Recent Kingdom Notes

March 12, 2025

The Kingdom of Trimaris

The Three Seas of Power

Office of The Minister of Arts & Sciences

All Art Sci Deputies Must be Warranted, and a 30 day advert period on Social media, Website, and Newsletter required. Each deputy is responsible for ensuring the onboarding of their success, once approved by the Greater Officer and the Crown. See “Transparency of Opportunity Advert Policy” in the MOAS Handbook


Nov 2025 A/S Warranting & Admin Deputy
Apply by Emailing

The Successor A/S Warranting Officer serves under the direction of the Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences and is responsible for the obtaining and completion of Warrants for new A/S officers, ensuring protocols are followed, and maintaining the spreadsheet that lists all such officers.

The Successor A/S Warranting Officer reports A/S Warranting 5 times a year (4 quarters and End of Year Domesday) to the Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences. The Successor A/S Warranting Officer is expected to join the Facebook Officer Group (or similar resource if and when this evolves) – or select a proxy to attend in their stead – and is expected to attend all online/Zoom meetings quarterly. The Successor A/S Warranting Officer is expected to respond to all emailed correspondence to the official email box within three business days. Queries do not need to be resolved at that time but must be acknowledged. An auto-responder defining alternate contact is acceptable on extended travel/leave. The Successor A/S Warranting Officer is responsible for reporting receipt and passing of the Chain of Office.

If you do not feel like you can support any of the above expectations, please denote that in your letter of interest to, for review and for further questions or insights. This is a 2 year term.

Vôtré, en service,
Maîtresse Melissent Jaquelinne la Chanteresse, OL
A&S Warrant Officer


Jan 2026 “I DID A THING” A/S Deputy
Apply by Emailing

Arting apart, together, the “I Did A Thing” A/S Deputy will organize, advertise, and recognize participants in Monthly “I Did A Thing” Challenges. Must have access to Facebook and maintain the group page, however access to alternate Social media such as Discord+, are highly encouraged. This is a 1-2 year term, Warrant Depending.


Nov 2026 A&S Expositions Deputys [2]
Apply by Emailing

Administrates of 4 Kingdom Expos throughout the year (Spring Coronation, TMT/Crown, Fall Coronation, Martinmas Moot/Crown). This (These) applicant should ideally be prepared to succeed the current A&S Expo Deputies, at the end of their term in January 2025, should they be found acceptable by the Crown and KMOAS Trimaris. Accepting applications until TRU (July 8. 2023). Please email

Job requires pre-event advertisement and teacher/artisan engagement, post-event thank yous, coordination with each event steward, the ability to project plan, and be present at the event, set up the event area, and lead the teachers/entrants through the Expo. This means set up, check-in, and break down – at the least. This role is ideal for two, given the work load, but has been done by one in the past. For more on what to expect, review this resource: How-To-Expo. This is a 2 year term.


July 2026 TRU – Trimaris Royal University – A/S Deputy
Apply by Emailing

Trimaris Royal University is designed to provide a full day of classes for artisans and scholars to share their passions with those passionate to learn.

Must be familiar with WYSIWYG web editing – or, partner with the AS Web deputy for yearly Universities to maintain this site: Must be comfortable with social media, organizing via email or google sheets for teacher and class room specific. Must partner each year as Co-Autocrat (Class & Schedule side) of TRU event, traditionally held in the summer. This deputy is responsible, working with the KMOAS for any support, for ensuring this event happens.

Additional learning or University/prep activities throughout the year are encouraged but not required. This is a 2 year term.


Additional TRU Deputies wanted:
Greetings Trimaris,

As your TRU Chancellor I have big goals in mind for TRU. As some of you know there are other kingdoms that have full university tracks that come with SCA degrees. It is my goal to do that with Trimaris Royal University. I know in the past this was something we did and I hope to revive that.
Baroness Birna and Mistress Mellisent have expressed interest in helping to build TRU with that goal in mind. However, creating a full track university will take a team of folks, so I would love to get more people on board.
If this project is something you would be interested in joining as a TRU Deputy Chancellor, please shoot me an interest email to
Current deputy positions available are:
Successor Deputy
TRU Webminister
Deans of Each College – The colleges correspond to the A&S divisions
TRU Marketing and Social Media

July 2025 Deputy to the Webminister – Online Art Sci Support
Apply by Emailing 

Must have solid working knowledge of Word Press, be diligent and mindful of historic information on Website when editing (this site is large and you cannot always claw it back, easily). CCS and HTML not so much needed as most things are WYSIWYG, however consistency and design eye are important. Must be technologically savvy and able to troubleshoot on you own. Should be an independent worker  – though assistance is available, but may be addressed in a queued fashion depending on the current workload. Must have the sign off of the Kingdom Webminister and Crown – apply to the current deputy for Resume review and Warranting. This is a 2 year term.


Nov 2026 Deputy to the Chronicler – Trimaris Triskele Newsletter Editor – Successor
Apply by Emailing 

Greetings unto the Populace of Trimaris, Google

The Trimaris Triskele Newsletter is looking for editors!

Mistress Melissent, OL and I have been working together on this labor of love for a few years now, but it’s time to find the next set of editors to take it on and make it soar!
The Triskele Newsletter is the quarterly Arts and Sciences Newsletter for the Kingdom of Trimaris. It gets published on the SCA website alongside the kingdom newsletter Talewinds. The Triskele focuses on publishing articles about all things A&S, articles and original works of poetry or song, interviews with laurels and kingdom artisans, and informing the populace about what is up and coming at events for A&S.

The job description includes gathering articles from artisans, interviewing the populace, and gathering information from the associated A&S offices for publication. You will need to know about Google Docs and have proofreading skills for editing purposes. You will be fact-checking articles and finding public-domain art to accompany them as well. Training on all things will be provided to our successors as well as templates to get started with. This is a 2 year term.