Recent Kingdom Notes

February 16, 2025

The Kingdom of Trimaris

The Three Seas of Power

Champion of Trimaris

Trimarians have always taken great joy in displaying their Skill-at-Arms.

The Champion of Trimaris has become an important tradition in this Great Kingdom, second only to Crown Tournament.
The Champion of Trimaris holds the Helmet of Champions. The Helmet of Champions has great significance and the inscription below details what it has come to represent to many in Our Great Kingdom.


The dedication engraved on the back of the Helmet of Champions reads as follows:

“This Helmet of Champions was made and fought in by Sergeant 1st Class Paul Ray Smith
Brother to Duke Solomon Spite. Best friend of Earl Gregory Ahearne.
Compatriot to many.
Paul gave his life April 4th, 2003 saving the lives of over 100 of his troops in Baghdad in the
War on terror, the truest embodiment of a Hero.
On April 4th, 2005, Paul received the highest honor awarded in our nation, the Medal of Honor.
Let this helmet inspire your tour as Champion of Trimaris. Let no dishonor ever befall it.”


Those listed below have held the honor of being known as The Champion of Trimaris.

1 Deikeuald Cyn Areck
2 Baldar Longstriter
3 Cedric Steinhouser
4 Godfried of Frizia
5 Godfried of Frizia
6 Solomon Spite
7 Arlof D’Onovae
8 Baldar Longstriter
9 Huan Artur
10 Trinkulo
11 Huan Artur
12 Huan Artur
13 Baldar Longstriter
14 Baldar Longstriter
15 Bytor Fitz Gherald
16 Solomon Spite
17 Garan Halftrelson
18 Bytor Fitz Gherald
19 Roland de Carre
20 Cadwyd Enwir
21 Lansemal von Weisenkreig
22 Bytor Fitz Gherald
23 Mittion von Weald
24 Bytor Fitz Gherald
25 Odo Fitz Hugh
26 Roland de Carre
27 Kaine Ashburne
28 Baldar Longstriter
29 Phellyn ap Owain
30 Baldar Longstriter
31 Kaine Ashburne
32 Gregory Ahearne
33 Gaston de Viellechamps
34 Kaine Ashburne
35 Jean-Paul Ruthendale
36 Arselon
37 Gregory Ahearne
38 Gregory Ahearne
39 Mittion von Weald
40 Bytor Fitz Gherald
41 Gunnar Oxnamagin
42 Kurn O’Farrell
43 Gunnar Oxnamagin
44 Celwin Barenjager
45 Subadai the Bear
46 Gaston de Viellechamps
47 Gregory Ahearne
48 Gaston de Vellechamps
49 Vebrand
50 Gaston de Vellechamps
51 Gregory Ahearne
52 Gregory Ahearne
53 Killian de Bruce
54 Dietrich Von Stroheim
55 Takamatsu Tadagoshi
56 Subadai Baavgai
57 Gunnar Oxnamegin
58 Ari Tyrbrandr
59 Gryph de Quinten
60 Valbrand
61 Subadai Baagai
62 Valbrand
63 Joshua
64 Subadai Baavgai
65 Killian the Bruce
66 Gunnar Oxnamegin
67 Gryph de Quinten