Recent Kingdom Notes

February 16, 2025

The Kingdom of Trimaris

The Three Seas of Power

Regalia Project: Kneeling Cushions

Trimaris Regalia: Kneeling Cushions


  • A set of two matching kneeling cushions to be used in Royal Cort for award recipients to kneel upon while being addressed by the Crown

    Total items per project:

  • Two cushions
    • 2 matching kneeling cushions in blue and white, possibly bearing triskeles or the Kingdom Arms

    Materials specifications:

  • Fabric: All fabric should be pre-washed and dried to ensure dyes are set and will not run in case of contact with water. Fabrics should be durable and similar to those used in period. Fabric used for the bottom half of the cushion should be dark in color and possibly treated to be stain resistant. Please remember these cushions will spend most of iheir life on the ground in front of the Thrones, wherever they may be.
    • Cotton (trigger, blends)
    • Duck
    • Linen (linen/poly blends)
    • Silk
    • Cotton velvet
    • For other appropriate fabric choices, check with the regalia committee prior to purchasing fabric.
  • Batting:
    • As this portion is not visible, please choose appropriate stuffing that will have a long life in a cushion)
  • Thread:
    • Cotton, cotton/poly, etc

    Color specifications:

  • Colors are chosen to best match the Trimarian arms and should be strictly adhered to when making your fabric selection for uniformity of Trimaris Regalia. Tabards may either be blue with the arms appliquéd, or white with the arms appliquéd.
    • Blue
    • White

    Construction specifications:

  • Design: Display of Arms
    • The kneeling cushions may bear the Royal Arms or some motif appropriate to Trimarian Court (triskeles, populace flag, etc)
    • The arms should be appliquéd or embroidered to ensure durability.
    • Painted arms are not accepted as paint has both wash and storage issues.
  • Sewing:
    • All design pieces should be embroidered or appliquéd in place, sewn completely with thread around all edges to protect from wear. Due to wear and washing needs, glue is not an acceptable fixative.
    • Cushions can be made as a washable slip cover and removable cushion. This may greatly extend the lives of these cushions.
  • Finishing:
    • Both cushions should have neatly finished edges.
  • Shape:
    • One shape and size should be used for both cushion in the set.

    Design specifications:

  • Images of the Trimarian arms are provided as a design guide and should be strictly adhered to for uniformity of Trimaris Regalia. Images can be found in your Regalia Packet. Please contact the Trimaris Regalia Committee ( for digital copies if needed.
  • Both cushions should have a similar ‘look’. (The embroidered or appliquéd arms should have the same placement and be of the same size. Both cushions should have the same color combinations. Both cushion should be made of the same fabrics.)
  • The same fabrics and appliqué techniques should be used for both cushions

    Size specifications:

  • Both cushions should be large enough in size to accomodate one kneeling adult


  • 2 sets of cushions are desired. Please remember that these items will take great wear and may need to be retired after even a brief life or with little notice.
  • A cushion that is a washable slip cover and removable cushion will be given preference as it will have a longer useful life.


  • Uniformity of Royal Regalia is paramount so that all members of the Royal Family and their attendants may be easily identified.