Recent Kingdom Notes

March 6, 2025

The Kingdom of Trimaris

The Three Seas of Power

Royal Armorial

The Crowns of Trimaris

Princes & Princesses
Verron Wolfgang von Groth & Wulfa Eriksdotter (the Wild) (Adriana Maria von Groth (Presley))

Who Reigned As The 1st Prince & Princess of Trimaris
Crowned: 1982-03-06 (AS XVI)
Stepdown: 1982-09-04 (AS XVII)

Guthrum Raegan of the Wastelands & Ursula Katze

Who Reigned As The 2nd Prince & Princess of Trimaris
Crowned: 1982-09-04 (AS XVII)
Stepdown: 1983-02-26 (AS XVII)

Sakura Tetsuo & Sakura Kimineko

Who Reigned As The 3rd Prince & Princess of Trimaris
Crowned: 1983-02-26 (AS XVII)
Stepdown: 1983-09-03 (AS XVIII)

Aaron Breck Gordon & Linnea Lorraine

Who Reigned As The 4th Prince & Princess of Trimaris
Crowned: 1983-09-03 (AS XVIII)
Stepdown: 1984-03-03 (AS XVIII)

Bronislous of Vilnius & Agrippina di Conti

Who Reigned As The 5th Prince & Princess of Trimaris
Crowned: 1984-03-03 (AS XVIII)
Stepdown: 1984-09-01 (AS XIX)

Baldar Langstriter & Ljudmilla von Konigsberg

Who Reigned As The 6th Prince & Princess of Trimaris
Crowned: 1984-09-01 (AS XIX)
Stepdown: 1985-03-02 (AS XIX)

Seosaidh mac Seosaidh & Ellitha of the Entwining Stars

Who Reigned As The 7th Prince & Princess of Trimaris
Crowned: 1985-03-02 (AS XIX)
Stepdown: 1985-08-30 (AS XX)

The Crowns of Trimaris
Kings & Queens
Baldar Langstriter & Ljudmilla von Konigsberg

Who Reigned As The 1st King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 1985-08-30 (AS XX)
Stepdown: 1986-03-01 (AS XX)

Verron Wolfgang von Groth & Adriana Maria von Groth (Presley)

Who Reigned As The 2nd King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 1986-03-01 (AS XX)
Stepdown: 1986-09-01 (AS XX1)

Aaron Breck Gordon & Branwen bean Erin

Who Reigned As The 3rd King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 1986-09-01 (AS XXI)
Stepdown: 1987-03-14 (AS XXI)

Baldar Langstriter & Ljudmilla von Konigsberg

Who Reigned As The 4th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 1987-03-14 (AS XXI)
Stepdown: 1987-09-05 (AS XXII)

Quentin Wrenguard ap Rhys & Cara Marie of Carlisle

Who Reigned As The 5th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 1987-09-05 (AS XXII)
Stepdown: 1988-03-05 (AS XXII)

Seosaidh mac Seosaidh & Erika Bjornsdottir

Who Reigned As The 6th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 1988-03-05 (AS XXII)
Stepdown: 1988-09-03 (AS XXIII)

Solomon Spite & Chelsea (Blackwood) of the Heights

Who Reigned As The 7th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 1988-09-03 (AS XXIII)
Stepdown: 1989-03-11 (AS XXIII)

Baldar Langstriter & Elspeth Trelawney MacNaughton

Who Reigned As The 8th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 1989-03-11 (AS XXIII)
Stepdown: 1989-09-02 (AS XXIV)

Llywelyn ap Cadwalladre ap Dafydd ap Hewyl & Elina Thrimfostra (Elina of Beckenham)

Who Reigned As The 9th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 1989-09-02 (AS XXIV)
Stepdown: 1990-03-10 (AS XXIV)

Arlof O’Donovae of Aranmor & Hilary of the Danelagh

Who Reigned As The 10th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 1990-03-10 (AS XXIV)
Stepdown: 1990-09-01 (AS XXV)

Huan Artur & Olynnka Anastasia a Robanov (Anastasiya Ostromirovna Zadorova)

Who Reigned As The 11th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 1990-09-01 (AS XXV)
Stepdown: 1991-03-09 (AS XXV)

Brendan MacAengus & Aine Swrdwal

Who Reigned As The 12th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 1991-03-09 (AS XXV)
Stepdown: 1991-08-31 (AS XXVI)

Trevalyon Morningstar & Carminetta Rosia Diez de Rodrigues

Who Reigned As The 13th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 1991-08-31 (AS XXVI)
Stepdown: 1992-03-07 (AS XXVI)

Huan Artur & Enriqueta Isabel de Reyes y Mora

Who Reigned As The 14th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 1992-03-07 (AS XXVI)
Stepdown: 1992-09-06 (AS XXVII)

Baldar Langstriter & Rhianna Valeria (Rhionna Valerius)

Who Reigned As The 15th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 1992-09-06 (AS XXVII)
Stepdown: 1993-03-06 (AS XXVII)

Benen MacTire & Rosabel de Burgundy

Who Reigned As The 16th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 1993-03-06 (AS XXVII)
Stepdown: 1993-09-04 (AS XXVIII)

Huan Artur & Brenna Catriona Dunn

Who Reigned As The 17th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 1993-09-04 (AS XXVIII)
Stepdown: 1994-03-12 (AS XXVIII)

Llywelyn ap Cadwalladre ap Dafydd ap Hewyl & Una of Blackberry Hollow

Who Reigned As The 18th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 1994-03-12 (AS XXVIII)
Stepdown: 1994-09-03 (AS XXIX)

Wulfhere Trollhammer & Nadira Bechara

Who Reigned As The 19th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 1994-09-03 (AS XXIX)
Stepdown: 1995-03-25 (AS XXIX)

Cedric Steinhauser & Fara Steinhauser

Who Reigned As The 20th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 1995-03-25 (AS XXIX)
Stepdown: 1995-09-02 (AS XXX)

Baldar Langstriter & Äsa Flaxenhar

Who Reigned As The 21st King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 1995-09-02 (AS XXX)
Stepdown: 1996-03-30 (AS XXX)

Bytor Fitz Gherald & Anastasiya Ostromirovna Zadorova

Who Reigned As The 22nd King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 1996-03-30 (AS XXX)
Stepdown: 1996-08-31 (AS XXXI)

Solemon Spite & Alianore de Medici d’Astralis

Who Reigned As The 23rd King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 1996-08-31 (AS XXXI)
Stepdown: 1997-03-22 (AS XXXI)

Gregory Ahearne & Maisie of Dunbarton

Who Reigned As The 24th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 1997-03-22 (AS XXXI)
Stepdown: 1997-08-30 (AS XXXII)

Stromek Bo Comatan & Alianore de Medici d’Astralis

Who Reigned As The 25th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 1997-08-30 (AS XXXII)
Stepdown: 1998-03-21 (AS XXXII)

Wulfhere Trollhammer & Honoree von der Au

Who Reigned As The 26th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 1998-03-21 (AS XXXII)
Stepdown: 1998-09-05 (AS XXXIII)

Alain de Veillechamps & Judith Maryse

Who Reigned As The 27th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 1998-09-05 (AS XXXIII)
Stepdown: 1999-03-27 (AS XXXIII)

Toirdhealbhach Cait Dhudh & Cathlin Emryss of Ivernia

Who Reigned As The 28th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 1999-03-27 (AS XXXIII)
Stepdown: 1999-09-04 (AS XXXIV)

Mittion von Weald & Brigdhid Chailin of the Moors

Who Reigned As The 29th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 1999-09-04 (AS XXXIV)
Stepdown: 2000-04-01 (AS XXXIV)

Gunnar Oxnamegin & Anastasiya (Ostromirovna) Zadorova

Who Reigned As The 30th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2000-04-01 (AS XXXIV)
Stepdown: 2000-09-02 (AS XXXV)

Bytor Fitzgerald & Astrith Alexandra aet Brandywine

Who Reigned As The 31st King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2000-09-02 (AS XXXV)
Stepdown: 2000-11-11 (AS XXXV)

Mittion von Weald & Dulcia MacPherson

Who Reigned As The 32nd King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2000-11-11 (AS XXXV)
Stepdown: 2001-05-26 (AS XXXVI)

Gaston de Viellechamps & Judith Maryse

Who Reigned As The 33rd King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2001-05-26 (AS XXXVI)
Stepdown: 2001-11-10 (AS XXXVI)

Odo FitzHugh & Elena de Neuham

Who Reigned As The 34th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2001-11-10 (AS XXXVI)
Stepdown: 2002-05-25 (AS XXXVII)

Martin von Lochner & Islay Elspeth of Glen Meara

Who Reigned As The 35th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2002-05-25 (AS XXXVII)
Stepdown: 2002-11-09 (AS XXXVII)

Yoan Moon Yang & Eorann Maguire

Who Reigned As The 36th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2002-11-09 (AS XXXVII)
Stepdown: 2003-05-24 (AS XXXVIII)

Odo FitzHugh & Elena de Neuham

Who Reigned As The 37th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2003-05-24 (AS XXXVIII)
Stepdown: 2003-11-08 (AS XXXVIII)

Mittion von Weald & Brighid Caileen of the Moors

Who Reigned As The 38th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2003-11-08 (AS XXXVIII)
Stepdown: 2004-05-29 (AS XXXIX)

Gunnar Oxnamegin & Anastasiya (Ostromirovna) Zadorova

Who Reigned As The 39th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2004-05-29 (AS XXXIX)
Stepdown: 2004-11-13 (AS XXXIX)

Bytor Fitz Gerald & Cherish Fitz Gerald

Who Reigned As The 40th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2004-11-13 (AS XXXIX)
Stepdown: 2005-05-27 (AS XXXX)

Baldar Langstriter & Asa Flaxenhair

Who Reigned As The 41st King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2005-05-27 (AS XXXX)
Stepdown: 2005-11-11 (AS XXXX)

Gaston de Viellechamps & Judith Maryse

Who Reigned As The 42nd King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2005-11-11 (AS XXXX)
Stepdown: 2006-04-01 (AS XXXX)

Gregory Aherne & Maisie of Dunbarton

Who Reigned As The 43rd King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2006-04-01 (AS XXXX)
Stepdown: 2006-09-03 (AS XXXXI)

Martin von Lochner & Islay Elspeth of Glen Meara

Who Reigned As The 44th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2006-09-03 (AS XXXXI)
Stepdown: 2007-03-31 (AS XXXXI)

Ardion Dochesefford & Lisa Dochesefford

Who Reigned As The 45th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2007-03-31 (AS XXXXI)
Stepdown: 2007-09-01 (AS XXXXII)

Thorstenn the Wronghand & Zephyrine de la Maige

Who Reigned As The 46th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2007-09-01 (AS XXXXII)
Stepdown: 2008-03-29 (AS XXXXII)

Mittion von Weald & Rosalinda de Santiago

Who Reigned As The 47th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2008-03-29 (AS XXXXII)
Stepdown: 2008-08-30 (AS XXXXIII)

Thorstenn the Wronghand & Zephyrine de la Maige

Who Reigned As The 48th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2008-08-30 (AS XXXXIII)
Stepdown: 2009-03-28 (AS XXXXIII)

Kurn O’Farrell & Eridani Aureas

Who Reigned As The 49th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2009-03-28 (AS XXXXIII)
Stepdown: 2009-09-05 (AS XXXXIV)

Toirdhealbhach Cait Dubh & Slaine Inghean Fiachrach Fionn

Who Reigned As The 50th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2009-09-05 (AS XXXXIV)
Stepdown: 2010-03-27 (AS XXXXIV)

Thorstenn the Wronghand & Zephyrine de la Maige

Who Reigned As The 51st King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2010-03-27 (AS XXXXIV)
Stepdown: 2010-09-04 (AS XXXXV)

Lorcann an Dubhghaille & Grainne ingen Anloin meic Cerbaill

Who Reigned As The 52nd King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2010-09-04 (AS XXXXV)
Stepdown: 2011-04-02 (AS XXXXV)

Duncan Arthur Ross the Black & Larissa Alwynn Clarewoode

Who Reigned As The 53rd King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2011-04-02 (AS XXXXV)
Stepdown: 2011-09-03 (AS XXXXVI)

Ari Tyrbrandr & Sibilla Daine

Who Reigned As The 54th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2011-09-03 (AS XXXXVI)
Stepdown: 2012-04-07 (AS XXXXVI)

Gunnar Oxnamegin & Bryndis Fasthalda

Who Reigned As The 55th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2012-04-07 (AS XXXXVI)
Stepdown: 2012-09-01 (AS XXXXVII)

Krotuas Horatius Floridius & Brenna Jerabek

Who Reigned As The 56th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2012-09-01 (AS XXXXVII)
Stepdown: 2013-03-30 (AS XXXXVII)

Kurn O’Farrell of Ulster & Eridani Aureas

Who Reigned As The 57th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2013-03-30 (AS XXXXVII)
Stepdown: 2013-08-31 (AS XXXXVIII)

Yoan Moon Yang & Jung Mei

Who Reigned As The 58th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2013-08-31 (AS XXXXVIII)
Stepdown: 2014-03-29 (AS XXXXVIII)

Gunnar Oxnamegin & Bryndis Hrafnhausse

Who Reigned As The 59th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2014-03-29 (AS XXXXVIII)
Stepdown: 2014-08-30 (AS XXXXIX)

Kurn O’Farrell of Ulster & Eridani Aureas

Who Reigned As The 60th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2014-08-30 (AS XXXXIX)
Stepdown: 2015-04-04 (AS XXXXIX)

Takamatsu Sadamitsu no kami Tadayoshi & Cecilia d’Este

Who Reigned As The 61st King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2015-04-04 (AS XXXXIX)
Stepdown: 2015-09-05 (AS L)

Ardion Dochesefford & Lisa Dochesefford

Who Reigned As The 62nd King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2015-09-05 (AS L)
Stepdown: 2016-04-02 (AS L)

Joshua du Charmont & Zephyrine de la Maige

Who Reigned As The 63rd King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2016-04-02 (AS L)
Stepdown: 2016-09-03 (AS LI)

Ari Tyrbrandr & Sibilla Daine

Who Reigned As The 64th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2016-09-03 (AS LI)
Stepdown: 2017-04-01 (AS LI)

Danial von Hessen & Ennelyne von Hessen

Who Reigned As The 65th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2017-04-01 (AS LI)
Stepdown: 2017-09-02 (AS LII)

Franco d’Orsi & Isabella d’Orsi

Who Reigned As The 66th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2017-09-02 (AS LII)
Stepdown: 2018-03-31 (AS LII)

Baldar Langstriter & Brithwynn Artur

Who Reigned As The 67th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2018-03-31 (AS LII)
Stepdown: 2018-09-01 (AS LIII)

Valbrandr Strugr & Cerric Eldvegandi

Who Reigned As The 68th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2018-09-01 (AS LIII)
Stepdown: 2019-04-06 (AS LIII)

Vincent Furnier & Catherine Furnier

Who Reigned As The 69th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2019-04-06 (AS LIII)
Stepdown: 2019-10-05 (AS LIV)

Kurn O’Farrell of Ulster & Maisie of Dunbarton

Who Reigned As The 70th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2019-10-05 (AS LIV)
Stepdown: 2021-02-06 (AS LV)

Martin von Lochner & Islay Elspeth of Glen Meara

Who Reigned As The 71st King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2021-02-06 (AS LV)
Stepdown: 2021-11-20 (AS LVI)

Fasti Inn Hugprudti Davidsson & Elena of Grimsby

Who Reigned As The 72nd King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2021-11-20 (AS LVI)
Stepdown: 2022-04-09 (AS LVI)

Yoan Moon Yang & Zabina

Who Reigned As The 73rd King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2022-04-09 (AS LVI)
Stepdown: 2022-09-09 (AS LVII)

Vincent Furnier & Catherine Furnier

Who Reigned As The 74rd King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2022-09-09 (AS LVII)
Stepdown: 2023-04-08 (AS LVII)





Duke Lorcann an Dubhghaille & Dutchess Grainne ingen Anloin meic Cerbaill

Who Reigned As The 75th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2023-04-08 (AS LVII)
Stepdown: 2023-09-02 (AS LVIII)

Duke Dietrich and Countess Anaya Renarde

Who Reigned As The 76th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2023-09-02 (AS LVIII)
Stepdown: 2024-04-06 (AS LVIII)

Sir Logan the Gardener, KSCA and Mistress Bronach of Kildare, OP
Who Reigned As The 77th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2024-04-06 (AS LVIII)

King Drust Thorisson and Queen Kira Dmitrievna
Who Reigned As The 78th King & Queen of Trimaris
Crowned: 2024-09-07 (AS LIX)