Recent Kingdom Notes

February 16, 2025

The Kingdom of Trimaris

The Three Seas of Power

Trimaris History – 1983

36 min read


Twelfth Night Revel
(from flyer, Talewinds, vol.2,no1, January AS XVII) The Shire of South Keype invites all good gentles to join for a Twelfth Night Celebration, 1-7/9-83 at Owaissa Bauer Camp Grounds. Daytime activities to include armoring workshops, costume & dance workshops, fighter’s clinic, merchants alley and a visit to the nearby Coral Castle. Saturday Evening Tudor-style feast to include a subtle roast pig, Trimarian peacock (chicken) and wassail by Mareschal. Entertainment by minstrels and dramatic presentations through-out the rest and revel. Autocrats listed were Sean Leam O’Dowd & Danielle de la Reynard. Feastcrat Ferrell O’Dowd and the South Keype Cook’s Guild.
(event report) The attending fighters did engage in a fighter practice in the presence of Prince Guthrum and Princess Ursula. An archery practice was planned by the Archer’s Guild but was canceled for lack of targets. During court Ian the Bane was admitted into the House of the Raven and a message was read from his Royal Highness expressing his regret at being unable to attend.
Awards & Announcements, Talewinds vol.2,no.2 February AS XVII
At the court of TH Guthrum and Ursula
Order of the Grey Beard – Ian the Bane O’Dowd, South Keype

Twelfth Night Revel
(from flyer, Talewinds, vol.2,no1, January AS XVII) House Didean na’Dorcacta is honored to host Shire Darkwater’s Twelfth Night Revel on 1-8/9-83 at Camp Wewa. Autocrat is Marie Genevieve de Cihldara, Feastcrat is Alexander Dimitrio Manovitch. The them of this event is a 12th Night of later 14th century Ireland. The feast is a “Duke de Pot-luck” with the two main courses, Irish Stew and Glazed Ham and the bread provided by the Shire. Activities include a Ladies Hobby Horse Joust (bring your own mount) and a Lord’s Christmas List (bonker tubes). The winners of both lists will be crowned Lord and Lady of Misrule to reign over the evenings festivities. Chess and Backgammon (and other medieval games) will be available, as well as darts and archery, weather permitting a bardic circle is planned for late evening.

Hero of the Chalice Tourney
(from flyer, Talewinds, vol.2,no1, January AS XVII) Once again it is time to renew the enchanted spell that protects the wood that surrounds our Lady Celebrin in her humble lair. A fighter of great heart nd true gallantry is being sought for. One who is able to take on the Dark Hordes that threaten our noble lands – so come, Gentles all, to test your sword in our two great lists. – to be held on 1-14/16-83 at Silver Lake Campground, Brooksville Fl. This is a tenting event, bring your own everything. There will be the Hero of the Chalice list to which the winner will be known as the Hero of the Chalice and his/her inspiration as the Consort of the Chalice. A prize list, to which all entrants must wear period looking armor and/or properly camouflaged as not to offend the dignity of the list. The prize will consist of a silver goblet to which a hearty draught can be drawn, and a fighting surcoat, to enhance any fighter’s style. There will be melees, challenge fights and clinics to follow.

(from Awards & Announcements, Talewinds, vol.2,no2, February AS XVII)
Their Trimarian Highnesses Guthrum & Ursula awarded Alexander Gallowglass of An Crosaire the first “Order of Unordered Orders”
List Winners: Hero of the Chalice Tourney
1st – Lord Aaron Breck Gordon, squire, An Crosaire
2nd – Lord John Urquehart, squire, Wyvernwood
Prize List
1st – Lord John Urquehart, squire, Wyvernwood
2nd – Lord Dikeuald Cyn Arek, Baron Wyvernwood, squire

(event report) The mystical grail known as the Wyvernwood Chalice embodies within its ensorcelled substance the well-being of lands and people of Wyvernwood. The gift of a powerful Archmage to our gentle patron-Wyverness, Celebrin silver-Web, the Chalice must periodically have its powers renewed through combat mortal in a tourney of heros. He who wins the tourney is by right the Defender of the Chalice, and drinks of the Wyvernwood Chalice of Heros. Thus, from the earliest days of Wyvernwood has it been.
On 1-15-83, AS XVII, a doughty band of warriors met at the encampment of Silver Lake near the Road of Heroes (I-75) to the north of Wyvernwood to choose in combat with mortal rattan who among them should become Defender of the Chalice. After great striving, the fell-handed Aaron Breck Gordon, Warlord of Trimaris, bested his worthy opponents to stand forth triumphant as the true Defender and Hero of the Chalice. He and his most fair and gentle lady Linnea Lorainne (in whose name and by whose inspiration he had indeed performed his mighty deeds) drank from the original Wyvernwood Chalice, of which only victorious heros and the ladies that have shared their victories have drunk. Thus, until the powers of the enchanted grail again wane and call out for renewal, the valorous Aaron shall stand forth as Defender of the Chalice of Heros.
In the second list of the day, warriors competed for the honor of their ladies and the rich prize of a silver goblet. Fierce indeed was the combat; rattan did thwack and helms did ring, the dust did dowse combatants and spectators alike as it rose from the trampled battle-sward. At last Wyvernwood’s valorous Lord John Urquhart, called Shark, staggered forth from the battle-murk to claim the glistening prize for his dark-haired lady the fair Teena.
Attendance at the tourney was 45 persons, with perhaps a few more who escaped counting. ‘Twas in good sooth a mortal cold week-end for these southern climes, and this did in truth repel many who would else have attended. Your humble chronicler speaks from experience, as I myself came only at the last in time to behold the gallant Lord John stagger on and off the field to victory in his magnificent (and heavy) Maximilian plate armor. Among the nobles in attendance were his grace Duke Merowald, Lord Sylveaston, who did us the honor of fighting in the second list. Further, Wyvernwood was most deeply honored by the presence of their Highnesses, Prince Guthrum and Princess Ursula of Trimaris, who braved the cold to be with their devoted subjects. Respectfully submitted Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt u .von Kampf, CWC, Historian Wyvernwood

Belvedere Elementary School (Demo)
1-19-83, Sea March held a demo at Belvedere Elementary School

Trimaris Principality Triad/Arts & Sciences Faire
(from flyer, Talewinds, vol.2,no1, January AS XVII) Will be held 1-21/23-83, AS XVII, at Camp Keystone, Odessa Fl. This is an educational and competitive event, held in conjunction with Regents’ College of Trimaris, formerly known as Collegium Celebrin. The theme and food for the feast is Russian. enjoy the unusual opportunity afforded by the cooler weather of this weekend to sport your favorite furs. The feast is being prepared by Lord Nickolai Staritsin. Courses of study are Sundials; Customs and Courtesies; How to Prepare a Feast; Embroidery; Vocal Techniques; Armor Forge Techniques; SCA Public Relations; Illumination; Dancing; Italian Renaissance Costuming. There will be a Masque Laureate competition. Also sponsored will be an all-purpose Art/Sci scroll contest.
Awards & Announcements, Talewinds vol.2,no.2 February AS XVII
At the Court of Her Highness Princess Ursula
Award of Arms – Aenor de Winchester, Narval Dorado
Felix the Fool, Sea March
Order of the Silver Trident – Lord Elom Eikinskjaldi, An Crosaire
Mistress Enriqueta, Narval Dorado
New Principality Officers
Triskele Herald – Lady Mureann Deora-De, called Strider, Starhaven
Marshal – Lord Aaron Breck Gordon, An Crosaire
Minister of Arts – Lady Cedrin Etainnighean, Wyvernwood
Masque Laureate Winner – Lord Canel Regenweald, called Mentor, Narval Dorado
Regents College of Trimaris graduates its first class:
Mistress Enriqueta, Narval Dorado
The Hon. Lady Siobhan ni Filidheacht, An Crosaire
Lady Cher de Bellevue, An Crosaire
Lady Cedrin Etainnighean, Wyvernwood
Awards & Announcements, Talewinds vol.2,no.3 March AS XVII
Extraordinary Merit-Potpourri Lady Damara Narrissa, Sea March
Eglantine de Wolfe, An Crosaire
Extraordinary Merit – portable feasts – Eglantine de Wolfe, An Crosaire
Extraordinary Merit – soapmaking – Lady Jeanne d’Ile du Cygne Noir, An Crosaire
Extraordinary Merit – Jewelry making – Lord Yonaton, An Crosaire
Extraordinary Merit – Brewing & Vinting, Beer – Sir Riekin ap Gruagach, Sea March
Extraordinary Merit – Brewing & Vinting, Liqueur – Sir Riekin, Sea March
Merit – Brewing & vinting, Lord Yonaton, An Crosaire
Merit – Mapmaking – Lord Monford of Bath, Darkwater
Merit – Embroidery (Japanese mon) – Tsuji Toryu no kami, An Crosaire
Special Merit – Embroidery (sampler) – Alexa du Foretoir, Castlemere
Special Merit – Embroidery (Japanese zusa) – Lady Mary Felix the Fool, Sea March
Special Merit – Banners – Lady Jeanne d’Ile du Cygne Noir, An Crosaire
Merit – Banners – Noriuji Hashi no Ienobu
Merit – Calligraphy – Noriuji Hashi no Ienobu
Merit – Calligraphy – Vassillaskas, Narval Dorado
Merit – Calligraphy – Lothar Allheisen, Darkwater
Extraordinary Merit – Painting – Bede Angle
Extraordinary Merit – Weaving – Hon. Lady Siobhan ni Filidheach, An Crosaire
Special Merit – Illumination – Lothar Allheisen, Darkwater
Novice – Special Merit – Celeste de Beaulieu, Blackthorne – Houppelande
Merit – Anna Alicia von Rheinhardt, Darkwater – German Renaissance
Merit – Cara Valentina Nic Fhionghuin of Skye, Wyvernwood
one each for Cotehardie, Men’s Cavalier, & Ital. Renaissance
Advanced – Special Merit – Lady Agrippina di Conti, Sea March, Ital. Renaissance
Special Merit – Lady Jeanne d’Ile du Cygne Noir, An Crosaire, Womens Saxon
Merit – Anne Embry, Blackthorne, Tudor
Historical – Extraordinary Merit – The Hon. Lady Siobhan, An Crosaire
Extraordinary Merit – Tsuji Toryu no kami, An Crosaire
Merit – Lady Gwendolyn Mary Douglas, Wyvernwood
Accessories – Merit – Layd Elizabeth FitzRandolph, Sangre del Sol
Merit – Lady Cara Hawkwood, Castlemere

Winter Stars IV
(from flyer, Talewinds, vol.2,no1, January AS XVII) List and Anniversary Revel 1-29/30-83 held at Kars Park. Once more Starhaven presents one of the more relaxed tournaments in Trimaris. Feast by Duc de Potluck, tent camping, games, list, feast hall. Nice view of comet if launch delayed. Autocrats Lady Strider & Lord Methylred.

Academie of Armourie
2-5-83 The Canton of Mathom Trove held the Academie of Armourie

Tallahassee Junior Museum (Demo)
On 2-6-83, The Shire of Oldenfeld held a demo at Tallahassee Junior Museum. Member attendance was very good, including Brian Fynead Fear Levy Sios who heralded the event.

St. Valentines Day Massacre
(from flyer, Talewinds, vol.2,no1, January AS XVII) The Barony of An Crosaire invites the folk of Trimaris, Meridies and elsewhere to attend St. Valentine’s Day Massacre, held at Otter Springs Campground on 2-11/13-83. This is a tenting event. This year’s theme is a Scandinavian mid-winter festival and gathering. The autocrats request that folk try to attend dressed in the clothing styles of Northern Europe (this will also help maintain warmth, by Ymir!). By Odin, there will be the traditional list and subsequent massacre in the truest Trimaris traditions on Saturday. After the Massacre, the field will be open to Norse challenge matches and Holmgangs. Bring your axes and well-wrought round shields. For those folk not in the list and those warriors who survive, there will be classes and games available. Archer by Talfric Bluntsword, games of the traditional and SCA favorites – Varpa (danish horseshoes); medieval football; Clench-a-wench; and the ever popular “Boppe-ye-hegepygge” and others. Listed autocrats Lady Ara Arisdottir and Drottin Elom Eikinskjaldi.
Awards & Announcements, Talewinds vol.2,no.3 March AS XVII
List Winners: 1st – Lord Aaron Breck Gordon, An Crosaire
2nd – Wihtgar Silfrhar, An Crosaire
At the Court of Their Highnesses Guthrum & Ursula
Order of the Silver Trident – Lord Yonaton Moshe Bereb Avram Yitzhak, An Crosaire
Award of Arms – Princess Ursula Katze, An Crosarie
Prince Guthrum Raegan of the Wasteland, An Crosaire
At the Court of Their Excellencies Sakura Tetsuo and Sakura Kimineko, Baron and Baroness An Crosaire and Heirs to the Principality of Trimaris: The Hon. Lady Matsuyama no-Ryu Suzume (aka Siobhan ni Filidheacht) accepted the position of Regent of the Barony of An Crosaire during the Sakura’s Trimaris reign.

Wyvernwood Baronial Council
A baronial council and fighter practice was held in a small public park adjacent to the home of Lady Elina Ragnarsfostra on Saturday, February 19, 1983. The council was attended by approximately 30 gentles, and was distinguished by the number of royal personages in attendance. HRH Prince Verron von Groth, heir to the throne of Meridies, honored the day with his presence, as did Their Royal Highnesses Prince Guthrum and Princess Ursula of Trimaris. The major event of the day was the SCA wedding of Wyvernwood’s fair lady Arielle Thiase Evard to the noble Lord Stephan Danefalk. This happy occasion was shadowed only by the knowledge that the gentle Lady Arielle would be leaving Wyvernwood to accompany her new lord to his home in the fair lands of Westerness, specifically to Utah. The council was followed by a rousing fighter practice in which several swords were broken and numerous bruises and thumps administered. The assembly broke up shortly after sundown, it being too dark to continue further.Respectfully submitted Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt un .von Kampf, CWC, Historian Wyvernwood

Third Trimaris Principality Investiture
(from flyer, Talewinds vol.2,no.2 February AS XVII Narval Dorado wishes your attendance at the Investiture of Their Excellencies Sir Sakura Tetsuo and Mistress Sakura Kimineko on the weekend of the 26th of February at Camp Keystone, Odessa. There will be Laureate contests and symposium classes. Autocrat Lady Jirel ni Cahil; Feastcrat Marcus Vitruvilus Brittanicus; Entertainmentcrat Saranna Lyndh Todin
At the Last Court of their Highnesses Guthrum and Ursula
Order of the Trimarian Gratitude – Wihtgar Silfrhaar, An Crosaire
The Hon. Lady Siobhan ni Filidheacht, An Crosaire, resigned as Trimaris Seneschal, naming Sir Riekin ap Gruagach, Sea March as her successor
At the First Court of their Highnesses Tetsuo and Kimineko
Viscounty – Lord Guthrum Raegan of the Wastelands, An Crosaire
Lady Ursula Katze, squire, An Crosaire
Award of Arms – Alexander Gallowglass, An Crosaire
Noriuji Hashi no Ienobu, House Noriuji
Ulrich Geschwind von Augsburg, Ruins
Talfric Bluntsword, An Crosaire
Alexander Gallowglass has been appointed Royal Overseer of the Imperial Apple Orchard
Lady Oriana Goldenhair has become the Ward of Mistress Enriqueta Isabel de Reyes y Mora
Lord Artorius Raed-Wulf Julianus, Narval Dorado, has been squired to Duke Syr Merowald
Phreedimere Akmet Hassan, Darkwater has been squired to Sir Riekin ap Gruagach, Sea March
Authentic Drinking Vessels Competition:
1st place – Lord Knikolos Major of Salem-by-the-Sea, Mathom Trove
2nd place – Lord Yonaton M. Bereb Avram Yitzhak, An Crosaire
3rd place – Graeghafoc, Oldenfeld

3-5-83 Lord Ragnar of Wyvernwood and John known as the Shark held an armor making class for the Shire of Sirrush Mir

Florida State Museum (demo)
An Crosaire held a demo at the Florida State Museum on 3-8-83. Demonstrations included singing, dancing, spinning & weaving and a fighter demo. Lady Cher de Bellevue provided fine cakes. This event was organized by Lady Jeanne d’Ile cu Cygne Noir with 23 people attending

Tourney of the Unicorn’s Horn
(from flyer, Talewinds vol.2,no.2 February AS XVII The Tourney of the Unicorn’s Horn held at the Church of the Holy Spirit in West Palm Beach on 3-12-83. “In days of old when knights were bold the unicorn’s horn was believed to hold great powers. To return to these times and the ideals of Chivalry and Courtesy the Shire of Sea March is pleased to present the Tourney of the Unicorn’s Horn. Marvel at the mystery of the great wizard as he gives clues to the whereabouts of the fabled Unicorn’s horn. A prize will be awarded to the lucky gentle who unravels the clues and fulfils the quest. There will be a unique and unusual tourney where lords battle to defend their ladies’ honor and the ladies themselves have a (non- fighting) role to play. The feast will be prepared by the infamous Sea March Cooks’ Guild. Autocrat Lady Agrippina di Conti
Winner of the List – Sir Riekin ap Gruagach, Sea March

Anniversary Revel
On 3-17-83 The Shire of Oldenfeld held their Anniversary Revel

Suncoast Neighborhood Medieval Week
On March 18, 1983 the above event was arranged by the Tampa Bay Girl Scouts of America as a “living history” learning experience. The Barony of Wyvernwood provided the program and medieval skills for the weekend, a total of 31 gentles from the Barony participating. Throughout the weekend, Wyvernwood gentles taught classes in singing of period songs, period dancing, and period arts and sciences to a total in excess of 350 Brownie and Girl Scouts. SCA combat demonstrations were held periodically throughout the Saturday sessions. In the evening, the Barony staged a typical SCA court, with HRH Verron Surgroth, Crown Prince of Meridies presiding. The court featured a simulated knighting ceremony. Following court, a medieval feast was served to the Girl Scouts and SCA personnel. The feast, a splendid repast, was provided by His Excellency Viscount Sir Bryetor Aison of Devon, KSCA. After the young ladies retired, the Wyvernwood gentles and Girl Scout staff members reveled to an early hour. Attendance at the main sessions during the day on Saturday was 310 girls. Evening attendance was 164. Additionally, 77 adult Girl Scout staff members participated in the activities. The girls attending the event exhibited great enthusiasm and, hopefully, learned much of the Middle ages, both original and current. In addition to performing a valuable public service, those Wyvernwood gentles who participated in the event also had a bloody good time and got an excellent dinner in the bargain. Respectfully submitted Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt u.von Kampf, CWC, Historian Wyvernwood

Trident III Tourney
(from flyer, Talewinds vol.2,no.2 February AS XVII Darkwater presents Trident III, our third annual Trident Tourney will be held March 26-27 at Camp Wewa, Plymouth Fl The winner of the list will receive Neptune’s Trident, thereby becoming the Protector of all water dwelling creatures for the next year. The Trident holder will be our guest at all events hosted by Shire Darkwater until Trident IV. This is a camping event. The feast will be provided by Duc de Pot Luc (middle eastern dishes are requested) and will be served by slaves to those who purchase them at the slave auction. Autocrats Elizabeth Nan Carey and Brock of Darkwater.
List Winners: Joseph mac Joseph, Sangre del Sol
Linnea Lorraine, An Crosaire (2nd)
Lady Cathlin Emryss, West Isles and Lord Eric of Ravenscold, Wyvernwood have announced their engagement. They plan to wed at Baronial Bash.

Ruins Revel
3-26-83 The Shire of the Ruins held a revel

Howard Bishop Middle School (demo)
On 3-28-83, An Crosaire taught classes before a demo in time slots offered by the school, European Armor by Andros Leonthalasios, Japanese Armor by Linnea Lorraine, Trencher Ware by Lord Elom Eikinskjaldi, Norse Clothing and Culture by Lord Elom Eikinskjaldi and Jon Guntrsson, Spinning by Lady Siobhan ni Filidheacht, Heraldry and Cooking by Lady Cher de Bellevue, Japanese Clothing & Etiquette by HH Sakura Kimineko and Ishidoro no Tsuji Bannin. The demo following included singing and dancing, a fighter demo and various arts and crafts (spinning by Lady Siobhan and Blackwork by Lady Jeanne, etc). 18 members of An Crosaire participated.

On 4-5-83 The Shire of Sirrush Mir was featured in an article in the Daytona Beach News Journal

Meridies Spring Coronation for King Verron and Queen Elspeth
Talewinds vol.2,no.3 March AS XVII Castlemere invites one and all to the Coronation of Their Royal Highnesses Verron Surgroth and Elspeth MacNaughton at Camp Chowenwaw south of Orange Park Fl. on April 8-10, 1983. The Royal Feast will be prepared by Lord Monford of Bath. The populace will be treated by the best chefs in Castlemere. Her Royal Highness Elspeth requests that jewel colors be worn at the Coronation Ceremony. Autocrat Lord Bissileous.
At the Last Court of TRM Roderick and Morgan
Order of the Velvet Owl: Lady Hollyn of Kestrelmere, Blackthorn
Order of the Garter Snake: Lord Aaron Breck Gordon, An Crosaire
At the First Court of TRM Verron and Elspeth
Order of the Velvet Owl Lady Agrippina di Conti, Sea March
Lady Asa Byrum Thorfinnsdottir, South Keype
Official announcement at Coronation Feast
Order of the Gray Beard: Lord Eric of Ravenscold, Wyvernwood

Meridies/Atlantia Border War
flyer, Talewinds vol.2,no.3 March AS XVII This year’s Salt War (or Boar War, as some call it — dealing as it does with hunting rights) between Atlantia & Meridies will be held 4-15/17-83 at King’s Mountain State Park, located just below the North Carolina/South Carolina border. The host group for this event is the Canton of the Guardians of the Sacred Stone (Charlotte NC) and the primary autocrat is Lord Karl Moennich von Nord Mark. There will be a field battle with combat archery, a woods battle with combat archery, pick-up battles through the afternoon and the inter-kingdom arts competition.
Atlantia won the fighting but Meridies cleaned up in Arts & Science
Trimarians who placed in the competitions:
Merit – Lady Marie Genevieve de Cilhdara, Darkwater, recorder playing
Merit – Lady Atalaya la Sandora, Sirrush Mir, horned Hennin headgear
Special Merit – Lady Atalaya la Sandora, early Elizabethan headgear

St. Georges Fair
flyer, Talewinds vol.2,no.4 April AS XVII 4-23/24-83, The Canton of Mathom Trove hereby declares a Faire in celebration of the fourth anniversary of the Canton of Mathom Trove and is to be a recreation of a medieval Faire in 1352. All Garb, food, weaponry and attitude should be planned accordingly. The Faire will take place just south of Palatka at Johnson Field. Check with your Seneschal for a multi- paged information flyer concerning the history and garb of 14th century England. Autocrat Lord Knikolos Major.

Tourney of the Sun
flyer, Talewinds vol.2,no.4 April AS XVII 4-29/5-1-83, The Shire of Sangre del Sol held their Tourney of the Sun event at C.B. Smith Park in Pembroke Pines Fl. Where the Sun Vanquishes Winter – featuring Fiesta del Mayo, Saturday night feast of May featuring dishes from Medieval Spain. There will be the Guardian of the Sun list, with the winner crowing the Queen of May. Contests on the most medieval campsite, classes on stain glass. Autocrat Lady Elizabeth FitzRandolph, Feastcrat Lady Glynis merch Llywelyn (Talisman)
List Winner: Sir Riekin ap Gruagach, Sea March
Runner-up: Joseph mac Joseph, Sangre del Sol
Campsite Award: Llewelyn ap Cadwalader, Sea March

Easter Parade
On 4-30-83 The Shire of Blackthorne participated in St. Augustine’s traditional Easter Parade

Shire of Brineside Moor (Sarasota/Bradenton) founded

AS XVIII (1983-1984)

Memorial Gardens Demo
5-4-83 Shirrush Mir held a demo at Memorial Gardens, Ormond Beach and another demo at Ridgecrest Manor Nursing Home

Meridies Spring Crown List
Talewinds vol.2,no.5 May AS XVII5-6/8-83 Wyvernwood sponsored the Meridies Crown List at Camp Wewa “Once again, the call goes forth to take up arms and do battle for the crown! The list will consist of standard rules and elimination on a “two-ring circus” list field. Time is available for meetings on Saturday afternoon and Sunday, Curia will be held on Sunday. Autocrat Lord Morric Haast, co-Autocrat Lady Elina Ragnarsfostra, Feastcrat, Baldar Longstrider.
Crown List Winner/Crown Prince of Meridies: Syr Phelan Cathaoir-mor, Axemoor
Consort/Crown Princess: Lady Gilraen Derrilyn, Axemoor
King’s Champion: Lord Aaron Breck Gordon, An Crosaire
Queen’s Champion: Sir Estban Thomas de Santin, Axemoor
At the Court of Their Highnesses Tetsuo & Kimineko
Award of Arms – Akira Noriuji-no Takara, Blackthorne
New Associates
HRM Queen Elspeth has taken two apprentices
Jean Philippe Duvier, Blackthorne
Lady Agrippina di Conti, Sea March

Renaissance Faire Demo
On 5-7-83 the Shire of Fiach Ogan held a demo at the Renaissance Faire

Carleton Palmer Elementary School Demo
On 5-13-83 the Shire of the Ruins held a demo at Carleton Palmer Elementary School

Really a Revel
Talewinds vol.2,no.5 May AS XVII “An actual event will occur on May 14. Be it therefor known that the Shire of Glymmerholde is sponsoring the Really a Revel – a real contest, the second seasonal Pixie Dig, held on(in) the beach overlooking the adorable Gulf of Mexico, with a prize. Another contest – the very first Pixie Palace Competition, with prizes for all involved. The other Salt War, with bonker tubes, this melee will be held in waist deep water in the Gulf. A most inscrutable Zen Feast featuring Air Souffle- lighter than air transparent treat, Zen Salad – tossed days before and never found, Wish Cake – if wishes were horses…, Ethereal Ale – a drink so light it’s unbelievable, and for those with real appetites Bread, cheese and water are available. The Really A Revel will be held at the Pink Shell Resort on Ft. Myers Beach.

On 5-17-83 the Shire of Sirrush Mir was featured in an article in the Gleenwood Daily Journal
and on 5-20-83 the Shire of Sirrush Mir was featured in an article in the Daytona News Journal

Chuck E. Cheeses Demo
5-22-83 the Shire of Sea March did a demo at Chuck E. Cheeses children’s restaurant. The demo attracted a lot of attention from the children who excitedly cheered on the fighters, as the demo was primarily a fighting demo. After the list was over, the attending members of Sea March circulated through the restaurant answering questions, then enjoyed a repast of pizza. Chuck E. Cheeses management awarded the Sea March participants with a large handful of game tokens each, and the remainder of the evening was spend happily playing the games.

Trimaris Memorial Tourney/Fourth Coronet List
Talewinds vol.2,no.5 May AS XVII5-27/30-83 The Shire of Darkwater will host Trimaris Memorial Tourney VIII at the Woodlands Campground, Winter Haven. This is a tenting event. Autocrat Lord Monford of Bath and the feastcrat is Darkwater’s Cooks’ Guild. A Principality auction will be held on Sunday afternoon.
Tanist – Lord Aaron Breck Gordon, Squire to Sir Tetsou
Tanista – Layd Linnea Lorraine, Squire to Duke Syr Merowald
Princes Champion – Lord Naukeso Oniway
Princess Champion – Sir Bryetor Aison of Devon
At the Court of TRM Verron & Elspeth
Order of the Bough, Meridies: Lady Cher de Bellevue, An Crosaire
Order of the Velvet Owl: Mitsuhashi Kawaishi, An Crosaire
Drottin Elom Eikinskjaldi, An Crosaire
Lady Cedrin Etainnighean, Wyvernwood
Award of Arms: Andros Leonthalasios, An Crosaire
Order of the Broken Brank: Ishidoro no Tsuji no kami Banin, An Crosaire
Baron Sir Bronislaus of Vilnius, Sea March
At The Court of TH Tetsuo & Kimineko
Award of Arms: Linnea Lorraine, An Crosaire
Margareithe di San Gemignano, Sangre del Sol
Graeghafoc, Oldenfeld
Naukuso Oneawa, Oldenfeld
Jean Philippe Duvier, Blackthorne
Anne Embry, Blackthorne
Order of the Silver Trident – H.L. Cedrin Etainnighean, Wyvernwood
H.L. Holyn of Kestrelmere, Blackthorne
Order of the Wyvern’s Scale (new, non-armigerous Baronial order for the arts & sciences)
Rupert Ian MacDuff
Rosalind Francesca Knightluster
Katherine Angelique of Lightenhart
The new Poet Laureate of Trimaris is Mistress Warjina Waleska Kaztimir zem Lyscil am Bai.
Winner of the Novice List: Wihtgar Silfrhaar, Sea March
2nd: Picot Pierre Cassier, Wyvernwood
Shea Tanner, formerly page to Sir Bronislaus, is now Squire to Sir Bronislaus

Shire of Fiach Ogan founded
On 5-27-83, the Shire of Fiach Ogan (Hudson/Pasco County) was founded

On 6-1-83 Lord Knickolos held a class on Precedence and Protocol in Sirrush Mir

Congratulations to HRM Verron and Her Excellency Viscountess Wulfa on the birth of their son and heir, June 3, 1983, called James Adrian.

Baronial Council
On 6-4-83 The Barony of Wyvernwood held a Baronial Council

on 6-5-83 The Barony of Wyvernwood held a demo on combat and arts

Meridies Arts and Science Faire
Talewinds vol.2,no.5 May AS XVII At FDR State Park, Pine Mountain GA, on 6-10/12-83, “Once again it is time to dazzle each other with our brilliance and skill. To this end, the Barony of An Crosaire and Meridies’ illustrious ministers of Arts and Sciences, Mistress Berta of the Southern Isles and Lord Gordon Blackwolf, respectively, will host the Meridies Arts & Science Faire. There will be no formal entertainment, but strolling minstrels will regale us during feast. chief Autocrat, Lady Siobhan ni Filidheacht, Feastcrat, Lady Cher de Bellevue, Entertainment, Lady Cedrin Etainnghean.
AT the Court of HRM Elspeth
Award of Arms: Michaela nic-Torcull NicFhionghuin, Sirrush Mir

Trimaris Honors in the Arts & Sciences competition
(EM = Extraordinary merit; SM= Special Merit; HM = Honorable Mention)
The Sciences
Architecture: EM – Drottin Elom Eikinskjaldi, An Crosaire
EM – Lady Ara Arisdottir, An Crosaire
Armor made of metal (excluding helms)
EM – Lord Ragnaar Hardraada, Wyvernwood
HM – Lord Michael Kennethson, Narval Dorado
HM – Lord Artorius Julianus, Narval Dorado
HM – Lord Aaron Breck Gordon, An Crosaire
HM – Lord Edward of Effingham, Oldenfeld
Brewing: EM for each of three entries – Michaela d’Etang de la Grue, Starhaven
Herbals & Medicinals: EM for each of 3 entries – Eglantine de Wolfe, An Crosaire
Medieval Science: EM – Barar Aeryck Udvarhelyi, Darkwater
Metalworking (Including jewelry)
EM for each of 3 pieces & SM for another 3 pieces-Ld. Yonaton, An Crosaire
Soap making: EM – Lady Jeanne d’Ile du Cygne Noir, An Crosaire
Weapons (real hand weapons) EM – Lord Yonaton, An Crosaire
The Arts
Calligraphy & Illumination: EM (beastiary) SM (Bron Scroll) – Lady Hollyn of Kestrelmere, Accessories: HM – Lady Kara Rowena Hawkwood, Darkwater
HM – Delilia Maria Sperati Sontonia Deomingua, Blackthorne (2 pieces)
HM – Ishidoro no Tsuji no kami Banin, An Crosaire
Embroidery & Needlework: EM – Lady Caroline merch Elwyn, Sea March
SM – Lady Andreana de Montfort, Fiach Ogan
Decorative Woodworking: HM – Lord Holtmar of Wyrhtenatun, Starhaven
Costuming: EM – Ishidoro no Tsuji no kami Banin, An Crosaire
EM – Rupert Ian MacDuff, Wyvernwood
SM – Fionna Mairi MacNaughton, Wyvernwood (2 pieces)
SM – Lady Kara Rowena Hawkwood, Darkwater
HM – Lady Atalaya la Sanadora, Sirrush Mir
HM – Lady Jeanne d’Ile du Cygne Noir, An Crosaire
HM – Ann Alicia vonn Rheinhardt, Darkwater (2 pieces)
Performing Arts:
EM – Lady Damara Narrissa, Sea March, (Mid-Eastern Dance)
EM – Master Jed Silverstar (original vocal solo)
EM – Lord Nikolai Staritsyn & Lord Isabeau the Fool, Oldenfeld,
(Dramatic performance)
SM – Ines de Marcy, An Crosaire (vocal solo, non-original)
SM – Lady Marie de Cilhdara, Darkwater (instrumental/ensemble)
EM – Lady Marie de Cilhdara, Darkwater (recorder solo)
HM – Lady Marie de Cilhdara, Darkwater (sopranio & Dual Instrument)
HM – Drottin Elom Eikinskjaldi, An Crosaire (poetry)

Fighter Clinic
On 6-18-83 The Shire of Sea March held a fighter clinic

Museum of Science Demo
6-23-83 The Shire of Southkeep held a demo at the Museum of Science and as a result of participating in the demo, the Shire of Southkeep was featured in an article in the Miami Herald

Midsummer’s Eve Revel
Talewinds vol.2,no.6 June AS XVII “We, The Shire of Narval Dorado, invite you to join us at the 7th Midsummer’s Eve Revel. We are at this time celebrating the 6th anniversary of the founding of our Shire. We will hold for your entertainment a Round Table List and Melee and a feast fit for Arthur Pendragon himself. Let it be known that non shall sit for feast until there shall be observed a Miracle.” The event was held at Highlands Hammock State Park 6-24/26-83 and was at a primitive camp site. Autocrat Lord Michael Kennethson, Feastcrat Saranna Lyndh Tudin

Summer Solstice
On 6-25-83 The Shire of Southkeep held their anniversary event, Summer Solstice revel

Trimaris Triad III
Talewinds vol.2,no.6 June AS XVII On 7-1/4-83 The Regents College and the Principality of Trimaris’ Arts & Science Offices will offer the third in an annual series of on-hands arts and science classes and seminars. These classes include, but are not limited to, lace making, customs & courtesies, basic heraldry, embroidery, a fighter clinic, costume finishing, brewing, field hearaldry, voice projection, portable potables. The site for this event is Withlacootchee State Forest Citrus Horse Trails, Tillis Recreational Area. This is a tend camping area. The semi-annual laureate contests will be held at this time. Autocrats: Lady Andreana de Montfort, Hon Lord Ragnarr Hardraada, Lady Cher de Bellevue, Lady Cedrin Etainnighean.
Talewinds vol.2,no.8 August AS XVII At the Court of TRM Verron and Elspeth:
Order of the Laurel: Siobhan ni Filidheacht, An Crosaire
At the Court of TH Tetsuo and Kimineko
Order of the Cross and Serpent: Elom Eikinskjaldi, An Crosaire
Award of Arms: Eglantine de Wolfe, An Crosaire

Border Raids
7-8/10-83 at Cedar Hill Campground in Park City Kentucky. “Raiding parties from the Kingdoms of Meridies and Middle are crossing our borders with impunity; this must stop. The populace of Bowling Glenn wishes to have a weekend of melee and revel to put aside the petty problems plaguing our disputed borders. To solve this situation we will have: Field battles, woods battles, individual challenges, a May Pole (in July?), games pavilion, cool swimming pool, and feast.

Darkwater Demo
On 7-16-83 the Shire of Darkwater held a demo

Herald’s Picnic & Academie of Armourie
Talewinds vol.2,no.6 June AS XVII July 16 marks the 5th annual Heraulde’s Picknicke and the Swithinmas Sitting of the Academie, to be held at the Plantation Hall, Mathom Trove. This sitting will provide certificate examinations for those who wish to gauge their progress & knowledge. This will be in addition to regular Academic classes.

Palm Beach County Science Museum demo
On 7-23-83 the Shire of Sea March held a demo at the Science Museum “Medieval Camp for Children” Sir Riekin ap Gruagach and Terrell put on a rousing fighting demo, Serina and Alyice de la Mar put on a puppet show, there was also singing and dancing with the children joining in.

Dade County Museum of Science Demo
Talewinds vol.2,no.7 July AS XVII On 7-23-83 and on 7-30-83, the Museum of Science sponsors the Shire of Southkeype in a demonstration. There will be two one day events which include a fighter demo, poetry, games, archery and dancing. Coordinator Ian the Bane

Darkwater Anniversary Revel & Pre Pennsic Fighter Practice
Talewinds vol.2,no.7 July AS XVII “The friends and populace of Trimaris are hereby invited to the beautiful Kelly Park, also known as Rock Springs on the 29, 30 & 31st of July, 1983 for this primitive tenting event. The event will include a $50.00 cash prize novice list & sessions in strategy, tactics and weaponry under the direction of the Marshelate. There will also be a judging of the most medieval campsite and an auction of indenture ship for those of us who like to have someone under us to take orders to do our bidding.” Autocrat Brock of Darkwater.
Novice list winner: 1st-Gunnar InnDanski called the Wolly, Wyvernwood
2nd-Baldar Longstrider, Wyvernwood

Talewinds vol.2,no.7 July AS XVII Since Lord Aaron is now Heir to the Principality, Lord Edward of Effingham will be serving as the Interim Knight Marshal until Lord Aaron’s Investiture. When Prince Tetsuo leaves the Throne, he will assume the Marshal’s office. Until that time, all paperwork should be sent to Lord Edward.

Orange Park Library Demo
On 8-1-83, the Shire of Blackthorne held a demo and put a month long display at Orange Park Library

Tourney of the Hunt
On 8-6-83 the Shire of Sea March held and event called “Tourney of the Hunt”

8-7-83 the Shire of the Ruins was featured in an article in the Lakeland Ledger

On 8-9-83 Lady Atalaya la Sanadora held a class on basic costuming for Sirrush Mir

Pennsic Wars XII
8-19/21-83 The 12th annual East vs Midrealm war

Christina Park Demo
On 8-21-83 The Shire of the Ruins held a demo at Christina Park

The Fourth Trimaris Principality Investature
Talewinds vol.2,no.8 August AS XVII The Shire of Narval Dorado invites one and all to join us for the Investitures of Their Excellencies Lord Aaron Breck Gordon and Linnea Lorraine 9-2/5-83. Come as we present the flair and flavors of the Crusades through feasting, merriment, Children’s Crusade, frolicking, Principality Raffle, and the Orlando Cup List. On Saturday will be the final Court of their Highnesses Sakura Tetsuo & Sakura Kimineko and the First Court of their Excellencies. On Sunday the Orlando Cup List with a prize of a Banner for the Winner and Consort painted by Lady Hollyn of Kestrelmere. The event will be held at Camp Dorothy Thomas in Riverview Fl. Feast Saturday a meal to make the Crusader wish he were staying home prepared by Saranna Lyndh Todinsdottir. Feast Sunday, food the Crusader may have encountered and never left behind prepared by Lady Jirel ni Cahil. Autocrat Lady Aenor de Winchester
At the Last Court of their Highnesses Tetsuo and Kimineko
Award of Arms – Kim Kyong-il, Sangre del Sol
Kember, West Isles
Hamlin O’Finn, West Isles
Kragon Darkvale, Ruins
Rupert Iain McDuff, Wyvernwood
Order of the Trimarian Gratitude – H.L. Cher de Bellevue, An Crosaire
Tsuji no kami Ban’nin, An Crosaire
Order of the Emerald Seas – Nakagawa Hashi Noriuji no Ienobu no Kami Toranaga
Lord Edward of Effingham, Oldenfeld
Lady Muireann Deora-De of Rivercroft, Starhaven
At the first Court of Their Highnesses Aaron and Linnea
Viscounty – Sir Sakura Tetsuo and Mistress Sakura Kimineko
Award of Arms – Ali Alcazar Mutasim, Darkwater
Theodocious, Darkwater
Order of the Grey Beard – Kim Kwong-il, Sangre del Sol

Orlando Cup List Winner – Duc Sir Orlando Cavalcanti
New Associates – Lady Gwendolyn Mary Douglas, Wyvernwood is now apprenticed to Countess Mistress Elispeth MacNaughton, CL, Blachthorne
Lord Ulrich der Geschwinde von Augsburg, Ruins, is now squired to Viscount Sir Sakura Tetsuo, An Crosaire

Meredies Coronation
9-9/11-83 The Barony of Axemoor is pleased to announce the Coronation of Their Royal Highnesses, Phelan and Gilraen. The populace and nobility of the Kingdom are invited to witness the Royal Event at Camp Wilkes in Biloxi, Mississippi.
At the First Court of THM Phelan and Gilraen
County – Veron Wolfgang von Groth, Wyvernwood
Elspeth MacNauthton, Blackthorne
Order of the Rose – Elispeth MacNauthton

Mall Demo
On 9-10-83 The Shire of Starhaven held a demo and exhibit at the Mall

The First Collegium Chirurgia of the Principality of Trimaris
Talewinds vol.2,no.8 August AS XVII Be hereby enlightened. This seminar will be held on 9-16/18-83 for the purpose of furthering the aims of those pursuing the much coveted title of Chirurgeon. Classes currently scheduled are: CRP, race for life; Multi-media First Aid; Medical Terminology, In depth discussion of the Chirurgeon’s Handbook. All classes will carry SCA college credit. The Collegium will be held at the Pink Shell Resort, Ft. Myers Beach. Autocrat: Gwenelleth AtWater

Michaelmas Fighter Clinic and Trimaris Warlord List
Talewinds vol.2,no.8 August AS XVII “Tired of eating rattan? Here’s food for thought: Michaelmas Fighter Clinic! On 9-23/25-83 the Barony An Crosaire once again hosts this informal but informative Collegium of Clout. The site is Otter Springs, situated in the rolling backwoods of beautiful downtown Wilcox…so bring everything you need. This is a tenting event.” listed autocrat: Jed Silverstar
At the Court of TH Aaron and Linnea
Award of Arms – Joseph mac Joseph, Sangre del Sol
Baldar Longstrider, Wyvernwood
Gradheil Maccintsacarit, Darkwater
Trimaris Warlord List Winner
H.L. John Urquehart, called the Shark, Wyvernwood
Consort – Esmeraude Estoile, Wyvernwood
2nd – Gunnar InnDanski, called the Woolly, CTG Wyvernwood

Orlando Medieval Faire Demo
On 10-1/2-83 the Shire of Darkwater/The Barony of Wyvernwood/The Shire of Blackthorne & the Shire of Sea March participated in the Orlando Medieval Faire at Turkey Lake Park. Trimaris participation in the faire has been coordinated thru Lord Monford of Bath in the Shire of Darkwater.

Suncoast Skirmishers Demo
10-1-83 The Barony of Wyvernwood held a demo at the Suncoast Skirmishers

Academie of Armourie
10-15-83 The Canton of Mathom Trove held their “Academie of Armourie”

10-18-83 Lord Alexander Gallowglass held a class on Mead Making for Sirrush Mir

Lantana Community Night School Demo
10-18-83 The Shire of Sea March held a demo at the Lantana Community Night School

Palm Beach Atlantic College Demo
10-21-83 The Shire of Sea March held a demo at the Palm Beach Atlantic College

Fantasy Fest
Talewinds, vol.2,no.10 October AS XVIII 10-21/23-83 The Shire of Castlemere held “Fantasy Fest” at Camp Wi-le-ma in Jacksonville. Once again the evil forces of Winter have settled themselves in the once merry woods of Castlemere. And so we ask all who are of an adventurous nature to join us in our battle against these dreaded and dark foes…Come! Join our quest, if ye be bold enough! There will be arts/sci competition in (edible) Fantasy dish and fantasy costume, and a Quest Thru the Haunted Forest (baffle/boffer weapons only).

The Scots are Revolting
Talewinds vol.2,no.7 July AS XVII First notice: “All good Scots arise!! Vile King Edward brings 18,000 English dogs to our fair hills, falsly claiming the Bruce’s Throne. Bring your good steel cap, your pike, and your axe or claymore to the Shire of Sangre del Sol on 10-21/23-83 and help throw the dogs back into the burns.” Second notice: “King Edward commands all loyal Englishmen to raise the levy and march for Scotland. We must teach the revolting Scots a lesson and put a final end to that usurper Robert Bruce. March for Sangre del Sol The thrashing shall take place October 21-23. (although any Englishman is worth any two Scots – mercenaries will be welcome)
Talewinds vol.2,no.9 September AS XVII This event is a war event, recreating the battle of Bannock Burn, originally fought in 1314 between the Scots and the English. In the interest of authenticity it is requested that everyone try to wear costumes consistent with this time and place (Bagpipes are welcome… in fact.. Pipers that play do not pay, they are guests of the shire). On Saturday will be a field battle, a bridge battle and a small Scottish Games. On Sunday will be a Novice List, prize an armor kit of winners choice. Contests and prizes Best Period armor – surcoat painted with your device; Best Period Costume – ten yards of trim; Most creative curse (non-profane) – your curse illuminated. The event will be held at C.B. Smith Park in Pembroke Pines. Autocrat Joseph mac Joseph, Feastcrat Lady Talisman & Lady Elizabeth FitzRandolph.
(Event report) The ample rainfall made it an official Trimaris event, although no tents were actually seen to float. 63 members, including Prince Aaron and Countess Elspeth MacNaughton, attended. Joseph mac Joseph’s aim was to recreate the Battle of Bannock Burn so Saturday was devoted to a field battle, bridge battle, and Scottish Games. Sunday was the Novice List. In keeping with the theme, our feast was limited to field fair, a chichen port stew and white bread for the English, a mock venison stew and oatmeal cakes for the Scots, augmeted by lentils, roast chicken and chicken soup. The Sangre Singers performed at the feast.
On Friday, 10-21, Joseph mad Joseph challenged Chuck Dowdle, newscaster on Channel 10 to combat. Chuck Dowdle has previously indicated he would accept any “reasonable challenge.” He was amazed at the weight of his armor and at the safety precautions taken. Two weeks later, “Chuck’s Challenge” was aired and its tone was favorable tot he SCA. Also on Friday a reporter appeared from the Hollywood Sun-Tattleer. She was impressed enought to return on Saturday with a photographer, and the resulting article appeared on 10-25-83.

Baronial Bash
Talewinds vol.2,no.9 September AS XVII “Noble Lords and Ladies, Hear Ye these words! The time is neigh for the annual fighting, feasting, and revelry, (with courtly decorum as a certainty of the ever popular and always tastefully (?) done) Baronial Bash. Yes Good Gentles, there is something for everyone on this gala occasion – Baronial Prize List, 1st prize a two handed Ragnarrian Axe and a gallon of wine, 2nd prize a Viking throwing axe and a ½ gallon wine, 3rd prize a quart of wine, 4th a very handy pint of the potable liquid; Informal Seminars in recorder, singing & Chinese foot binding; Box Lunch Auction; Filk Song Competition, and the Marriage of Lady Caitlin Eymress and Lord Erik of Ravenscold, a most joyous cavalier wedding for all to share.” the event to be held at Camp Wewa on 10-28/30-83. Maincrat Katherine Angelique of Lightenhart.

At the Court of Their Highnesses Aaron & Linnea
Award of Arms: – Katherine Angelique of Lightenhart, Wyvernwood
Rosalind Francesca Knightluster, Wyvernwood
Gunnar Dentonsson Inn Danski (The Wooly), Wyvernwood
At the Court of their Excellencies Dikeuald & Alianore, Baron & Baroness Wyvernwood
Order of the Tudor Nose (all in fun) Lady Atalaya la Sanadora, Sirrush Mir
Order of thw Wyvern’s Scale: Sabine Astrae
Lady GHwendolyn Mary Douglas
Baronial Prize List:
1st – Duc Sir Orlando Cavalcanti, South Downs
2nd – Count Verron Wolfgang von Groth, Wyvernwood
3rd – Lord Andros Leonthalasios, An Crosaire
4th – Lord Rupert Iain McDuff, Wyvernwood
The box lunch auction raised $150.00 for Talewinds.

11-5-83 the Shire of Blackthorne held an Evening Revel at the Portside Mobile Home Community Clubhouse in Jacksonville. Duc de Potlucke feast, sitecrat Catherine Powe

Museum of Florida History demo
Talewinds vol.2,no.11 November AS XVII On November 5, 1983 the Shire of Oldenfeld has been asked to arrange a demo at the Museum of Florida History in Tallahassee in conjunction with the display of the Lincoln Exemplary of the Magna Carta. This authentic copy will be on display from October 25 through November 18, 1983, and will not be displayed elsewhere in Florida. Oldenfeld will also host the Harvest Masque Revel at Woodswell Farm on the evening of the 5th. Contact Lord Nikolai Staritsyn.

Melrose Renaissance Faire
Talewinds vol.2,no.11 November AS XVII 11-5/6-83 The Barony of An Crosaire was invited to participate in a Renaissance Faire held in Melrose. coordinator Tsuji Ban’nin

Gold Coast Arts Festival
Talewinds vol.2,no.11 November AS XVII 11-5/6-83 The Shire of Sangre del Sol arranged a demo at the Gold Coast Arts Festival at Broward Community College North. coordinator Joseph mac Joseph. Between the two days, we had almost 90% shire participation, plus members from Sea March and South Keype. We held three tourneys on Saturday and two on Sunday. Period wares were offered for sale. We attracted a lot of attention and all members spent time talking to the audience. The Sangre Singers performed three selections early Saturday evening.

University of South Florida Demo
11-5-83 the Barony of Wyvernwood held a demo at the University of South Florida Children’s Festival

Martinmas Moot/Fifth Trimaris Coronet List
Talewinds vol.2,no.11 November AS XVII The Principality of Trimaris will hold Martinmas Moot-Coronet List at Weeki Wachi Christian Camp, Springhill FL on November 11-13, 1983 sponsored by Fiach Ogan Autocrat Lord Rupert Iain MacDuff, Feastcrat H.L. Sieglinde von Truso & Rosalinde Knighluster. Special attractions will include the wedding of Meghan Morcheartaigh & Ian Collin McGivers; the traditional auction for the principality coffers and the Poet Laureate and Troubadour Laureate contests.
Tanist – Sir Bronislaus of Vilnius
Tanista – Lady Agrippina di Conti
Princes Champion – Lord Joseph Mac Joseph
Princess’s Champion – Timgaard, Sirrush Mir
At the Court of Their Highnesses Aaron & Linnea
Order of the Golden Trident: Lord Joseph mac Joseph, Sangre del Sol, principal
(this is a new, armigerous principality order recognizing excellence in fighting related skills)
Award of Arms: – Elitha of the Entwining Stars, An Crosaire
Brenna Catriona Dunne, Wyvernwood
Poet Laureate – Lord Alexander Mareschal, South Keype
Troubadour Laureate – Lord Erik von Kampf, Wyvernwood

11-15-83 Lady Kara Hawkwood and Lady Atalaya held a class on Tudor and Elizabethan Costuming for Sirrush Mir

Daughters of the British Empire Demo
11-19-83 The Shire of Blackthorne held a demo and Fashion show for the Daughters of the British Empire

November The Shire of West Isles disbanded due to lack of membership
Talewinds vol.2,no.12 December AS XVII At Martinmas Moot, Lady Kember and Sir Riekin confirmed that the Shire of West Isles has disbanded, so the group has been removed from the Trimaris listing.

Ravensquest I
11-26-83 the Shire of Fiach Ogan held their first shire revel “Ravensquest I”

Tampa Garden Club Demo
11-26-83 the Barony of Wyvernwood held a demo at the Tampa Garden Club

Almost a Revel and Southern Social Club
Talewinds vol.2,no.12 December AS XVII 12-2/4-83 Introducing the Shire of Glymmerholde “Almost a Revel and Southern Social Club” Last year’s Almost a Revel proved quite worth repeating so her it is again… and with extras. We will be meeting again to prove that England is NOT the only island worth hailing from. Come join us for a day of the Gulf and the beach, for the fun of the Pixie Dig, for the revelry or for all the things that have made Glymmerholde Retreat Revels unique. Or, if none of this impresses your doltish and well beaten brain (fighter-types take not) come for the Southern Club Social.

Fah to those who declare Club Socials non-period, the club is as old as the cave man. Such clubs were in frequent use when South still meant Ethiopia. Glymmerholde boasts not less than a half dozen eater, inexperienced, and substantially unbeaten young dandies who are dying to whet their skills, so.. For those wishing to teach hard lessons of valor to our young fighters, there will be practice and open melee from 10 am to 5 PM Saturday. For those wishing the best for their hopefuls, we present the Party Favor – Favor Bee as well. For those who consider combat club-fests neither good participation nor spectator sport there will also be chess and the beach..and don’t forget the Pixie Dig. Autocrat Arven AtWater.

Yule Drule
Talewinds vol.2,no.11 November AS XVII “Yes indeedy Folks – the irrepressible, irreverent, effervescent Tomship of Macheski, under the auspices of the Barony of An Crosaire will be hostin’ a Yule Revel so excitin’, we’se callin’ it Yule Drule. It’s gonna be real simple, y’all, on Saturday December 3rd, AS 18, (bein’ 1983 to anyone who cares) at the Women’s Center of the University of Florida. Dinner will be Duke de Potyuc – finger food is encouraged. So dress up, dress down – just so’s yer wearin’ sompin’ ‘sides that ol’ woad stuff – and y’all come join the fun what starts at 4pm” Atuocrat Relatively Hon. Lady Cher de Bellevue

On 12-3-83 The Shire of Sangre del Sol held a demo with the Sangre del Sol Madrigals performing at TropiCon

St. Augustine Demo
12-5-83 the Shire of Blackthorne held a demo on English Illumination in St. Augustine

Casselberry Library Demo
On 12-6-83 the Shire of Darkwater held a demo at the Casselberry Library

House Gold Star Fighter Collegium
Talewinds vol.2,no.12 December AS XVII12-9/11-83 Tired of heat prostration? Tired of the lonely feeling caused by your old gambeson driving away all gentles inside fifty feet? Tired of fighting events with schedules so full there’s no time to melee? cure your drudgery at the first annual (we hope) House Gold Star Fighter Collegium. To be held at Camp Keystone, in the middle of the best Trimarian fighting weather. This shall, as the name suggests, be a fighter Collegium with classes planned for both novice and advanced fighters in sword and shield techniques. Also to be offered are classes in fighting for ladies, chivalry at the field, surcote and favor construction and more. Instructors at this point are His Highness Aaron Brek Gordon, Baron Sir Bronislaus, Count Verron Wolfgang von Groth, Countess Mistress Elspeth, and the squires of the Trimaris Fighters Guild. Autocrat – Verron, Feastcrat – Baldar Langstriter

Lion in Winter II “The Lionheart is Dead”
Talewinds vol.2,no.11 November AS XVII 12-10-83; It is the year 1193, and word has reached England that King Richard is rumored dying or dead in an enemy prison. Prince John plots to liquidate King Richard’s chancellor in a bid for the throne, but so does the outcast Earl of Huntington and the supporters of the five-year old Arthur of Brittany. Join the Shire of Oldenfeld for another exciting evening of diabolical intrigue, extortion, back-stabbing, family squabbling, thievery, treason and fun as “Lion in Winter II” heralds in the Yuletide season.
Lord Nikolai Staritsyn and Meen Domina of Kilmain have created again for your pleasure an exciting sequel to last year’s game which will serve the dual function of providing much merriment and raise money for the Kingdom and Principality. Attire yourself in your finest 12th century costume, but be careful of the blood stains, there will also be prizes for the winners of the game – unusual treasures brought back from Nottingham by Lord Nikolai and Lord Isabeau. In truest Oldenfeld tradition a feast par excellence will be offered to tempt the palates of our eager tongues by Lady Constanza Della Subrosa de Firenze.

Fighter Clinic and Revel
12-10-83 the Shire of Sirrush Mir had a fighter clinic and revel

Yule Revel
on 12-16-83 the Shire of Sangre del Sol held a Yule Revel

Yule Revel
December the Shire of Sea March held a Yule Revel

Party at Shakespear’s
On 12-18-83 the Barony of Wyvernwood held a demo party at Shakespear’s

12-17-83 the Shire of Darkwater went caroling at two nursing homes

on 12-17-83 the Shire of Castlemere held “Saturnalia”

Christmas Chorale Demo
on 12-19-83 The Barony of Wyvernwood held a Christmas Chorale demo

Fighter Collegium
on 12-23-83 the Barony of Wyvernwood held a fighter collegium

Domesday Report for An Crosaire
Seneschal – Ishidoro no Tsuji Bannin (Tomas Macheski)
Arts – Eglantine de Wolfe (Pat Delano)
Science – Elom Eikinskjaldi (Scott Marvin)
Marshall – Tetsuo Sakura (Stephen Bloom)
Reeve – Margot Petite called Majir (Marji Klugeman)
Chirurgeon – Ishidoro no Tsuji Bannin (Thomas Macheski)
Cronicler – Ardelin ap Morgan O’Brollachain (John Bradley)
Herald – Jed Silverstar (Jed O’Connor)
Historian – Ara Arisdottir (Elizabeth Beaton)
17 sustaining members, 11, not documented, 3 sustaining Mathom Trove; 14-20 classes taught to members at local meetings, 25 classes taught at demos, Collegium, and events