Recent Kingdom Notes

February 16, 2025

The Kingdom of Trimaris

The Three Seas of Power

Trimaris History – 1997


Talewinds, January AS XXXI From the Royal Fundraiser Coordinator
Unto the gentle populace of the fair Kingdom of Trimaris doth Duena Ysabela Celestina Manrique de Palma y Majorca, Fund-raising Coordinator for Trimarian Royal Travel Fund, send her fond greetings. Gentle cousins, I greet you well, and recommend myself unto you all. As in past years, the Crown of Trimaris will be leading a great force of fighters and artisans to Meridies to take part in Gulf Wars. Since such an expedition can be quite costly, Their Royal Majesties have charged the Canton of Mathom Trove with the responsibility of raising monies for the Royal Travel Fund.
At Martinmass Moot, a “Gift Basket” silent auction and an “Illuminated Manuscript” silent auction were held and the monies raised amounted to $427.00. In combination with those funds raised at Michaelmas and Baronial Bash, the Crown now has $838.00 for their preparations for Gulf Wars. We would like to thank all those talented artisans who have given so freely of their time and effort for the funraisers at Moot, including: Countess Carmenette, Baron Damian von Blauwold, Baron Iefan, Mistress Eglantine, Mistress Elfwyn de Barfleur, HL Bernard de Barfleur, HL Gianetta de Remigio Welser, HL Cara de Boccaccio, HL Teamhair Gleann de Locha, Lord Sebastian Halyburton, Lady Katheryn of Tewkesbury, Lady Isabehlina Medeiros de Ben Dubh, Lady Gwynedd, Lady Thirza, Robert du Puc and Wesley Scott. We would also like to thank all those gentle lords and ladies who opened their purses and contributed so generously.
The following activities have been scheduled for the months ahead:
Winter Art/Sci will have “de Botelesford Jewelry” Silent Auction. Baroness Laura de Botelesford has generously agreed to place up for auction a collection of her beautiful, handmade jewelry.
Scots/Welsh War & Twelfth Night. The Leek and Thistle Gaming Hall. Competition doesn’t have to end on the battlefield. Come spend an evening of camaraderie and fun at the Leek & Thistle G”coins” and try your luck at our games of skill and chance. The winner of every game receives a chance on a fantastic prize. The more you play the better chance you have of winning. Drawing for prize to be held at midnight.
Cutlasses & Corsairs, Rapier Prize Tourney, Bid on your favorite light weapons fighter for the opportunity to choose from a wonderful array of prizes donated by the accomplished artisans of Trimaris
Trident Tourney, a White Rhino Silent Auction, Part Deux. Thanks to the generosity of the populace back in October we had more items for our first White Rhino Silent Auction at Baronial Bash than we had table space on which to display them. Therefore, with the kind permission of the Barony of Darkwater, we will hold the White Rhino Silent Auction Part Deux. Donations of any unwanted Yuletide gifts are gladly accepted.

Feast of St Bene’s
Talewinds, January AS XXXI On 1-4-97 The Barony of An Crosaire held their annual 12th Night Revel at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church for the members of the Barony and their guests. The hall was beautifully decorated with banners from the Canton of Mathom Trove, garlands, candles and a Christmas Tree. H.L. Thomas du Lac had high table covered in an array of plaids. A sumptuous meal was created by Mistress Elfwin Barflur.

Winter Arts & Sciences Faire
Talewinds, January AS XXXI, On 1-10/12-97, the Shire of Sangre del Sol proudly presents Winter Arts & Sciences Faire at Winona. This season’s competition of arts, crafts and learning will be given amidst a Celtic atmosphere, topped by a period Celtic feast. Autocrat H.L. Glynis merch Llwelyn, called Talisman, Co-autocrat Braendt ap Glaendeghar, Feastcrat H.L. Elizabeth Fitz Randolph.

Scots/Welsh War & Twelfth Night
Talewinds, January AS XXXI On 1-17/18-97 The Shire of Southkeep is very proud and pleased to be hosting Scots/Welsh War V at our annual Twelfth Night Event, held at Wewa. The following battle offerings will be featured at this event – field battle, bridge battle, portal battle. All siege engines welcome. This year prepare for slaughter as Earl Seosaidh and Duke Llwyelyn’s forces combine together against all comers. Autocrat Lady Branwyn ferch Madoc. Feastcrat Lord William McQuiston.

Trimarian Heraldic & Scribal Symposium
aka Heraldic Road Show
Talewinds, January AS XXXI, On 1-25-97 the Kingdom of Trimaris and the Trimarian College of Heralds invites you to a day of fun and learning at the Unitarian Church of Jacksonville. Classes will be offered throughout the day in the heraldic and scribal arts. Our guest teacher is Mistress Jaelle of Armida, Laurel Queen of Arms. Anyone wishing to teach, please contact the autocrat at the number listed below. Autocrat Master Serwyl ap Morgan, feast coordinator, Don Esteban Vicente Manrique de Santiago.

Hero of the Chalice
Talewinds, January AS XXXI, On 1-24/26-97 the Barony of Wyvernwood proudly welcomes you to Burgundy for the Tournament of the Hero of the Chalice, held at Rotary’s Camp Florida in Brandon. This year’s Hero of the Chalice will be decided through a Pas d’ armes with each competitor challenging into the lyst. The Ladies of the Gallery, sitting in shade and comfort, surrounded by fine music and refreshments, will watch the lyst. The Ladies will also be presenting each honorable fighter with a token. Throughout the day there will be an archery competition and a fencing lyst. Glorious prizes from Baronial artisans will be given away to the winners of each respective lyst. For those who do not wish to participate in any combative diversions, there will be board games and classes available. In the evening, we shall teat you to a grandiose feast whereas you shall be so satisfied that you shall not want to move from your chair. Of course, to work off your dinner we shall have dancing.. Autocrat Mistress Mona Lisabetta Maria Visconti da Firenze, Feastcrats Rowan MacBride, Messer Guiseppe da Borgia.

Southern Social II/Children’s Olympiad
Talewinds, January AS XXXI, On 1-26-97, the Shire of Sangre del Sole invites all to the Southern Shires Social II and Children’s Olympiad held at Greynolds Park. The Shire of Sangre del Sol invites all of Trimaris, especially those from the southern parts of the kingdom to join us for a day of fun, fighting, and feasting as we continue a tradition started by our brothers and sisters from Glymmerholde. The highlight of the day will be our Greco-Roman themed Olympiad, featuring a real live fighter pulled chariot race. There will be events for children ages 2-12. We do ask that a responsible adult party accompany the children during the day’s activities. For you fighter types, pit your sword (glave, arrows, etc) against your foe amidst the beautiful backdrop ofthe famous Stone Tower in pick-up melees happening all day. This is a social, therefore no site fees. Feast will be Pot Luck under the trees, supplied by Sangre del Sol. Donations will be welcomed. Autocrat Criofan MacCollin

Talewinds, March AS XXXI In Memory of Lord Ioseh of Ithil
As the seneschal of the Shire of Southkeep, it is my grievous duty to report some devastating news. At the Children’s Olympiad and Southern Tourney, a social hosted by our dear neighbors, the Shire of Sangre del Sol, there was a terrible happening. The fighters were storming the castle here, a favorite occupation when we hold events at nearby Greynold’s Park. After the last melee, our Shire Marshal, Lord Ioseph of Ithil, mundanely known as Robert Cohen, took ill and passed away. Lord Ioseph was a squire of Count Wulfhere Trollhammer. He had a known asthmatic condition, and as such, our marshals always watched him carefully, and made sure he had his medication available. So it was this day- there were three medically trained personnel attending him, The Metro Dade County Rescue squad responded in under 5 minutes, the hospital, Adventura Medical Center, was less than 10 minutes away.
It was all to no avail. Lord Ioseph’s beleaguered lungs filled with fluid, and despite heroic efforts from Count Wulfhere, from Clan Windrider, and Burt DeWitt, and off duty firefighter who was also the event autocrat, they could not save him. The paramedics also did everything possible – but one half mile from the hospital, barely minutes from the site itself, he passed from this world unto the next. The Shire of Southkeep feels this loss greatly, and extends hands in sorrow to our brother shire of Sangre del Sol, whose event it was, and to Clan Windrider, who lost a friend, and to Chris Sanderson, Count Wulfhere Trollhammer, who lost a dedicated squire.
Lord Ioseph wasn’t feeling well the evening before, and again that morning, but his spirit drove him to push on, and he died in the presence of his greatest friends, his loving Eliane, and doing what he loved more than anything else. He was a good man. The Shire will miss him. South Florida will miss him, and Trimaris will miss him. A piece of us is gone forever. Rest in peace, Robert – I know you are where your bodily limits no longer keep you from your heart’s desire. Keep your sword up, and watch for us until we meet again. Melissa Good, Seneschal, Shire of Southkeep.

Known World Dance Symposium
Talewinds, January AS XXXI. On 1-30/2-2-97 Saltare, the Meridies Kingdom Dance Guild invites you to A Known World Dance Symposium hosted by the Barony of Axemoor, in New Orleans. Come join us just outside of New Orleans as Saltare, the Meridies Kingdom Dance Guild puts together the first Known World Dance Symposium to be hosted by the Barony of Axemoor. Top instructors and researchers from throughout the Know World. So far we have received confirmations from instructors from Caid, Midrealm, Ansteorra, Trimaris, Atlantia, and of course, Meridies, with more researchers and teachers still to be invited. The Symposium will include full courses of study in English Country Dance, Italian Renaissance Dance, Court Dances of England and France, as well as Middle Eastern Dance and classes for Musicians, dance research, reconstruction, choreography, and the Art of Dance Teaching.
Two great evenings of dancing. Friday night the site will play host to the theme “SCA Favorite Dances” featuring dances popular throughout the Known World. Saturday night will host the Known World Dance Symposium Grand Ball. This will be a Carnival themed Masked Ball that will feature a come Early and Enjoy New Orleans. Both the hotel an site will be available beginning Thursday evening for gentles that wish to sightsee. Plus, the Barony of Axemoor has arranged a special tour of New Orleans that will depart Friday afternoon.

Long Nights Gathering
Talewinds, January AS XXXI On 1-31-97/2-2-97, the Shire of Narval Dorado invites you to a weekend of chivalry, Long Nights Gathering at Camp Soule. Join us in the month of romance and Amor with combat, classes, dancing, a feast of Aphrodisiac delight (seduce your palate and up). Royal Round, Novelty Shoot, quiz (references allowed), bardic arts, lyst judged by court of ladies for Lord & Lady of Chivalry & Love (entourage, passentaisn, style & chivalry). Autocrat Lord Fulkrich (Borric) Feastcrat Johana Angelika Milacek.

Rapier Symposium
Talewinds, January AS XXXI, On 2-1-97, the Second Annual Rapier Symposium presented by the Shire of Perrigrine Springs and House Black Masque at Lake Mary Civic Center. Featured is the Trimarian Royal University classes, light weapons, Schlagger and Art/Sci classes, lyst, pick-up bouts, melee, authorizations and Sword Flicks galore plus Gulf War Rapier Practice. Autocrat Herre Wulfe von der Russ

Trident Tourney
Talewinds, February AS XXXI. On 2-7/9-97, The Barony of Darkwater presents the Investiture of the New Baron & Baroness of Darkwater, Master Haakon Bjornson & THL Elizabeth Stanfford Paar Pembrooke. This February 8, 1997, we hold Trident Tourney at Camp Wewa. There will be the Trident Tourney and light weapons tourney. The art-Sci competition will have a special theme of making your mundane items look period (such as cooler, chests, tents, etc.) In addition to the Trident Tourney (heavy) we will have the Baroness’ Blade (light) and the Baronial Huntsman’s competition (archery). Autocrat, Ld. Sven Forlust, Feastcrat Ld. Somairle O’Laidtyh

Hoggetowne Medieval Faire Demo
Talewinds, January AS XXXI, On 2-7/9-97 the Barony of An Crosaire invites you to join them at the Hoggetowne medieval Faire Demo held at the Alachua County Fairgrounds. The Barony of An Crosaire is determined to make this years Hoggetowne Faire the best and biggest ever. We are inviting everyone in Kingdom to come and show Gainesville what the dream is all about. Our activities this year will include heavy and light weapons demo, bardic, dancing and all our craftspeople showing their best. We will also have archery and coke booths. Volunteers who pre-register with the autocrat will be admitted free to the Faire and entered into the drawing to win site-fee and feast for an An Crosairan event. Stone soup will be available. Autocrat Lady Maebdh ni Siobhan.

Cutlasses & Corsairs
Talewinds, January AS XXXI, On 2-14/16-97 the Shire of Castlemere proudly presents Cutlasses and Corsairs at Camp Immokalee. Autocrat H.L. Peadar Felic. Feastcrat Lady Gwendolyn Kaye MacVeigh

Oldenfeld’s 25th-ish Anniversary Event & Lion’s Tourney
Talewinds, February AS XXXI. Oldenfeld will hold their 25th anniversary event and Lion’s Tourney on 2-28/3- 2-97 at Indian Springs. Activities will include Puppet Madness, Heavy Weapons Tourney, Live Thrown Weapons Competition, Siege Weapon Competition sponsored by Duke Baldar Longstrider, History of Oldenfeld stories and display, Secret Valentine (back by popular demand), Oldenfeld’s Traditional Poetry and Drawing Competitions, and introducing …Sheep Melee. Autocrats Sile a’Neo- Fhaicsinneach and Lord Cedric of Dorchester. Feastcrat Isabella Bianca Maria Disparti

North Regional/BCC Campus Library Demo
At Sword’s Point, March AS XXXI On 3-1-97, the Shire of Sangre del Sol held a very successful demo for the North Regional/BCC Campus Library, which was a joint operation between the SCA, the Paladin Society, and the very creative staff at the library. The guiding spirit was the librarian, Bett av Lokken, mka Beth Lokken, new to our shire but not to the Society. She didn’t just ask us to put on a show – she worked at it, decorating the assembly room with paper castle walls and shields, dressed her staff in medieval garb, and arranging games like pin-the-shield-on-the-Knight. First on the schedule of events was fighting – at first it looked like the dreaded “SCA-time” syndrome would strike us down. At 10 minutes before the hour, we had but one fighter present, Lord Ullam Waylander, and I was beginning to make desperate where-are-you phone calls. As the show began, Elric FitzAllen, leader of the high school Paladin Society, was piping tunes to entertain the crowd while they waited for the promised combat. Then at the last moment, Lord Lorccan Cinaeth MacDara arrived armed to do battle. Almost as soon came Braendt ap Glaendeghar, with his lady Lilly, to both fight and marshal. Odo FitzHugh, Sir Kalim, Bjorn and Angus journeyed from faraway Tri Os – bless them – to swell our ranks and perform great feats of arm. Finally, Criofan MacCoilin (formerly known as Gregor the Borrower) proved true to his old self by borrowing enough pieces to get him onto the field. As a result, we had so many fighters present that they weren’t willing to quit when the hour was up and the time had come for gentler activities. They paused long enough for Bett to herd the young children into the hall for refreshments and stories – and then continued their attacks.
Inside, the public was treated to refreshments by the library staff, though not to the castle shaped cake provided by yours truly. The cake, studded by toy knights and banners, remained frustratingly off limits throughout the event by a sign that said “For display only”. (it was attacked and destroyed later by the hungry staff). The children then sat and listened to H.L. Elizabeth FitzRandolph’s original story of Sleeping Ugly. This was followed by an entertaining play of St. George and the Dragon, performed by the Paladin Society and those members of the audience who were pulled up to act the parts. The performance was comic and delightful. Elric was the narrator and his students spoke the lines and directed their young charges in acting the roles of George, Dragon, Princess, King and Doctor. It was an audience participation show, like many that have been seen at medieval and renaissance fairs, and this audience didn’t miss one Boo! Hiss! Or Patoo-ie! In the plot. The best part, of course, is that our Minister of Children, Lady Elizabeth Blackrose, is already excited over plans for Sangre to do something of the same thing, maybe as soon as our Quasimodo event. Reported by Lady Sanchia the Sly

Gulf Wars VI
Talewinds, March AS XXXI On 3-12/16-97 at the Kings Arrow Ranch in Lumberton MS The Kingdoms of Trimaris and Ansteorra join in battle. This event is hosted by the Shire of Arandroe and the Barony of Grey Niche in the Kingdom of Meridies. Planned is the Ansteorra sponsored Rapier Tourney, Trimarian sponsored Heavy Weapons Tourney, the Meridian Order of the Rose sponsored Tourney. There will be a Rapier Champion Tourney, Champions’ Battle followed by Open Field Battles, and 2 Fort Battles with combat archery. There will be a Laurel’s Masterwork Competition Display and the Art/Sci competition. Autocrat Duchess Jacqueline de Lyons.
Morgana Rhys of Glastonbury, called Fluffy An Crosaire, Trimaris The sun came up over the horizon one fine Friday morning, Anno Societatis XXXII. I could smell the battle waiting for me on the field. Ansteorra, our sworn enemy had taken their arrogance one step over the line. Today, we and our allies would meet them in the open field. My arrows would seek out each heathen and begin for him his swan song.
I confessed my sins and took my communion, that might I fall on the field of glory, I would be saved. I then reported to my commander, Syr Erika Bjornsdotter. After a few short drills, it was decided that I would take the back lines as a static archer. Then, the wait began. I could hear the breathing of my enemy across the field. The sun shone relentlessly on our army, scorching the skin beneath heavy armor. Water was in short supply, and over the reptile wine (that would be gatorade), we fought. In anticipation, we waited for our enemy to muster. Hours later, we sent forth our first volley of arrows. The Ansteorrans advanced. Shafts studded with deadly Baldar blunts (a new and advanced form of arrow head guaranteed to make the enemy cringe in terror) blotted out the sun. Hundreds of arrows fell into the enemy army. Volley after volley were loosed. Then, we advanced to meet them.
To the left, an Ansteorran unit attempted to flank our army and kill us, the archers. His Majesty Trimaris, Solemon, came rushing to our defense. All but one of the Ansteorrans were vanquished. Duke Mikael of Ansteorra broke through and landed an incapacitating blow to my head, and those of my comrades. He thought he had killed me, but I came-to shortly afterward to find that we, the Trimarian army, had decimated our enemies. The field was littered with arrows; my deadly arrows.
My comrades (those that were left alive) and I were told by our commander that tomorrow, we would invade the Ansteorrans’ fortress. The morning came, and my head ached. Was it the blow from His Grace, or the sweet mead from last night? I guess it was probably both. I wanted a lemon doughnut, but alas, there were none to be found. Sluggishly, I donned my armor once again, and went forth to defend my kingdom. Today was far colder than yesterday. I prayed that it would not rain. I went to the muster site, and was told that my position in the battle would be atop one of Earl Bytor’s famous war elephants. He had traded great riches to gain them from the eastern most region of the globe. He knew that Mohatti, Rex Ansteorra, was Eastern. His Excellency, Bytor wanted to impress fear upon him, and war elephants were the best way. With the assistance of His Excellency; myself, my friend and comrade, Brekke, and another archer mounted the great beast. The stench was like to that of an un-emptied chamber pot in late August. We were held back from the walls until well after the fight had begun. Brekke, because she was the only one in range, fired throughout the fight. When the elephant was loosed, it ran directly up to the walls, giving us an excellent view of the inside of the fort. Their army was huge, but they lacked the siege weapons that Trimaris had brought. I fired, and struck a man through the eye. He fell screaming to the ground, and died. I fired again, and hit another. As I loosed the third arrow, a ballista bolt came across the wall and felled the elephant. We hit the ground with a resounding thud. Luckily, none of us were pinned under the elephant, but the fall had rendered all of us useless for the remainder of the battle. We watched as some of the forces of fair Trimaris crossed the walls of the fort, while others took a battling ram to the gates. Our people were inside, and there they thrashed the heathens. Again, Trimaris was victorious. We had taken the fort.
Mere hours later, however, the Ansteorrans had reassembled with the goal of taking back their conquered fort. They lined ballistas and catapults outside the main gate. They mustered their worn and tired army from the gutters of defeat. They attacked. My trusty companion, Brekke, and I were stationed on the catwalk on the front line. Pavases were set up for our defense, a tactic which would later prove to be invaluable. Brekke and I had only about 80 arrows between the two of us. We were ordered by His Majesty Trimaris to take out the most threatening of the ballistas. To our own advantage, and ironical whim, Duke Mikael of Ansteorra was the man behind said ballista. He had struck me the previous day, and this would be my opportunity to repay him. We were relentless with our arrows. Volley after volley were issued forth from our bows, but their shield wall was too effective. We took the legs of most of the ballista’s defenders. Then, I saw an opening. Mikael was sitting be and firing, but he was exposed. I knocked, and loosed, striking him in the head. Brekke too saw the opportunity. Immediately after my arrow seared into his skull, hers found his more tender areas. Needless to say, his wife would be upset, even if we did not kill him. One of his minions took his place behind the weapon.
We quickly ran out of arrows. We called for more, and someone brought them. We fired all of those, and still, the ballista raged on. “More arrows”, I cried once again, and again more were brought. By this time, the exhaustion had set in. I had been fighting all day. I suppose I slowed a bit on my knocking and firing technique. Then, as I stood to take aim, an arrow from the side of the fort wall, where it had apparently been breached, struck me directly in the chest. Luckily, I was wearing a rigid breast plate, so the wound was not fatal. Once again, however, I was taken out of the battle due to injuries inflicted by an Ansteorran. This fact, I will remember next year. I was not unable to witness our third glorious victory over them. The Trimarian army was so blood thirsty, that we breached our own walls to find members of the enemy army to fight. The fort was first taken, and then successfully defended, routing the Ansteorrans and their allies. Now, could someone please tell me what we were fighting over?
Sir Demetrius As usual, it was a tie. . . So we have to do it all over again next year! On the Battle Field . . . We kicked much Booty . . . for the first time in history, Trimaris WON every single battle! We won the field twice in a row (it was best 2 out of 3). We took the fort again and in record time Ansteorra has yet to do so) plus we managed to defend it against the attackers. Exceeding all expectations, we also won the field resurrection battle. Hats off to our allies, the Midrealm, Calontir, and Meridies. Hats off to those inventive people who built the proliferation (in Meridies, according to their Earl Marshal . . . “that means More of”) of siege engines which helped to take the fort. And a final and grand hats off to the archers that helped to make the way much easier for us heavy fighters . . . Great Job! Hats off to anyone I forgot . . . the adrenalin is still pumping.
Theadora the Confused, Oldenfeld, Trimaris Okay, here goes from a combat archer’s perspective: Sir Erika commanded a group of about 40 combat archers in the Field Battles on Friday. For the first battle, we came through a hole in our lines on the right flank, spread out in front of our line and fired until we were overrun. Those who survived the stampede regrouped and sortied until the battle was over. For the second battle, we were divided into three groups, firing over each flank and the middle. We advanced and retreated with our parts of the line, lobbing and taking what direct shots we could. On Saturday, Trimaris attacked the fort for the first battle and defended for the second battle. During the attack, we hid behind the 50 or so pavases provided by Wyvernwood and decimated their archers. When the battering ram was brought up, we tried to keep the Ansteorran spearmen off the ramsmen. Trimaris once again took the fort. During the defense, there were so many archers that not all of us could find places at the battlements. We peppered their siege weapons crews with fire, killing and maiming many. Sir Bytor’s dead elephant was used as a massive pavase from inside the fort, and the Ansteorran War ‘Dillo died an honorable death. Trimaris held the fort.
Maredudd The biggest news I guess is that the War was a tie. Well, on second thought, that’s not such news is it, since its been a tie ever since I started going. We did take the Fortress again, and we successfully defended it. I guess last years taking of the fort for the first time wasn’t a fluke. I must say thought, that I have never before seen an Armadillo that large. The good news is that is was just as easy to run over as its smaller cousins. We also took the first two Field battles and the Resurrection battle, the Archery ½ point, and the Live Weapons ½ point. Ansteorra took both the Light Weapons and the Heavy Weapons Champions Battles, the Art/Sci point, and the Volunteer ½ point. The final score was 2.5 points to 2.5 points. The war was attended by the Crowns of eight Kingdoms and one Principality. (Trimaris, Ansteorra, Meridies, Outlands, Calontir, Middle, East, Atlantia, ? I can’t remember which Principality was there.) Trimaris’ allies were Meridies, the Middle, and Calontir. Of course, the really important thing was that we all had a good time. Other highlights, at least for me, was my Blackberry mead, which kicked my b@#t Wednesday (Sorry to those that missed the stuff, but I could be at only so many places at once.), the Sable Raven Tavern, Great Court, which beyond being one of the shortest I’ve ever seen was graced with a truly awesome example of Maredudd Squeak as I finished reading the last scroll of our court. At least when I squeak I project well. I think everybody within a quarter of a mile heard it 🙂 But then its not a real Maredudd Court unless I squeak at least a little. The East Kingdoms herald was impressed by the fact that Trimaris had two heralds in a row that correctly pronounced Llewellyn. Any rumors about King Solemon leading the Trimarian forces on crusade back to Egypt are true, though it must have been a rather large oasis we stayed at, and the Nile was only flooding on Wednesday and Thursday.
Inigo Guillermo de Guipuzcua Well let’s see my highlights were as follows. 1) Got killed really fast in the speed list (first a Duke then a Barron). 2) Hearing of the *first* party back at Berkley 30 something years ago bye someone that was really there. 3) Killing two people in the first field battle before getting clubbed like a baby seal. 4) While talking to Sir Terrell at the end on the second field battle getting asked by him “did you live?” to which I replied “yes my unit only got to kill one person before they all disappeared.” Then he looked at my holy water sprinkler and said “can I see this?” Me not thinking to much of it seeing as many people thought that it looked really cool handed it to him only to get smacked up side the head with it. 5) Bumming Duck tape off anyone I could fined to make rocks for the siege weapons. (even the king gave me a roll). 6) Firing the An Crosairen Catapult 2 to 5 times faster then anyone else on the field, even the archers (one shot every 2 to 5 seconds) 7) Taking a slight pause from firing while defending the fort to watch us kill our own elephant in front to the gates so that they had to go over it to get in. 8) After getting killed by a balistia bolt to the knee, watching the Trimarian army set up the two ramparts normally used to get into a fort so they could get out and catch the enemy of guard. We have nicknamed it the lemming bridge. 9) Going though 3 gallons of Swamp Frog. Did I mention that this was the first Fighting I have done save one war practice, a demo (where I first got authorized) and 4 baronial fighter practices.

Spring Coronation
Talewinds, March AS XXXI On 3-21/23-97 the Shire of Oldenfeld is proud to present Spring Coronation of Their Royal Highnesses Sir Gregory Ahearne and Lady Maisie of Dunbarton at Wewa. Autocrats Cassaundra Gervais and THL Giovanni Sbarbaro di Rienzi. Feastcrat Lady Judith Maryse.
Talewinds, May AS XXXI From the Performing Artist Guild: At Spring Coronation, minstrels from several of our Shires combined to hold an all day playing session. Our special thanks to the good purveyors of the “Lost Rose” cafe, for their patronage. It was a wonderful day for both the minstrels,a s well as the pedestrians, who were able to enjoy both the sights and sounds of merchant row. The company varied from a grand consort of about ten players and singers, to duets, trios, quartets and soloists. The music included well-known dance pieces, as well as other traditional period pieces. W. Trawenlop

Talewinds, March AS XXXI, Introduction to the Incoming Crown
Let all the Ollam poets give this tale to the highest Chieftains and the lowest farmers. The tale of Gregory and Maisie is to be made known throughout the land.
On Christ’s Mass day of the year 898 of the Christian counting did Gregory Ahearne set out to follow the demands of his father and grandfather. He and his feni-brothers were to travel as hostages to the land of Trimaris in exchange for support against Viking raiders who were beginning to swarm the River Shannon. Their ships were packed with their fine goods that they might carry part of their homeland with them. As he surveyed his brave warriors and treasure chests in the boats, Gregory still felt something was missing.
On the eve of departure after the feni-warriors had fallen asleep from the exertions of the farewell ceili, Gregory silently crept in the moonlight to the docked boats. He unloaded his shining chariot and battle steeds and harnessed them for a journey. With a single snap of the reigns the horse leapt into the air and began to fly to the East, pulling Gregory and his chariot along. They flew across Ireland and across the Irish Sea until they came to the Fort in Dalraidia called Dunbarton. There it was said lived a young warrioress in the Clan of his father’s rival. The chariot landed silently at the Dunbarton gate and Gregory made a salmon’s leap over the wall with sword in hand. Before him was a bonfire and he approached it boldly.
At the fire there was a grand commotion. In a swirl of dark curls and white fists was a man whose intentions had not been appreciated by the object of his desire. Maisie of Dunbarton cared not for men whose amorous advances came uninvited. This poor soul was meeting the consequences suffered by many before. Undaunted, Gregory stepped between the two and called out “I am Gregory of Ahearne Tuatha, of the dual chariots and horses of night. You will come away with me and be my wife.”
Maisie startled by the honorable intentions of Gregory came to a halt, curls rippling slowly still down her back. Just then, as Gregory admired the woman before him, the spurned suitor gave forth a mighty fist strike intended for Maisie. Gregory saw the strike mirrored in the deep pools of Maisies eyes and quickly turned to parry the blow. The suitor fell upon Gregory’s sword and Gregory fell back into Maisie’s arms. Maisie saw Gregory’s fine teeth in his smiling face and felt his strong body under his leine. “You are a suitor of a much nobler sort. I admire your courage. Perhaps I will come away with you”. Said Maisie.
Gregory and Maisie ran back to the chariot and flew back across the sea and land to Limerick. They reached the Shannon at dawn and joined the Ahearne Tuatha on the ships as they sailed the way to settle in Trimaris. Upon their arrival in Trimaris, Gregory, Maisie and their clan found honorable hosteling. Within 2 years Gregory’s sword arm and true heart carried him to the ranks of the Aire Echta, the lords of vengeance so honored. Gregory was chosen as the High King and Maisie took on the geas-title of Sacred Queen to the folk of Trimaris. So they set to be Coronated in the third week of Spring in the year 900 of Christ’s accounting.

Land Fund Facts
Talewinds, April AS XXXI 1997 1. The Trimaris Capital Campaign Fund aka the Land Fund will be used to buy property for holding events and demos. 2. There is now $5,721.84 in the fund. This does not include proceeds from the raffle. 3. In 1995 the Kingdom paid out almost $33,000 in site fees and the local groups paid out over $21,000. Wouldn’t that money be better spent on our own site? 4. The fund cannot be kept separate from the SCA without starting a separate 501(c)3 corporation. This is unnecessary at this time. The West Kingdom raised over $250,000 for their land fund before creating such a corporation. 5. The land fund is accounted for separately from the rest of the Kingdom funds. After the raffle proceeds are collected, the land fund will be placed in a separate account. 6. The fund’s charter prevents the money from being used for any other purpose other than the purchase of land. 7. Althought the property needs to be centrally located, no site or area has been selected. It is too early in the process for this type of decision. 8. If each active member had sold only 4 rafle tickets, the raffle would have raised over $12,000 for the fund.

Quasimodo Sunday (Eve)
Talewinds, March AS XXXI On 4-4/6-97 the Shire of Sangre Del Sol invites you to a Bardic Celebration on Quasimodo Sunday (Eve), a Camp Greynolds. “Join us for a day of performance and merriment as we combine our tempest tossed Bardic Celebration with the observation of an obscure holiday that bears the name of The Hunchback of Notre Dame. The possibilities are endless. We will have prize competitions for every kind of bardic art, including but not limited to Singing, Instrumental Music, Poetry, Story Telling, Group Singing, Dancing, Theater, et cetera! Winners of these competitions will be invited to participate in the Grand Bardic Tournament, a double elimination mixed bardic arts Lyst for the Grand Prize. On the lighter side, there will be a “be a gargoyle” contest, the crowning of the King of Fools, and the “Thieves Guild” will be out in force – but let them beware the Bailiff We will have classes (teachers wanted) and gaming for those so inclined. For all the fighter types, we have the Champion of Sangre del Sol Lyst, a boasting bear pit tourney, and a First Blood Tourney. And for our Fencers, an Elizabethan Insult Lyst, with a beautiful hand-made scabbard by Lord Janos Levente as prize. After a sumptuous feast, we will hold a special Pun context and an evening bardic. Autocrats Lady Rebecca the Goldenhaired and Lady Sanchia the Sly. Feastcrat Braendt ap Glaendeghar.

Gathering of the Clans
Talewinds, March AS XXXI On 4-11/13-97 the Barony of Darkwater presents Gathering of the Clans at Wewa. There will be Highland Games, Archery Contest, Children’s Games, Lysts (traditional highlands weapons only) and much more. Autocrat Savan Rosche Nenoyan and Sasha Gregorvich Villanov. Feastcrat Amano Jaku and Layd Lissandre von Burgundy.

Joseph’s Joy
Talewinds, April AS XXXI, The Shire of Sea March presents Joseph’s Joy on Saturday, April 19th 1997 at the Meadowbrook Club House. This event is dedicated to the memory of Lord Joseph of Itel. Planned events include: Champion of the Rose light weapons list, consort required, Art/Sci project requested. Combination double elimination lyst and melee, Corral the Cow, consort required, Art/Sci project requested. Art/Sci competition, minimal documentation required. A sumptuous fruit filled feast. Autocrat an feastcrat Lady Katya Rosata Schwarzwald.

St. George’s Faire
Talewinds, March AS XXXI On 4-25/27-97 the Canton of Mathom Trove proudly presents Saint George’s Faire at Camp Winona. Come view all the pageantry and drama of the Crested Helm Prize Tourney. Witness displays of skill and courage by the flower of Trimarian chivalry as they compete in the Baston Course Joust. Bid on your favorite team of Fighter and Horse for the right to choose among the sumptuous prizes donated by the talented artisans of Trimaris (this fundraiser to benefit the Triskele Editor’s Office). Following the traditional lysts of the Faire, there will be a Challenge Tourney. Fighters are encouraged to deliver public challenges to each other in the months prior to the event. Consorts of the fighters and all other ladies present at the Faire shall form a Ladies’ Gallery to judge acts of chivalry and gallantry during the day. The Ladies Gallery shall also choose the Finest Crest ot receive an especial prize. The Fairemaster shall bestow a prize for the Best Heraldic Display. Autocrats Tiarna Daimhin Cinncaidhe & Baron Taliesynne Nychymwrh yr Anghyfanned, Feastcrats Don Esteban Vicente Manrique de Santiago and Lady Teamhair Gleann de Locha.

Panhandle Skirmishes III
Talewinds, March AS XXXI The Shire of Oldenfeld is pleased to host Panhandle Shirmishes on 5-2/4-97 at the YMCA Camp Indian Springs. Join us as we host a friendly little skirmish that promises to be a great time for everyone. No political brouhaha, just a lot of good fighting, food and fun. Don’t miss this one. There will be a woods battle, a field battle, a bridge battle, an Art/Sci competition, archery, dancing and more! Autocrat, HL Giovanni Sbarbaro di Rienzi, Battle organizer, Lord Cedric of Dorchester, Head cook, Isabella Bianca Maria Disparti

The Feast of St. Valentine
Talewinds, April AS XXXI On-5-9/11-97, the Barony of An Crosaire invites you to join us for the Feast of St. Valentine (we know, but we were busy in February) to be held at Florida Bible Camp. Featuring armored combat, rapier combat, archery, Arts of Peace competition. Come “tune up” for Crown Lyst. Autocrat Lady Marthe Graw, Feastcrat Lad Stefanina Da Lucca

Your Castle in the Modern World, Living the Dream
Talewinds, May AS XXXII On 5-9/11-97, the Shire of Brineside Moor presents an event called Your Castle in the Modern World, Living the Dream to be held on private property. Featured will be constructing a castle, tapestries, to moat or not to moat, animals within the walls, feeding the castle, smalls in the castle, archery copetition, chess lyst, period games in the afternoon, castle lore, bardic or drum circle, collars to dinari. Autocrat Willa, Feastcrat Catherine the Merry. This is a tenting event.

Known World Art/Sci Symposium
Talewinds, April AS XXXI On May 17, 1997, The Barony of Carolingia (Boston MA) and the East Kingdom are please to invite teachers and attendees to this years Known World Arts and Sciences Symposium. We hope to have as many as 10 classrooms with a full day of classes. We will have a special room available to schedule performances.

Trimaris Memorial Tourney
Talewinds, April AS XXXI On 5-23/26, 1997 Trimaris Memorial Tourney will be held at Camp Wewa. Come experience the excitement and suspense that is Crown Lyst as we gather once again to witness the combat that will decide the Heirs to the throne of Trimaris. Darkwater Autocrat HL Elizabeth Stafford Parr Pembroke; Wyvernwood Autocrat HL Kamala al Rakset al Sharqi; Oldenfeld Autocrat HL Giovanni Sbarbaro di Rienzi. Saturday Feast Lord Diego Alexander Miranda de Saavedra & Mistress Orianna Goldenhair, Sunday Feast Baroness Suzanne da Firenze
Prince and Princess of Trimaris, Syr Stromek and Countess Alianore

The Midnight Cattle Raid, by HL Maredudd ap Cynan
Talewinds, May AS XXXII In celebration of his crowning as the new Ardrigh Trimaris, and as was the custom among his clan, Gregory Ahearn announced that on the night of the nest full moon, after the sun had set and the moon was high in the heavens, he would lead his new band of warriors upon a great cattle raid against their enemies across the western gulf. In this way he could show his people with what courage he would lead them into battle, with what prowess he would bring the land of Trimaris to greatness. The people of Trimaris rejoiced, for though they were a peaceful people, they knew the fields of their neighbors were full of Trimarian cattle, they having been taken recently in raids against Trimaris. It was time now for the Trimarians to reclaim their own.
Word of the coming raid spread far and wide so that people from across Trimaris gathered. Of these, the greatest were the Aire Echta, the Lords of Vengeance and Slaughter, who were the first to answer the call to battle. There were Llewelyn and Bytor, the Fennid of the Crown, both Lords of great skill who served as champions for the Ardigh and Bantiardrigh. These warriors would easily account for one hundred men each when the battle was done, each one of their opponents great Lords in their own right. Then there came Baldar from the north and Solomon from the south, both striking fear into the hearts of their foes as all knew that these two alone would slay three hundred men between them before they blunted their swords, and still the killing would continue. Next came Cadwyd, who singlehandedly would wrestle any foe to the ground, taking the prize of their cattle from them and throwing it across his shoulders, would bared it back to Trimaris. In this way would he slay a hundred men before his back would break beneath the load of so many cattle. Word of the raid spread so far that even Edmund, King of the lands in between answered Gregory’s call to arms, and he would have it no other way save that he would fight beside the Trimarians in honor of the Ardrigh Trimaris. It was said that Edmund stood so tall that while standing at the border of the Trimarian lands, he could see beyond the western gulf and into the heart of the enemies lands. Others there were of the Aire Echta who answered Gregory’s call along with many lesser warriors. Indeed, too many gathered to tell of in so small a space as I have here, so it shall be left for later to tell of these warriors. In this way did the warriors of Trimaris prepare to serve their King. All swords were polished and spears reshafted. The chariots were refitted with new wheels and the strongest stallions outfitted with harness. The people gathered together and competed against one another in games to shwo their physical prowess and their skills on the field of battle. Wrestling, tossing of the hammer, stone, and caber, and races to see who were the fleetest on foot. All these skills would serve the people well when the cattle raid came. The Aire Echta then gathered together their companions and, discussing the best strategies, practiced the arts of war, honing their skills until event he least of their number would slay ten of the enemy by himself.
On the appointed night, as the sun sank below the horizon, a great feast was held in honor of the Ardrigh, Gregory Ahearn. Much food and many great bowls of mead were consumed as the people of Trimaris celebrated the coming raid. Finally, as the moon rose towards its zenith, with the warriors of Trimaris spreading out across the land, Gregory led his new companions in search of their enemies herds.
Many are the stories that could be told of that night but they shall have to wait until a later time, for there is only one tale of which I will now speak. One warrior whose tale I will tell, and this warrior not of the Aire Echta. I speak here of the Ardrigh’s Naidm, Bairn MacFearghuis.
Among the Ardrigh’s companions, Bairn was the enforcer of the peace. When the laws were broken, it was Bairn who would see that the judgement of the King and his brehon were carried out. It was also Bairn who would visit the Ardrigh’s vassals and collect those tributes due to the King. It is in these two tasks that Bairn did shine on that night when Trimaris went raiding for her cattle, for there are none who did serve the King better on this raid, either in arresting the enemy, or in the collection of cattle. Ten great beasts did he retrieve on his first foray into the enemies lands, all ten carried back to Trimaris draped across his shoulders. Sometimes eluding the opposing warriors, and at other times defeating them in combat, but always did he return with more beasts for the Ardrigh’s heard. Bairn returned for more cattle until, by his efforts, Gregory’s heard had been increased fourteen fold. Upon seeing this fat Gregory proclaimed “From this day forward let my Naidm, Bairn MacFearghuis, be know as the Aire Bo, my Lord of Cattle.” To this Bairn replied “My Dread Lord, forgive me for saying so, but I have a name and would prefer its use, and that the name is Bairn MacFearghuis.” “Not so.” spoke the Ardrigh, “for if my fields are full of cattle on the ‘morrow, it is because of you and your skill at collecting that which is due the king, for in truth, you have, on this night, been as enthusiastic in your collections from our enemy across the great western gulf as you have ever been in collecting tribute from my vassals. Therefore the title of Aire Bo is a title of great renown and all shall know of your prowess by its utterance.” “As you say my Dread Lord.” spoke Bairn. It is for this reason the Bairn MacFearghuis, among the Ardrigh’s companions, is to this day called the Aire Bo, or the Lord of Cattle.

Summer Thunder
Talewinds, May AS XXXII On 6-6/8-97 the Barony of Darkwater presents Summer Thunder at River Forest Campground.

Summer Arts & Sciences Faire
Talewinds, May AS XXXII On 6-13/15-97 The Shire of Southkeep presents the Summer Arts & Sciences Faire at Camp Ithiel. Autocrat Lord William de Cordoba, Feastcrat L
Lady Branwyn ferch Madoc.
Talewinds, June AS XXXII From the Minister of Arts & Sciences: Art/Sci promises to have several different exciting activities. Besides the activities happening during the faire such as the standard judging, the Heptathaion competition, and the Competition for the Patron of the Arts and Sciences, there will be several classes sponsored by the Trimarian Royal University. In addition, for those interested in the Martial Arts, there will be fighting at this event. And for the kids, the Kingdom ministry of Children will be sponsoring a separate children’s A&S activity. Giuseppe

At the Third quarter Meeting of the Board of Directors, held in Calgary, Canada on 7-27-97, the Shire of Tri Os (Martin and St. Lucie Counties) was officially recognized

Regional Fighter Practice
Talewinds, June AS XXXII On 6-29-97, the Barony of An Crosaire and the Shire of Castlemere present a regional fighter practice at Westside Park in Gainesville. All fighters are encouraged to attend, yes all fighters; lights, heavies, combat archers, siege weapons are extremely welcome. Marshal in charge Agami-Ryu, Co-Marshal Lord Bernard de Barfleur

Midsummers Knight’s Dream
Talewinds, June AS XXXII On 7-4/6-97 the Shire of Narval Dorado presents a Midsummers Knight’s Dream held at Camp Soule. Join us for your last chance to practice before the Great War in August. Heavy weapons. Light weapons, combat archery, target archery…something for everyone. And in the evening, a feast by our own Johana, feastcrat from Long Nights Gathering for those who remember her wonderful cooking. Co Autocrats Lady Muirenn ingen Ui Ceilleachair & Tamsyn Haukehyrst

Summer Revel V
Talewinds, June AS XXXII ON 7-19-97, the Stronghold of Nan Crioch Tuatha presents Summer Revel V at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Jacksonville. Autocrat Laird Sebastian Halyburton, Feastcrat Irene Kilpatrick

The XXVIth Annual PennsicWar
Talewinds, July AS XXXII 8-3/17-97 at Coopers Lake PA.

Fall Coronation
Talewinds, July AS XXXII On 8-29/9-1-97 the Canton of Mathom Trove is proud to host Fall Coronation to celebrate the Coronation of Their Royal Highnesses Syr Stromek Bo Comatan and Countess Alianore d’Astralis at Camp Wewa. Saturday there will be a double elimination prize tourney followed by a Squires vs Knights melees. To be eligible to enter into the prize tourney, the fighter must bring a can of food for the local area charities. Sunday the Order of the Rose is once again sponsoring a lyst. The fighters will be grouped into six man teams and people may bid on the teams. The rules are the same as last year. This is a fund raiser for the Crown. The Crown also requests that all participants in martial activities (i.e., light weapons, archery, live weapons, etc.) bring a can of food to be given to the local area charities. Autocrat, HL Peadar Felic, Feastcrat Baroness Ysar de la Nuit

Council of Lyons
Talewinds, July AS XXXII On 9-13-97, the Shire of Sea March and Clan Wolfdragon presents the Council of Lyons at the Meadowbrook Mobilehome Clubhouse. Events include an Art/Sci Inventors competition; a Zombie Lyst for heavy weapons, bring booty to enter, second team conciliation prizes; Fencer’s Obstacle Course, plus Bardic and Classes. Autocrat Lady Wulflinde Aethelwulf, Feastcrat Andrew McCray.

Talewinds, August AS XXXII On 9-19/21-97 the Barony of An Crosaire presents Michaelmas at Camp Immokalee. Participate in the many activities: Populous acclaim arts & sciences competition; baron’s champion; Baron’s Bowman; Baroness’ Blade, and the Counted Shot Tourney; plus numerous classes, fencing and archery. Fighters come and practice at the castle wall. Feast with us in a Middle Eastern style. Autocrats Lord Suliman al Rashid al Tanis, Lord Subadai the Bear, Feastcrat Giesella Von Zwitterrosen.

Viking Foray VII
Talewinds, September AS XXXII On 9-19/21-97, the Shire of Amurgorod presents Viking Foray at Camp Immokalee. Autocrat Lord Stanislous Baranowski, Feastcrat Elysa Baranowski

Champion of Glymmerholde
Ft. Myers Medieval Faire
Talewinds, July AS XXXII On 9-27/28-97 the Shire of Glymmerholde is sponsoring the Champion of Glymmerholde Lyst in conjunction with the Ft. Myers Medieval Faire. At the faire will be 5 heavy weapons lysts, art/sci displays, jousting, 100+ vendors. Live weapons demos and competitions. This is a Kingdom fund raising event. Autocrat Lady Margaret MacGregor, Feastcrat Baron Siegfried Heydrich.

Village Faire/War of the Roses
Talewinds, August AS XXXII On 10-4/6-97 the Barony of Darkwater in conjunction with the War of the Roses Kingdom Fundraiser presents Village Faire and the War of the Roses at Camp Wewa. Few events of history have the romance, intrigue, chivalry and treachery of England’s War for the Crown between the Houses of York and Lancaster. So called the War of Roses because of the red and white roses carried as standards between the rival factions. Join in as the Battles of Twekesbury, Barnet, and Bosworth Field are re-constructed, and play a part in living history. The Canton of Mathom Trove will quiz us in History and Heraldry Contests, hold a Richard III speech contest in the evening, as well as bedazzling us with their Heraldic skills upon the field of battle. Enjoy the diverse classes of Village Faire, and participate in the festivities of the day. There will ve a double elimination Bardic Competition, as well as many other activities.Autocrat Lady Andrea of Lancaster, Tavernmistress Lady Meghan Oriana Lauder. Battlecrats Earl Benen MacTyr & Duke Llewelyn ap Cadwallader

Talewinds, October AS XXXII On Saturday 10-11-97, the Shire of Castlemere presents Scriptorum at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Jacksonville. Come join the fun, with classes of all kinds and for all ages. Learn to make your own oils, soaps and how to pamper oneself at an event. How do you feed the people, and much more. There will be the annual Champion of Castlemere lyst, and a few others. An event where you can learn something new in an hour. Autocarat Lady Renata Livsie Vonhourverlis

Bardic Celebration II
Talewinds, July AS XXXII On 10-17/19-97, the Shire of Sangre del Sol invites you to join us again for Bardic Celebration II at Camp Greynolds. The revelry continues.. Once again we will have prize competitions for every kind of bardic art. The categories will be the same and the winners of these competitions will be invited to participate in the Grand Bardic Tournament, a double elimination mixed bardic arts lyst for the Grand Prize. In addition to the competitions, we will have classes, games, and a Dollar-a-yard fabric store run. For our fighters we will have the Boasting Bear Pit Tourney for a prize of rattan and for our fencers, the Elizabethan Insult lyst with a beautiful hand made prize. And if you still want more, the ever popular Castle is available at the park for impromptu storming. And of course, another delicious feast cooked for your pleasure by our own HL Elicabeth FitzRandolph. After feast, we will hold a special Pun contest for those so inclined, gaming, and an evening bardic into the wee hours. Due to our special arrangement with the management of the camp. We can again offer you a weekend event for daytrip price. Autocrat and Classcrat Lady Rebecca the Goldenhaired
Event Report: by Rebecca the Goldenhaired – Prize competitions were held in the following categories:
Singing, won by Angus Armstrong; Theatrical won by Lord William de Cordobal Poetry won by Katya Renanda Schwarzwald; Instrumental won by Nigel Hastings Thurman known as Baldric; Storytelling also won by Nigel Hastings Thurman; Accents of the World won by Katherina & Alexandra of Drachenwald. One of the highlights of the event was meeting our two guests who came from the Kingdom of Drachenwald. The prevailed in the Accents of the World competition with a whimsical story of something which had occurred during their visit to our kingdom. After a glorious day of wonderful performances in so many different types of performing arts, the winners of the individual competitions participated in the double elimination Grand Bardic Tournament. This bardic lyst required that the participants use a variety of different styles to compete. And in the end, the two finalist then competed in a best two out of three round. I must stress that this was the hardest part of the tournament for our judges. Both performers proved themselves to be incredibly talented Bards of high caliber and both were very well matched. The Winner of the Grand Bardic Tournament was Lord William De Cordoba with the runner up being Nigel Hasting Thurman. After the competitions were held, the winners crowned and a sumptuous French feast was enjoyed by all, the assembled Bards and Minstrels gathered in to two large groups to hold Bardic Circles. The cool evening air was filled with the singing of songs, the telling of tales and revelry long into the night.

Festival of the Harvest Moon
Talewinds, October AS XXXII On 10-24/26-97 the Shire of Oldenfeld presents the Festival of the Harvest Moon at Camp Indian Springs. We’ve got a bevy of fun things planned for this event, including an afternooon challenge lyst, a paint-a-pict contest, live weapons, archery, Oldenfeld’s traditional poetry and drawing contests, overland croquet and Lizzie’s Elizabethan Tavern right before feast. There will be music and dancing galore,a nd of cours, a wicker man – you can’t have a Celtic event without one. Autocrat Lady Riona Seosamhin bean Morric, Feastcrat Lord Cedric of Dorchester.

Gobiin Lha
Talewinds, October AS XXXII On 10-24/26-97, The Barony of Darkwater and the Phoenix Hord present Gobiin Lha at River Forest Campground. Join the Mongols as we shake the Tree of Heaven. From the trackless wastes of the Gobi to the frozen tundra of Siberia. The horseclans gather to honor the victories of the Horde. As the Five Sprits of Destiny lead us once more to war. Celebrate with us before the day of reckoning. The Great Yak Hunt, the woods heavy weapons; combat archery; Angry Yaks, a 3 man resurrection battle. Mongol Games – mounted archery, wrestling, boffer obstacle course, disc jousting and more. The Kahn Quest, an evening quest, it is not for the kiddies or the faint of heart. Autocrat Seth ne Yargukai, feastcrat Lady Brenna Janatiek ne’Noyan

Baronial Bash
Talewinds, October AS XXXII On 10-31/11-2-97 the Barony of Wyvernwood presents Baronial Bash’s 25th Anniversary at Camp Keystone. Featuring Sir Erik’s Quest and Melees, the Laurel’s Luncheon, classes, masqued ball, gambling tavern, children’s activities. Feast is an Italian Banquet of Love. Autocrat Al-Sayyida Rana inkinci, Feastcrat Lady Rowan McBride & Maeve McBride

Sand Dragon Social
Talewinds, November AS XXXII On Saturday, 11-2-97, the Shire of Gleann Dubh presents Sand Dragon Social at Lighthouse Park. Join in a day of fun, games and varied activities including: the Sand Dragon List, rapier list, quest, sand castle buildng contest, “sheep” riding races, and Flying Dragon Jousting (bring your own kite) and Dragon Ball, and a Conch blowing competition. There will be a Duc de Pot luck feast, bring an entree or side dish. Turkey is provided and desserts will be available for purchast at the site. Autocrat Tymgard Colbert.

Talewinds, November AS XXXII On 11-7/9-97, the Canton of Swamp Keype presents Swampthing at Moss Park. 2 heavy weapons lysts, 1 light weapons lyst, 1 archery lyst, 1 live weapon lyst, children’s activities. Autocrat Ld. Somhairle O’Laidhigh, Feastcrat Johnush Wohoodin

Martinmas Moot
Talewinds, August AS XXXII On 11-14/16-97 Join Casa di Rienzi, House Asgard, House Sbarbaro, and a host of others as we bring you Martinmas Moot and Fall Crown Lyst. This year, Martinmas Moot and Fall Crown Lyst will be held as a fund raiser for the Kingdom Land Fund. The money normally given tot he hosting group will be placed in the Land fund. Additionally, we ask that households and shires consider running a fundraiser at this event. We are using a brand new site for this event, Camp Summit has air conditioned cabins with private baths as well as an air conditioned hall.

Toys for Tots Tourney and Artisans’ Showcase
Talewinds, November AS XXXII On 11-21/23-97 the Shire of Brineside Moor presents the Toys for Tots Tourney at Camp Soule. Featuring the Defender of Children Lyst, Boffer Lyst for warriors under age 18, Archery competition, Artisans’ Showcase, Open Bardic/drum circle, feast and dancing, period games. Autocarat Willa, Feastcrat Lord Annon Nam Beannton

Talewinds, October AS XXXII On 11-28/30-97 the Shire of Storm invites you to join us at Caravanserai held at Camp Soule. Featuring Torchlight Tourney on Friday night, Defender of the Caravan lyst, chariot challenge, Trimaris Triathalon, melee madness, archery, feast and dancing, bardic storytelling contest. Autocrat Lord Iain Cailean MacKee, Feastcrat Lilith Lobbe de Helde.

Baron’s Champion
Talewinds, November AS XXXII On 12-13-97, the Barony of Darkwater cordially invites you to the Barons Champion Tournament and a Viking Christmas Party at Camp Ithiel. Besides the Champion Lyst there will be a light weapons lyst, a bells and pillows lyst. Also featuring “RAP”, yes we left the “e’ off on purpose, try your hand at medieval “rap”, to be performed during and after feast. “PILLAGE” those who wish to participate in the gift exchange are requested to bring 1 wrapped gift. “BURN” a grand Viking tradition we will be burning a village. Build your structure to be place in the village. The winner of the longboat race will be granted the privilege of tossing the first torch into the village. General mahem willl follow. Autocrat, Desirata Wendaway & Vilheim Borsbane

Sea March Yule Fest
Talewinds, December AS XXXII On 12-13-97, the Shire of Sea March will hold their Yule Fest at Camp Greynolds. Activities include a heavy weapons lyst with a 8′ stave of rattan as a prize; a light weapons lyst with a Renaissance Shirt made by Dona Talia as prize. There will be Wrestling for Chocolate, Wassail & Caroling, Musical Chairs, Dancing, a Herald’s Table, and bartering for SCA stuff. For feast we will provide meats, soup and dessert. Feast will cost $5 or bring a dish that will feed 4-6 people. Autocrat HL Brighid Caileen of the Moors.

Yule Revel
Talewinds, October AS XXXII On 12-12/14-97 the Little Shire of Oldenfeld invites you to celebrate Yule with us at Camp Indian Springs. The Oldenfeld Token Tree – new tradition in the making, if you have any tokens you want to get rid of or just display, or anything else you can think to stick on a tree. A Poetry Contest, choose six words from the twelve to write a humorous Yule story. A drawing contest, a Viking Ship at Yule. And last, but definitely not least, as much fighting as the fighters are will ing to do. Autocrat Lady Cassaundra Gervais, Feastcrats Laurence the Singed and Lady Gwenhwyfar di Rienzi