The Champion of Trimaris holds the Helmet of Champions. The Helmet of Champions has great significance and the inscription below details what it has come to represent to many in Our Great Kingdom.

Brother to Duke Solomon Spite. Best friend of Earl Gregory Ahearne.
Compatriot to many.
Paul gave his life April 4th, 2003 saving the lives of over 100 of his troops in Baghdad in the
War on terror, the truest embodiment of a Hero.
On April 4th, 2005, Paul received the highest honor awarded in our nation, the Medal of Honor.
Let this helmet inspire your tour as Champion of Trimaris. Let no dishonor ever befall it.”

1 | Deikeuald Cyn Areck |
2 | Baldar Longstriter |
3 | Cedric Steinhouser |
4 | Godfried of Frizia |
5 | Godfried of Frizia |
6 | Solomon Spite |
7 | Arlof D’Onovae |
8 | Baldar Longstriter |
9 | Huan Artur |
10 | Trinkulo |
11 | Huan Artur |
12 | Huan Artur |
13 | Baldar Longstriter |
14 | Baldar Longstriter |
15 | Bytor Fitz Gherald |
16 | Solomon Spite |
17 | Garan Halftrelson |
18 | Bytor Fitz Gherald |
19 | Roland de Carre |
20 | Cadwyd Enwir |
21 | Lansemal von Weisenkreig |
22 | Bytor Fitz Gherald |
23 | Mittion von Weald |
24 | Bytor Fitz Gherald |
25 | Odo Fitz Hugh |
26 | Roland de Carre |
27 | Kaine Ashburne |
28 | Baldar Longstriter |
29 | Phellyn ap Owain |
30 | Baldar Longstriter |
31 | Kaine Ashburne |
32 | Gregory Ahearne |
33 | Gaston de Viellechamps |
34 | Kaine Ashburne |
35 | Jean-Paul Ruthendale |
36 | Arselon |
37 | Gregory Ahearne |
38 | Gregory Ahearne |
39 | Mittion von Weald |
40 | Bytor Fitz Gherald |
41 | Gunnar Oxnamagin |
42 | Kurn O’Farrell |
43 | Gunnar Oxnamagin |
44 | Celwin Barenjager |
45 | Subadai the Bear |
46 | Gaston de Viellechamps |
47 | Gregory Ahearne |
48 | Gaston de Vellechamps |
49 | Vebrand |
50 | Gaston de Vellechamps |
51 | Gregory Ahearne |
52 | Gregory Ahearne |
53 | Killian de Bruce |
54 | Dietrich Von Stroheim |
55 | Takamatsu Tadagoshi |
56 | Subadai Baavgai |
57 | Gunnar Oxnamegin |
58 | Ari Tyrbrandr |
59 | Gryph de Quinten |
60 | Valbrand |
61 | Subadai Baagai |
62 | Valbrand |
63 | Joshua |
64 | Subadai Baavgai |
65 | Killian the Bruce |
66 | Gunnar Oxnamegin |
67 | Gryph de Quinten |