Recent Kingdom Notes

February 16, 2025

The Kingdom of Trimaris

The Three Seas of Power

Welcome to the Kingdom of Trimaris

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Hail and Greetings from Trimaris! If you are new to the Society for Creative Anachronism, please look at the article called “New to the SCA” it will give you some great insight on what we do and who to contact within our Kingdom to welcome you. If you are already familar with the SCA and are looking for a group, please look over the Listing of All Local Groups page, it will list each group by the county that it resides in. If you are still having trouble finding a group, please contact the Kingdom Hospitaller at

Trimarian Heraldry
(Refresh page to view another sampling of registered heraldry of members of the kingdom of Trimaris or visit the roll of arms here)

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Contact your local herald to design and register your own heraldry!