Recent Kingdom Notes

February 16, 2025

The Kingdom of Trimaris

The Three Seas of Power

Open Positions – Office of the Webminister

Digital Strategy Deputy 

We have lots of online platforms and everyday users are replying more and more on digital media. This office will aide the Kingdom by driving more traffic to our resources by analyzing our resource traffic and improve our search engine optimization (SEO).

To apply please fill out an application and email if you have any questions. Accepting applications until July 15th, 2023.

Branch Website Deputy

I am looking for multiple people for the role! The online presence of our local groups can lead new members and growth of our Kingdom! This office will assist local group Webministers with updating their sites, adding additional content, and overall maintenance. These deputies will also serve as Webministers for local groups that do not have an active Webminister, and will assist with password resets, and site updates.

To apply please fill out an application and email if you have any questions. Accepting applications until July 15th, 2023.

Chatbot Deputy

One of our recent changes to our website has been the addition of Chat Bot! Many requests and questions come in that need to be answered, or filtered to the correct party. This can range from where a handbook is to someone from out of Kingdom looking for a Trimaris vendor!

To apply please fill out an application and email if you have any questions. Accepting applications until July 15th, 2023.

Access Control Deputy – 

As we grow our online and digital presence it’s important to make sure we are secure. Change control and Access Security are important parts of an organizations security procedures. This office will assist the Kingdom Webminister with fielding and logging permissions and change requests as well as audit access control to our platforms.

To apply please fill out an application and email if you have any questions. Accepting applications until July 15th, 2023.

Compliance Deputy – 

We are a Kingdom and Society of rules and regulations and it can be tricky to navigate! This deputy will assist with ensuring that local sites, and resources, are being used in Compliance with Web Resource regulation.

To apply please fill out an application and email if you have any questions. Accepting applications until July 15th, 2023.

Announcements Deputy

There is always something happening in the Kingdom and we want to let everyone know all about it! The Announcements Deputy will post new announcement to the Website as well as post links to events to Trimaris Populace on Facebook.

To apply please fill out an application and email if you have any questions. Accepting applications until July 15th, 2023.

Marshal Site Deputy

Are you into Martial Activities and have a knack for tech? We want to make the Marshal Page a more active source of information and news. The Marshal Site Deputy will assist the Kingdom Webminister with updating the Marshal, Heavy Fighting, Rapier, Archery, & Thrown Weapons pages.

To apply please fill out an application and email if you have any questions. Accepting applications until July 15th, 2023.