Recent Kingdom Notes

March 3, 2025

The Kingdom of Trimaris

The Three Seas of Power

Award Descriptions

Winter Art/Sci Faire Champions (2024)

Gulf Wars Champions: 

    • HL Philippe D’Artaignan (Dart): Lace Making/Hearts of Gold
    • Baroness Birna Isleifsdottir: A study on Icelandic Dig Beads
    • Lady Varvara Laska doch’ Koudelka: Nalbinding Mitten
    • Ainbthen inghean Risdeig: Roman Hydraulic (Marine) Concrete – or – Mongolian White (Dairy) Foods 
    • Yrsa Myrkjartansdottir: A Study of 16th century Assisi Work (Embroidery)


    • Lady Isabella Julietta Diego y Vega: Reseach paper – Politics & Drama at the End of the Elizabethan Era
    • Melissent Jaquelinne la Chanteresse: Theater performance – Frailty, Thy Name is Woman!


    • Laurels Acclaim: Gertrude Graethorne
    • Populace Acclaim: Yrsa Myrkjartansdottir
    • Coronet’s (Heirs) Acclaim: Baroness Thyri Bersi
    • Crowns Acclaim: Baroness Birna Isleifsdottir
    • Rose’s Acclaim: Baroness Birna Isleifsdottir
    • Champion of A&S: HL Alix de Lyon
    • Patron of the Arts And Sciences: Barony of Marcaster (with 8 entries!)
Non Pariels:
    • Baroness Birna Isleifsdottir
    • HL Philippe D’Artaignan (Dart)
    • Lady Varvara Laska doch’ Koudelka
    • Yrsa Myrkjartansdottir

Visit the Art Sci Honorific Website for insight into past victors, projects, and more! >>


Award/Acclaim Descriptions

Non Pareil

A Non Pareil item is defined to be an item that is as near to an actual historical item as possible. Any item that has received a perfect score at the Journeyman or Masterworks level may be nominated as a Non Pareil at the judges’ discretion. 90% affirmation from those Laurels present is required to receive this honor.

Champion of the Arts and Sciences
Entrants with at least two Art/Sci entries at Journeyman level or higher, excluding group entries, are eligible to compete for Champion of the Arts & Sciences.  The entrant who receives the highest average score for all their qualifying entries will be named the Champion of the Arts & Sciences of Trimaris. 

Patron Group of the Arts and Sciences
The group with the most entries at Kingdom Arts Sci (score used as tie-breaker only). Patron of the Arts and Sciences will be awarded at each Kingdom Art/Sci Faire.


Crowns Acclaim

Best entry or presentation/display chosen by Their Royal Majesties. The item need not be competitive.

Coronets Acclaim

Best entry or presentation/display chosen by Their Highnesses. The item need not be competitive.

Laurels Acclaim

Best entry or presentation/display receiving the most Laurels signatures/votes.

Popular Acclaim

Best entry or presentation/display that receives the most votes from the populace by bead in the cup method during the afternoon of the faire.

Youth Acclaim

Highest scoring entry or presentation/display among youth entries

Rose Acclaim

Best entry or presentation/display receiving the most Roses signatures.