Recent Kingdom Notes

February 16, 2025

The Kingdom of Trimaris

The Three Seas of Power

Trimaris History – 1999

36 min read


Hero of the Chalice
Talewinds, December AS XXXIII, 1998 On 1-1/3-99 celebrate the first event of the New Year with the Barony of Wyvernwood and watch the finest fighters of the land vie to become the Hero of the Chalice to be held at Brandon Rotary Camp. Activities will include a Friday night torchlight lyst, the Hero’s Quest, the Hero of the Chalice lyst, a light weapons prize lyst, an archery prize lyst, Ladies gallery (during the Chalice lyst) and the Baroness’ Tea. Due to the fact that this year’s Winter Art/Sci faire is being held at a dry site, the Kingdom Art/Sci ministerhas deemed that all alcoholic entries will be judged at this event. Autocrat, Robert the Bald, Feastcrats Lady Elena Maegan McDougall and Earl Stromeck bo Comatan.
At the Court of Giuseppe & Rowen
Order of the Wyverns Scale – Robert le Clauve
Bron Trefonoen
Order of the Wyverns Claw – Maisie of Dunbarton
Ring of Chivalry – Elizabeth Mortienes & Torquil Stromekson

St. Benet Revel
On 1-1/3-99 the Barony of An Crosaire held their annual 12th night revel.

Winter Art-Sci
Talewinds, January AS XXXIII, 1999 On 1-8/10-99 the Shire of Narval Dorado cordially invites the Populace of Trimaris to attend Winder Art-Sci held at Camp Ithiel. Activities include lots of classes, ogling art/sci entries, a fabulous French Provincial feast, both a light and havy weapons list and classes for fighters, plus more. Autocrat Allesandra di Nicola da Vinci, Feastcrats Elsinor & Johanna Angelika Milschak. Heptathion categories: Brewing, Ceramics & Pottery, Costume Accessories, Food Preparation, Heraldic Display, Instrumental Music, Painting.

Scots Welsh War
Talewinds, February AS XXXIII, 1999 On 1-29/31-99, The Shire of TriOs proudly presents the Scots Welsh War held at Camp LaNoChe. “The armies of our enemies are gathering upon the shores of the great Gulf. We must ready ourselves for battle. Gather ye now your valiant warriors and all their weapons. There will be a newcomer’s class and a class in lucet hand braiding. Please join us for Revelry around the great fire. Autocrat Lord Stanislas Delafield, Feastcrat Sayyid Kalim al Ibar

Gulf Wars VIII War College
Talewinds, February AS XXXIII, 1999 On 2-5/7-99 the Shire of Vaca del Mar presents Gulf Wars VIII War College at Camp LaNoChe. “War is upon us and our valiant foes ready themselves. As they do, so should we. Let our great army come together and prepare to flow forth like an unstoppable avalanche. Fighters, bring your weapons and shields, Archers, your bows and arrows, Let those so equipped bring siege weapons to knock down might walls. In addition, there will be Rapier combat and an IKAC shoot. Bards, bring poems and songs of war for the Bardic Competition. There will be a “rookie” art/sci competition for those who have never entered an art/sci. Saturday night after all the fighting is done, there will be a “Faces of Death” war mask competition. Autocrat Ld Brendan Ackborne, Feastcrat Baron Cailean mac Dulbhdhiormaigh ni Duibhlaoich

Oldenfeld’s Anniversary Event
Talewinds, February AS XXXIII, 1999 On 2-19/21-99 the Shire of Oldenfeld held their anniversary event at Camp Indian Springs. “We’re gonna have a real hum-dinger of an event! Activities include: Celtic contests of strength and prowess, heavy weapons lyst, rapier lyst, Oldenfeld’s long-standing drawing and poetry contest, dancing, singing, and many more activities too strange to list here. Come one, come all.” Autocrats Duncan McDugal & Lady Genevieve de Mullet Trois, Feastcrat, Lawrence the Singed

Equestrian War College
Talewinds, January AS XXXIII, 1999 On 2-21-99 the Shire of Glymerholde hosts the Kingdom of Trimaris Equestrian War College. For those interested in SCA Equestrian events, there will be a one day workshop held in Ft. Myers. Horses and equipment supplied. This is preparation for the Gulfwar event, but any interested parties may attend. Training will be from 8 am until 4 pm with lunch breaks. Persons wishing to ride must reserve in advance. Equestrian Marshal THL MacGrioghair

Cutlasses & Corsairs
Talewinds, February AS XXXIII, 1999 On 2-26/28-99 the Shire of Castlemere held Cutlasses & Corsairs at Camp Immokalee. “Come join in War Practice during Trimarian War College (remember Gulf Wars is only 2 weeks away). There will be light and heavy lysts – Defender of Castlemere, a trvern Brawl, and Champion of Castlemere. Looking for more than fighting? Take part in Bardic competition for Warrior Bard of Trimaris and/or Bard of Castlemere. There will also be an Elizabethan Feast and classes throughout the day.” Autocrats Gregor Jotun & Lord Agami Ryu Koro-no-Minamoto, Feastcrat HL Dianna Wyndalan of Kidwelly
At the Court of HRM Alain
Order of the Argent Palm – Ryuzoji Kosetsu Gekko
Award of Arms – Xena
Leila of the High Seas
Order of the Morningstar – Agami Ryu Koro-no-Minamoto
During Court Mistress Natalija Varvara Stoianova took Ryuzoji Kosetsu Gekko as an apprentice.
(event report from the Performing Arts Guild)This past weekend at our Shire’s main event Cutlasses and Corsairs, we had a great time. The afternoon started off with a class on the progression of English Church music during the Renaissance, taught by Dr. Claire Scott (an expert in Early Music). Later on there were two Bardic Competitions. First, the Minstrels and Bards in our Shire of Castlemere (Jacksonville, FL) for the right to be the Bard of Castlemere. It was a great competition and not wanting to seem boastful, I was chosen as the winner. Anyway, the real fun kicked in when we held the “Warrior Bard of Trimaris” competition, which is open to all who were at the event. There were a lot of exciting participants and it was tough to pick a winner:
Warrior Bard & Musical Arts…………..Lord Corwyn
Spoken Arts…………..Jean Francesca
Jongleur Arts………….Rhiannon Bjornsdottir
Being a bit of a homer, I would like to commend two fairly new members of our Shire who participated in their first major Bardic Competitions: Sorsha inghean Leod & Thorunn Viggedatter (Herr Wilhelm Frawenlop)

Gulf Wars VIII
Talewinds, February AS XXXIII, 1999 On 3-9/14-99 the 8th Annual Gulf Wars will be held at Kings Arrow Ranch in Lumberton Mississippi. There will be battles, tourneys, live weapons, archery, equestrian competitions, greyhound coursing, numerous Art/Sci competitions and a variety of classes. There will be tons of shopping and children’s activities.
(Event report) The war has been dubbed “Flood Wars, A River Runs Through it” among other names I’ve heard, but that one is my favorite. Things were going very well up until Thursday, then the Gods decided we were having too much fun and put an end to all that. We got torrential rain and wind gusts in excess of about 50 mph. Then it got cold as well. By Friday, Hell really broke loose. They were trying to decide what to do about the battles when the Gods stepped in again and made the decision for them. The lightning showed up with more rain and wind in it’s wake. By noon on Friday, all war point activities had been canceled. The Gods won that battle. However, they couldn’t win the battle over fun. There were many die-hards who, like myself, decided that we had driven this far and, by (or despite) the Gods we were at least going to party!!!! So we partied…and partied…and partied! 🙂 By Friday night, about 1/3 of the people had left site and headed home. By Saturday night we down to about 1/10 or less. But we still did our best to make up for those who left. The Calontir Royal encampment has suffered sever damage in the storms and they ended up in a vacated cabin next to the Trimaris Ghetto (mostly An Crosaire and friends). Mistress Elfwyn had been running a camp kitchen for and with about 40 of us, but half of them had left by Saturday. We had plenty-o-food, so we invited the entire Calontir encampment to join us. Then we added the An Tir Royalty as well as the King of the Outlands. We all got dressed in the best garb we had with us, and hosted a Royal dinner for 3 Kingdoms. After the meal we all enjoyed a Bardic session for about an hour and a half. We kept trading back and forth, taking turns between the Kingdoms represented, in sharing some kind of entertainment. We had an incredibly good time! The next morning (Sunday) we fed them again for breakfast. We received a lovely surprise that morning. The Calontirians sent over a gift basket with many goodies to share among everyone who hosted them as a thank you for the hospitality. One of their Knights (I’m ashamed to admit that I don’t remember his name) told me how amazed they all were that we’d just take them in like that. I told him that this sort of thing is what we’re all here for. The War is really for friendship…..the fighting is just an excuse to get there for it. I myself had a wonderful time. I spent every evening going around to different encampments with my guitar and songbook. I was amazed at the ease with which I was welcomed wherever I went. I know what that Calontir Knight felt like, but had forgotten until I went to the War. Then when
it was our turn to do the welcoming, it was so natural that we never even thought twice about it.
That, in and of itself, was worth the 1000+ mile round trip and even the storms. Master Rurik Petrovitch Stoianov

Spring Coronation
Talewinds, February AS XXXIII, 1999 On 3-19/21-99 On 3-19/21-99, the Barony of An Crosaire proudly presents the coronation of their Royal Highnesses AnRidire Tairdhealbhach an Cait Dubh and Baroness Cathlin Emryss of Ibernia, to be held at Camp Wewa. Autocrat Lady Marthe Grau called Kratze, Feastcrat Qaratai Keryid.
At the First Court of Tearlach and Catlin
Order of the Argent Scales – Brenna Caitlin MacGrioghair of Renwick, Castlemere
Award of Arms – Cayleigh bean Tir, An Crosaire
Order of Bards Laureate- Tegin Grenfeld, An Crosaire at feast (retiring Troubador Laureate)
County – Alain de Viellechamps, Oldenfeld
County & Order of the Rose – Judith Maryse, Oldenfeld

At the end of TRM Alain and Judith’s court, tragedy struck, King Alain was handed a poison cup and he died immediately. Insincere words of condolences were uttered by TRH Tearlach and Cathlin, and an offer of protection was given to Queen Judith. She wisely declined and stated that she would prefer to retire to her estates in the far north of Trimaris. Tearlach then claimed the throne by his own hand and the populace acclaim and placed the crown on his own head. He proclaimed Cathlin as his queen. At this moment a stranger appeared in court claiming the throne as his right, claiming to be Gaston, the older brother of Alain. He stated that he was sent on a quest to the far south and was lost in the land of ice and snow and stupid flightless birds for one day and one night. They were a long day and night. On his return he had received word that his brother had taken the throne, and now he finds that a stranger was on the throne. After a short discussion, complete with sword and spear points, Gaston decided that his claim to the throne was not that important and he would retire to the estates of his brother along with his brothers wife. (In this action, Alain de Viellechamps managed to change his name to Gaston)

Trident Tourney
Talewinds, February AS XXXIII, 1999 On 4-2/4-99, the Barony of Darkwater invites you to join us for Trident Tourney to be held at the Deerhaven Campground. “Come join us for our torchlight quest on Friday night. On Saturday we will be hosting both a heavy and light weapons lyst. Also join us for our annual Art/Sci display competition.” Autocrat Mistress Ekaterina Sinilnikova, Feastcrat Dona Talia Maria.
the listing of awards given out at Trident Tourney:
League of the Hidden Treasure – Gwenore Alexandra Mowbray of Lincolnshire
Master Jarnaar Guthrunsson
Lady Isabella Julietta Diego y Vega
Order of the Trident’s Keype – Lady Eithne ni Cailean
Kurios Demetrius Seethero E’leon Potamo
Senor Fernando Rodrigues de Avilles y DeLeon
Order of the Acorn Glade – Adleheid Leinwater (for textile arts)

St. Valentine’s Day Massacre
Talewinds, April AS XXXIII, 1999 On 4-9/11-99 the Barony of An Crosaire invites you to St. Valentine’s Day Massacre to be held at Florida Bible Camp. “Come experience the fierceness of the Mongols by competing in contests of skill and daring..wrestling, archery and riding, as well as heavy and light weapon lysts. Enjoy a hearty feast prepared from traditional Mongol recipes (not as scary as it sounds!) And as always, suspect a few surprises from those loveable eastern barbarians. Autocrats Dogshin Qashar & Lord Subadai the Bear, Feastcrat Qaratai Keryid
At the Court of Roibeard and Teamhair
House of the Serpent’s Torque – Khorijin Tatar
Arthur Grenfield
Teagan Grenfield
Onora MacGregor
Paulina of the Northwoods
Wolfpeter von Grafenau
Sorsha Kettilsdottir
Lillian the Wandering Artist
Olaf Ericsson
Dogshin Qashar
Order of the Cross and Serpent w/ AoA – Aislinn
Gwendolyn Annwyl
Rhiannon Bjornsdottir

Lion’s Tourney
Talewinds, April AS XXXIII, 1999 On 4-16/18-99, The Shire of Oldenfeld presents Lion’s Tourney at Camp Indian Springs. Autocrat, Lord Alexander Gervais d’Argent Mer, Feastcrat Lady Catalina Magdalena.
(Event report)Did you ever go to an event where a few days later you’re still shaking your head about how great it was? Lion’s tourney was that kind of event. Much praise should be showered on Lord Cedric of Dorchester for the amazing pas d’armes that he organized… It was loads of fun, and I loved how it brought fighters and non-fighters together for the afternoon… Feast was also great, although I am quite biased, due to the fact that I had the great honor and privilege of escorting Her Majesty to feast, due to the fact that His Majesty was at another event in the southern reaches of our fair kingdom. Wlad

A Mid-Spring Fling
Talewinds, April AS XXXIII, 1999 On 4-17-99 join the Shire of Sea March in the celebration of a Mid- spring fling held at the West Palm beach Garden Club. “It’s the time to celebrate the traditions of Chivalry and Courtly Love to show honor and courage in mind and in body, come and share “The Dream” with us. Featuring The Tournament of the Rose for light weapons combatants; Sea March’s Fabulous Token List for heavy weapons combatants; Newcomers class, beading class, brewing class.” Autocrats Lady Cordelia Cadwallader & Ceilidh of Far Flung, Feastcrat Gryff ap Owen

Panhandle Skirmishes
Talewinds, April AS XXXIII, 1999 On 4-23/25-99 the Shire of Crystal Moor is proud to present Panhandle Skirmishes at the Spirit of Suwanee Music Park. “Once again the skirmishes on the border commence, who will come and defend our precious Panhandle from our unknown adversaries? Come find out, have fun! There will be lots of great fighting and revelry for one and all.” Autocrat Lady Desiree Julianna deAgincourt, Lady Sophia Katharina Laxaro Buenarroli. Battlecrat, Lord Hav Longswimmer.
At the Court of Tearlach and Cathlin
OSS – Bakaalo Churis, Vaca del Mar
Roland De Care,Wyvernwood
OMS – Roland De Care,Wyvernwood
Geaspar Fionnhbar Morchoe, Vaca del Mar
Award of Arms – Roland De Care,Wyvernwood
Geaspar Fionnhbar Morchoe Vaca del Ma
OTW – Vilhelm Borsbane, Darkwater
(Event report ) Unfortunately, the site of Panhandle Skirmishes had another event booked at the same time. The weekend celebration of Earth Day, with lots of live bands and loud music. Since the site was not separated, there were a number of mundanes wandering through the encampment and watching the activities. Although this was suppose to be battles between Trimaris and Meridies, Meridies royalty canceled out due to a major event in Meridies. Therefore, it turned out to be a giant fighter practice along with a few Meridians who came. (Natasha)
reported by David Archer”Panhandles was great. LOTS of great fighting, some really good parties Saturday night, (Special thanks to Crimson Fist). Fighting wise we had 2 field battles, one resurrection, capture the flag battle, a Knights VS all battle, that got a bit confusing, and to finish it off we had 2 bridge
battles. The site was great though I could have skip the Earth Day music. I personally can’t wait to go again next year, it’s was well worth the trip from south west florida. I’d like to thank anyone out there that was a water bearer, you guys did a really great job. I surprised how many different people showed up to help cool off us fighters. You guys really are an importune part of fighting. I’d also like to thank Lady Cassandra and Golden Lion for handing out those snow cones, they were a godsend to us fighters.”

There was a demo hosted by the Barony of Darkwater at Apopka’s Arts and Foliage show Saturday and Sunday 4-24/25-99. It was WONDERFUL!!!! We had such a great response! We had hands on exhibits on candle making, herb planting, paper making, armor making, Psanky egg making, not to mention lots of beautiful needle work and a huge weaving display. Reported by Sireena De Artopeous

The shire of Castlemere had demo. in Jacksonville this past weekend 4-24/25-99. It was at the Jacksonville Fairgrounds hosted by Wolfsons Children’s Hospital. We had heavy weapons fighters, dancing, a minstrel and a basketweaver there. We also had games for the kids. For what little time I spent there we had a lot of little nibbles of interest from the mundanes. Reported by Gwendolyn of Glenfinnan

The Shire of the Storm hosted a 6-weekend demo at the Bay Area Renaissance Festival in March and April. We had an average of 30 volunteers per weekend and signed up hundreds of interested people for the Shire, the Shire of Narval Dorado, the Barony of Wyvernwood and other groups. Fighter demos were held daily for both heavy and light weapons as well as craft demonstrations that went on during the day. Reported by Columella

Gathering of the Clans
Talewinds, April AS XXXIII, 1999 On 4-30/5-2-99 The Barony of Darkwater and Clam Morcheartaigh proudly present Gathering of the Clans to be held at Camp Wewa. “Oh, gather ye lads and all of ye lasses Springtime arrives as the old year passes. Tis time to test yer skills, strengths and mettle. By tossing the Hay bale, the caber and kettle. Come cheer yer clansman upon the battlefield as he lifts his claymore and strikes his shield. There are games for all ages and funtime galore. With prizes a plenty and so very much more. Hear the bards sing for yer pleasure, and partake of feast, dancing and treasure. So Hail to all Scotsmen from lowland and high, for Gathering of Clans now is come nigh. Autocrat Lord Fernando, Feastcrat Lord Otis t’Oak.
At the Court of TRM Tearlach and Cathlin
Court Barony – THL Kamala al Rakset al Sharqi
Order of the Morningstar – Mael Anfaid O’Greallach (Dog Boy)
Argent Scales – Anastasia Germaine (on behalf of Their Majesties From the hands of Their Excellencies of Darkwater)
Order of the Hidden Treasure – Morgan Ettiene ap Gwalthmai Gwyneth
(Event report) There was a very laid back, fun and competitive Bardic competition in which seven talented gentles entered. Our Queen, Baroness Cathlin Emryss of Ibernia and The Baroness of Darkwater, THL Elizabeth Stafford Parr Pembroke were the judges. The competition was so
close there were 6 first place contestants and one winner. With the exception of a young lady who sprained her left vocal chord, all performed wonderfully at feast that evening. Lady Gwenna, a resident of Darkwater and a prominent member of “Black Rose”, was the winner of the competition. Reported by Cirocco
All who attended the games had lots of fun and laughs, although at times it got dangerous… one poor boyo nearly got cleaved in half by a flying frying pan. His Majesty called forward all the children in attendance and then gave all the children giant pixie sticks and thanked them for helping to make Clans so much fun. There was even an attempted assignation on HRM with his own water pistol! All in all, it turned out a fun day!. Let us not forget the food fight at feast!! His majesty caught every piece of bread thrown at him, what reflexes!!

The Shire of Brineside Moor had a Arts/Sci display at the Bradenton Central library in Manatee County. This display was in place from 4/01/99 till 5/1/99.

Kingdom Fighter Practice
His Majesty just recently decreed Royal fighter practice to be the THIRD Sunday of the month to be held at Sunland park in Sanford. It will be at 12:00 noon. Non fighters-Garb optional, a small
dish of finger foods or fruits and beverages requested to share, house banners & personal banners are welcome to display. His Majesty, Tearlach, would like to thank all of the fighters and who came out to the Royal Fighter Practice, and also all of the other good Gentles who came out to show their support. There were over twenty people out there, and he hopes to see an even better turnout next time. Thank You to Sir Dude for also coming out to teach and practice. The next Royal fighter practice will be May 16th, (the third Sunday), and there will be a 2 on 2 unbelted prize tourney. His Majesty requests as many fighters and Knights to come out as possible, and as many of the populace as well. War isn’t that far away, and there is no such thing as too much practice.

Jacksonville’s World Of Nations Festival. I would like you to know that the House of the
Naked Moon participated by giving a demonstration on Mid-Eastern Dance. And in honor of this event the entire Shire of Castlemere showed up in street clothes. For once we were the only ones not in garb.
St. Georges Faire
Talewinds, February AS XXXIII, 1999 On 5-7/9-99 the Canton of Mathom Trove proudly presents Saint George’s Faire to be held at Camp Winona. “Come view all the pageantry and drama of the Crested Helm Prize Tourney. Witness displays of skill and courage by the flower of Trimarian Chivalry as they compete in the “Baston Course” joust. Bid on your favorite team of fighter and horse for the right to choose among the sumptuous prizes donated by the talented artisans of Trimaris. Consourts of the fighters and all other ladies prsent at the Faire shall form a Ladies’ Gallery to judge acts of chivalry and gallantry during the day. The Ladies’ Gallery shall also choose the finest crest to receive an especial prize. The Fairemaster shall bestow a prize for the Best Heraldic Display. Autocrat Lady Gianetta di Remigio Welser. Feastcrat Baroness Laura de Botelesford.
Orson O’Donald won the crested helm lyst
(Event report)It was a FABULOUS event! An Crosaire has every reason to be very proud of its
most noble canton, Mathom Trove. I was delighted by the event (and the gang in Mathom Trove spoiled me rotten!) The Crested helm tourney was most enjoyable. There were over 20 contenders, and the creativity and artistry shown in the creation of the helms was most inspiring! Further, the chivalry and courtesy shown on the field was ideal. Throughout the day, the only negative was the incredible heat. Although Mathom Trove did everything they could to help the situation, including providing fans to the ladies, which was quite a nice touch! While I was unable to attend these particular activities, the event also boasted the Queen’s Yeoman tourney and the wedding of Earl Seosaidh and his good lady, Ysabeau. Anybody with further descriptions, please join in! Court was most interesting. Humorous highlights included, among other things, a most comfy seat at the feet of Her Majesty (ehem!), His Majesty’s amusement with written words, a talking Dolphin, and “Log.” And of course, court culminated with the elevation of Trimaris’ first Triple Peer, Earl Benen. His Excellency was elevated into the Order of the Pelican amidst much emotion and celebration. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen my Grampa Baron Taly ever so overcome with emotion. It was a very proud moment. Benen’s ceremony included kind words from all of the peerages, and the receival of a most beautiful cloak made by his lady-wife, Countess Rosabel. It was quite a historic moment, and one that I was most pleased to witness. Feast was most delicious and QUITE stuffing. I actually had to skip dessert, as I was most full (and that is QUITE a feat!) Mistress Laura kept up to her very typical high standards of excellence, and filled everyone’s belly. Later on in the evening, there was a general celebration in the hall for Earl Benen’s elevation and also in honor of Seosaidh’s and Ysabeau’s nuptials. Earl Benen was given a most beautiful glass-topped triangular wooden box with each of the peerage motifs carved on the sides and inscribed on the glass. The box held an INCREDIBLE triple-peerage medallion made by a combined effort of House Ac Dubh. If I am not mistaken, the design was provided by Countess Maisie, and the medallion was cast by Milady Toiree (I KNOW I’m spelling that wrong.) It is a most impressive piece of work. My report must end here, as I was quite tired from the event, and done in from the heat, and thus returned to my cabin for some rest. In summation, I am most grateful to the hosts of the event, and to the courtesy and chivalry extended all around. Fighters, the displays of heraldry were simply wonderful. I laud all of your efforts. Would that I were able to fight myself, I would count myself a very lucky man to be part of your fine company. Messer Giuseppe Francesco da Borgia, Seventh Barone, Barony of Wyvernwood.

Leather & Lace Wars
On 5-14/16-99 the Shire of Brineside Moor presents Leather and Lace Wars held at Camp Cricket. Events include archery (field, royal rounds, novelty shoot and IKAC), Heavy weapons lysts and rapier lyst, with a rapier field for FIVE HOURS! More fencing than you could shake a stick at! Planned are several Tavern Brawls, including a “Ladies Nite” lyst, “New Authorized fighters” lyst, “Olde Fighters” lyst, “Drunkards” lyst, and anything else the lyst master might dream up. There is a brewing display scheduled also. Scheduled classes are a C.P.R. re- certification class; Ariana Veneziano will teach a class on Rapier Armour or how to pass armor inspection and still look good; Dulcia Macpherson teaching The evolution of Elizabethan Costuming and a second class tips and techniques of Elizabethan costuming; Lady Catherine Abernathy teaching Basic mead Brewing; Mistress Ann of Hendon teaching The evolution of costuming early to late (or how your clothes change); Mistress Damara Narrissa on how to make your encampment look more period. Autocrat Thomas Skotkollr, Feastcrat Laird Ian MacBolotolph de Erroll
(event report by Autocrat, Thomas Skotkollr) the winners of the lysts and the leather and lace awards. Heavy weapons: Count Bo Kumoton he overwhelmingly took both lysts the round robin and the bear pit .prize a black enameled steel shield 19 x 36 light weapons : Three categories first two went to Lord Khalid prize: a white rapier shirt w/ lace, and a black leather reversible frog for lefties or righties! Third category goes to Porthos of Glymmerhold: prize a green buckler with a Leather and Lace symbol on it, by the way he seems to be collecting our rapier prizes, is any one else interested in maybe getting some of these? I am speaking directly to the dons here… Archery goes to Nail who came from behind in the point standings to over take trikeen on the last round, prize: a target with an arrow in the bulls eye and a archers tunic in black and red. The leather prize was awarded to a lady from Darkwater for the best early costume: Crisanthia De Grey The best Lace costume was won by a lady from our own shire as of this time she has no name her mundane name is Tammy Randall. We had eleven fighters show up for the day and we are very appreciative for them since the king had fighter practice with dark sword this past weekend and more than likely a lot of them were there. we had very few archers so the rounds were started late and they were short as no one brought there archery equipment nail and the list mistress allowed the contestants to use the same equipment (no one has an advantage that way) the rapier lysts were long and there were something like 8 fighters for this lyst as well I also assume there were many at the fighter practice rather that our event. The feast was beyond any other so far served no one was able to finish the dinner the roman feast was awesome !! and the baklava although made with walnuts was beyond excellence as well as the Spanish style pork and the beef sirloin tip roast. We can say that Laird Ian MacBoltoph De Erroll is in the same league as Lord Anon Nam Beanton, look for him to be doing it at martin mass , ohh are you gonna die for his food. Laird Ian will be Autocratting the event, so be there . we had four impromptu performers for our feast and I cant thank them enough Porthos told us a story and Khalid and his lady sang for us, as well as our own grace who performed a lovely piece for us first. And lastly I would love to thank all those who enjoyed my mead and light lagers after the feast. and perhaps I might begin brewing the chocolate mead for some special occasion next year, since people almost started a fight over it Saturday night(we only had one 12 oz bottle to spread around and the term liquid sex was used several times.)I have to say for those who wanted to attend this event and didn’t , I am truly sorry, however you may be able to taste some of those feast foods at the next assassins ball at the Myakka river state park on June 25th.

Battle of Uji
Talewinds, April AS XXXIII, 1999 On 5-21/23-99 join the Shire of the Ruins and House Takamatsu for the Battle of Uji at Camp Rotary. “The (in)famous Uji River Bridge Tourney. Melee team wood battle, and much more than can fit here. Autocrat Lord Arinaga Yoshiakira, Feastcrat Lord Predan Ackborne.

The Trimarian Cavalry
To the Good People of Trimaris do The Honorable Lady Brenna Caitlin MacGrioghair and Lady Aurora Danielle Trevelyan send humble greetings this day. So excited to see all this new found interest in the equestrian arts. To answer a few questions we thought we would post and let everyone know what we have been up to. The Trimarian Cavalry currently has about 33 authorized riders, 7 authorized equestrian marshals and 10 authorized ground crew members. We were able to travel with our horses to Gulf Pours where we had a splendid time slopping around in the mud with equestrians from the all over the Known World. Our beloved Duchess Elina and her lord, Duke Steven were even able to authorize as advanced members of the Trimarian Cavalry and Marshals at Large. His Majesty Tearlach enjoyed a gallop across Hastings field on our faithful mount Renwick’s Rogue. We have held two equestrian events this year with the help of the fine Shire of Glymmerholde and several practices. We are currently busy on plans to have around 10 horses at TMT. Their Majesties plan on riding into their Crown Tournament. We are planning several demos of the equestrian games and some great classes. The Honorable Lady Moyra MacGrioghair is putting the final touches on the requirements for our new Equestrian College. We would like to invite the populace to come and enjoy the horses with us at TMT. Jonush has fashioned a beautiful quintain and we will all be having another run at it, along with running the saracen head and ring jousting courses.Come see why 1200 pounds of steel shod Trimarian falls under the Marshallate!

On Saturday, May 22nd Shire of the Storm and the Shire of Narval Dorado will be holding a one day demo at the St. Petersburg Main Library. Heavy Fighting is planned for 1 pm and Light Fighting is planned for 3 pm. Demos ongoing! Please bring something to work on! Period Pavilions appreciated! If you want to bring yours, please let us know so we can plan for it! We would like to have the many aspects of the SCA represented, since fighting demos are planned, we would like Art/Sci demos to occur during the day, whether it is sitting and working on your latest project or something participatory like a dance. Demo-Crat: Christoph of Grey

Trimaris Memorial Tourney
Talewinds, April AS XXXIII, 1999 On 5-28/31-99 the Kingdom of Trimaris presents Trimaris Memorial Tourney to be held at Camp La Noche. Autocrat Lady Desirata Wendaway, Saturday Feastcrat, Countess Judith Maryse, Sunday Feastcrat Johanna Angelika Mischak and Elsnor Janice Brunner.
At the Court of TRM Tearlach and Cathlin
Order of the Pelican – Elizabeth Stafford Parr Pembrooke (Darkwater)
Meghan Oriana Lauder (Darkwater)
Court Barony – Diane Wyndalan of Kidwelly (An Crosaire)
Triskele Trimaris – Genevieve la Rousse (Starhaven)
Grant of Arms – Rebekah Anne Parr Pembroke (Swampkeype)
Award of Arms – Ysabeau al Durant
Lucas Henry
Iain Cailean MacKee (Storm)
Ichimitsu (Vaca del Mar) awarded at Feast
OSS – Iain Cailean Mackee (Storm)
OMS – Ichimitsu (Vaca del Mar)
At Crown Tourney, Sir Mittion von Weald and the Honorable Lady Bridghid Caileen of the Moors became the Prince and Princess of Trimaris

Summer Art/Sci
On 6-11/13-99 The Summer Art/Sci was held at Deerhaven Camp, sponsored by Nan Crioch Tuatha. Heptathion Categories: Illumination, Dance, Drawing, Food Prep, Research Materials, Sculpture, Vintning. Herr Wilhelm Frawlenlop of Castlemere is now the holder of the Bells for Masque Laureate. Which means the Masque, Troubador and Poet Laureates are
all held by three of the Founding Deans of P.A.G.O.T.
AT the Court of TRM Tearlach and Catlin
Order of the Emerald Sea – Arioghanwyn Ferch Angus, Darkwater
Award of Arms – Lorcan O’Dubhgaille, Wyvernwood
Antonio Miguel Santos y Borja, Wyvernwood
Gangaar Ungi, An Crosaire
Order of the Trefoil Argent – Jean Claude Dominique, Darkwater
Order of the Triskele Trimaris – Carmenetia Rosia Diez y Rodriquez, An Crosaire
Grant of Arms – Daimhin Cinncaidhe, An Crosaire
Order of the Fletcher – Emer ni Maedbh, An Crosaire
Order of the Morning Star – Osric of Aragon
Order of the Silver Trident – Victor Hildebrant von Koln
Other Acclaims: (from Mistress Nadira Kadin)
Crowns acclaim went to knighting scroll – Lady Isabeau ( Ian’s wife)
Coronet acclaim went to the clock – Lord Thomas
Laurels acclaim went to a display on medicinals – Lady Genevra
Peoples acclaim went to Chain mail coif – Ethaniel Von Weald
Patron of the Arts: Barony of Darkwater with 78 points

The following letter was sent in response to the various questions, concerns and postings relative to the suspension of the Baron and Baroness of Wyvernwood, Messer Giuseppe Francesco da Borgia and H.L. Rowen MacBrighde. (Mka Joe and Rebecca Cook) by Their Majesties Tearlock and Cathlin.
This is, I am afraid, a very long post, as befits a very grave issue. My apologies for asking you to wade through it all, but there is no way to adequately respond to your concerns in a short missive.
While Cat and Tear are on the Throne, I feel that I shouldn’t have a privileged position just because I happen to be married to the Queen. I do have some knowledge of what’s going on, though, and will be happy to share my insights. You will understand that these remarks are my opinions, based on information I have picked up, NOT official information from the Crown.
I have learned that the Barony’s problems are of long standing, and are *much* more severe than I for one had ever imagined. I gather there is a considerable file of complaints in the Kingdom Seneschal’s records, beginning shortly after Joe and Becky’s elevation. There has been increasing dissatisfaction among the Barony’s Peers, many of whom feel they have been systematically denigrated and excluded from the life of the Barony by the incumbent Baron and Baroness. There have also been complaints that the Baron and Baroness have intentionally
made various people and households feel unwelcome in their home Barony.
Previous Crowns have been cognizant of the increasing tensions in Wyvernwoode, and have tried to get Joe and Becky to resolve them. For instance, Countess Nadira was sent to discuss the state of affairs with them last September. The Baron and Baroness basically stonewalled, denying that there were any problems, and making no attempt to defuse the
situation. Far from being a sudden occurrence, this crisis has been building for well over a year, and the Baronial couple has been fully aware of the increasing dissatisfaction of successive Crowns. Some of these problems spill over from the Game into the real world.
The King and Queen felt from the accumulated evidence in Kingdom files, information from previous Crowns, and complaints made directly to them, that the effectiveness of Giuseppe and Rowan as the Crown’s representatives was questionable. When they found out that the
Peers of Wyernwoode were holding a meeting to discuss the Barony’s problems, the Queen signified her intention to attend and obtain more information. To minimize potential damaging rumors and turmoil in the Barony, the Queen commanded the Peers to keep silent pending action by the Crown. After the meeting, the Queen called His Majesty. Following discussion, they agreed that the situation in Wyvernwoode was unacceptable.
The following night, the Queen requested that the Baron and Baroness meet with her. She suggested that they bring several peers of their own choice to advise them. By mutual agreement, Countess Nadira was selected as a neutral moderator. The Baron and Baroness continued to deny
there was any problem in Wyvernwoode, and claimed that they had never been notified of any complaints. The Queen informed them that this was unsatisfactory. To save the Barony from further division and bitterness, she offered them the option of resigning with honor and thus defusing a potentially damaging conflict. They did not accept this opportunity to end the unfortunate situation gracefully. Consequently, having stated the Crown’s cause as per Corpora, the Queen suspended them from the title and duties of Baron and Baroness.
A meeting of the Wyvernwoode populace was set to announce the suspension and request written opinions from the Barony’s people. Pending the meeting, the Queen instructed everyone involved to refrain from public comment. This Joe and Becky did not do. Rather, they fired off
missives to all and sundry, and did their best to mobilize a hostile reception for the Queen. They even broadcast the situation to Atlantia. I’ve been shown an e-mail from Baron Bran indicating that he and the Barony of Sacred Stone were in an uproar that the Trimarian Crown was
behaving so badly. Involving subjects of another Kingdom in an internal Trimarian affair is in my opinion both bad taste and a violation of fealty [by Kingdom Law, landed Barons *do* swear fealty]. The meeting of the Wyvernwoode populace was, from all accounts, a gathering as close to a lynch mob as could be rounded up on short notice. All that was missing were pitchforks and torches. The Queen, supported by HRH Prince Mittion, formally announced that the Baron and Baroness had been suspended. She then asked for letters from the citizens of Wyvernwoode
giving their honest evaluation of Joe and Becky’s performance, commenting on any problems they were aware of, and stating whether they thought Joe and Becky should remain Baron and Baroness. There was a great deal of shouting, abuse and downright invective from Joe and Becky’s supporters. This was not a memorable day for the vaunted chivalry, courtesie and civility of which the SCA is so proud. The disrespect, rudeness and vulgarity some Wyvernwoode “gentlefolk” bellowed, brayed and hooted at their Queen was unworthy of followers of “The Dream.” Now, much has been made of the “secrecy” of the “charges” against Joe and Becky. That I can address of my own knowledge. First of all, there *are* no “Charges”… this is not a trial. It is also not removal of an officer or banishment. This is the Crown deciding whether or not there is “just and stated cause” to do something about the people they’ve delegated their ceremonial presence in Wyvernwoode to. The Crown needs to get the populace’s input before deciding on appropriate action. But Corpora, Kingdom Law and the Society Seneschal all three say that the status of a landed Baron depends solely on the Crown’s judgement.
The Crown has throughout this sordid affair been painstakingly careful to follow not only the letter but the spirit of Corpora and Kingdom Law. The King and Queen have consulted the Society’s Seneschal every step of the way. The Crown’s reading of Corpora and conversations with the Society Seneschal led them to decide that to avoid any appearance of slander or
defamation, detailed complaints and other documentation should not be made public. So they’ve explained the complaints and their views to the individuals involved, but not publicized them beyond those who have the need and the right to know. This is in line with the “Channels for
Complaint and Appeal” guidelines in the “SCA Organizational Handbook.”
Despite what may be thought, a landed Baron does *not* rule his Barony. He is not an officer. He cannot appoint or dismiss the Barony’s officers, nor does he have any authority over them. He is not legally responsible to the populace, and does not officially represent them. By Corpora and Kingdom Law, he is the Crown’s ceremonial representative in the Barony. That’s
all. Corpora spells it right out: C.VI.B.2.a: “The basic duties of the Baron and/or Baroness are ceremonial in nature in reflecting the royal presence in the barony. The Crown may assign additional duties and responsibilities, according to the laws and customs of the kingdom.”
It is not possible for a person who lacks the Crown’s confidence to effectively represent that Crown. In this case, it is obvious that the present Baron/Baroness *do not* effectively represent the Crown. If they did, we wouldn’t be dealing with this. Evidence is strong that they have instead seen the Barony as their own small kingdom, held by their own right rather than in trust. It looks to me like they have used their position to build a personal power-base rather than acting as vicars for the Crown. It also looks to me that they have badly overestimated the
“power” of their position without due regard to Corpora.
All of that aside, their actions during and since their meeting with the Queen would alone be sufficient for dismissal. Instead of trying to deal with the situation quietly and cause as little damage to the Barony and Kingdom as possible, they have intentionally “cried havoc and
let loose the dogs of war” against the Crown.
Particularly reckless was attempting to mobilize a Barony in *another Kingdom* against their own Crown! What does Atlantia have to do with the internal affairs of Trimaris? How does *that* serve our Realm? To maintain their own position, they have split their Barony with useless
recrimination, broken their pledged fealty to the Crown, and spread conflict throughout the Kingdom and beyond. Looks to me like their only concern is to retain their own status at all costs regardless of the Realm’s welfare. Hate to have to say that. Joe was my baronial “grandson,”
and I’ve always thought highly of him. But there it is.
Whatever the situation was before, it’s painfully obvious that Joe and Becky have not been, are not now and *cannot* in the future be the Crown’s presence in Wyvernwoode. The suspension is fully justified by Corpora, Kingdom Law and the facts in the case.
One final note: I must say I admire more than I can tell the grace, self-control and courage with which my Beloved Spouse has met the adversities of this past week. She’s been yelled at, cursed at, insulted and vilified, and come through it all as a true Queen. Elizabeth would be proud! As am I. In service to the Realm, Sir Erich M. F. W. von Rabenskalt und von Kampf,
KSCA, OWC, OWS OBL, OTAT, OGB, ARMS Baron of the Trimarian Court

Secret Assasins’ Fourth Ball
Talewinds, July 1999 AS XXXIV On 6-25/27-99 the Secret Assassins Fourth Ball will be held at Myakka State Park, brought to you by the Shire of Brineside Moor. This is a very primitive site. Events to be held are the Assassins’ Tournament, Heavy Weapons Lyst, Light Weapons Lyst, unfortunately no archery. Autocrat Alexandria Domonique, Feastcrat Lord Annan Nam Beanton.
At the Court of TRM Tearlach and Cathlin
Argent Palm – Willow, Glymmerholde
Proposed Law change read into law.
Proposed amendments, additions or change to Greater Kingdom Law must be published in the Kingdom’s newsletter, Talewinds. Correspondence concerning the proposed amendments will be accepted by the Crown from peers and populace for a period of four weeks. after review of the
correspondence by the Crown and Kingdom Seneschal, the proposed amendment may become law. The new law must become law. The new law must be proclaimed at an official event and published in Talewinds at the first opportunity.

Announcement of the suspension of the Baron and Baroness of Wyvernwood

St. Jerome’s Study
Talewinds, July 1999 AS XXXIV On Saturday, 7-17-99, the Peers and Associates of the Kingdom of Trimaris will present St. Jerome’s Study, a day of learning and revelry at the Unitarian Universalist Church of St. Petersburg. Class spaces are filling up with a full variety of subjects within the Arts and Sciences, Martial arts, and the fine art of Service and Administration. Other special activities include a Herald’s Persuivant examination, and a choral workshop led by our own soon-to-be Mistress Dulcia. Just as a reminder, the choral workshop involves pre-registration. Those who mail in their pre-registration fees and information will receive music and a CD from H. L. Dulcia to assist in pre-event preparation of the pieces to be practiced. H.L. Dulcia is putting a lot of work into this project, and I would like to encourage as much support of this workshop as possible. This is an EXCELLENT opportunity for those members of the populace who have always wanted to participate in a choral group, but have never had the opportunity.
At the Court of TRM TRM Tearlach and Cathlin
Award of Arms – Isabella De La Bastida, Wyvernwood
Augmentation of Arms – Warijna Waleska Katzjmjr, Narval Dorado
(complete with a standing Ovation)
Other Actions :
Letter of voluntary resignation of the Baron and Baroness of Wyvernwood read.

A Summer Revel
On 7-23/25-99 the Shire of Nan Crioch Tuatha presents A Summer Revel.
Since there was no official court business, no awards given, no announcements, I am forwarding this well written, concise report of the schitck that was court. Haakon
Greetings unto the fair and noble Gentles of Trimaris!
The foul miscreant at A Summer Thang has been found! With the help of the good, law abiding Gentles that attended the event, seven possible evil doers were called before TRM at court for trial. Among the accused miscreants were…
Earl Syr Brendan… accused of deserting Trimaris in it’s darkest hour, and intriguing the fairer sex of our kingdom. < Vindicated… proven that he in fact did not desert, but was sent on a scouting mission/ his accusers also could not prove that intriguing the fairer sex was criminal>
Orson O’Donnald… accused of not sharing his air-conditioned hut.
Saoirse Eilit Ni Floinn (Doe)… accused of starting a food fight with HRM Tearlach at a feast…
Morgan the Pict… accused of stirring up a ruckus and acting like a child… <vindicated, on=”” account=”” of=”” hormonal=”” imbalance=”” due=”” to=”” pregnancy=””>
Cahir Na Coille Moire… accused of taking advantage of our kingdom’s fair ladies while they may not be in their cups, and public intoxication without sharing…
Lady Brenna Jerra… accused of being far too beauteous, and for laughing at a gentle, not once, but twice!
HRM Tearlach… accused of the wetting of many good Gentles and innocent children, fidgeting during court, skinning and leaving nekkid a gentle’s pet cow, the wearing of obscene cow printed shorts :::wonders where they came from::: and worst of all… for not taking the fair lady Loki to the soiree….< Found grossly guilty of all charges and more!>
Yes! Tis true! Our foul miscreant was in fact our own King! And to his honor, he stood for his stoning with much bravery. His loyal guards Olaf and Hakkon ::::knows she can’t spell…::: as well as the brave and chivalrous Earl Syr Brendan stood as a wall to protect the King from the onslaught. The stoning was fantastically horrible! Water stones sailed through the air with incredible speed and number, the Kings protectors where covered in water! Their drippings soak the ground! Oh! The humanity! Anyway… although the King’s men tried valiantly, some water stones did in fact slip through their walls to pelt the King, but being the warrior he is… he made due with what he could find to pelt the stoners back! In the end, the King was saved by his brave and loyal men, and having taken his punishment… HRM Tearlach was then forgiven, and our faire kingdom was once again considered a decent place to live!
At this time, The Shire of Peregrine Springs would like to thank all the wonderful gentles who helped us flush out our miscreant, The accused who good naturedly stood their trials, HRM Cat for being incredible in her judgements of our miscreants, and above all… HRM Tearlach for taking his punishment like the honorable man that he is! If not for all these people, our stoning would not have been as grand as it turned out to be!
VIVAT TRIMARIS! In service to the Kingdom and the Dream. Saoirse Eilit Ni Floinn</vindicated,>

A Summer Thang
Talewinds, July 1999 AS XXXIV On 7-23/25-99 the Shire of Perigrine Springs proudly presents A Summer Thang, event and summer fund raiser to be held at the Riverforest Campground. This is a wet site. There will be fighting and games galore (water fights!!), Three legged, two headed lyst for heavy weapons. Crested helm tourney (crests will be supplied and will be water balloons. Light weapons lyst with blade and pistol (water pistol that is). Bells and water balloons, blindfolded boffer weapons melee and much more. Autocrat Loraybech. Feastcrat Cadahia Colthor.
At the Court of TRM Tearlach and Cathlin

Pennsic War
On 8-6/21-99 the Pennsic War 28 will be held at Slippery Rock PA. This is the official battle schedule: Wednesday, 8/18; Belted Champions immediately followed by Unbelted Queen’s Champions. Archery Champions. Mountain Pass. Thursday, 8/19: War Point Archery Shooting. Woods. Friday, 8/20: War Point Archery Shooting. Bridge. Allied Champions. Saturday, 8/21: War Point Archery Shooting. Field. There are no war points this year.

Fall Coronation
Talewinds, July 1999 AS XXXIV On 9-3/6-99 Coronation will be held at Camp LaNoChe. Autocrat Lady Desirata Wendaway, Feastcrat Saturday Baron Siegfried Conrad Georg Heydrich, Feastcrat Sunday Johanna Angelika Mischuk and Elsinor.

Swamp Thing
Talewinds, July 1999 AS XXXIV On 9-10/12-99 the Shire of Swamp Keype sponsors Swamp Thing at Glen Rose Ranch. Come join us as we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Canton of Swamp Thing. Lyst battle to include a torch light tourney on Friday, resurrection battle on Saturday, with light weapons and live weapons. Some stables are available for horses. Autocrat Kathrain Rose Jenkins and Morgan Sparhawk, Feastcrat Somhairle O’Laidhigh

9-17/19-99 Sponsored by An Crosaire at Camp Immokalee

20th Anniversary Event
Talewinds, July 1999 AS XXXIV On 9-17/19-99 The Shire of Sea March presents their 20th Anniversary Event held at the West Palm Beach Garden Club. “Lords and Ladies and Sheep, Oh My, Sea March is turning 20 this year. Come and celebrate with us. Entertainment will include Pas d’Armes. Light weapons lyst, Art/Sci Display and much more. Autocrat Caitlin O’Drogheda, Feastcrats Lorcan McDoin and Fiona Maried.

Village Faire
10-8/10-99 Barony of Darkwater at Camp LaNoChe

Champion of Glymmerholde

Goblin Lah
10-22/24-99 Barony of Darkwater at Camp Wewa

Baron’s Champion
11-6-99 Barony of Darkwater at Camp Wewa

Martinmas Moot
11-12/14-99 Brineside Moor at Camp LaNoChe