Recent Kingdom Notes

February 16, 2025

The Kingdom of Trimaris

The Three Seas of Power

Trimaris History – 1978

16 min read


Shire of Starhaven founded
In January, 1978 the Shire of Starhaven (Brevard County) was founded

Twelfth Night Revel
(From Oldenfeld’s newsletter The Lion’s Tale, January 1978, AS XII) Oldenfeld’s Twelfth Night Revel was held January 7 at the Chateau De Ville apartments. The feast was pot-luck with a Twelfth Night cake provided by the Cook’s Guild. Tamsin got the first bean and reigned with Robert the Ruthless as Lady and Lord of Misrule. Scott the Younger got the second bean and was the official fool for the evening. All revelers enjoyed participating in several games, including a game of Plague with Aethelthryth as Death. Festivities ended with a bardic circle and good wishes for the mundane New Year.

Coronation, Kingdom of Meridies
(From Oldenfeld’s newsletter The Lion’s Tale, January 1978, AS XII) January 13-15. Well, we are a Kingdom (Meridies, that is) and we have a King and Queen. For those who could not make it, Coronation of HRM Viscount Sir John Lord Bearkiller and his lovely Queen HRM Viscountess Kassandra nik Kraken, was splendidiferous, if a wee bit on the nippy side, event. In addition to the other activities several of the folk of Trimaris were recognized for their accomplishment. Among them – Lady Enriqueta and Lord Timor of the Canton of Narval Dorado, along with our Lion’s Tale editor Lady Selena were given Award of Arms. Seamus McCryu McHoo was selected by TRM as Poet Laureate of the Kingdom of Meridies for his epic poem. Isabeau the Fool was appointed as the Royal Jester for Meridies for doing what she does best. Finally, in addition to winning the metalwork competition for his lost wax casting, Lord Tetsuo Sakura was inducted into the Chivalry. So, Trimaris has its first new Knight in many moons. And Finally, Warjna zem Lyscil was called before TRM (after she had performed several of her compositions) and was presented with an Award of Arms.

An Crosaire’s Historian’s report
An Crosaire’s historian, Knikolos Major, reported in his historian’s report for January and February 1978 that activities have been numerous and well carried off. We greet an average of three new people at each shire meeting,(which seems to be twice a month). The shire meetings are normally held at the J.W. Rietz Union of the University of Florida and workshops at Riku-no-Ha (home of Lord Tetsuo and Lady Kimineko).

St. Valentine’s Massacre
On 2-10/12-78, An Crosaire held “St. Valentine’s Massacre” at Otter Springs, Wilcox Fl. The populace of An Crosaire decided that this was to be an annual event.

Birthday Tourney
2/78, Castlemere held a Birthday Tourney – no information was available concerning this event.

USF Demo
On 2-17-78, the Canton of Narval Dorado participated in a medieval dance symposium in which the Canton Seneschal, Enriqueta and other canton members participated in dance, classes and practice presented by Sarasota, New Collegium of the University of South Flowers (USF)

Science Report by Morric Haast
Another Wyvernwood group project was done in February and will be seen at the Arts &Sciences Triad. Based on a similar project done in Sir Bruno & Lady Kata’s former principality of Drakenwald (Germany), it is a wall diaper made from a sheet of cotton fabric with a repeating design done with linoleum blocks. The overall design consists of square lozenges set within a lattice framework, the four lozenge designs being the baronial wyvern, the triskele of Trimaris, the tri-corporate lion of the fighting force of Wyvernwood, Narval Dorado & West Isles, and the laurel wreath of the SCA. Its construction took place at two work parties which also included fighter practices, cook-outs, a contract meeting (for the up-coming Largo Renaissance Festival) and classes in protocol and construction of period folding chairs (a la Ld. Ragnar)

Wyvernwood Revel
3-4-78 The Barony of Wyvernwood held medieval dance classes and a Revel at the University Chapel Fellowship, at the University of South Florida. Dinner was Duc de Pot Luc. The notice was signed by Lord Bronislous of Vilnius, Seneschal of Wyvernwood. Sir Tetsuo Sakura, Lady Kimineko Sakura and Siobhan ni Filieacht attended from An Crosaire.

Folk Fair
On 3-17/18-78 the Canton of Narval Dorado presented medieval English costume and manners for the patrons of the Folk Fair at the request of the English Society.

Shire of Darkwater founded
On 3-24-78 The Shire of Darkwater (Orlando) was founded by Lord Ecmude Kandulam the Pole and his lady. The shire was officially recognized at Wyvernwood’s Baronial Bash, 8-8-78

Starhaven Event
In 3/78 Starhaven held their first official event/revel at Lady Strider’s home

Feast of Fools
(From Oldenfeld’s newsletter The Lion’s Tale, January 1978, AS XII) On 3-31/4-2-78 Oldenfeld held a “Feast of Fools” at St. Andrew’s State Park in Panama City. This is a primitive site, facilities are available as well as running water. (Cost is $.52 per person, per night). Saturday will be filled with real melee and Baffle melee. Saturday night is a Feast of Fools with many succulent goodies planned to eat. For a menial sum, a mere pittance of $4.00 you will be served delicacies of Old and New World. A contest for a Fools Punch is on. The winning recipe will be made up and served at feast and the winner will receive a prize. Also, there will be a contest for the Lord of Misrule. Autocrat Isabeau the Fool.

Largo Renaissance Festival
per Morric Haast in his science report.
“Despite the dearth of large events now, productive spirits have been sustained by the Renaissance Festival opening in late March. The bay area, under the supervision of Lady Orianna Goldenhair (Wyvernwood’s seneschal) has contracted to perform six times a day for the six weekends of the festival; the performances will range from armoring demonstrations to singing to list combat. This commitment, plus the festival’s insistence upon 1450-1600 costumes and armor, have kept our hands well occupied. Vikings and samurai are grudgingly acquiring doublets and late-period accessories, and armor is being built and/or altered to make the fighting as authentic as is possible. Last years festival was the most beneficial activity to the Barony. In addition to the festival’s impetus to finish and perfect projects on weekly deadlines, some of our most promising members came from last year’s fair, and this is our greatest return.

Medieval Fair
On 4-9-78, the Barony of Wyvernwood and the Canton of Narval Dorado added heightened presence to the Sarasota Medieval Fair and presented medieval combat upon the field of honor, both set matches and melee. Also, allowing spectators to obtain the feeling of medieval social interaction and society combat.

Meridies Crown List
4-22/23-78 Many people from Trimaris attended Meridies Crown List which was held in Lafayette LA. At that event Lady Kimineko was awarded the Order of the Velvet Owl and Sir Tetsuo became Queen’s Champion by being in 3rd place. (per An Crosaire’s Historian, Knikolos Major)

AS XIII (1978-1979)

May Day Celebration and New Years Revel
4-28/5-2-78 An Crosaire held a “Celebration of May Day and the Greeting of the New Year” event combined with a mini-renaissance faire held on the campus of the University of Florida. On Friday, there was an exhibition list, displays of medieval arts and crafts, and singing by the Renaissance Ensemble. Then the event was moved to Otter Springs for two days and nights of fun and reveling. The event was autocrated by Seamus McCryu McHoo and Knikolos Major. Trimarians from Wyvernwoode, Narval Dorado, Starhaven, Hunter’s Glade, An Crosaire and Castlemere attended.

Starhaven’s Mini-Revel
On 5-6/7-78 Starhaven held their first Mini-Revel. Seamus presented Strider a gift of “cow poetry” written by the shire and an “other udder”. He was presented with the plastic buzzard for being caught as mundane.

Trimaris Memorial Tourney III
On 5-27/29-78 the Shire of An Crosaire hosts the Trimarian Memorial Tourney III, at O’Leno State Park. Games and contests – the usual – plus kite flying and kite fights. The Wyvern’s Roost, bring your flea market trinkets and treasures to sell. Contests will be handled the “immemorial” way, that is Trimaris groups are asked to send the autocrat their 3 choices of contests/games. Sponsor will need to furnish judge(s), prizes and rules/instructions and will conduct the game/contest. Cedrin and Lady Kimi sponsored embroidery. Seamus sponsored Sumo Wrestling and the Poet Laureate of Trimaris, and Knikolos sponsored open sewing. Knikolas gave a class on costuming and Siobhan gave a tatting class & Cher gave an embroidery class.
The Trimaris Council will meet, andy questions and/or agenda input should be addressed to Lord Eric of Skaan. The Guilded Ladle will be awarded for the best course at the feast. The Plastic Turkey will be flapping about – so leave your mundanities at home. The Baron’s Award for most medieval presence will be awarded by Master Taly and the Trimaris Seneschals.
(Arts report) In the competitions, Sir Tetsuo won Vinting and Seamus won the Most Medieval Presence. Saelind Ericdohtor won the fine arts contest with her triptich showing 3 medieval persons, done in oil painted gesso applied to rustic wood panels in sculpted relief. ‘Queta won the Costume Contest with her completely hand stitched velvet and hand beaded brocade Tudor styled gown. A note in the Arts Report stated that Seamus made a Hobbye Cockroach for the Dame’s Joust; Siobhan made a brown Arabian Hobbye horse; and Knikolus made a Hobbye Griffin. The creator of the Hobbye Horse pattern was Lady “Queta who also made 4 horses, a Hobbye Llama (which won the Best Beastie contest) pattern, and a Hobbye Skunk pattern. Feastcrat was Sir Tetsuo
Seamus won Troubadour of Trimaris with his “The Daemon Blade”
Jannara of Ariea won Poet Laureate

Midsummer Revel
6-17-78 in celebration of the First Anniversary of the Canton of Narval Dorado a Midsummer’s Eve Revel and birthday celebration for Aerinder (mascot). The event flyer stated “Aerinder, beloved mascot and symbol of Narval Dorado doth beg your attendance at a revel to be held at House Dudley, June 17, XXII, A.S., to celebrate Aerinder’s Birthday, Midsummer’s Eve and the First S.C.A. anniversary of House Dudley. Pray you attend us at this gala affair, Gentles. There will be a bardic circle and feast and other manner of fun and games. This event was autocrated by Kat Dudley.

Listed officers for Narval Dorado were:
Lady Enriqueta Isabel de Reyes y Mora (Harriet Stetser) – Seneschal
Lord Timur von Schlockmeyer (Garry Stetser) – Minister of the Arts
Lord Artorius Raed-wulf (Art Jungwirth) – Herald
Jullianus – Marshal
Lady Catherine “Kat” Dudley (Dian Dudley) – Exchequer & Historian
Fergus MacKincora (Mike Essser) – Minister of Science
Muhammed Ibn Abu Bekr (George Ellis) – Chirurgeon

Other listed members of Narval Dorado were Owen Dudley; Jadwiga, Sin, Bamchut, Jirel ni Cahil, Jannara of Ariea, Christiant Aurdona, Michael Kennethson, Saelinda Ericsdottor, Adloph, Anne of Liesse, Dunchadh of Icomkill, Meagan Colleen Desmond, Urien MacTalan, Cooimhin MacRiagan and Ceann MacRiagan.
In the arts report for July, Ld Timur von Schlockmeyer stated that Lady Enrequeta designed the Wyvern’s Claw pendant for Master Taliesynne, Baron Wyvernwood for the baronial award. She made the sculpted wax original to be used to make the mold from which Sir Tetsuo will cast the metal pendant.

Sir Orlando’s Coronation
7-15/15-78 Trimarians traveled to Meridies for the Coronation of Sir Orlando. An Crosarians, Seamus McCryu McHoo and Dafydd Dragonstar received their Award of Arms and Lady Kimi was made a member of the Queen’s Ladies-in-waiting. Seamus’ Companiate of Bards was discussed and he surrendered the Poet Laureatship to Shoshanna.

Court of Love Revel
7-22-78 the Shire of Oldenfeld held a revel at Ruge Hall. Feast was a covered dish and each dish was to contain at least one aphrodisiac ingredient.

Castlemere’s First Event
7-28/30-78 The Shire of Castlemere held it’s first event over the weekend at Ft. Clinch State Park at Fernindina Beach. This was a camping event with feast on Saturday night. Schedule of events are 9 am weapon event, 10 am weapon display, 1 pm baffle melee and bonkers, 4 pm tourney, 8 pm feast. A later science report indicated that approximately 50 persons attended.

Master’s Feast
On 8-12-78 the Shire of Oldenfeld held a feast at Lady Asdis Shadowdottir’s home. The feast was Middle Eastern dishes.

Feast of the Harvest Moon
8-19-78 The “Feast of the Harvest Moon” was held by the Barony of Wyvernwoode. Promised was good company, scholarly pursuits and mad revelry. The autocrats for this event were Corineous Kilwitch and Keana of the Star Eyes and was held at the Holiday Trailer Park in Tampa, just past the “Land of the People of the False Teeth”. At this event Dafydd Dragonstar officially resigned the office of Regional Herald and Cher de Bellevue was installed in his stead.

Peasant’s Revel and Tourney
(From Oldenfeld’s newsletter The Lion’s Tale, July 1978, AS XII) On 9-2-78 the Shire of Oldenfeld’s Peasant Revel has become a tourney. However, all must remember that the emphasis is on peasant, not tourney. Hence, armor will consist mainly of ample padding with perhaps a plain cloth over tunic, although no tunic would probably be better. No plate armor, surcoats, brigandines, etc. will be allowed. Weapons include cudgels, axes, short swords and well padded quarter-staffs. There will also be melees in which all can participate, especially a “stone” throwing free-for-all (the stones will consist of wads of duct tape). There will be competitions for the most original peasant weapon and the best looking peasant rock. Everyone is requested to bring a dish for feast. There will be another groveling contest this year – so come prepared.

In September, 1978 the Canton of
Narval Dorado was elevated to Shire status

Revel and Mini-Tourney
Wyvernwood held a mini-tourney and revel on Saturday, 9-30-78 for the express purpose of recruitment purposes in our area and an opportunity for the fighters in other groups to get some bashing in with people they are unfamiliar with. The tourney was at SUF near the chapel Fellowship Hall. A revel was held later with Wyvernwood supplying the main dishes and guests bringing fruits and side dishes. The announcement was signed by Ushio Kamashita, Seneschal

A mention in the “Friends & Neighbors” section of the Miami Herald on 10-1-78 reads “WARNING- If you see a bunch of lords and fair ladies engaged in dubious battle with the Greynolds Park Mound today there is no cause for alarms. It might just be the Society for Creative Anachronisms, Inc. pursuing their favorite pastime – stirring up the mists of yore. Seneschal Bruce Cole, of the Shire of South Keep (Miami) of the Kingdom of Meridies (Florida to Tennessee) said the club members would show up in full medieval garb, have a procession, dance a medieval dance and perform their version of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales.”

UF Demo
On 10-6-78, An Crosaire held a demo at the University of Florida. A table was set with examples of SCA type arts and crafts. A scenario between Lord Seamus and Sir Tetsuo was acted out with one insulting the other, a challenge made, a fight ensued (complete with a chivalrous act), the offender defeated, a formal apology made, and the two men made fast friends over the cups. Seamus played his pipes and several ladies danced. Siobhan and Cedrin gave a recorder demonstration, and twilzie whopping ended the day.

The Poobah Event
The flyer for the 10-6/8-78 event put on by An Crosaire started out with “Ever wanted to know what a Poobah did on his day off? They went on to say “the Great Poobah is a fine, upstanding person of spotless moral character, he does have one flaw when it comes to being silly; he is obsessed with all that is tacky.” The event, held at Otter Springs Campground, contained such happenings as:
Weird Weapons Tourney- since there will be fighting, bring out all those broken, old, and weird weapons, however, they must be able to damage the user more than the opponent.
Challenge fighting – the ever popular three peasants against a noble as a highlight, however challenges are encouraged to all who would like to see a grudge carried out. The winner of the most ingenious challenge to be accepted will be given a favor by the Poobah.
Tacky jewelry contest – This is the time to unbury all those ugly relics you thought, if you ignored them they’d go away. You are only allowed to enter one tacky item per category: rings/bracelets, pins, earrings – and the winner will receive the plaudits of the Poobah and a prize.
Collsium Cerebrium with classes offered – Simple games for the simple minded, teeth picking, music theory of mud and shovels, middle Mongolian belching, how to find thy mouth, silly dances, basket unweaving, identification of the nobles, ant skinning, and how to recognize trees from a long way off, Insult and flattery contest – You think the wench next door is pretty but her husband is a bum – what would you say? This is the opportunity to tell people what you really think of them.
Aquatic mayhem – for those of you who cant swim, basic survival is being taught so that you may at least be able to recognize the difference between breathing air and breathing water (hint: water is wet)
Groveling and hem-kissing contest – (It is rumored that the King is very good at this). The best groverlier and hem kisser gets a special prize from the Poobah
Face stuffing (or better known as feast) – Strictly bring you own swill. And Clean up after you’re finished – the Poobah may be tacky, but he does like to see a clean camp.
Grand Procession of the Poobah and court where awards were given to the winners of the contests, with the evening to end in Bardic.
This event was autocrated by Cedrin Etainnighean and Seamus McCryu McHoo.
The event report stated that the day begun with bonker shinny and rock throwing (nerf). Later classes were given – Seamus taught mouthfinding, Cedrin and Kriemhilde taught twit games, Yari taught Fractured Heraldry, Siobhan taught Stupid Peasant Dances and Jed taught foot reading. In the evening the court of the Great Poobah was begun with the assasination of the First Poobah by a Ninja and Snerd the Wise was installed. The Haboops were announced, the Ninja was “knighted”, the Haboops danced and grapes were thrown. Prizes were given.

6th Annual Baronial Bash
Wyvernwood held “The 6th Annual Baronial Bash” on 10-27/29-78 at Withlacoochee State Forest. Scheduled were Collegium classes, fighter clinics and melees, a calligraphy contest and the wedding of Michael Dolinar and Muireann Deora-De (called Strider). This event was autocrated by Yushio Kamashita (and all for the sum of $3.50 per person including feast)
(per An Crosaires Domesday report) Yari received the Order of the Wyvern’s Claw. Cedrin, jed, and Knikolos presented scrolls to Dolinar and Strider. Cher presented a cookbook, and Sir Tetsuo and Lady Kimi presented home cast brass menuki. All shire members in attendance went to the marriage of Dolinar and Strider. Seamus aided in the emergency of a burn victim and Cedrin’s Harpers Guild was discussed.

Martinmas Moot II
11-10/12-78 An Crosaire sponsored Martinmas Moot held at Torreya State Park. A fighter clinic sponsored by Sir Tetsuo and Lord Seamus was held with 20 people participating. Classes in basic combat skills, advanced techniques, training in various weapon styles, discussion of SCA combat. Emphasis will be on improvement, communication and cooperation. Instruction in the gentler arts such as court dancing are planned. Listed guests included people from Wyvernwood, Hunter’s Glade, Starhaven, Oldenfeld, Castlemere plus Loraybech from the incipient shire at Macon, Tailefer from Grey Niche, and three person from the Shire of the Osprey.

Sangre del Sol & Southkeep Picnic
11-19-78 Sangre del Sol and Southkeep hosted a picnic held at John Easterlin Park for the southern shires. Fighting and fencing was planned along with other games.

11/78, Castlemere held “Saturnalia” with gladiatorial games, Olympic style events, which was attended by several other groups.

12-6-78 South Keype and Sangre del Sol were featured in an article in the Miami Herald as the members were planning a Yule Feast honoring the 13th year of the Society.

Madrigal Dinners
12-1-78, Members of An Crosaire attended a madrigal dinner, which included Sir Tetsuo, Lady Kimi, Jed, Kriemhilde, Lord Seamus, Lord Yari, Knikolos, Robin, June, Siobhan, Barbara, Cedrin , Dolinar and Strider from Star Haven and His Royal Majesty Sir Orlando from South Downs attending. The King was recognized by the Lord of Misrule and the performers. He also danced with the performers. Various members sang along with the singers during the evening.

Christmas List and Art/Science Faire
On 12-8/10-78, Starhaven/Hunters Glade/An Crosaire sponsored a Christmas List and an Arts & Science Faire at O’Leno State Park. An open competition will include calligraphy, illumination, drawing, needlework, costuming, entertainment, armoring, brewing and vinting, casting and metalwork, carving and woodwork, and domestic sciences. Cher and Kimi judged all the Arts contests and Jed judged all the sciences but calligraphy and drawing. The awards were hand calligraphed and Sir Tetsuo constructed medallions.
From Domesday report from Jed Silverstar, MoS, Trimaris Over 80 gentles were in attendance from every corner of Trimaris and the Kingdom at large. The four autocrats were Lady Gwynnedd ap Gwynnedd for Arts; Jed Silverstar for Science; Lady Siglinde von Truso for Feast; and Lord Ewold Hvelarsom for the Lyst. Sciences were well represented with 4 entries in armoring; 3 entries in carving and woodwork; 3 entries in casting and metalwork, 3 entries in brewing and vinting; 4 entries in domestic science and 6 entries in scientific discourse (articles).

Christmas Revel
On 12-23-78 Narval Dorado had a Christmas Revel “Come one, come all to celebrate the Yuletide season and enjoy the cheer of good company and fine spirits. The fun begins at 8:00 pm. Bring all your best songs and poems for we’ll gather round the fireplace and recite them all in proper Bardic Circle style. Some wassail will be provided, but bring your own mix too, we’re always ready to try something new.” Autocrat Jirel ni Cahil.

Yule Feast
On 12-29-78 Sangre del Sol held a Yule Feast which was autocrated by Talisman. Guests were from Sea March, South Keype, Starhaven and the Miami Renaissance Guild. Seating was by shire and there was no head table.

Trimaris Council of Nobles as of December 1978 AS XIII
Seneschal Lady Enriqueta Isabel de Reyes y Mora
Marshal Cole of Cornwall, Southkeype
Sciences Jed Silverstar, An Crosaire
Arts Lady Gwynneth ap Gwynneth
Herald Lord Yari Sakura
An Crosaire Siobhan ni Filidheacht
Castlemere Toshiro Musashi
Darkwater Kundulum the Pole
Hunter’s Glade Lady Sieglinde von Truso
Mathom Trove Knicolos Major
Narval Dorado Lady Enriqueta Isabel de Reyes y Mora
Oldenfeld Aethelthryth of Acleah
Sangre del Sol Loadomia Diaz de Valencia
Sirenia Xigunder
Southkeype Cole of Cornwall
Starhaven Lady Muireann deora-de
Wyvernwoode Yushio Kamashita

Sir Tetsuo Lord Sakura
Sir Bronislaus Lord Vilinius
Sir Koppel
Master Taliesynne Lord Nycheymwrh