Kingdom Art/Sci Judging Registration SCA Name * Mundane Name * Email Address * Phone Number Categories you are interested in judging * Hold Control and Click for multiple categories Animal Arts - AccoutrementsAnimal Arts – FeedsAnimal Arts – HusbandryAnnotated BibliographyApothecaryArmor – LeatherArmor - MailleArmor - Other MaterialsArmor - PlateBasket WeavingBead JewelryBeadmakingBeadworkBeverages - Non-AlcholicBlown GlassBody of Work DisplaysBookbindingBrewingBuffoonery/Jesters/FoolsCalligraphyCalligraphy & IlluminationCandlemakingCarving (bone/horn/amber/etc)CelebrationsCeramics & PotteryCeramics, Glass & Pottery - DecorationCeramics, Glass & Pottery – SculptureChildren & Youth - ElementaryChildren & Youth - High SchoolChildren & Youth - Middle SchoolChildren & Youth - Young ElementaryChildrens’ ToysCobblingCombined Musical PerformanceCordials & LiquorsCordials, MedicinalCosmeticsCostume AccessoriesCostuming 1100-1350 CECostuming 1350 - 1450 CECostuming 1450 - 1525 CECostuming 1525 - 1650 CECostuming 500-1100 CECrimesDance, EuropeanDance, Non-EuropeanDomestic Arts (Miscellaneous Domestic Arts)DrawingDyeingEmbroideryEnamel, JewelryEquestrian PerformanceEuropean DanceEuropean Theatrical PerformanceFabric DecorationFine Arts - ToolsFood Prep - Full MealFood Prep - OtherFood Prep - Single DishFood Prep - Subtleties & IllusionFools, see Buffoonery/Jesters/FoolsGamesHeraldic DisplayHerb Craft - Domestic UsesHistorical Combat DemonstrationHistoryHoritcultureIlluminationInstrumental PerformanceJesters, see Buffoonery/Jesters/FoolsJewelry ConstructionKnitting/NalbindingKnotted WorkLace MakingLapidary ArtsLaw/GovernmentLeather - ConstructionLeather - MoldingLeather - Tooling & EmbellishmentLoom WeavingMedicinal CordialsMetalwork - CastingMetalwork - Clockwork & Clockwork MechanismsMetalwork - Decorative ElementsMetalwork - Scientific/Medical `InstrumentsMetalwork - ToolsMetalwork - Weapons & BladesModelsMusic CompositionMusical Instrument Making - MetalMusical Instrument Making - OtherMusical Instrument Making - StringsMusical Instrument Making - WoodNauticalNon-European DanceNon-European Theatrical PerformanceOther Period ActivitiesPaintingPaper Crafts, MiscellaneousPaper MachePapermakingPerformance - Other Period ActivitiesPerfume MakingPersona DisplaysPlants, see HorticulturePoetic Recitation/ReadingPoetryPoliticsPottery & CeramicsPrintingPuppet MakingPuppetryRecreational ItemsReligionResearch PaperSCA AmbianceSculptureShoe-making (see Cobbling)SoapmakingSpinningSprang/NettingStained GlassStone Cutting (see Lapidary Arts)Story TellingStreet PerformanceStudio Arts (Miscellaneous Studio Arts)Tablet/Card WeavingTapestry & RugsTeaching Display or DemonstrationTechnological Sciences (Miscellaneous Technological Sciences)Tents & PavilionsTheatrical Performance, EuropeanTheatrical Performance, Non-EuropeanTrade EconomicsTraditionsVintningVocal PerformanceWoodwork - Carving/TreenWoodwork - Construction/JoineryWoodwork - TurningWritten Works – Prose**OTHER** Local Group (required) Barony of An CrosaireBarony of CastlemereBarony of DarkwaterBarony of MarcasterBarony of OldenfeldBarony of WyvernwoodeCanton of AmurgorodCanton of LionsbridgeCanton of Loch GryffynCanton of Mathom TroveCanton of Peregrine SpringsCanton of StedboroughCanton of SwampkeypeShire of BentonshireShire of Dragons ChaseShire of StarhavenShire of The RuinsShire of Sangre del SolShire of Sea MarchShire of SouthkeepShire of SudrholtShire of Tri OsShire of TryselStronghold of Nan Crioch Tuatha Association (required) UnaffiliatedStudent of a peerApprenticeProtegeScholarLaurelPelicanSquireKnightRoseMOD