Although it was not until the Proclamation of King Gaston and Queen Judith the 1st that the Spearman of Trimaris became an “official” Kingdom Tournament, competition with the spear, or ‘pike’, has long been a tradition amongst the men-at-arms of Trimaris.
At this time the only known “early” winner is His Grace, Duke Bytor Fitz Gherald.
The Spear is an ancient and honorable weapon which has become a deadly part of SCA Combat. Various formats have been used to give combatants opportunities to display prowess with the weapon representing the Chivalric Virtues of Truth and Honesty. Spearmen have long been an important part of the Trimarian Army.

Sir Kurn O’Farrell | [Sept AS xxxii] |
Count Gaston de Veuixchamps | [Sept AS xxxiii] |
Count Gaston de Veuixchamps | [Sept AS xxxiv] |
Count Gaston de Veuixchamps | [May AS xxxv] |
H.Ld. Drell McIan Blackwood | [May AS xxxvi] |
Duke Gaston de Veuixchamps | [May AS xxxvii] |
H.Ld. Killian Bruce | [May AS xxxviii] |
H.Ld. Seamus mac Dhughail | [Feb AS xxxviii] |
Ld. Tymm Gard | [AS xxxix] |
H.Ld. Arselon von Drake | [May AS xl] |
Duke Baldar Longstrider | [May AS xli] |
Duke Gaston de Veuixchamps | [May AS xlii] |
Sir Subadai | [May AS xliii] |
Sir Kurn O’Farrell | [May AS xliii] |
Duke Gaston de Veuixchamps | [May AS xliv] |
Sir Subadai | [Sept AS xliv] |
H.Ld. Seamus mac Dhughaill | [May AS xlv] |
Sir Subadai | [May AS xlvii] |
Earl Lorcan | [March AS xlvii] |
Sir Subadai | [May AS xlviii] |
Sir Killian Bruce | [Nov AS xlviii] |
Sir Jebe Kerait | [May AS xlix] |
Sir Takamatsu | [Aug AS xlix] |
Duke Kurn O’Farrell | [May AS l] |
Sgt Danial von Hessen | [AS li] |
Sir Segdae hua Morda | [Sept AS li] |
Sir Subadai | [Apr AS li] |
Sir Logan | [Sept AS li] |
Sir Subadai | [May AS lii] |
Sir Logan | [Sept AS lii] |