Recent Kingdom Notes

February 16, 2025

The Kingdom of Trimaris

The Three Seas of Power



Hail and well met unto good friends new and old. Mooselodge is a Greater Household that spans many Kingdoms throughout the Known World. Stemming from its martial founders, Sir Forgal Kerstetter, Duke Anton Tremayne, and then Duke Cuan Macdaige, the Lodge has grown to include Peers and leaders of varied skill, talent and focus. Our kin have served on thrones and lead armies to war as Generals and Warlords, served on the BOD and helped build new groups within the SCA. And many of our artisans have been recognized the Known World over. As a family, we have been working together long enough that some are born into it, and now have kids of their own!

COLORS: Green & Gold

MOTTO: “Service before Self” and “The Family You Choose”


As a Lineage household, we are comprised of a diverse community of leaders with many a separate mission or hyper focus (Service, Combat, A&S, etc), but at our core, we are one big family with these shared foundational values: Duty, Honor, Kingdom, Loyalty, and Humility. In the Lodge, once elevated, all Peers have equal purchase and equal voice in the greater collective, and each peer has their own autonomy to direct their individual houses as they see fit. Here in Trimaris, and for more information on “the Haps of the Lodge”, you are encouraged to engage the following for any question or interest… preferably with a beer…: Sir Forgal Kerstetter (OP), Duke Martin (OP) & Duchess Islay (OR, OP), Duchess Cerric (OR, KSCA)/Warriors of Folkvangr & Jarl Valbrandr/House Vædderstammen, Maestra Ambra Michelli (OL, OP) and Mistress Birna Isleifsdottr, OL/Harts Haven & Company, Sir Hjorr yggr, and Mistress Melissent (OL). More peers of the Lodge may be engaged through these connection points.


The year was 1989, the year Sir Forgal’s first squire, Duke Anton, became a knight. Once knighted, the two came to the conclusion that, as they shared the same core values, and did not wish to be parted, they chose not to. Thus, they formed “the Mooses Lodged’, for like the emblem’s antlers they foresaw many branches but as part of a greater whole. And so began our Greater Household, the Mooselodge.

Pennsic 1989: Pictured: Sir Forgal holding a sword, Sir Daffid is kneeling (RIGHT) His Majesty Michael of Bedford (BEHIND FORGAL)
Duke Gyrth (LEFT), Her Majesty Duchess Seonid and Squire Duke Anton (CENTER)



Our primary mission? To create an environment to grow our next generation of servants of the Dream and maintain the fun we enjoy from each other’s company. Why? Because that’s what family does. “To the Mooselodge, the Green and the Gold, To the Crown, We share of our cup and we’ll give some to ground, So that those who are absent may ever be found, In the heart of the family we choose Aye this is the Family we Choose!” “The Green and Gold, the black and white, The blue and gold, stand up and fight With Chivalry and Honor’s might, Stand up with the Lodge!” “We forge our own Valhalla.”


All the things!


Foundationally, our efforts began on the Martial field. But we have evolved to walk all paths. What are we most known for? Depends who and in what kingdom you ask. We find it best to let deeds speak for themselves. We are united. We are diverse. We have like values and disparate philosophies, all. We are a family.


4 War Unit Awards while serving in Trimaris: Lion’s Pride – Gulfwars & Pennsic, and then Atlantia Vexilium Gulfwars – acknowledged by our allied kingdom.

Gulf Wars Knowne World Bardic Challenge, annual Gulfwars competition) Ambra – has won this twice in service to Trimaris.

Gulf Wars Art Sci Champions – Many times A&S Kingdom Champion Melissent. Ambra has served as Champion in 2017. Valbrandr has served as Champion in 2022. Birna and Philippe d’Artaignan in 2024.

Many Time Gulf Wars Heavy Champion – Jarl Valbrandr.


We give great thanks to the works of every Peer and Beloved Member of the Mooselodge who has toiled in love over the years to build what we share today. But especially do we offer our appreciation unto our founders, who strove mightily back in 1989 (and still today) not only to preserve our traditions, but also to encourage our history and culture to evolve as we grew, and to allow for new voices and leaders to be heard, grow, learn, and serve. As is our way.


To join the Mooselodge, come spend time with us. Engage a Lodge Peer to learn more, travel together, come to know each other, and try to ensure the fit is harmonious. Ideally, you’ll be with us for life. So its a decision worth taking a beat to consider. The most prevalent way to join the Moose Lodge is to swear fealty to or join in a student relationship with a Mooselodge Peer. For questions, seek them out to learn more.

Within the Mooselodge, each Household is administrated independently by the Peer of that house, and, as applicable, the Moose Lodge comes together for training, projects, and reunions, as the occasion merits. Each new Peer who elevates while in fealty to a Peer of the Lodge is considered “A Peer of the Lodge – Equal Amongst All Others”, and builds their new household under the Greater House Mooselodge banner. Some times a few will create a joint house with another peer or two. And/or, if they so choose, any Mooselodge Peer may break off from the Greater House to follow their separate path, with all due honor, respect, and support. Mooselodge Family: Many paths. Much love.


The Lodge – A bardic piece written by Baron Bryce D’ Byram (OL, OP, KSCA) some verses written by close kin at the author’s discretion.