Recent Kingdom Notes

February 16, 2025

The Kingdom of Trimaris

The Three Seas of Power

Trimaris History – 1980

20 min read


Shire of Blackthorn was founded
Talewinds, Vol.1, no.7, July AS XVII (1982) (Blackthorne Issue) In January ‘80, The Shire of Blackthorn (Orange Park/Clay County) was founded with the founding Seneschal being Alexander Woodshaw. Interest in the SCA had been stimulated during the summer of 1979 through wargaming with members of the Shire of Castlemere. Because of geographic distance and sufficient local interest in a separate shire the Shire of Blackthorn was formed in Clay County in early 1980. Weekly meetings started in February. Many of our founding members are no longer with us, but those who are still involved are Lord Maedhrous Carrelli, Alexander Woodshaw (founding Seneschal), Ravenna McNamara, and the Hon. Lady Elspeth MacNaughton.
Blackthorne’s primary interest has always been medieval arts. Our most obvious skill is in costuming. While the Hon. Lady Elspeth MacNaughton is our most well known costumer, several other members have also won awards in this area. Other arts of particular interest include music, poetry, and drawing. Cooking is probably our most popular science.
Our involvement with medieval arts has resulted in a number of public appearances on behalf of the SCA. We’ve had demonstrations at Orange Park Mall, St. John’s Community College, Cecil Field Naval Air Station, the Lakeside Middle School, the Clay County Festival, and a promotional appearance for the movie “Dragonslayer.” For the past two years one of the highlights of our local activities has been an invitation from the St. Augustine Historical Society to join the entourage of their Royal Family during that cities Easter Week Festivities. St. Augustine’s Spanish Royal Family consists of those residents who can trace their ancestry back over 400 years to the original settlers of the late 1500’s. The events associated with this program include the Blessing of the Palm Ceremony and High Mass at St. Augustine Cathedral, the annual Easter Parade where we were provided with a large ship to entertain the Royal Family, city officials and their guests. Recently we’ve been involved in a slight- the videotaping of a medieval fashion show to be shown to history and literature classes at Orange Park High School. Eventually, we hope to tape shows on other aspects of medieval life.
The events we’ve sponsored have included a Pirates’ Port o Call and a Christmas Revel in the late fall of 1980 and “Baronial Banquet” with Baron Master Taliesynne in the summer of 1981, and an Arts & Sciences Festival this past February. We celebrate our anniversary on St. Val’s (February 14) along with the Barony of An Crosaire. We are currently exploring potential sites and fund-raising projects in the hope of sponsoring a major event in the not too distant future. Lady Morgana merch Morgan, Historian

St. Benet’s Feast
1-12-80, The Shire of An Crosaire held St. Benet’s Feast, which was nicknamed the “Night of Wine and Swine” According to the Historian “It was wonderful, there was an eight course feast with accompanying wines, roast suckling pig, a grande dessert of a cake, decorated with marzipan, in the shape of a Dragon’s Tail. The feast was accompanied by period music. Everyone from An Crosaire attended along with members of Mathom Trove, Narval Dorado and the University of Florida Renaissance Ensemble.

Tournament of the Winter Stars
Trimaris Calendar, Jan XIV 1980, 1-4/6-80 The Shire of Starhaven is two years old. To celebrate our anniversary (as well as Twelfth Night and Kingdom Day) we are hold the “Winter Stars Tournament” at Wickham Park. A fighting list will be held for a prize to be determined, and we hope to have a chess tourney as well. The site has an archery range open during the day, so bring your bows for a bit of live-weapons fun. There will be a Bardic circle Saturday night, and maybe even a Merchant’s Alley since we have a small pavilion that is nicely suited for such purposes. With luck, we may have some dancing, if someone brings some appropriate music. The site is a primitive, tent camping site. It is in an isolated part of the park that is wooded, but has wide, open spaces which are nicely suited for our purposes. Autocrat, Lady Clarissa of the Northern Winds.
Sea March reported that several members attended this event. Sir Bronislaus won the list and Bryce won the Chess competition.

Twelfth Night
1-80 The Shire of Southkeep held a “Twelfth Night” revel

Renaissance Guild Demo
1/80 The Shire of Southkeep assisted the Renaissance Guild of Miami with a Renaissance Faire

Anniversary Revel
1-19-80, Genteel Folke of Trimaris, the winds of West Isles beckon thee to an Anniversary feast and revel to be held at Fair Isle Hall, Dunedin Fl. A seven course feast will be served: a vegetable beef broth, beef pie, smoked fish, rice florentine, peas w/ onions, & sweet potatoes. Court will be held immediately after feast, after which there will be games, and bardic circle. Autocrat, Kevin macRiagan.

Meridies Crown List
2-1/3-80, The Shire of Oldenfeld proudly announces the occurrence of a major Society event The Meridies Winter Crown List, to be held at O’Leno State Park. The event will consist of the standard SCA list. “The Lands Be Cold”, But be warned gentle folk of Meridies, that the Dark Lord Demon of Winter possesses the enchanted wood of O’Leno in his icy grasp. Tales have been told of a mysterious sword of Truth and Virtue sheathed in a rock of ice forever. If the Chosen Crown Prince be pure of heart and noble in deeds, he will be charged with seeking out this magical sword and confront the Dark Lord Demon of Winter in combat.
Competitions being held at the Winter Crown List will include: The Best Lady’s Favor, to be judged by His Majesty, the King; The Most Courtly Compliment, made by a gentleman to a lady, to be judged by Her Majesty, the Queen; a General Entertainment Competition, so rehearse those stories, songs and dances; and a Sciences Competition to determine the most authentic list legal weapon.
During the Saturday evening feast, gentles will be afforded the opportunity to partake of a chance, a raffle if you will. The prize will be on display and all proceeds from “Ve Chance” will be forwarded to the Kingdom. Autocrats Robert the Ruthless & Lennea Sparrowhawk.
An Crosaire reported that 15 members attended this event. Sea March – Reported that 13 members attended this event. Edward Worthington-Smyth received his Award of Arms and also won the Most Courtly Compliment contest. Lady Damara and Lord Worthington-Smyth entered the entertainment contest with a selection of medieval dances. Lady Damara entertained at feast with a tray dance. Caroline merch Elwyn entered the favor contest. Lord Worthington-Smyth taught dancing that evening.

GenCon South Demo
2/80, The Shire of Castlemere held a demo at GenCon South with a mini-tourney

Horizon School Demo
The Barony of Wyvernwood’s Historian, Robin Everton, reported that the Barony participated with the Horizon School, a private elementary school in North Tampa to augment their section on the study of Medieval History. This demo was throughout the month of February and was organized by Raura Goldring, who in the mundane world was a teacher at the Horizon School.

Sein’ta Barentain Dei Masakura
2-23/24-80, The Shire of An Crosaire held “Sein’ta Barentain Dei Masakura” which was St. Valentine’s Massacre in Japanese. This event was held at Otter Springs Campground and was tent camping only. Since this years theme is 17th century Japanese culture, we request that you come Japanese or as a European visitor (it is the time that the Portuguese, Dutch and English began to arrive in Japan).Classes include: Japanese Etiquette, Lacquering, Japanese Costuming, Sushi cooking, and How to pronounce Japanese names. The list was to be with Katana, Naginata and Sword & Shield.
Autocrats were Holtmar of Stonedown & Cher de Bellevue
Everything was very Nippon including the court and the campsite. People from An Crosaire attended along with representative folk from Sea March, Wyvernwood, West Isles, Narval Dorado, Oldenfeld, Starhaven, and Mathom Trove attended this event.
Classes were taught in Japanese Etiquette (Seamus and Cedrin) Japanese Costuming (Mistress Kimi), Sushi Cooking (Sir Tetsuo), Japanese Names (Cedrin) Japanese Lacquering (Bamchut) and Kite Flying (Knikolos).

On 2-23-80, The Barony of Wyvernwood held a demo and mini-tourney as part of a membership drive. 13 members participated.

Sangre del Sol
March Art/Sci report Our Yule Feast was a qualified success. We came out even – or at least not very in the hole. Talisman was our chief cook, with myself and Johanna assisting. Considering the size of the kitchen (2 x 2) and a most intrusive body we did well. We served 35, including 5 members of Sangre del Sol (at that time 5/6 of our membership). Two weeks ago Talisman, Sir Koppel and I went to a school to introduce the Society. The students expected to attend the Renaissance Fair at Vizcaya next weekend. The student were very interested in fighting and costume. The students were all six graders. Elizabeth FitzRandolph reporting
Membership of Sangre del Sol:
Sir Koppel
Margaret Gemignani
Elizabeth the Ballad Singer
Elizabeth FitzRandolph
Kohanna de Bocage
3-7-80 The Shire of Blackthorn held their first revel at the Hall of Roses

Renaissance Faire
3-8/9-80, the Florida Renaissance Guild, in association with historical Vizcaya, a Dade County Art Museum and the City of Miami welcomes you to the 2nd Annual Ye Olde Renaissance Faire.

Oldenfeld Anniversary Revel
3-15-80, The Shire of Oldenfeld held their Anniversary Revel

Springtime Demo
3/80 – The Shire of Oldenfeld held a demo “Springtime” in Tallahassee

Raa High School Demo
3/80 – The Shire of Oldenfeld held a demo “Medieval Days” at Raa High School

Renaissance Faire and Feast
3/80 – The Shire of Castlemere held a Renaissance Faire and Feast in St. Augustine. There was a demonstration of crafts, arts and arms for three area schools.

Ybor Square Demo
3-22-80, The Barony of Wyvernwood held a demo at Ybor Square to publicize the Largo Ren. Faire

Largo Renaissance Faire
3-23 to 4-27-80, Wyvernwood and other Trimarian groups assisted in the Largo Renaissance Faire. This project was well attended by the populous. Wyvernwood ran a booth and sold a variety of wares. Lord John Urquart, Darby MacDonald, and the Baron combined talent to construct a trebuchet (medieval siege weapon) to the delight of the barony, the populace, the fair people and the visitors.

3-27-80, The Shire of An Crosaire held “Revel for a Wayward Herald” to honor the herald Dafydd Dragonstar.

Belvedere Elementary School Demo
On 4-1-79 Lady Damara and Caroline merch Elwyn, of The Shire of Sea March, did a program for the sixth grade class at Belvedere Elementary School. A small item on this appeared in the Palm Beach School Board’s weekly newsletter which stated “Middle Ages Demonstration. Medieval family life, customs, crafts and amusements were demonstrated for Belvedere sixth grade students in conjunction with their Social Studies unit on the Middle Ages recently. Carolyn Meyers (Lady Carolyn) and Diane Field (Lady Damara) came dressed in court costumes, gave a talk and demonstrated the use of sword, shield, needlepoint and musical instruments of the 15th century. Instructional Aide Roberta Linares, costumed as a Squire, danced with Lady Damara to authentic medieval music, followed by a question and answer session.

Lightner Museum Demo
4-9-80, The Shire of Blackthorn held a demo at Lightner Museum in St. Augustine. This event was written up in the St. Augustine Record, 4-16-80, p. 4 & 5 (B)

Sea March Dinner
The men of Sea March entertained the Ladies with a dinner at Alistair the Wanderer’s home on 4-14- 79. The men did all the cooking, serving and clean up while the ladies relaxed and enjoyed the evening.

On 4-19-80, The Shire of An Crosaire held a demo at the Gainesville Chapter of MS Society. A fashion show was held interspersed with a Show-and-tell of the crafts of the group. Seamus, Elspeth Jean, Sir Tetsuo, Mistress Kimi, Cher, Siobhan, Holtmar, Ara, Hollin, Shelli, Yari and Meredith attended.

Mead Rally and Revel
4-19-80, Sangre del Sol held “Mead Rally and Revel” at Talisman’s house in Boca Raton.

Highland Games
4-12-80, Castlemere co-sponsored “Highland Games”, held at Jacksonville University with the Mensa Club. Blackthorn members attended.

Holy Relic of An Crosaire Revel
4-26-80, as in the flyer “Clan Alexander and the Barony of Wyvernwood are proud to announce a pilgrimage to Alexander Keype in the Honor of the Holy Relic of An Crosaire. The relic is a little known and powerful relic, cures melancholia and impotence.” Pilgrimage badges will be awarded to all who complete the pilgrimage. Autocrat for this event was Lady Sieglinde von Truso

4-28-80, WJCT (PBS) Channel 7 showed a news program featuring the SCA Shires of Castlemere and Blackthorn. For Blackthorn, Diego was interviewed and Diego and Maedhrous fought a duel over Elspeth and Francesca.

AS XV (1980-1981)

The Shire of South Keype listed their roster of officers:
Seneschal _ Alexander Mareschal (Marc Shapiro)
Herald – Narwen Malalda (Lisa M Winters)
Master of Arts/Science – Dorian (Rocco R. Doria)
Historian/Chronicler – Lyonna Marie of Wildwind (D.M. Tripp)
Chirurgeon – Jahnara of Asengarth (Barbara Clipper)
Reeve – Merlyn-Thar-Aelintaur (Margaret Anlage)
Deputy Reeve – Peter of Corimel (Joe Kimbro)
Marshal – Ananda Gaudior (Belinda Morris)

5-2-80 a large article with several photos on the front page of Clay Today, the article featured the history of the SCA and general information on the Shire of Blackthorne.

Museum of Arts & Sciences Demo
5-2/4-80 The Shires of Castlemere and Blackthorn participated in the Medieval Faire at Jacksonville Museum of Arts and Sciences. There was fighting, arts and crafts display. Channel 7 filmed a portion. Diego won “most authentic costume” completion and Elspeth won “best costume in show”

May Day Feast and Revel
The Shire of Sea March held their “First Collegium and May Day Feast and Revel” on 5-3-80 which was held at the Holy Spirit Episcopal Church in West Palm Beach. A number of classes were listed which included Medieval Beekeeping with Henry Ford, Mead making with Lord Reikin, Papermaking with the Beast of Sea March, Brass Rubbing and Monumental Brasses of Europe with Natasha Lawrence, Medieval dancing with Lord Edward Worthington-Smyth, Basic card weaving with Bryce, Blackwork Embroidery with Caroline merch Elwyn, pattern making with Lady Damara, and Protocol and Precedence with Baron Master Taliesynne. Autocrats for this event were Alistair the Wanderer, Feastcrat – Caroline merch Elwyn, Entertainment – Lord Edward Worthington-Smyth, Collegium – Lord Reikin ap Wald.
The head table was escorted to their seats by the two squires to the accompaniment of bag pipes. bowls of water were brought for the guests to wash their hands and the feast began. The main dish of each course was followed by an illusion dish. Entertainment interspersed the food. The enjoyment of those in attendance did not seem to be hurt by the continuous begging of James the Mad Beggar (who said later that he could have done with less bread and more meat and wine). Lord “Hyphen” and Alistair the Wanderer had a disagreement which they declared would not be settled without combat, so they had their steeds brought into the hall and battle was enjoined. Alistair did a masterly job of dying and the noble steeds were lead from the hall. The noble steeds were children’s tricycles. There were 72 persons in attendance.

Ludi Florales
5-3-80, held by the Gens Comitum Penes Draconem, hosted by the Shire of Narval Dorado. The event was held to promote the Roman Ideal in the SCA. The event included a chariot race sponsored by Lord Artorius and an Olympic Pentathlon sponsored by Lord Michael Kennethson.

May Fair Demo
5/80 – The Shire of Oldenfeld held a “May Fair” at Tallahassee Industrial Park

Mensa Club Demo
On 5-10-80, The Barony of Wyvernwood’s Singers held a demo “Singing for Our Supper” for the Mensa Club, as their entertainment at their luncheon. Oriana Goldenhair organized the demo which was the second time the singers were invited to perform.

Trimaris Memorial Tourney V
5-24/26-80, The Shire of Castlemere sponsored the Trimaris Memorial Tourney “V”, at Goldhead State Park. 8 members of Blackthorne attended the event.
Sea March reported – 10 members attended TMT; Alys de Mer won the Poet Laureate contest, Lord Reikin won first and second in brewing and was runner up in the War Lord Tourney. Jennifer won a special poetry contest on the subject of the Children’s Crusade. An Crosaire reported – 19 members attended, the first event for new member Tsuji. Seamus won the list and became the next War Lord of Trimaris, Cedrin received her Award of Arms. Seamus and Elspeth Jean were married. Cher and Siobhan received their colored-in arms.

Midsummers Eve Revel and Barbarian Bash
On 6-18/20-80, The Shire of Narval Dorado held their 3rd Anniversary event, “Midsummer’s Eve Revel and Barbarian Bash.” This was the first time it was for the entire weekend. The event was a period one, the period being the “Migration Era” of northern Europe. The period was indicated by the feast and list. Other list was based loosely on the Viking ‘Holmganga”. The original Holmagagna was a style of personal dueling. The changes made to make it safe for the SCA list included no shield beards, a single shield, in the use of double elimination. Sir Bronislaus Lord Vilnius and Lord John Shark helped marshal the list. The list was won by Duke Sir Merowald. The feast was autocrated by Madragle of Mu.

Roman Revel
6-27-80, The Shire of Castlemere held a “Lady Boadiccea’s Roman Revel”. Elspeth won “best costume” for her priestess of Isis outfit.

Second Annual Sargassum Defense
6/80 – The Shire of Southkeep held the “Second Annual Sargassum Defense”

7-4-80, The Canton of Mathom Trove held a demo, program of medieval songs in Palatka

4th of July Parade
7-4-80, The Shires of Castlemere and Blackthorne participated in Jacksonville’s 4th of July parade

Tigh-na-Baothaire Anniversary Revel
On 7-5-80 the household of Tigh-na-Baothaire, in The Shire of An Crosaire, held their Anniversary Revel. Elom and Ara were initiated into the household. The primary activities at the revel were dancing, singing, eating and talking. 19 members attended.

Peasants Revel
7/80 – The Shire of Oldenfeld held a “Peasant Revel”

Building of the Bastille Revel
was held 7-12-80 by the Barony of Wyvernwood. The revel was autocrated by Lord Frafnir and was attended by 23 Wyvernwooders.

Public Library Demo
On 7-14-80 The Barony of Wyvernwood held a demo at the Public Library which was organized by Baron Yushio

Herald’s Picnic
The Canton of Mathom Trove sponsored a Herald’s Picnic on 7-19-80 with business meetings alternating with dance classes.

Sea March reports that there have been some changes in officers since the founding of the shire. The slate of officers as of this date are:
Seneschal – Lord Reikin ap Wald
Knights’ Marshal – Lord Edward Worthington-Smyth
Arts Officer – Alys de Mer
(Lady Damara was to become regional arts officer in August 1980)
Science Officer – Bryce
Herald – Walter
Historian – Caroline merch Elwyn of the Far Hills
Exchequer- Lady Damara and Caroline merch Elwyn
Hospitaller – Aislinn Ard-an Teine
Caroline also reported the names of the shire members at that time: Elaine Ashby, Tom Felt, Lady Damara Narrissa, Lord Riekin ap Wald, Maremus, Alys de la Mer, Aislinn Ard-an Teine, Caroline merch Elwyn of the Far Hills, Trudy Seavey, Lord Edward Worthington-Smyth, Iona, Alistair the Wanderer, Bryce, Sir Bronislaus Lord Vilnius, Jennifer, Walter, James the Mad Beggar, Mike Johnson, Greg Sawb, Geslain, Meridith of Nidum, Wedon Reikinson, and two small children belonging to Walter and Jennifer
Caroline also mentioned that the Shire of Sea March has established a library for its members which contains about 125 books at present. A list of rules for library use has been drawn up and members will be able to start borrowing in a few weeks.

Summer Stars
8/80, Starhaven held their event “Summer Stars”

Hell Tourney
On 8-16/17-80, The Barony of Wyvernwood held a tourney, autocrated by Lord Corineas Kilwitch,(no other information was available)

Tourney of Eastern Delights
8-29/9-1-80 The Shire of Sea March held “Tourney of Eastern Delights”, the combat consisted of a two man team, double elimination, held within a 30 ft circle. The prize was a matched set of daggers, which was won by Lord Seamus of An Crosaire. Feast was advertised as “delight in the foods and entertainment of the East, where Crusaders met Saracens” and was prepared by Lady Damara Narissa and Aslinn Ard-in-Tien. There were prizes for the best Crusader attire, won by Christian of Sea March and the best Saracen attire, won by Eldredge of Darkwater, Cedrin of An Crosaire won the Women’s Saracen Costume contest. The prizes were a bolt of material each. Saturday’s events were held at the Church of the Holy Spirit and on Sunday there was to be fighter training, Collegium classes and a trip to the Morikami Museum. Members of Sangre del Sol, Sea March, An Crosaire, Darkwater and Starhaven attended. James the Mad Beggar asked Baron Tetsuo for the hand of Geslaine in marriage.

Arts and Science Fair
9-5/7-80 The Shire of An Crosaire reported that Cedrin won 1st place in Oriental Costuming and pre-1100 costuming; Hollin won 1st place in Drawing and 2nd place in Illumination; Kawaishi won 1st place in Woodworking and 2nd place in Accessories; and Siobhan won 2nd place in general needlework.

Pirates Feast
9/80 The Shire of Castlemere held an in-shire party with outside invitations at Ft. George, Little Talbot Island.

Anniversary Revel
9-17-80, The Canton of Mathom Trove held an Anniversary Revel

10-8-80, The Barony of Wyvernwood held a demo at the University of South Florida, organized by Oriana Goldenhair

Fantasy Feast
Castlemere held “Fantasy Feast” at Alexander Springs in October ’80. They listed a moderate turnout. Castlemere historian also reported that just before this event Baron Tally came out and spoke with them about the shire and SCA protocol. He also gave advice on sundry problems.

Masked Ball and Revel
The Shire of Oldenfeld held this event on 10-25-80, at Ruge Hall in Tallahassee. Approximately 30 people attended and guests were approx. 6 mundane wargamers. Jerry Kimbro, who was one of the gamers, won the game of Plague, and he wasn’t playing. No autocrat was listed and feast was Duc d’ potluck.

Pirates Port o’ Call
10-25-80 “Pirates Port o’ Call” was the major event hosted by The Shire of Blackthorne this year. The event was autocrated by Diego Alvares and was attended by groups of An Crosaire, Mathom Trove, Wyvernwood, Castlemere and Sea March

Artists Alliance Demo
10-31-80, The Barony of Wyvernwood had a demo for the Artists Alliance, singing organized by Oriana Goldenhair with 9 singers attending.

Baronial Bash
11-1-80, The Barony of Wyvernwood held their annual Anniversary Baronial Bash at the home of Ragnar the Ruthless and was attended by 52 society members attended from all over the region. The event was autocrated by Mary Buckley and Feastcrat ed by Lady Sieglinde von Truso. Feast featured Ham and cherries and a blanc mange painted in Corinea Kilwitch’s colors. Corineas won the archery contest. Morric Haast sang “Lord John”, Aliar the Delectable belly danced, Oriana Goldenhair, Lady Kathea and Morric Haast performed “A Drinking Song”. At Baronial Court the Wyvern’s Claw was given to John Urquirt and tokens of appreciation were given to Oriana Goldenhair, Sieglinde von Truso and Mary Buckley.

Martinmas Moot
11-8/10-80, Martinmas Moot was held at Otter Springs Campground. Sir Merowald won the War Lord title and Hollin became Warlady. The Shire of An Crosaire’s historian Cedrin reported that many things occurred at this event, the atmosphere was good, the feast was good, the list was interesting, and the King and Queen graced us with their presence, the UF Renaissance Ensemble played period music and there was joyous revelry. The Shire of Blackthorne won the Field of Cloth of Gold Award for its excellence in tent/site decoration. Elspeth MacNaughton tied for Paramount of Trimaris for costuming, Holtmar won first and second place for woodworking, Gunther won first place in calligraphy and Jannelle won 2nd place in weaving.
At court Holtmar and Hollin were given their AOA’s. Hollin became apprenticed to Sir Merowald, and Holtmar became apprenticed to Mistress Kimi. Siobhan and Cher were given the Order of the Cross and Serpent; Master Tally, Cedrin, Elspeth-Jean, Seamus, Cher, Siobhan, Holtmar and Hollin were inducted into the An Crosaire baronial service award of the Serpent’s Torque. Hollin became Seneschal of An Crosaire, as Siobhan gave it up to become Seneschal of Trimaris. Besides 25 members of An Crosaire reported attending, 10 members of Blackthorne were also listed as attending.
Poet Laureate – Elaine of Valoria
Troubadour Laureate – Warjna

Florida Junior College Demo
11-22-80, The Shire of Castlemere held a demo at the Florida Junior College which consisted of combat, arts and crafts earlier in the month. The college requested that the group participate in their Fall Festival, which the group did. They had quite an enthusiastic turn out and received many inquiries about joining the group from the students. After the demo, on 11-29-80 a New Members party was held at Uriah & Cyn Lightfoot’s home with many in attendance.

11-22-80, A non-SCA demo was held at the Florida State Museum by members of An Crosaire. Siobhan lectured on different types of Kimono through history, dying techniques and patchwork style kimono making. Assisted in part by Cher, Cedrin, Jane and Elspeth-Jean with exhibits donated by Mistress Kimin, Cedrin and Seamus. The tea ceremony was explained and performed by Seamus, Siobhan acting as guest.

Fiesta del Sol Brillante
12-13-80, The Shire of Sangre del Sol held their annual Yule Feast Collegium with a Spanish renaissance flair. The event was autocrated by Sir Koppel fun Baurieux, Talisman and Elizabeth FitzRandolph. Feast was all Spanish dishes. The List was “Guardian of the Sun” double elimination list with Edward Worthington-Smythe victor and was awarded with a banner.

Oldenfeld Yule Revel
On 12-13-80 The Shire of Oldenfeld’s held their Yule Revel at Ruge Hall. The feature of the event was a Cook’s Guild Master’s Feast prepared by Nicolai Staritysin. The feast was 16th century Russian Cuisine. Listed autocrat Katherine Gildenvox de Firenze. She and Guy Darkestarre were wed at the event. Participants came from outside the shire as well for a total attendance of around 40 persons.

Oak Mood Revel
12-20-80, The Canton of Mathom Trove held “Oak Mood Revel”

Wyvernwood Yuletide Revel
On 12-27-80, the Yuletide Revel was autocrated by Oriana Goldenhair and Keating Floyd. 40 people from all over the region attended. Special events included crowning of the King and Queen of Misrule who were Sir Bronislaus and Stephanie of Wyvernwood and the Tournament of Fools to select the loyal subject of the King and Queen. Feast was Duc de potluck with the Barony providing the meat, and Kevin MacCreagan made wassail.

12/80 – The Shire of Southkeep held a demo at the Ancient Spanish Monastery of Miami
Domesday Reports
From Lay Siobhan ni Filidheacht, Seneschal Trimaris to Lady Antonia de Castilla, 12-8-80
Exchequer: Lady Katherine Morgan Dudley has resigned due to mundane considerations and was replaced by Lady Jirel ni Cahil, who has accounting experience.
Marshallate: Trimaris can field 30 fully equipped, experienced fighters and has 39 more new fighters in training. Trimaris has 5 Knights and 5 squires at last count, in addition to those 20 other experienced fighters.
Chirurgeonate: Al-Malik Al-Adin is the Chirurgeon. There has never been a medical problem at a Trimarian event that has not been covered by a competent medical person, certified chirurgeon or not.
Herald: The approved devices per capita in Trimaris is within one percentage point of the devices approved per capita in the rest of Meridies.
Arts: Lady Damara Narissa has been MoA in two different groups, Axemoor and Sea March, with a combined service time of approximately two years. She has more than proven her ability to be an effective arts officer.

Domesday Report for Narval Dorado, Lord Michael Kennethson stated “The year of Grace 1980, has been one of change and growth. People have been gained and lost and the offices have been dynamic. Mistress Enriqueta, the first Seneschal of the shire stepped down from her office. Lady Jiril ni Cahil has taken the post. Mentor now serves as Herald, Mary is now the Sergeant-at-Arms and Elinor Morningstar is now Assistant Historian. The last event of the year was the Christmas Revel. This year it was held in a local hall and the food was provided by the members of the group. There was much merriment.

Domesday Report for Sangre del Sol, Silvyn MacLeish stated that only two of the founding members of Sangre were still with the group, Sir Koppel fun Baurieux and Margareithe del San Gimignano. This is the list of members: Keann McNessa, Margareithe del San Gimignano, Sir Koppel fun Baurieux, Joanna de Bocage, Elizabeth Fitzrandolph, Margid Llywelyn called Talisman, Naratarinya, Silvyn MacLeish, Von Roland the Ruthless, Lorenz von der Schwartzenwald, Ariel, and Kim Il-han.