Recent Kingdom Notes

March 12, 2025

The Kingdom of Trimaris

The Three Seas of Power

Trimaris History – 1982

63 min read


The Shire of West Isle
Talewinds, Vol 1, no 1, January AS XVI In the northwest corner of the territory known as Hydra’s Bight, there exists a small but loyal, enthusiastic band. The Shire of West Isles, named after the many small islands found within view of its shores, originated in January of AS XIII. Mundanely, the shire is comprised of Seminole and Pinellas Park northward through Largo, Clearwater, and Palm Harbor to New Port Richey. Although our population is as diverse as any other, interest in medieval arts runs high. We have an active costumers guild and a performing arts guild, and a penned arts household. In addition to the many events we attend in the Society, we are also seen at the Bay Area Renaissance Fair of Largo, an annual six-week mundanely owned endurance contest. Another tradition of a year is a Wassailing Party in conjunction with a branch of Kiwanis International in which we visit area hospitals and nursing homes to share the spirit of the Christmas season with those so confined – after which in true SCA form we return to share some of the more potent spirits of the season. Should your firedragon find itself on our pathways some Sunday, feel free to join us as we meet every week, events permitting, in costume at the home of Felix the Fool.
Greet now the people of West Isles.
Gaiseric of Seville is our transient Goth. He has been active for eight months, although since moving to Wyvernwood, his loyalties are divided. He first learned of the SCA though posters at St. Pete Junior College advertising the P.M. Magazine special last winter – p.r. works, folks! The SCA appeals to him through its emphasis on history, crafts, and, what else, REVELING! When he first became a Goth, Gaiseric said all his friends wanted to know if he intended to sack Rome (the old ancestral urge, you know). Greg Scaff is a student and lives in both Tampa and Clearwater.
Phillipe de Montfort is pursuivant. He has been active for two years, although he first met with the SCA four years ago in the Middle Kingdom. He enjoys the SCA for its emphasis on learning and history, as well as the social interaction of the revels. He likes trading stories of famous SCA personages and escapades. He has five costumes and leans toward Elizabethan and Tudor looks when not sporting his usual persona of a fourteenth century Norman. Tim Taschner is a parts clerk for a local Ford dealer and father of two.
Mary Felix, called the Fool is the shire’s official clown, although harmless. The first SCA member she met was Francisco in Wyvernwood, who showed her crazy people in costumes dancing around their tents. Sheanna brought her to one meeting, and she was addicted. She enjoys the SCA for its study/recreation of the visual and performing arts of the Middle Ages. The revels as a social event also appeal to her. She is readily spotted in her traditional particolored fool’s garb. Susan Harra is a professional silk-screen artist and lives in Clearwater.
Alfred ap Hafod is Master of Sciences. He is a very good calligrapher, pen-and-ink artist, and researcher. He enjoys medieval arts and sciences, but is especially drawn by the desire for historical authenticity. Steve Whitaker is a student of television and theater arts, specializing in film-making.
Andreana de Montfort is Seneschal and Chirurgeon. She has been active for two years although she first heard of the SCA thirteen years ago on “To Tell The Truth.” The first member she met was Duke Sir Merowald – they worked together in Michigan. She enjoys the SCA for its craft work, handiwork, and creativity as well as administration. She has made twenty-four costumes. Adreana is lady and wife to Phillipe, and has two children who accompany them to most events as Jeanne-Marie and Alain. She has many stories to tell, but one of her most embarrassing moments happened as she was walking to Sir Bron and Lady Agrippina’s wedding at TMT VI: her petticoat caught on the underbrush and ten yards of netting popped out from beneath her Tudor gown. Debi Trashner is a preschool teacher and resides in New Port Richey.
Sheanna de la Perla Tetrica is Historian. She has been active almost two years. She is drawn by her interest in medieval fine art forms. Although her schedule does not permit her to attend many events, she is active in costuming and research. Charlene Premru works at a bank in Clearwater when not in class at USF.
Cathlin Emryss of Invernia is Reeve. She has been active for six months. Cathlin first saw the SCA at the Largo Renaissance Festival and fell in love with it. She enjoys the art of the Middle Ages and is quite an artist in her own right. Her first event was TMT VI and the hospitality she found within the hosting shires and others in attendance has drawn her in. She very enthusiastically gathers information and enjoys making friends. Her current speciality is original etched glasses. Watch for her soon in the competitions. Cat Bass is a librarian and resides in Largo.
Robert FitzRobert, called the Grim, is Pursuivant Extraordinaire. He first came into contact with the SCA at the Largo Renaissance Festival of 1980 when Lord John Urquhart, Esquire, called for a page. Robert has been running ever since. Although only sixteen, Robert is working hard on being a fighter and armorer. He also enjoys cartooning. The medieval fantasy of the SCA is what appeals to him as well as the true culture of the era. Robert Westerfield is a student at Tarpon Springs High School and works at Winn-Dixie.
Alicia Rhinehardt, also known within the Society as Susan of the Cloves, has been active for one year. Since June she has resided in West Isles but was previously from Wyvernwood. She loves to dance and hopes to be entertaining for our enjoyment soon. She is an excellent costumer – you may agree when you see her belly dancing outfit. Her favorite area of research is German. Susan Schmidt is a journalist with the Clearwater Sun and resides in that town.

Twelfth Night Celebration
Talewinds, Vol.1, no.1, January AS XVI On 1-9-82 The Shire of Southkeep held their Twelfth Nigh Revel, the flyer advertised Fighting in the afternoon, feasting and reveling in the evening. event report stated; The Shire of Southkeep did deem it time for its annual Twelfth Night Feast. The populace of the shire gathered at the hall of Lord Alexander Mareschal, Seneschal of the Shire. To the sorrow of the populace none from outside the shire appeared, the messages to the rest of the kingdom having been delayed. Several of the shire’s fighters did gather in the open field before Lord Mareschal’s hall to engage in a friendly exchange of arms. After this the populace did remove to Lord Mareschal’s hall for the Feast and Revel. Two cakes were served — one for the ladies and the other for the gentlemen- – in an attempt to choose a king and queen of fools. This method proving unavailing, the populace was forced to draw straws. In this manner Kator Totoya and Eleanore of Williamsford-on Trent (formerly called Eleanore Woodbringer) were selected as king and queen. His majesty immediately made two proclamations, to wit: no one was to walk behind their majesty’s table and all officers, their majesties excepted, were to say “nay” after each word; this last to the dismay of said officers.
The feast consisted of chicken with dressing, wassail, boiled maze — a delicacy from far away lands–a sauce made from apples, cheese, bread, fresh greens, oranges and apples. Ian the Bane, a Scotsman of hearty disposition, was created court master-of-arms, with which dignity her majesty later added Queen’s Champion. Ian entered into his duties with a will and was heard to loudly toast all and sundry. Her majesty amazed the populace by entering into the festivities with a right good will.
Jhanara of Asengarth suggested the populace show homage to their majesties by the forfeiture of a kiss and as the first to demonstrate her loyalty. There was some reluctance on the part of the ladies to show homage to his majesty, a few having to be encouraged by the court master-at-arms. The gentlemen, however, showed much eagerness to express their loyalty to her majesty and she graciously responded in kind.
Lord Mareschal was named Court Fool by his majesty, an honor he declined to accept. His majesty declared a groveling context which Cole of Cornwall easily won. Lord Mareschal reminded the populace of the traditional poetry contest, but it appeared he was the only entry.
A cloven apple was then passed. I must need mention here that Cole of Cornwall and his lady wife Raissa of Gascony had brought with them their little dog China. When the cloven apple reached Cole he passed it to China, and then China, with the help of her master, asked his majesty if he would like a clove. His majesty looked very ill, but accepted China’s offer, much to the amusement of the populace. China, be it known to her honor, conducted herself like a lady.
Toward the end of the festivities, his majesty, by dint of much persuasion in the form of several assassination attempts, and a rising of the populace, was compelled to change his second proclamation to: All officer to say “nay” after each sentence. submitted by Eleanor of Williamsford, Historian South Keype

Twelfth Night Celebration
Trimaris Calendar, December AS XVI, On Saturday 1-9-82 The Shire of Darkwater presents their Twelfth Night revel to be held at the abode of XandorArtallanon. The Feast will consist of Glazed Ham, Sauced Goose, Candied Yams, Green Beans Almondine, Pumpkin Pies and Mead ala Ecund – and some surprises. This will be a day of peace and joy…A time for the giving of gifts to those dear to you. Autocrat Lord Ecnude Kundulum and feastcrat, his lady wife, Elizabeth Bean Kundulum. There were 44 people in attendance.

Feast of St. Benet’s
On Saturday, 1-9-82, the Barony of An Crosaire held their traditional Twelfth Night celebration called St. Benet’s. Kirigirisu Ryu Koroge was autocrat and cooked and created a number of period dishes; Lady Cher baked manchets and served a number of wines. Lord Elom assembled the subtletly. Eglantine de Wolfe made several cubical patchwork beanbags as gifts for the festivity.

The First Coronet List of Trimaris
1-15/17-82 at Camp Keystone. “Know, Gentles all, that in this sixteenth year of our own peculiar era a wondrous thing has come to pass. A joyous word has swept the fenny marches of Trimaris…word of the coming of a true Trimarian Prince to rule the long despairing land. For John, our Dread and Sovereign Lord, King over all Meridies, has spoken…it is his royal will that on January 16th of the new year, the warriors of Trimaris shall gather at the encampment called Keystone, there to choose by ordeal of battle with mortal rattan he who shall found the line of Trimarian Princes. An Unto the lords and ladies of our sister baronies, shires and cantons of the Great Meridian Kingdom we of Trimaris say…come, share our joy and ornament with your persons the court of our own true Prince, first of all his line. And all cry, “God save Good King John and Gentle Queen Heather, who have given us this great joy.”

These were the words that went out in the flyer for our first Coronet List, held at Camp Keystone and sponsored by the Barony of Wyvernwood. The autocrat for this event was Lady Oriana Goldenhair.
Tanist – Verron Surgroth
Tanista – Wulfa Eriksdotter
Crown Champion – Sir Bronislaus of Vilnius
Awards & Honors:
Order of the Velvet Owl (with Grant of Arms)
Lady Elspeth MacNaughton, Blackthorne
Lord Ragnar Hardraada, Wyvernwood
Mistress Enriqueta de Reyes y Mora, Narval Dorado
Lady Damara Narrissa, Sea March
Lady Asdis Shadowdahtir, Oldenfeld
Lady Siobhan ni Filidheacht, An Crosaire
Lord Holtmar of Wyrhtenatun, Starhaven
Order of the Sovereigns Pleasure
Lord Dykeuald, Baron Wyvernwood
Lady Oriana Goldenhair, Wyvernwood
Terron Mooncrow, Grey Niche
Alistair the Wanderer, Sea March, has been taken as a squire by Viscount Bryetor Aison of Devon of West Isles.
Dannielle received a proposal of marriage from Kirigirisu Ryu Korogi (Cricket).

Old English Faire and Peasant Revel
Talewinds, Vol.1, no.1, January AS XVI, On Saturday, 1-23-82 the Shire of Sea March held an “Old English Faire and Peasant Revel at Dreher Park South. Autocrat Caroline merch Elwyn of the Far Hills. Scheduled activities were contests: Bread baking, wreath making, archery, peasants melee, tug of war, sack races, king toss, blind mans bluff. Entertainment: storytelling, juggling, puppet shows, singing and dancing. The bread baking contest results Lady Damara Narrissa, Exceptional Merit; Jean-Claud, Merit; Aislyn, Special Merit.

Norrey College of Armourie
Talewinds, Vol.1, no.1, AS XVI On 1-23-82, the Canton of Mathom Trove held the “Norrey College of Armourie” at Taer Glyndwr. Credits for this session are transferable to the Royal University of Meridies if desired. Classes offered to suit those attending. Master Taliesynne and Lord Knikolos instructing along with guest instructors.

Winter Stars Tourney
Talewinds, Vol.1, no.1, On 1-29/31-82, the Shire of Starhaven held their 4th Anniversary event, “Winter Stars Tourney” at KARS Park on Merritt Island. KARS Park is a tent campground with a modest feasthall but no kitchen, real lavatories and showers. Activities include a chess tourney and backgammon tourney, a mini-caber toss, feast and general revelry. Remember, this is a traditionally cold event! Feast is Duc de Potluck. Autocrat, Lady Muireann Deora-De (Strider). Besides the list there were games of chess, backgammon and caber toss.

Knight’s of Sant’ Yago
On 1-30-82 A contingent of gentlefolk from the Barony of Wyvernwood and the Shire of West Isles was invited by the Krewe of the Knights of Sant’ Yago to participate in the annual Tampa Gasparilla Celebration, which was their tenth annual Royal Coronation and Grand Ball at Egypt Temple Shire in Tampa, FL. A brief but lively battle staged by the warriors present highlighted a narration of the role of the historical medieval order of Santiago in ending Moslem rule in Spain. The SCA warriors, one team in plate, the other in mail, entered the large hall under cover of darkness to the sound of kettle drums and formed into two lines. With a trumpet fanfare, the hall’s spotlights burst forth on the martial scene. Clashing weapons on shields, the warriors advanced towards one another. Breaking into a charge, they joined combat furiously and engaged in six minutes of intensive combat to the sound of drums and brass from the orchestra. The plate-clad combatants eventually slew their mail clad opponents (by previous arrangement) and raised their weapons in triumph, shouting the battle cry of the Order of Santiago. At this the spots cut off and the warriors, slain and victor alike, vanished in the brief ensuing gloom. After disarming, the fighters joined their ladies in court costume and mingled for the remainder of the evening with the Krewe members. The SCA contingent received complimentary food and drink at a midnight breakfast and, moreover, the Krewe was moved to make a most generous donation to the Barony of Wyvernwood’s treasury. Since the event was one of the major happenings in Tampa’s social calendar, the SCA’s prominent participation resulted in much good PR to the greater glory of the Society. All in all, it was a most enjoyable and rewarding evening for all concerned. It should also be noted that the very ornate crowns used by the Krewe in the coronation ceremonial were the work of Wyvernwood’s own Lord Ragnar Hardraada. The skillful Lord Ragnar produced the crowns under contract to the Krewe. Submitted – Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt u. von Kampf, Historian, Wyvernwood.

Floridacon Demo
On 1-30-82, members of the Barony of An Crosaire held a fighter demo at Floridacon. Syr Merowald spoke on SCA fighting; Jeanne d’Ile de la Cygne Noir talked about costuming; Lady Cher held a general question and answer session. In the Costuming contests, Syr Merowald won Best Overall and Lord Elom was the Best Historical.

Arts and Sciences Festival
Talewinds, Vol.1, no 1. AS XVI Attention good gentles, artisans, mages and seekers of knowledge, on 2-6- 82, the Shire of Blackthorne will host an “Arts and Science Festival” at Doctor’s Inlet Civic Center, Doctor’s Inlet, FL. There will be a feast in the evening by Duc de Potluck, and a tax on the populace of one dollar. Bring yourself, something for lunch, and an inquisitive mind. Alas, we have no spare lodgings available. This will be a day event only. Classes offered: Cartography, cavalier costuming, period footgear, 14th cent leg armor, ruff making, beginning embroidery, chain mail, crocheting lace, stained glass, beginning and advanced costuming and dance. Autocrat, Lady Elspeth MacNaughton. (event report) Members of Blackthorne were joined by guests from An Crosaire, Castlemere, Oldenfeld, and Wyvernwood, including Her Excellency Wulfa Eriksdottir. The listed autocrat of the event was the Honorable Lady Elspeth, and feastcrat was Margarette Ravier. Lady Elspeth taught beginning costuming and advanced hairstyles and headdresses. Ravena taught men’s cavalier costuming, Lady Cher taught heraldry and Courtesies and Customs, Lady Cedrin taught Middle East Dancing and Country Dancing, Lord Maedhrous taught period footgear and Medieval games.

St. Valentine’s Day Massacre
Talewinds, Vol.1, no 1, AS XVI, 2-12/14-82, The Barony of An Crosaire presents their anniversary event St. Valentine’s Day Massacre. ‘Tis time to relax at Otter Spring once again. Be Warned – it may be verry cold. (yes, the squirrel was really frozen). We will gather together to eat Saturday even’ with a hot possett provided. Each brings their food. The Traditional list will be at 10 of the clock on Saturday, with the Victor receiving suitable acclaim. Folke are encouraged to bring their handiwork for the Arts & Sciences Exposition. Those who wish may enter one item to be juried by experts in the presence of the entrants following the guidelines (point system for judging) as published in the December Trimaris Calendar. The theme for the juried items is “Accessories.” Anything one can attach to, hang on, or wear with a garment, any garment – court, camp or field, excepting only the garment itself. This is not a competition – it is an exposition. The juried portion is a workshop in how A&S competitions are judged. The juries will be lead by Lady Damara and Lord Holtmar. Autocrating group being Hospitaller’s of Vynecorne’s Hospice.
Blackthorne’s historian reported that Morgana handled the event registrations, Ravenna and Morgan brought items for the juried exposition, Lady Elspeth helped judge the exposition entrants and Lady Elspeth and Fither sang at Bardic Circle.

Belvedere Elementary School Demo
2-17-82, The Shire of Sea March held a demo at Belvedere Elementary School. Members participating were Lady Damara Narrissa, Lord Kjartan “Wolf” Ormson, Zuben from Sangre del Sol, and Serina Vigdis Wolfsdatter.

Barry College Demo
On 2-20-82, the Shire of South Keype attended a fair at Barry College where the populace gave a fighting demonstration and answered questions about the SCA and Medieval history. (South Keype’s Doomsday report)

Baronial Council and Tourney
On 2-20-82, the Barony of Wyvernwood held a mini-tourney, Baronial Council, and revel on the grounds of Lord Ragnar Hardraada home in Tampa Fl. The tourney, intended as an opportunity for local fighters to gain experience in list combat, began around 10 am. The tournament was won by Lord John Urquhart, called Shark, with Lord Frafnir of Gascony placing second, and Baron Dykeuald of Wyvernwood placing third. In the afternoon a workshop on court etiquette and protocol was conducted by the Bay area’s doyen of heraldic lore, Corinius Kilwitch. The content of the workshop was oriented towards preparing the populace for proper behavior at the forthcoming Coronation of Lord Verron and Lady Wulfa as prince and princess of Trimaris.
The workshop was followed by a Baronial Council (giving the populace a chance to practice their newfound courtly skills) presided over by Baron Dykeuald of Wyvernwood. At the council, Lady Oriana Goldenhair received the Lord Baron’s gracious leave to lay down her office as Seneschal of the Barony. The heavy burden of office was then taken up by her successor, the redoubtable Lord Ragnar Hardraada with his formal assumption of the Key of Office.
The conclusion of the Council was followed by an evening of general revelry and questionable pursuits, including a riotous game of clench-a-wench, in which the gentle Lady Oriana distinguished herself. Much beer and other liquid potables greatly enlivened the evening, particularly for your humble correspondent. Although no count of the gentles in attendance was kept, the day’s events were well attended by the populace of Wyvernwood and a number of visitors from elsewhere in the Bay area. In all, an estimate of between 20 and 30 persons would not be excessive. Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt und von Kampf, Historian Wyvernwood

St. Petersburg International Folk Faire Demo
On the weekend of 2-27/28-82, ten gentles from the Barony of Wyvernwood, the household of St. Alfred’s Hall, and the Shire of Narval Dorado presented demonstrations relating to the SCA at the St. Petersburg International Folk Faire, a major festival celebrating ethnic themes, which is held in St. Petersburg annually. The major portion of the SCA demonstration was a short playlet simulating a Saxon Royal Court, with a judicial duel fought between Baron Dykeuald of Wyvernwood and Lord Ragnar Hardraada. As the attendance at the Fair ran into thousands, a great deal of good public exposure for the SCA and the Bay area groups was generated. The Saxon Court, by the by, was repeated on the second day of the Fair. Following the closing of the session on the 27th, the Noble Artorius held a revel for the participants at his home. Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt und von Kampf, Historian Wyvernwood

Combined Shire Social
On 2-27-82, the Shire of Sirrush Mir and the Shire of Darkwater held a combined shire social. The highlight of the social was a talk, demonstration and assistance on heraldry and submissions done by Leigh-Norah Morcheartaigh, of Darkwater.

On 3-2-82, in a substitution for our regular Tuesday night meeting, the Barony attended a medieval concert in costume, at the University of South Florida. Approximately 30 people from the society came. The society was introduced and at intermission mingled among the people answering questions about the society and the time periods the music covered. In attendance from our Barony were Ld. Verron Surgroth, the Baron, Ragnar, Ld Cornieous, Elina, Sieglinda, Frafnir, Alianore, Anastasisia, Arielle, DesLa, Gunnar, Kars, Katherine, Morgan, Rosalind, Rupert, Sylvan Graygrove and Susan Voss. Reported by Elina Ragnarsfostray Barony MOA

First Trimaris Principality Investiture
Talewinds, Vol.1, no.3, March AS XVI 3-5/7-82, The First Trimaris Principality Investiture was held at Keystone, sponsored by An Crosaire, Sea March and Sangre del Sol.
Awards and Honors:
At HRM King John’s Court
Award of Arms – Ingram Talbot Hildebrand Griswald, Starhaven
At the Court of TH Verron & Wulfa
Award of Arms – Wulfa Eriksdottir, Wyvernwood
Triskele Trimaris – Lady Antonia Martin de Castilla
Cross & Serpent – Lady Hollin of Kestrelmere, An Crosaire
The Honorable Lord Ragnar Hardraada, Wyvernwood, was squired to Viscount Sir Bryetor Aison of Devon, West Isles.
Blackthorne reported that the shire members presented Their Highness with a state gift of a chest covered in purple velvet. The contents of the chest consisted of an assortment of materials, trims, and jewelry. Lady Elspeth presented a gift of a box of jewelry, as well as a gift from her Laurel, Mistress Rosemunde. Shire members involved in serving the feast were Lord Maedhrous, Dainiad, Morgana, Fither, Alex, Ravenna, and James. Lady Elspeth performed a Scottish sword dance at feast. At Curia, 3-7-82, Morgana merch Morgan was named Principality Chronicler, succeeding Baron Master Taliesynne.

River Hills Elementary School Demo
On 3-6-82, a fund raising event for the benefit of River Hills Elementary School in Temple Terrace, FL. was held. At the school’s request, the Barony of Wyvernwood sent a contingent of gentles to demonstrate SCA combat and generally add a decorative and educational touch of the Middle Ages to the event. A small encampment consisting of Lord Ragnar’s Viking tent and his attractive canopy, with banners and suitable accessories, was set up. Throughout the day, at intervals, Lord Ragnar, Lord Erich of Ravenscold, Lord John Urquhart and sundry other gentlemen of the Barony engaged in combat, allowed mundane visitors to examine arms and armor, and generally demonstrated the joys of leaping about in full plate on a hot Florida day. Observers were suitably amused. Visitors to the event were further entertained by periodic firings of Lord Ragnar’s most impressive magonel, which threw concrete filled tennis ball projectiles with great abandon, to the wonder and enjoyment of all who beheld it, especially small boys (with which the field abounded). A decorative and genteel touch to the martial activities was added by the presence of a half-dozen or so of Wyvernwood’s elegantly gowned ladies, who by their words and appearance added greatly to the day. The gentles participating in the event were given complimentary food and drink in the later afternoon, and the River Hills School made a welcome contribution to the Barony’s exchequer in gratitude for Wyvernwood’s contribution to the day’s success. Respectfully submitted Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt und von Kampf, Historian Wyvernwood

Fun Fair Demo
On 3-13-82 the Shire of Sea March had a Fun Fair demo at Dryer Park

Howard Bishop Middle School Demo
On 3-19-82, the Barony of An Crosaire held three demos – SCA fighting, Japanese sword etiquette and technique, and dancing. Displays of heraldry, costuming, armoring, eating utensils, weapons, calligraphy and illumination and embroidery. Mistress Kimineko calligraphed award scrolls for the school’s best castle and D&D contest winners and Jeanne d’Ile de la Cygne Noir illuminated and gilded them. As Baroness, Ms. Kimineko presented the scrolls to the winners at her court. The Gainesville Sun was present, but Channel 20 canceled out at the lat minute. Several kids asked “Hey Lady, where’s the dude that cuts wood? So we explained that he had moved to Starhaven. Once again, the school cafeteria produced a Medieval meal based on recipes provided by the Barony.

River Hills Elementary Medieval Festival
On 3-20-82, members of the Barony of Wyvernwood held a demo on SCA fighting at a Medieval Fair held for the Riverhills Elementary School. This was to raise money for the schools softwear computer programs. To enhance the atmosphere Ragnar donated the use of his catapult, tent and canopy. Those attending and answered questions presented by the students were Ragnar, Morgana, Thorvald, Gunnarr, Rupert, Sieglinda, Kathleen, Morgan, Sylvan, Rosalinda, Eric of Ravenscold, Arelle, Shark, Martimus and Alianore. Reported by Elina Ragnarsfostray Barony MOA

Oldenfeld’s Anniversary Revel
On 3-20-82, the Shire of Oldenfeld held their Anniversary Revel

Shire of Elderhaven founded
In March 1982 the Shire of Elderhaven (Naples) was founded

Darby MacDonald Scholarship Foundation
On March 26, 1982, the University of South Florida officially accepted the Barony of Wyvernwood’s proposal to establish an annual scholarship in History, in memory of the late Darby MacDonald. Darby was a former USF student and an active member of the SCA. Wyvernwood was his home barony, and his death was a great shock to his friends and fellow Anachronists here. The MacDonald Scholarship will serve as a perpetual monument to the memory of a unique and highly memorable gentleman whose passing left us all somewhat poorer than we had been.
The MacDonald Scholarship will consist of a $100.00 prize to be awarded to a regularly enrolled University of South Florida student each fall semester annually. The competition will be open to any USF undergraduate student with a declared major in history. Applicants will be judged on their academic merit and financial need, and will submit an essay on a topic relating to Medieval or Renaissance history as part of their application. Dr. Roy J. Van Neste of the USF Department of History faculty has agreed to serve as judge in evaluating the papers submitted. Tentative plans are to establish a similar scholarship at the University of Tampa, to be awarded in the winter semester of each academic year.
The Darby MacDonald Memorial Scholarship is, I believe, the first academic scholarship to be established by a branch of the SCA. In addition to serving as a fitting memorial for our brother Darby, it will demonstrate in a tangible manner, the SCA’s commitment to serious Medieval scholarship, and will served to counteract the “fun and games” image the SCA often projects. Great honor is due to Lord Ragnar Hardraada who conceived the idea of establishing a Baronial Scholarship Fund and saw the idea through to realization. Respectfully submitted, Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt und von Kampf, Historian Wyvernwood

Trident Tourney
Talewinds, Vol.1, no.3, March AS XVI On 3-26/28-82, The Shire of Darkwater invites one and all to their second annual Trident Tourney at Camp Wewa. “Fighters from far and wide are called to assemble at Camp Wewa and do battle until the Hero of the Trident is found. For the ladies, there will be a bells and pillows list to follow the tourney and an archery competition will be held for those interested. The feast will be done by the notable chef, Duc de Potluck, with a main meal course and soup provided by the Shire. Lady Eleana Ruelladar as feast coordinator urges all gentles to bring food aplenty to supplant her main course. In addition there will be a subtleties contest with a Maritime (seas) theme.” Autocrated Philippe de Escargot.
At the Court of Their Highness Verron & Wulfa
Award of Arms – Ecnud Kundulum, Darkwater
Morgan merch Morgan, Blackthorne
Sir Bronislaus of Vilnius, Sea March, took Shea Tanner, Darkwater as page
Picot Pierre Cassier, Wyvernwood, was recognized by Their Highness as the “Most Courteous” gentle of the event.

This event was attended by approximately 79 people, representing 14 shires and Baronies.
Winner of the List was Guthrum Regan of the Wastelands, of An Crosaire, winner of the archery list was Gradheil Maccinskairtt, and winner of the Bells & Pillows list were Lady Sieglinde von Truso and Lady Nan Caramore. The winner of the subtitly contest was Atalaya LaSenaria and Estrella of Sirrush Mir.
Winner of Archery was Cerdic ap Malcium
Winner of the Bells & Pillows List was Lady Sieglinde & Lady Nan Caramore
Winner of Darts was Fredricae Lai Farrent
Winner of Subtleties contest – Atalaya la Sanaria & Estrella of Sirrush Mir
From Domesday report prepared by Lord Monford of Bath, Seneschal Darkwater

Circle K Demo
On Saturday March 27, 1982 a group of six gentles from the Barony of Wyvernwood, accompanied by His Excellency the Atlantian ambassador, Sir Bryetor Aison of Devon, KSCA, conducted a program on the SCA for the statewide meeting of Circle K, held in Tampa. The program featured a combat demonstration between Lord John Urquhart, called Shark, and the most noble Sir Bryetor. Also included was a discussion of their personas by the gentles present, and discussions of costumes, armor, and the SCA at large. Following the conclusion of the program, the SCA party adjourned to Brewmasters’ for dinner and recuperation, aided by liquid potables. Katherine Angelique of Lightenhart and Sir Bryetor further represented the Barony during the following evening at a dance held by Circle K, during which they circulated among the assembled mundanes socially and answered questions about the SCA. Respectfully submitted Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt und von Kampf, Historian Wyvernwood

Shire of the Ruins founded
3-29-82 Shire of the Ruins (Plant City/Polk County) founded
Founding members, Seneschal -Kragon Darkvale (Brent Wynn); Marshal, MOS – Ulrich Geschwind von Augsburg (Richard Young); Herald – Corwyn Morgenstern (John Walker); MOA, Historian – Galland Fox (Douglas Partington); Exchequer -Edward O’Donovan (Pat Peters). Other members include Chirurgeon -Katrina Afton (Lettie Applebaum); Eiena Vanessa Bran Sheridan (Pam Brosamer); Darran Town, Argone Gallowglass (Ray Hatchett); Oren Thornald (David Mitchell); Sabrina Afton (Jo Winesburg); Rozella (Kay Alexander); Derrick MacTaggart (Paul Hilton); Karen Grob; Richard Rowand.

St. Augustine’s Easter Week Festival (Demo)
The Shire of Blackthorne’s members took part in the following Easter Week Festivities as part of the entourage of St. Augustine’s Royal Family. On March 28, 1982 they provided entertainment for the Spanish Royal Family at the Spanish Royal Court, at Lightner Museum, St. Augustine. This was written up in the St. Augustine Record. On April 4, 1982, members participated in the Blessing of the Palm High Mass at St. Augustine Cathedral and on April 11, 1982, they rode in a large ship float with members of the Royal Family in the parade. Members of the Shire who were present were Lady Elspeth, Lord Maedhrous, Dainiad, Ravenna, Alexander, James, Wilhelm, Fither, and Lord Knikolos Major of Salem-by-the-Sea (Mathom Trove). Historian’s Quarterly Report April-June, 1982, Lady Morgana merch Morgan

Ring Fort Revel
On 4-10-82, the Shire of Oldenfeld held a revel entitled “The Ring Fort Revel”. (from flyer)
“Come prepared for a sunny afternoon on the grass. Bring games, songs, something to drink and your favorite soup bowl. Archery and other period projectiles are welcome. The Ring Fort is on Woodwell Farm, Proctor Road. Come enjoy the last day of Lent.” listed autocrat is Lady Linnea Sparrowhawk, hosts are Biserko Braznik and Anne of Woodwell.

Madiera Beach Arts and Crafts Festival (Demo)
On Saturday, April 10, 1982, a contingent of gentles from the Barony of Wyvernwood participated in the Madeira Beach Arts & Crafts Festival. Demonstrations of SCA combat were staged by Lord John Urquhart, Knight Marshal of Wyvernwood and Warlord of Trimaris, Baron Dykeuald of Wyvernwood, and Lord Ragnar Hardraada. Lord John displayed examples of his far-famed armor and spoke to interested persons about the armorer’s craft. The gentlefolk of Wyvernwood mingled with persons attending the festival, spreading the word of the SCA and medieval art and culture in general. Much interest in the society and its works was displayed by the mundane folk in attendance, and many SCA brochures were distributed. Although the gentles participating in the demonstrations were of Wyvernwood, mention must be made of the distinguished presence of Viscount Sir Bryetor Aison of Devon, who also attended and added his usual touch of elegance to the affair. All in all, it was a most successful day from which hopefully shall spring a harvest of good will and recruits to the greater glory of the SCA. Additionally, the sponsors of the Festival presented a rich financial contribution to the Baronial exchequer. Respectfully submitted Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt und von Kampf, Historian Wyvernwood

Atlantic Center for the Arts
On Saturday, April 10, 1982, the Atlantic Center for the Arts had their Grand Opening and received a taste of the SCA. Her Highness Wulfa attended with several members of the Barony of Wyvernwood along with numerous members from the Shire of Darkwater participated in this event. The theme for the Art Center is “Art is timeless; from the past to the present”

Trimaris Civil War
On 4-16/18-82, the Shire of Narval Dorado sponsored the “Trimaris Civil War”event which was fought between the forces of “The Confederation of Ancient Societies” and the rest of Trimaris. The War served as a training exercise for Trimaris. Lord Michael Kennethson, Historian, Narval Dorado Domesday report 1982

Medieval Fashion Show (Demo)
On 4-20-82, the Shire of Blackthorne presented a medieval fashion show which was video taped to show to The Orange Park High School history and literature classes. This event was instituted by the Honorable Lady Elspeth MacNaughton, who also served as narrator. Also participating were Lord Maedhrous, Lady Morgana, Ravenna, Dainiad, Desiree, Celeste, Fither, Alex, Wilhelm, Juan, and Simon Historian’s Quarterly Report April-June 1982, Lady Morgana merch Morgan

Mathom Trove Anniversary Revel
4-23/25-82 The Canton of Mathom Trove held their Anniversary Revel
Blackthorne reported that Dainiad O’Llanrhyddlad received her AOA at this event.

Girl Scout Demo
On Saturday, 4-24-82, a contingent from the Barony of Wyvernwood participated in the anniversary celebration of the Girl Scouts of America held at the Sun Dome on the University of South Florida campus in Tampa. The event began at 10 am and ended at 5 pm. Throughout the day, the Barony operated a booth with displays of armor, crafts, and other materials illustrative of the activities of the SCA. The booth was manned by gentles from the Barony who provided information to visitors about the SCA and its activities. Two combat demonstrations were staged during the course of the event – one at 11:45 am and one at 2:45 pm. The combatants being Lord Ragnar Hardraada, Lord John Urquhart, Lord Erich von Rabenskalt und von Kampf, and Rupert (whose surname is not known by your humble correspondent). A number of Wyvernwood gentle ladies lent the decorativeness and gentility of their persons to the occasion, showing that the arts of peace are by no means neglected by the SCA. Visitors to the event reacted very favorably to the SCA, and many informational leaflets were distributed to the greater glory of the imperium. The total of person visiting the hall during the course of the event ran well into the thousands. Lord Ragnar provided the hit of the show by allowing scores of mundanes to wack him with a rattan sword to illustrate the effectiveness of the armor. If a fee had been charged, “Wack the Viking” could have made the Barony wealthy beyond avarice. As it is, much harmless pleasure was provided for any mundane children and not a few adults as well. It might be added that much of the visual effectiveness of the Barony’s participation was added by the very impressive armor worn by the warrior participants. Lord John Urquhart’s highly professional and authentic armor work was in evidence not only on his own person, but in the fine circa 1380 suit work by Lord Erich as well. Lord Ragnar’s armor, of his own manufacture, was equally impressive. All told, the event was one of considerable value in publicizing the current Middle Ages, and should reap a harvest of souls saved from the snares of mundanity. Glory to the Imperium! respectfully submitted Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt und von Kampf, Historian Wyvernwood

Norrey College
4-24-82 the Canton of Mathom Trove sponsored the Norrey College

Atlantic Center for the Arts (Demo)
On 4-24-82, the Shire of Darkwater held a demo at the Atlantic Center for the Arts grand opening. The theme for this event was “Art is Timeless – Medieval to Modern”. The autocrat was Lord Monford of Bath and he reports in his Domesday report “We received publicity in all central Florida newspapers, TV stations and radio stations. Members of the Shire demonstrated calligraphy, heraldry, costuming, cooking and gaming. There was music and dancing to entertain. Darkwater was assisted by members from the Barony of Wyvernwood, Sirrush Mir, Castlemere, West Isles, and Narval Dorado. Their Royal Highness Prince Verron Surgroth and Princess Wulfa Eriksdotter, and Baron Dykeuald of Wyvernwood were present. Domesday report, Leopold Hringhornison of Felkshire, Darkwater Historian

The First Tourney of the Lion
(from flyer) The Shire of Oldenfeld wishes to announce the first Tournament of the Lion to be held on 4-30/5-2-82. Nay, this is not to be a contest of the sword, but an exhibition of skill and wit. The competitions will include Greco-Roman wrestling, archery, arrow flinging (darts), axe throwing, knife throwing, and kaber toss. For those of more pensive inclinations there will be draughts, chess, backgammon, go dominos, nine man morris, riddling, gurneying (face making) and a smoke ring contest (bring your own pipes). There will also be singing, dancing, kite flying and a bardic circle. The site is FSU Seminole Reservation and it is a tenting event.
At the Court of Their Highness Verron & Wulfa
Award of Arms – Robert Andrew Duncan, Oldenfeld
Ayesha Kamar, Oldenfeld

AS XVII (1982-1983)

Winner of Meridies’ Crown List, 5-8-82, AS XVII, HRH Roderick Level-Lance of Rampart, Consort, HRH Morgan Siobhan Dunnivan, Kings Champion Dykeuald Cynaric, Baron Wyvernwood, Queens Champion, Sir Robert Hightower.

An Crosaire Revel
On 5-8-82, The Barony of An Crosaire will be holding a Welcome Home Revel for Jean and Shamus. As part of the revel there will be an Arts & Sciences competition. The Sciences are ceramics, wood- working, metal working other than armoring, leather working and Brewing in honor of Shamus. All items must be small enough to be easily transported. This revel will be held at Norman Hall Gym and will have a Duc du Pot Luc feast.

May Day Revel
5-82 The Shire of Sangre del Sol held a Mayday Revel

Trimaris Memorial Tourney/Second Coronet List
was held on 5-28/31-82 with the autocrating groups being the Shire of Darkwater and the Shire of Starhaven. The event was held at the Woodlands, near Clermont with an almost unheard of attendance record of 289 people attending.
Tanist – Guthrum Raegan of the Wastelands
Tanista – Ursula Katze
Princes Champion – Sir Bronislaus of Vilnius

Awards presented by Their Highness Prince Verron and Princess Wulfa:
Award of Arms: Sean Ecrivain, Oldenfeld
Christian Templarus, Oldenfeld
Andre Reynard Cartier, Oldenfeld
Elina Ragnarsfostra, Wyvernwood
Alianore d’Estralis, Wyvernwood
Janelle Lytlefield, An Crosaire
Alys de la Mer, Sea March
Aislinn Ard-en-Teine, Sea March
Order of the Silver Trident
Hon. Lady Siobhan ni Filidheacht (Principal), An Crosaire
Sakura Tetsuo sama, Baron An Crosaire
Hon. Lord Holtmar of Wyrhtenatun, Starhaven
Order of the Emerald Sea
Sir Bronislaus of Vilnius (Principal), Sea March
Lady Elina Ragnarsfostra, Wyvernwood
Court Baronacy to Sir Bronislaus of Vilnius
Her Excellency Ursula Katze was taken as squire by Sir Bronislaus of Vilnius
Sean Emrys O’Lochlain became page to Sir Bryetor Aison of Devon
Winner of the Poet Laureate – Alianore d’Astralis
Winner of the Troubadour Laureate – Alys de la Mer

The Arts and Sciences Competition results
Hats – Jeanne d’Ile du Cygne Noir, An Crosaire, Merit
Shoes – Lord Elom Eikenskjalde, An Crosaire, Merit
Fine Arts – Lady Hollin of Kestrelmere, An Crosaire, ex. merit in both painting and drawing
Misc. Arts – Lord Elom Eikenskjaldi, An Crosaire, ex.merit for a decorated chest & merit for a Norse peace blade
Armoring – Lord Ingram Talbot Hildebrand Grisold, Starhaven, merit
Leatherwork – Lord Elom Eikenskjalde, An Crosaire, ex. merit
Cooking – Jeanne d’Ile du Cygne Noir, An Crosaire, ex. merit
Ceramics – Mitsuhashi no kami Kawaishi, An Crosaire, ex. merit
(Talewinds, Vol.1, no.7, AS XVII)
Blackthorne reported Lady Elspeth was named successor to Lady Damara Narrissa as Principality Mistress of Arts. Lady Morgana helped the Trimaris Exchequer, Lady Jirel, run the benefit auction which raised over $486.00 for the Principality treasury.

Meridies Arts & Sciences Faire
Awards and Honors bestowed upon Trimarian Citizens
6-5-82, AS XVII, at Hard Labor Creek State Park.
Order of the Velvet Owl – Lord Nicholai Staritsyn, Oldenfeld
Order of the Mother Hen – Lord Madrigal of Mu, West Isles
The Hon. Lady Sieglinde aus Truso, Wyvernwood
The Hon. Lady Asdis Shadowdahtir, Oldenfeld
The Arts:
Costuming (pre 1200): 1st – Lady Cedrin Etainnighean, An Crosaire
Honorable mention – H.L. Elspeth MacNaughton, Blackthorne
Costuming (Oriental):1st – Ishidoro no Tsuji, An Crosaire
2nd – Jeanne d;Ile du Cygne Noir, An Crosaire
3rd – Mistress Sakura Kimineko, Baroness An Crosaire
Costuming (1450-1600):3rd – Lady Cedrin Etainnighean, An Crosaire
Costuming (post 1600):1st – Hon. Lady Elspeth MacNaughton, Blackthorne
Needlework: -tie for 1st – Hon. Lady Siobhan ni Filidheach, An Crosaire
Honorable mention – Isidoro no Tsuji, An Crosaire
Music (Original Vocal): tie for 1st – Hon. Lord Jed Silverstar, An Crosaire
Dance: – Honorable mention – Lord Isabeau the Fool, Oldenfeld
Illumination: 2nd – Hon. Lord Nicholai Staritsyn, Oldenfeld
Drawing: 2nd – Lady Hollin of Kestrelmere, An Crosaire
Painting: 1st – Lady Hollin of Kestrelmere, An Crosarie
The Sciences:
Cooking (portable feast): 1st – Jeanne d’Ile Cygne Noir, An Crosaire
Honorable mention – H.L. Siobhan ni Filidheacht, An Crosaire
Cooking (breadmaking): 2nd – Hon. Lady Siobhan ni Filidheacht, An Crosaire
3rd- Jeanne d’Ile du Cygne Noir, An Crosaire
Ceramics: 1st – Mitsuhashi no kami Kawaishi, An Crosaire
Toolmaking: 1st – Hon Lady Siobhan ni Filidheacht, An Crosaire
Stained Glass: 2nd – Hon. Lord Holtmar of Wyrhtenatun, Starhaven
Medieval Sciences: 1st – Lord Yonaton Moshe Bereb Avram Yitzhak, An Crosaire
Honorable mention – H.L. Siobhan ni Filidheacht, An Crosaire
Herbs & Medicine: Honorable mention -Jeanne d’Ile du Cygne Noir, An Crosarie
Jewelry: 1st – Lord Yonaton Moshe Bereb Avram Yitzhak, An Crosaire
Woodworking: 3rd – Hon. Lady Siobhan ni Filidheacht, An Crosaire
Honorable mention – Ropesle de Sylveastan, An Crosaire
Special Scroll Contest, the scroll submitted by the Hon. Lord Nicholai Staritsyn, Oldenfeld, was chosen as the Promissory Scroll for the Order of the Laurel
There were over 50 contests with more than 400 entries. A point system was used in figuring both individual and group totals (1st = 10 pts; 2nd = 5 pts; 3rd = 3 pts; honorable mention = 2 pts; each entry = 1 pt.)
Group totals: 1st – the Barony of An Crosaire with 128 points
2nd – The Barony of Bryn Madoc with 96 points
3rd – The Barony of South Downs with 82 points
As the first place winner, the Barony of An Crosaire will have the privilege of hosting next years Kingdom Arts & Sciences Fair. The Honorable Lady Siobhan ni Filidheacht, An Crosaire, accumulated 39 points, placing 2nd in the individual totals.
The Barony of An Crosaire also presented Duke Sir John the Bearkiller with a suit of Japanese armor on behalf of the Principality (Talewinds, Vol.1, no.7, July AS XVII)

Maddy’s Sandwich Shop Demo
On Saturday, June 12, 1982, the Barony of Wyvernwood staged a combat demonstration as part of the grand opening festivities of Maddy’s Sandwich Shop in St. Petersburg. From 18 to 20 gentles were present in full regalia to bring the current Middle Ages before the hordes of mundanes frequenting the event. The event began at 10 am and continued until late in the afternoon. Periodic combat demonstrations were given, the fighters being Lord Ragnar Hardraada, Seneschal of Wyvernwood, His Highness Prince Verron Surgroth, Rupert Ian MacDuff, Gunnar Dentensson inn Danski, Zandor the Mad from Darkwater shire, and Andros Leonthalasios, whom I understand is our resident An Crosairean ambassador. A touch of grace and beauty was added to the rough combat by the participation of the gentle (but heavy handed) Elina Ragnarsfostra as a combatant. Much useful missionary work was accomplished among the untutored heathen mundanes throughout the day, to the greater glory of the Imperium. Also, the management of Maddy’s was moved to donate a substantial sum ($75.00) to the Baronial exchequer in gratitude for Wyvernwood’s contribution to the day’s success. On a more personal basis, Maddy’s also provided complimentary food and drink to the gentlefolk present. Respectfully submitted Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt und von Kampf, Historian Wyvernwood

Medieval Film Festival Revel
In the spirit of creativity in anachronism (verily, transforming mundane technology into the hand- maiden of archaism), the Barony of Wyvernwood held a festival of medieval films on video tape on the evenings of Monday and Tuesday, June 14 & 15, 1982. For the occasion, Wyvernwood’s noble Seneschal, Lord Ragnar Hardraada, opened his home and video cassette recorder to the eager archaic film lovers of the Barony. Between Ragnar’s holdings and those of Erich von Kampf, your humble correspondent, a total of in excess of 72 hours of medieval film classics were on hand. The video fare included such greats as Errol Flynn’s Adventures of Robin Hood and Sea Hawk, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and Excaliber. Monday evening’s activities opened with a back-yard cook-out with Lord Ragnar providing the grill and such, and everybody bringing food and drink as desired. As the sun sank slowly in the west, the VCR began to weave its arcane spell. During the course of the evening more than 35 persons showed up. A delightful evening it was too …. watching medieval film fare, wandering out to the patio for a talk and a break, even popping into Ragnar’s pool for an invigorating dip. A very free-form evening one might say. As the evening wound to its close, Lord Ragnar provided collapse space for those Anachronists to O.D.’d on video derring-do to navigate themselves homeward. Tuesday, the whole thing began again, though with different films and a smaller audience (about 19 gentles). All in all, this two night event was a most pleasant one for those who attended. There were more medieval classics of the screen than even the swashest of bucklers could digest. It was most pleasant to eat, drink, talk and swim to the accompaniment of heroic and humorous movie medievalism, although hardly a traditional SCA event (the festival was, by the way, in costume – you know, shirts, shorts, jeans and that sort of thing rather than sensible houpelandes, doublets and other such clothing as civilized people usually wear). The two evenings were certainly a creative approach to anachronism. And, after all, when a barony is afflicted with two of the Known World’s leading video junkies, to whit Ragnar and myself, one simply has to do something to make their proclivities useful to the Cause -ja? Respectfully submitted Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt und von Kampf, Historian Wyvernwood

Midsummer’s Eve Revel
Flyer, Talewinds vol.1, no.6, June AS XVII In Honor of the Wedding of Theseus, Duke of Athens, to Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons, The Shire of Narval Dorado dedicate our seventh anniversary event with grand celebration and midsummer mirth. Date 6-18/20-82, at Withacoochee Citrus Horse Trails, Feast by Aenor de Winchester, assisted by Cloverwood Keepe. Theseus will win Hippolyta’s hand in marriage during the melee on Saturday. Following the fighting and resting, there will be court and feast. There is also the possibility of a Collegium consisting of beginner’s classes. Autocrat Saranna Lyndh Todin, feastcrat Aenor de Winchester, assisted by Cloverwood Keepe.
(event report, Lord Michael Kennethson, Historian Narval Dorado) The event’s activities centered around the events contained in Shakespear’s “A Midsummer’s Nights Dream.” During the day there was a list, won by Lord Aaron Breck Gordon and Linnea Sparrowhawk. To help with the feel of the play, there were visitations by “Puck”. This citizen wandered about the encampment leaving small humorous gifts and “hiding” people’s property. This hiding was done by marking items with paper tags denoting that they had been “hid”. The nature of the gifts were such that they showed a knowledge of the person’s interest (purple pasties with whistles for one soon to enter the constabulary, and Roman Smurf figures for a group with Roman armor). During the feast, a play from the final act of Midsummer’s Nights Dream was presented to the populace. During the feast, the winners of the list were honored with gifts. During the play, the true identity of “Puck” was discovered to be Lady Jirel ni Cahil.

Summer Solstice
Flyer, Talewinds vol.1, no.6, June AS XVII Summer Solstice, South Keype, 6-18/20-82 at Larry Penny Thompson Memorial Park, Miami. There will be a Fallen Crest Tournament, a crest of your own design from 11″ to 13″ in height made of paper-mache will be taped to your helm. Luck of the draw who you fight. Single elimination, Prize given for best design.
Workshops – dancing and stained glass; cock throw for seating positions. Slave auction, auction of lunch baskets, merchants’ alley, fencing demonstration, archery competition, sling and tennis ball melee, summer solstice repast, and bardic circle. Listed autocrats Lady Osa Byrum and Ian the Bane.
The attending fighters did compete at archery (both bulls eye and combat) with Lord Ragnar and Ian the Bane who tied for the archery tourney. Lord Ragnar won the Fallen Crest Tourney. A slave auction was held on the field during which Lady Asa bought 3 1/3 slaves, the last after an appeal by the chattel’s father, who did not wish to see his son “sold to a man in skirts” (Ian the Bane).
During the feast Lord Alexander Mareschal did step down from the office of Seneschal, surrendering the office to Lady Asa. The feast was served by pages (granted by the courtesy of a local boy scout troop).
HISTORIANS NOTE There was a slight mention in Eleanore of Williamsford-on-Trent historians report of an incident which is now legend in Trimarian history. She states “His Highness, Prince Verron Surgroth did visit a green grocer where he was attacked by a band of ruffians. Prince Verron drew his great sword and did pursue the villains. Then realizing he was about to stain his good sword with unworthy blood, he did cease his headlong rush to give his sword to his page. The rogues were routed and His Highness was acclaimed by the local watch when they arrived.”
While this makes a very good story, unfortunately it is far from accurate. Several versions of this tale have been told, but the following version was told by Verron himself to your correspondent ( Natasha). Verron stated that he had left the event to pick up some items at the Grand Union Grocery Store and was indeed in garb. This particular Grand Union had been plagued with a group of delinquents who would enter the store and generally vandalize what they could and harass the patrons. That evening they entered the store while Verron was shopping and proceeded to “do their thing.” Being of sound mind, Verron did not at any time consider using a sword, and since in mundane life he was a semi-professional baseball player, he did what comes naturally. Picking up convenient cans, he pitched them at the delinquents, striking each one with every throw. The delinquents swiftly left the establishment and never returned, to the gratitude of the shop keeper. It is true that the local watch approved of the course of events. Thus our Prince became the “Protector of the Grand Union.”

Castlemere Revel
On 6-19-82, the members of Castlemere held a local revel at the Red Lion Clubhouse, hosted by Ryan the Scot. We had a potluck meal, swimming, and classes. Ryan taught basic heraldry, and then we taught basic protocol, precedence, and courtesies. We all pitched in, and had a situation class, where you were presented with a situation and you hsow everyone how you would react to it. Atalaya and Richard from Sirrush Mir also visited for it. Reported by Lady Kara Hawkwood, MOA for Castlemere

St. Peter’s Episcopal Church Demo
On Saturday, June 26, 1982, the Barony of Wyvernwood sponsored a combat and general SCA demonstration at the medieval fair held at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Plant City. Approximately 20 gentles attended from the Shires of Darkwater and the Ruins, as well as from Wyvernwood. Combat demonstrations were staged by Lord Ragnar Hardraada, Dykeuald Sin Alic, Baron Wyvernwood, Rupert Ian MacDuff, Ectros, and Andros Leonthalasios, the Bay area’s resident An Crosairan ambassador. Reports reaching Wyvernwood’s Historian’s lair are a bit scanty on this one, but it appears that the fighters made their usual smashing impression and that much good was done in enhancing the image and glory of the SCA among those who dwell in mundane darkness (Hallelujah! Praise the BOD!) – one does get carried away, doesn’t one? respectfully submitted Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt und von Kampf, Historian Wyvernwood

Trimaris Triad Collegium
Flyer, Talewinds vol.1, no.6, June AS XVII All good gentles of the Principality of Trimaris and the Kingdom of Meridies, Be it known that the second annual Trimaris Arts & Sciences Triad/Collegium Celebrin shall be held 7-2/5-82, AS XVII. This extended weekend event is for the various eager students and learned teachers among the good folk of Trimaris and outer regions in Meridies to come together to the vast benefit of all. The two full days of classes will especially be devoted to basic and intermediate skills necessary to Society growth.
The theme for the Saturday evening banquet is to be mythological and imaginary beasts. If you have always wanted to be Bottom (see Shakespeare, Midsummer Night’s Dream) here is your chance. Contest around this theme include best storyteller, best costume, and best portrayal. The location of this event is to be Withalacoochee State Forest, Citrus Horse Trails, Tillis Recreation Area. Autocrat Lady Elspeth MacNaughton and Lady Andreana de Montfort.
Awards Given:
Order of the Laurel – Hon. Lord Jed Silverstar, An Crosaire
Order of the Silver Trident – Hon. Lady Damara Narrissa, Sea March
Mitshuhashi Kawaishi n Kami, An Crosaire
Masque Laureate winner – Ishidoro no Tsuji Bannin, story telling
Best Mythological and Imaginary Beast costume:
1st place – Roxann of An Crosaire
2nd place – Hon. Lady Elspeth MacNaughton, Blackthorne
3rd place – Lady Jannara of Airea, Narval Dorado
Viscount Sir Bryetor Aison of Devon took Naukuso Oneawa, called Rahim as a squire.
Attending the class on Customs & Courtesy taught by Lady Cher: from Darkwater, Gradheil Maccintsacairt (Greg Hill); Kathleen Moracheartaigh (Debbie Gillians); & Franczesik Raven (Francis Miksa)

Darkwater Classes
On 7-15-82, Morgan Leigh-Norah Morcheartaigh reported that classes were given on Basic Heraldry with 8 persons attending: Thaarvan Darkseeker (Ron Charlotte); Ilia Elspeth (Betsy Batson); Geordie Anglorum (Ken Russell); Angus Concairdyne (Brian Ward); three without SCA names, Tony Quirk, Cindy Furgeson & Jeff Pettit, and one guest who never signed his name.

Herald’s Pic-nic: The Meridies’ Heralds’ Collegium
Flyer, Talewinds vol.1, no.6, June AS XVII The Canton of Mathom Trove sponsored the Meridies Heralds’ Pin-nic and Collegium. “Greetings all heralds and all other goode gentles of Meridies…You are welcome to the Meridies Heralds’ Pic-nic & Collegium, autocrated by the Trimaris College of Heralds and the Norrey College of Armourie. To be held on Saturday, 7-17-82 at the Hunting Lodge of Ravine State Gardens in Mathom Trove (Palatka, Fl). On Friday, for those arriving early, there will be an informal revel at Major Manor. Classes will be selected from the Norry College Catalogue on the morning of the session. Some of the classes to choose from are: The History and Philosophy of Heraldry, Beasts in Blazon and Emblazon, Precedence and Protocol for Heralds, The Full Achievement As It Relates to the SCA. Listed autocrat is Lord Knikolos Major.

Revel at Ragnar’s
On the evening of Saturday, July 17, 1982, a revel was held at the hall of the Honorable Lord Ragnar Hardraada, Seneschal of the Barony of Wyvernwood. The revel was held in honor of several momentous events, two betrothals and two birthdays. Katherine Angelique of Lightenhart and Kevin McCragen comprised on happy couple; and Anna Alicia Rheinhardt, better known as Susan of the Cloves, and her fiancé Rick (who will become Barar*) were the other. The day was further significant as being Katherine’s birthday. Another cause for celebration was the forthcoming natal day of Lady Sieglinde von Truso. All in all, it was an event with much to rejoice over, and the persons attending did so with great relish. All gave thanks to the generous Lord Ragnar and his lady for opening their home for the evenings revelry. submitted by Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt und von Kampf, Historian Wyvernwood. *Editors note

Byzantine-Viking War
Flyer, Talewinds vol.1, no.6, June AS XVII 7-30/8-1-82, “A war has been declared between the Byzantines, Japanese and Vikings. Not just a war, but a Naval Battle! The leaky Viking Dragon canoes will do battle with the termite infested Byzantine trimarans. Fighting will be done with bonker swords and spears. All participants must wear flotation vests and head protection.” The site is Woodlands, in Clermont, FL, this is a tenting event. Sponsoring group is the Barony of Wyvernwood, autocrat Katherine Angelique of Lightenhart, Feastcrats H.L. Sieglinde von Truso and Bissileous Angelicus. The leader of the Vikings is H.L. Ragnar Hardraada, the leader of the Byzantine-Japanese is Ld. Bissileous Angelicus.
Also listed for this event “The Household of Libre Espirit,” composed of single women in Trimaris, will be holding their tournament to choose the Most Chivalrous fighter as their protector. There will be single elimination fighting done very early in the morning to avoid overheating our gallant fighters as much as possible.” event report Held at Woodlands Campground, this event was attended by between 140 and 150 gentles from throughout Trimaris and beyond. Every group in Trimaris was well represented, with gentles from Thor’s Mountain and White Buck Forest present as well. On Saturday 7-31-82, in the morning, 15 warriors participated in combat in the list to choose the Protector of the Household of the Free Spirit, Trimaris’ sisterhood of unmarried damsels. After grievous combat and prodigies of valor, Lord John Urquhart, called Shark, emerged victorious.
After sustenance had been devoured, all moved to the lake for the central event of the day, a naval battle between the dread Vikings, led by Lord Ragnar Hardraada and the Byzantine/Japanese contingent was led by the noble Bissileous Angelicus. As the Byzantine army consisted of only 14 fighters and had no vessels, the Viking fleet sailed in and attacked the Byzantine host on the slope above the lake verge. With much calling on Odin and a great thwacking of bonker swords, the Vikings emerged victorious. Several more engagements were staged, the Vikings winning all.
Following the final Viking triumph, the combatants and observers alike adjourned to the camp pool to refresh their heated persons, the day being passing warm. so many goodly gentles disporting their half-clad forms in the cool water led to a truly epic game of Clench-a-Wench. 36 gentlemen and 20 ladies participated in the uproarious sport.
As the sun fled westward, Prince Verron held court under an open pavilion near the camp feast hall. The Honorable Lord John Urquhart was awarded a plate, goblet and favor in honor of his victory, and was hailed as the Protector of the Household of the Free Spirit. Then the generous Lord Bissileous presented the triumphant Viking leader, Lord Ragnar, with a rich selection of boody. There was great rejoicing in the Viking camp that night, the fierce sea-rovers being most content with their Byzantine loot.
Upon conclusion of court, a bounteous feast al fresco began. The feast was prepared by the H.L. Sieglinde von Truso and Lord Bissileous. Entertainment was provided by the Compatriots in Song, as well as a performance by the incomparable Master Jed Silverstar. The autocrat was loud in her praise for those who had assisted her so well in making the event a memorable occasion. Among those gentles whose contributions were outstanding were Gradhiel – the Naval Battle Autocrat, Kevin McCragen, Petruvius and Lord Artorius Julianus. submitted by Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt und von Kampf, Historian Wyvernwood

Darkwater’s Anniversary Revel
Flyer, Talewinds vol.1, no.8, August AS XVII On 8-7-82, AS XVII, the Shire of Darkwater wishes one and all to attend our Anniversary Revel, to be held at Village Square Condominiums, Orlando. The Feastcrat is Thomas von Wolfe and the feast – we do it all for you, just bring feastgear and a barbarian’s appetite. The Feastcrat mumbled something about lunch and a stone, so for safety sake bring vegetables. The list will be a “Meanest Mother Melee” with bonker tubes, the last participant alive wins, to be crown King Triton. Special events include Bardic Challenge – poetry, riddles, storytelling, singing, and music in the medieval manner. There will be a ladies Lip-list for the most medieval kiss, judges to be picked by bid. Autocrats are Gradhiel Maccintsacairt and Cailbas of the Marsh.
Winner of the list (Meanest Mother Melee) was Shea Tanner
At the court of the Honorable Lord Dykeuald Cin Aric, Baron Wyvernwood (at the request of Their Royal Highness Prince Verron and Princess Wulfa), Monford Allheisen was named the Seneschal of Darkwater. The Dolphin Chalice (Shire service award) was given to Lady Eleana Ruellandar for all her hard work as Seneschal. The award was accepted by Theodocious in her absence. The original shire banner was awarded to Lord Ecknude Knudulum the Pole, founding seneschal of the shire, and was accepted by Gradhiel in his absence. There were approximately 33 members in attendance. Autocrat Gradhiel Maccintsacarit.

Feast of Foolery
Flyer, Talewinds vol.1 ,no.8, August AS XVII On Saturday, 8-14-82, the Barony of An Crosaire announced a Duc d’pot luc feast featuring nothing but subtleties. “Remember in the middle ages, all kinds of foods were used to make dishes that appeared to be something other than what they were, including meat, fruit, vegetables, cheese and pastry – so don’t all bring cake. In the immortal words of Mistress Kimineko, Baroness An Crosaire, “he who brings bread, eats bread.” At the same time there will be an arts and sciences competition along the same theme. Arts will include masks, the most beautiful subtlety, the most unique design, the best tasting subtlety, the most period subtlety, and camping subtleties (disguising mundane camping gear to look medieval).” The event was held at the University of Florida Women’s Center. Autocrat, Lord Elom Eikenskjalde and Jeanne d’Ile du Cygne Noir.

Shire of Glymmerholde (Ft. Myers) founded
On 8-27-82, an application was presented by Dirk Karlson to form the shire of Glymmerholde. “To the south and east, in the swamps, is a doorway into Fairie. All who have settled to the south of us are those who have become lost while in search for that fabled entrance. The existence of Fairies in this area is evidenced by the fact that often in the evening, one can look out to the Gulf and see the green glymmers.”
The officers of this new shire were:
Seneschal – Dirk Karlson (Chuck Nehus)
Herald – Alaine Picot de Boisfeuillet (Keating Floyd)
Mistress of Arts/Historian – Gwenelleth AtWater (Teresa Starks)
Master of Science – Arvin AtWater (Chuck Starks)
Exchequer – Valerice AtWater (Valerie Starks)

Second Trimaris Principality Investiture
Flyer, Talewinds vol.1, no.8, August AS XVII 9-3/6-82 The Coronation of their Excellencies Guthrum Raegan of the Wastelands and Ursula Katze; the SCA wedding of Felix the Fool and Alistair the Wanderer; the Best Man List; and the All Stick-Jock Revue – and more to be held 9-3/6-82 at Camp Keystone. Autocrats are Lady Janelle Lytelfield and Lady Hollin of Kestrelmere, with Ropesle de Sylveastan and Lord Sakura Yari as listcrats. Their Excellencies, in keeping with their early persona, wish to suggest pre-900 costuming for the theme of the event “On the Steppes of Central Asia.” The winner of the “Best Man List” will be named best man (or woman) of the wedding of Alistair and Felix. The Gosling Guild will again be active and available to all young members of the Society.
from “Awards & Honors” Talewinds vol.1, no.10, October AS XVII
At the last court of their Highnesses Prince Verron and Princess Wulfa
Award of Arms – Atalaya la Sanaria (Sirrush Mir)
Aaron Breck Gordon (An Crosaire)
Ara Arisdottir (An Crosaire)
Ropesle de Sylveastan (An Crosaire)
Ravenna MacNamara (Blackthorne)
Order of the Trimarian Gratitude
Baron Sire Bronislaus of Vilnius (Sea March) Principal
H.L. Ragnar Hardraada (Wyvernwood)
Gunnar Indanski Dentenson (Wyvernwood)
Order of the Emerald Sea
H.L. Siobhan ni Filidheacht (An Crosaire)
Lady Cher de Bellevue (An Crosaire)
Lord Dykeuald Cyn Aric, Baron Wyvernwood
At the first court of their Highness Prince Guthrum and Princess Ursula
Viscounty to Verron Surgroth and Wulfa Eriksdottir, Wyvernwood

Lord Aaron Breck Gordon and Lord Elom Eikenskjaldi will serve Prince Guthrum as men-at-arms and Lady Hollin of Kestrelmere and Lady Ara Arisdottir will serve Princess Ursula as ladies-in- waiting. Andros Leonthalasios will serve as personal herald to Their Highness.
The Winner of the Best-Man List was Lord Aaron Breck Gordon, An Crosaire, with Viscount Verron Surgroth, Wyvernwood second.

Sun Dome Demo
On 9-15-82, the Barony of Wyvernwood held an exhibition in the Sun Dome. This was an effort of the University to inform its students of the clubs on campus. A small fighting demo was held and a dancing demo as well. Our booth displayed our Baronial backdrop and banner as well as many of our arts and sciences. In attendance were Lady Alianore and Lady Elina, who made the arrangements and preparations, Lady Sieglinda, Lord Ragnar, Lord Morric, Rupert, Pecot, Viscount Verron and several members from West Isles. Reported by Elina Ragnarsfostray Barony MOA

Red Tower Tourney, South Downs
9-18-82, the Baron’s Prize List winner was Duke Syr Merowald de Sylveastan, An Crosaire. Lord Aaron Breck Gordon, An Crosaire came in 4th place.

Suncoast Skirmishers Demo
On Saturday and Sunday, 9-18/19-82, the Barony of Wyvernwood and the shire of Narval Dorado staged a combat demonstration at the wargaming convention held by the Suncoast Skirmishers, at the Holiday Inn in downtown Tampa. Led by Wyvernwood’s Seneschal, the Honorable Lord Ragnar Hardraada, a strong contingent of Wyvernwood fighters staged a series of combat demonstrations. Between times, the warriors and non-combatants mingled with the convention attendees and disseminated information about the SCA and SCA combat. The event was well attended and received considerable press coverage in the Tamp Tribune with a picture of one of the Wyvernwood fighters appearing with the article. Much good PR was generated for the Barony and the SCA. Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt und von Kampf, Historian Wyvernwood

Michaelmas Fighter’s Clinic
Flyer, Talewinds vol.1, no.8, August AS XVII The Barony of An Crosaire cordially invites all Warriors of Trimaris to attend the Michaelmas Fighter Clinic and Training Session to be held on 9-25/26-82 at Otter Springs Camp Grounds. This year’s event will be the time of choosing the next Warlord of Trimaris. There will be a lace making class taught by Lady Siobhan ni Filidheacht and a Procedures and Protocol class by Master Jed Silverstar. This is a tenting site. Autocrat Aaron Breck Gordon.
from “Awards & Honors” Talewinds vol.1, no.10, October AS XVII
At the Court of their Highnesses Prince Guthrum and Princess Ursula:
Award of Arms: Alistair the Wanderer, Sea March
Monford Allheisen, Darkwater
Jeanne d’Ile du Cygne Noir, An Crosaire
Isidoro no Tsuji Bannin, An Crosaire
Timothy George Cutter of An Crosaire will serve as a Page to their Highnesses
Linnaea Lorraine, An Crosaire, was taken as a squire by Duke Syr Merowald, An Crosaire

Winner of the list and the new Warlord of Trimaris
Warlord – Lord Aaron Breck Gordon, An Crosaire
Warlady – Linnaea Lorraine, An Crosaire
2nd place – Hrothgar of Phalcatia, An Crosaire

Sunshine Mall Demo
On 9-29-82 West Isles held a demo at the Sunshine Mall

Harvest Moon Tourney and Masque Ball
On 10-2-82, the Shire of West Isles sponsored the Harvest Moon Tourney and Masque Ball

Kite Festival
Flyer, Talewinds vol.1, no.9, September AS XVII The Shire of Sea March most numbly begs the good folk of Trimaris and beyond to honor us with the privilege of entertaining you with a weekend of Oriental Pleasures, 10-1/3-82. There will be a feast of the exotic delicacies of the Far East and following the feast a moon viewing party with a bardic circle and competition in oriental poetry. There will be games for your amusement, including Mah Jong, Go, Shegi, Backgammon, and Chess. There will be contests in fan painting, kite constructions and decoration, and Kite Flying (home made or commercially obtained). We invite you to bring a favorite tea and participate in a tea tasting party on Saturday. On Sunday there will be a kite combat and lunch. Site is the Girl Scout Camp in Lake Worth, autocrat Ywan Ywe Yu.

Vision Enterprises Convention
The Shire of Darkwater participated in the Quality Inn Owner’s Convention, on 10-3-82, at the Medieval Market Place (Trade Show for Hotel Suppliers). The organizer for this demo was Lady Marie Genevieve de Cihidara. Darkwater was assisted by the Barony of Wyvernwood, the Shire of West Isles, and the Shire of the Ruins. SCA’ers demonstrated needlepoint, mime, magic and fighting. The Baron and the Seneschal of Wyvernwood were present. $225.00 was donated to the group for participating in the demo, $100.00 went to Darkwater, $100.00 to Wyvernwood and $25.00 to the Ruins. Domesday report, Leopold Hringhornison of Felkshire, Darkwater Historian
On Saturday, 10-3-82, a strong contingent of Wyvernwood warriors and other gentles traveled to the Shire of Darkwater to participate in a demonstration for a meeting of Quality Inn franchises. The event, sponsored by the Shire of Darkwater, took place at the Hyatt Hotel in Orlando. The Wyvernwood contingent was led by it’s Seneschal, the Honorable Lord Ragnar Hardraada. Accompanying the expedition was his Excellency Viscount Verron Surgroth. The Wyvernwood combat team consisted of five or six warriors. Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt und von Kampf, Historian Wyvernwood

Lace Making Class
From Sand Scrips, Sea March Newsletter, Vol.1, no 1 On 10-9-82, the Honorable Lady Siobhan ni Filidhearcht visited the Shire of Sea March to give the southern shires lessons in lace making.

In August 1982, the Shire of Sea March started it’s own newsletter “Sand Scrips” in which the beginning history was related and the founding members were listed. The history of Lord Reikin ap Gruagach was also related. Lady Damara wrote an article called “Ramblings of a Wanderer” about what she saw when they went to Triad. “We wandered through the mist shrouded oak forest in the wee hours of the morn. The moss hung low from the branches adding an air of mystery as we searched for the dirt rails that would lead us to the second Triad to be held in our fair Trimaris. The trails were hard to follow and it seemed that hours has past when suddenly the path began to climb upwards, out of the lowlands. Camp fires spotted the woods before us. Four of us did make this journey. Though long and hard, it was well worth the time spent. In these few days devoted to the study of arts and sciences we did encounter curious events that did set our minds to wondering. The woods did ring with strange chants –“If they had zippers, they would have used them!” to which would echo –“But, they had buttons!” What could be more puzzling than that? Yet, we saw stranger still, for when Mistress ‘Queta did go walking a number of people did thrown up their hands and cry — “A Vision!!!” and others did make the “Sign of the Holy Zipper”. Aye, but what is this tomfoolery? The strange events did not end there, however, for soon a new cry did arise –“Massa Jed, Massa Jed, yo’ laundry’s ready, sir!” What could this mean? we queried. Ah but then, as we sat quietly over an excellent supper we were suddenly set upon by a strange array of creatures and beasts. There were dragons, sirens, satyrs, dryads, mermaids, and the like. But what they wanted of use we can not know. T’was this that did convince us to leave those misty woods and strike a trail homeward.

Meridies Crown List at Iron Ox
On October 15-17. 1982, at Roosevelt State Park, Markan Mississippi, Meridies held their Crown List to choose the next King and Queen of Meridies. With great joy, the winner and consort will be the first Meridies King from Trimaris.
Winner – Viscount Verron Surgroth of Wyvernwood
Consort – Lady Elspeth Mac Naught on of Blackthorne
Duke Merowald remembers The Trimarian contingent used my pavilion during the list and the list field was outlined in a purple ribbon. Towards the end of the list there was no one left in the pavilion except Verron. A gust of wind lifted the purple ribbon and started it swirling. The wind carried the ribbon up and over my pavilion and dropped it so that the ribbon encircled the pavilion containing Verron. Verron went on to win the list.

Fantasy Fest
Flyer, Talewinds vol.1, no.9, September AS XVII The Shire of Castlemere proudly announces Fantasy Fest IV, to be held 10-23/24-82, at Camp Wi-le-ma in Jacksonville. “Come one, come all and join in our fun. There will be a rattan list, games for all, a fabulous feast followed by a Bardic Circle (please bring your ghost stories) and for those who dare, a trek through a haunted forest at night, pitting baffle/bonker swords and bravery against all manner of fantastic beasts and minions of evil. Autocrat Loraybech. The winner of the list was Lord Aaron Breck Gordon

Wyvernwood’s 10th Anniversary and Baronial Bash
Flyer, Talewinds vol.1, no.9, September AS XVII The Barony of Wyvernwood presents Baronial Bash, 10- 29/31-82 at Camp Keystone “Harken Good Gentles, be it known that once upon a time, in a swampland far, far away, a mighty she-wyvern did seek shelter in a friendly woods (rent was cheap in those days). Word soon spread of this marvelous woodland and lo, many good folk came to settle (wretched refuse from some teeming shore, no doubt). Thus was hatched some ten years ago, Wyvernwood. It is to honor this quasi-wondrous event that the Barony of Wyvernwood does hereby announce its plans for one knockdown, armor rusting, kick off the roof, yet always tasteful, Baronial Bash. Autocrat Rosalind Knightluster.
At the Court of Their Highness Guthrum and Ursula
Award of Arms – Gwendolyn Mary Douglas, Wyvernwood
Order of the Wyvern’s Claw – Lady Alianore d’Astralis, Baroness Wyvernwood
H.L. Ragnar Hardraada, Wyvernwood
Order of the Grey Beard – Colin O’Lochlain, Sea March (Principal)
H.L. Ragnar Hardraada, Wyvernwood
Lady Alianore d’Astralis was invested as the new Baroness Wyvernwood

(Event Report) Anno Societatus XVII marks the tenth anniversary of the founding of the ancient and illustrious Barony of Wyvernwood, first outpost of the SCA, established in what is now Trimaris. The annual Wyvernwood Baronial Bash, held each year on the weekend nearest to All-Hallow’s Eve, was held on October 27, AS VII. In honor of it’s tenth birthday, the Barony made this year’s Bash a special occasion.
The site for the Wyvernwood Decennial Celebration was Camp Keystone, the Barony’s favorite event site. To mark the occasion, members of the original Wyvernwood group were enticed to the event, including several persons no longer active in the SCA. Additionally, Wyvernwood alumni from groups throughout Trimaris and beyond gathered at Keystone for the festivities. A total of six Wyvernwood Seneschals, including the first (myself) and the current (Lord Ragnar Hardraada) were present. One of Wyvernwood’s three Barons, Master Taliesynne Nycheymwrh, Founding Baron Wyvernwood, and our current Baron Dykeuald Cyn-arek, both honored the event.
A list of distinguished visitors to the Barony’s tenth was led by their Royal Highness Guthrum and Ursula, Prince and Princess of Trimaris, whose royal presences were deeply appreciated by a grateful Barony and populace. Duke Merowald de Sylveastan, KSCA, whose association with Wyvernwood goes back to within a few months of it’s beginning, also put the distinctive mark of his presence on the occasion. Lady Rebecca of Twyn and Sir Gilrae traveled from far Southdowns to grace our festivities. Both of these gentle peers had long ties with Wyvernwood, having been so kind as to visit it during it’s first year of existence. As to other peers and notables who were so kind as to honor Wyvernwood’s anniversary, their number forbids individual listing here due to space limitations. In all 210 gentles were in attendance.
The event began with registration at 4:30 pm on Friday, October 29th. A light supper was served to early arrivals at 7:30 pm, the remainder of the evening being devoted to heavy drinking and other rewarding pastimes. On Saturday morning the major activities began at an ungodly hours. Throughout the day there were contests in chess, backgammon, nine-man Morris, fox & geese, and archery. With the coming of evening a massive multiple court was held in the Great Hall. Courts were held by Prince Guthrum and Princess Ursula, Founding Baron Taliesynne and Barony Dykeuald. The major happenings was the creation of Lady Alianore d’Astralis as Baroness Wyvernwood, to rule by the side of our noble Dykeuald, and Baroness Alianore’s induction into the Order of the Wyvern’s Claw.
The evening also saw that most happy of occasion, an SCA wedding – Wyvernwood’s Katherine Angelique of Lightenheart gave her hand to Caoimhin macRiagan, one of our favorite Irish Mead makers from across the Bay of the Holy Spirit (Tampa Bay). The happy couple were wed by the right reverend Montfort, the Munching Monk. court was followed by a hearty feast, enlivened by a filk song contest, a sublitey contest and much jollity. Feasting was succeeded by much drinking, singing, weaving, falling down and pursuit of the eternal wench. Sunday morn came all to early to the foregone revelers who folded their tents, gathered their empties, and wended away into the distance. Erich M.F.W. von Rabenskalt und von Kampf, Historian Wyvernwood

Martinmas Moot/Third Coronet List
11-12/14-82 House Noriuji and House Humungous, of An Crosaire sponsored Martinmas Moot/Third Coronet List at Camp Keystone. Arts & Sciences competitions will be Poet Laureate and Troubadour Laureate, plus a special category “The Unicorn” … any form of artwork (graphics, pen & ink, oils, tempera, embroidery, applique, etc.) To render a unicorn for the enjoyment of the populace. A light breakfast will be provided Saturday and Sunday mornings, bread, fruit, tea, and coffee will be served buffet style. Feast will be served Saturday night. Feast Tokens will be required for everyone in the feast hall.
The Goslings’ Guild will be offered for the children over four years of age. Main autocrat, Noriuji-no Tomoko, Feastcrat Akira Noriuji-no Takara.
Tanist – Sir Tetsuo Sakura
Tanista – Mistress Kimineko Sakura
Princes Champion – Sir Reikin ap Gruagach
Contest winners – Troubadour Laureate – Lord Morric Haast, Wyvernwood
Poet Laureate – Hiertha Aureliana, called Hieryth, Narval Dorado
Unicorn artwork (tie) – Lady Saelida Ericsdohtor, House of Alfred’s Hall for oil painting
John the Timekeeper, House of Alfred’s Hall for pewter sundial
At the Court of Their Majesties Roderick and Morgan:
Order of the Laurel: HRH Princess Elspeth MacNaughton, Blackthorne
K.S.C.A. Lord Reikin ap Gruagach, Sea March
Award of Arms – Kathleen of Darkwater

Order of the Broken Brank – Lady Atalaya la Sanadora, Sirrush Mir
Kathleen of Darkwater
At the Court of Their Highness Guthrum and Ursula
Order of the Triskele Trimaris – H.L. Siobhan ni Filidheacht, An Crosaire
Lady Morgana merch Morgan, Blackthorne
Award of Arms – Darius Thorfinn, Castlemere
Ardelin ap Morgan O’Brollachain, An Crosaire
Marie Genevieve de Cilhdara, Darkwater
New Associates:
The Hon. Lady Sieglinde von Truso, Wyvernwood, has become apprenticed to Mistress Godelinde of Windemere, Baroness Thor’s Mountain. Her former Laurel, Mistress Kathea von Linse, has moved to the Kingdom of Atlantia.
Lady Atalaya la Sanadora, Sirrush Mir, has become a protégée of Mistress Ammalynne Starchild Haraldsdottir, South Downs
Andros Leonthalasios was squired to Sir Tetsuo Sakura, Baron An Crosarie and Heir to the Principality of Trimaris.
Joseph MacJoseph, Sangre del Sol, was squired to Sir Koppel fun Baurieus, Sangre del Sol.
Martinmas Moot Statistics: The autocrat reported that 192 gentles attended, with 167 staying for two nights, 6 remaining for one night, and 19 day tripping.

Pasadens Arts & Crafts Show Demo
11-6-82 The Shire of Narval Dorado held a demo at the Pasadena Arts & Crafts show

Costume Seminar
11-20-82, the Shire of Sea March held a costume seminar at the Galleria Mall Community Room. Teachers included Mistress Kimineko, Mistress Enriqueta, Lady Asa Byrum, The Hon. Lady Damara Narrissa, Lady Agrippina di Conti, and Lady Jeanne d’Ile du Cygne Noir. Classes included selection of fabric for SCA use, pattern development, finishing and fitting, specific time/place interest groups i.e: Italian Renaissance, Tudor, Elizabethan, Japanese, Mid-Eastern, etc. Autocrat Lady Damara Narrissa.

Saint Andrews Society
On 11-27-82, The Shire of Darkwater marched in the Saint Andrews Day Parade. Members demonstrated mime, magic, dance and song. This demo was organized by Gradheil Maccintsacarit. Darkwater was assisted greatly by the Honorable Lady Sieglinda von Truso, of the Barony of Wyvernwood. Domesday report, Leopold Hringhornison of Felkshire, Darkwater Historian

Almost A Revel
On 12-7-82 The Shire of Glymmerholde held “Almost a Revel”

Wassailing Revel & Caroling
Talewinds, vol.1, no.12, December AS XVII ‘ Tis the Season to spread warmth and cheer…Pray, good gentles, join with us in song and merriment as the Shire of Darkwater hosts a Wassailing Revel and Carolling on Saturday 12-11-82. The members of the Shire of Darkwater held their holiday celebration with 21 members participating. The members gathered at Brock’s home for the Revel and caroling. Autocrat Lord Monford of Bath and Elizabeth Nan Carey.

3rd Annual Wassailing Revel
Talewinds, vol.1, no.12, December AS XVII On 12-11-82, the Shire of West Isles held their revel – Join with us in the spirit of the holiday season by giving of your time and voice as we celebrate with those who much less fortunate than ourselves. This year we will be singing in our best court garb and sound at two nursing homes. After sharing of the vocal SCA spirit, we will return to the home of Barar Aeric and Anna Alicia vonn Rheinhardt for some of the more potent spirits of the season. There is no cost for this event, although those wishing to do so may feel free to bring their favorite period desert. Anyone wishing to bring Blacemange will definitely not be turned away! Copies of the better known carols will be available this year so some and experience one of the more heart-warming SCA public relations activities of the year. Autocrat – Anna Alicia vonn Rheinhardt and Barar Aeric.

Masque Ball and Weird Weapons Tourney
Talewinds, vol.1, no.12, December AS XVII On 12-17/19-82 The Shire of West Isles hosts the first Trimaris “Masque Ball and Weird Weapons Tourney” at Camp Keystone. The theme for this event is real and imaginary air creatures. A prize will be awarded for the most creative. Special activities include a riddling competition in the Dragon Hoard Hunt, be the first to solve the clues and capture the very real treasure, a Ragnarrian Dagger. Win the gaming contests and you, too, can own a backgammon board of the quality gifted at Baronial Bash. If you are of the more physical bent, enjoy the dancing in the early afternoon to warm up for the evening’s frolic. Or for those truly aggressive as well as inventive, try your skills in the Weird Weapons Tourney. Lastly, revel in one of the most popular of medieval entertainments, the Masque Ball. Feast will be in period – lighting will be provided by candles only. Autocrat Sir Bryetor Aison of Devon and Lady Andreana de Montfort
At the court of TH Guthrum and Ursula
Award of Arms – Caitlin Emryss, West Isles
Order of the Trimarian Gratitude – Lord Alistair the Wanderer, Sea March
Winner of the Weird Weapons List – Princess Ursula, squire, with her famous “war dog”

Plant City High School Demo
In December ’82 the Shire of the Ruins held a demo at Plant City High School

Yule Revel
Talewinds, vol.1, no.12, December AS XVII On 12-18-82 The Shire of Sangre del Sol held a Yule Revel – The Shire of Sangre del Sol resumes its annual Yule Feast and Collegium offering delights to the palate and intellect deemed the populace lo these many years and entertainment to rejoice the most jaded of dispositions, at All Saints Episcopal Church. Autocrat Lady Glynis merch Llywelyn and Lady Elizabeth FitzRandolph

Lion In Winter
Talewinds, vol.1, no.12, December AS XVII On 12-18-82 the Shire of Oldenfeld Yule Celebration was held at Ruge Hall, University Episcopal Church in Tallahassee – It is Christmas in the year 1183, Henry II, first Plantagenent monarch of England has called Queen Eleanor and his sons John, Richard and Geoffrey to his castle at Chinon France. Join Henry II for Christmas. Come to the Court of Henry II in your most elaborate court dress. Revel in the political intrigue of an elaborately orchestrated game – the Crown of England, the fair Princess Alais, and the Aquitaine, the prizes. Enjoy a mouth watering feast prepared through the culinary artistry of Lord Isabeau the Fool and Lord Mandrigal of Mu. Competitions for the most authentic 12th century costumes – the most courtly and chivalrous manner – best entertainment – Lord and Lady of Misrule and special prizes for the winners of the “game”. Lord Nikolai Aleksandrovitch Staritsya

New Year’s Eve Revel
On 12-31-82 The Barony of Wyvernwood held a New Years Eve Revel

Domesday Report for the Sciences, 1982, from the Minister of Sciences, Lord Holtmar of Wyrhtenatun
Barony of An Crosaire: Members of the barony have done extremely well in the science competitions, especially at Kingdom Arts & Sciences where they collected more points jointly than any other group, thus winning the right to host next years fair. The tradition of biweekly classes is being maintained, with courses in subjects ranging from amber, period trencherware, medieval cooking and subtleties. Several members also contributed to the Trimaris Arts & Sciences publication Triskele, as well as the baronial issue of Talewinds. They have held several demos at schools and museums and will be aiding a campus group at UF to produce a Renaissance Faire. Except for summers, the Barony is extremely busy in the sciences and the new MOS is planning to hold several “mini” sciences competitions to help members perfect their skills.
Shire of Blackthorne: Members do little in the sciences, but what they do is concerned mainly with armoring, leather working, and jewelrymaking. As I have not received reports for about 6 months, I do not know what is happening in the sciences currently for this shire.
Shire of Castlemere: Emphasis is more on research than on production. Earlier this year, classes were held in the sciences. The main categories worked on in the sciences during the past year were armoring, metalworking and cooking.
Shire of Darkwater: The first half of this year was filled mainly with classes and little else in the science. The second half of the year saw improvement in what was reported. Projects included armoring, cooking, leather working and games. After an influx of new members, the shire is beginning to increase in its science activities.
Shire of Elderhaven: This shire has not yet gained enough members to do anything large in the sciences for now. However, I do know that the present members are beekeepers and perhaps in the future we will see production of honey and mead.
Shire of Glymmerholde: Is heavily into armoring, leather working, metalworking, and woodworking. Although they have been in existence for only a short time, they are outproducing some shires that have been around longer.
Shire of Bradenton/Sarasota (formerly Kirinmere) has just recently formed, but the members are active in armoring and metalworking.
Shire of Narval Dorado: During the past year, the shire has engaged in many sciences; however, the main emphasis seems to be on armoring, woodworking, metalworking and household sciences. In armoring, the shire has 10 men all fitted out in Roman style armor who have been trained to fight as a unit. Lord Artorius Julianus did the crowns for the Trimarian Prince & Princess.
Shire of Oldenfeld: Is strong in armoring, leather working, cooking, brewing and metalworking. The MOS sounds like someone who will encourage the sciences and has offered to head up our library.
Shire of the Ruins: has been in existence for roughly 6 months. Major activities in the sciences have been in the area of armoring, but some leather working and woodworking have also been attempted.
Shire of Sangre del Sol: The past year saw this shire cooking for coronation (along with Sea March), writing articles for their issue of Talewinds, beginning armoring and the start of classes in Oriental gaming. The most dominate science is brewing (with a guild between themselves and Sea March).
Shire of Sea March: This shire started the new year off by cooking the feast at Coronation, along with Sangre del Sol, and then continued the rest of the year by holding several events and demos. They are active in most of the sciences, especially armoring, brewing, cooking, metalworking, agriculture and woodworking.
Shire of Sirrush Mir: The sciences are almost non-existent with only one member active in the science.
Shire of Southkeype: has had an on and off year for armoring with most of the work being new armor or upgrading of old equipment. Brewing of meads and beers has been quite sufficient to satisfy the group’s needs. Members are active in jewelry making, pavilion making, woodworking and metalworking.
Shire of Starhaven: has been active in a number of sciences, mostly armoring, cooking, metalworking, woodworking, stained glass, and research. Workshops were held on the forging of metals and several members have discussed the feasibility of building a small Norse rowing boat.
Barony of Wyvernwood: has followed its normal course i.e.: heavy science production during the winter and spring with a slump in the summer followed by heavy production again in the fall. Activities are varied, but members are working in the areas of armoring, leather working, cooking, metalworking, woodworking and brewing. During this latter quarter, numerous articles have been written for the barony’s issue of Talewinds and heavy research has been conducted. Demos and classes have been held throughout the year, but the heaviest time was again this last quarter.

Darkwater Domesday Report
The shire has 53 sustaining members, 1 associate member and 3 family memberships. The group is very active throughout the kingdom and members have attended meetings, socials and/or fighter practices with Sea March, Southkeype, Ruins, Sirrush Mir, Wyvernwood, An Crosaire, West Isles, Narval Dorado, Mathom Trove and Castlemere. Members have participated or instructed classes in a wide variety of medieval subjects ranging from Cathedral Construction to Making Your Mundane Tent Look Medieval. Through the efforts of Gradheil Maccintsacarit, the shire has established an account with the Central Florida Blood Bank. With this account, units of blood can and will be made available to any member of the Society that needs it. We have established a History Scholarship, following the lead of the Barony of Wyvernwood, at the University of Central Florida, and are considering one in music.
Domesday report, Leopold Hringhornison of Felkshire, Darkwater Historian