Recent Kingdom Notes

February 16, 2025

The Kingdom of Trimaris

The Three Seas of Power

Trimaris History – 1998

42 min read



From Talewinds, January AS XXXII
From Stromek and Alianore, King and Queen of Trimaris Unto the People of Trimaris:
Hear Us now, good people, for We do crave a boon of Our cantons, shires and baronies. As Gulf Wars approaches, but some 2 months away, help is now needed to cull the gifts that will be given to the Crowns and Coronets of the kingdoms represented at that war. Good people, last year gift baskets were created for 13 crowns-in-attendance, and even with so many wonderful items donated for this cause, we were still a bit hard pressed. We therefore ask the many talented people of Our Kingdom to begin now to create gifts, gifts that will represent the many talents and artistic skills of our Kingdom. So as not to place an undue burden on one or two individuals, We ask that each group “adopt-a-kingdom.” Mastyeritsa Ekaterina Adrianovna (with help from her dear Sir Demetrius) has kindly offered to coordinate this project.
At this time also, Casa di Rienzi has graciously offered to construct boxes, painted with colors/arms of the various kingdoms, into which the gifts may go. Additionally, Ld. Wilfred is crafting small wooden boxes as gifts and the Barony of Darkwater and the Order of the White Scarf (yes, orders and peerages may also “adopt-a-kingdom”) have already chosen their kingdom to sponsor.

Proposed Changes to Trimaris Kingdom Law
Their Royal Majesties, Stromek and Alianore propose the following changes to Trimaris Kingdom Law. The populace is invited to submit comments regardign the proposed changes in writing for eight weeks from the publication date of this Talewinds:
Part X Section B (page10 in the 1995 printing of the laws) is to read:
“Territorial Barons and Baronesses may establish a maximum of three (3) non- armigerous awards which shall be specific to their Barony, one of which pertains to the Martial Arts (including heavy weapons, light weapons, archery and live weapons.”
Part XIII Section E. Ordered Grants – (page 11 in the 1995 printing of the laws) is to read:
“Ordered Grants – these awards may carry a Grant of Arms at the Crown’s discretion”
Part XIII Section G. Kingdom Armigerous Awards – (page 12 in the 1995 printing of the laws) is to read:
“Kingdom Armigerous Awards – these awards may carry an Award of Arms at the Crown’s discetion.”
The last two paragraphs are meant to clarify the concept that it is Royal Prerogative that adds the GoA or AoA to a Kingdom award, that it is not an automatic “given.”
The Order of the Sea Urchin will be reopened.

Interkingdom Archery Standings
Trimaris is in 12th place in the Open Division of the IKAC as of November 25, with an overall score of 178.6. The top three archers are Sir Erika Bjornsdottir – 191; Bactaan – 177, Brytor – 168.

Hero of the Chalice
Talewinds January AS XXXII 1-2/4-98, The Barony of Wyvernwood presents Hero of the Chalice at the Rotary Camp. “The Barony of Wyvernwood extends an invitation to all Trimaris and beyond, to join us in our New Year’s celebration and tourney. Help us ring in the new year by adding your cheer to ours as we make merry with feasting and dancing and partake in our traditional Hero of the Chalice Lyst, fencing lyst, archery, Bonfire of the Christmas Trees, the investiture of Giuseppe and Rowan, and more!” Autocrat, Master Godfrey de Shipbrook; Feastcrat, HL Finnoughuala Suile Daini

Feast of St. Benet
1-10-98, Barony of An Crosaire held their annual 12th Night festivities, called Feast of St. Benet at the Florida Bible Camp

Winter Arts & Sciences Faire
Talewinds January AS XXXII, 1-16/18-98. Winter Arts & Science Faire was hosted by the Shire of Glymmerholde and the Shire of Sangre del Sol and held at the Rotarian Camp. Events included the Vigil & Elevation of Kurn Ofarrell; Re-enactment of Stamford Bridge Battle (9-25-1066); Judging of Art/Sci projects; Seige engine competition; Masque Laureate competition; Invitational Tourney of Love, companions of the Silver Swan; fantastic, unbelievable feast (limit 100); Viking night court; formal Bardic performances; classes all day; games for children. Autocrat, Lord Elric of Wyvern & Lady Sanchia the Sly; Feastcrat Baron Sigfried Heydrich
Breuse Hartswood reported that there were 25 classes taught at Art/Sci

Rapier Symposium III
1-31-98, Peregrine Springs at Lake Mary Civic Center

From Talewinds, February AS XXII
Proposed Changes to Trimaris Kingdom Law
Their Royal Majesties, Stromek and Aianore propose the following changes to Trimaris Kingdom Law. The populace is invited to submit comments regardign the proposed changes in writing for eight weeks from the publication date of this Talewinds:
Secton XIII, Part C, Number 2 is to read:
“When an individual receives a Kingdom level armigerous award, sh/he does not automatically receive the arms (AoA, GoA, Patent) which accompany the award, unless s/he already holds arms of such precedence. The armigerous part of the award shall be given by the will of the Crown and shall be so noted.”

From the Performing Artists Guild
“…Next month at TMT we will celebrate the second anniversary of the formation of the guild. The guild is a voluntary confederation of performing artists who are members of the Kingdom of Trimaris. We are not an official organization of either the SCA or the Kingdom. In fact, there are many fine performing artists in our Kingdom who have not affiliated themselves with our Guild and we honor their choice…The members of this group (the guild) are referred to as the “Deans” of the Guild. The original group of Deans, the Founding Deans, can be identified by the Gold braid they wear in their “clutch” of ribbons. The Deans who have been chosen since the formation of the Guild can be identified by the Silver braid in their “clutch” of ribbons…Our purpose is to encourage the perfroming arts and the performing artists of this kingdom. At kingdom events, we gather and share our love of the performing arts … The Guild recognizes eight different areas of the performing arts, with colorful ribbons which are given freely and Guild members wear with pride. To earn a ribbon, a member must simply do something in one of the following categories. Our purpose is to encourage. Vocal Arts – Blue; Spoke Arts – Orange; Instrumental – Green; Dance – Plaid; Street Entertainer – Yellow; Teacher – White; Composition – Pink; Patron – Lavender.

Trident Tourney
Talewinds January AS XXXII, 2-6/8-98, the Barony of Darkwater presents Trident Tourney to be held at Camp Wewa. “Discover the thrill of a Torchlight Tourney Pas de Armes, 10 pm Friday, where chivalry and honor reign supreme. On Saturday, take part in the annual Trident Tourney and se who will be the next to bear this title. All tourney entrants are expected to bring a can of food as an entrance fee. All artisans are hereby invited to display work for the honor of Darkwater’s Champion of the Arts & Sciences. In addition to the heavy weapons activity, there will be a fencing tourney and a combat archery competition on Saturday. Come one and all to a rousing bardic circle in the round house Saturday eveing after feast. All this and more at this year’s Trident Tourney.” Autocrat, Gwynna de le Pole and Mistress Ekaterina Adrianovna Sininikova; Feastcrat, Killian O’Ferral.

Hoggetowne Medieval Faire
Talewinds January AS XXXII 2-6/8-98, the Barony of An Crosaire participates in the Annual Hoggetowne Medieval Faire, presented by the City of Gainesville. Featured are armored jousting, living chess game, full flight falconry, 100 artisans, jugglers & Jesters, minstrels & dancers, games & rides. Join the Barony of An Crosaire in their activities, which include heavy weapons demo, rapier demo, artisan’s live demo, static museum, live target archery booth where fighters come out and play with the kids (big and small) combat arrows with Baldar blunts will be used. If you would like to set up items in the museum or demonstrate your craft, please contact the autocrat, Lady Chabi Merkit.

Oldenfeld’s 26th (Or So) Anniversary Event
Talewinds February AS XXXII 2-6/8-98, The Shire of Oldenfeld celebrates their Anniversary at Camp Indian Springs. “Featuring – Poetry Contests, Drawing Contests, Archery Contests, History of Oldenfeld Contest, Pancake Race, along with Oldenfeld’s usual cast of contests. There will be singing, dancing, revelry, fighting, shooting, feasting (c’mon you guys know the drill, get with it).” Autocrat, Theadora Tracy the Confused; Feastmaster, Lawrence the Singed.

Scots Welsh War V
Talewinds January AS XXXII 2-13/15-98, the Kingdom of Trimaris and the Shire of Tri O’s are proud to announce Scots Welsh War V, to be held at Camp Wewa. “Once again the Armies of the Cymru and Scotland draw together for the honor and glory of battle. This year they again stand together and challenge all of Trimaris to meet them on the field of combat to test their mettle and ready themselves for Gulf War. Battles! Field, fortress & resurrection, combat archery in every battle, seige engines in every battle. Arts & Sciences Fair, showcase your entries from Winter Art/Sci or what you will be taking to Gulf War. A sumptuous feast prepared by Sayyid Kalim for the first 50.” Autocrat, Odo FitzHugh; Feastcrat, Sayyid Khalim al ibar; Battlecrat, Sir Llywelyn ap Cadwalladre

Cutlasses & Corsaires
Talewinds January AS XXXII 2-20/22-98, The Shire of Castlemere presents Cutlasses and Corsaires along with Put Up Your Dukes, at Camp Immokalee. “A little war to break the monotamy and a coupl’ of Dukes, too. Come join the fun and festivities including: Tavern Brawl Lights lyst, Defender of Castlemere Lyst, Heavies Prize Lyst, Arts & Sciences Classes, Bard of Castlemere Competitiion, a Grand Carribean Feast by Countess Chealsea, and much, much more.” Autocrat, Lord Agami Ryu Koro-no-Minamoto and Wilhelm Frawenlop; Feastcrat Countess Chealsea
From Talewinds, April AS XXXII – From the Performing Arts Guild, Wilhelm Frawenlop
At the recently concluded Cutlasses and Corsaires, the Shire of Castlemere sponsored two major Bardic Activities, that included participation by several well known members of our Guild:
Bard of Castlemere II
For the second consecutive year, the Shire of Castlemere sponsored the “Bard of Castlemere” competition. This yar, the field was limited to active Castlemere members. The winner will represent the Shire in Bardic activities around our glorious Kingdom, as well as foster the growth of the Bardic arts within the Shire of Castlemere.
Based on a strong vocal performance, Angus Armstrong, was selected to be the Bard of Castlemere. He will hold this position until next year’s C&C event. At which time he will be responsible for conducting the competition to select his successor. At Court, Angus Armstrong was presented with the colorful baldric, which identifies the Bard of Castlemere.
Warrior Bardic I
In honor of the victories of our Kingdom armies in Gulf Wars past, the Shire of Castlemere sponsored at C&C, a Warrior Bardic tournament. Bards competed in five different performance categories throughout a warm and sunny day. The category competitions were held in the Chapel at Camp Immokalee, against a picture postcard backdrop of a placid lake.
Following is a list of the categories and those who emerged victorious.
Music – Master Rurik
Dramatic Presentation – Master Rurik
Best Death Scenes – Ian fitzPatric
Poetry – Jean Francesca
Bardic Storytelling – Kahid West Port
That night at feast, the category winners and the Bard of Castlemere competed in a double elimination lyst for the right to face Master Rurik in the final round. By virtue of his tow category wins, Master Rurik was granted a bye until the final round. After a fiercely contested semi-final, Angus Armstrong emerged victorious.
The finals were preceded by a duet featuring Master Rurik and Angus Armstrong. Each round of the “best 2 out of 3” finals was a different style of the Bardic Arts, with Master Rurik issuing challenges to Angus. The third round featured each competitor leading the populace in a song near and dear to the hearts of all Trimarians. Audience participation levels were considered in the scoring by the judges. The finals were extremely close, but the judges elected as follows:
Grand Champion – Angus Armstrong
Runner-up – Master Rurik
I would like to thank all those that donated prizes: Alex, the Huntingtons, Master Rurik and Mistress Cerdiwen. Also thanks be passed along to the good gentles who assisted with the judging. I was extremely grateful to Gregor, for assisting me throughout a rather busy day.

Long Nights Gathering
Talewinds January AS XXXII 2-20/22-98, the Shire of Narval Dorado presents Long Nights Gathering, the Arts of Love and War at Weeki Wachee Christian Camp. “Gulf Wars is rapidly approaching. Now is the time to hone your skills to ensure that Trimaris remains victorious! Melees, siege engines, combat archery, light weapons, authentic Italian Feast. Autocrats, Maureen Coughlin & Janice Brunner; Feastcrats, Crissy Brillant & Vince Mangone

From Talewinds, March AS XXXII
From the Minister of Arts and Sciences, Messer Giuseppe da Borgia
“…Speaking of documentation, I have another subject to address. After this past Winter Art-Sci, it was called to my attention that a number of entrants have begun to make use of the internet for researching historical information. While the internet itself is a wonderful research tool, I would like to remind all entrants that it is the duty and responsibility of the entrant to provide AT LEAST one primary or AT LEAST two secondary sources of documentation per entry. In other words, if one is to use a print-out from the internet for documentation, please be sure to help the judges by providing actual documentation sources. Simply printing out pages of info. from the world wide web and including them with your entry isn’t enough….”

Gulf Wars VII
Talewinds January AS XXXII 3-11/15-98, at Kings Arrow Ranch in Lumberton Mississippi. Come and enjoy the Battles, Tourneys, Live Weapons, Archery, Equestrian Competitions, Greyhound Coursing, numerous A&S competitions, and a variety of classes. There will be lots of shopping for the adults, Gosling Activities for the kids, and plenty more. Autocrat, Lord John the Pursuver, Co-Autocrat & Class Crat Master Erik of Telemark

Spring Coronation
Talewinds March AS XXXII 3-20/22-98, the Shire of Castlemere invites you to attend Spring Coronation at Camp Winona. “Come revel in the glory of the Coronation of TRH Wulfhere the Lion of Persia and Honoree von der Au. Also featuring a sumptuous Persian Feast, heavy and light weapons lysts, and more.” Autocrat, Don Cullen mac Petir Macgregor; Feastcrat, Jane Devereaux.
After feast, a Bardic Showcase was held, which was organized by Wilhelm Frawenlop (Performing Arts Guild) and Angus Armstrong (Bard of Castlemere). A number of artists performed for the populace and the Crown, who graced us with their presence. At the Bardic Showcase, Angus Armstrong was taken as an apprentice by Master Rurik Petrovitch Stoianov

St. Valentine’s Day Massacre
Talewinds April AS XXXII 4-3/5-98 The Barony of An Crosaire presented St. Valentine’s Day Massacre, held at the Florida Bible Camp. Come join us for a heavy weapons lyst, a rapier lyst, archery, lots of classes, contests and a great Italian feast. Autocrats, Caitlin O’Drogheda & Don Roibeard mac Sluaghadhain; Feastcrat, Qaratai.

Sangre del Sol’s Anniversary Event
Talewinds April AS XXXII On 4-3/5-98 House Blood Dragon Presents Sangre del Sol’s Anniversary Event held at Camp Greynolds. Come to the Shire of Sangre del Sol in sunny South Trimaris and help us celebrate our anniversary. This year’s theme is Ponce De Leon and the New World. Come and join us as we quest for the fountain of youth, and feast on traditional New World fare. The Conquistadors first set foot on North America at the beginning of the 16th century looking for gold, jewels and the mythical fountain of youth. History says they never found it, or did they? Come to Sangre and find out! Activities include Champion of Sangre del Sol lyst, First Blood Lyst, Quest for the Fountain of Youth (non-fighting, open to all ages), Feast, Bardic, and the $1 a yard fabric run. Autocrat, Criofan MacCoilan, Feastcrat Martina Escobar.

Leather & Lace War IV
Talewinds April AS XXXII 4-10/12-98 The Shire of Brineside Moor revives Leather & Lace Wars IV (early period vs late period) at Camp Soule. Featuring a resurrection battle, bardic competition, heavy weapons lyst, rapier lyst, archery lyst, chess lyst match and period dancing, middle English, arrow making, heraldry. Awards for the best use of leather and best use of lace. Site is tenting only. Feast includes a light supper on Friday as well as breakfact, lunch and grand feast on Saturday. Autocrat, Martin of the Moor, Feastcrat, Lord Annan Nam Beannton.

Revel Without a Pause
Talewinds April AS XXXII On Saturday, 4-18-98, the House Dragonstar and the Shire of Sea March present a day long revel at Dreher Park. Featuring the Champion of the Rose fencing lyst and Double Elimination Token heavy weapons lyst. Autocrat/Feastcrat Lady Katya Levente.

5th Annual Known World Art/Sci Symposium
Talewinds April AS XXXII 4-18/19-98 The Barony of Caerthe, Kingdom of the Outlands welcomes all to attend this year’s Known World Arts & Sciences Symposium to be held at Red Rocks Community College. We encourage all to attend and even more importantly encourage those who would like to teach to do so. There will be a feast at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds, created by Baroness Maria Isabella de Cordoba of Antir. A special interest display is planned. We welcome contributions to an arts and sciences display. Also on display will be authentic medieval manuscripts including a 16th century Choral Book. Autocrat, Lady Jorunn nic Lochiainn & Lady Taryn Brannick.

St. George’s Faire
Talewinds April AS XXXII 4-24/26-98 The Canton of Mathom Trove proudly present the 20th St. George’s Faire at Camp Winona. Come view all the pageantry and drama of the Crested Helm Prize Tourney. Witness displays of skill and courage by the flower of Trimarian Chivalry as they complete in the “Baston Course” Joust. Bit on your favorite team of “fighter” and “horse” for the right to choose among the sumptuous prizes donated by the talented artisans of Trimaris. Following the traditional lysts of the Faire, there will be a Challenge Tourney. Fighters are encouraged to deliver public challenges to each other in the months prior to the event. Consorts of the fighters and all other ladies present at the Faire shall form a Ladies’ Gallery to judge acts of chivalry and gallantry during the day. The Ladies’ Gallery shall also choose the Finest Crest to receive an especial prize. The Fairemaster shall bestow a prize for the Best Heraldic Display. Autocrat, Duena Ysabela Celestina Manrique de Palm y Majorca. Feastcrat, HL Teamhair Gleann de Locha.

Order of the Argent Palm – Sven Forlust (Barony of Darkwater)
Order of the Argent Scales – Anridir Tearlach – (Barony of Darkwater)

Summer Arts & Sciences Faire
Talewinds April AS XXXII 5-1/3-98 the Barony of Wyvernwood is proud to host Summer Arts & Sciences Faire to be held at Camp Ithiel. Events to include Friday Night Torch Light Tourney, Rapier Tavern Brawl, Archery, Classes, Living Dead Melee, Children’s boffer list, and much more. Autocrat, Lady Valeria Rufina Andalusiana, Feastcrat, Lady Sarah Tegan Holden.
From the Minister of Arts & Sciences, Marchese Giuseppe Francesco da Borgia. For those of you who did not have the opportunity to attend Summer Art/Sci, you missed quite a treat! The event featured a wonderful array of classes, martial activities, and fun for all. The entries themselves were simply unmatched in overall quality, and the general spirit of the event was both relaxing as well as enjoyable. It is a great feeling to know that the arts and sciences in Trimaris flourish and shine as an example to all.

Gathering of the Clans
Talewinds April AS XXXII 5-8/10-98 The Barony of Darkwater presents The Gathering of the Clans at Deerhaven Camp Ground. Featuring Highland Games, Archery Contest, Children’s Games, Lysts (traditional Highland Weapons only – Sword & Targ, Ax, Glave, Claymore or Spear), and much more. Autocrats: Sasha Gregorvich Villanov & Lady Bretislava Jerabek ne’Noyan. Feastcrat: Lady Elysa Baranowski.

Seneschal’s 1st quarter report from Lord Andre Jean Faucon, Kingdom Seneschal of Trimaris to Her Excellency Ellis O’Boirne
Shire of Amurgorod: (sustaining 17, Associate 6) The last report was received 1-15-98. I have not yet been informed of the promised change in Seneschal for this group. I await to hear further developments.
Barony of An Crosaire: (Sustaining 56, Associate 19) The Barony holds four meetings per month with an average attendance of forty. Classes in Morris Dancing, Dance, Newcomer, Converting Costuming Patterns, Bardic and Basic Heraldry were offered. Demos were held at Westwood Middle School for 30+ students. Topics included period food and everyday life. The local Barnes and Nobles was the site for a live display of period artisans at work. Finally the group participated once again in the Hoggetowne Medieval Faire. This event draws 30, 000+ people and has been a keystone demonstration for the group. In fact, the Barony does this so well, I have referred other groups to them, so that their presentation methods can be shared with and used by all. The Baronial succession has been decided. Once again this group should be complimented on the lack of politics involved with this process. The group didn’t even slow down and is in the midst of preparing for hosting our Trimaris Memorial Crown Tourney.
The Barony is about to bring into existence a new incipient canton located in Dixie County Florida. I anticipate no problems with this formation. My deputy for incipient groups will be hard at work helping both of our incipient groups strive to become successful.
Shire of Brineside Moor: (sustaining 21, associate 7) This quiet group has little activity to report for this quarter. I have noticed some of the group’s member names appearing in individual bids for events. A good sign of a group still keeping active and busy.
Shire of Castlemere: (sustaining 55, associate 24) Castlemere hosted the Kingdom’s Spring Coronation event. They seemed to be giving most of their attention to this and it showed. The event went off with few problems and all who attended had a good time. I expect to hear more about classes, etc. now that they have finished with the event. I expect to hear more about their normal operations again.
Incipient Shire of Chiens Frontiere: (sustaining 2, associate 3) The seneschal reports that the group is holding two meetings per month with an average attendance of six. The group is busy planning demos and other activities designed to help them reach potential new members.
Shire of Crystal Moor: (sustaining 3, associate 3) Crystal Moor has a new seneschal and is now holding weekly meetings. Attendance runs around 12 people. The group’s seneschal included photocopies of proof of membership for three new members. I am glad to see the membership increase go along with the increase in activity. A day event is in the planning stages.
Barony of Darkwater: (sustaining 86, associate 29) The Barony is as busy as usual. Thegroup holds weekly meetings with an average attendance of 40 people. The group has now changed their meeting location to the Union Park Middle School. The seneschal feels that this will allow them to be more active in the school system. Classes in Dance, Calligraphy, Art/Sci documentation, and newcomers were held. The group is currently preparing for their Gathering of the Clans event.
Shire of Fiach Ogan: (sustaining 19, associate 7) This group holds two meetings per month with an average attendance of 20 people. Weekly practices for rapier and heavy weapons combat are featured by this group.
Shire of Gleann Dubh: (sustaining 17, associate 6) The seneschal reports that the group hold two meetings per month with an average of 8 in attendance. Classes in armor making and tabard sewing were offered this quarter. Class attendance averaged 4 people. A weekly fighter paractice is held and attended by 6-8 people. A demo was held at the New Smyrna Beach Library. Approximately 80 parents and children watched demonstrations of period crafts and heavy weapons combat.
Shire of Glymmerholde: (sustaining 30, associate 5) Glymmerholde hosts 6 meetings per month with attendance averaging 25 people. Classes in Customs and Courtesies, Class Teaching and a fighter workshop were offered. The seneschal reports problems with integrating new fighters into the group. Rather than just complain, the group’s seneschal is giving of her time and attending fighter workshops. I applaud her initiative in placing herself in close contact with the fighters of her group. I will be interested in hearing about the results.
College of Golden Keype: (numbers included in Kingdom unaffiliated) The last report received from this group was 1/98. No other information is available.
Canton of Mathom Trove: (sustaining 6, associate 2) The Canton meets on average three times per month with an average attendance of 14 people. Most of the Canton’s efforts were geared for preparing for their annual St. Georges’ event. This is the premier heraldic event in the Kingdom. The group’s attention to detail is always appreciated by all who attend. The only other notes is that the Canton will soon have to be looking for a new seneschal. The current officer was selected to be the next Baroness so this is indeed a happy occasion.
Shire of Narval Dorado: (sustaining 37, associate 20) Narval holds two meetings per month with an average attendance of 10 people. The group is currently helping the Shire of Storm with the demo at the Largo Renaissance Festival. The group is now planning a mid-summer event as well.
College of Northern Marches: (sustaining 4, associate 3) This group has had an activity level that belays their size. First they performed outstanding service by running gate at Spring Coronation. The Kingdom Constable has reported that their efforts have earned them the highest praise from her office. Now I am again seeing the names of group members appear on bids for Kingdom events. Rather than waiting for service opportunities this groups members are actively seeking them. Someone is certainly doing something right there and I applaud their effort.
Shire of Oldenfeld:(sustaining 19, associate 10) Oldenfeld holds weekly meetings with attendance running about 20 people. Music, Sewing, Fending and Combat Archery classes were held. The group participated in the local parade of lights and assisted a Meridian group for a “Tartan Days” demo. The group’s Yule and Anniversary events were well received. The main focus of this group is moving to preparing for Panhandle Skirmishes. This is an interkingdom war with Mericies. The shire is energetic and is up for the task. One interesting project started by the seneschal concerns demo participation. Points are being awarded to those member attending and when enought our accumulated a free local event will be awarded. I will be interested in hearing how this promotion works for the group.
Shire of Peregrine Springs: (sustaining 22, associate 11) Three meetings are held per month. Attendance averages 5 people per meeting. A twice monthly fighter practice is featured. The group also hosted a rapier symposium this quarter.
Shire of Ruins: (sustaining 23, associate 7) The group is planning a revel for its members. Also the seneschal is looking for ways to raise funds with an eye toward future activity for the group. Nothing else was reported.
Shire of Sangre del Sol: (sustaining 19, associate 5) Sangre holds one meeting per month with an average attendance of 15 people. Classes in Art/Sci Documentation, Dance and Sewing were offered. This group seems to have a very active sewing group that meets often. The group held an Anniversary Event that was rated a success. In addition, this group also assisted with gate at the Winter Art/Sci event. The Kingdom Constable praised this group’s gate efforts in her report. The only other news concerns the impending change over in the seneschal office. I would like to express my gratitude to Lady Sancia for her fine work.
Shire of Sea March: (sustaining 25, associate 13) This group holds two meetings per month with an average attendance of 8 people. The seneschal seems to be working toward better communications with her local officers. She has been looling through the files and requesting copies of reports from her local officers. An April Revel was held for a group activity. The seneschal has indicated that they want several dates reserved for 1999 for events. As of yet I have not received an official date request and will talk to all of my locals about the proper procedures for reserving dates.
Shire of Southkeep: (sustaining 18, associate 9) Southkeep has a new seneschal at the helm. I await to hear more bout what this fine group is doing in there next report.
Shire of Stag Ridge: (sustaining 7, associate 2) This small groups has been busy holding demos. They were part of the Sarasota Highlands Games and presented an extensive display of period arts and crafts. Next a demo for Lake County Elementary School was held. The 4th grade class was treated to two visits. The first visit covered life in the middle ages. The second visit focused on specific topics such as calligraphy. Finally the current seneschal will be stepping down soon. I would commend her for her work on getting and keeping this fine shire going.
Shire of Starhaven: (sustaining 48, associate 29) This large shire was surprising quiet for the quarter. I look forward tohearing more about their upcoming activities.
Shire of Storm: (sustaining 22, associate 9) The last report for this group was received 1/98. I know for a fact that this group is holding a four weekend long demo at the Largo Ren Faire. I am personally aware of an active fighter practice that takes place weekly.
Canton of Swamp Keype: (sustaining 13, associate 6) Swamp Keype holds one meeting per month with an average attendance of 20 people. The group hosted 3 demos this quarter. The first was a large public demo in front of Orlando City Hall. This was done for the local motion picture industry. The four gentles involved received awards of appreciation for their involvement. The second demo was the Milton High School senior English Class. Various period topics and crafts were presented. The final demo was held for the Hickory Tree School. This demo featured SCA heavy weapons combat. The seneschal reports that a new art/sci officer is in place and seems to be settling in just fine.
Shire of Tri O’s: (sustaining 12, associate 12) This group holds two meetings per month with an average attendance of 8 people. Their small size doesn’t keep this group from working hard. The shire helped present a very successful Kingdom fundraising event called Scotch Welsh Wars. This fighting event was very well received by the populace.
Shire of Vaca del Mar: (sustaining 23, associate 14) Vaca holds one meeting per month with an average attendance of 6 people. The group has gone through some recent upheavals with many officers changing. The new seneschal seems intent on handling problems on the local level and getting the group back on track. Three demos were held this quarter. The first was for Palm Coast Middle School. The second demo was held at St. Barnabus Episcopal School for about 400 students. The final demo was a public demonstration of fighting and crafts at the Deland Arts Fair.
Barony of Wyvernwood: (sustaining 94, associate 31) The first Barony of Trimaris was as active as ever. Four meetings are held each month with an average attendance of 40 people. Classes in Heraldry, Period Music, and war strategy was held. Four demos were held this quarter. The first involved answering phones for the local PBS fundraiser. The next demo involved working the crowd at the USF College of Engineers “Blarney Dinner.” Cub Scout Pack 222 were treated to an Art/Sci demo were interactive stations were set up for participation. Finally the group helped out at the Bay Area Ren Faire. To keep busy the group also hosted one local event and is preparing to host the next Kingdom Art/Sci event as well.

Waterford Elementary School Demo
5-19-98, the Barony of Darkwater held a demo at the Waterford Elementary School 5th grade class. Sir Demetrius, Lord Wilhelm Borsbane and Lord Thorgierr Inn Danski put on a mini tournament. They each chose a lady to fight for and a quire to help them with their armor. Afterwards we played with a trebuchet (a small one built especially for demos) as the kids tried to knock down some castle walls. Wilhelm and I (Lady Teamhair) sang at their “feast” and then we all spent the last hour signing autographs for the children in their yearbooks. It was a great success! I would like to thank all those who helped (thank’s went to Seamus for the use of his mini-trebuchet), and a special thank you to the Waterford PTA for the generous donation. Lady Teamhair Gwyddel

Trimaris Memorial Tourney
Talewinds April AS XXXII 5/22-25/98 The Barony of An Crosaire proudly presents Trimaris Memorial Tourney, held at Camp Wewa. “Join us as the entire Kingdom holds it’s breath in anticipation of the results of Crown Lysts, wherein the Heirs to the Thornes shall be determined by Right of Arms! There will also be the Champion of Trimaris Lysts, Rapier Lysts, Archery Competition, Poet Laureate Competition, Children’s Activities, and much, much more! Autocrats, Master Rurik Petrovitch Stoianov & Lady Marte Grau called Kratze; Feastcrat, Mistress Ceridwen o’ Cahercommaun
Poet Laureat = Wulfinde Aethelwulf
(event report) We had some grave concerns regarding the alcohol policy of Camp Wewa. I am pleased to report that there were “no” incidents at the event regarding this issue. The people of Trimaris are to be highly commended for their understanding and cooperation of this matter. Over all, the event seemed to be a tremendous success. There were 1,232 persons in attendance throughout the course of the weekend. There were three heavy weapon’s lysts, Crown Lyst and an Unbelted Fighters Lyst on Saturday, and the Champion of Trimaris Lyst on Sunday. There was archery from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm on both days, as well as a light weapon’s lyst on Sunday. There were eight art/sci classes held, children’s activities run by the Minister of Children, as well as Page’s activities run by Donavyn de Raine, Page’s Guild Master. We were also able to open the pool for swimming from noon to 4:00 pm each day. Feast for the weekend was a huge success. We were able to provide eight meals throughout the weekend for those Gentles who purchased feast, as well as 24 hour liquid refreshment (ice tea, lemonade and ice water) for everyone attending the event. The quality of the food presented was of high caliber. I am not aware of any complaints regarding food…not even “there wasn’t enough.” Everyone seemed well pleased with what they received.
The Barony of An Crosaire, once again, provided an ice and soda booth for the benefit of the event. This has proven to be invaluable for the large events for many reasons. It reduces the need to travel off site thus reducing the parking and traffic problems, as well as providing a means for event goers to conveniently keep their personal coolers supplied with ice, thus reducing the number of requests in the kitchen for ice from the camp’s ice machine.
Financially, I believe the event was a tremendous success. THL Cara will have to make the complete report on this matter, since I do not have all the information regarding this issue. However, both myself and Mistress Ceridwen were able to come in under budget. This combined with the extraordinary attendance should prove to be a very successful combination. Just as a reminder to yourself and THL Cara, the extra 5% profit above the standard 30% which the Barony of An Crosaire was to receive, is to go into the Land Fund by unanimous decision of the Barony. (Submitted by Master Rurik Petrovitch Stoianov, Autocrat)

The Incipient Shire of Murvagh
The official starting date of the Incipient Shire of Murvagh is 5-98, with the founding seneschal Katherine McKinney. Murvagh is located in Cross City, FL. The shire was started by people who became interested in the SCA through the Hoggetowne Medieval Fair. According to the 1st quarter report, the seneschal states “Since the average age of our members is around 17, it is not surprising, but very difficult for the two or three members who end up doing all of the work, planning activities, and doing all of the “how are you (getting to, paying for, getting your waiver signed for, fixed for garb, etc) the up coming event” planning. Since the huge majority of our current members are teenagers, meeting have, quite expectedly, turned in to something of a social club for “geeks”. Due to the largely “redneck” and rural nature of our area, this is not necessarily a bad thing and gives them a needed outlet. This is one of the problems that time will cure. It has been a quite quarter. We did manage, after great difficulty to obtain a new meeting place, the DAV hall, that is much better than our old one. Our membership has stablized to ten or so core members, augmented with occasional visitors.

Summer Thunder
6-6-98, The Barony of Darkwater held their Summer Thunder event at Camp River Forest

Panhandle Skirmishes
Talewinds June AS XXXIII 6-12/14-98, The Shire of Oldenfeld is proud to present Panhandle Skirmishes, to be held at the Spirit of the Suwanee Music Camp. “This year, Oldenfeld is proud to host Panhandle Skirmishes for both Trimaris and Meridies as a kingdom event. We’ve got battles galore, arts and sciences activities, and many more activities planned with that special Oldenfeld touch that everyone has come to know and love.” Autocrat, Lord Cedric of Dorchester
(report from Panhandle participant) OK, I’ve resisted replying to this simply because the pain and anguish have been bad. I mean, I go to a war for the first time in about 10 years and what happens…I sprain my ankle in the warm up time before the battles even start!!!! If it hadn’t been for the Torchlight Tourney the night before, I’d have been *really* pissed off!!! Other than this minor (major for me…has cost about $500 between the loss of work, the doctor, and the event cost {gee…this was even local for me}) set back, the war was a wonderful and was a great success. Everyone seemed to have a good time and enjoy themselves immensely. Like others, I heard no complaints about the fighting other than the heat. The site was very nice except for the lack of adequate shower and toilet facilities. Rurik
Talewinds August AS XXXIII While the vast armies of Trimaris and Meridies engaged in a day of spirited Martial Combat, the musicians of both kingdoms engaged in a different sort of exchange. Sitting inside the art/sci hall, amidst a dazzling display of crafts, several musicians spent the day singing and playing the songs of the Renaissance. Sylvija, Romas, Alexander, Beverly, Wilhelm F., Warina of Meridies, Arianna (at her first event) all joined together for a wonderful day of making music. The day started off with some dance tunes and other familiar instrumental songs. This was followed by an hour or so of period vocal music. Many of the minstrels sang as well as played musical instruments. A wide variety of music was played that made it possible for all, from newcomers to advance players, to take part. After a spirited 3 ½ hour sessions, it was time to take a break. Following a brief intermission, the recorder players gathered together to work on some advanced materials. It is extremely gratifying to get the opportunity to sit together with a group of dedicated minstrels to play music composed by some of the most prominent of the Renaissance composers. I hope that these kind of advanced sessions will take place at every event. During the day, the Black Rose Consort played music at the Great Court. Also, at feast which was given for all the assembled Royalty, Cirocco performed her newest hit “Ode to a Newcomer.” Martha sang two ballads that brought tears both of pride and laughter. Despite the heat, a good time was had by all.

Cattle Raids
Talewinds June AS XXXIII 6-20-98, The Shire of Starhaven once again presents Cattleraids, ar F. Burton Smith Park, “Featuring the cattle raids, a five man melee team tourney. There will also be a Champion of Starhaven Lyst. Cattle raids is a day trip only event, starting at 11 am and ending at 6 pm. A soldiers feast will be held in the evening. We are sponcering a food drive for the local Humane Society, so please bring a can or box of animal food.” Autocrats, Lord Conradin der Grau & Lady Josephine of Devon.

St. Jerome’s Study
Talewinds June AS XXXIII, Saturday, 6-27-98, at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church, Focusing on classes by Peers and their associates. We invite you to learn Arts & Sciences and Martial Arts. A Pas d’Arms, requested by His Majesty, will be held during the cool morning hours. A judging for Summer Art/Sci’s brewing and vinting contest will be held at this event. A sumptuous, authentic 14th century feast will be served starting with breakfast and including lunch, then feast supper.” Autocrat, Master Iefan Colledig; Feastcrat, Mistress Ceridwen o’Cahercommaun & Master Rurik Petrovitch Stoianov
(event report) It is my understanding that approximately 190 people attended the event and (at the first rendering of the funds) the event netted somewhere in the range of $640.00 for the land fund. I fully believe that the event was a major success. Thanks in large part to a diligent staff there were no problems encountered during the event. The Pas D’Armes went well, the fighters enjoyed themselves, and the ladies had a grand time in the gallery. Numerous volunteers made sure that water was available for the fighters and thanks were expressed by many of the fighters for the accommodations provided. The classes all went well. There were only two teachers who had to cancel. One of these was involved in a car accident on the way to the event and the other was keeping watch on her home in light of the numerous wild-fires that were apparently in the vicinity. Only one teacher present canceled a class for lack of participation. This was during the first hour of classes for the day (9:30 am) and attendance early in the day was low. As the day progressed all of the classes were full and “many” people (students and teachers) enthusiastically endorsed the event and the site choice. The all-day feast was incredible! Many complements were expressed to me for the quality of the food and the availability of a filling and substantial (not sandwiches) lunch! The evening meal was delicious and the entire evening feast was prepared, presented, and served well. The Crown (Their Majesties) whole-heartily endorsed the event as something they hoped would become a yearly occurrence. Site clean-up proceeded well. Although, I think I should have helped more in the kitchen but each time I went in I felt like I was just causing folks to trip. Overall, it was wonderful. I am looking forward to attending next year’s event and teaching (I think Messer Guiseppe plans to autocrat the event). Master Iefan Colledig ap Dynfwal Abertawe, O.L.
Talewinds, August AS XXXIII, 1998 This first time event was a smash success. Members of the populace from all over our great Kingdom gathered in the lovely Abbey to devote a day to their continuing studies. Indeed, the full spectrum of the Arts and Sciences of the SCA were explored in a large number of well attended classes, taught by some of the most learned Scholars from the ranks of Peers and their Associates. After beginning the day with a sumptuous breakfast prepared by Master Rurik, Mistress Ceridwen and Baroness Natasha; everyone was ready to go to school. Many of the minstrels who are frequently mentioned in these Guild articles, attended both of the excellent music classes that were offered. The first class was on how to prepare documentation for Art/Sci entries. While the next hour was used to explore the rich body of literature available from the Royal printers on the subject of renaissance music. We wish to express our gratitude to the great Lady who presented these classes. In addition, there were classes on other areas of the Bardic and Performing Arts. These classes were also presented by recognized experts and scholars, to student eager to learn. Of course, no event would be compete without some time for the minstrels to gather to share some newly acquired music. Although, the time for playing was brief, the minstrels made the best of it by playing a wide selection of music. Later that night at a feast fit for a King and Queen, the populace was delighted to hear some beautiful music from members of the Oldenfeld Ensemble. Beverly sang a beautiful love song that brought tears to our eyes and warmth to our hearts. She has such a lovely voice, that it is difficult to find the right words to adequately describe its delicate sound and robust power. Mistress Sylvija, then sang an Italian love song about a girl passing along some figs to her suitors. Master Iefan brought down the house with his antics when he was given the honor of receiving a fig.

Secret Assassins’ Third Ball
Talewinds July AS XXXIII 7-10/12-98, “You are invited to attend another of Brineside Moor’s Assassins’ Balls, to be held at Shimmergreen. Join us for contests galore! Prizes! Fighter’s competition, archery contest (IKAC), Assassin’s contest, Bardic circle, and more.” Autocrat, Gwendolyn of the Nine Wells; Feastcrat Cadhia O’Faolain.

A Midsummer Knight’s Dream
Talewinds July AS XXXIII 7-10/12-98, You are invited to come live the Midsummer Knight’s Dream hosted by the Shire of Narval Dorado, held at Camp Soule. “Good Gentles – come join us for a day of fun and frolic, dinner and dancing, classes and combat, and best of all – relaxation. We’ll be inside in the air conditioned feast hall for classes and a fabulous Italian feast followed by dancing (and, don’t fret, dance lessons). And outside for a cooling afternoon water-ballon melee and other fun activities. Don’t forget- Pennsic War XXVII fast approacheth, all fighters, fencers & archers come hone your skills ‘til they’re as sharp as your weapons! We will be holding both heavy and light weapons lysts and the campsite has an archery range. So bring your bows, arrows and your own targets – targets, hmm, maybe we can borrow a few armored fighters, so bring your “blunt” arrows too.” Note: this is a tenting only event. Autocrat, James Malcolm Helme; Feastcrat, Arianna Rosa Cristina Veneziano

Summer Revel VI
Talewinds June AS XXXIII 7-18-98, the Stronghold of Nan Crioch Tuatha presents Summer Revel VI at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Jacksonville. Fighting includes the stronghold champions lyst and the event champions lyst. Autocrat, Lord Gareth de Mountayne; Feastcrat, Lady Kira Roland

Pennsic XXVII
Talewinds April AS XXXII 8-7/16-98, War looms in the north and the call goes forth for warriors. Glory and Honor will be won. Let them tremble in fear at our warriors! Let them be humbled by our artisans! Come one, come all Pennsic XXVII awaits.
This came over the internet shortly after the war. Although this does not involve Trimaris, it is a story so typical of the wonderful things that happen at our wars I felt that it would be appropriate to include in our history for the benefit of those who follow us. Natasha
The mercenary household of the Mountain Confederation had been fighting for the Kingdom of Ansteorra all war, and doing a damned good job of it, too. On the final Saturday of the war, Barn, the King of Ansteorra, came to the Mountain Confederation as we assembled for the first battle, and spoke. He congratulated us on our fighting, on our ability to work with his army, and gave our fighting unit the Sable Falcon, the highest fighting award in the Kingdom of Ansteorra. He shook each of us by the hand, and personally thanked each one of us for our efforts on his kingdom’s behalf. We cheered him, and his kingdom, and we adorned our standard with Ansteorra’s Falcon. Barn regretted that he could not remain at Pennsic to lead his forces into battle. In fact, nearly the entire Ansteorran army was in their camp, packing to begin their 2000 mile drive back to their kingdom. There were only a handful of Ansteorrans who were going to take the field that final morning, and Barn wondered if we would allow them to fight with us under our unit command. We explained that we would be honored to have it so. Barn’s final words to us were “Take care of my boys…” We cheered him again, as he strode from the field. The mountain pass battle began, and the combined forces of Ansteorra and the Mountain Confederation fought hard, well and honorably. After the mountain pass, as we were resting for the coming field battle, we saw there was a great gathering of Eastern forces in the resurrection area of the battlefield. A few of our fighters joined the throng, and came back with the news that the Eastern Army planned to withdraw from the field. At first we did not believe that this could be true. But as we watched, the entire Eastern Army formed a column behind the Eastern banners and marched from the field. Our Ansteorran comrades grew dismayed, and cried “We did not drive 2000 miles to quit a battle!” Our unit commander, Thorvaaldr, exclaimed: “I promised your king I would take care of you, and taking care of you does NOT include walking away from a fight. Don your armor!” And so we did. By my count, there were 24 warriors of the Mountain Confederation, 7 warriors from Ansteorra, and 3 Atlantian warriors who arrayed ourselves in our battle gear, and strode to the highest point of the battlefield. Over our heads waved the blue and gold banner of the Mountain Confederation, adorned by the Ansteorran Sable Falcon. We paused atop the hill and gazed at the might of the Midrealm army. It stretched from one side of the field to the other. Then the 34 of us marched across the battle plain, to challenge the Midrealm army. Thorvaaldr, as our unit commander, spoke for us. He cried: “We are the combined forces of the Kingdom of Ansteorra and the Mountain Confederation. We came here to fight a battle, and a battle we shall have. We will leave this field only in Victory or in Death. Gentlemen, assemble your army!”And the cheers erupted. They began with the Midrealm fighters who had actually heard the challenge, and spread along both flanks as word went out that a handful of fighters had stayed on the field. The cheers became a roar as we were engulfed by our “foes”. Backs were pounded, hands shaken, we were lifted and hugged and swung around by a hundred fighters each. When the accolade ended, we 34 fighters marched back to our little hill, ready to be the last “Forlorn Hope” of the blue taped army. But as we stood there, beneath our standard bearing the golden snarling mountain lion and the blue hills we call home, a single warrior approached from the other side. He came before us and cried: “You have shown great honor and >glory by your actions this day. Please allow me to fight at your side.” And we replied: “We would be honored to have you, and welcome. Bring this man blue tape!” And lo, as this was being done, two more fighters approached, asking to fight with us. And then four more fighters, and then a unit, and then another unit asked to join us. And then, the Kingdom of Calontir approached us and said: “Please allow us the honor of fighting at your side!” And to all who approached, we cried: “Thank you, the honor is ours! Welcome! More blue tape!” A grizzled knight of Calontir walked through our ranks, shaking our hands. He was an obvious veteran of many wars, but tears flowed freely from his eyes, as he shook our hands and told us how proud he was to belong to a Society who valued honor and chivalry so highly. “War points do not matter, this isn’t about war points,” he said, “it is about honor and chivalry. You have truly won this War.” Once again, we turned to face the Midrealm from our little hill. But now, beneath the banner of the Mountain Confederation, there stood an army that reached halfway across the battlefield. On the other side, the army of the Midrealm also covered only half the field. They had released their allies from their Pennsic XXVII war alliances, and allowed the marshals to even the sides. The Midrealm had the final war point in their gauntlets, they could have crushed our Forlorn Hope with a couple of small units. But they had chosen instead the route of chivalry, honor, generosity and graciousness. The marshals finished briefing us, the assembled and newly assembled armies awaited breathlessly. And with the roar of the cannon, the final official war point battle of Pennsic XXVII began. It was glorious, it was honorable and clean. It was some of the best fighting of the war. When it was over, the blue taped side was victorious. Barn, the King of Ansteorra, was still on site to hear the news that his kingdom had won the final war point of Pennsic XXVII. As Ansteorra was still in alliance with the Eastern forces, Barn sent an envoy to HRM Timothy with the gift of the final war point. HRM Timothy graciously accepted. The words I write are true. This saga is the story of a small band of warriors who stood alone as a Forlorn Hope against an army, and won. “Honor, not Honors” is the Mountain Confederation motto. Our colors are blue and gold. Our colors do not run. This posting is not meant in any way to impugn the honor or question the reasons of HRM Timothy or the Eastern Army. It was just too good a tale to not be told. Arden MacIlhatton, Warrior of the Mountain Confederation

Scribal and Herauldic Symposium
Talewinds, August AS XXXIII, 1998 On Saturday 8-22-98, the Scribal and Herauldic Symposium sponsored by Trictrus Abbey, the Shire of Stag Ridge and the Shire of Brineside Moor was held at St. Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Bradenton. Autocrat Master Justin of Kent

Fall Coronation
Talewinds, August AS XXXIII, 1998 On 9-4/7-98 The Canton of Mathom Trove, presents Fall Coronation to be held at Camp Wewa. Come join in the pageantry of the Coronation of Trimaris’ new King and Queen. Delight in the sumptuous feasts and enjoy the heavy and light weapons lyst as well as archery and art/sci classes. Autocrat ld Sebastian alyburton and Lady Katherine of Tewkesbury. Feastcrat Mistress Elfwyn de Barfleur.

Sea March Anniversary Event
9-18/20-98 the Shire of Sea March held their anniversary event at Meadowbrook Club House

Talewinds, August AS XXXIII, 1998 On 9-25/27-98 come join the the Barony of An Crosaire at Camp Immokalee as we celebrate the investiture of Don Roibeard MacSlugahadh Aub and Honorable Lady Teamhair Gleann da Loch. Featured is the Baron’s Champion Lyst, the Baroness’ Blade Lyst, Archery Competition, classes, numerous fun fighting, fencing, archery combat archery activities and don’t forget the wall. Autocrat Lady Chabi Merkit, feastcrat Master Rurik Petrovitch Stoianov.

Bardic Celebration III
Talewinds, August AS XXXIII, 1998 10-2/4-98 The Shire of Sangre del Sol invites you to join us at Camp Greynolds for a weekend devoted to the performance arts. We will have prize competitions for every kind of bardic art, with the winners of these competitions invited to participate in the Grand Bardic Tournament, a double elimination mixed bardic arts lyst for the Grand Prize. Creativity (performing your own works) shall be honored as before, but this year we are also encouraging research, with extra scoring for document able period works or styles. For our fighters we will have the Boasting Bear Pit Tourney for a prize of rattan and for our fencers, the Elizabethan insult lyst with a beautiful hand made prize. And if you still want more, the ever popular Castle is available at the park for impromptu storming. In addition, we will have classes (teachers wanted) games (including the ever-popular Thieves Game) and our legendary Dollar-a-Yard fabric store run. The day will be followed by a sumptuous feast- good wholesome fare and plenty of it. Autocrat Lady Sanchia the Sly, Feastcrat Lady Rebecca the Goldenhair

Champion of Glymmerholde Lyst
Talewinds, September 1998 AS XXXIII On 10-16/18-98 the Shire of Glymmerholde participated in the Lee County, Kiwanis Medieval Faire held at Lakes Park in Ft. Myers Fl. Demos at faire by the Shire of Glymmerholde include 5 heavy weapons lysts, art sci displays in the Hospitaller booth and court with processions. Also the Champion of Glymmerholde lyst will be held.

Village Faire
Talewinds July AS XXXIII 10-16/18-98 The Barony of Darkwater in conjunction with 1066: the Norman Invasion of England, Kingdom fundraiser presents Village Faire, to be held at Camp Wewa. Autocrat, Desirate Wendaway; Feastcrat, Lord Daibhead McUater.

Harvest Festival
Talewinds, August AS XXXIII, 1998 On 10-23/25-98 the Shire of Oldenfeld held a Provincial Harvest at Camp Indian Springs. 1370’s garb contest during feast, archery, aspic construction, barroom brawl melee, bocce, bragging contest, drawing contest, insult contest, light weapons tourney, ogre challenge tourney, period music, period poetry contest, subtlety contest, thrown weapons, William Marshal Tourney, and more. Their Highnesses Trimaris also plan to attend, and may be holding a Trimarian Court at this event. Autocrat Baron Romas the Mapmaker, Feastcrat, Baroness Silvja the Landlady.

Sand Dragon Social
Talewinds, August AS XXXIII, 1998 On 10-25-98 the Shire of Gleann Dubh presents the Sand Dragon Social at Ponce Inlet Park. Join in a day of un, games, and varied activities including the Sand Dragon List, rapier list, quest, sand castle building contest, “sheep” riding races, and flying dragon jousting (bring your own kite) and Dragon Ball (winds permitting), and a Conch blowing competition. There will be a Duc du Pot Luck feast, bring an entree or side dish. Desserts will be available for purchase at the site.

Baron’s Champion
Talewinds, October 1998 AS XXXIII On 11-7-98 the Barony of Darkwater invites you to Baron’s Champion at Camp Ithiel. Events to include a novice list for fighters who have been authorized less than one year, the Baron’s Champion list, the Baroness’ blade rapier tourney, and melees to follow in the afternoon. There will be a pot luck feast in the evening. The meat dish will be provided by the Barony. Please bring a covered dish that serves 4 if you wish to participate. Autocrat Mistress Ekaterina Adrianovna Sinilnakova and Gwynna de la Pole.

Martinmass Moot
Talewinds, September 1998 AS XXXIII On 11-13/15-98 the Barony of Darkwater and the Kingdom of Trimaris present Martinmass Moot at Camp Wewa. Join in the pagentry as our noble fighters vie for the right to be ruler of our fair Kingdom. See the beauty of the processions before the King and Queen as fighters and consorts seek approval to participate in this most honorable lyst. Also for your enjoyment there will be a special Friday Night Quest hosted by Sir Demetrius, a light weapons lyst, a beautiful original scroll display, and many other activities to delight one and all. Autocrat Desirata Wendaway & Ysar de la nuit Blanc. Feastcrat Meghan Orianna Lauder

Talewinds, October 1998 AS XXXIII On 11-20/22-98 the Shire of Storm presents Caravanserai at Camp Soule. Join us as we celebrate the safe return of the Caravan to Trimaris from its journey to the east. The festivities will include the Defender of the Caravan Lyst, assorted games of skill, and a wondrous feast featuring recipes brought back from the Caravan’s travels through the Orient and Middle East. Other activities include Brawl in the Fall II – the Great Wyvern Skirmish, Torchlight Tourney (Fri. Night), melees, archery, games, children’s activities, feast, dancing, bardic and Dun Tyr Dog Ball – sponsored by Fiach Ogen. Autocrat Allen Marc Levy, Feastcrat Bob Tempe

Swamp Stomp
Talewinds, September 1998 AS XXXIII On 11-27/29-99 the Barony of An Crosaire and the Shire of Castlemere proudly present Swamp Stomp at Camp Immokalee. All proceeds from this event go directly to the Kingdom Land Fund. This event will see more fighting than a Viking in England. There will be two torchlight tourneys, and “Eleanor of Aquitaine” lyst (lady fighters only), a “first blood lyst” (authorized less than one year), light weapons lyst, and armored-up fighting classes. There will also be an art-sci auction, games and other distractions for your enjoyment. Autocrat Meadhbha O’Riain & Master Rurik Petrovitch Stoianov, Feastcrat Vaughn Qaratai.

Toys for Tots
Talewinds, November 1998 AS XXXIII On 12-4/6-98 the Shire of Brineside Moor sponsored Toys for Tots at Roary’s Camp. Autocrat Cadhia O’Falain, feastcrat Lord Annan nam Beanntan and Lady Michalia of the Dragon’s Trench

Yule Event
Talewinds, November 1998 AS XXXIII On 12-11/13-98 the Shire of Oldenfeld held their Yule Event at Camp Indian Springs featuring the Goblin Quest (an unusual race to discover and solve clues in order to find the hidden goblin), art/sci competion, Celtic Games, and many contests, lysts and other competitions. Autocrat Maigrey, Feastcrat Nimuwae

Domesday Report – Murvagh
This was a busy year for us. We started from scratch and accomplished lots of things. We became an official incipient group, we submitted our name to the College of Heralds, we’re working on a preliminary draft of our device and we’re up to eight paid members. We’ve grown from about ten active members to almost twenty. In a county where the only high school’s graduating class is always less than 100. We’ve attended several events as a group, and have become socially much more cohesive. We’ve learned new skills. We have several mailers, a fledgling bard, a few aspiring warriors, a brewer, and a weaver. Next year we’re going to focus on membership, learning new medieval skills and perhaps hosting our own small event. – Katherine McKinney, Seneschal